Carloman and Pippin focused their attention on the plan to forge the creation of the Catholic Church superior to Constantinople and therefore finally release themselves from the bond of excommunication, so that Charlemagne, Charles the first of France could become Emperor of Europe.
To do that the Venerable Bede had to forge hundreds of years of Popes.
And insert hundreds of years of history between the Fall of the Roman Empire and Pippin’s brother, Carloman who changed his name to “Zacharias (in honor of the exiled High Priest father of John the Baptist) and the title Vicarius Christi -- or Vicar of Christ - the First Pope after a few hundred years of Fake Popes”
Causing the unwavering enmity between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, thus, “Russia must be destroyed!”
Causing this… and particularly
By no later than 746, work must have been well underway by the Venerable Bede and his company of Forgers. On completing the forging of the Donation of Constantine at St. Denis Abbey as well as the earliest draft of the Vulgate -- based on the Latin writings of St. Jerome.
With the mythical story of St. Peter somehow being the first Vicar of Rome underway, the forged Donation of Constantine claiming Constantine gave his spiritual authority as "founder of Christianity" to a Vicar located in Old Rome, all that was left was to invade Italy, capture Rome and establish the office of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ).
It is certain that the Holy Roman Emperors of Constantinople had spies aware of the plans of the brothers, as fragmentary history points to Emperor Constantine V (741- 775) reinforcing the garrison at Rome-- at the expense of defending his Exarch (Ravenna) --against a Frankish attack. Carloman left for Rome by 747, landing a sizeable force against the Byzantines.
By 751, Carloman was victorious and Rome was captured. However, rather than claiming Rome as part of the Frankish Empire, Carloman enacted the next stage of the plan of the brothers and renounced his previous life, changed his name to Zacharias (in honor of the exiled High Priest father of John the Baptist) and the title Vicarius Christi -- or Vicar of Christ - the First Pope after a thousand years of Fake Popes.
On producing the Donation of Constantine, Zacharias then issued the first ever "Papal Bull" in summarily excommunicating the entire Byzantine royal family, the Patriarch and his bishops. Now, for the first time in 21 years, the Pippins could rid themselves of the stigma of excommunication- the work of Vicarius Christi Zacharias (Carloman) legally neutralizing the Byzantines by claiming their church had no apostolic authority.
Key Facts
Other names Pippin, Pippin the Younger, Pippin the Fat
Born 717
Location St. Denis, Paris, France
Bloodline Carolingian
Married Yes.
Children Yes.
Position King of the Franks (751-768)
Died September 768 (age 54)
The Cancer of The Venetian Empire - The Phoenician Empire - Merges with the Satanic Catholic Church
The reputation and good behaviour of hundreds of millions of good Catholics in no way is questioned by highlighting the deliberate actions of a few thousand dedicated Satanists, Baalists and Luciferians who have caused world wars and sacrificed millions to demon gods.
The Roman Cult and associated networks of Sabbatean and secret Satanic organisations since the 14th and 15th Centuries is the only time in the history of civilization whereby a “sacred” religious ceremony was established for the systematic and widespread encouragement of its clergy to Satanically ritualistically abuse children...
Saint Francis of Assisi was the son of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire family importing drugs, spices, silver and gold from China and India into Europe banned by the Emperor of Constantinople then conjoined with the Satanic Catholic Pope to share the business under the Fake order of monks - Sea Seclorum, gave secret military and naval technology to King John III of England who created 40 advanced Oaken ships and together they sacked Constantinople in 1204 bringing the loot back to Venice where Saint Francis became the Doge of Venice.
The Venetians - Saint Francis - helped King John of England construct and lease 45 large galleys. The ships were used as the main body of transport of knights for the 4th Crusade - the Pisan Empire taking out both Constantinople and later, France - their business rival Cathars - with both the British and Venetians profiting. Following the capture and destruction of Zara for the Venetians, followed by the sacking of Constantinople by 1204, the joint business venture known as the Fourth Crusade generated enormous wealth for the Venetians, the Roman Cult and its knights and the English.
Satanic Sodomy Ritual Himmler was Head of the Military Arm of Catholicism, the Jesuits, “give me a child before the age of five, and I will give you the man” and their Sodomy mind control…
Satanic Sodomy Ritual Hitler was supported by Pope Pius XII. The SS Knights of the Golden Sea Seclorum based on the Jesuit Order were an Order of the Catholic Church.
