From the comments at AC’s place, a discussion of why supposedly profit-seeking corporations like Disney and Anheiser Busch are actively destroying their IP, their profits, and their market caps with their relentless campaigns against the European nations and Christian values.
Just look at the Target Company Symbol which uses a Satanist to create its T-Shirts for children. It is the Ancient Sun Symbol perverted by the Satanists into the Anus - Symbolising the Satanic Sodomy Buggery Ritual!
Anonymous: Of course it’s deliberate sabotage. The Satanic Cabal of Phoenician Mega-trillionaires has always hated Disney. They need his legacy completely removed from the minds of Americans.
Vox Day believes that this somehow renders materialism and money motivation as irrelevant. And pulls “Satanism” out of his butt as a reason to understand all of this. Yep, money doesn’t motivate The Satanic Cabal of Phoenician Mega-trillionaires at all. Just “Satanism”, which he can neither define nor explain.
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTPS - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice.
Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, Facebook, Twitter, International Companies, Vatican, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids, Eugenics..
The key is that the Satanic Religion and is current recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sodomy Sexual Ritual OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis - are Fake Gangs, created by men as a 10,000 years old technique to create psychopathic leaders and their minions, blackmail them by videoing their Pedo murder Rituals by Epstein, and thus conquer the world.
All Rituals, Religions, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have been scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 years. It's what the old Roman Empire, The Babylonian Empire of Satanic Nimrod, and the Cult of Apollo and the Byzantine Empire did before.
As you know, every Gang has Blackmail Rituals before you can join. Making your Bones with the Mafia means you must murder someone before you can join. Drug Cartels like MS13, secret groups within the Masons, the Hellfire Club, all have their Rituals before you can progress.
Epstein did not kill himself. He videoed Scientists from MIT and Harvard, Oligarchs, Politicians etc, Pedophiling and human sacrificing young girls and boys then Blackmailed them into doing the work of his Satanic Phoenician Mega - Trillionaire sponsors - MKULTRA, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids.
As their willing victims are given access to stealing higher quantities of money, so they must go to the next level of Ritual. First it is 15 year old girls who look 25. Then it's 12 year olds, 5 year olds, and then its the murder of children, babies!
All to create a Satanic Psycjopathic Society of Total Control through Human Sacrifice, Pedo Rape, poverty, starvation, lack of education, poison in the air, water and food. Lack of infrastructure, education and Total Censorship Control of the Media.
Pedo rape torture of children is the secret of Aldous Huxley's MKUltra Project as it splits the Mind into compliant subpersonalities then programmed by hypnosis and drugs for a world of Total Satanic Control.
Satanic Pornography is the secret of implanting the Sexual Addiction Energy Blockage Demon which so stunts the growth of Human Evolution.
Download The Illuminati Formula to create a Completely Mind Controlled Slave which details, "The World which has been Pulled Over Your Eyes, to hide you from the Truth" Morpheus, Matrix Movie.
This book details the Satanic 10,000 years old process using Torture, Drugs and Hypnotism in order to layer in Demon Programs into torture pedo created subpersonalities from birth and before birth into the torture and drug split mind which has always infused the Satanic Bloodline Families of Emperors, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers and their policies mandated by the Satanic Elite Controllers..
Now industrial quantities of children - evidence in the 1972 Church hearings 6 hours of video evidence to Congress available on youtube and CSPAN talking about 10,000 young children taken from orphanages and entered into the MKULTRA program - are being mind controlled to take over the World, Movies Trafficked and Taken and the Haiti Trafficking detail the abduction.
Now industrial quantities of children - millions - coming over the southern border handed over to pedophiles without DNA testing are being pedo mindsplit. 60% refuse to follow orders and are sacrificed, murdered. 40% comply and become pedophiles themselves for the next generation.
This book details the methodology - to give evidence that Against Satanism - is Real!!
