SUBVERSION, AMERICA'S SUBVERSION The Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole

 - The Illuminati Enemy Within Freemasonry - Weishaupt, General Pike, Palladian Rite, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Rose-Croix, Templars, Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari, Mazzini, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall the seething energies of Lucifer - Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons, Demonic Possession, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Elias Ashmole edited Dr. John Dee, sorcerer who "brought through" the Enochian system of magic, of satanic ritual and demonic evocation, the Pagan Eleusinian Mysteries, Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order, Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986, "The Plan" involves a one-world government, an occult hierarchy, an elite "illumined" oligarchy ruling over a world in which Christianity has been slated to be displaced and destroyed.

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Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

OCCULT THEOCRACY BY EDITH STARR MILLER, LADY QUEENSBOROUGH, SATANISM, LUCIFERIANISM, GLOBALISM - Any one of the Fake Gangs above enumerated has innumerable ramifications and the control of even the least of them cannot be obtained without money. Money therefore becomes one of the most powerful levers in the hands of men who form the controlling groups. Thus does research in the realm of Finance become indispensable to the students bent upon tracing the real power behind universal control. This power, they will find, is wholly in the hands of international Rothschild financiers, frontmen whose source of Power is the 500 trillion dollar Vatican Bank which owns 70% of all fortune 500 companies, 70% of all the worlds banks, 100% of all central banks like the Federal Reserve. The Pope is the CEO of Company Europe. His Advisors come from the Nobility of Europe and America, the Knights of Malta the Jesuits. The Noble Oligarchic Families of Europe and America and now China rule the World. They continue to rule through weakening humanity by poverty, James Bond assassinations, misdirection propaganda, poison of air, water, food, destruction of infrastructure and War. They continue to rule through 10,000 years old Mind Control by trauma, hypnotism, and drugs of their own bloodline families, fortune 500 CEOs and politicians. So it has been for 10,000 years.

The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Mormonism's Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Satan's Plan for a One World Religion, Texe Marrs, 1987

World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster

Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by: Police Against The New World Order, 1992

Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr

New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher

En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah

Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798


Chapter 1

AMERICA'S SUBVERSION The Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 2

The Plan Is Hatched

In the atmosphere of having Germany's sovereignty restored to it after more than four decades of Allied "occupation" and amid the jubilation of seeing democracy rise up in the DDR (the so-called German Democratic Republic or "East Germany") with a climactic dismantling of the Berlin Wall, East and West Germany engaged in a process of national re-unification and German politicians were heard to repeat a reference to two world wars and that no more would war go forth from German ground. Recalling that nearly a half a century of democratic rule presided in West Germany, Germany's European neighbors who had twice experienced "war from German ground" were to be reassured.

The very manner of warfare of the Third Reich became a prominent issue after the war, inasmuch as the methods of warfare against it's very own citizens on German soil included disenfranchisement of human rights, disenfranchisement of citizenship, and methodical economic, legal and physical extermination. Self-preservation and escape were eventually denied for the Jews, as they were in the course of disenfranchisement even prohibited "legally" from using public transportation. It was the German government which acted criminally by enacting laws prohibiting Jews from legitimate means of self-preservation in the face of an expanding national evil and including means of escaping the systematic disenfranchisement and destruction of the Jewish people. Later, the Berlin Wall was Eric Honecker's monument to East Germany's version of how a state becomes the enemy of the human rights government should protect, and how it criminalizes the self-evident human right to escape tyranny.

When an international accounting for crimes perpetrated against humanity arrived the public was largely unaware, however, due to British suppression of vital and self-implicating information during the Nuremberg (Nürnberg) trials, that the Third Reich had engaged in sinister methods of occult warfare beyond the means of media propaganda or military hardware. The implication that military warfare is the only means of conquest might not necessarily have been inherent in the words of President von Weizäcker when stating that no more would war go forth from German ground as it had done twice, but in his statement Dr. von Weizäcker excluded reference to clandestine revolution, and to occult warfare and subversion emerging from German ground about the time of America's founding as a Constitutional democracy. On May 1, 1776 a man by the name of Adam Weishaupt established a secret Order in Bavaria and put in motion plans for a New World Order.

Although it can be said that the secret society Order founded by Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, was outlawed by Bavarian authorities following it's discovery and investigation, it can also be said that the inimical seed founded in that land had in a short time proliferated, and spread it's doctrines and methods while obtaining thousands of adherents across Europe. The already existing expansive and treacherous organizational vehicle which Weishaupt's evil Order would infiltrate, use and guide was founded only a few decades earlier in England, and has been known as Freemasonry. Political and religious intrigue, world revolution, subversion and espionage would embrace the support of an evil empire of occult adepts to reconfigure the political and religious face of the world. Emerging from the Weishaupt conspiracy, a plan for three world wars was put to writing. Twice has world war come forth from German ground from which the conspiracy took root and spread, yet perhaps more surprisingly, from Sarajevo to Hirohito's Japan, the fingerprints of Weishaupt's co-opted international secret society can been seen to have instigated and facilitated world war which, itself, would serve as means to an end. The conquests were designed to be achieved, not only by military means, but by subversion and the application of evil, occult forces. Examine the methods of subversion by Adam Weishaupt which became known to the public, and in a succession of chapters learn of the evil methods evidently available to him and occult adepts which heretofore have essentially been successfully concealed but which are in use today to subvert God-given human rights.

-- The Illuminati --

On May 1, 1776 the Western World, ruled by monarchies and the "Church," had officially born to it by a professor of canon law in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, an occult political and religious Order dedicated to the subversion of existing political powers and the corruption of leaders which would render them particularly vulnerable to behind-the-scenes influences. The goal was to establish a New World Order ruled by an occult Hierarchy. The objective of occult secret societies to wrest the reigns of power from monarchies and from secularized nominally Christian hierarchies obtained an elite organizational means with the formation of the Order of the Illuminati.
The leaders of the movement would embark upon a program of espionage and operate behind the scenes to bring about world change. Corruption of religious and secular leaders and corruption of the masses was clearly outlined as modus operandi. The sinister plan for a one-world occult government received it's inspiration from an age-old source.

Weishaupt, the Order's founder, studied the ancient pagan religions and was recruited into "Illuminism," Luciferic inspiration or mental "Illumination" through ancient Egyptian Mystery religion, by a Jutland merchant searching Europe for converts. Egyptian occultism provided the fundamental principle for Weishaupt's evil plan, and for the world's most powerful occult organization.

Weishaupt ... was indoctrinated in Egyptian occultism in 1771 by a merchant ... named Kolmer, who was said to have traveled Europe in search of converts. For the next five years Weishaupt formulated a plan by which all occult systems could be reduced to a single, powerful organization. On May Day, 1776, Weishaupt launched his Order of the Illuminati.
p.69 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

"Illuminism" would become the guiding principle of Europe's occult conspiratorial intellectualism.

According to Barruel, the doctrines of Illuminism came to Europe from Egypt through a Jutland merchant. {footnote}
p. 29 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 , 1989, 1994

Mental "illumination" by occult powers formed the cornerstone for the structure of Weishaupt's subversive society. The powerful, occult organization which Weishaupt formed for world conquest did not arise in a vacuum, for it obtained strength and momentum in a milieu of secret occult societies which had designs on church and state. It was upon the doctrines and practices of a spectrum of such secret associations which he drew, and Weishaupt's master design which incorporated methods of existing subversive associations rapidly spread in Europe.


The Order was at first very popular, and enrolled no less than two thousand names upon its registers, among whom were some of the most distinguished men of Germany. It extended rapidly into other countries, and its Lodges were to be found in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.
Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 346-347
as Quoted from En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, p. 108

The "ultimate secret society" in which "all occult systems could be reduced to a single, powerful organization" would secure it's power base of political influence by operating within other pagan and occult organizations such as Freemasonry which enjoyed a growing influential membership. The Illuminati would operate

"by secret associations, which will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States..."
p. 106 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

The process of subversion : infiltration and influence.

As a student he {Weishaupt} had drafted the constitution for a secret society modelled on the pagan Mystery schools but it was not until he was initiated into Freemasonry that Weishaupt's plan for the ultimate secret society was spawned.
On 1 May 1776 Weishaupt ... Within a
p. 61
short period of time the Illuminists had lodges all over Germany and Austria, and branches of the Order were founded in Italy, Hungary, France, and Switzerland. Weishaupt conducted a secret operation to infiltrate Masonic lodges and established a power base within Continental Freemasonry as part of his long-term plan to use his secret society for political change in Europe.
p. 62... The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

The principle secret society which Weishaupt would infiltrate with his own intellectuals and professionals was that of Freemasonry which had spread over Europe from England. As a ready-made host organization having a structure of secrecy and occult, astrological roots, Freemasonry already enjoyed a professional and aristocratic membership. In an environment of existing lodges with persons having positions of influence, the media establishment, as it was known at the time, was targeted as a means to influence the public in accord with the interests and objectives of persons operating behind the scenes in an occult conspiracy for world conquest.


"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will.

In like manner we must try to obtain an influence in the military academies (this may be of mighty consequence) the printing-houses, booksellers shops, chapters, and in short in all offices which have any effect, either in forming, or in managing, or even in directing the mind of man: painting and engraving are highly worth our care."

"Could our Prefect (observe it is to the Illuminati Regentes he is speaking, whose officers are Prefecti) fill the judicatories of a state with our worthy members, he does all that man can do for the Order. It is better than to gain the Prince himself.
p. 112 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

The Illuminati keenly targeted influencing the distribution of information. The press in combination with the "arts" today comprises the substance of what is loosely called "the media." The "press" as expressed through the printed page, radio and the medium of television assumes a public role of a "learned or literary society" in presenting and interpreting events. "... it may be a powerful engine in our hands" implies more than a role of conspiratorial silence, but one of influence and manipulation of the public.

Specifically targeting the administration of justice for subversion, "the judicatories," encompassing judges and courts of law, describes one of the most chilling components of the conspiracy.

A particularly broad base of society was targeted for recruitment into the Order.

The Order {the Illuminati} enticed into its lodges only those who could be useful:
"Statesmen, ...counsellors, secretaries...professors, abbes, preceptors, physicians, and apothecaries are always welcome candidates to the Order."
p. 31 Behind The Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, obtained from Barruel, vol.4, p. 233
Abbé Augusten de Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating The History Of Jacobinism

The Illuminist plot has targeted not only principals in positions of power, but support staff, as well as persons in fields of education and medicine.

World conquest by operating in secret to achieve political and media control has been greatly facilitated by the lodges of Freemasonry whose influential members are sworn to secrecy and mutual assistance.

{forward by the publisher}

Weishaupt ... devised an ingenious vehicle for world conquest -- a secret Order. He called it the Illuminati Order and grafted it, at selected points, onto Freemasonry -- like a fungus.
p .foreword - 3
But because the Illuminati used parts of Freemasonry as a cover, Robison found it necessary to explain how and why this state of affairs came about. Thus, the first part of the book deals with Freemasonry and provides an examination of the Masonic movement in the places and at the time the Illuminati Order came into being.
p. foreword - 4

It was in this lodge -- to which Weishaupt belonged -- that the Illuminati Order was organized by him as a secret organization within a secret organization. It took a number of years before the existence of this secret society within a secret society came to light.
In the third chapter of the book ... Robison attempts to reveal how after the Bavarian Court of Enquiry exposed and banned the illuminati Order and its leaders, the Order went underground and emerged as a network of Reading Societies throughout Germany. The goal of this literary network was to monopolize the writing, publication, reviewing and distribution of all literature, more effectively to control the minds of the readers. In this chapter, one sees more clearly than ever how the conspiracy used the printed word as its ultimate weapon in subverting the minds of the people.
p. foreword - 5
But most important is the revelation that this was a conspiracy conceived, organized, and activated by professionals and intellectuals, many of them brilliant but cunning and clever, who decided to put their minds in the service of total evil; a conspiracy conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes.
p. foreword - 6, by the publisher Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798,

An occult elite, an intellectual elite, conspired to control the flow of information, to influence the reviewing and distribution of all literature. A principle weapon to subvert the human mind was, in Weishaupt's revealed writings, the printed word. Although an effective "weapon" yet today, the "ultimate" weapons prove much more sinister, as "America's Subversion : The Enemy Within" goes on to reveal.

The method Weishaupt used in operating a secret Order within a larger secret organization had been a method familiar to the occult Rosicrucians. The secret order of the Rosy Cross is associated in it's European establishment with it's legendary German founder Christian Rosenkreutz whose teachings derived from a host of occult traditions including Egyptian mystery religion. Astrology, the teaching of re-incarnation, and the craft of "transmutation" have been essential to Rosicrucianism. The political and religious occult reforms which Christian Rosenkreutz is said to have worked for have been carried out largely in secret.

Secret Societies such as the Rosicrucians have very seldom exposed their inner activities to the public gaze, preferring to work within established occult organizations which, because of their élitist structure, have concealed their real work from the gaze and criticism of the profane. In rare instances these esoteric teachings have been presented by an initiate to the public in a way which has made them accessible to the average person.
p. 171 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---

Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

A consistent theme among occult secret societies is that of having "concealed their real work" by means of an "élitist structure." The recurring theme of inner "esoteric" teachings contrasted to outer "exoteric" teachings was exemplified by the Rosicrucian technique which Weishaupt evidently adopted as a key element for the success of his occult plan. "Secret associations" are primarily structured by having it's members sworn to secrecy and admitted to the "inner teachings" by degrees, and respectively, it would be by a stealthy, secretive step-by-step process that such associations would obtain increasing control over political and religious organizations. If princes or governmental officials and priests or religious leaders could not outright be co-opted or replaced by persons of the conspirator's choosing, then the vast network of members could, nevertheless, by their influence interfere with the due process of government or spiritual shepherding.

The Illuminist plan,

"To ... dispense with all political supports, and particularly with rulers This can be done in no other way but by secret associations, which will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose which the wicked use for attaining their base ends. Princes and Priests are in particular, and ket' exochen, the wicked, whose hands must tie up by means of these associations, if we cannot root them out altogether.
p. 106 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

Political gridlock was added to the Illuminist arsenal.

-- Espionage --

Weishaupt conceived of the ultimate criminal organization. To facilitate such aims against the state and religion, espionage along with treason and other illicit "means" "which the wicked use for attaining their base ends," would become modus operandi of the Order of the Illuminati. "Secret associations" would provide a platform for "espionage" as well as a means to "in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States." To that end a means to control Illuminati agents was incorporated. Criminal acts would be used even as a means by which Illuminati operatives would become criminally compromised subjects to their superiors.

According to a joint deposition signed by Professor Renner and his three colleagues, the object of the first degrees of Illuminism was to train the adepts in the system of espionage. Once the member had so committed himself to such nefarious acts of espionage, treason, or other treacherous enterprises, he remained in a state of perpetual dread, fearing his superiors might at some time reveal the criminal activity, the four academicians testified.
p. 31 Behind The Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, From: Barruel, vol. 4, p. 248
Abbé Augusten de Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating The History Of Jacobinism

A person in or having attained to political office as an Illuminist patsy or agent would thus face a "steering" device more powerful than a bribe, the threat of being publicly disgraced and exposed as criminally culpable. Illuminist agents would ideally operate with such a "sword" over their heads while they would intercept gossip in the courts of kings targeted for subversion.

Weishaupt established a network of Illuminist agents throughout Europe who had access to cardinals, princes and kings. These agents reported back to their Grand Master the gossip and intrigues of the courts which Weishaupt used for his own political purposes.
He believed that once the masses had been de-Christianized they would demand political freedom and the right to enjoy life without the moral straitjacket imposed by the puritanical teachings of the Church on sexual matters.
p. 63 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---

Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Subverting moral values has been a chief objective of the Illuminist conspiracy. "... once the masses had been de-Christianized" reveals not only the intent against traditional church leadership, but the aims against fundamental moral values of Christianity itself. The de-Christianizing of the "masses" would serve not simply as a means to an end in eliciting support for the overthrow of "church" authority, but would achieve an "end" or Illuminati objective in itself by the destruction of basic and legitimate Christian moral values. Marital fidelity is one of such values. Christianity was targeted for destruction not only because of it's fundamental moral standards, but because of it's opposition to spiritistic-occult practices. This is a principal theme which emerges in the course of these chapters. Examine WHY the pagan-occult connection represents serious threats to human rights and to genuine freedom as the subjects unfold. There is a preponderant case against the occult conspiracy even when the conspiracy is considered alone on the basis of examining the writings of it's most notable proponents.

When Weishaupt planned the most insidious of secret societies and founded the Order of the Illuminati, he drew upon not only Egyptian occultism, but upon many forms of occultism. Weishaupt founded an Order which represented objectives very much already in existence among a number of occult secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Knights Templar and "speculative" Freemasonry. The fundamental objective of his subversive organizational effort was to achieve world rulership by an "illuminated" occult elite, an occult "intellectual elite."

Weishaupt drew upon existing secret society operations and methods and targeted not only the Roman Catholic Church but all of Christianity, even that which was not compromised by those things of which Martin Luther charged the "Church." World rulership by an occult Hierarchy, supplanting governance by monarchies and the Pope of Rome, had been political and religious objectives of the Knights Templar.

Jacques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar Order of the Crusades, and before his execution in France provided that the occult Templar rites would not end with the banning of the Order and with the confiscation of the Order's wealth and so arranged for the continuation of the occult traditions and practices of the Knights Templar by forming what was later known as Scottish Masonry. Centuries later diabolical traditions of the Order would be incorporated into the structure of what is known as Freemasonry.

-- A New Hierarchy --

But before his execution {Jacques de Molay, in 1314}, the Chief of the doomed Order {Knights Templar} organized and instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry. In the gloom of his prison, the Grand Master created four Metropolitan Lodges, at Naples for the East, at Edinburg {Scotland} for the West, at Stockholm for the North, and at Paris for the South.
p. 820

[The Order disappeared at once. Its estates and wealth were confiscated, and it seemed to have ceased to exist. Nevertheless it lived, under other names and governed by unknown Chiefs, revealing itself only to those who, in passing through a series of Degrees, had proven themselves worthy to be entrusted with the dangerous Secret....]
"The Successors of the Ancient Adepts Rose-Croix, abandoning by degrees the austere and hierarchial Science of their Ancestors in initiation, became a Mystic Sect, united with many of the Templars, the dogmas of the two intermingling, and believed themselves to be the sole depositaries of the secrets of the Gospel of St. John, seeing in its recitals an allegorical series of rites proper to complete the initiation.
"The Initiates, in fact, thought in the eighteenth century that their time had arrived, some to found a new Hierarchy, others to overturn all authority, and to press down all the summits of the Social Order under the level of Equality."
p. 821 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The "Scottish" connection would again figure prominently later in the further development of the occult conspiracy. The objective of founding "a new Hierarchy" composed of "Occult" initiates or adepts to "be rulers over the Masters of the World" was a plan pursued by the Knights Templar and others, but it should be noted that the Templar plan has been attended not only by degrees of secrecy, but by a front of Christian worship.

The Johannites ascribed to Saint John the foundation of their Secret Church, ...

"Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple was at its very origin devoted to the cause of opposition to the tiara of Rome and the crowns of Kings, ...
"The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in profound mystery, and it externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order : the Subalterns followed them without distrust.
"To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and means proposed to the initiated Brethren. The Papacy and the rival monarchies, they said to them, are sold and bought in these days, become corrupt, and to-morrow, perhaps, will destroy each other. All that will become the heritage of the Temple : the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World.
"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought
p. 817
to supplant. Hence Free-Masonry, vulgarly imagined to have begun with the Dionysian Architects or the German Stone-workers, adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ...."
p. 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The St. John ploy would surface again to deceive entry level Masons as to the substance of the actual, core doctrines of Freemasonry, successor to the ancient rites. The outer appearances of the teachings, the exoteric, of the Knights Templar was that of Christianity, "in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome," "externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy." The esoteric, "concealed" occult doctrines "reserved for the Masters," provided a pattern of concealment in which Freemasons typically of lower degrees have traditionally been unaware of the inner, esoteric, concealed teachings of the masters of their organization, inasmuch as "The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order." Although many of said chiefs remain "unknown Chiefs," principal European and American successors to Weishaupt, such as Albert Pike, have identified themselves by name and by means of a written record of teachings, rites and plans, as well as leaving a substantial legacy in creating organizations which would serve Illuminati objectives. Pagan, mystery religion doctrines have operated within secret, esoteric groups presenting a front of Christianity or Biblical Judaism.


These pagan beliefs survived the formation of the major world faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by adopting the outward form of these religions and operating within them as a heretical, secret and esoteric tradition.
p. 1 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

During the period following the emergence of the Mystery cultus and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire a new mystical movement arose in the Middle East which attempted to synthesize the best elements of the decaying paganism with the new Christian beliefs. This movement was known as Gnosticism, ...
They claimed to have preserved the real teachings of Jesus ...
The Gnostics derived their spiritual inspiration from a variety of sources, including the Greek and Roman Mysteries, Ancient Egyptian mythology, the Hermetic tradition, the dualistic doctrines of Zoroasterianism, the Middle Eastern fertility cults, the Chaldean stellar religion and Esoteric Christianity.
p. 22

The Gnostics attempted to unite both paganism and Christianity and they produced a hybrid version of the new faith based on the heretical texts which circulated after the death of Jesus.
p. 24 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Thus, the Templar's religion combining Kabbalism and Gnosticism while having "adopted Saint John ... as one of its patrons ... in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ..." secretly held to an occult tradition. Practices of Templarism can be traced to Egyptian Mystery Religion, which is relevant to the occult movement today as the New Age Egyptian connection is seeking to establish itself as the predominant influence in the Western World if not also globally as we approach the year 2000.

The Knights Templar objective of replacing rulership by monarchies and the Pope while obtaining world rulership by an occult elite became the objective of Weishaupt's Order.

The Templar plan:

"the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World."
Weishaupt's Order:

In 1784, the Bavarian government, having been informed that the Order constituted a danger to the State and that its followers were said to have declared that "the Illuminati must in time rule the world," published an edict forbidding all secret societies. {footnote}
In April 1785, four other Illuminati who were also professors left the society, disgusted by Weishaupt and his tyrannical Order. They were summoned before a court of inquiry to give an account of the doctrines and methods of the Order.
p.80 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: World Revolution, Nesta Webster, p. 33}

When Weishaupt came along, the intent for occult initiates to rule the world already existed in occult secret societies, and it would be a mistake to think that such objectives and activities were limited to just a few years before Weishaupt founded his secret society of secret societies, or that the plans had ended when the Order of the Illuminati was banned. The "underground" mode was tailor made to established methods of clandestine operation.

Doctrines and methods of the "tyrannical Order" had been obtained from Luciferic Egyptian Mystery Religion and secret societies such as the Templars and the Rosicrucians (Ancient Adepts Rose-Croix).

