The Hubris of Morgoth and The Rings of Power - The Story of the Eternal Fight against Sauron a Demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the Body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur
Vaccine Passport subcutanious Chips, Satanic Woke Cultural Marxist lies, Farm Destruction Genocidal Agenda - the Vaccines, the War in Ukraine, Totalitarian Surveillance, Satanic Cyborgs and Transhuman MRNA Injection Gene Altering of Humanity into a Ridley Scott Satanic "Alien Covenant" CRISPR Gene Edited Alien Lifeform, and the ongoing Collapse of the Energy and Food Supply channels
"The review for which you’ve all been waiting. The Dark Herald reviews The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power for Arkhaven.
You would have to have had the hubris of Morgoth himself to take on this project.
As a writer, I would have been terrified of it. If the producers had come to me to finish the Unfinished Tales by Tolkien plus some original pastiche based on the Appendixes, I would have told them. “Look, I’ll require two years prep time before I write word one. I’ll need to completely immerse myself in Tolkien’s work to the exclusion of all else. Then I have to spend a lot of time with Tom Shippey and other scholars, plus a Catholic priest with three doctorates who is really into JRR’s work. And at the end of the day, it still won’t be Tolkien, just so you know.”
Who would take this on? Bad Reboot that’s who.
The inarticulate slaughterer of every franchise where they press diseased foot is their bread and butter. Their mode of operation is now predictably obvious. Being completely incapable of creativity themselves, they select anything at all that might have an audience, invade and metastasize, then give it a Bad Reboot treatment. This consists of a Feminist Heroine’s Journey combined with a bunch of mystery boxes to lure foolish audiences along. Be sure to break the bank on flashy effects scenes.
I spent some time in sales, so I can see what Jar Jar Abrams’s school of non-writing is. It is sales technique disguised as writing. That’s it. That is all that the Abrams Mystery Box school really is. It’s just a hook with nothing attached to the hook but the next hook. It’s just one long sales pitch trying to keep you watching despite the fact that there is in fact nothing to watch.
Let me assure you now, there is nothing to watch here."
Except the story of the eternal fight against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient deep who is immortal, who lives forever, who even from time to time lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur,
….and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covanent".
Very much like Satan or Lucifer are Demons, thrown out of Heaven by God, to live eternally as the "Ancient Enemy" the spiritual energy food of all humanity demanded by these Demons so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body is pain and blood!
Very much like the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires worship the Sacred Calf, the Sacred Bull, BAAL, who demands the Satanic Ritual death of babies roasting in front of him in the Eternal Fires.
Scientists, archeologists have noticed that in various Empires a Priest Class was formed who always when they started taking hallucinogens opened the Hell Portal and got in touch with Demons, entities living outside the body who in return for knowledge demanded blood and pain. The best human sacrifice being the firstborn, a young boy.
The Capacocha, Human Sacrifices in the Inca Empire. Human sacrifices have been practiced for thousands of years dedicated to Demon Gods living out of the body by many cultures in the world, including the Chinese, Carthaginians, Celts, and ancient Hawaiian cultures.
It is also known of human sacrifices in indigenous peoples and cultures of pre-Columbian America, such as the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, Muiscas, Mochicas, and Incas.
The Aztecs claimed that they sacrificed 84,000 people over a period of four days. During the reign of the Aztecs, an estimated 250,000 people were sacrificed across Mexico during an average year. The bodies of the sacrificed were often cannibalistically baked with corn and shared among the priests for a feast and sold on as Sacred meat.
One of the most disturbing Aztec festivals was called Tlacaxipehualiztli (“The Festival of the Flaying of Men”). This was a ceremony dedicated to the Aztec god Xipe Totec, whose name means “The Flayed One.” During The Festival of the Flaying of Men, some men were given the chance to defend themselves. To live, though, they had to defeat the greatest Aztec champions in armed combat—and the odds were not even. Tlaloc was the god of rain and lightning—and he demanded children.
The point is that Satan and Lucifer were thrown out of Heaven and thus have been cut off from the energy of God. The Demons demand pain and death so as to harvest the spiritual energy of the suffering and the death so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body. Sexual ritual to harvest the spiritual energy of the orgasm. Drug ritual to harvest the energy of the drug induced burning of the candle at both ends.
These Satan and Lucifer Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology - Satanic Rituals - of how to leave the body and live eternally in private universes on the astral plane by cutting off from the energies of God and vampirising humanity for their energy - and this has been going on for thousands of years.
These Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology of how to take over and possess people during Satanic Rituals designed for that purpose. Some people suggest that the heads of each Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such downloaded demons sent down from time to time from their private universes on the Astral plane to manage their World plantation.
Because in order to live forever they need to cut themselves off from God, they need to close down their Hearts, their whole life cycle so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body depends on the harvesting of spiritual energy from their human cattle. In the same way the Masai live by drinking the blood of their cattle, the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are minions kept in order by Satanic Rituals to manage the human population by Dumbing them down.