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Energy Enhancement Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal including Implant Sex and Drug Addiction Demon Blockages from every Meditation Program.. EXCEPT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society JFK (27 April 1961)
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
JFK (27 April 1961)
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Vox Day - an astounding expert at missing the obvious and fabricating ghost stories to explain the motion of the world, he doesn’t seem to understand the value of cultural legacies and values. And can’t in any way conceive that greed is driving all of this. It is the greed of control. The Satanic Cabal of Phoenician Mega-trillionaires isn’t after a few cheap ticket or lunchbox sales. They want everything we have. And that begins with completely lobotomizing us and removing us from our cultural legacy so that we can become compliant little podlings who own nothing and are happy.
VD can’t see the obvious greed, the greed to control the entire world and wipe out any potential opposition. He can’t see that The Satanic Cabal of Phoenician Mega-trillionaires is interested in taking EVERYTHING you have and making sure that no remaining humans are able to resist or even survive on their own. Wiping out the legacy of people like Walt Disney is a part of our ongoing cultural lobotomization, a move of harsh implications. And yet conservatives gleefully cheer on the destruction of our legacy, and guys like VD do their best to obscure the reality of what is going on by insisting that it’s not unimaginably ferocious greed but instead best explained by old ghost stories like the Bible and Satanism.
Reply to Anonymous: tell me u r atheist without saying u r atheist
Reply to Anonymous: You don’t understand Vox.
VD: First, it’s the “old ghost stories” that define greed as evil, and the love of money being the root of evil. So you’re trying to set up a false dichotomy here. Without those “old ghost stories”, you have no rational basis for condemning either greed or control.
Second, it is no problem to define and explain “Satanism”. It is the causal driving force behind the material wickedness, which is conscious opposition to God, Jesus Christ, and Nature. What you call The Satanic Cabal of Phoenician Mega-trillionaires is merely the material opposition that serves the interests and command of its supramaterial Energy Vampire Masters of Dark Gods who live out of the body in private universes on the Astral Plane.
Third, the legacy was destroyed when the infiltration of Disney was completed. Indeed Nothing can save Disney now. There is no point to supporting Disney’s assaults on Christian European culture. Fourth, money motivation is nonexistent to those who can create it ex nihilo. “Money” doesn’t really exist today, as it’s nothing more than promises made by faithless individuals and institutions.
Farcesensitive: They don’t need money, they print money and they steal more money than you could imagine. It’s about power, evil, and destruction.
Reply to Anonymous: Get out of here with your shallow atheism. Greed is the base motivator for humans. As also is lust, ambition, power, revenge and Satanism. But the supernatural world of Satanism versus Jesus Christ influences humans & plays the long game.
Throughout time mankind has pursued its short term carnal desires. But there are evil spiritual Satanic forces guiding and shaping these behaviors and energies so as to set in play events that will cause the greatest amount of destruction to mankind, physically and spiritually. Destroy beauty, destroy hope, destroy how people connect to God. Increase alienation, increase isolation, break bonds of family, community, even the sense of self & a greater harvest of those who will be damned & have their potential denied is possible.
It’s much bigger than what you think it is & it’s been going on for millennia. The Satanists know they will lose & they want to take as many of us out as they can.
Macaque Mentality: If you’re a shill: LOL, nice try. If you’re not a shill: You need to engage in deeper thinking. Greed is only a miniscule variable in what’s actually happening in the world right now. Jesus Christ is Lord. Start with the Bible.
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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 - The Satanic History of the World Part 1 Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - Pedophile Plato and No-Soul Aristotle - The Foundations of Western Philosophy!
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals..
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty Published Feb 2019 - HUDSON…
Companion Volume to Volume 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty - The Babylonian Woe - the History of Money and the Phoenicians who created it.
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 -The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019 In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 7 -The Satanic History of the World Part 3 Published Jan 2020
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 8 -The Satanic History of the World Part 4 Published Jan 2020 The Cancer of The Venetian Empire - The Phoenician Empire - Merges with the Satanic Catholic Church
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 9 - The Satanic Suppression of Science
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 10 - British Empire Ritual Sodomy Ritual Band of Thebes. Satanic Mega-Trillionaire US $2,080 Trillion Phoenician Rothschilds Control the World through Vanguard Group and Blackrock. The Black Magicians, Living out of the Body in Private Universes on the Astral Plane
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 11 - The Satchidanand Substack Articles Volume 2 - The Black Magicians, Living out of the Body in Private Universes on the Astral Plane