The precedent of the initiates of the Knights Templar and Rosicrucians:

"The Initiates, in fact, thought in the eighteenth century that their time had arrived, some to found a new Hierarchy, others to overturn all authority, and to press down all the summits of the Social Order under the level of Equality."
p. 821 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati :

{Adam Weishaupt in a letter to "Cato."}

"There must not a single purpose ever come in sight that is ambiguous, and that may betray our aims against religion and the state. One must speak sometimes one way and sometimes another, but so as never to contradict ourselves, and so that, with respect to our true way of thinking, we may be impenetrable. When our strongest things chance to give offence, they must be explained as attempts to draw answers which discover to us the sentiments of the persons we converse with."
p. 85 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

This method of proposing offensive subversive ideas might be exemplified by "floating" a diabolical idea publicly, such as "opening dialog" as to whether legalization of addictive and dangerous drugs would serve beneficial social purposes, whereas said drugs are physically, morally, spiritually, socially and economically highly destructive and sinister agents. In other words, "When our strongest things chance to give offence, they must be explained as attempts to draw answers which discover to us the sentiments of the persons we converse with."

Commenting on the Illuminati, Nesta Webster considers their methods:

With these novices the adept of Illuminism is to proceed slowly, talking backwards and forwards:
"One must speak, first in one way, then in another, so as not to commit oneself and to make one's real way of thinking impenetrable to one's inferiors."
p. 220
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster

Nachtrag von . . . Originalschriften, I. 12.

It is for this reason that I have quoted at length the writings of the Illuminati--all the ruses, all the hypocrisy, all the subtle methods of camouflage which characterized the Order will be found again in the insidious propaganda both of the modern secret societies and the open revolutionary organizations whose object is to subvert all order, all morality, and all religion.
p. 232 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

The subversion of "all religion" is an exclusionary Illuminist goal, that is, it's objective is to replace all religion with that of it's own.

{Illuminati discourse of initiation:}

"If in order to destroy all Christianity, all religion, we have pretended to have the sole true religion, remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil. Those which we have taken to deliver you, those which we have taken to deliver one day the human race from all religion, are nothing else than a pious fraud which we reserve to unveil one day in the grade of Magus or Philosopher Illuminated.
p. 13 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

In view of one of the Illuminati's ultimate objectives of dismantling "all morality" it is important to here note that religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam which hold to moral principles in opposition to such acts as adultery and fornication would appear to comprise in a major way the term "all religion" which the Illuminati's discourse of initiation refers to. It is also important to note that several degrees of Illuminati initiation have been represented in Weishaupt's organization, representing various stages of disclosure of the aims of the secret Order, and that the very source of inspiration of Illuminism has been that of Lucifer, having established a pagan mystery religion legacy through Egyptian occultic mystery religion and other pagan societies. Thus the expression "we have pretended to have the sole true religion" appears to represent one level of representing the aims of the Order in a series of degrees. While there were Knights Templar who had professed to hold to the "secret teachings" of "St. John", it was a ploy, a ruse. The formulation quoted in John Robison's "Proofs of a Conspiracy" is an intriguing one, but that is what the Illuminati have specialized in, layers upon layers of intrigue. If taken by itself, the formulation could well have been suited for Illuminists later implicated in the rise of Communism. Yet at the very top of the Illuminist conspiracy Lucifer is unequivocally the god who is worshipped (as is documented in this research work), while Atheism has been used as a tool to destroy faith in the God of the Bible in such lands in which the Orthodox Church wielded great power. The compartmentalization of the Illuminist conspiracy has served multiple purposes, including that of pitting nation against nation in war. In the West the tactic of infiltration and influence from within Christian professing churches has been but one of many Illuminati/ occult secret society methods which has found 'astonishing success' while Western civilization in general has become increasingly 'de-Christianized.' (Not to mention what has happened east of the former "Iron Curtain.") The issue of who poses a greater threat to Christianity, the atheist or the "virtuous priest" who is really an agent of, or himself an Illuminati working in concert with the Illuminist Plan for the World, is not simply a springboard for scenario discussions or theoretical postulations. It has been and continues to be real, impacting people's lives.
The 'pious frauds' among religious leaders used to "deliver" people "from all religion" evidently have counterparts in political figures and media personalities, "smiling faces." To emphasize, the occult conspiracy has continued in operation in our day.

"When we see the smiling faces of international statesmen and religious leaders on the television or in the newspapers it is difficult to imagine that behind the diplomatic facade exists a very different world; a world a secret societies and occult fraternities peopled by shadowy figures who have often been obsessed with the pursuit of power. Since the days of the Pharoahs {sic} in ancient Egypt the occult has entangled the black arts of espionage, subversion and revolution in its web. Today the occult conspiracy still affects politics, although there are few who are aware of its influence even though those who control it are often well known faces and household names."
p. viii, Preface The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Infiltration, replacing the leaders of organized religions with their "own" or with dupes who have themselves been subverted comprises declared modus operandi. Another method is to subvert the teachings and practices of Christianity, sowing poison. This manifestly includes the use of spiritistic practices masquerading as powers originating with Jesus Christ.

-- Infiltration --

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Organizations were to be formed that had nothing to do with Masonry on the surface, but which would be under its control:
Create by yourselves, or, better yet, cause to be created by others, associations, having commerce, industry, music, the fine arts, etc., for object. Reunite in one place or another ... these tribes of yours as yet ignorant: put them under the pastoral staff of some virtuous priest, well known, but credulous and easy to be deceived. Then infiltrate the poison into those chosen hearts; infiltrate it in little doses....Afterwards, upon reflection, you will yourselves be astonished at your success. {footnote}
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 58, 59}

The designs to infiltrate and effectively destroy Christianity from within can be traced to the first century. Paganization of Christian congregations is documented over the course of several centuries after the death of the apostles, and the intent to destroy every last vestige of Christianity, including worship which has been compromised with pagandom, is at the core of the Illuminist conspiracy.

It has often been claimed that the ultimate objective of the secret societies was to infiltrate the Vatican and place their own man on the papal throne. The Illuminist conspiracy had been exposed after all in 1785 when a priest who was a member of the Order died in an accident. He was killed by lightning while on a secret mission for the Order ...A nun ... found a cache of documents sewn into the lining of his cassock. These documents outlined plans for the destruction of the Catholic Church from inside. The authorities promptly outlawed the Order and its leader Adam Weishaupt was banished from Bavaria. ... he laid the foundation for the completion of his grand plan which many believe is still in operation today.
p. 151 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Michael Howard's book The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History provides many intriguing disclosures of behind the scenes events in the occult conspiracy. The author, however, takes a pro-occult view of mankind's destiny, rejecting the Biblical position. Yet, some of the most indicting material against occult activities is provided by the writings of the foremost advocates of the occult conspiracy, which reveals and leaves no doubt that "the completion of his {Weishaupt's} grand plan" "is still in operation today."

-- The Sceptre of Occult Power Continues --

The Illuminist Conspiracy did not depend upon the leadership of one man. The scepter of power of the evil empire employing "all the occult means at their disposal" shifted to the secret society of the Carbonari.

They believed that the new revolutionary fever in the country had been encouraged by a secret society known as the Carbonari ... This sect had originated in Scotland at the time of Robert the Bruce and had spread to France, Germany, Poland and Italy.
With over 60,000 members in Italy it was easy for the Carbonari to seize power in Naples and Piedmont. King Ferdinand was forced to take an oath of allegiance to the society and wear their symbol of the read, white and blue tricolour.
{Czar Alexander spoke of :}

' ... the empire of evil which is spreading by all the occult means at their disposal the Satanic spirit which directs it.'
p. 103 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

The principle "occult means" at their disposal has been the subject of cover-ups for centuries. It can be crucial to know what such means are "so that you can successfully resist all the devil's craftiness." - Ephesians 6: 11, Phillips Modern English, Eight Translation.

The Carbonari stepped in, perpetuating Weishaupt's designs.

Certainly one of the main objectives of the Carbonari was to infiltrate the Church at all levels and eventually have one of its own members elected as Pope.
p. 151 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

The plot deepens. The dark empire of evil escalates the agenda of corruption.

Upon the death of Weishaupt in 1830, at age eighty-two, control of the Illuminati fell to the Italians. This was probably because they showed a considerably greater natural proclivity for the black arts than did Weishaupt's Germans. According to Monsignor George Dillon:
Italian genius soon outstripped the Germans in astuteness, and as soon as, perhaps sooner than, Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, Germany, and England; and until Mazzini wrenched the sceptre of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe. {footnote}
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 50-51)

The "dark empire" which directed the revolutions of Europe to bring about changes needed to establish a "new Hierarchy," an occult rulership, was now lead by a man who formed another secret organization which in our day deals in corruption by means of addictive and dangerous drugs, prostitution, and murder. The Mafia.

-- Strong-Armed Corruption --

Mazzini had formed a society in Sicily called the Oblonica, ... As is typical with the Masons, Mazzini formed an order within an order. This elite inner group was called by a term much more familiar to the reader-the Mafia!
Although most people know what the Mafia is, few people realize it was founded as a Sicilian Masonic terrorist organization. The name Mafia emerged around 1860 and is an acronym ... . {footnote}

p. 192 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

(In modern times Italians might be more familiar with the Italian P-2, or Propaganda-2 Lodge on the subject of Masonic Mafia.)
The founder of the Mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, has established himself as one of the greatest spiritual menaces of all time. He, like Weishaupt, saw in the structure and esoteric principles of Freemasonry and it's base of power of a professional membership the means to achieve the occult conspiracy internationally.

Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to revolutionize the world, but he saw it divided into numerous rites, often rivals, and even hostile to one another. Aspiring to Italian Unity as a means of breaking the temporal power of the Holy See, he dreamt of a union of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual power.
p. 208 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

That union of international masonry was achieved by forming a horrible secret rite of the Illuminati to govern Freemasonry at it's highest levels. It is a rite which in the progression of it's various steps embodies the total corruption of human beings. It reveals without qualification the source of it's mystic inspiration or "illumination." Corruption embodies it's source of inspiration.

Masonry is disguised as a movement to free the common man from the corruption and tyranny of the Church and dictatorial monarchies,
p. 120
but behind the scenes, Masonry has another goal in mind. In a letter from Alta Vendita member Vindex, to fellow member Nubius, their real purpose is revealed for all to see:
It is corruption en masse that we have undertaken; the corruption of the people by the clergy, and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the corruption which ought, one day, to enable us to put the Church in her tomb. {footnote}

New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, p. 64 }

The corrupting inspiration of the occult conspiracy has yielded the following agenda:

Weishaupt corruption, "de-Christianizing the masses."

Alta Vendita corruption, "corruption en masse that we have undertaken ..."

Mazzini, Mafia, wholesale corruption.

-- Dangerous Fundamentals --

The occult rites which have been tauted as "spirituality" by the adepts will be shown to represent the worst abuse of human nature. The aims to dismantle and overthrow true Christian morality, the use of corruption as a means to blackmail or otherwise to subvert persons in authority, all bespeaks an evil plan ...

"by professionals and intellectuals, many of them brilliant but cunning and clever, who decided to put their minds in the service of total evil ..."
p. foreword - 6, by the publisher Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

Secrecy has been fundamental to the occult conspiracy owing to corrupt and dangerous fundamentals of the occult traditions and designs on humanity.

It surely needs little argument now to prove, that the Order of Illuminati had for its immediate object the abolishing of Christianity (at least this was the intention of the Founder) with the sole view of overturning the civil government, by introducing universal dissoluteness and profligacy of manners, and then getting the assistance of the corrupted subjects to overset the throne. The whole conduct in the preparation and instruction of the Presbyter and Regens is directed to this point. Philo says, "I have been at unwearied pains to remove the fears of some who imagine that our Superiors want to abolish Christianity; but by and by their prejudices will wear off, and they will be more at their ease. Were I to let them know that our General holds all Religion to be a lie, and uses even Deism, only to lead men by the nose.--Were I to connect myself again with the Free Masons, and tell them our designs to ruin their Fraternity by this circular letter (a letter to the Lodge in Courland)-- Were I but to give the least hint to any of the Princes of Greece (Bavaria)--No, my anger shall not carry me so far.--An Order forsooth, which in this manner abuses human nature--which will subject men to a bondage more intolerable than Jesuitism.--I could put it on a respectable footing, and the world would be ours. Should I mention our fundamental principles (even after all the pains I have been at to mitigate them) so unquestionably dangerous to the world, who would remain?
p. 124 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798,

Abolishing Christianity and overturning civil authority which advocates moral values classify as truly pernicious principles. Further, doctrines of atheism as instruments to assault faith in God have been used as a prelude to introducing persons to occult practices.

By no means were all of Adam Weishaupt's fundamental principles mentioned in the foregoing reference. What has been examined thus far as to the diabolical "fundamental principles" of the occult conspiracy is considerably incomplete. The inner machinery of the occult, evil empire threatens the spiritual and physical safety of everyone. The methods of the "Invisible Empire" pertain to creating zones of "influence", "secret influence" of the most diabolical nature.

The "dark Empire," "empire of evil," which operates by means of secret societies behind the scenes often portrays itself with exoteric teachings even as Christian, but esoterically, at it's core, represents dogma and practices which are horrifying. The occult empire centers on esoteric, hidden teachings and has been aptly referred to by one of it's chief Masonic proponents as "the Invisible Empire."

The pattern of the Invisible Empire is impressed like a seal upon all the physical institutions which it fashions and overshadows. Each of the Secret Societies is a microcosm of the whole design, and these microcosms when clustered in their proper geometric arrangement become the petals of a vast cosmic flower, like the mystic rose of Dante's vision and the white lotus blossom of the Eastern Mysteries.
p. 8 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976
-- The Diabolical Plan --

The "Great Plan" of establishing an Occult Hierarchy presiding over a one-world government has in the organ of Freemasonry obtained a significant, even preponderant "sphere of ... influence" of professionals who by a process of corruption, which includes the taking of oaths which encompass murder and treason, have prepared many of it's members to do "whatever task the Keepers of the Great Plan required."

The genuine Esoteric Associations always required that disciples prepare themselves for careers of practical service. ... He was then to practice this profession or craft as a means of extending his sphere of constructive influence. ... Thus, gradually creating a significant zone of influence, he was available for whatever task the Keepers of the Great Plan required.
p. 115 America's Assignment With Destiny, Manly P. Hall, 1951

Read on to examine the structure of Freemasonry, it's roots and the substance of it's inspiration, as well as the oaths which by themselves corrupt the conscience of those taking them. Consider the effects of the Masonic "significant zone of influence" in America.

The "Keepers of the Great Plan," the Illuminati, have augmented their own "sphere of influence" to "direct all mankind" by directing Freemasonry from the strategic point of comprising a secret society within a secret society. Thus, the tactical means to "influence all political transactions" could be exercised with great force but with virtual unanimity.

{Adam Weishaupt to "Cato."}

"By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."
p. 84 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

The research work
The Enemy Within
is presented "as is" and is not completed.
It represents an historical and current analysis of related New Age subject matter,
as well as a critical analysis of the claims
of Masonic scholars and New Age leaders.
The presentation is without warranties but represents a sincere effort to distinguish fact from fiction.
The Ministry of Biblical Defense presents this analysis on a not-for-profit basis.


Chapter 3



Its Vatican Bank - The Game of Thrones Iron Bank - is fronted by the Rothschilds, has 500 Trillion Dollars, controls 70% of Fortune 500 companies, controls 70% of all banks Worldwide, controls 100% of all central Banks consciously creating all depressions, all austerity, all Wars, all famine genocide - due to major events such as False Flags and the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, or the September 11th “Terror Attacks”.

The Treaties - Trans Pacific Partnership TPP - USA - SE ASIA, and Trans Atlantic Partnership TAP - USA - EUROPE, now signed into Law even though these Treaties are Secret, place Vatican Controlled International Fortune 500 Companies above all Governments to censor the internet and much more..

All Rituals, Religion, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have been Scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 Years. It's what the old Roman Empire, and the Babylonian Empire, and the Cult of Apollo, and the Byzantine Empire did before.

The Guy Fawkes plotters were a 'Fake gang' controlled by the London government. The UK's General Frank Kitson (Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism) refers to the 'Fake gangs' set up by the security services. The idea of the 'Fake gang' is to carry out acts of violence which can then be blamed on other people. Fake gangs have been used in Ireland (IRA), Vietnam, Italy - GLADIO, Turkey, Belgium, the Philippines, Kenya, Malaya, Iraq, Syria (ISIS), New York (Al Qaeda) and many other places. Lord Stevens, a former UK police chief, is quoted as saying that only three out of 210 terrorist suspects he arrested in a probe in Northern Ireland were not working for either the police, the security service MI5 or the UK Army. On 21 December 2011, we learnt that the IRA was run by the UK security services. Stephen Grey's book The New Spymasters says the UK intelligence services used the family of 'IRA leader' Gerry Adams as spies for the UK military. It would seem that the security services set up satanic pedophile child abuse rings in order to control certain key people.

The fake gangs idea has been used since Babylon 10,000 years ago,  with this Scientific Engineering of Society, the Satanic Religion - another fake gang - has spread and infil-traited every noble family, every noble civilisation, and it is even now infil-traiting your country, your civilisation. All Rituals, Religion, Education and Political Movements are designed to create fake gangs of psychopaths who can then be used to create control through chaos created poverty - destroying infrastructure - preventing human evolution.


The Scientific Engineering of Groups and Tribes to create FAKE GANG Psychopaths..
1. ISIS - Venetian created MI6 created Wahhabism in 1706 - based on the same principles as Lutherism - and institutionalised it in MI6 created Saudi Arabia to create destabilising Jihadi Armies creating chaos in the Middle East, Russia and China.
2. PROTESTANTISM - Luther, like Abdul Wahhab was a paid Agent, this time working for Venetian Cardinal Contarini
3. ETON - SINCE 1430, Whipping and Fagging to create Fierce Pedophile Homosexual Warriors in an educational system based on Greece and Sparta - The Fierce Pedophile Homosexual Warrior - the foundation of the the British Empire and its Army, Banks and Commerce, and the Church.
4. SATANISM/LUCIFERIANISM/33RD DEGREE FREEMASONRY - Pagan Rituals and Myths used to pervert, degenerate and control a psychopathic ruling class. Mao was a 33rd Degree Freemason put in charge of China by the Fascist CIA creating 85 millions tortured dead!! Kissinger supported Pol Pot and his three million Killing Fields Genocide.
5. SATANIC SABBATEAN FRANKISTS infiltrate Jews and Jewish organisations worldwide. Rothschilds funded Jacob Frank and its Sabbatean Rituals and Myths are used to pervert, degenerate and control a Jewish psychopathic ruling class of Donmeh Attaturk, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Astors, Warburgs.
6. KARL MARX - Wrote Das Capital from his MI6 provided office in the British National Museum under Ambassador Urquhart creating MI6 inspired Communism, Russian Revolution (65 millions tortured dead) and Mao's Chinese Revolution (85 millions tortured dead), and Socialism.
7. CATHOLICISM AND CYBELE, ATTIS AND MOLOCH WORSHIP and its castrated Galli Homosexual Pederast Priests - the State Religion of the Roman Empire - morphed into the Catholic Church, Cybele - Mary, Adonis - Jesus, Molech - God. The Black Death. Pederasty, Inquisition - The Horror Holy Medieval Inquisition - 50 million tortured burned dead, - burning alive, breast rippers, strappado, rack etc. Fascism and the Holocaust. The Catholic Church is controlled through the Gang Kings, Queens, Nobility of Europe. The Jesuits, The Knights of Malta. Its Vatican Bank is fronted by the Rothschilds, has 500 Trillion Dollars, controls 70% of Fortune 500 companies, controls 70% of all banks Worldwide, controls 100% of all central Banks, consciously creating all depressions, all austerity, all Wars, all famine genocide.

I guess the education system isn't full proof indoctrinating your children into Bolshevik Communism.... they need more weapons to more quickly dumb down humanity... vaccines are all set up to make the tribe over at the Rockefeller medical industrial complex $90 Billion a year....autism was practically unheard of (one in 25,000) until they started pumping babies with poisoned vaccines to turn them into a bunch of handicapped chimps... (Now Autism is one in ten moving to one in two)

If you really think that my analysis is a form of harshness then you really misread me and the purpose of this site. You probably know that it is a well-known problem with despots and dictators when they gradually surround themselves with only those kind of advisors who enthusiastically agree with everything the despot wants to hear and with everything the despot says.

Enemy Propaganda is like this.

My question to you is simple: do you want to turn into a “despotic reader” – somebody who will come to this site to hear his views supported, his ideas vindicated and his hopes affirmed? Or do you prefer to come here, get what I hope is an honest, if generally cautious, analysis which you can then either accept or reject?

My job is to try to present to you the truth as best as I can distinguish it. Even when that truth is cautious or, worse, unpleasant.

Look, the intelligence process goes through what is called the “Four A's”: Acquisition, Analysis, Acceptance, Action. The first one is “getting the data/info”. The second one means making sense of it and presenting it to your “client” (in this case: all of you). The third one is always overlooked: acceptance by the “client” – i.e., the willingness to hear a negative or disappointing analysis. This is the part which YOU (collective “you”) must do (or refuse to do). Last is action.


The actions I recommend are the avoidance of poison, and the active getting the poison out of the body, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually with Energy Enhancement. Deprogram, Become normal. Spread the plan.


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EE Level 4 - All Your Relationships - How to Stop Your Divorce or your Lover’s Rejection..


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They may even feel the need to join an activist group such as 9/11 Truth, or do their own research into the background of people involved in such rogue networks. Investigate the Pope, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the Bush family, the CIA, etc. Just like with Left-Right Paradigm Awareness, these people are likely to be open-minded, yet because they are willing to research for themselves, you need only steer them in the right direction and affirm things that they are finding out.

New World Order/Conspiracy Awareness: This category can be termed “fully awake.” Chances are, such people have done their own research on the rogue networks that are responsible for various assassinations or false flag terror plots, and have chosen to “take the red pill”. Such people have most likely already found resources containing treasure troves of information not only on the New World Order, but on Truth in History.

They know that Meditation is the only way to deeply deprogram themselves.

For one to achieve this level of awareness suggests a desire to remove all of his or her own ego, false indoctrination, biases and/or religious beliefs as well as the commonly accepted wisdom of modern secular society.

They know that Meditation and Enlightenment is the Only Solution to this.


They will take complete responsibility for the state of the Earth and whilst trying to help humanity, and will be very involved in trying to remove the energy blockages of their own indoctrination, to open their hearts and become enlightened themselves.

They know that 10,000 years of Psychopathic Oligarchs have fashioned their eternal policy of dumming down humanity in order to CONTROL. And that this CONTROL is the answer to the folowing questions.
Why is it that no-one focuses on solutions? - because the solution is CONTROL.
Why is it that psychopaths have been created to rule everywhere? - because they are one of the solutions to CONTROL.
Why poison the water, air, food and vaccines - Because of CONTROL
Why Susainability, Carbon Taxes, Agenda 21 and 30 - Because of CONTROL
Why is it that no-one is interested in Human Evolution as the purpose of being on this Planet? - because the Oligarchic purpose is CONTROL.

As Khalil Gibran so famously wrote in The Prophet, “No man can reveal aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of one’s knowledge.”


