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Many thousands of years ago the Yogis, Meditators, Black Magicians discovered how to leave the body and return to the body during meditation. Many ancient books attest to this like the thousands of years old text, "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali".
Further they found that they could travel up the column of energy connecting heaven and earth, connecting us with the infinity of chakras above the head called the Antahkarana in India, or the Stele of Osiris in Ancient Egypt, and actually live out of the body in private universes forever, eternally, immortally.
Cleopatras Needle is the Stele of Osiris and behind it the London Eye, the Eye of Horus
Only by cutting off from the Energy Of God could they live immortally because God demands reincarnation, the drink of Lethe, so as to forget all previous lifetimes, to give a fresh start to every lifetime, so that we can change instead of being confirmed the same eternal immortality. So that we can evolve and attain our true state as Imago Dei, the Image of God!
So that we can evolve, become better, more intelligent, more heart based, more psychic.
But the Ancient Black Magicians were afraid of death, afraid of change, did not see the necessity for evolution, wanted to live forever.
Thus they cut themselves off from the energy of God.
They now had to live forever by stealing the energies of humanity, by vampirising the Energies of humanity.
This horrible curse of eternal life they visited upon themselves could only be sustained by killing other people thus the Satanic Rituals to remove Empathy like the Cremation of Care Ritual at Bohemian Grove where the image of a child is burnt to Molech on an altar in front of a 40ft statue of an Owl for an audience of Presidents of America, Oligarchs, Captains of Industry and Media.
Other Satanic Rituals include the Ancient Egyptian Ritual, stabbing twelve psychic daggers around the heart, sacrificing and animal or human, taking out their heart and putting it into a canopic jar, putting the energy of the heart into the canopic jar, sealing the jar with tar, burying the jar in a heart site in the countryside.
Once set upon their evil black magic course of immortality, of vampirising humanity, the next step was control of humanity, removing texts about real meditation, removing texts about reincarnation in the bible, removing texts about how to leave the body in meditation, how to protect yourself from being vampirised of your energy by these black magicians, laughing at the concept of black magic.
All overcome by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, energyenhancement.org
The degeneration of meditation teachings - As we say in Energy Enhancement Meditation, "Traditional Meditations are Designed to Fail"
Further the total mind control matrix of humanity which we are seeing today.
The secret of the Black magicians is mind controlling Addiction Energy Blockages of Sex and Drugs which they implant into everyone to steal their energy. The Opium Wars of the British East India Company to addict and degenerate the Chinese people targetted China for destruction and the rise of Yale Educated, Sodomy 33rd Degree Freemason Mao.
In Satanism everything is reversed, turned upside down, pervaded with sex, homosexuality, pedophilia, every good symbol perverted, degenerated towards Sex, Drugs and rock and roll..
Sex and Drugs with the Whore of Babalon, the Goddess, the Succubus, the Demon infested, stepping out of the lake of fire, ready to infuse her worshippers, her victims, with the methodology to download black magicians from their private universes into the bodies of their victims during the General Pike, British super agent Mazzini created Palladian Rite where sex with the Demon infested Whore of Babalon infuses demons into her victims so they can be possessed, taken over, infused with the downloaded demon Black Magician.
Sex and Drugs with the Homosexual Dog Priest.
Super Agent Mazzini worked for British Prime Minister Gladstone and created the Mafia - Mazzini Authoriza Fuego i Assassinazione - and the Young Turks which destroyed the Ottoman Empire.
Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world - with Covid-19, mrna vaccines, economy and middle class destroying lockdowns and oxygen destroying muzzles - to their benefit. Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth".
All overcome by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, energyenhancement.org
The degeneration of meditation teachings - As we say in Energy Enhancement Meditation, "Traditional Meditations are Designed to Fail"
British Destruction of France with its created French Revolution and Jacobins, commanded by Palmerston, Necker, Bentham, Mazzini and Masonry.
Karl Marx wrote Communism Das Kapital from his office in the British National Library in London from the notes of Ambassador Urquhart. British Superagent Marx creation of Communism in London overturning and degenerating Russia with Jacobin Bolsheviks and Agents Lenin and Stalin - 60 millions murdered and China with Superagent Mao - 100 millions murdered.
Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..
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In Satanism, the Ancient masculine Sun Symbol, a dot in a circle, the London Eye above, becomes the Eye of Horus, and represents the Anus.
