Not the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World...

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Exposing Psyops & Scams

How did I get to be the Smartest Guy in the World?

Well I must admit I had a little help...

1. Vision of past lifetimes at six years old.

2. Vision of my own death at age 14, marriage, 2.5 kids, blood running out of my veins - like, get a move on!

3. Yoga at 14.

4. Joint Honours Degree in Physics, Electronics and Mathematics

5. Another vision of my own death at age 21 - move faster...

6. Agnisar Kriya and Pranayama at 21.

7. Meditation at age 28 - Meditation practise with Zen Master Hogen and Swami Satchidananda. THE UNDERSTANDING THAT PSYCHIC POWERS ARE THE NEXT STEP OF HUMAN EVOLUTION…

8. Knowledge of the Right Hand Path of the Kundalini Kriyas of Babaji, Yogananda, Lao Tsu, Alchemical VITRIOL, the Macrocosmic Orbit - direct contact with Kundalini Energy in the Center of the Earth to make my 155 IQ mind shine even more...

9. Psychic Energy Initiations

10. The formulation of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to teach the Kundalini Kriyas to access vast amounts of Kundalini Energy from the center of the Earth and to channel all that energy into the Head in order to Open the Third Eye and attain Psychic Powers..

As Gurdjieff said, "If you cannot teach something new then you should go back to school"

11. The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockage Demons.

12. The Karma Cleaning Process to remove every energy blockage from all of your past lives.

13. The removal of all subpersonalities from the mind.

14. Enlightenment - One Soul Infused Personality - Fusion with the Infinite Energies of the Soul, the first chakra above the head.

15. Fusion with Higher Chakras - Monad, Logos, Sirius, Avatar of Synthesis.

The Program for the removal of All energy Blockage Demons, all black magic, every subpersonality, every evil thought from every person in the World starting with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the Against Satanism Series of currently 11 Books.

So, how did I - THE SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD - know in 2020 not to take the Deathvaxx when every person in the world, every Dumbshit person, complied and lay down like sleep to the slaughter.

It was the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course which created Psychic Powers, intuition, science, and higher knowledge which told me what information to pay attention to.

Intelligence is the capacity to reach a correct conclusion on the basis of the information provided. The less information required to reach a correct conclusion, the higher the level of intelligence. This is why we describe minds like Newton or Galileo as high intelligences, because they proved their ability to reach correct conclusions on the basis of the same limited information provided to their intellectual inferiors. Whereas low intelligences are observably unable to reach correct conclusions even when all of the information required to do so is comprehensively provided to them.

While IQ is an imperfect quantified proxy of that capacity, it nevertheless corresponds strongly enough with it to serve as a useful measure to compare the intelligence of individuals. However, intelligence is not the only component of intellectual achievement, as the strength of the connection with the supercomputer in the sky, God, wisdom and experience/information/education also play a role.

God has no compunction of killing ostriches who put their head in the sand and their bottoms in the air waiting to be fucked with the aim of telling you that you need to be brave, transmute your fear of getting more information, better information next lifetime.

God has no compunction of killing low/bad information people with the aim of telling you that you need more information, better information next lifetime.

The artillery metaphor I coined to illustrate the concept is that intelligence is the diameter of the gun barrel bore, good information and the strength of the connection with the supercomputer in the sky is the ammunition, and wisdom is the targeting accuracy.….

FULL SHOW 14th July 2023 – Top Scientist Confirm COVID Vaccine Full of Cancer Viruses as World Awakens to Globalist Depopulation Agenda

SENSATIONAL! Top Globalist Banker Admits 'Absolute Control' to be Exercised with Digital Currency

Globalist 25% suppression of nitrogen fertilizers will starve one billion people.

Alex Jones Right Again! UN Says Aspartame Can Kill You!

WATCH IT NOW! Short Documentary Exposes the Secret of the Transgender Cult and Their Plan to Conquer Humanity. How the UK Tavistock Institute, The Satanic Fabians and Aldous Huxley mandated pesticides in the water to reduce the sperm count by 90%, reduce the amount of testosterone in a mans body by 400%, bring on girls maturity to six years old and menopause by 33. Pesticides like atrazine, roundup and BHP in the water and food to turn a switch on in children’s brains to make people feel female in a male body such that they need testosterone treatments for life rather than castration.

Aldous Huxley in charge of the MKUltra program found that the rape of children by pedophiles created subpersonalities in their brains which made them more compliant for a more compliant population, thus the 150 billion dollar white slave trade satanic pedophilia cults which kidnap, rape and sacrifice millions of children every year.

We are Watching the Death of the Green Cult: John Kerry Caught Lying About his Private Jets. Two hundred private jets at the World Economic Forum in Davos. One Cruise liner puts out more carbon than the whole of Europe in One year. One volcano puts out more carbon dioxide than the whole civilised world! Since we started burning coal and petroleum 200 years ago, an area of desert the size of the USA has been greened because plants love carbon dioxide! The Global Warming myth.

Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Detox Protocol to remove Vaccine Poison Spike Protein from the body. Nattokinase 2000 units 2x per day, Bromolene 500mg per day, Curcumin 500mg 2x per day. Ivermectin suppresses cancer and spike proteins. Emergency Warning! Cancer Virus Found in Deathvaxx. Cancer exploding Worldwide. Death Vaccine responsible for 74% of all deaths.

Why the Satanic Paulo Sarpi and then the plagiarist Malthus's depopulation agenda is simply wrong! None of Sarpi or Malthus's 200 year old predictions of a starving world have ever come true because human ingenuity has always overcome every problem thrown at it. Why we need more intelligent humans on this planet, not less!

“Be Fruitful and multiply.”

From the time of Ancient Egypt when Satanic Buggery and Sodomy Rituals were used to inject high levels of kundalini energy as well as mind controlling demon programs into a mans brain to make their minds shine.

Master of the Priory of Zion Leonardo da Vinci exposed the Sodomy and Buggery Ritual Agenda in his picture of the Vitruvian Man.

3 represents the bottom. 33 represents the Vitruvian man.

The dot in the center of the circle represents the anus! If rotated a 3 is an M or a W and interchangeably and so on. Most Germanic auto logos are similarly occultic, satanic, like BMW, which is a rendition of B3W - 833.

B is an 8 which is two threes back to back. 1 is a penis - The lost Penis of Osiris.

Aces and Eights denote Intelligence services scams - false stories like Wild Bill Hickock’s false death - it is their calling card.

It includes Volkswagen, whose logo is also a version of occultist da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man.

Bottom on bottom, 8 or 33 represents the Vitruvian man. The occultist da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man really depicts the buggery of the anterior man by the posterior man, the apex of Satanic Luciferian 33rd Degree masonry or final “Mystery of Mysteries” of the secret societies as explicated by Walter Veith (to open their “Third Eye.”). The reign of the AntiChrist will be marked as the sodomite king of the world..

By having the character identify himself in this scene in the Titanic as the king of the world, he demonstrates his understanding of the eagle as the Satanic Phoenician Phoenix, the feathered or plumed serpent Amaru, aka Apollo, identities of the coming beast who will reign as the sodomite king of the world.

Note the 33 above the Crown.

Sodomy is the Basis of Hitler’s SS, as I reveal in these Books - Sign Up! to get 52 FREE! Books!

Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Himmler was also the Head of the Jesuits who, “Give me the child before the age of five, and I will give you the man” - use sodomy to program their minions. Himmler created the Knights of the Holy Sea, Sea Seclorum, the SS, with the Permission of the Pope. He therefore used Sodomy to program the SS officers.

The Sodomy and Buggery Rituals went on into the Illuminati - Illuminati because the left hand path of Sodomy and Buggery Rituals were used to inject high levels of kundalini energy as well as mind controlling demon programs into a mans brain to make their minds shine.

And then into one of their offshoots, the Jesuit Army of the Catholic Church..

And then into Eton and other Ivy League Schools of "Whipping and Fagging"

And then into Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis - OTO - which mandates Sodomy, Buggery Rituals, Pedophile Rituals, Human Sacrifice Rituals, videoed by Jeffery Epstein to whip the, “Band of Brothers” into compliance.

In Satanism everything is reversed, turned upside down, pervaded with sex, homosexuality, pedophilia, every good symbol perverted, degenerated towards Sex, Drugs and rock and roll..

Sex and Drugs with the Whore of Babalon.

Sex and Drugs with the Homosexual Dog Priest.

So the Satanic Program to bind the Satanists together with a, “Pact of Blood”

But more than anything, the Satanic Program to Steal Spiritual Energy from Satanists and Humanity as a sort of Energy Vampirism, only avoided by students of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course….



Energy Enhancement Meditation Courses in Palolem, Goa, India Available December 2023 to April 2024

Palolem - Click for 4 Night, 3 Day Rapid and Transformative Heart Opening

Palolem - Click for 6 Night, 5 Day Energy Blockage Removal




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Satchidanand & Devi Dhyani - Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Click here to see Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani's  Biography -


1. Courses Iguazu Falls Brazil Available 15th July to 15th November 2023, 15th May to 15th November 2024

Iguazu - Click for 4 Night, 3 Day Rapid and Transformative

Iguazu - Click for 6 Night, 5 Day Rapid and Transformative


Energy Enhancement Meditation Retreat, Goa, India or Iguazu Falls, Brazil



APR 21

Energy Enhancement Meditation Retreat, Goa, India or Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Exclusive 4 Night, 3 Day Rapid and Transformative Third Eye Opening Energy Enhancement Meditation Retreat, Goa, India or Iguazu Falls, Brazil Go to Satchidanand’s Substack for bigger pictures, better read… SEE THE VIDEO……

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