Satanic ISIS, British 1710 Secret Agent Hempher Salafism and Saudi Arabian Wahhabism ISIS - Venetian created MI6 created Wahhabism in 1706 - based on the same principles as Lutherism - and institutionalised it in MI6 created Saudi Arabia

TANTRA AND HOMOSEXUALITY IN SATANIC RITUAL HOMO-OCCULTISM - The Ritual Implantation of Energy Blockages - ETON - Whipping and Fagging to create fierce homosexual PEDOPHILE Warriors in a educational system based on Greece and Sparta - The foundation of the British Empire.





The Devil Worshipping Satanic Jewish Dönmeh and the Infiltration of Satanism into Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - Jewish Families - Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Schiff, Astor, Saud, Attaturk, Stalin, Hitler, Mao. (Only the Torah Jews were Genocided in the Holocaust)

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE



THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Gang Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment  - KARL MARX - Wrote Das Capital from his MI6 provided office in the British National Museum under Ambassador Urquhart creating MI6 inspired Communism, Russian (65 millions tortured dead) and Chinese Revolutions (85 millions tortured dead), and Socialism.

The Illuminati Enemy Within Freemasonry - Weishaupt, General Pike, Palladian Rite, Morals and Dogma, Rose-Croix, Templars, Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari, Mazzini, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall the seething energies of Lucifer - Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons, Demonic Possession, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Elias Ashmole edited Dr. John Dee, sorcerer who "brought through" the Enochian system of magic, of satanic ritual and demonic evocation, the Pagan Eleusinian Mysteries, Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order, Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986, "The Plan" involves a one-world government, an occult hierarchy, an elite "illumined" oligarchy ruling over a world in which Christianity has been slated to be displaced and destroyed.



The Enemy Within

author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 3 System of Subversion

The "significant zone of influence" for "whatever task the Keepers of the Great Plan required" has been pre-eminently expressed through the organization of Freemasonry. The "operative" stone-masons of mediaeval Europe had a subversive history whereby the lodges which they had formed provided an organizational springboard for organizing professionals into secretive groups for political and religious purposes, while an inner elite could carry on esoteric practices and present their "philosophies" to lower level members in steps or degrees as they saw fit.

In England "speculative" Masonry was founded in which lodges admitted persons who were not of the stone-mason trade, professionals with particular interests and breadth of influence. The first nonoperative Masonic lodge can be dated to around the middle of the 17th century and it's members were noted for their astrological, alchemical and occult interests. The pattern which "operative" mediaeval stone masons provided for the Lodges of "speculative" masonry of professionals and British aristocracy had been embodied in the occult, and in subversion. Former high level Mason and Wiccan witch, William Schnoebelen, in discussing subversive activities of the mediaeval stone masons cites that:

Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was built on the site of an important Temple to the Horned God of Witchcraft, Cernunnos.
These masons ... were holders of the old religion
p. 180
... paid by the bishops to build cathedrals which they (the masons) would then encrust with Witchcraft symbols!
p. 181 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The meaning of the lodges of "operative" masonry of the middle ages far exceeded the material skills of the stone building trade. Perpetuating esoteric, occult traditions of the "operative" stonemasons formed the basis for the emergence of "speculative" lodges which admitted professionals and aristocrats who were not of the building trade.


Speculative members were those men, usually of a higher class than the craftsmen, who were interested in the pursuits of spiritual wisdom, philosophy, and often the occult, with no knowledge of stonemasonry.
p. 216 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991

Historically, Elias Ashmole is often credited with being the first non-operative Freemason in England. Rosicrucian philosophy, alchemy and astrology formed part of Ashmole's mystical, occult interests.

Most Masonic historians consider Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), astrologer, solicitor, officer of the court of Charles II, and antiquarian, to be the first important nonoperative Freemason in England. For years Ashmole had dabbled in alchemy, Rosicrucian philosophy, and the Kabbalah ...
p. 216 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991

The depth of Ashmole's association and interest in the occult as Freemasonry's first acclaimed nonoperative mason established a cornerstone for the invoking of spirit powers in Masonic ceremony as this book later goes on to show.

Ashmole possessed five manuscripts of Dr. John Dee, the celebrated sorcerer who "brought through" the Enochian system of magic which now forms the bulwark of satanic ritual and demonic evocation. Ashmole edited one of those manuscripts and became well known as an occultist. He was initiated into the Masons in 1646.
p. 179 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The deep, occult roots of "speculative" Masonry of the seventeenth century defines the true meaning and work of Masonry. The celebration of the "black mass" by Albert Pike, who re-wrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite in America, and who declared satan to be the force of Masonry's god, gave meaning to his reference that nominal Masons "are intentionally misled by false interpretations" of it's symbols. [Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, p. 819]. Scottish Rite "symbology and teachings" are in reality laden with occult meaning.

Elias Ashmole was evidently not a solitary operator, but served as a means by which the Central European Rosicrucian network configured it's "host" vehicle on English ground for international expansion, and which the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt would later guide for their Luciferian purposes.

One of the outstanding links between the Rosicrucian Mysteries of the Middle Ages and modern Masonry is Elias Ashmole, the historian of the Order of the Garter and the first Englishman to compile the alchemical writings of the English chemists.
The foregoing may seem to be a useless recital of inanities, but its purpose is to impress upon the reader's mind the philosophical and political situation in Europe at the time of the inception of the Masonic order. A philosophic clan, as it were, as the "Illuminati" and the "Rosicrucians," had undermined in a subtle manner the entire structure of regal and sacerdotal supremacy. The founders of Freemasonry were all men who were more or less identified with the progressive tendencies of their day. Mystics, philosophers, and alchemists were all bound together with a secret tie...
p. 446 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

Hall goes on to specifically mention groups of adepts and returns to "a group of men in England" in whose association with whom "Several initiated Rosicrucians were brought from the mainland to England":

In the meantime a group of men in England, under the leadership of such mystics as Ashmole and Fludd, had resolved upon repopularizing the ancient Learning and reclassifying philosophy in accordance with Bacon's plan for a world encyclopedia. ...
Elias Ashmole may have been a member of the European order of Rosicrucians, and as such evidently knew that in various parts of Europe there were isolated individuals who were in possession of the secret doctrine handed down in unbroken line from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians ...
The efforts of the English group to contact such individuals were evidently successful. Several initiated Rosicrucians were brought from the mainland to England, where they remained for a considerable time designing the symbolism of Freemasonry and incorporating into the rituals of the order the same divine principles and philosophy that had formed the inner doctrine of all great secret societies from the time of the Eleusinian in Greece. In fact, the Eleusinian Mysteries themselves continued in the custody of the Arabians, as attested by the presence of Masonic symbols and figures upon early Mohammedan monuments. The adepts who were brought over from the Continent to sit in council with the English philosophers were initiates of the Arabian rites, and through them the Mysteries were ultimately returned to Christendom. Upon completion of the bylaws of the new fraternity the initiates retired again to Central Europe, leaving a group of disciples to develop the outer organization which was to function as a sort of screen to conceal the activities of the esoteric order.
p. 448 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

The "inner doctrine of all great secret societies" was "incorporated into the rituals" of Freemasonry by "initiated Rosicrucians," who were also occupied with "designing the symbolism of Freemasonry."

An "outer organization" was formed "to function as a sort of screen to conceal the activities of the esoteric order." Notice that the "outer organization" was specifically formed for the purposes of the "inner brotherhood." For Masons today to deny connection with the founding roots and presiding powers serves just that purpose, to provide a "sort of screen to conceal the activities of the esoteric order." Although Masons who are not true initiates might have been "intentionally misled by false interpretations", might be vigorous in their assertions to the contrary, their assertions are just that, contrary.

The whole structure of Freemasonry is founded upon the activities of this secret society of Central European adepts, whom the studious Mason will find to the definite "link" between the modern craft and the ancient wisdom. The outer body of Masonic philosophy was merely the veil of this cabalistic order whose members were the custodians of the true arcanum. Does this inner and secret brotherhood of initiates still exist independent of the Freemasonic order? Evidence points to the fact that it does, for these august adepts are the actual preservers of those secret operative processes of the Greeks whereby the illumination and completion of the individual is effected. They are the veritable guardians of the "Lost Word" -- the Keepers of the Inner Mystery---...
p. 449 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

The transition from the "operative" mason guilds to the "speculative" Mason Lodges in England, itself, conveys a diversionary description. Speculative Masonry might be an expression which well describes "The outer body of Masonic philosophy" because it "was merely the veil" and in which members are "intentionally misled by false interpretations", but the "secret doctrine" was "handed down in unbroken line from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians ..." Masonry may have become "speculative" to those members of the "outer organization" who did not understand the ritual meaning of the symbols, but Masonry, "the inheritor of the Mysteries", continued to be operative. How so ? Not as a body of operative stonemasons, but that it is the "inner" machine which perpetuated the "operative processes of ... {occult} illumination ..." An "inner and secret" brotherhood could engage in ritual work independently of the "outer body." Although it could operate independently in conjunction with it's secret activities, it formed an "inner ... brotherhood", the 'founding' "secret society of ... adepts."

That personal speculation does not form the substance of Freemasonry is very clear. Freemasonry's rites were designed by a group of occult adepts for very definite purposes. Those rites remain "speculative" until such a time when a Mason "makes them operative by living the life of the mystic Mason." The object of the "inner brotherhood" is to "learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites."

A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life. ...
p. 18
... and that his Masonic rites must eternally be speculative until he makes them operative by living the life of the mystic Mason.
The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

Traditionally, however, the conventional use of the term "operative masonry" is a reference to the European stone mason guilds, and is so used in references to follow unless otherwise noted.

Masonry's sinister magical work has been concealed from the public and from the many "nominal" Masons even into the twentieth century where it has been declared in 1957 that the real work, the ritual work, the magical work of Masonry "is as yet fortunately but little realised."

Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised.
p. 95
Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ...
p. 97 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The developing "rituals" and the association of astrologers and alchemists which had been crystallizing around the occult organizational seed drew a growing interest and the need was perceived for forming new "speculative" lodges.

The first recorded initiation of a 'speculative' Freemason in an English lodge was in 1646 when Elias Ashmole, the antiquary, astrologer and alchemist, joined a lodge in Warrington which had not a single working mason in it. By the late seventeenth century, so many gentlemen - including a lot more antiquaries, astrologers and alchemists - were intrigued by the brotherhood and its developing rituals that new lodges were being created to satisfy the craze to join.
p. 32 Inside The Brotherhood: Further Secrets of the Freemasons, Martin Short, 1989,
(The Explosive Sequel to Stephen Knight's The Brotherhood)

The subversive operative lodges which concealed witchcraft and pagan principles provided cells for ritual work and eventually drew membership which was not of the stone mason trade. The expression "operative lodges" is used to designate stonemason lodges.

Indeed, surviving minute books from Scottish operative lodges imply that some form of ritual work was carried on, in addition to the business of management and control of the trade. They also show the increasing admission of Accepted Masons, to the extent that by the early eighteenth century the operative content of some of the lodges had become completely eroded and they were, to all intents and purposes, speculative lodges. The process seems to have been similar in England. For example, the London Masons' Company admitted members who were neither operative craftsmen nor their employers, and there are also well-attested instances of non-operatives being initiated into other Masonic lodges.
p. 22 Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft,
General Editors, John Hamill, Robert Gilbert, 1992

"Ritual work" conveys a meaning beyond the appearances of ceremony. The ritual work of witchcraft is not mere symbolism. It involves the invocation of demons, sinister spirits. In modern times the dark "forces" behind witchcraft are sometimes portrayed as the forces of nature. Comparatively, at it's core, the Masonic legacy is that of occult practices and philosophy while often professing less inimical inspiration.

The foregoing reference mentions that "the process" of initiating non-stone-masons into the lodges "seems to have been similar in England." The process of transforming the stone-mason lodges into lodges whose members were drawn from other levels of society took place in both Scotland and England. Indeed, Elias Ashmole, occultist, provided prime material for such a transformation, as well as prime material for lodge ritual work.

The most famous of these {non-operatives} is the case of the antiquarian Elias Ashmole. According to his diary, Ashmole was initiated into a lodge at Warrington, Lancashire, on 16 October 1646, during the English Civil War.
Ashmole records only one other Masonic event at which he was present: the admission of six gentlemen, none of whom were operative masons, to the 'Fellowship of Free Masons' at London in 1682. Six year later Randle Holme III, an heraldic painter, stated in print that he was a 'Member of that Society, called Free-Masons', while at the same period the antiquarian Robert Plot gave a brief comment on the Masonic admission ceremony emphasizing its 'secret signes'.
The first concerns the distinction between English and Scottish Freemasonry. A recent study has argued that Freemasonry before 1717 developed entirely in Scotland, citing not only the evidence quoted above, but also the fact that ritual elements in the working of Scottish Masonic lodges (for example, the use of the Mason Word from 1638 onwards) can be shown to have crept into English lodge working.
p. 22 Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft,
General Editors, John Hamill, Robert Gilbert, 1992,

Modern Masonry which has "concealed" the "mystic meaning" "within these rituals" boasts of a first "speculative" Mason, Elias Ashmole, who was an occultist. "True Freemasonry" exceeds the "physical degrees and outward honors" and is embodied "in the crystallized ritual". It is an "esoteric group" within the "exoteric body" which forms "a central fire" of Freemasonry. The fundamental activity of the inner, core, esoteric group which forms the substance of real Masonry is "to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites."

The initiated brother realizes ...
p. 13
... that few Masons of today know or appreciate the mystic meaning concealed within these rituals.
... but those who have not recognized the truth in the crystallized ritual, those who have not liberated the spiritual germ from the shell of empty words, are not Masons, regardless of their physical degrees and outward honors.

p. 14
True Freemasonry is esoteric... a link, a doorway, through which the student may pass into the unknown.
p. 16
The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which, without a lodge on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is a central fire. The spiritual instructors of humanity are forced to labor in the concrete world with things comprehensible to the concrete mind, and there man begins to comprehend the meaning of the allegories and symbols which surround his exoteric work as soon as he prepares himself to receive them.
p. 17
... The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

In 1717, an association of Lodges formed in England, officially giving birth to the organization of Freemasonry, on English soil. It would form the vehicle of subversive operations and intrigue, revolution, espionage and war whose focus would not be the transformation of stone cathedrals, a preoccupation by subversive predecessors, but the transformation of political structures around the world in the crucible of chaos and war. A "new magical order" emerged in the heart of the British Empire.

... transformed with the ceremonies, symbols, finery and regalia of a new magical order, Freemasonry became a dynamic movement which in less than 150 years would spread throughout the world.
p. 41 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

The inner, esoteric group would engage in a service invisible to the organization of "outer" members of Freemasonry. An occult, secret doctrine formed the invisible foundation. A cloak of respectability enshrouds an "invisible society" "dedicated to the service" a mysterious occult secret of secrets, a sinister "great work," a "Plan" for the world.

The Masonic scholar, Manly P. Hall, 33ş, testified that the outer body of Freemasonry conceals and serves the purposes of the "inner brotherhood" and that there is an invisible order as well as a visible one, interdependent.

Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. Before it is possible to intelligently discuss the origin of the craft it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of "free and accepted" men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum. Those brethren who have essayed to write the history of their craft have not included in their disquisitions the story of that truly secret inner society which is to the body Freemasonic what the heart is to the body human. In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work, but these are veritable princes of truth, and their sainted names shall be remembered in future ages together with the seers and prophets of the elder world. Though the great initiate-philosophers of Freemasonry can be counted upon one's fingers, yet their power is not to be measured by the achievements of ordinary men. They are dwellers upon the threshold of the innermost, masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundation of every great theological and rational institution.
The outer history of the Masonic order is one of noble endeavor, altruism, and splendid enterprise; the inner history one of silent conquest, persecution, and heroic martyrdom. The body of Masonry rose from the guilds of workmen who wandered the face of medieval Europe, but the spirit of Masonry walked with
p. 433
God before the universe was spread out or the scroll of the heavens unrolled.
p. 434 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

The spirit of Masonry is unequivocally identified, not with the God of the Bible, but with that of the occult. The "silent conquest" of Freemasonry will be revealed to be the greatest threat to humanity, politically and particularly spiritually.

-- "Silent Conquest" --

The occult connection provides the root legacy which Masonry has perpetuated. Yet other precedents had been established, as documented in one of the original lodges in Scotland. It is that of the perversion of justice, and of setting up an invisible government in contravention of duly established governance. The precedence includes the intent to devastate economically and destroy a man and his family who seek recourse from Masonic actions from civil authorities, and the evident intent to commit perjury by Lodge members in so doing.

The young Anderson had learned Masonry from his father, a member of the Aberdeen Lodge whose 1670 roll has miraculously survived. This lists James Anderson (the Elder) as a 'Glazier and Mason and Clerk to our Honourable Lodge'. As clerk, Anderson wrote out the lodge's Constitution, which has also survived. This lays down the fearful penalty to be inflicted on any brother who refuses to pay a fine imposed by the lodge. If
p. 37
he dares go to a civil judge for justice, the Lodge Master and the other brethren
will go to that judge he complains to and will make him a perjured man, and never any more hereafter to be received in our Lodge, nor have any part nor portion in our charity nor mortified money, nor none of his offspring although they may be needful, nor get any more employment with any of our number, nor from any other far nor near, in so far as we can hinder.
The brethren could only have made their colleague 'a perjured man' by all standing up in court to swear that he was a liar. The other punishments awaiting their victim would have been enough to put him out of work for life, especially in a small closed community like seventeeth-century Aberdeen. Surrounded by this wall of hostility, he and his family would have to leave the town for ever - or starve.
p. 38 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted. Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a strategic or tactical move at the time.

Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London. In 1721 he started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'. He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England (founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he may have suggested it himself. Leading Masonic historians have admitted that he 'was commercially as well as masonically motivated'. He retained personal copyright in the Constitutions and later talked Grand Lodge into discouraging Masons from buying what he claimed was a 'pyrated' edition.
p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

That tactical moves are reluctantly made in British Masonry was evident in 1986, following a modern controversy as to a long tradition of chilling Masonic "penalties" expressed in requisite oaths.

In April 1986 the Duke of Kent told Grand Lodge that any future change over the penalties would 'be of our making, and not because people outside Freemasonry have suggested it'. Yet only four weeks later, when the change was accepted, the Board of General Purposes admitted the penalties had to go partly because they gave 'ready material for attack by our enemies and detractors'.
p. 43 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

The concept of a government within, and essentially in contravention of, a nation's duly established government takes frightening proportions when one considers the scope of influence of British Masonry.

British Masonry functions much like old school ties, with the Brotherhood strong in the fields of law, jurisprudence, police, government, and the armed forces.
p. 219 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, Rosemary, Ellen, Guiley, 1991

Martin Short details activities and intrigue of British Masonry in his book, Inside the Brotherhood : Further Secrets of the Freemasons, The Explosive Sequel to Stephen Knight's The Brotherhood. The issue is that of a criminal empire with tentacles reaching into law enforcement.


Such interventions look less benign to non-Masons inside the force who see them as inextricably intertwined with Masonic manipulation of the service as a whole. Among the hundreds of letters which Stephen
p. 191
Knight received from readers of The Brotherhood, several came from policemen who felt they had spent most of their careers battling against a masonic mafia.
p. 192 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

The mafia description has also obtained application in connection with the notorious Italian P-2 Masonic Lodge. Stephen Knight has devoted several chapters to P-2 intrigue in his book The Brotherhood and examines ramifications in espionage and national security extending far beyond Italy's borders, whereby Martin Short further explores the intrigues in his book, Inside The Brotherhood. Intrigue is inseparably linked with Freemasonry.

Martin Short also explores the death of Stephen Knight whose 1976 book about Jack the Ripper implicating a Masonic cover-up, which together with Knight's 1984 expose of British Freemasonry did not serve the public image of the secret British Order.

Short details the account of the serious arsenic poisoning case of American former Mormon elder Ed Decker who travelled Scotland in 1986 exposing Freemasonry and Masonically linked Mormonism (Inside the Brotherhood, pps. 21-23). Ed Decker's case demonstrates that there are sinister forces which do not exclude poisoning as a criminal tactic. Decker's case also gives impetus to the warning given to Martin Short, by a doctor, a Mason.

Of all the 'advice' I have received, the most disturbing came from a doctor who is himself a Mason. 'My friend, don't ever have an operation in this country. Go abroad. Heaven help you if you fall into their hands over here.'
p. 18 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

Masonry's "blood" oaths demanding horrible penalties for those who violate Masonry's secrecy justifiably raise suspicion. The case of Captain Morgan, who in America revealed secrets of Masonry, demonstrated that the oaths of Masonry which swear retribution clearly depict expressions of Masonry's intent.

Revealing these secret rites is what Captain Morgan died for. But what of his kidnapers? The precise details of the murder were not known until 1848 when one of the three Masons involved in the crime confessed to his doctor from his deathbed in hopes of religious absolution. The story broke in early 1849 in the press ....
p.107 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Rev. Charles G. Finney, The Character, claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry, 1859, p. 17}

The "secret rites" which Captain Morgan revealed pertained to the "outer machinery" of Masonry. Never-the-less, operative foundations for a criminal empire in America were revealed. Captain Morgan's murder precipitated a far greater expose than those of secret rites. Morgan's murder uncovered the operation of a criminal masonic machine in America.

The conspirators kidnapped Captain Morgan and his publisher in Batavia, New York, but the publisher was later rescued after outraged citizens of Batavia pursued the kidnapers. Morgan was not so lucky, however, and Masons went to extraordinary lengths to insure that as much confusion as possible would surround the matter.
The Courts of justice found themselves entirely unable to make any headway against the wide-spread conspiracy that was formed among Masons....It was found that they could do nothing with the courts, with the sheriffs, with the witnesses, or with the jurors.
Masons themselves...published two spurious editions of Morgan's book, and circulated them as the true edition which Morgan had published. These editions were designed to deceive Masons who had never seen Morgan's edition, and thus to enable them to say that it was not a true revelation of Masonry. {footnote}
p.107 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Rev. Charles G. Finney, The Character, claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry, 1859, p. 17}

How could the investigation of a horrible murder, in which Captain Morgan pleaded for his life in behalf of his wife and young children for the act of having alerted the American people to the dangers of a secretive organization, be obstructed by sheriffs, witnesses, courts and jurors ?

Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil. Oaths of secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and brotherhood. The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic code subverting justice, not exepting murder, not excepting even treason.

The subversion of law-enforcement officers in the investigation of the murder of an individual who exposed the foundations of a criminal organization in America cannot be rationalized as unpremeditated corruption inasmuch as the Masonic organization brings men to swear under penalties of death to conceal the crimes of fellow members, Masons, not exepting murder and treason..

Falsification of evidence, in the form of spurious editions of Capt. Morgan's book, reckoned among the tactics employed by Masons, designed to undue Capt. Morgan's expose in the public realm, serving to mislead lower ranking Masons as to the true nature of the organization, and serving to divert attention from the Masonic motive to murder Capt Morgan. A deathbed confession in 1848, printed by the press in early 1849 (New World Order, William Still, p. 107) by one of three murderers disclosed years later provided details of the heinous murder.