The main method of retaining control, so as to steal their energy, of dumbing down the human population is poison. As well as the 10,000 year Principle of Poverty, the poisonous fluoride in the water, the poisonous chemtrails in the air, the poisonous pesticides and GMO in the food, the poisonous Deathvaxx, and the poisonous lies of their fake Politicians and fake media are the weapons which the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires use to Dumb Down aspirational populations in order to maintain their control.
But also humanity is Dumbed down and weakened by corruption and perversion. Blackmail, corruption by accepting the shilling of being bought off or just accepting wages working for the Corporations of the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
Feminists, Trannies, Communists, Fascists, Economists are all corrupted by low level lies created to deceive. Fabulous created lies of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires for people who do not understand that Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron who are the top of the hierarchy which need to be removed..
Transhumanism proposes the ability to upload consciousness into objects like computers and to download that consciousness into bodies so as to live eternally, immortally, for ever is one of the ways billionaires are offered immortality by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron - but they are all deceived!
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join their Illuminati secret societies. Secretive groups like the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Masons and the Palladian sexual ritual also show the management structure of the elite.
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Aleister Crowley's OTO and it's Dog Priest homosexual rituals and Whore of Babalon sexual rituals based on the absorbtion of demons, being taken over by Demons, through sexual congress with demon possessed prostitutes.
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Jeffry Epstein's farming of underage boys and girls to service high level Pedophile Elite's Sexual Rituals and Human Sacrifice Rituals as well as to induct high level minions into the World management structure by proving how bad they are by blackmail through videoing them murdering children - very much how the Mafia test their applicants through asking them to murder someone and so, "make their bones".
So when the Dark Lord - probably someone who wants to join the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron - says, "Let me assure you now, there is nothing to watch here".
You need to understand that the core of Tolkien's story is the Real! Eternal! Fight! against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur, and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covanent" so he can steal their energy.
- The Great Reset to bring in World Totalitarianism, Financial collapse, poverty, fake Global Warming to increase energy prices and fertilizer prices for starvation, Bug protein, Social Credit Score, Scamdemic Covid and DEATHVAX™, the censorship of botfake Twitter, Facebook and Google.
Vaccine Passport subcutanious Chips, Satanic Woke Cultural Marxist lies, Farm Destruction Genocidal Agenda - the Vaccines, the War in Ukraine, Totalitarian Surveillance, Satanic Cyborgs and Transhuman MRNA Injection Gene Altering of Humanity into a Ridley Scott Satanic "Alien Covenant" CRISPR Gene Edited Alien Lifeform, and the ongoing Collapse of the Energy and Food Supply channels.
An eternal age of darkness covering the whole planet!
Everything else in the story is secondary.
In the Real! Eternal! Fight! against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the body, the homosexual holding the sword on my left and the transsexual holding the battle rifle on my right are my brothers and sisters!
Watch the creation of the Rings of Power!
Tolkien Knew about the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires
It’s easy to understand why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires hate Tolkien so much and why they want to destroy his legacy. He knew. He absolutely knew. He knew about them, their evil, and the source of that evil, as evidenced by the Dark Herald’s review of the third episode of The Rangz:
So, we arrive at Númenor. For those of you who aren’t familiar with legendarium, Númenor is Atlantis. That’s it in a nutshell. After its fall, the Elves started calling it Atalantë. Just in case there was any doubt in your mind. I’m actually going to have to give a quick history of Númenor, so skip the next couple of paragraphs if you are easily bored by history.
The Men who sided with the Valar during the War of Wrath got a nice off-the-cuffo from the gods. An island kingdom flowing with bounty and whatnot. And the Men were happy. For a while. However, a division rose up; there were those who remained loyal to the Valar and accepted Iluvater’s gift of death, they thought Elves were super cool too. But the vast majority of the Númenorians resented the Elves’ immortality and wanted to be immortal themselves.
Just as today the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires seek immortality in Transhumanism, uploading into the machine, downloading into a new body, eternally as 10,000 years ago their Phoenician ancestors perfected the spiritual technology of leaving the body to live in private universes on the astral plane downloading in Satanic Ritual into Eton "whipping and fagging" prepared, destroyed, minds - easy to possess to become heads of the top Phoenician families to manage their human plantation. All they have to do is totally block their Heart Chakras and vampirise the spiritual energy of humanity. They have to maintain their control of humanity to do that
Sauron was captured by the Númenororians and was imprisoned but then like an evil Joseph worked his way up to becoming the high advisor to the king. A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality. Finally, the last king of Númenor launched an invasion of Valinor to steal immortality. Iluvatar Himself intervened and destroyed the entire fleet of Men by opening a chasm in the sea.
Then Númenor itself was sunk beneath the waves during a night of fire and whatever that will cost a lot to CG. The Elf Faithful escaped under the leadership of Elendil, who became their king and founded Gondor. Making Elendil, Aragorn’s remote but direct ancestor. And yes, Elendil is the same king Sauron kills on the battlefield at the start of Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring.
Read this sentence again: A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality.
Fascinating, is it not, that a high fantasy writer could foresee today’s transhuman global technocrats in the 1940s? It’s because their goals are no different than they were 10,000 years ago, back before the dawn of recorded human history: To be Satanic. To institute human sacrifice. To live forever. To be like God.