And Much, Much, More..
Pippin was born the second son of three of Charles Martel ("the hammer") the famous Mayor of the Palace, loyal knight to the Merovingians and devout Christian. The Pippins were strong and tall men. The correct title for Pippin was probably "Pippin the Younger" --later misconstrued to Pippin the Short and Pippin the Fat. He was almost certainly neither fat, nor short.
His date of birth is frequently listed as 714. However, on account of him unquestionably being the second son, his birth had to be after his brother Carloman making it more likely 717 (Carloman around 716).
The Franks were Satanists performing Satanic Rituals in underground Temples which eventually gravitated under the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Cybele) in Paris. Like the Romans, they saw that the eradication of Satanism and the promotion of Christianity in their enemies would give them a competitive advantage over all the future, whilst retaining Satanism in their own families. Satanism is a created Religion.
Its Satanic Rituals of Blood, Sex, Sodomy, Drugs and Human Sacrifice are designed to bond together a “Band of Brothers” based upon the fierce Greek/Phoenician Army, the “Band of Thebes” of Gay Lovers upon which all armies since have been based - the Hessians, the British Empire, the Fascist Nazis, NATO, and according to Kay Griggs -
- Kissinger, the Cherry Marine Generals in fact the top levels of the CIA, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, 33rd Degree Freemasons and the top levels of the Army of the USA - to create narcissistic psychopaths who will do anything to be a winner.
“Every Satanist is a Sodomite, but not all Sodomites are Satanists”
The seat of the family power was St. Denis Palace five miles north from the centre of Paris-- a magnificent palace and the first Gothic construction in History. The site was later claimed to be the originate site of the tomb of St. Denis ("Dionysus"). This misleading historical myth is no earlier than the 14th Century. Nor was it the site of the Royal tombs of the Merovingians before the 8th Century --most having been moved there after the palace was massively renovated to become the 1st church of the Catholic Church from 741.
Similar to his two brothers (Carloman and Winfred), Pippin was educated by one of the most famous minds of the century -- the Venerable Bede. Like his brothers, Pippin was profoundly influenced by his wide education by Bede -- attested by his lifelong fascination in history, religion and the building of the Catholic Church.
Pippin was 13 in when he witnessed in 730 the anguish brought about by the excommunication of his devout father and the whole family. It is almost certain that Pippin was also educated on the plans of his father's plan to create an entirely new christian faith - The Catholic Church - created by forgeries of the Venerable Bede - in opposition to Constantinople, including the new unifying language of the Frankish Empire- Anglaise (English) - again created by the Venerable Bede.
In the same year of his death (741), Charles ensured each of his three sons were secure and clear in their duties - Carloman in Austrasia, Pippin in Neustria and Winfred (Grifo) in Bavaria.
Upon the death of their father, Carloman, Winfred and Pippin remained true to the honor displayed by their ancestors and worked together to firstly rid the Empire of rebellion and later to greatly expand its territory and influence. Upon the news of the death of their powerful father, the brothers were tested by resistence and some acts of rebellion through Hunoald of Aquitaine in 742, the Saxons and even Odilo of Bavaria.
Windred, having been deeply affected by the death of his father, abdicated his position in Bavaria to Pippin. Initially, both Carloman and Pippin supported their younger brother by commissioning the great scriptorium at Fulda in 742 as his own.
Later, both Carloman and Pippin supported Winfred in his work developing the Catholic Church and made him the first bisceop ("Bishop") of the Catholic Church, effectively in charge of moving across the Empire helping establish the Catholic Church. liturgy with the construction of the greatest scriptorium in Europe at the time at Fulda in 742.
The brothers persisted with their fathers vision and in the same year (742) Carloman convened the Concilium Germanicum-- the first major synod of the new Christian Church of the Franks.
Chaired by him, the synod ruled (amongst other items) that priests were not allowed to bear arms or to host females in their houses and that it was one of their primary tasks to eradicate pagan beliefs. But the most important canon of this synod was to rename the new christian religion the Catholic Church --Catholic from Greek meaning universal -- a direct attack in name on Constantinople.
While the excommunication from Constantinople remained in force, neither Carloman, nor Pippin could be crowned a christian King.