-- Swearing to Conceal and Commit Crimes --

Among the revelations of Capt. Morgan were Masonic secrets of the third degree, concealed from Masons of lower degrees and concealed from the public. The Master Mason oath was pervasively demonstrated in force in America, as Capt. Morgan's murder bore witness.

p. 69
Furthermore do I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secrets, given to me in charge as such, and I knowing them to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, when communicated to me, murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election.
Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


Captain Morgan had uncovered for the American public and for lower degree Masons the foundation for a criminal empire, that of swearing to the concealment of crimes of fellow Master Masons ! The "obligation" specifically mentions murder and treason as excepted, but then the oath goes on to assert that the concealment of murder and treason is "left to my own election." This brave disclosure made Captain William Morgan a loyal American in safeguarding this nation from enemies foreign and domestic. It revealed Masonry as a menace to the United States Constitution and to it's people. The Masonic Menace, exported from Great Britain, had been dealt a blow. Many Masons in America left the Order and an Anti-Masonic Party was formed. Investigations into the "Craft" produced staggering results, not only in what was confirmed as to Captain Morgan's disclosures, but in further revelations, and in a demonstrated and manifest obstruction of investigations by the Masonic Order. The inimical power of Masonry was extensive, at times even preponderant.

One Mason who left Masonry and joined the Anti-Masonic Party in 1828 was Millard Fillmore who went on to become this nation's thirteenth President. His warning was later substantiated to be accurate by three state legislatures.

One of those who left the Order was Millard Fillmore, a young attorney from Buffalo, New York who would later become the thirteenth president of the United States. Fillmore joined the Anti-Masonic Party in 1828. According to one author, ex-Mason Fillmore once warned: "The Masonic fraternity tramples upon our rights, defeats the administration of justice, and bids defiance to every government which it cannot control." {footnote}
p.108 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Whalen, Christianity and American Freemasonry, p. 31}

"... defeats the administration of justice." Examine more closely the disclosures of Capt. Morgan.

The first three degrees of Masonry are respectively called the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason degrees. Captain Morgan exposed the oaths of these three degrees along with secret signs or signals through which Masonry has designed to 'defeat the administration of justice.'

Former Knight Templar of the York Rite (equivalent to the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite), William Schnoebelen, cites several Masonic oaths in his book Masonry: Beyond the Light, as well as examines ramifications thereof. Of the third degree, Schnoebelen quotes Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor :

... in the third degree ritual, the candidate swears that:
I will keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when communicated to or received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. {footnote : Duncan, Malcolm C., Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p. 95}
p. 91 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

It appears from the quoted oath that secrets of murder and treason are fundamentally excepted and no longer left "to ... {one's} own election" to conceal. Not so fast. Later in the Past Master Degree of the York Rite one finds the same formulation previously constituted in the Master Mason Oath.

I promise and swear, that the secrets of a brother of this degree, delivered to me in charge as such, shall remain as secure and inviolable in my breast, as they were in his own before communicated to me, murder and treason excepted, and those left to my own election..(Italics added)
{footnote: Malcom C. Duncan, Masonic Ritual and Monitor (New York: David McKay, n.d.), pp. 189}
p. 181 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge: A Christian Perspective,

John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1989, 1990,

Later, again, in the Royal Arch degree, of the York Rite, the Mason swears to conceal the secrets of a Companion Royal Arch Mason "without exceptions."

In the Royal Arch degree of the York Rite, ... The candidate swears that:
I will keep all the secrets of a Companion Royal Arch Mason (when communicated to me as such, or I knowing them to be such), without exceptions.
{footnote: Duncan, Malcolm C., Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p.230}
p. 91 Masonry: Beyond the Light, 1991

To "obligate" oneself to conceal "secrets" "murder and treason excepted" but leaving the concealment of such crimes to one's "own election" in the Past Master Degree opens said options and consents to elect such concealment, in the form of an oath. The Past Master Degree also prepares the member to take a further step later where in the Royal Arch Degree no exceptions are made to the obligation. Murder and treason concealment becomes no longer an "election" to perform, but an "obligation" to perform.

Former 33rd degree Mason (the highest degree in American Masonry by invitation only, for either the York or the Scottish Rite) and Past Master of all Scottish Rite bodies, Jim Shaw, revealed in his expose, The Deadly Deception, the Master Mason oath which was administered to him, before he went on to higher degrees in the Scottish Rite. Notice the formulation of the words in connection with concealing fellow Master Mason secrets.

" I .... do hereby and hereon solemnly promise and swear; that I will always hail, every conceal and never reveal, any of the secret arts, parts or points of the Master Mason's degree ...
I furthermore promise and swear that I will conform and abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of the Master Mason's degree, and of the Lodge of which I shall hereafter become a member, and that I will ever maintain and support the constitution, laws and edicts of the Grand Lodge under whom the same shall work, so far as they shall come to my knowledge. Furthermore, that I will keep the secrets of a worthy Master Mason as inviolable as my own, when communicated to and received by me as such. Furthermore, I will aid and assist all worthy distressed brother Master Masons ...
p. 45 The Deadly Deception, Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

The secrets of a fellow Master Mason are held to be "inviolable," as so without exceptions.

There are other, even more material aspects which can have a direct bearing on the perversion and obstruction of justice by Masons. The Royal Arch Degree requires not only the concealment of crimes, including murder and treason, but requires actions of extricating another Royal Arch Mason "in any difficulty" "whether he be right or wrong." The impact of such covertly taken oaths upon government offices occupied by judges, district attorneys, sheriffs, police or other agents of the federal, state or local government is not simply theoretical. The oaths have been certified by three state legislatures to exert a terribly inimical force, as this chapter goes on to show. Contemplate the scenario where your own hired attorney is "obligated" toward a person against whom you might have a legal case, as you read the following Masonic oath, keeping in mind that the oath does not constitute a springboard for situation ethics, but swears the Mason to "obligations" and "a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same."

... I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a Companion Royal Arch Mason when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be right or wrong .... To all [of this] which I do most solemnly and sincerely promises and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same, without any equivocation, mental reservation, or self evasion of mind in me whatever; binding myself under no less penalty, than to have my skull smote off, and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the Meridian sun, should I knowingly or willfully violate or transgress any part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Royal Arch Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. (Italics added)
{footnote: Malcom C. Duncan, Masonic Ritual and Monitor (New York: David McKay, n.d.), pp. 265}
p. 182 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1989, 1990

Concealing crimes including murder and treason, swearing to an "obligation" of extricating another Mason of equal rank from "any difficulty" "whether he be right or wrong" "if in my power" comprises a body of "obligations" of intent sworn to, which includes apprising a fellow Mason of "all approaching danger".

p. 69
Furthermore do I promise and swear that I will not speak evil of a brother Master Mason, neither behind his back nor before his face, but will apprise him of all approaching danger, if in my power.

Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


This component of "obligations" of the Master Mason's degree in Morgan's day is hence reflected in the Royal Arch degree.

... The candidate also swears that:
I will not speak evil of a Companion Royal Arch Mason, behind his back nor before his face, but will appraise him of all approaching danger, if in my power.
{footnote: Duncan, Malcolm C., Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p. 229}
p. 91 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The expression "if in my power" in both instances of the Master Mason degree in the time of Captain Morgan and that of the Royal Arch degree, hence, carries formidable weight in those cases where the Mason is in a position of power, be that as a law enforcement official, private or government investigator, financial institution regulator, or otherwise.

Binding men under the threat of penalty of death and with the feeling of obligation by means of sworn oath, to conceal crimes of murder and treason and to extricate the guilty within one's means of power, represents the antithesis of ideals and laws expressed and established in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The extent to which men had been corrupted in their consciences and actions by means of Masonry's diabolical oaths was evident in the investigation of Captain Morgan's murder: wherein:

"The Courts of justice found themselves entirely unable to make any headway against the wide-spread conspiracy that was formed among Masons....It was found that they could do nothing with the courts, with the sheriffs, with the witnesses, or with the jurors."
p.107 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Rev. Charles G. Finney, The Character, claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry, 1859, p. 17}

Thus, Gary H. Kah, a government official who has traced and documented the efforts of the Masonic conspiracy for world domination into the 1980's and 1990's, in his book En Route to Global Occupation, places the events in Captain Morgan's day into context:

Early in his career as an attorney, Finney had himself been a Mason; but he left the Lodge following his conversion to Christ, becoming an evangelist instead. ... The following excerpts are taken from his book, which was published in 1869.
I came to the deliberate conclusion, and could not avoid doing so, that my oaths had been procured by fraud and misrepresentations, and that the institution was in no respect what I had been previously informed it was. And, as I have had the means of examining it more thoroughly, it has become more and more irresistibly plain to my convictions that the institution is highly dangerous to the State, and in every way injurious to the
p. 130
Church of Christ. (p. 8)
Referring to Captain Morgan, Finney stated:
He ... was aware, as Masons generally were at the time, that nearly all the civil offices in the country were in the hands of Freemasons; and that the press was completely under their control, and almost altogether in their hands. Masons at that time boasted that all the civil offices in the country were in their hands. I believe that all the civil offices in the county where I resided while I belonged to them, were in their hands. I do not recollect a magistrate, or a constable, or sheriff in that county that was not at that time a Freemason. (p.10)
Can a man who has taken and still adheres to the oath of the Royal Arch degree be trusted in office? He swears to espouse the cause of a companion of this degree when involved in any difficulty, so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be right or wrong. He swears to conceal his crimes, murder and treason not excepted. ...(pp. 270-271)
p. 131 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991
{quoted from The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry,

Rev. Charles G. Finney, "the great nineteenth century evangelist and longtime president of Oberlin College." -- En Route, p. 130}

William Still similarly takes up the issue in his book New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Citing the subversive and criminal elements of the Royal Arch degree oath discussed by Rev. Finney, William T. Still links the ramifications with the revelations by Stephen Knight in his famous expose The Brotherhood, which concentrated on the activities of British Masonry.

This is why Masonry actively seeks members in the legal professions of every community, and raises them to the Royal Arch degree as soon as possible. In such communities then, Masonry is free to do whatever it pleases.
p. 110 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

The inescapable conclusion of the revelations of the criminal nature of the Royal Arch oath coupled with the manifest application thereof in America and elsewhere, was aptly drawn by a descendant of Patrick Henry, author William Still.

During the initiation into the Royal Arch degree, the candidate drinks wine from a cup made from the top half of a human skull.
Based on the overwhelming and uncontradicted evidence of dozens of authors over several centuries, there can be no excuse to allow anyone who is a Mason of the Royal Arch degree to become a local sheriff, judge, prosecutor, or police investigator. These men have all sworn with their lives to protect Masons of the same degree from the wheels of justice.
p. 110 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

As in the case of Reverend Finney, the procurement of membership in an organization which represents itself fraudulently to the public and to members of lower degrees represents a commitment which some persons have involved themselves in, but have later extricated themselves from.

John Marshall, the great chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, {"included in the same section with Albert Pike and Adam Weishaupt" in the book Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents} wrote {shortly before his death}:
The institution of Masonry ought to be abandoned, as one capable of producing much evil, and incapable of producing any good which might not be affected by open means. {footnote}
p. 132 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991
{footnote: W..J. McCormick, Christ, the Christian, and Freemasonry (Belfast: GreatJoy Publications, 1984), p. 111-112}

The "institution of Masonry" which Chief Justice John Marshal, at last, wrote "ought to be abandoned" and "capable of producing much evil", is one which is often presented by Masons as a truly "American" institution, and boast of Founding Father membership. Boast ?

Other U.S. presidents who condemned Freemasonry include ... James Madison, John Quincy Adams (who campaigned openly against the Order), and Millard Fillmore. Madison and Fillmore had both been Masons and were therefore speaking from experience.
p.133 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991

Courageous Americans.

-- Furthermore --

Such oaths as the Royal Arch Oath are sworn blasphemously calling on God "in the due performance of" what is sworn to. Such oaths make a mockery of Justice, and make a mockery of God of the Bible, upon whose Bible such oaths are often sworn. Such blasphemous oaths can hardly assume validity before God by calling on God to act in concert with such abominable schemes or acts, "So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same", whereby such swearing represents yet another perversion of the principles of justice.

Yet another manner in which Masonry holds the capacity to "... {defeat} the administration of justice" is by having it's members swear obedience to the dictates or "edicts" of Masonic bodies, which obedience is placed in the context of swearing to conceal crimes including murder and treason.

-- Oaths of Allegiance --

Ask an American who the President is, who his Senators are, who his Congressman is. It doesn't pose a problem Ask a Catholic who the Pope is. Identity is not a problem. But ask a Mason who the men are of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, who preside over the "statutes of the order", and it is not simply you who have a task on your hands. The question concerns a secret council of men presiding over Masonry. Compare or contrast the oath of the 30th degree of the Scottish Rite with your recollection of the oath the President of the United Sates takes upon inauguration.

.. I, _______, of my own free will and accord, do hereby solemnly and sincerely promise and swear to keep faithful the secrets of the sublime degree of Knights Kadosh and strictly to obey the statutes of the order.... All of which I promise to do, under penalty of death. So help me God. Swear therefrom, upon your word of honor, never to reveal what you have seen or heard hitherto ... Forget not that the slightest indiscretion will cost you your life. Are you still willing to proceed ? (Italics added)
{footnote: Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, 2:269-70, 275}
p. 185 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1989, 1990

The Mason swears "strictly to obey the statures of the order." ... "under penalty of death"

Of course, a Presidential or other oath swearing a person to defend the U.S. Constitution is diametrically opposed by secretly sworn oaths such as those already considered.

The Masonic "order" is presided over by the 33rd degree, which cannot be "earned" but is attainable only by invitation upon special recognition of service to the Order. It is also more secretly presided over by what is later disclosed as the diabolical Palladian Rite.




Notice that the eighteenth degree Mason swears to "observe and obey all the decrees which may be transmitted ... by the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree" as an "obligation."

p. 183

And I do furthermore swear, promise and engage on my sacred word of honor, to observe and obey all the decrees which may be transmitted to me by the Grand Inspectors General in Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree.... So help me God and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation. Amen. ...
{footnote: Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, 1:473}
p. 184 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1989, 1990

Eighteenth degree Masons swear " to observe and obey all the decrees which may be transmitted to me by the Grand Inspectors General in Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree." Particularly in the context of oaths swearing to the concealment of "secrets" of fellow Masons as "inviolable," swearing to such an "obligation" to obey all the "decrees" transmitted by the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree which presides over York and Scottish Rites clearly comprises the makings, not only of an "invisible" behind-the-scenes government, but one which is constituted criminally and in violation and opposition to the laws and principles of the United States Constitution.

To whom do 33rd degree Masons swear their allegiance ?

Whom do they recognize as the supreme authority ?

Whom do they refuse to recognize as a member of the Scottish Rite if one does not also recognize the same supreme authority ?

When it was time for the final obligation we all stood and repeated the oath with the representative candidate, administered by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General. We then swore true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, above all other allegiances, and swore never to recognize any other brother as being a member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry unless he also recognizes the supreme authority of "this Supreme Council."
p. 104

the certificate of the 33rd Degree.
p. 105 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

"Supreme authority of "this Supreme Council"" of the 33rd degree ?

"... swore true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, above all other allegiances" ? If true allegiance is given to an organization in opposition to the laws and principles of the United States Constitution, it should be quite obvious how allegiance sworn to the U.S. Constitution in which it stands in opposition is respectively characterized, particularly by such manner of emphasis. Swearing to conceal crimes, not excluding murder and treason, comprises a sworn declaration in opposition to the laws and principles of the U.S. Constitution. The meaning of the expression "true allegiance" is evident, and precludes "true allegiance" to the U.S. Constitution to which it stands in covert defiance.

-- Murder and Treason --

p. 69
Furthermore do I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secrets, given to me in charge as such, and I knowing them to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, when communicated to me, murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election.
Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


Although the "murder and treason not excepted" clause is followed at the "election" of the Mason, the intent not to exclude murder and treason as an option is embodied in the oath.

If, within the body of Masonry, murder and treason are crimes to be covered up at the election of the Master Mason, it becomes difficult to argue that murder and treason are themselves not committed to the election of a Mason. Death at vengeful hands is prescribed as the penalty for violating the oath. Masonry is an organization which makes the provision for covering up such crimes even at the Master Mason level, and at higher levels or degrees it actually obligates the Mason to cover up such crimes. At some higher levels, it specifically obligates the Mason to be ready to commit vengeance murder.

The formulation of the Master Mason's oath at the time of the formation of the Anti-Masonic Party is intriguing. Within the context of swearing to "binding myself under no less penalty than to have my body severed in two ..." the candidate swears to obligations which might have been withheld from explicit description in the Master Mason's oath. The candidate swears to "hold myself amenable thereto" "whenever informed" "if any part of my solemn oath or obligation be omitted at this time ..." That commitment follows swearing to the obligation "that a Master Mason's secrets ... shall remain as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, ... murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election." Indeed, the candidate has already sworn to "conform to all the by-laws, rules, and regulations of this or any other lodge of which I may at any time hereafter become a member." Those rules exact the death penalty for violating the secrecy of the oath. It therefore becomes intriguing whether the means or mechanism for exacting the death penalty is explicitly expressed, presented in a veiled formulation, or left as part of obligations enunciated or directed in the future as needed pursuant to the expressions "hold myself amenable thereto" "whenever informed" "if any part of my solemn oath or obligation be omitted at this time ..." If the mechanism of exacting the death penalty is not veiled or embedded in the formulation "... murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election", the structure for providing the means of execution is given by having the candidate swear to hold himself amenable to obligations omitted at the time of taking the Master Mason oath. The candidate has, in fact, already sworn in the First Degree "to all of which I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without the least equivocation, mental reservation ... binding myself under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across ... and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea ... and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same."

The tenth and fourteenth degrees of the Scottish Rite (4 through 32) provide further insight as to the construction and configuration of the body of Masonic obligations. The language is most explicit.

In the fourteenth degree the context of obligations explicitly provides to "inflict vengeance on traitors" to the secrecy of the mysteries and secrecy of the degree.

I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy Bible, and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe...Never to reveal...the mysteries of this our Sacred and High Degree....In failure of this, my obligation, I consent to have my belly cut open, my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures. [The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states, "to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and injustice"] (Italics added)
{footnote: Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, 1:316-17}
p. 183 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1989, 1990

Prior to that oath the mechanism or means for inflicting vengeance is given.

I do promise and swear upon the Holy Bible...To keep exactly in my heart all the secrets that shall be revealed to me. And in failure of this my obligation, I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly, and to be exposed for eight hours in the open air, that the venomous flies my eat of my entrails, my head to be cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world, and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation. So may God help and maintain me. Amen. ....
{footnote: Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, 1:196-97}
p. 182 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1989, 1990

Note closely that the Mason swears to keep the secrets upon penalty of death. Note particularly that the Mason swears to "always be ready to inflict the same punishment {death} on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation." What the Mason taking such an oath is clearly swearing to is the obligation to commit murder. He is swearing to commit murder of those who violate the secrecy of the oath, which is a secret of every Mason taking the oath. In the Master Mason's degree oath which Captain Morgan revealed to the American public, the Mason swears to the penalty of death should he violate the secrecy of the degree. Hence, when the Master Mason swears to "conceal" a fellow Master Mason's secrets, murder and treason at his own election, it is the body of Masonic oaths which reveal that it is not only secrets of murder and treason which are themselves the focal point, but retrospectively it is evident that the mechanisms for concealing murder and treason operate in conjunction with mechanisms for the commission of murder and treason, and that such activities are specifically provided for in matters as simple as the violation of secrecy.

The Masonic obligation to commit murder as formulated in the tenth degree of the Scottish Rite is given at a level below that of the Royal Arch degree in the York Rite in which murder and treason are not excepted as an obligation pertaining to Mason's secrets. Concealing murder or treason is the obvious reference in the Royal Arch Degree oath. The body of Masonic oaths might suggest an additional, somewhat veiled, meaning as well. The Royal Arch Degree requires extricating a fellow Mason from "any difficulty" "whether he be right or wrong" and further specifies that the obligation to do so is binding upon the swearing Mason under penalty of death. Thus, where in the Royal Arch degree the exceptions of concealing murder and treason are removed as to keeping the secrets of a fellow Royal Arch Mason, it can hardly be suggested that the Royal Arch degree oath excepts murder and treason as the means to "keep" said secrets. Indeed, the Mason swears himself, "binding {himself} ... under no less penalty" than death to extricate another Royal Arch Mason from "any difficulty" and "in due performance of the same."

... I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a Companion Royal Arch Mason when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be right or wrong .... To all [of this] which I do most solemnly and sincerely promises and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same, without any equivocation, mental reservation, or self evasion of mind in me whatever; binding myself under no less penalty, than to have my skull smote off, and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the Meridian sun, should I knowingly or willfully violate or transgress any part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Royal Arch Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. (Italics added)
{footnote: Malcom C. Duncan, Masonic Ritual and Monitor (New York: David McKay, n.d.), pp. 265}
p. 182 The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge:

A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1989, 1990

Unmistakably the makings for a criminal "invisible government" "beyond the laws of the land" evident even at the lower levels or degrees, is what Captain Morgan uncovered for the American people.

-- U.S. Constitutional Crisis --

Captain William Morgan was martyred for the U.S. Constitution. He was martyred by Masonic "constitutions." The masonically constituted oaths expressed in covert defiance to the principles of America's duly established Constitution comprise corrupting foundations for the individual and for an entire nation. Captain Morgan rose above Masonry's subversion of the human spirit and mockery of the God of Justice. He was not bound by Masonic oaths, he was bound by a noble conscience, he was bound by the U.S. Constitution, he was bound to the principles of justice.