Whereas is the good way, the Energy Enhancement way, it represents the Heart of the Sun.
In a Good way, the Energy Enhancement way, it represents the Kundalini Center of the Earth.
And the circulation of Energies between these two centers symbolised by Vesica Piscis.
As we saw in..
So sodomy has been used as a control mechanism of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Secret Societies, Inner Elite, Secret Government, Secret Societies since even before Ancient Egyptian Times.
Ancient Egypt, like Carthage, Rome, Venice, London and Washington are all colonies of the Phoenician Empire.
33 represents the Sodomy Vitruvian man of the Sodomy 33rd Degree Freemasonry or the Sodomy Skull and Bones Society of Yale University founded by the Russell’s the British Empire Drug runners of Hong Kong and the Chinese Opium Wars.
The dot in the center of the circle represents the anus!
3 is a bottom or anus.
If rotated a 3 is an M or a W and interchangeably and so on. Most Germanic auto logos are similarly occultic, satanic, like BMW, which is a rendition of B3W - 833.
B is an 8 which is two threes back to back.
1 is a penis - The lost Penis of Osiris.
Aces and Eights denote Intelligence services scams - false stories like Wild Bill Hickock’s false death - it is their calling card.
Bottom on bottom, 8 or 33 represents the Vitruvian man. The occultist da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man really depicts the buggery of the anterior man by the posterior man, the apex of Satanic Luciferian 33rd Degree masonry or final “Mystery of Mysteries” of the secret societies as explicated by Walter Veith (to open their “Third Eye.”). The reign of the AntiChrist will be marked as the sodomite king of the world..
33 represents the Vitruvian man of the Sodomy 33rd Degree Freemasonry or the Sodomy Skull and Bones Society of Yale University founded by the Russells the British Empire Drug runners of Hong Kong and the Chinese Opium Wars where sodomy is an "Entrance" Ritual.
Entrance to enter the anus.
Entrance to En-trance by means of using sodomy to implant an addiction blockage also as in the house of the strong man to split the mind into controllable, mind controllable, subpersonalities.
The ability to split the mind through sodomy, trauma and drugs, to mind control the mind is a technique known from ancient Egyptian times and not just from the "Manchurian Candidate" brain washing of recent times. It is a tool of the Intelligence services of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires used to control the inner Elite controllers of the World.
Download The Illuminati Formula to create a Completely Mind Controlled Slave which details, "The World which has been Pulled Over Your Eyes, to hide you from the Truth" Morpheus, Matrix Movie.
This book details the Satanic 10,000 years old process using Torture, Drugs and Hypnotism in order to layer in Demon Programs from birth and before birth into the torture and drug split mind which has always infused the Emperors, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers and their policies mandated by the Satanic Elite Controllers..
Now industrial quantities of children - evidence in the 1972 Church hearings 6 hours of video evidence to Congress available on youtube and CSPAN talking about 10,000 young children taken from orphanages and entered into the MKULTRA program - are being mind controlled to take over the World, Movies Trafficked and Taken and the Haiti Trafficking detail the abduction.
This book details the methodology - to give evidence that Against Satanism - is Real!!
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
Read this pdf book - Right click and save..
The Sodomite Gateway - Titanic's Tribute to the Vitruvian Man: From One Leonardo to Another! DiCaprio honors Da Vinci.
One of the iconic scenes from 1997 blockbuster film, Titanic, featured Leonardo DiCaprio at the bow of the ship. Shouting a memorable line, “I'm King of the World,” he held out his arms like a bird catching the wind in its wings. There's an esoteric signal there and some epic irony as well. Note that there are two men at the bow, one behind the other. If you're familiar with the Vitruvian Man you'll recognize this scene as a dramatized version.
Those responsible for the scene understood several things about the classic drawing.
The so-called Vitruvian man is actually two men engaged in sodomy.
By having DiCaprio's character spread his wings, he demonstrates an understanding of the symbolic two headed eagle, another version of the very same sodomite engagement.
By having the character identify himself in this scene as the king of the world, he demonstrates his understanding of the eagle as the Satanic Phoenician Phoenix, the feathered or plumed serpent Amaru, aka Apollo, identities of the coming beast who will reign as the sodomite king of the world.
Note the 33 above the Crown.