In 743, the brothers permitted the crowning of Childeric III (743-751) by family friend Daniel of Winchester as King of the Franks as an interim measure, while they refined their plan for the rise of their Catholic Church. However, the move to appoint a puppet king only subdued part of the Empire and Hunoald of Aquitaine now aligned himself with the Basques in full scale rebellion.
By 745, the rebellion was put down and Carloman and Pippin focused their attention on the plan to strengthen the claim of the Catholic Church superior to Constantinople and therefore finally release themselves from the bond of excommunication.
By no later than 746, work must have been well underway on completing the forging of the Donation of Constantine at St. Denis Abbey as well as the earliest draft of the Vulgate -- based on the Latin writings of St. Jerome.
With the mythical story of St. Peter somehow being the first Vicar of Rome underway, the forged Donation of Constantine claiming Constantine gave his spiritual authority as "founder of Christianity" to a Vicar located in Old Rome, all that was left was to invade Italy, capture Rome and establish the office of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ).
It is certain that the Holy Roman Emperors of Constantinople had spies aware of the plans of the brothers, as fragmentary history points to Emperor Constantine V (741- 775) reinforcing the garrison at Rome-- at the expense of defending his Exarch (Ravenna) --against a Frankish attack. Carloman left for Rome by 747, landing a sizeable force against the Byzantines.
By 751, Carloman was victorious and Rome was captured. However, rather than claiming Rome as part of the Frankish Empire, Carloman enacted the next stage of the plan of the brothers and renounced his previous life, changed his name to Zacharias (in honor of the exiled High Priest father of John the Baptist) and the title Vicarius Christi -- or Vicar of Christ - the First Pope after a thousand years of Fake Popes.
On producing the Donation of Constantine, Zacharias then issued the first ever "Papal Bull" in summarily excommunicating the entire Byzantine royal family, the Patriarch and his bishops. Now, for the first time in 21 years, the Pippins could rid themselves of the stigma of excommunication- the work of Vicarius Christi Zacharias (Carloman) legally neutralizing the Byzantines by claiming their church had no apostolic authority.
But before Pippin could be crowned by the "legitimate" Patriarch of christianity of the Catholic Church, the Byzantines unleashed everything they could, abandoning whole parts of their Empire in an attempt to defeat the brothers. Pippin was now faced once again with open rebellion across the empire, fermented by Byzantine spies while Carloman, the first "Pope" ever of the Catholic Church was himself under attack again by fresh Byzantine troops.
In a bold move in the same year (751), Zacharias anointed his younger brother Winfred as his emissary, while Pippin created yet two more forgeries- the Chair of St. Peter and the document known as the Letter of St. Peter from which the concept of Peter's Pence was born.
Pippin summonsed King Childeric III ordering him to summonse his nobles to meet him at St. Denis where Childeric III resigned-- while Pippins troops watched on. Winfred then produced both the Chair of St. Peter and the Letter of St. Peter as "proof" to the nobles of the legitimate authority of Zacharias in Rome and that the curse of excommunication against the Pippins has indeed been nulified. With that, Winfred crowned his own brother Pippin on the "Chair of St. Peter" - King of the Frankish Empire.
Their victory was shortlived however, as the following year (752) Vicarius Christi Zacharias and many of his family were murdered by Byzantine forces launching a surprise assault. This event in 752 --more than any other--changed forever the behaviour of Pippin towards dissent, troublesome nobles and his ambitions for the Catholic Church and Empire.
Carloman's son (Pope Stephen I) managed to escape back to Frankish territory where Pippin undertook a lavish ceremony and the first "coronation" in history at St. Denis Bascilica where "Pope" Stephen crowned King Pippin (his uncle) as patricius Romanorum (Patrician of the Romans).
To strengthen the claim of the Pippins and their fledgling Catholic Church, the master forgers of the Abbey of St. Denis were commissioned to create a master work in the Liber Pontificalis ("Lives of the Pontiffs")-- Stephen now officially titled Pontiff or Pope (the first in history)--reinforcing the ancient pagan position of Pontifex Maximus to the head of the Catholic Church, the Vicarius Christi.
Hundreds of years of entirely ficticious bloodlines and stories were interwoven with known history to create this master forgery--the Liber Pontificalus -- until a complete succession of "Popes" could be claimed from St. Peter to "Pope Stephen".