Among the disclosures by Captain Morgan are included the following regarding the Master Mason's oath.

p. 69
I, A. B., of my own free will and accord, in the presence
p. 73
of Almighty God, and this worshipful lodge of Master Masons, dedicated to God, and held forth to the holy order of St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, in addition to my former obligations ...
Furthermore, do I promise and swear that I will not be at the initiating, passing, or raising a candidate in a clandestine lodge, I knowing it to be such. ...
Furthermore do I promise and swear that I will not speak evil of a brother Master Mason, neither behind his back nor before his face, but will apprise him of all approaching danger, if in my power.
p. 74

Furthermore do I promise and swear that I will support the constitution of the Grand Lodge of the state of _____. under which the lodge is held, and conform to all the by-laws, rules, and regulations of this or any other lodge of which I may at any time hereafter become a member.
Furthermore do I promise and swear that I will obey all regular signs, summonses, or tokens given, handed, sent, or thrown to me from the hand of a brother Master Mason, or from the body of a just and lawfully constituted lodge of such, provided it be within the length of my cable-tow.
Furthermore do I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secrets, given to me in charge as such, and I knowing them to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, when communicated to me, murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election.
Furthermore do I promise and swear that if any part of my solemn oath or obligation be omitted at this time, that I will hold myself amenable thereto whenever informed. To all which I do most sincerely promise and swear, with a fixed and steady purpose of mind in me to keep and perform the same, binding myself under no less penalty than to have my body severed in two in the midst, and divided to the north and south, my bowels burnt to ashes in the center, and the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that there might not the least track or trace of remembrance remain among men. or Masons, of so vile and perjured a wretch as I
p. 75
should be, were I ever to prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Master Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the performance of the same.
Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


Of the first degree, or Entered Apprentice Degree, among the disclosures of Captain Morgan are included the following:

A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses.
p. 11
... the Master taking off his hat, proceeds as follows: In like manner so do I, strictly forbidding all profane language, private committees, or any other disorderly conduct whereby the peace and harmony of this lodge may be interrupted while engaged in its lawful pursuits, under no less penalty than the by-laws, or such penalty as the majority of the Brethren present may see fit to inflict. Brethren, attend to giving the signs.' [Here lodges differ very much. In some they declare the lodge opened as follows, before they give the signs:]
The Master (all the Brethren imitating him) extends his left arm from his body so as ...
The Senior Warden declares it to the Junior Warden, and he to the Brethren. 'Come, Brethren, let us pray.' --- One of the following prayers is used:...
p. 15
...And we beseech thee, O Lord God, to bless our present assembling; and to illuminate our minds through the influence of the Son of Righteousness ...
p. 16
As soon as the candidate is placed in this position, the Worshipful Master approaches him, and says, "Mr. A. B., you are now placed in a proper position to take upon you the solemn oath or obligation of an Entered Apprentice Mason, which I assure you is neither to affect your religion or politics ...
The following obligation is then administered:
I, A. B., of my own free will and accord, in presence of Almighty God and this worshipful lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, dedicated to God, and held forth to the holy order of St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always hail, ever conceal and never reveal any part or parts, art or arts, point or points of the secret arts and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry which I have received, am about to receive, or may hereafter be instructed in, to any person or persons in the known world, except it be to a true and lawful brother Mason, or within the body of a just and lawfully constituted lodge of such ...
To all of which I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without the least equivocation, mental reservation, or self evasion of mind in me

p. 21
whatever; binding myself under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water-mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours; so help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same."
p. 22
The Master then declares the lodge opened in the following manner: 'I now declare this lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons duly opened for dispatch of business.' ...
Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


The deception of 'holding forth to' the holy order of St. John, represents a device employed by the medieval Knights Templar (the Scottish Freemasonry connection) "in order not to arouse the suspicions" while having "two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters." The St. John Ploy was elucidated as such in writing by the Supreme Sovereign of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike. [Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, pps. 818, 817].

Striking also is the unequivocal lie about representing Freemasonry as not affecting one's religion. Astoundingly, the very "mysteries of ancient Freemasonry" referred to in the oath are rooted in ancient pagan mystery religion.

The Apostle Paul's description of the dieties or entities involved in pagan worship at 1 Corinthians 10: 20, 21 should serve as a warning regarding the dieties involved with the occult and pagan foundations of Freemasonry.

The "secret arts" of the "mysteries of ancient Freemasonry" are the subject of the "inner machinery" of Freemasonry as this expose develops

Remarkably, Masonry portrays itself as embodying noble principles, as a system through which character is built.

Hence a Mason is a builder of the temple of character. He is the architect of a sublime mystery -- the gleaming, glowing temple of his own soul.
A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge.
p. [xxiii] The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 1923

Thirty-third degree Mason Manly P. Hall expositions on Masonic philosophy or "universal law" later show that the Masonic concept of justice and character comports with Masonry's criminal oaths.

-- Clandestine Lodges --

"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect."
p. 433 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy:
An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall, 1984

It should come as no surprise that such an organization has "clandestine" lodges.

The Master Mason oath swearing: "Furthermore, do I promise and swear that I will not be at the initiating, passing, or raising a candidate in a clandestine lodge, I knowing it to be such" is quite amazing in what it reveals about the organization.

Compartmentalization also appears evident in what Captain Morgan revealed in some differences in the opening statements of Lodge meetings of the First or Entered Apprentice Degree. Captain Morgan cites one opening which employed the expression "under no less penalty than the by-laws, or such penalty as the majority of the Brethren present may see fit to inflict." and then Morgan comments '{Here lodges differ very much. In some they declare the lodge opened as follows, before they give the signs: and goes on the relate an elaborate prayer. This difference in opening ceremony, in Captain Morgan's day, could very well represent one aspect of compartmentalization. Clandestine lodges, however, represent the ultimate in compartmentalization.

An oath swearing not to visit clandestine Masonic lodges itself recognizes the provision for clandestine lodges. Members of such lodges would first of all have the least risk of exposure as being Masons. The Master Mason oath has provided specifically for protecting the identity of clandestine Masons. Clandestine Masons as judges or sheriffs suggests scenarios wherein the criminal empire of Masonry may have better weathered official investigations, as well as the scrutiny of America's Anti-Masonic Party. In view of the criminal elements of Masonry, clandestine membership in Masonry poses particularly serious potential dangers not only to the public at large, but to organizations which do not allow Masonic membership, such as particular religious bodies, targeted for subversion by Weishaupt's Illuminati.

The role of the Illuminati operating clandestinely even in the lower three degrees of Freemasonry, as outlined by Weishaupt, has been complemented by Lodges dedicated to the Illuminati.

On July 16, 1782, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans, representatives of the world's secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt ...
p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

Would America surrender to Freemasonry and the Illuminati ?

-- Aberdeen Lodge Principles --

The Masonic "constitution" by which Captain Morgan was murdered is the substance of Masonry's oaths whose inimical strain has been identified and certified to exist as far back as in the Aberdeen Constitution which formulated the infliction of punishment having the economic effect of the destruction of a man and his family for his seeking justice from duly constituted civil authorities pertaining even to the matter of fines imposed by a Lodge. The "brethren" were constituted to make the subject a perjured man, as noted previously.

The principles enshrined in the Aberdeen Lodge Constitution have saturated Masonry. They are manifest in the oaths which Capt. William Morgan exposed, as well as in Masonic oaths at the close of the twentieth century.

Having in mind the criminal acts to which Masonic oaths "obligate" a member, and having in mind the oaths of obedience and allegiance to a secret body of men known as the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third degree, examine Aberdeen Lodge Principles which have been perpetuated.

The infliction of punishment included making their victim look like a perjured man with the evident device of swearing falsely against him, committing perjury themselves, as noted earlier in this chapter.

Failure to keep the terms of a contract or agreement does not constitute perjury. Bearing false witness under oath constitutes perjury. Thus, in the Master Mason's oath the Aberdeen Perjury Principle, making a victim have the appearance of being guilty of perjury, is included. Masons, by distributing bogus editions of Morgan's expose, sought to give him the appearance of lying about Masonry's obligations and devices. Thus the effort was made to fulfill upon Captain Morgan the words "of so vile and perjured a wretch as I should be, were I ever to prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Master Mason."

Another principle embodied in the Aberdeen Constitution pertains to affecting a man's employment. Masonry, first of all, has the means of co-opting a profession or institution, private or governmental, legal, medical, educational, or otherwise.

In the Royal Arch degree of the York Rite, ...
... the candidate promises to:
... employ a Companion Royal Arch Mason in preference to any other person of equal qualification. {footnote}
{footnote: Duncan, Malcolm C., Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p. 230}
p. 91 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

While the Royal Arch Mason is obligated (Masonically) to exercise preference in his hiring practices, the person who is by-passed is being excluded from an employment opportunity to which he may be legally and ethically entitled but who is by-passed in favor of an applicant who has sworn to criminal actions.

The employment ramifications are particularly serious in a profession in which Masonry has obtained significant conquest not only in that Masons of said degree are "obligation" bound to hire Masons in preference to other equally qualified applicants, but when a profession or governmental institution is largely co-opted by Masonry, the oath, obedience and allegiance structure pressures the members to tow the line lest face repercussions to their career. The penalties which lodge members are 'obligated' to impose upon infracting members, "to inflict vengeance on traitors," is not likely to be seen as limited to having one's "belly cut open, ... bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures." The destruction of a person's career or economic prospects are tantamount to the penalty expressed in the words "the slightest indiscretion will cost you your life." Although at the writing of this book this author has found explicit reference to economic sanctions only in the Aberdeen Constitution, the precedent set with the Aberdeen Constitution later included among those to have been written in 'new and better form,' has not been countermanded by the substance of Masonic oaths since. Indeed, the severe penalties enunciated in the oaths employ an expression having the capacity to embrace a wide range of possibilities for retribution, with the inimical formulation "no less than" which does not place limits, whereas the destruction of the means of life might be regarded as fulfilling the phrase "no less than."

-- Investigations --

Following the murder of Captain Morgan, three state legislatures investigated Freemasonry. New York, 1829; Massachusetts, 1834; and Pennsylvania, 1836. In addition to obtaining corroborative testimony from other Masons who left Freemasonry, as to the nature and substance of the oaths, the investigations revealed that an operative criminal empire had entrenched itself in America. Obstruction to the investigations was encountered at every level.

New York obstruction: Obstruction, if not also evident perjury, by Masonic witnesses under oath, and obstruction by grand juries comprised chiefly of Masons.

The New York legislators said Masonic witnesses on the stand "have sworn to facts, which in the opinion of bystanders, were not credited by a single one of the hundreds of persons who were present." Moreover, grand juries, "a majority of whom were masons," omitted to find bills of indictment "when there was proof before them of outrages not surpassed in grossness and indecency by any committed in the country since the first settlement." {footnote 67}
p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829; footnote 67: pp. 7-8

Massachusetts obstruction: Obstruction by the State Senate.

Much of the same information uncovered by the New York Senate in 1829, also was found five years later to be common in the State of Massachusetts, when a Joint Committee of the legislature of the latter State investigated the Craft.
Masons invited to appear before the Joint Committee refused to do so, and though the Massachusetts House approved subpoena power for the committee, the State Senate refused to do so. {footnote 70}
p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 70: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 9-10.

It is indeed profoundly significant that following the findings issued in the report of the New York Senate Committee in 1829, the State Senate of Massachusetts refused to approve subpoena power for the Joint Committee of both Massachusetts legislatures, although the Massachusetts House approved the subpoena power. Said refusal may have provided the most chilling evidence that the Massachusetts Committee's findings had been certified at the highest echelons of Massachusetts State government. What did those findings include ?

The Committee found Freemasonry was "a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy, and the oaths and regulations which its subjects are bound to obey, under penalties of death." The committee added that "in no Masonic oath presented to the committee, is there any reservation made of the Constitution and the laws of the land." {footnote 71}
The Joint Committee found Freemasonry to be a "moral evil," a "pecuniary evil," and a "political evil." {footnote 72}
p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 14-21. footnote 72: p. 11

Pennsylvania obstruction: Obstruction by witnesses.

In all, nineteen witnesses refused to provide sworn testimony to the committee. Other witnesses informed the legislators that Masons influence judicial decisions and consider Masonic oaths superior to all other oaths. {footnote 74}
p. 36 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
{footnotes: Testimony Taken by the Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives To Investigate the Evils of Freemasonry, Read in the House of Representatives June 13, 1836, Theodore Finn, Harrisburg, 1836, p. 15.

footnote 74: pp. 39-42, 46.

The magnitude of obstruction, by witnesses, but by grand juries composed mainly of Masons, and the Massachusetts State Senate to official State government investigations, underlines, highlights, and further certifies with powerful emphasis the report of the New York Senate Committee on Freemasonry:

"It comprises men of rank, wealth, office and talents in power -- and that almost in every place where power is of any importance -- it comprises, among the other classes of the community, to the lowest, in large numbers, and capable of being directed by the efforts of others so as to have the force of concert through the civilized world!
"They are distributed too, with the means of knowing each other, and the means of keeping secret, and the means of co-operating, in the desk, in the legislative hall, on the bench, in every gathering of men of business, in every party of pleasure, in every enterprise of government, in every domestic circle, in peace and in war, among its enemies and friends, in one place as well as another. So powerful, indeed, is it at this time, that it fears nothing from violence, either public or private, for it has every means to learn it in season, to counteract, defeat and punish it . . . . " {footnote 64}
p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 64: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp. 13-14

Paul A. Fisher, who had served in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII and as a counterintelligence Officer in Korea, demonstrates in his book Behind the Lodge Door how the U.S. Supreme Court has been smitten by Masonic influence and the Masonic agenda and has focused on the magnitude of the subversion.

Fisher also conveys the extent of the Masonic base, historically, in government enabling wide-spread and preponderant subversion, which reads very much like modern reports.

The report noted that there were approximately 30,000 Freemasons in the State of New York -- about one-forth of the eligible voting population -- "yet they have held for forty years, three-fourths" of all public offices in the State. {footnote 65}
Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 64: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp. 13-14; footnote 65: p. 15

The New York State Senate Committee provided an investigative connecting link between Adam Weishaupt's declared designs on the press and the Bilderberger statement by Rockefeller regarding the conspiracy of silence by the press in concealing a plan for world government by an elite oligarchy.

"The public press, that mighty engine for good or for evil, has been, with a few honorable exceptions, silent as the grave. This self-proclaimed sentinel of freedom, has felt the force of masonic influence, or has been smitten with the rod of its power." {footnote 66}
p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
{footnotes: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, footnote 66: p. 11

The German Illuminati's plan to control the presentation of information, in short, to control all publishing and media domains, has not been absolutely successful. It was Adam Weishaupt's plan:

"to monopolize the writing, publication, reviewing and distribution of all literature, more effectively to control the minds of the readers."
p. foreword - 5, by publisher Proofs of a Conspiracy, By John Robison, A.M., 1798

Conscientious men such as Captain William Morgan and Professor John Robison have disclosed to, and put into the grasp of the public essential elements and blueprints of the evil "Plan" and it's machinery. "With few exceptions" the "press" itself has served as an integral part of the masonic machinery.

Masonry, a vast organism of propaganda, acts by slow suggestion, spreading the revolutionary ferment in an insidious manner. The heads sow it among the inner lodges, these transmit it to the lower lodges whence it penetrates into the affiliated institutions and into the press, which takes in hand the public. {footnote}
p.99 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: In quire Within (pen name for Miss Stoddard), Trail of the Serpent, (Hawthorne, CA: re-published by Omni Christian Book Club, a collection of essays which appeared in the Patriot between 1925 and 1930) p. 94-95}

-- Masonic Mafia --

There is much which can be learned from the victimization of Captain Morgan as to methods which Freemasonry has employed. William Morgan was taken into custody "under pretended forms and warrants of law." The pretense of law was used to place him into the hands of his enemies.

Carlile, in his Manual of Freemasonry, gives the following particulars : --- "My exposure of Freemasonry, in 1825, led to its exposure in the United States of America ; and a Mason there, of the name of William Morgan, having announced his intention of assisting in the work of exposure, was kidnapped, under pretended forms and warrants of law, by his brother Masons, removed from the State of New York to the borders of Canada, near the falls of Niagara, and there most barbarously murdered. This happened in 1826. ...
Several persons were punished for the abduction of Morgan : but the murderers were sheltered by Masonic Lodges, and rescued from justice."
p. 229 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

In 1848 some of the details of Captain Morgan's murder were disclosed by a deathbed confession by one of the murderers. Years later, in 1875, more details were provided by the publication of two letters by a man, a Mr. Thurlow Weed, who had particulars related to him by one of the murderers. When all of the murderers were dead the facts were made public.

"The story of the murder of William Morgan for the crime of violating Masonic secrecy has long been a well known historical fact ; but in August, 1875, the full particulars were brought to light by the publication of two letters from the Venerable Thurlow Weed. The facts were as follows :
{the preceding was quoted from Gargano, Irish and English Freemasons, p. 73}
p. 229 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

It appears that what was published of Captain Morgan's book represented only a portion of Morgan's entire exposure writing project.

" In the year 1826, Morgan, who had passed through all the degrees of Masonry and held a very high posi-
p. 229
tion in the Order, conceived the idea of publishing a book disclosing all the secrets of the sect. ...
Mr. Weed was living at that time in the town of Rochester, New York, and Morgan requested him to publish the projected book. Mr. Weed declined, and Morgan went to the adjoining town of Batavia, where he arranged with another person for the publication.
"He had written a portion of the book, and was engaged in completing it when he was arrested on a false charge of larceny, on the 10th Sept., and conveyed to the jail of Ontario county. The sheriff and officers of this prison were Masons. His house was searched, and his manuscripts were seized and destroyed.
p. 230 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933
{Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, p. 33}

The violation of William Morgan's Constitutional rights by officers of the "law" cannot be attributed incidentally to their Masonic affiliation. The oaths which men swear to obstruct and pervert justice in the Masonic institution became the focus of William Morgan's expose. The criminal oaths taken by officers of the law were directed toward Morgan's violation. Allegiance, not to the Constitution of the United States, not to a publicly sworn oath to uphold the "law," but allegiance/obedience to a higher Masonic authority proved itself fundamental to the Masonic institution.

The violation of William Morgan further involved conspirators kidnapping Morgan upon precipitating his release.

" On the evening of the 12th Sept, he was discharged by the interference of some of the conspirators, and, as he passed out of the door of the jail, was seized by them, taken a short distance, and then forcibly put into a carriage. He was carried, in the course of that night, on to the ridge-road about two miles beyond the village of Rochester.
p. 230 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933
{Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, p. 33}

The "sentiment" "death to all traitors" was expressed at an "Encampment of Knight Templars" by "the chaplain" at the gathering. That these men were traitors to the principles of the U.S. Constitution was evident and was aided by "an order from the Grand Master." While some details were related in 1848 when one of the murderers laid dying, an evidently more complete accounting of the murderers' actions was subsequently given.

These were Whitney, a stonemason; Chubbuch, a farmer; Farside, a butcher; and Howard, a bookbinder. 'They were all' says Mr. Weed, 'men of correct habits and good character, and all, I doubt not, were moved by an enthusiastic but most misguided sense of duty'. King told them that the had an order from the Grand Master, the execution of which required their assistance, and they replied that they would obey it. The five murderers were then driven in a carriage to the fort where Morgan was confined. It was just midnight. They told the doomed man that his friends had completed their arrangements for his removal to Canada, where his life would be safe. ...
p. 231 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933
{Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, p. 33}

Morgan was then taken away and soon murdered.

... it is only now, when all the criminals are dead, that he makes the fact public. The body of Morgan was found a year afterwards, identified by his wife and friends, and buried; and although the Masons tried to dispute the identification, their efforts were futile. None of the murderers was ever brought to justice."
{Blanchard, Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, p. 33}
p. 232 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Men who were otherwise "men of correct habits and good character" had compromised themselves with the oaths of Freemasonry. Men of good civic reputation were used to murder Captain William Morgan. The good appearances of the murderers in the community facilitated the cover-up which the members of the Masonic lodges engaged in. Appearances of good character concealed evil deeds. Blasphemous oaths taken in defiance of Biblical and Constitutional precepts form the basis of Masonic "duty." Complicitous Masonic law enforcement officials trashed their publicly sworn duty taken to uphold and defend the Constitution, not incidentally, but in conformance with the criminal oaths they had taken. The murderers themselves acted in furthering a Constitutionally subversive organization which was not only operating in contravention to the Constitution, but which was configured to usurp it in official offices.

The kidnapping and murder of Captain William Morgan certified the substance of the criminal oaths which he revealed to the public. Following investigations by New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislatures revealed that the Masonic Menace had achieved truly formidable proportions. The investigations revealed a criminal empire operating in opposition to the U.S. Constitution with personnel overlapping with that of officials in the U.S. government.

The roots of an evil empire exported from Europe had entrenched itself on American soil.

The criminal, evil occult empire which has extended it's covert supranational "sovereignty" to American soil represents fundamental principles entirely alien to Biblical Judeo-Christian ethics. Who are the "godfathers" of Freemasonry ? Specifically, what is the core principle of Illuminism which has spawned an operative plan to establish an overt occult ruler-ship in America and for the world ? What are the roots of the occult Evil Empire ?


Chapter 4


The Ministry of Biblical Defense presents a Critical Analysis
The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 4

Roots of an Evil Empire

A word keenly representative of the occult tradition and conspiracy is "corruption." Perhaps there is no better word conveying the essence of it's age old practices and teachings. In the occult conspiracy's principle secret society vehicle, Freemasonry, such is evident by the oaths made in secret, oaths diametrically opposed to those taken by public officials to uphold justice. The corruption of the process of justice and the subversion and corruption of the individual form the basis of corrupting society and points to a source of inspiration embraced by the expression "empire of evil." Who are the "Keepers of the Great Plan" and what are their "fundamental principles"? Who are the Illuminati ? What are their roots?


Term first used in fifteenth-century Europe to signify adepts, specifically those who were quite learned or who possessed "light" from direct communication with a higher source. It was associated with various occult sects and secret orders, including the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.
p. 280 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991,

What was that "higher source" of "direct communication", for the Rosicrucians, for Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati, for the Freemasons of the Scottish Rite, the Templars ? What are the "roots" of that "invisible empire" which operates behind the scenes ? What legacy of subversion and corruption is founded in Freemasonry's organizational roots ? In it's so-called "spiritual" roots ?

-- Not Just Bricklayers -

The "operative" masons of Europe, persons who were literally in the stone mason trade who formed guilds and lodges, provided not only a pattern of secrecy for the lodges of "speculative" masons of professionals and aristocracy in England who formed a new "magical order," but provided a legacy of subversion and corruption in the very exercise of their trade.

It is generally believed in occult circles that these medieval masons had inherited esoteric knowledge from their pagan antecedents and this knowledge was incorporated into the sacred architecture of the cathedrals.
p. 3 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

One person specifically revealing said "incorporation" of "esoteric knowledge," a former 32 degree Mason and ex-Witch, wrote:

Many of the feasts, saints, and even cathedral sites of the medieval church were actually pagan feasts, gods, and worship sites. Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was built on the site of an important Temple to the Horned God of Witchcraft, Cernunnos.
These masons ... were holders of the old religion
p. 180
... paid by the bishops to build cathedrals which they (the masons) would then encrust with Witchcraft symbols!
p. 181 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The nature of subversive activity, Schnoebelen has shown, was embodied in the coded portrayal of magical secrets in Cathedral stone providing a perpetual record or allegorical reference of their sinister magical crafts. [Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991, p. 182]

The depth of subversion could not, however, be seen on the surface, as archeological investigations have revealed.

Although the masons who built the medieval churches and cathedrals were nominally Christian, the profusion of pagan symbols and images in these ancient buildings indicates many of them were still pagans at heart ...
p. 18
While researching a book on witchcraft, the medieval survival of the pagan old religion, author Michael Harrison came across the work of the late Professor Gregory Webb of Cambridge University who in 1946 was the secretary of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. ...
In one of the churches surveyed ... Inside the damaged altar Webb and his team discovered a stone image of a phallus which had been carefully concealed within the hollowed interior.
... In 90 per cent of all the pre-Reformation churches built before the outbreak of the bubonic plaque at the end of the fourteenth century, when church building ceased for a long period, Webb discovered the altars hid fertility symbols which dedicated the Christian churches to the old pagan religion.
p. 19 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Christians, by contrast, have been characterized as "puritanical."

[p. 63

The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989]

The association of witchcraft and the "pagan old religion" obtains a particular focus in Europe about the time of the twelfth century to the fourteenth century, referred to. The spread of Luciferianism in Europe and the pursuit of "evil for the sake of evil" took root.