The Sacred Band of Thebes (Ancient Greek: Hierós Lókhos) was a particularly effective troop of select soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC, ending Spartan domination. It is the speech of the character Phaedrus in Plato's Symposium referring to an "army of lovers" that is most famously connected with the Sacred Band Pederasty: the institution of the man-boy relationship. This was comparable to the medieval knight-squire/apprentice pedagogic structure, but invariably involving sexual/parasexual relations.
The Sodomy Band of Thebes - Like pedophile Spielberg's Band of Brothers
- infuses all the top levels of the Military and Navy
“The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. ”
The drawing together of a "Band of Thebes" British Aristocracy was particularly prized and brought about by the public school system started by Henry VI in 1440 at, “Whipping and Fagging” Eton but franchised to all British schools very quickly. A hidden world drawn together by Pedophilic homosexual warriors - the Heart of the Satanic British Empire - further, "Homosexuality follows Satanism like a stench"
Similar to Orwell, Wodehouse, the third son of a British Empire magistrate based in Hong Kong went to another whipping and fagging, Homosexual Pedophilic "Band of Thebes" public school - Dulwich College is, similar to Eton, a public boarding school for boys. It began as the College of God's Gift, founded in 1619 by Elizabethan "actor" Edward Alleyn. Notable Old Alleynians include notable statesmen and propagandists, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Sir P G Wodehouse, propagandist Raymond Chandler, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Sir Edward George Baron George GBE PC DL was Governor of the Bank of England from 1993 to 2003 and sat on the board of NM Rothschild and Sons, Bob Monkhouse, Michael Ondaatje, Chiwetel Ejiofor, politician and broadcaster Nigel Farage, the cricketer Trevor Bailey, and propagandist C. S. Forester.
Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’
“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia like the ”Pact of Blood” where the Mafia entrants have to kill someone in order to join, these guys have to pedophile and human sacrifice like Epstein’s Pedo Island and the Lolita Jet - “They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”
Sodomy has been used as a control mechanism of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Secret Societies, Inner Elite, Secret Government, Secret Societies since Ancient Egyptian Times.
Sodomy as a control mechanism for all Jesuits, founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola
The Jesuit, "Army of God" a military organisation was created by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Venetian Cardinal Contarini, which uses Sodomy as a control mechanism for all their members, founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions.
Himmler was also the Head of the Jesuits who, “Give me the child before the age of five, and I will give you the man” - use sodomy to program their minions. Himmler created the Knights of the Holy Sea, Sea Seclorum, the SS, with the Permission of the Pope. He therefore used Sodomy to program the SS officers.
The Fabian Socialists also use a Jesuit-like control structure.
The Tolkien Degeneration of an Elf into an Orc symbolises to degeneration of humanity into totally controlled non playing characters through the oligarchic 10,000 rears old "Principle of Poverty" but also educational mind control.
Remember, the main purpose of Phoenician control of the World is not money or power, it is in fact total control using the Satanic Oligarchic Principle of Poverty. Dummed Down, Barefoot, and Back on the Reservation so as to use Humanity as a Spiritual Battery for the purpose of Transhumanism and Immortality.
Sign Up for 43 Free Energy Enhancement Books. To defeat Evil, you need to up your game. Learn the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course by Video or Live in Iguazu. Change the World... Go to for 43 Free Energy Enhancement Books. To defeat Evil, you need to up your game. Learn the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course by Video or Live in Iguazu.
Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families - SATANIC MEGA TRILLIONAIRE FAMILIES - have existed for over 10,000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis including all the Satanic Rituals in Against Satanism Volume 3 - RITUAL SEX, RITUAL DRUGS, RITUAL BLOOD SACRIFICE, RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE, RITUAL PEDOPHILIA, RITUAL TORTURE, RITUAL BURNING ALIVE, RITUAL CANNIBALISM, RITUAL CASTRATION..
Dr Josephine Quinn of Oxford University’s Faculty of Classics said: ‘It’s becoming increasingly clear that the stories about Carthaginian child sacrifice are true. This is something the Romans and Greeks said the Carthaginians did and it was part of the popular history of Carthage in the 18th and 19th centuries. Their Gods are evil because Satan, Lucifer, Cybele, Moloch are defined by Satanic Ritual and Human sacrifice. Satanic Ritual Cybele and Adonis and Mithras were the State Religions of the Roman Empire – with its Tauroboleum in which worshippers were showered with the blood of Human and Animal Sacrifices, Ritual Castration and all the Rituals above usually performed in caves catacombs deep in the earth.