Both Pippin and Stephen remained in creative development of the Catholic Church at St. Denis until the Franks launched their fleet and attack on Rome in 755. The Byzantine garrison were slaughtered to the man. Pippin then engaged the forces of Lombard King Aistulf showing no quarter.
Within less than a year, the once "invincible Lombards" had been cut to pieces by the professional Frankish Army. By 756, Pippin had conquered all the territory formerly held by the Exarch of Ravenna and driven King Aistulf. Historic myth claims that Pippin permitted Aistulf to live and that he "accidentally" died hunting soon after. Yet there is no hiding the Franks were somehow possessed warriors in how they dispatched the Lombards. No prisoners. No noble terms for later rebellion.
By the end of 756 after the elimination of all major threats upon the Italian Peninsula, Pippin then undertook one of the most extraordinary and unique actions in history- he ensured that the lands previously occupying the Byzantine Christian Exarch of Ravenna were given to the Pontiff and the Catholic Church, now named the Roman Catholic Church for the first time in history.
This act of Pippin has two fundamental effects for his fledgling Catholic Church. Firstly, it meant there existed vast land holdings now in control of the Pope as absolute Monarch - unprecedented power for a high priest of any religion. Even the Patriarch Primate of the Christian Church in Constantinople was subservient to the Emperor -- in recognition of how christianity was first formed by Holy Roman Emperor Constantine.
The second effect of Pippin's Donation (Donation of Pippin) was that it validated in an unprecedented way the claimed apostolic succession and story of the Donation of Constantine, the Liber Pontificalis, St Peter's Chair, Peter's Pence and all the other forgeries manufactured at St. Denis less than 10 years previously.
It was also the ultimate tribute to the excommunication his father (Charles Martel) and the war of the Pippins against the Eastern Christian Church - by their own church holding the very same land as absolute monarchs.
Pippin left a sizeable part of his army in Italy in the service of his nephew Stephen, and returned to launch a bloody assault on the Saracens in Gaul, driving the once "invincible Moors" out of Gaul, integrating the Acquitaine region fully into his kingdom.
However, in 768 Pippin was killed during a campaign. His body was returned to the Mother Church of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Denis to be buried. But in an extraordinary wish, he was not buried within the Bascilica but face down outside the entrance as eternal penance for breaking the knightly vow of mercy to his enemy and dishonoring his father. Today, this final act of penance for redemption is deliberately twisted to claim shame existed in the "sins of his father" --a horrendous lie.
Pippin is listed as one of the most evil people of the 8th Century more so for the effect of the forgeries he created, including the effect formation of the Roman Catholic Church would have on the future of the world.
By the time of the death of "Saint" Francis of Assisi - Satanic Persian Bloodline Giovanni Bernadone Morosini (Moriconi) owning Genoa, Venice and Rome - Running all the trade from China, India and Europe - in 1253, he had indeed fulfilled his audacious promise.
The Venetians - Saint Francis - helped King John of England construct and lease 45 large galleys. The ships were used as the main body of transport of knights for the 4th Crusade - the Pisan Empire taking out both Constantinople and later, France - the Cathars - with both the British and Venetians profiting. Following the capture and destruction of Zara for the Venetians, followed by the sacking of Constantinople by 1204, the joint business venture known as the Fourth Crusade generated enormous wealth for the Venetians, the Roman Cult and its knights and the English.
"Saint" Francis of Assisi Founder of the Frari, was the 1st Christian Doge of Slave Trading, Bankster, Drug Running Venice (1249-1253)
"Saint" Francis of Assisi Founded the Holy Sea -- the joint trading venture partnership between Venice, England and the Pope of the Roman Cult - then the Venetian East India Company, British Empah and the British/USA Empire.
"Saint" Francis of Assisi - The name of his family and their fortune restored and forever remembered as a great general--the greatest saint of the Roman Cult.