It is, however, idle to deny that the cult of evil has always existed; the invocation of the powers of darkness was practised in the earliest days of the human race and, after the Christian era, found its expression, as we have seen, in the Cainites, the Euchites, and the Luciferians. These are not surmises, but actual facts of history. Towards the end of the twelfth century Luciferianism spread eastwards through Syria, the Tyrol, and Bohemia, even as far as Brandenburg; by the beginning of the thirteenth century it had invaded western Germany, and in the fourteenth century reached its zenith in that country, as also in Italy and France. The cult had now reached a further stage in its development, and it was not the mere propitiation of Satanael as the prince of this world practiced by the Luciferians, but actual Satanism--the love of evil for the sake of evil--which formed the doctrine of the sect known in Italy
p. 76
as la vecchia religione or the "old religion." Sorcery was adopted as a profession, and witches, not, as is popularly supposed, sporadic growths, were trained in schools of magic to practise their art.
p. 77 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

The pagan, pantheistic doctrine of dualism gave rise to the worship of the Lord of Darkness and the perversion of the Biblical description of the Devil as the ruler of the world.

{Under heading: Luciferians}

Following the pantheistic doctrine that God is present in all of creation, some medieval sectarians held that God and the devil were one.
Since the Catholic church (and later Protestants) frequently referred to Satan as "the ruler of this world," breakaway groups of antinomian heretics would therefore declare that Satan (Lucifer) should indeed be worshiped ...
p. 82

Since many medieval heretics came to be accused of making pacts with Satan and worshiping him, it is difficult to tell who the real Luciferans were, but groups with this theology are mentioned as existing in thirteenth-century Germany.
p. 83 Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics, Chas S. Clifton, 1992

Thus, the Gothic cathedral work of "operative" stone masons of the period of the twelfth to fifteenth centuries became the object of religious subversive activity and provided the tradition for the religious and political subversive activities of "speculative" Masonry which organizationally crystallized in England in 1717.

In fact, the Gothic cathedrals were mostly built between A.D. 1100 and 1400, 300 years before some gentlemen calling themselves the 'Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons' formed the Grand Lodge of England in 1717.
p. 30 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

Albert Pike, Luciferian, who was appointed as dogmatic head of Freemasonry by Giuseppe Mazzini readily admitted to particular subversive activities, corruption by the "ideas of Plato" and Egyptian, Greek and other mystery religion doctrines embraced by the Gnostics who taught "another doctrine ... from the hands of philosophy ..."

Under the same influences of toleration, even those who embraced Christianity, mingled together the old and the new, Chris-
p. 247
tianity and Philosophy, the Apostolic teachings and the traditions of Mythology. The man of intellect, devotee of one system, rarely displaces it with another in all its purity. The people take such a creed as is offered them. Accordingly, the distinction between the esoteric and the exoteric doctrine, immemorial in other creeds, easily gained a foothold among many of the Christians; and it was held by a vast number, even during the preaching of Paul, that the writings of the Apostles were incomplete; that they contained only the germs of another doctrine, which must receive from the hands of philosophy, not only the systematic arrangement which was wanting, but all the development which lay concealed therein. The writings of the Apostles, they said, in addressing themselves to mankind in general, enunciated only the articles of the vulgar faith; but transmitted the mysteries of knowledge to superior minds, to the Elect, -- mysteries handed down from generation to generation is esoteric traditions; and to this science of the mysteries they gave the name of ... {Gnosis}.
The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident.
p. 248
Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The coming of the "Antichrist" would be evident not only by external and internal physical subversions of cathedrals otherwise dedicated to Christ, but by philosophical subversions, doctrine, practice, and even by "powerful works." Although the work of the "Antichrist" was not completed with subversions which came upon Christian congregations which followed the Apostle's passing off the earthly scene, history finds the impact staggering, and the discovery of the occult conspiracy demonstrates that the "Antichrist's" work has even greater impending evil planned in it's designs upon a world of mankind for whom Jesus Christ came to set persons free from bondage to corruption and from death itself.

Michael Howard, who takes a positive view of the occult or pagan traditions in The Occult Conspiracy also traces the influence of Gnosticism in direct conflict with Christianity.

However the myth of the Hermetic wisdom had a profound effect on the Gnostics who were heretical Christians in direct conflict with the early Christian Church for attempting to fuse paganism with the new faith. ... The Hermetic tradition provided the spiritual inspiration for many secret societies in the Middle Ages and its influence can be discerned in both speculative Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism.
p. 4 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Pike acknowledged subversion of Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees, against whom Jesus railed for their victimization, spiritually and otherwise, of the common people.

The dominant system among the Jews after their captivity was that of the Pharoschim or Pharisees. Whether their name was derived from that of the Parsees, or followers of Zoroaster, or from some other source, it is certain that they had borrowed much of their doctrine from the Persians. Like them they claimed to have the exclusive and mysterious knowledge, unknown to the mass.
p. 259 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Pike further acknowledges the deep occult tradition of Jewish sects, which stood diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Holy Bible. He refers to the influence exercised upon some while in captivity in pagan Babylon, from where the plan for a one-world religion in opposition to the God of the Bible originated. Genesis chapter 11.

The Magi of Babylon were expounders of figurative writings, interpreters of nature, and of dreams, -- astronomers and divines; and from their influences arose among the Jews, after their rescue from captivity, a number of sects, and a new exposition, the mystical interpretation, with all its wild fancies and infinite caprices. The Aions of the Gnostics, the Ideas of Plato, the Angels of the Jews, and the Demons of the Greeks, all correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster.
A great number of Jewish families remained permanently in their new country; and one of the most celebrated of their schools was at Babylon. They were soon familiarized with the doctrine of Zoroaster, which itself was more ancient than Kuros. From the system of the Zend-Zvesta they borrowed, and subsequently gave large development to, everything that could be reconciled with their own faith; and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread, by the constant intercourse of commerce, into Syria and Palestine.
p. 256 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Babylon (Chaldea / Mesopotamia) and Egypt are pointed to by Pike as the source of the ancient mystery religion and occult traditions (which includes ceremonial magick). Both Kabalistic and Gnostic fundamentals of Templarism which Pike referred to are rooted in the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religion traditions and initiations.

The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldaea, that is to say, from the pure sources of the primitive Kabalah.
p. 103 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Even so, occult practitioners had evidently infiltrated the domain of the Church organization.

CEREMONIAL MAGICK ... is a very old one, dating from ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian times, it was widely used during the Medieval era and is still practiced today. Because the magicians practicing this type of magick could profess a basic belief in a Supreme Creator such as that of the ruling Christian church, they often felt comfortable participating in the accepted religion of the day. This participation kept most of them free from persecution; the majority of these magicians also were very secretive about their magical work, which helped them live fairly safe lives. Furthermore, many of the clergy delved into Ceremonial Magick, until even this was declared anathema by the powerful Christian church.
p. 53 The Ancient & Shining Ones:
World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

The prolific and highly honored 33rd degree Mason, Manly P. Hall, also conceded the existence of such activities, as has Michael Howard.

Even alchemy and astrology were practiced by the members of monkish Orders, and not a few old abbots were suspected of sorcery. Such pursuits were regarded with disfavor, and appropriate chidings administered. It took something more, however, to set the whole machinery of theological displeasure in motion.
p. 42 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

During the period following the emergence of the Mystery cultus and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire a new mystical movement arose in the Middle East which attempted to synthesize the best elements of the decaying paganism with the new Christian beliefs. This movement was known as Gnosticism, ...
They claimed to have preserved the real teachings of Jesus ...
The Gnostics derived their spiritual inspiration from a variety of sources, including the Greek and Roman Mysteries, Ancient Egyptian mythology, the Hermetic tradition, the dualistic doctrines of Zoroasterianism, the Middle Eastern fertility cults, the Chaldean stellar religion and Esoteric Christianity.
p. 22

The Gnostics attempted to unite both paganism and Christianity and they produced a hybrid version of the new faith based on the heretical texts which circulated after the death of Jesus.
p. 24 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The focus of this critical analysis is upon the evil and corrupting roots of the occult conspiracy to restore the plan for a one-world religion and government presided over by an occult and evil Hierarchy, a plan which could embody the ultimate fulfillment of the Antichrist of which Jesus Christ's Apostles warned.

Roughly concurrent in the pagan, witchcraft and Luciferian environment in Europe, the twelfth and thirteenth centuries also saw the rise to wealth and power of the Knights Templar, a French based monastic Order once a military arm of the Roman Catholic Church which provided protection for traveling pilgrims during the Crusades. In the Middle East they had learned, through their contacts, particular esoteric arts. What common denominator had established itself between the Templars, witchcraft, and Egyptian mystery religion ?

-- The goat god --

The "Goat of Mendes" is represented in the occult by the inverted pentagram (or inverted five-pointed star) and is common to witchcraft, satanism, and some other occult traditions or organizations. It is considered to be an extremely diabolical symbol by persons familiar with occult esoteric teachings and practices. It represents what is known as the Baphomet representation of an evil horned god. The Egyptian "roots" are shocking, and leave a trail of evil with an expanding base of influence in our century.

In medieval times the Devil was sometimes called the Goat of Mendes because at this temple in ancient Egypt bizarre rituals were performed involving naked priestesses performing the sex act with goats.
p. 13 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In the widespread witchcraft organization known as Wicca it is in the higher degrees or levels (esoteric teachings) where the initiates learn that the Horned God of the inverted pentagram represents Lucifer.

The right hand side is masculine and sacred to the Horned God (who we in Wicca eventually learned was Lucifer).
p. 13 Mormonism's Temple of Doom,
by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

The Templars in their contacts in the Middle East adopted a legacy which can be traced to Egyptian mystery religion in one of it's most horrifying manifestations.

Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members, under the influence of that sect, were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate "The Baphomet", the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.
p. 144 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

In their confessions the knights said that Templar initiation ceremonies took place at night in candlelit chapels. Initiates were forced to renounce their Christian faith as a sign of their loyalty to the Order and to spit, urinate or trample on a crucifix.
p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The androgynous figure of Baphomet has female breasts and the lower part of its body is veiled portraying the mysteries of generation. However the phallic nature of the goat god is symbolized by the caduceus symbol of a wand entwined with two serpents which was carried by Hermies. This symbol hides the erect penis of the Baphomet figure. Its belly is covered with scales representing the reptilian origin of the human race in the evolutionary process.
p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The reptilian, serpent association of Lucifer, represented in the Baphomet, began with the "serpent" which corrupted the first human pair, and has been honored and represented in pagan mystery religion since. The philosophical "lie" by Lucifer that humans can attain "godhood" through the auspices of Lucifer, that man or woman can "evolve" to godhood by occult methods involving escalating degrees of spiritistic "illumination" entrenches evolution as a dogma in the occult tradition.

The Baphomet represents the depiction of the ancient mystery religion from Egypt, it's goat god, sex magic, and spiritistic "illumination." Thus, the Templar tradition in secret societies is not a reference to protecting pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land from "infidels."

The Templar tradition represents a tradition of Luciferianism, of Baphomet or Goat of Mendes worship, and a tradition of sex magic with it's diabolical effects.

Ramsey ... in 1736 ... addressed a gathering of French Masons and referred to the Templar tradition. He revealed that Masonry was the heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries.
p. 57 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In 1736, only nineteen years after the formation of the Grand Lodge in England in 1717, Masonry, in a French address, was identified as "heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries." The transformation or impacting of "speculative" Freemasonry by Templarism should not be surprising, since before his death in 1314, Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the officially banned Order, set up Lodges to perpetuate the Templar tradition in Edinburg, Scotland; and Paris, France; and elsewhere. De Molay had

"instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry." [p. 820, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike]

Thus, the depths of Freemasonry, as attributed to by Albert Pike, the man who wrote the degrees of the Ancient and Scottish Rite in their present form, are not simply a continuation of pagan traditions of the "operative" masons who built the cathedrals of Europe, but the perpetuation of the traditions of the Templars themselves. The origins of Freemasonry reach further back in time than the stone Masons of Europe, even as Pike pointed out.

Hence Free-Masonry, vulgarly imagined to have begun with the Dionysian Architects or the German Stone-workers, adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ...."
p. 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The midevil cathedrals bear the scars of sinister subversions with witchcraft symbols and fertility symbols, phallic worship. The "operative masons" who through their building craft subverted those structures, formed a pattern for the lodges of "speculative" Masonry, a new "magical order" in England. The religious and political designs of "speculative" Freemasonry would provide the "vehicle" for the "ultimate secret society." The secret society stage was ripe for Weishaupt's formation of the "ultimate secret society" in which "all occult systems could be reduced to a single, powerful organization." The "empire of evil ... spreading by all the occult means at their disposal" obtained in Adam Weishaupt an unholy godfather to direct the evil empire's activities under a central authority by the Illuminati.

-- Freemasonry's godfathers --

The "sceptre of the dark empire" was "wrested by Mazzini" from the Carbonari who had assumed the leadership of the "dark empire" by it's Alta Vendita Lodge of blackest Freemasonry following Weishaupt's death or decline. Like Weishaupt, Mazzini viewed Freemasonry as an ideal vehicle or "powerful vehicle" for world revolution. In collusion with an American Confederate General, Albert Pike, Mazzini would reinforce the criminal beginnings of "speculative" Masonry begun in England and forge Mazzini's Masonic Machine. Mazzini, also the father of the Sicilian Mafia, brought Albert Pike whom he had appointed as head of dogma over Freemasonry into the depths of the conspiracy of Illuminist control of Freemasonry.

THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Gang Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment

Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to revolutionize the world, but he saw it divided into numerous rites, often rivals, and even hostile to one another. Aspiring to Italian Unity as a means of breaking the temporal power of the Holy See, he dreamt of a union of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual power.
Mazzini, who was very practical, said that it would be inadvisable to favour one rite only to the exclusion of all the others. In a letter to Albert Pike, dated Jan. 22, 1870, he writes. "We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their divers modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which will remain unknown, to which
p. 208
we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to their brothers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown."
p. 209
Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.
p. 215
"To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism.
p. 216
Thus it was particularly the initiates of the thirty-third degree Scottish Rites, who, owing to their extensive international ramifications, were privileged to recruit adepts for Palladism.
"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite.
p. 216

"The Holy See of the Dogma for the whole masonic world was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium. Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, ...
p. 217
One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.
p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Albert Pike rose to prominence in Freemasonry learning the "Craft" in Little Rock, Arkansas, whereas the headquarters for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was located in Charleston, South Carolina since 1801. Later the headquarters was relocated to Washington D.C. and is now the Mother Council of the World.

Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, composed of ten brothers of the highest grades who formed his Supreme Grand College of Emeritus Masons.
p. 217 Quoting from Domenico Margiotta, 33rd Degree Mason. from the book Adriano Lemmi
Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Confederate Brigadier General Albert Pike, "the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer," who co-founded the KKK, which is recognized for, among other things, un-Christian titles such as Grand Dragon and Imperial Wizard, cross-burning, and racism.

Every Freemason should realize that Pike "completely rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form."

Albert Pike (1809-1891) is easily the preeminent figure in American Freemasonry. His many titles included Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree (Mother Council of the World) and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Scholar, student of ancient languages and occult philosopher, he completely rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form. This work is explained in his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. His position in Masonry was, and is today, unparalleled, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. {italics, the author's}
p. 63 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

Former 33rd degree Freemason, the highest degree attainable in American Freemasonry, Shaw makes it clear that:

Finally, the last Sunday of Reunion arrived and we progressed to the 32nd Degree. Upon completion of the degree work, climaxing with the 32nd Degree lecture, ...
Each of us was presented, along with the Scottish Rite ring, a copy of Albert Pike's book, "Morals and Dogma." We were told that is was the source book for Freemasonry and its meaning. We were also told that it must never leave our possession, and that arrangements must be made so that upon our deaths it would be returned to the Scottish Rite.
p. 62 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

It is with particular authority, then, that Albert Pike identifies in Masonry's "source book" the source of inspiration and guidance for Freemasonry. What is the "Palladian Rite" by which, Mazzini wrote Pike, "we will govern all Freemasonry" ? The "supreme rite" was launched in "honor of his {Pike's} Templar Baphomet." Who is the god of Freemasonry ?

-- Masonry's "Prime Minister" --

The Templars deceived observers with an outward facade :

Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple ... externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order...
"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters... ; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought
p. 817
to supplant. Hence Free-Masonry, ... adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ...."
p. 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The use of facade, of concealing evils with a righteous front is an age old ploy. The Apostle Paul wrote,

" For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,

transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an

angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also

be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end

shall be according to their works."

2 Corinthians 11: 13-15. KJV

The transformation referred to is one of appearances, Satan putting on appearances of an angel of light. In that, the Templar tradition has followed the tradition of the god the Templars worshipped. Thus it is not surprising that Pike extols Lucifer, represented by the goat god, as the God of Light. The evil Satan is portrayed as a misrepresentation.

The Technological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the ' Instructions ' issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A.C. De La Rive in La Remme et lÉnfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book we translate and quote as follows :
"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees --- The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
p. 220

"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. ...
"Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy ; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay ; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil."
One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry."
p. 221

In 1880, a charter was granted him by the Royal Order of Scotland for the foundation of Lodges in America appointing him Provincial Grand Master of the order of H. R. M. He was indeed a great organizer.
Margiotta further writes :
" The two secret chiefs, Pike and Mazzini, finally completed the organization of high masonry, establishing four Grand Central Directories for the world, functioning thenceforth to gather information for the benefit of their political policy and dogmatic propaganda. .."
p. 222 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Pike mocks the description of Lucifer as the "Spirit of Darkness," an expression abundantly attributed to the god of the witches and sorcerers.

"LUCIFER, the Light-bearer ! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness ! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning ! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not ! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed.
p. 321 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Jesus clearly identified Satan as the "...the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, ..." [Revelation 20: 2 - KJV] and as " ... the devil ... he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth ... for he is a liar, and the father of it." [John 8:44 - KJV]. Satan portrays himself as mankind's liberator and as the god of light in the Garden of Eden in promising Adam and Eve godhood if they would choose rebellion against God. Satan declared that Adam and Eve would not die for rebellion against God, but would attain to godhood instead.

After commenting on the name of Satan, who is the Devil, Pike refers to Satan, not as a person, but as a force, eventually represented by the horned god of the witches.

"...for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.
For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent and the Light Bearer or Phosphor of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend."
p. 102 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Adonay, referred to as the God of the Bible, is, instead accused of being "the God of Darkness and Evil."

The "Force" embodied in the goat god of the witch's Sabbat, or Baphomet, is portrayed by Pike as the instrument of liberty.

Pike outright celebrated Satan's subversion or 'liberation' of Adam and Eve. The unseen power behind the serpent in the Garden of Eden which portrayed itself as a source of "light" is honored by the Luciferian religion as "serpent power," the "Force," later described as the Kundalini or serpent force. To Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, Satan is not the god "of the Powers of Darkness" but the prime minister force of the god of Masonry's light, Lucifer.

The corruption which Illuminati Adam Weishaupt used to further the aims of establishing an eventual overt, anti-Christ Luciferian Hierarchy over mankind has been essentially the same method employed by Lucifer, Satan's disguised angel of light personality, in establishing influence and control over the first human pair; the method of corruption was spiritual corruption. Pike also revised the Black Mass in which Satan's subversion of Adam and Eve is celebrated.

Corruption has been the modus operandi, spiritual or otherwise.

Retired Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy {William Guy Carr} ...

"While Pike was Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Head of the Illuminati during the 1870's he revised and modernized the ritual of the Black Mass celebrated to emphasise the Luciferian and Satanic victory achieved in the Garden of Eden, and over Christ to end his mission on earth. The celebrant of the Black Mass plays the part of Satan. He introduces a Virgin Priestess to the joys of sexual intercourse and makes known to her the mystery of procreation. ... The desecration
p. 121
of a Host consecrated by a Roman Catholic Priest is part of this abomination. Lucifer is worshipped as "The giver of the True light"; the fountain of All wisdom; and as the greatest of all Supernatural Beings. Satan is worshipped as Lucifer's Prime Minister ... a Black Mass is usually followed by a Bacchanalian orgy. Those who attend are supplied with sex-stimulating drugs and beverages. They worship the body and indulge in sexual excesses, and perversions, of all kinds. Priestesses are provided for the occasion.
p. 122 Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star: The Masonic Connection,
Dr. Cathy Burns, 1994

quoting from David Carrico's exposé, quoting Commander William Guy Carr,

Lucifer--Eliphas Levi--Albert Pike and the Masonic Lodge, p. 15

Pike, who "revised and modernized the ritual of the Black Mass", also "rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form." It should be emphasized that the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is not only the highest degree of American Freemasonry, but is one bestowed by invitation of the Supreme Council only, and in which "true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree" is sworn "above all other allegiances" and the ceremony is sealed with drinking wine out of a human skull. A former 33rd degree Mason who left the order exposes the "deadly deception" of Freemasonry's 33rd degree.

When it was time for the final obligation we all stood and repeated the oath with the representative candidate, administered by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General. We then swore true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, above all other allegiances, and swore never to recognize any other brother as being a member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry unless he also recognizes the supreme authority of "this Supreme Council."
One of the Conductors then handed the "candidate" a human skull upside down, with wine it .
With all of us candidates repeating after him, he sealed the oath, "May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same" (the oath).
p. 104 The Deadly Deception:
Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

In a ceremony the Thursday before Easter in local Scottish Rite Temples, by no means limited to 33rd degree Masons, participants play out a terribly sinister ceremony.

After this we took our places at the table shaped like a cross and sat down. . The setting was dark, our long, sweeping robes were solid black, our faces nearly concealed in the hoods
... It was, indeed, a Black Communion -- a strange Black Mass.
... with only the center candle still burning, ... and extinguished the last candle -- the candle representing the life of Jesus ..
We had dramatized and commemorated the snuffing out of the life of Jesus, without once mentioning his name, (bold characters, the author's between commas) and the scene ended with the room in deep silent darkness.
p. 107 The Deadly Deception:
Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

As Pike dramatically provided for, "the celebrant of the Black Mass plays the part of Satan."

-- Freemasonry's Palladian Rite --

Often when one hears about initiation into Freemasonry, one thinks of the oaths which are taken. Yet the initiations involved at the highest levels of Freemasonry which are used to "rule" or govern the organization represent extreme forms of human corruption, morally and spiritistically, as is evident in the "supreme rite" fashioned by Pike to rule Freemasonry.

Pike, who rewrote the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, colluded with Mazzini in forming the "supreme rite" to govern all of the rites of Freemasonry, the Palladian Rite. The "supreme rite" was launched in "honor of {Pike's} Templar Baphomet."

A Knight Templar Mason, William Schnoebelen ...

"was brought into Palladium Lodge ... in Chicago in the late 1970s ... and received {a} ... degree ... in that Lodge in 1981."
p. 194 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The former high-level Mason Schnoebelen exposes in Masonry: Beyond the Light, one of several books he has authored, the five steps of the Palladian rite. Part of what is involved is a progression of corruption which ultimately result in complete, ongoing possession by "the evil spirit" for which the person becomes but a "fleshly glove." To achieve that state the "initiate" is "literally 'married'" ...