Cybele and Adonis – State Religion of the Roman Empire – with its homosexual, pedophile satanic rituals, castrated homosexual Galli priests and Russian Skoptsy and Amazon Breast castration. All of this points to how Satanic Ritual has been used to create a psychopathic Bloodline overclass, control the lower orders and degenerate society for thousands of years whilst hiding behind Christianity.
Satanic Ritual CYBELE AND ATTIS ROMAN STATE RELIGION TAUROBOLEUM RITUAL ANIMAL AND HUMAN SACRIFICE BATHING IN BLOOD In war, the real Luciferian Elite - The heads of all the thousands of years old Generational Satanic Dynastic Bloodline families worldwide believe that the Religion which is strongest in creating intelligent Psychopaths to rule, will win the competition to rule the world and maintain the totally fooled Christian population in a poverty stricken, media–controlled, uneducated and degenerate state lacking in evolution.
The key is that the Satanic Religion and its recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the, “Spirit Cooking” Crowlean Sodomy Sexual Ritual Ordo Templi Orientis are Fake Gangs, created by men as a technique to conquer the world. This book Against Satanism Volume Six, with all it’s research shows how Trillionaire Phoenician Mega Trillionaire families brought the Myth of Samson to Greece, where it became the Myth of Hercules and the Nemean lion. Cypriot Heracles. Or Phoenician God, Melqart.
The Myth goes that Samson rips apart a lion, later bees or flies nest in the carcass, corrupting the once living proud creating lion, laying their eggs, living on the once great empire, country, city, company, creating their honey... The Lord of the flies is Satan.. “Out of the eater, something to eat; Out of the strong, something sweet.” What is sweeter than honey? Words, spoken by someone kind! What is stronger than a lion? Words, spoken by someone powerful! Words, spoken by the Samson Hercules Nazir Spook Spy Infiltrating Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician aristocratic Family Traitors.
Hercules posing with his club and cloaked in the lion’s empty shell has been widely used as a symbol of imperial and national strength. Could he have been a different symbol for the Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families? A symbol that even in antiquity, the mighty empires and nations had already been defeated by the traitor within.
Hercules strangles the invincible Nemean lion, skins it using its own claws, and uses its indestructible hide as armor for himself. In a way, he’s living inside the lion’s carcass, just like Samson’s bees or flies - The Lord of the Flies is Satan - and is covering himself with the lion, just as the word means “cover”. . The pun works in English as well, because that is the actual etymology: “hiding” beneath a “hide”.
So, the symbology of Hercules is infil-traition, and living off the destruction of the once great empire, country, city, company, - creating their honey... .
The Samson Hercules Infiltrating Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician families Nazir Spook Spy Traitor pattern with today’s spooks of the intelligence services were picked and groomed from the cradle to become agents-for-life traitors in spook projects whose aim is to maintain control!
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Quote by - Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator
In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World. Phoenician aristocrats were never attached to any tiny nation, but were always one globalized trading empire from 2000BC, playing countries against each other for profit.
For example using a false Flag to start a fake war between ruling elites in separate countries both of which have been allowed, built up, to become rich, but all the elites in each country coming from the same Infiltrating Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician aristocratic Families, and then buying all the assets for pennies on the dollar after the war.
Not only that, giving loans to each country to prosecute the war, owning the Military Academic Industrial Complex providing materiel for the war. For example the British/American Empire owning every major industry – the Military Academic Industrial Complex – and creating a False Flag, say the Gulf of Tonkin which started the Vietnam War, or the Lusitania which started World War One – or Pearl Harbour starting World War Two, destroying and taking over Europe, keeping the populations poor, barefoot and back on the reservation, then taking profits from overpriced War materials, munitions, Cruise Missiles, F35 Jets, Aircraft Carriers, Nuclear Submarines, Space Weapons, standing armies, food, clothing, funerals.
A one Trillion Dollar annual budget - see Schindlers List. Loans from the Infiltrating Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician aristocratic Families Fed Central Banks.
Or burning down a farm, or stealing all the cattle, making the family bankrupt, buying the farm from their own Phoenician aristocrat owned bank for pennies on the dollar. Or Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families Banks giving mortgages to the poor, then creating a depression - say 2008 - so no-one can pay their mortgages so the house is taken back by the Bank, every Bank is owned by the same rich aristocratic Phoenician families, then the same rich aristocratic Phoenician families buy back the house from their own bank for pennies on the dollar.