The Venerable Bede - Chief Forger and Propagandist and Court Tutor to Pippins (706-741), 1st Abbot of St. Denis (731-746) Forged key documents for the legal claims of the new Catholic Church first formed by the Pippins including: the Donation of Constantine and the Letter of St. Peter (Peter's Pence). Created the English Language "Father of English"
Key Facts
Other names Venerable Bede
Born 682
Location Jarrow, Northumbria
Married No
Children No
Position Court Tutor to Pippins (706-741), 1st Abbot of St. Denis (731-746) Propagandist to the Pippins
Died May 746 (aged 64)
Bede, or Baeda (also possibly Benedict), was probably born within the Kingdom of Northumbria (England). He quickly became famous as a brilliant scholar on account of his extensive knowledge of history and mastery of several ancient and contemporary languages. It is improbable that he was stationed at St Peters Monastery at Monkwearmouth at this time as the dating of building and ruins verify the Monastery was built after 700.
In 706, Bede was appointed Chief Propagandist and Court Tutor to the Pippins (the Mayors of the Palace) --the famous christian knights sworn to protect their Merovingian kings. It is a position he held with distinction, educating no less than three generations of Pippin children including Charles Martel, his sons and his grandsons including Charlemagne.
The Franks were Satanists performing Satanic Rituals in underground Temples which eventually gravitated under the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Cybele) in Paris. Like the Romans, they saw that the eradication of Satanism and the promotion of Christianity in their enemies would give them an advantage over all the future, whilst retaining satanism in their own families.
Upon the excommunication of Charles Martel by Emperor Leo of Constantinople in 730, Bede was instrumental in overseeing the vision of Charles to the create the largest scriptorium on the European mainland for over five hundred years in the creation of the Abbey of St. Denis next to the Gothic Palace of the Pippins. In 731, he was appointed (in addition to his tutorial duties) the first Abbot of St. Denis.
The first major task that Charles Martel issued to Bede was for his team of scholars to forge a new "common" language for the Frankish Kingdom. This language was to be called Anglaise or "English" and it was to be free from the clutches of the Holy Roman Emperors of Constantinople and their Latin and Greek. Secondly, Charles wanted all his people to hear the Christian Bible in their new common tongue.
The creation of Anglaise (English) was a massive undertaking, much less translating the Imperial Christian Bible into Anglaise. By 736, Bede and his monks had translated several documents into the new common tongue of the Empire, including new codes and laws mass copied by hand for issue across the Empire in Anglaise and by 738 the first translation of the Imperial Christian Bible.
But the first masterwork of Bede and his scholars would be his Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (An Ecclesiastical History of the English People) which diminished the Byzantine influence and glorified the christians of the Frankish kingdom. He presented it to Charles Martel by 740.
Following the death of Charles in 741, Bede was once again called to undertake a massive project in creating key documents for the legal claims of the new Catholic Church first formed by the Pippins including: the Donation of Constantine and the Letter of St. Peter (Peter's Pence).
These forgeries remain today the heart of the legal claims of the Catholic Church to its superiority against the original Imperial Christian Church centered at Constantinople -- in spite of the fact that all of them have been proven without question to be forgeries.
To further remove the Eastern Orthodox Church, Satanic Phoenician spies turned their attention to the creation of Islam and Jihad against Eastern Orthodox Christianity which came to fruition after 1204 when Constantinople was destroyed.
Key Facts
Other names Carolus Magnus Charles the Great
Born 747
Location Paris, Frankish Capital
Bloodline Carolingian
Married Yes.
Children Yes.
Position King of the Franks (768-814), King of Lombards (774-814), Emperor (800-814)
Died January 814 (age 67)
Eldest son of King Pepin (Pippin) the Short and Bertrada of Laon. The name "Charlemagne" being the condensed Carolus Magnus or Karolus Magnus meaning "Charles the Great" or simply an anagram for "Great Man". His real name was almost certainly Pippin. However, he is numbered as Charles I in the regnal lists of France, Germany and the Holy Roman Catholic Empire.
As a child in Paris, Charlemagne would have witnessed the devotion to his grandfather's grave at the former family palace, now Gothic Basilica at St. Denis --Charles Martel -- as founder of the Catholic Church and hero of Western Civilization. Like all Pippins he would have been widely trained from a young age in the art of war, the code of chivalry of good christian knights (the Pippins being the archetypes) and the protection of their beloved Roman Catholic Church which they created with the help of forgeries created by Chief propagandist Bede.
He is also the first great ruler to be a natural speaker and writer of Anglaise (English) - the language created by his grandfather to unify the Frankish Empire.