"by having a medium of the appropriate gender be possessed by the "dead spirit" (actually a demon) and then ... was consummated.
It was believed that the magical "virtue" of the spirit would flow from the possessed medium into the initiate through the act of intimacy.
The idea was that the wisdom and god-like power of the spirit being would gradually, through repeated congress, totally infuse the mind, body and will of the initiate.
p. 198
... {later}

At this point, the soul of the initiate is totally eclipsed by the evil spirit. In other words, there is virtually "nobody at home" except the demon!

... At this point, the initiate ceases to be an autonomous individual. He is but a fleshly "glove" with a demonic "hand" inside controlling his every move.
Such "illuminated beings" regard humans the way we regard cattle.
p. 199 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process ?

{of Mazzini and Albert Pike}

"To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism.
p. 216
"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite.
p. 216

Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, ...
p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

What could induce a person to pursue such horrible, demonic practices ? What persons would be principally recruited for the Rites of Palladism ?

Those " ... who were already addicted to occultism, particularly initiates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites.

Perhaps a most telling warning not to involve oneself in the occult, not to become addicted to it, not even to dabble in it, are not simply the cases resulting madness or insanity, but of what might be described as an incomprehensible corruption of a human being which involves the divorcing of one's humanity and progressively leads to becoming a "fleshly glove in a demonic hand."

One of the stages of the Palladian Rite has elements common to a broad spectrum of occult traditions, evidently accounting for the reference to addiction to occultism which was made. It defines spiritistic Illumination.

Illumination: through drugs and occult techniques of the Seers, the so-called Third Eye would be opened, not just partially (as in psychics) but completely. This "eye,"... is felt to be the point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness. It is supposedly located in the forehead, above and between the two visible eyes.
To "open" the eye a little bit is to experience psychic powers. To open the eye completely is to have your brain flooded with the "pure" consciousness of Lucifer himself. This is why one of the Masonic symbols is the "All-Seeing Eye." It is a symbol of Illumination.
... In it, you acquire a "personal relationship" with Lucifer. You begin to think his thoughts and see with his eyes. You begin to look at humans the way he does. It is not a pretty experience!
p. 197 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The same author, William Schnoebelen a former Wiccan High Witch, elaborates about Lucifer whom Pike explained as having Satan as his "force."

At that point, I knew one of the pre-eminent names of the god of the witches was Lucifer. Then I learned that the Horned God, Lucifer, had a "Shadow" as well. ...
... so does the light of Lucifer become the brilliant darkness of Satan -- yet it is the same god!
p. 34 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

-- The Templar Enigma --

The solution to the Templar Enigma does much to further identify the "fundamental principles" of the rulers of Freemasonry. The corruption process to which Masons submit themselves in the "outer machinery" by means of the oaths of Freemasonry, perverting justice and sanctioning murder and treason, represents a dark path which gets ever darker as the serious Mason moves on to deeper secrets. The Knights Templar Enigma raises the questions of "fundamental principles." It explains why Freemasonry is not only fundamentally dangerous, as is evident in Masonry's oaths, but why Freemasonry is diabolically dangerous to the human family.

Manly P. Hall, 33 degree, ranked in Freemasonry in it's explications with Albert Pike, evidently refuted the allegation that the Templars were targeted for doom by the "Church" for their wealth or temporal power, and places the focus on their secret body of knowledge and rites of black magic and of the Baphomet.

Was Jacques de Molay burned by the Holy Inquisition merely because he wore the red cross of the Templar? What were those secrets to which he was true even in death? Did his companion knights perish with him merely because they had amassed a fortune and exercised an unusual degree of temporal power ? To the thoughtless these may constitute ample grounds, but to those who can pierce the film of the specious and the superficial they are assuredly insufficient. It was not the physical power of the Templars, but the knowledge which they had brought with them from the East, that the church feared. The Templars had discovered part of the great arcanum; they had become wise in those mysteries which had been celebrated in Mecca thousands of years before the advent of Mohammed; they had read a few pages from the dread book of the Anthropos, and for this knowledge they were doomed to die. What was the black magic of which the Templars were accused ? What was Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes, whose mysteries they were declared to have
p. 438
celebrated ? All these are questions worthy of thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason.
p. 439 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

This represents a high level Masonic stinging admission of the real issues, which Albert Pike began to reveal in his Morals and Dogma. Piercing "the film of the specious and the superficial" modern-day charges that the wealth and power of the Templars occasioned their doom as a military organ of the Roman Catholic Church, the question arises, "what was the "great arcanum," the great secret in ancient mysteries in which they had become so-called "wise" ? What was the black magic which eludes a specious and superficial examination ? What was the mystery of the Goat of Mendes which Manly P. Hall urges to give "thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason" in connection with the Templar legend ?

Specifically the Templars were accused of denying the tenets of the Christian faith, spitting or urinating on the crucifix during secret rites of initiation, worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet in a dark cave, anointing it with blood or the fat of unbaptized babies, worshipping the Devil in the shape of a black cat and commiting acts of sodomy and bestiality.
p. 36

It is possible that during their sojourn in the Middle East the Templar Order contacted adepts from the Arab Mystery schools who taught them the secrets of sex magic. This theory is supported by confessions of Templars who said that at the climax of the ceremony the initiate indulged in an act of sodomy with the chaplain.
p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Sex magic ?

Acts of sodomy and bestiality ?

As already noted, the ancient Egyptian Goat of Mendes, represented later by the Baphomet, established a legacy.

In medieval times the Devil was sometimes called the Goat of Mendes because at this temple in ancient Egypt bizarre rituals were performed involving naked priestesses performing the sex act with goats.
p. 13 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Operating in the Middle-East, the Knights Templar were geographically in position to acquire it's diabolical traditions.

Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members, under the influence of that sect, were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate "The Baphomet", the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.
p. 144 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

The phallic representation included in the image of the Baphomet goat god is not incidental, but involved one of the most diabolical parts of the inner secrets of pagan mystery religion which is traced to ancient Egypt. That inner secret demonstrates unequivocally that at the core of mystery religion is not simple "nature worship."

Former first degree Illuminati, Knight Templar, High Wiccan Witch, satanist, and 90th degree of the Egyptian Rite, William Schnoebelen, has provided comprehensively indicting expositions of the occult establishment in the books which he has authored. While 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall points to actual issues of the Templars' suppression and points to them as "questions worthy of thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason," Schnoebelen reveals how another 33rd degree Mason, and notorious satanist, Aleister Crowley disclosed in writing secrets which bordered on revealing "the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry. Sexual magic which Michael Howard attributes to the Templars is further identified by Schnoebelen as the means by which depths of human degradation are brought about, leaving no question as to what accounted for the "degenerated" Knights Templar.

... the sexual magic Crowley brought to the West from his travels in Egypt, Nepal, Tibet and Ceylon involved the belief that various orifices of the body were tunnels into other magical dimensions ...
and that sexual fluids were magical elixirs if properly "consecrated" by a Priestess of the Art in a Magic Circle.
In bringing these secrets out in his privately published books, Crowley skated the edge of revealing the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry. Those who followed his teaching, which included members of the English-speaking branches of the O.T.O., and a large majority of the Third Degree and beyond Witches I knew, rapidly became obsessed with sadism, sodomy, perversion and both physical and psychic vampirism!
p. 193 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Schnoebelen makes the Freemasonry and witchcraft connection with the diabolical sex magic rites. The "magical dimensions" cited represent horrifying contacts with demons, as Schnoebelen attests. Satanist Aliester Crowley "skated the edge" of revealing in writing the "very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry." Diabolical sex magic is revealed to comprise "the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry."

Freemasonry, witchcraft, and other manifestations of the New Age movement are significantly revealed as to fundamental principles and methods by means of such disclosures which serve to identify the type of forces behind the New Age movement.

The New Age movement and the occult revival, while claiming to be presenting a new style of spirituality, still relies on the traditional philosophies of past occultists such as Blavatsky, Besant, Steiner, Alice Bailey and Aleister Crowley to provide its theological framework.
p. 174 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Palladian Rite, the "supreme rite," which involves sexual union with demon possessed, was devised to "govern all Freemasonry." Luciferian spiritism. The Goat of Mendes, the Baphomet, honored by Albert Pike who colluded with Mazzini in creating the presiding diabolical rite to govern Freemasonry provides a link with the Baphomet of the Templars who survived DeMolay. The link is evidently more than symbolic.

Schnoebelen described the "illumination" of the brain by Lucifer, or a Luciferian entity, in which the person experiences thoughts intensely impressed upon the brain. Spiritistic "illumination." Although other methods are also used in the occult, including the use of drugs, the method of involving persons to engage in horrible sexual perversions in order to achieve "illumination" reveals much about the so-called "Golden Age" which the "Philosophic Empire" seeks to establish in America and throughout the world.

Referring to the Templar Order, Michael Howard connects the sex magic rites with what is called "illumination."

Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis and at 'the base of the spine'. These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities but in the occult tradition the naval, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as the chakras. The perineum marks the Kundalini chakra which is the psychic source of sexual energy in the body. Various occult techniques can be practised which liberate this energy so that it travels up the spinal cord to illuminate the brain.
p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

That "energy" is identifiable as the "Force" which Albert Pike identified as Satan. In fact, the kundalini force is identified as a serpent force which travels up the spinal cord in mystical techniques such as in kundalini yoga. Howard clearly identifies the illumination of the brain of the occult tradition as occurring under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil.

In Levi's illustration Baphomet is a goat-headed figure with androgynous features who sits on a cube. A torch blazes between the goat's horns which represents cosmic intelligence and spiritual illumination. In occult tradition Lucifer - who is regarded by the Church as the Devil - is called the lightbringer because he grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane.
p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The term "cosmic" intelligence, illumination or expansion of consciousness is common in the New Age movement and represents "spiritual" illumination by Lucifer, the Devil, the Baphomet god.

The tone evident in Howard's book is that the Judeo-Christian ethic is characterized as puritanical. It should be said that the Hebrew and Greek-Aramaic Scriptures, the Holy Bible, are not puritanical as charged. The Bible does condemn spiritistic practices as well as practices of fornication, homosexuality, and adultery. Spiritistic practice is the substance of the occult. Fornication and homosexuality, as Schnoebelen testifies to, also comprise the framework of many occult traditions. Thus, the portrayal which intimates that it is Christian propaganda which characterizes occultism as involving the worship of the Powers of Darkness is an intriguing way for Michael Howard to introduce the main body of a book which considers "Secret Societies -- Their Influence and Power in World History."

Anyone involved in the twilight world of the occultist must, so the argument goes, be weird or unusual because occultism in the popular imagination conjures up visions of incense filled temples, naked virgins on altars, bizarre rituals, secret initiations and, if Christian propaganda can be believed, the worship of the Powers of Darkness.
p. vii, preface The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Is it "Popular imagination" that occultism conjures up visions of ... the worship of the Powers of Darkness." ? The evidence indicates that occultism is far worse than what many in the public might perceive of it.

Those who advocate for the occult often take the position similar to Albert Pike who claimed that Lucifer is the God of Light and of Good, and who accused the God of the Bible as being the God of Darkness and Evil. Edith Starr Miller relates the

"... theological dogma of Albert Pike ... explained in the 'Instruction' issued by him on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Couhncils of the world ... recorded by A.C. De La Rive ...
p. 220
Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy ; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay ; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil."

p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Howard formulates that there is an argument which accuses persons involved with the occult as being weird or unusual because of a perception based on "popular imagination." However, as Schnoebelen testifies to and documents, the "secret initiations" and "bizarre rituals" far exceed in degradation what might even be popularly imagined. Perhaps Howard does not consider perverted occult practices which even he, himself, refers to or relates, as bizarre, weird, or even unusual. Howard goes on to advocate for occultism. In the preface of his book he states that:

"through the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom it is possible that the aspirations of humanity can be fulfilled, providing those who guide the destiny of our nations are not diverted from the narrow path they tread by the lure of temporal power at the expense of spiritual integrity."
(p. ix). The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

"Spiritual integrity" is an expression which has a noble ring to it, but Howard extols occultism, recommends the "Ancient Wisdom" of the occult, and makes the contrasting reference "if Christian propaganda can be believed" occultism represents "the worship of the Powers of Darkness."

-- Propaganda ? --

Notice how Howard refers to "critics" of the Order of the Templars as regarding the Templars' obscene initiation practices "as proof of their perverted sexual activities" whereas Howard goes on to say "but in the occult tradition" "psychic centres" are there located. To repeat Howard's formulation :

Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis and at 'the base of the spine'. These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities but in the occult tradition the naval, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as the chakras. The perineum marks the Kundalini chakra which is the psychic source of sexual energy in the body. Various occult techniques can be practised which liberate this energy so that it travels up the spinal cord to illuminate the brain.
p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Occult Conspiracy's author, when saying "through the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom it is possible that the aspirations of humanity can be fulfilled" warns of "the lure of temporal power at the expense of spiritual integrity." but doesn't seem to exclude sex magic as part of what is called "spiritual integrity."

It forms the esoteric basis for the Ancient
p. 170
Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism, Esoteric Christianity, the Cabbala, the Hermetic tradition, alchemy and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The occult doctrines of geomancy, alchemy, astrology and sexual magic taught by these secret societies were used as symbolic metaphors illustrating the progression of the individual from material darkness to the spiritual light of understanding.
p. 171 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Howard states that "it cannot be denied that" Weishaupt "was a spiritual person" while conceding that his "spirituality" "would have horrified" his critics.

It is true that Weishaupt had an almost pathological hatred of established religion but it cannot be denied that he was a spiritual person, although his spirituality would have horrified the clerics who opposed him
p. 63 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Weishaupt appears to be adeptly placed in a position of honor as a "spiritual person of "the Ancient Wisdom." Examine what one of the main objectives of the "Ancient Wisdom," which Howard extols, involved. Weishaupt had a common base with the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons. While the Bible teaches us that mankind can be redeemed, brought back and made whole from sin and death through Jesus Christ, the occult "Ancient Wisdom" teaches occult "redemption" by means of spiritistic illumination by Lucifer, the very one who brought sin and death to the human family. Lucifer's solution, Weishaupt's solution, is the de-Christianizing of mankind. The object of the occult "wisdom" is to alienate mankind from God, debasingly corrupting mankind; spiritistically corrupting through "illumination" by Lucifer and Lucifer's demons, and morally and ethically corrupting mankind. To that end, Freemasonry has served a wide diabolical spectrum in corrupting the human soul.

Weishaupt ...
He believed that once the masses had been de-Christianized they would demand political freedom and the right to enjoy life without the moral straitjacket imposed by the puritanical teachings of the Church on sexual matters.
In common with the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, Weishaupt believed this redemption was possible by the application of the occult traditions preserved by the pagan Mystery schools who were the guardians of the Ancient Wisdom.
p. 63 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Kundalini serpent force ending in "illumination"of the brain by Lucifer, having Lucifer or Satan intensely impress thoughts upon one's brain, is what is considered to achieve occult "redemption". Ancient "Wisdom."

In this third degree of Wicca, ...
called the Great Rite ...
This channelling raises the Kundalini force and supposedly produces enlightenment when the Kundalini serpent strikes upwards and "bites" you metaphysically at the base of your brain.
p. 21 Mormonism's Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

True, traditional Witchcraft teaches that for a High Priest or Priestess of the Third Grade to be made, sexual contact must be made in a sexual magic environment ...
p. 195 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The occult ancient wisdom offers so-called "redemption" by being bitten at the base of the brain by Lucifer, as represented by the Kundalini serpent, or snake, simply put. The "redemption" is not to everlasting life on earth or in heaven. It is counterfeit redemption. A horrible ploy. Occult "redemption" is not redemption from sin but immersion into sin and corruption. The kundalini serpent force passes upwards through the body into the brain to produce spiritistic "illumination." Manly P. Hall also made the occult "tradition" reference to the serpent doctrine when he wrote, "Through him {the initiate Master Mason} passes ... the great snake ..."

The Master Mason ...
Through him passes Hydra, the great snake, and from its mouth there pours to man the light of God.
p. 55 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

The sexual contacts of fornication, adultery, and sodomy "in a sexual magic environment" to facilitate sexual magic in the occult "tradition" is linked Weishaupt's efforts to "de-Christianize the masses." Michael Howard, as already quoted, refers to the application of occult "redemption" traditions which Weishaupt had in common with the Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

As already noted, Howard relates that which critics regarded as "perverted sexual activities" to psychic or metaphysical centers of the body. Occult practices which are supposed to invoke Luciferian or demon "illumination" include what is called Tantric sex. Further, Lucifer, or Satan, uses sodomy as a means to debase human beings in their quest for "illumination." Sodomy has also been referred to in writing as the third means of the three degrees of sexual magic.

Ancient Egyptian mystery religion, at the center of the New Age movement and of the occult "traditions," clearly defines Lucifer and the occult tradition as agents of spiritual darkness and degradation.

No matter where the serious magical Wiccan apprentice turns, he or she is confronted with Crowley's magical "current" of energy. When a High Priest or High Priestess is created in ritual initiation, they are usually empowered by an act of Tantric sex, while invoking a powerful ritual written by Crowley himself for his blasphemous and satanic "Gnostic Mass".
p. 194
True, traditional Witchcraft teaches that for a High Priest or Priestess of the Third Grade to be made, sexual contact must be made in a sexual magic environment ...
It is in this utterly intimate contact that the "power" of the High Priesthood is passed, and has been passed down through the generations. Crowley designed this ritual to continue the highly depraved Set (or Aiwass) magical current
p. 195
from the Initiator to the candidate.
p. 196 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The American goat-god counterculture of witchcraft and the occult is deeply rooted in evil. The Egyptian mystery religion connection surfaces again as diabolical spiritistic practice. The "highly depraved Set" god of the Egyptians which Crowley invoked represents a means of spiritistically corrupting individuals and infusing evil into the fabric of American society. The roots of the god Set ?

Ancient Egyptians believed Set was the god responsible for all evil, and his "mom," Lilith, was the naight-hag who was also the "patron saint" of abortion (a traditional witch practice).
p. 96 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

It is highly significant that Masonry and the New Age movement owe their theological framework to leaders such as Crowley and the adroit Alice Bailey. It is highly significant that Freemasonry is presided over by the Palladian Rite in which sex with persons possessed by demons molds a person's character. One of Crowley's contributions to the occult community was to supplement it's cadre of demons at the highest initiatory levels with that of the evil Set, providing a means for a pervasive influence which would pass through the ranks and into society.

It is in this utterly intimate contact that the "power" of the High Priesthood is passed, and has been passed down through the generation. Crowley designed this ritual to continue the highly depraved Set (or Aiwass) magical current
p. 195
from the Initiator to the candidate. At the risk of stretching a metaphor, he created a spiritual venereal disease {Schnoebelen's bold print, s. v. d.}, which could be easily passed through the act of sex, and which would insure that his "religion" would survive long after his death.
into the very beating spiritual heart of the Wicca and created an apostolic succession of unparalleled debauchery and evil.
p. 196 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Set, or Aiwass, is a demon spirit guide which through "sex magic" infests the witchcraft community of which Schnoebelen spoke.

... most Witches ... "plug themselves into" the magical current of Crowley's demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass {Italics and bold print by author}.
Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god mentioned earlier.
p. 192 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The ramifications of such an inimical influence in society is clearly enunciated by the author Schnoebelen who explores in his books the formation of America's counterculture, including drugs and their clandestine association with witchcraft and the New Age movement. The evil Set is also known as Typhon.

Sodomy is especially "sacred" to Set because of its close association to human waste
This detestable practice serves a similar function in the anus as does the magical sex act of intercourse described above. It opens what are called the "Typhonion" tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons ... can travel ... and enter the sex partner's body.
the best way to open these tunnels of demonic ingress is through homosexual sex ....
p. 198 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The ramifications to society in terms of violence is subsequently analyzed or explained by Schnoebelen. The sexual revolution of the 60's (Weishaupt's dream) is further placed in a context which accounts, at least in part, for the changing "values" in American culture.

This is because sex (especially sinful sex outside marriage) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another.
p. 243 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Thus, "spirituality" in the New Age movement, centered around spirit guides, is heavily impacted by not only Lucifer who has inspired the body of Freemasonry to commit men to sworn oaths including murder and treason, but by a cadre of demons, some of whom transform themselves into deceptive counterfeit angels of light, while others infuse their disciples with unequivocal evil. The worship of such gods as Set is thus demonstrated to involve more than merely a theological college of propositions, but to constitute a "material" means of channeling evil and even demonic oppression into individuals and society.

With a body of testimony now more readily available, the Templars' enigma of "degeneration" involving sodomy can be put into the context of black magical rites involving base sexual perversion to achieve spiritistic "illumination" by the evil force represented by the goat god, the Baphomet.

The "golden age" which occult practitioners have been working to bring about is often introduced to entry level persons as the quintessence of peace, but at the very highest levels it is clear that it is a "golden age" of Lucifer and the demons which is the focus of "the practical task."

In time, the mystic-chemists became mystic-politicians. They bound themselves into a Secret Empire of Philosophic Reformers. Through them, magical, cabalistic, and transcendental lore was focused upon the practical task of the restoration of the golden age. This golden age was the symbol of the Philosophic Empire.
p. 25 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

-- Masonic Players --

The "Philosophical Empire" in the United States was seriously jeopardized following the murder of Captain William Morgan whose expose of Freemasonry revealed the foundations of a criminal empire in America. The investigations which followed by three State legislatures divided the nation in two on the issue of Freemasonry, and seriously so. The sentiments against Freemasonry grew to such an extent that Millard Fillmore, who had been a Mason but who had renounced Freemasonry and joined the Anti-Masonic Party in 1828, went on to become President. Further, the monopolization of the press by Masonic influence was seriously undermined as the national division over the issue of Freemasonry led to the formation of newspapers and magazines under the auspices of Anti-Masonic Societies. Weishaupt's Illuminati tactic of having the preponderant, if not exclusive, control of the press faced a crisis.

Carlile, in his Manual of Freemasonry, gives the following particulars : --- "... William Morgan, ... was kidnapped,... and ... murdered. This happened in 1826. The States have been for many years much excited upon the subject ; a regular warfare has arisen between Masons and anti-Masons. Societies of anti-Masons have been formed, newspapers and magazines started, and many published ; so that before the slavery question was passed amongst them, all parties had merged themselves into Masons and anti-Masons.
p. 229 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

The Civil War gave Freemasonry the opportunity forge a new set of circumstances from the crucible of war. Masonry continued on during the war as a common force in the Northern and Southern States, constituting a "government in itself." The obstruction which was encountered to the investigations by the State legislatures prior to the War gave some measure of the strength of Freemasonry at the time, but that power had become seriously threatened. Masonry would emerge from the devastating conflict in a position of renewed strength.

The Craft's relationship to any nation was clearly explained at the time of the Civil War in an 1861 letter from the Grand Lodge of York Masons in Pennsylvania to their counterparts in Tennessee. The letter said:
"Masonry is as old as government. It constitutes a government in itself . . .
"Masonry is a sovereignty and a law unto itself . . . It knows nothing but the principles and teachings of its faith."
p. 207 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
{quoted from Allen E. Roberts' A House Undivided, The Story of Freemasonry

And The Civil War, St. Louis, Missouri Lodge of Research, 1961, pp. 33-35}.