Or prohibiting Alcohol, Heroin, Cocaine, and Marijuana by Law by paying their Political Stooges – also from the same thousands of years old Phoenician aristocratic bloodline Families – including Dark Side Mafia Families which are the same thousands of years old Phoenician aristocratic bloodline Families as who are the Political Stooges.
Selling the drugs at incredibly inflated profitable prices. Destroying the potential of humanity to fight back. Sapping the Spiritual energy of Humanity. Maintaining the 10,000 year control of Humanity. And therefore creating a trillion dollar a year business run by the Mafia and the profits laundered by the Senators from the the same thousands of years old Trillionaire Phoenician aristocratic bloodline Families – after the Chinese “Free Trade” - drugs and slaves - British HSBC – Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation or the British Pirates of the Caribbean Banks have laundered the money and invested in legitimate businesses, estates, land, diamonds, bribes and gold, owned by the same rich aristocratic Phoenician families.
Then Alcolhol is legitimized legalized to create heavy taxes and creating incredibly profitable breweries and Spirits companies owned by the same rich aristocratic Phoenician families Then the drugs are legalized to create heavy taxes and incredibly profitable companies – like BAT, British/American Tobacco, like legalised Heroin Oxycontin owned by the Sackler family, - owned by the same thousands of years old Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families.
With Marijuana/Soma set to follow.
When I was a child, I played monopoly with my friends. I found I could infinitely extend the game and get all the property, all the money by “Giving” money to my friends when they ran out. I was not sophisticated enough to loan it to them. After a while my friends got sick of it and fucked off.
The secret is that 99% of all money is inherited. With this money you gain all the property, all the money, and the 1% that is left. Karl Marx wrote "Das Kapital" from his MI6 donated offices in the British National Library in London from the notes of his handler, Ambassador Urquhart creating the religiously polarised concepts, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, and Cloward and Piven.
The ‘Cloward and Piven Strategy’ plan calls for the destruction of Capitalism in America by gaining political power by offering free "Basic Income", swelling the welfare rolls by importing 600 million immigrants from Mexico to the point of collapsing the economy, and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions, ready for invasion by the United Nations, China and Russia.
“Cloward and Piven studied Luciferian Saul Alinsky just like infil-traitors Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”
In this book we see that many Infiltrating Trillionaire Bloodline Phoenician families who have ruled the World as one trading block for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ came from the Fertile Middle East Crescent including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Israel, Mesopotamia-Iraq, and Persia-Iran, and had that region and all it's Empires razed many times over nonetheless, profiting from each destruction. They hop to and fro over the planet, always profiting by shifting, reshuffling, creating and breaking their Empires.
In this book we find that over thousands of years before the birth of Christ, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family.
Their Phoenician sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!
In this book we see that the important conquests are not in our history books as such. Rather, Europe was colonized in the Bronze Age already, in patterns that match up with structures we see in today’s spook aristocracy. The entire upper class of colonized regions was replaced by Trillionaire Phoenician families, with common people unaware of it to this day.
Some of this colonization is cautiously admitted, just not emphasized. In this book we see. In this book we see that the Infiltrating Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician families always held power. The secret behind their power is simply that there is no big secret. They don’t know anything special. They can’t do anything special. They never achieved anything special—other than monopolizing trade. With the power to deceive from the Father of Lies, owning all the media, - The CIA, the Military Academic Industrial complex, Universities, History, Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Television, Youtube, Facebook, Google.. Even idiots can rule the world for millennia.
Download AGAINST SATANISM Volume 6 FREE!! Right Click and Save as..
So, in a World of Fusion Bombs, the only warfare possible is the Ancient Warfare of Mind Control.
The scions of the elite pass every test - and are passed on to the highest levels..
Mind Control by Media - Newspapers, Movies, Television, Social Media, Search Engines - all controlled by only six corporations - where True Freedom of Speech is controlled by Satanic Corporations. The editors will only promote or employ those people who of their own free will, agree with everything the editors say.
Trauma Based Mind Control - Read, Fritz Springmeier's "How to create a completely Mind Controlled Illuminati Slave" available online.
Control by Religion - Their Leaders tell you what to do and what to think.
Control by University - Their Leaders will allow you to pass their Examinations, only if you think correctly. Napoleon was last in his class at the military academy he was passed in his examinations by agent Lagrange.