The Franks were Satanists performing Satanic Rituals in underground Temples which eventually gravitated under the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Cybele) in Paris. Like the Romans, they saw that the eradication of Satanism and Pagans - because at that time all the German tribes were Satanists into human sacrifice from the time of the Romans - and the promotion of Christianity in their enemies would give them an advantage over all the future, whilst retaining Satanism in their own families.
In 751, Charlemagne could not but have been deeply affected when his father -- upon news of the death of his brother Carloman, the first Catholic Pope as Zacharias -- changed from a noble knight to a bloodthirsty tyrant sworn to destroy every last treacherous Byzantine christian bishop and vassal.
Charlemagne was probably still too young accompany his father on his campaign to re-conquer Rome in 755. But upon his return, it is almost certain he accompanied his father in his various battles to eliminate the Saracens from Gaul and into Spain.
When his father was killed in battle around 768, both Charlamagne and Carloman his brother ruled jointly. Charles ruled the outer parts of the kingdom, bordering on the sea, namely Neustria, western Aquitaine, and the northern parts of Austrasia, while Carloman retained the inner regions: southern Austrasia, Septimania, eastern Aquitaine, Burgundy, Provence and Swabia, lands bordering on Italy.
Again in an attempt to besmirch the noble chivalric nature of the Pippins, many historians have deliberately created falsehoods in claiming Charlemagne and his brother were at odds. The events surrounding the predictable uprisings of the Dukes of Acquitane in 769 against Frankish rule upon a new coronation was expected. However, the hasty withdrawal of Carloman and part of the army North was almost certainly to deal with the Satanic Saxon threat.
One of the more bizarre myths is the claimed wedding of Charlemagne to a Lombard princess called Desiderata-- a desperate attempt by certain Italian bloodlines to weasel their way into the lineage of Charlemagne. The uprising of the Lombards by King Desiderius in 769 almost certainly had more to do with the opportunity of the death of King Pippin the Short than any mythical wedding.
This presented a grave threat to the brothers. Defend the Empire but lose the Roman Catholic Church, still less than twenty years old or split their forces and hope to overcome. Given the deliberate misleading stories surrounding Carloman, it is probable he chose to take part of the army to reinforce the young Papal States of their Roman Catholic Church, while Charlemagne defended the Frankish Empire.
Whatever the circumstances leading up to the event, in 772 both Carloman and his cousin Pope Stephen II were killed near Rome.
Charlemagne was no sole ruler. In arguably some of the darkest days of his reign, Charlemagne slaughtered thousands of Saxons -- in many cases by horrific means, ending swiftly all rebellion across the Empire within weeks.
Charlemagne then petitioned his uncle Winfred (also called Bernard by many historians) to come out of retirment and help him defeat Lombard King Desiderius. Within the same year, Charlemagne and Winfred led a massive army into Italy. The speed of their advance can only attest to bloodthirsty lack of restraint of Charlemagne during this period.
In a textbook maneuver, Charlemagne and Winfred split the army in a pincer movement against the Lombards forcing them to retreat back to their capital Pavia which they then besieged. The city was captured in 774 and Desiderius and his entire family with any claims to the Lombard throne were summarily executed--punishment for the death of Carloman.
The Lombards were finished.
Adrian, his cousin was restored to the "throne of St. Peter" and in a deliberate act, Charlemagne donated the extended territories of Tuscany, Emilia, Venice, and Corsica to the Papal States representing the living "Donation of Constantine".
In a mirror of the act performed by the Pippins in Paris, his Pope Adrian crowned patricius Romanorum (Patrician of the Romans). In an extraordinary and never repeated event in history, Charlemagne chose to wear a crown of iron, not gold - presumably in classic Pippin chivalric penance for his mass murder of tens of thousands in the few years prior.
In 778, Charlemagne came the closest to complete military defeat when he accepted a petition from his Basque vassals to enter their territory and engage an apparently "weak" Saracen Empire in Spain to the south. Charlemagne split his army into two- one through the region of Catalonia, the other west through the Basque country. However, the petition was nothing more than a terrible trap by the Basques at the pass of Roncesvalles. If not for the self-sacrifice of one of his generals and division to die fighting-- allowing the remainder of Charlemagnes army to escape -- the Frankish Empire and the Roman Catholic Church might have been lost.