Control by Job - Their Leaders will only allow you to progress if you agree with them. The Bosses will only promote or employ those people who of their own free will, agree with everything the bosses say.
Control by Blackmail - the many honeytraps of addiction to sex - homosexuality, BDSM, pedophilia or drugs provide blackmail opportunities like the Epstein pedophile blackmail operation - MI6 introduced Corporate Leaders and Politicians to children in Orphanages to Abuse, rape and murder, but videoed it all as Blackmail.
Control by Payment - Rent-a-mobs are paid mercenaries or prostitutes. But so is every job. So is everything you do, if you are dependent on the money or want to be rich. The morality of choosing a life positive profession rather than helping Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires become ever richer.
Control by Assassination - Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires own Armies, Special Forces, Weapons, James Bond licensed to Kill. If anyone escapes the Mind Control and is in a position of power such as to change the status Quo, he is killed. We know the famous ones but this killing by suiciding people of giving a heart attack goes much deeper.
And behind every one of the above, are the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who employ the leaders of every human employment.
It is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who pay the Piper. And every one of the Pipers plays the tune asked for by the Oligarch.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires create the Wars.
Catholic against Protestant - but both Catholicism and Protestants were created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires . And thus we have Europe at war for centuries, populations Kill/Culled, infrastructure destroyed, poverty created.
Communist against Fascist - but both Communism and Fascism were created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires . And thus we have WWII, populations Kill/Culled, infrastructure destroyed, poverty created.
Agent Stalin using created communism against ordinary Russians and 60 million Russians end up dead.
Agent Mao using created communism against ordinary Chinese and 100 million Chinese end up dead.
And the Sodomy Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Wahhabists, the Soros Colour Revolutions, the Crowley Sodomy OTO, The Satanists, the Luciferians are all like this - created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires to manage their planet through poverty.
And Agents Adam Smith, Hume, Locke, Berkley, Mill, Huxley, Newton, Lagrange, Lord Bertrand Russell, Aristotle, Sarpi and all their paidhack books and theories - created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires to manage their planet through poverty.
It is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who pay the Piper. And every one of the Pipers plays the tune asked for by the Oligarch.
We have seen the above histories.
We know how this Warfare is done.
We know who does it.
We know what needs to be done.
And the only person who can do it is one who pretends to be part of the herd but when put in power totally changes, and then becomes a target for sabotage and Assassination!! The whole World of Popes and Media will be against them. So shall they be known.
By their Fruits shall ye know them!!
Fourth generation warfare is defined as the promotion of Satanism and Sodomy and Pedophilia as the control structure behind conflicts between consciously yet falsely created religions, philosophies, Economics, Sciences to create dialectical wars, Chaos - Falsely created Thesis and Antithesis, both created to provide a problem, reaction, Totalitarian solution. Orden Ab Chao!!
And the Satanic purpose is the control of humanity for 10,000 years to create a Poverty stricken, destroyed infrastructure, destroyed Science, perverted Satanic Economics, perverted Satanic philosophy, perverted Satanic Religion - a totalitarian, total control of humanity at the level of the beast, a Feudal Slave.
But more.
Satanism knows that humanity is Imago Dei - the Image of God.
And Satanism wants to degenerate that image, through our own free will, to a person cut off totally from God, who can only live by vampirising the energy of humanity.
Humanity can only live because it is totally connected with God.
Having cut off from God, Satanists must perforce vampirise humanity.
This vampirisation can only occur by cutting off from other major systems or chakras within the human psyche.
The first is empathy, the energy of the heart.
The second is conscience, the energy of the Soul.
The human biocomputer must be desecrated by these Satanists in order that they remain Satanists!!
God's creation of humanity must be desecrated by these Satanists in order that they remain Satanists!!
And the definition of a Psychopath is a person with no empathy, no conscience.
A Satanist creates a psychopath of himself by cutting off from empathy and conscience by utilising Satanic Ritual - the Satanic Teaching Tool - the original 4th generation warfare against empathy and conscience - The creation of psychopathy.
The teaching of Aristotle that humanity has no Soul.
The teaching of Aristotle that we can know Only through the senses - sense certainty.
Satanic Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism, Loveless Satanic Sex etc, Rituals exist in All Civilisations, Rituals exist in All Pagan Satanic Religions.