As punishment Charlemagne ordered the complete leveling of Pamplona, including every wall, every inhabitant and living thing.
The death toll of this one single event probably exceeded 30,000.
He then ordered that no city in the Basque region be permitted to have defensive walls, causing many to leave and plunging the region into decades of poverty and hate of the French monarchs and their bloodlines.
By 781, Charlemagne had largely contained rebellion within the borders of his expanded Empire and the protected Papal States of his Roman Catholic Church.
He named his eldest son (named Carloman) as King of Italy and his youngest Louis, King of Acquitaine.
In 782, Charlemagne was once again called to respond to Saxon uprisings, this time in response to his enforcement of a strict new code of laws, including the banning of Satanic pagan practices.
This is the time it is said that Charlemagne cut down Yggydrasil the Sacred Tree of the Pagans and several thousand pagan priests and leaders were sacrificed - horribly tortured and murdered in public witnessed by Charlemagne himself.
In 792, Charlemagne commissioned the building of a new Palace and court at Aachen in Germany.
The site was chosen presumably because it afforded Charlemagne a more central position to the major regions of his Empire.
In 795, Pope Leo, son of Pope Adrian and cousin of Charlemagne took the "throne of St. Peter" in Rome.
A brilliant scholar, Adrian was aware that outside of the Frankish Empire, the young Roman Catholic Church was viewed as a short term aberration unlikely to survive the eventual end of the Pippinid dynasty.
Charlemagne had openly displayed a reluctance to the trapping of title and office, but when he was invited to Rome the story of his coronation on December 25th 800AD as Imperator Romanorum ("Emperor of the Romans") probably has some authenticity -- excluding Christmas Mass.
Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus was a Roman Catholic invention that did not begin until after the death of Charlemagne.
Thus December 25th 800 marks the beginning of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire and its eventual march to become the dominant religion of the christian sects.
Charlemagne died in 813 and was interred at his chapel in Aachen-- his final wish that he be buried with a codex of his darkest sins and the history of his family in founding the Roman Catholic Church written on fine vellum - skin of sacrificial victims - in Anglaise (English), Latin and Greek.
His final wishes were honored for four centuries until the codex was refound by Frederick II in 1215 and immediately removed. The codex has not been seen since. It is unlikely such a priceless object --even if it represents a grave danger -- would have been destroyed.
Most Evil Crimes
List of most evil crimes Type Year Crime 768 CE Of moral indecency and depravity for the purpose of extortion : That Charlemagne did launch a vicious campaign of evangelism against the Satanic Saxons of Germany by cutting down their sacred tree – the World Tree or Yggdrasil – located in the north German forest near present day Marburg.
772 CE Of moral depravity and indecency for the purpose of coordinating satanic human sacrifice : (772 CE) That Charlamagne did commission an attachment of priests as executioners for the efficient ritual murder of Saxons who did not “convert” or pay tribute to the Roman Catholic Church.
782 CE Of murder : (782 CE) That Charlemagne did order the unlawful murder of 4,500 Saxon prisoners of war at Verden.
By the time of the death of "Saint" Francis of Assisi - Satanic Persian Bloodline Giovanni Bernadone Morosini (Moriconi) owning Genoa, Venice and Rome - Running all the trade from China, India and Europe - in 1253, he had indeed fulfilled his audacious promise.
The Venetians - Saint Francis - helped King John of England construct and lease 45 large galleys. The ships were used as the main body of transport of knights for the 4th Crusade - the Pisan Empire taking out both Constantinople and later, France - the Cathars - with both the British and Venetians profiting. Following the capture and destruction of Zara for the Venetians, followed by the sacking of Constantinople by 1204, the joint business venture known as the Fourth Crusade generated enormous wealth for the Venetians, the Roman Cult and its knights and the English.
"Saint" Francis of Assisi Founder of the Frari, was the 1st Christian Doge of Slave Trading, Bankster, Drug Running Venice (1249-1253)
"Saint" Francis of Assisi Founded the Holy Sea -- the joint trading venture partnership between Venice, England and the Pope of the Roman Cult - then the Venetian East India Company, British Empah and the British/USA Empire.
"Saint" Francis of Assisi - The name of his family and their fortune restored and forever remembered as a great general--the greatest saint of the Roman Cult.