The formidable threat to the principles of the U.S. Constitution not only persisted, but prevailed. At the time of the Civil War (1861-1865) the Grand Lodge of York Masons in Pennsylvania wrote that "Masonry ... constitutes a government in itself", that it "is a sovereignty and a law unto itself" and that "it knows nothing but the principles ... of its faith", which were amply demonstrated in conformance with it's subversive and criminal oaths during the investigations into the Craft in that very State of Pennsylvania, as well as in New York and Massachusetts. The 1861 declaration was indeed ominous and foreboding for America. The U.S. Constitution and the balance of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of Constitutional government in America were formidably challenged, even as previous obstructed State legislature investigations had certified.

Although slavery had been a hotly contested issue, it was not until nearly two years into the War that President Lincoln had incorporated emancipation into the agenda of the War. Later, Brigadier General Albert Pike would co-found the Klu Klux Klan to undermine the Emancipation Proclamation.

The American Civil War united the industrial northern States with the agricultural southern States. However, a configuration of powers not enunciated in the Constitution emerged after the Civil War which made President Lincoln virtually tremble.

Lincoln perceived the corrupting influence of the international bankers and commented:
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed. {footnote}
p.148 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Dallas Plemmons, The Illuminati, (self-published tract, 1979), p. 4}

Shortly before his assassination, President Lincoln warned:
As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. {footnote}
p. 28 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991
{footnote: Louis T. McFadden, Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden (Hawthorne, CA: Omni Publications, 1970), p. vi}

Not only were "corporations ... enthroned" following the Civil War, but the power of Freemasonry secured the Presidency with or following Lincoln's assassination. Andrew Johnson, Vice-president to Lincoln, had evidently been a Master Mason. Johnson pardoned General Albert Pike for treason and subsequently received the degrees 4 through 32 in one night in 1867.

The same month (in 1867) in which Johnson obtained his degrees 4 through 32, he attended the dedication of the first Temple of Freemasonry in America. Where did this event transpire ? Massachusetts. The New York Times related the event without mentioning the Massachusetts legislature's findings which had revealed that :

The Committee found Freemasonry was "a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy, and the oaths and regulations which its subjects are bound to obey, under penalties of death." The committee added that "in no Masonic oath presented to the committee, is there any reservation made of the Constitution and the laws of the land." {footnote 71}
The Joint Committee found Freemasonry to be a "moral evil," a "pecuniary evil," and a "political evil." {footnote 72}
p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 9-10., footnote 72: p. 11

President Andrew Johnson's comments in a public address for the Masonic milestone occasion in 1867 ? :

During his address to the gathering, the President disclosed the other reason he had come to the State of Massachusetts. He said:
"I should not have visited Massachusetts, at least on the present occasion, had it not been for the order of Masonry. I came in good faith for the express purpose of participating and witnessing the dedication of this temple today to Masonry, and as far as I could, let it be much or little, to give my countenance and my sanction." {footnote}
p. 211 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
{footnote: New York Times, June 25, 1867, p. 8}

Masonry "knows nothing but the principles and teachings of its faith.." Those principles and teachings have been demonstrated in writing and in deed to be diametrically opposed to the principles and teachings of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights. The official motto of the 32rd degree is "Order, out of Chaos." Freemasonry did, indeed, prevail out of the chaos of the Civil War, as it would in it's war against the Church of Rome in Europe. Masonry's godfathers would subsequently draft plans for three world wars to reconfigure the world according to Masonic/Illuminati objectives.
Recalling that "representatives of the world's secret societies" had "formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati" in "1782"
[p.92, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990] ,
Weishaupt's successor, Mazzini, later became the "godfather" of that evil Masonic empire. The Masonic Machine had become Mazzini's Masonic Machine. With Masonry's media influence and Mazzini's rulership over Freemasonry, the expression Mazzini's Masonic Media Machine would not be an inappropriate one. The trail of Mazzini's Masonic Media Machine would extend beyond his death.

Masonry, a vast organism of propaganda, acts by slow suggestion, spreading the revolutionary ferment in an insidious manner. The heads sow it among the inner lodges, these transmit it to the lower lodges whence it penetrates into the affiliated institutions and into the press, which takes in hand the public. {footnote}
p.99 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Inquire Within (pen name for Miss Stoddard), Trail of the Serpent, (Hawthorne, CA: re-published by Omni Christian Book Club, a collection of essays which appeared in the Patriot between 1925 and 1930) p. 94-95}

The association of Freemasonry as a "vast organism of propaganda" in conjunction with "the press ... which takes in hand the public" has proved itself a formidable force well into the 1990's.

Following the 1867 event of effectively co-opting the U.S. President Andrew Johnson, Mazzini "wrested the sceptre of the dark empire from the Alta Vendita" and conspired with America's Albert Pike to rule over Freemasonry as Illuminati godfathers by means of a comprehensively diabolical Luciferian spiritism Rite. Pike's Palladian Priesthood, a Luciferian Priesthood, would be infused with mechanisms of evil to preside over the Machine. Weishaupt would have been proud of America's liberal media today, as would the Alta Vendita.

Roughly concurrent with the co-opting of America's President, Andrew Johnson, and the so-called reconstruction of the public image of Freemasonry with media complicity in concert with the U.S. President, Mazzini forged the centralization of authority over international Freemasonry by means of a horribly de-humanizing Supreme Rite configured by Albert Pike.

From letters scattered through different masonic archives, it is evident that Mazzini formed his great project after 1866.
... Mazzini set himself to study the problem of the international organization of Freemasonry, and in 1870 reached an agreement with Pike for the creation of the Supreme Rite.
... and at this time the constitution of central high
p. 214
masonry was decreed and signed between Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini. The act of creation is dated Sept. 20, 1870, the day upon which the army of invasion, commanded by the Freemason, General Cadorna, entered the Eternal City.
The two founders divided their powers according to the following plan. To Pike was given dogmatic authority and the title of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, while Mazzini held the executive authority with the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Mazzini evinced great deference towards the views of the Patriarch of Charleston {Pike} and begged him to draw up the statutes of the grades of the Supreme Secret Rite which would thus be the liturgic bonds of the members of centralized high masonry.
Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.
p. 215 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

Mazzini, successor to Weishaupt, held the executive authority while Pike was appointed the head of dogma and served as architect of the Palladian Rite.. Thus the terms Mazzini's Masonic Machine and Pike's Palladian Priesthood.

While early Freemasonry in America seems to have been predominated by "York" Freemasonry, or English Freemasonry exported from England, Scottish Freemasonry emerged from relative obscurity as Pontiff Pike re-wrote the degrees and forged America's allegedly most powerful organization.

It is quite incredible that any initiated Brother, when presented with a copy of Morals and Dogma upon the conferment of his fourteenth degree, can read that volume and yet maintain that his order is not identical with the Mystery schools of the first ages. Much of the writings of Albert Pike are extracted from the books of the French magician, Eliphas Levi, ... an occultist, a metaphysician, a Platonic philosopher, who by the rituals of magic invoked even the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana ...
Through his {Pike's} zeal and unflagging energy American Freemasonry was raised from comparative obscurity to become the most powerful organization in the land. Though Pike, a transcendental thinker, was the recipient of every honor that the Freemasonic bodies of the world could confer, the modern Mason is loath to admit that transcendentalism has any place in Freemasonry. This is an attitude filled with

p. 450
embarrassment and inconsistency, for whichever way the Mason turns he is confronted by these inescapable issues of philosophy and the Mysteries.
p. 451
Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy [Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1984

Manly P. Hall (33rd degree of the Scottish Rite, and other Masonic degrees) clearly proved himself Pike's successor in the capacity of Masonic Scholar, evident not only through his written works and lectures, but in the praise he obtained in the obituary published in the Scottish Rite's official journal in 1990. Grand Commander Manly P. Hall of the Scottish Rite "like Grand Commander Albert Pike" "did not teach a new doctrine."

Masonry has provided the backbone of the so-called New Age movement. The official publication of Freemasonry, New Age, was so named for decades until it was changed to The Scottish Rite Journal. The outer organization has constituted a criminal empire embracing murder and treason, whereas the inner organization has been described aptly by New Age leader Alice Bailey as "a far more occult organization than can be realized" and "the training school for the coming advanced occultists."

The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man. In the comprehension of its symbolism will come the power to cooperate with the divine plan.
p. 511 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey,1957, 1985

High Masonry was organized to fulfill roles including information gathering in support of the arms of "political policy and dogmatic propaganda." Later portions of this expose reveal what types of "wielding of the forces" are concealed in Masonic rituals, as Alice Bailey referred to them.

Freemasonry constitutes a religiously guided machine of subversion, and Masonic oaths comprise the tip of an inimical iceberg of preponderant mass.

One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry."
p. 221
In 1880, ...
Margiotta {33rd degree Mason} further writes :
" The two secret chiefs, Pike and Mazzini, finally completed the organization of high masonry, establishing jour Grand Central Directories for the world, functioning thenceforth to gather information for the benefit of their political policy and dogmatic propaganda. ..."
p. 222 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Masonry's godfather's Pike and Mazzini are otherwise respectively known as a co-founder of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), and the founder of the Sicilian Mafia.

It is a matter of record that J. Edgar Hoover, 33rd degree Mason and Director of the FBI, was adamant that there was no Mafia in America until Attorney General Robert Kennedy, under President J. F. Kennedy, laid the proof on the table as a result of the Kennedy investigations into organized crime. The name sake branch of Mazzini's "formidable machine" found itself under multiple indictments from the highest levels of the U.S. government. Not since the investigations by New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislatures in the 1800's had the "machine" been even remotely so jeopardized. Further, as the book Behind the Lodge Door by Paul A. Fisher documents, the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and Freemasonry has evidenced itself in America in several arenas. The issue of John F. Kennedy's Roman Catholic religion may have presented itself as more than simply an issue of a question of allegiance to the Pope of Rome. The successful investigation of organized crime in America and the official confirmation of the existence of the "Mafia" was, among other things, a blow to the FBI Director who had been consorting with the race track crowd. One division of Mazzini's Masonic Machine, the Mafia itself, encountered a relentless campaign of investigations and indictments by the Attorney General's office under President Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and Lyndon B. Johnson, a Mason, who succeeded the President wasted no time in removing Robert Kennedy from his role in pursuit of the Mafia. Lydon Johnson appointed 33rd degree Mason Chief Justice Earl Warren to head the investigation into the President's assassination. The Warren Commission issued a report less than a year later denying that there was evidence of a conspiracy in the assassination. Thirty third degree J. Edgar Hoover continued on for many years as the Director of the FBI. Robert Kennedy was later assassinated during his own campaign for the Presidency. The CIA, which had fallen into disrepute with President Kennedy, has since fallen into even greater disrepute. It has also continued to be suspected of involvement in the President's assassination, as has the Mafia. President Kennedy and his Attorney General brother, Robert, set out to break the strength of the Mafia menace in America, but were surrounded by men of the 33ş who had sworn to oaths not excepting murder and treason, had sworn their highest allegiance, not to the Constitution, not to God, but to the Supreme Council of the 33ş, to the authority of high Masonry, over which Mazzini, founder of the Mafia, had established himself; and had ceremonially drunk wine from a human skull to seal their allegiances.

The Mafia, whose fundamental or principal trade is in corruption, was prefigured by the highest Freemasonic body in Italy, the Alta Vendita, which held the Illuminati reigns of power since the death of Adam Weishaupt until Giuseppe Mazzini had wrested the sceptre of power from that body.

Upon the death of Weishaupt in 1830, at age eighty-two, control of the Illuminati fell to the Italians. This was probably because they showed a considerably greater natural proclivity for the black arts than did Wieshaupt's Germans. According to Monsignor George Dillon:
Italian genius soon outstripped the Germans in astuteness, and as soon as, perhaps sooner than, Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, Germany, and England; and until Mazzini wrenched the sceptre of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe. {footnote}
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 50-51)

The Alta Vendita boasted of having the corruption of the people as a prime objective.

Masonry is disguised as a movement to free the common man from the corruption and tyranny of the Church and dictatiorial monarchies,
p. 120
but behind the scenes, Masonry has another goal in mind. In a letter from Alta Vendita member Vindex, to fellow member Nubius, their real purpose is revealed for all to see:
It is corruption en masse that we have undertaken; the corruption of the people by the clergy, and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the corruption which ought, one day, to enable us to put the Church in her tomb. {footnote}
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, p. 64 }

Giuseppe Mazzini who became the occult chieftain of secret societies and the founder of the Mafia also became the political head of the world's Masonic bodies, including American Freemasonry. Thus Judge Cesare Terranova in indicting over one hundred Sicilian Mafioso made referrence to the occult support system upon which the Mafia relies.

On May 31, 1965, Judge Terranova had signed an order sending 114 Mafiosi to trial in a body. In reality, it was a trial of the Mafia itself, the first authentic one in the annals of justice anywhere. Italy had not outlawed Cosa Nostra yet, but there was a law against "organized delinquency." ... The Mafia is organized delinquency and the Mafioso is a delinquent," he wrote in his indictment.

"The Mafia is oppression, arrogance, coercion, greed, self-enrichment, power, and hegemony above and against all others. ... The knowledge that nobody will dare to accuse him that occult and authoritative influences will work on his behalf, makes a Mafioso haughty and complacent, defiant and overbearing -- so long as he is not touched by a just and severe application of the law."
p. 149
Octopus: How the long reach of the Sicilian Mafia controls the global narcotics trade, Claire Sterling, 1990

{footnote, quote:"Sentenza di Rinvio a Giudizio," Judge Cesare Terranova, pp. 59, 71-71.}

As New Age leader Alice Bailey, wife of 33rd Mason Foster Bailey, expressed it,

The Masonic Movement ... will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. ... It is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces ...
p. 511
The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, 1957, 1985

That J. Edgar Hoover and Chief Justice Early Warren were members of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, as well as 33rd degree Freemasons, was in conjunction with Judge Terranova's indictment of the role of the occult in support of the Mafia more ominous than propitious for the American investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

After the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite, or the thirteenth, or Knights Templar degree in the York Rite, a Mason may become a member of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine -- a Shriner.
p. 114

In reality, the Shrine was started when a Mason named William J. Florence was initiated into an eastern "secert society" by an "Arabian diplomat." ... the truth is that the Shrine ritual is really nothing more than occult, Middle-Eastern Masonry.
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

The Illuminati, sometimes referred to as initiates of the Great White Brotherhood, succeed Weishaupt, succeed the Alta Vendita, succeed Pike and Mazzini. It is an ongoing conspiracy.

However, the reader can be assured that even in the crisis torn 1980's initiates of the Great White Brotherhood are still working behind the scenes, even if their existence is not recognized or is even denied by those who have no knowledge of their activities and little awareness of the spiritual reality beyond the physical world.
p. 178 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

When principals of the media meet behind closed doors with financial and political heavyweights, and do so as a group for four decades, closed-lip, an organizational platform presents itself to enable "working behind the scenes" for an agenda which is destructive of the processes of a Constitutional democracy. When the Founding Fathers put in writing the Constitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press, it was not freedom to collude and conspire which was meant.

The Bilderberg Group was founded in May 1954 and its first meeting took place in the Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeck in Holland, hence the name it adopted.
There is no official membership list for the group but at its meetings held once or twice a year eighty to a hundred people drawn from the political, financial and media spheres are invited to attend, although few will reveal afterwards the discussions that take place behind closed doors.
p. 167 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In 1991, David Rockefeller, banking czar and founder of the Trilateral Commission, addressing the Bilderberger Group, in Baden, Baden Germany, expressed his gratitude for a collusion of silence, a conspiracy including a massive cover-up, concealing an agenda or plan for a "world government" ruled by an "intellectual elite" and financial barons. It is a conspiracy for a world oligarchy by an "intellectual elite."

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
As quoted on p.13 from
Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:

Police Against The New World Order, 1992

Is the plan otherwise "impossible ... to develop" "if ... subject to the bright lights of publicity" linked with Mazzini's Formidable Masonic Machine ? Are the collusive energies of the media, financial and political heavyweights associated with the Bilderberg Group co-operative agents or facilitators of the Masonic Plan ?

What prompted the foundation of the Bilderberg Group ? In his book The Global Manipulators Robert Eringer links them with the CIA and international Freemasonry. According to Eringer, the first Bilderberg conference was organized by a mysterious personage called Dr. Joseph Retinger. He had been involved in secret activities for nearly half a century and was reputed to be the top agent for international Freemasonry.
p. 168 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

International Freemasonry, Mazzini's Masonic Machine, has provided the "vehicle" to reconfigure the world in a plan for world government in the hands of a so-called "intellectual elite" presided over by Pike's Palladian Priesthood. The threats to human rights are not to the American people only, not to the British people only, not to the German people only, not to the French people only.

As everything comes to the Grand Central Directories so everything emanates from them. ... messengers ... will put in motion the formidable machinery of Freemasonry the world over.
p. 240 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoted from Dr. Bataille, Le Diable au XIX siècle}

The menace of Masonry's "formidable machinery" is "the world over." The plan is a globalist plan. On an anniversary of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, Senator Jesse Helms addressed the U.S. Senate and described a "campaign" and "warfare" "against traditional American culture and values". He spoke of "behind the scenes" activities to "create a new world order" by organizations including the Bilderberger Group. Senator Helms warned of the influence of multinational "corporations" and of the threat which "could ultimately subvert our constitutional order." The Senator spoke of influences in America for which "even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power."

Speaking before the Senate on 15 December 1987, an anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Senator Helms launched into a detailed discussion of these matters in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here are a few excerpts from his important speech:

This campaign against the American people -- against traditional American culture and values -- is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left.
Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert ... in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles ...
The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector.
p. 48

The policies of the industrial sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are influenced by the money center banks through debt financing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by the trust departments of the money center banks.
Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise ...
The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time. This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.
The viewpoint of the establishment today is called globalism. Not so long ago this viewpoint was called the "one-world" view by its critics.
Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power.
In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design ...
All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, as system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn't real capitalism. It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery. {footnote}
p. 49 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Congressional Record -- Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

The Senator's description was in large measure and in substance what three State legislatures had discovered prior to the Civil War. It echoed the warnings by President Lincoln before his assassination. It dovetailed perfectly, even naming the Bilderberger Group, with David Rockefeller's praise for the network of media collusion in a conspiracy of silence on their part in subverting America's sovereignty in the effort to establish "supranational sovereignty" by an "intellectual elite" and "world bankers". Rockefeller even specifically named the New York Times which previously was noted for it's silence after Andrew Johnson's succession to President Lincoln when the image of Freemasonry was publicly re-made at the highest levels of government in a State which had earlier confirmed the findings of two others, that Freemasonry represented a government beyond the laws of the land and in defiance to the Constitution. David Rockefeller had also named for it's complicity the Washington Post, which had given the American people the illusion that the American press is the steward of the First Amendment in protecting a Constitutional democracy.

The corporate threat to American democracy was also addressed by renowned consumer advocate Ralph Nader in his keynote response to the question of why he was running for President.

{Ralph Nader interviewed by Tim Russert on Meet the Press (NBC),

Sunday, March 24, 1996}:


Why are you running for President ?
Because we're part of a larger and longer term political movement, to build democracy in concrete ways, to strengthen the roles of the voter, citizen, taxpayer, consumer, worker and shareholder, and to confront and give competition to the two parties, twiddle-dum twiddle-dee, Republican Democrat, which are increasingly essentially a party of, by, and for big business.
The dominance, the supremacy of these global corporations over our government, over our marketplace, over labor, over consumers, over small businesses through these franchise agreements is getting completely out of hand and on a collision course with democracy."

"The dominance, the supremacy of these global corporations over our government ... is getting completely out of hand and on a collision course with democracy." Ralph Nader felt compelled to challenge the status quo momentum by his candidacy for the U.S. Presidency.
Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot have also sounded alarms about "globalism" and the corporate corruption of the American political process.

The corruption as embodied in the force of corporations which caused President Lincoln to tremble is not called "corruption" in the halls of Washington D.C.. It is, rather, most often characterized as "business as usual" and has earned the contempt of the American people as inimical to their interests and as a status quo which must go.

Yet, the corrupting power of corporations is but one component in a confluence of corrupting influences subverting the U.S. Constitution and corroding the fabric of society and the prospects of the American people.

-- The Formidable Machine of Corruption -

The menace of the "formidable machine" which Mazzini forged in collusion with Pike represents a system of corruption at the highest levels. So much so is that the case that one finds the following particular additional formulation in assessing the threat to mankind by Dr. Margiotta, author of Adriano Lemmi, the political successor appointed by Pike.

To insure the creation and good working of this formidable machine of Palladism, Mazzini had reserved for himself the office of Chief of Political Action nor had he hesitated in bowing to the will of the Patriarch of Charleston who, by his preponderance in Scottish Rites, could easily penetrate all countries of the globe with the new institution. That is the reason for Mazzini giving supremacy to the dogmatic over the political authority in "International Freemasonry.
p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

The presiding fundamental principle of "International Freemasonry" is rooted in the corruptions of the Palladian Rite, and the dominant spirit of Masonry is expressed through the "formidable machine of Palladism."

It should not be supposed that Luciferian Albert Pike invented Luciferianism for Freemasonry. The common denominator of Freemasonry, the world over, at the highest levels, had evidently already been rooted in Luciferian religion, in keeping with the Templar tradition.

One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion is Manichean neo-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal
p. 216
of Adonay, with Lucifer, the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and evil. In stating this principle of the secret cult of the triangles, Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other masonries, for in no matter what rite, the Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by the Christians.
p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

"Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other masonries."

As this expose goes on to show, Lucifer is struggling to divorce not only members of the Palladian Rite, but all humanity of their own minds and from their own bodies, in an evil quest to displace the human mind with spiritistic "illumination" degree by degree, for eventually possessing the brain and body of each member of humanity with Luciferian spirits.

Mazzini and Pike, in conspiring and assembling a supreme rite, the Palladian Rite, to rule over Freemasonry, established Luciferian, spiritistic control over all Freemasonry and set the stage for the eventual adoption of Palladian principles in society in general.

The principles of the Templar Baphomet, the goat god, would form the basis of society's transformation by directing the influential and powerful Masonic Machine at the highest levels.

Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.
p. 215 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

The Templar Baphomet, the idol of the Luciferians and witches, and diabolical sex magic, also a Templar tradition, was honored by Albert Pike in formulating the Palladian Rite, the supreme rite of diabolical corruption by which Freemasonry would be guided at the highest levels.

-- Legacy of Corruption --

While Pike and Mazzini established the ultimate secret rite with which to "govern all Freemasonry," the Palladian Rite, diabolical rites had already permeated Freemasonry. As early as 1736, just 19 years after the official birth of Freemasonry on English soil, Masonry was revealed as "the heir to the secrets of the Templars."

Ramsey ... in 1736 ... addressed a gathering of French Masons and referred to the Templar tradition. He revealed that Masonry was the heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries.
p. 57 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the sodomous Mediaeval Order, was executed in 1314 for charges which included homosexual perversion. The Templar traditions were secretly arranged to be carried forward in the fourteenth century in centers such as Edinburg, Scotland and Paris, France.

A Masonic Order has been created in honor of Jacques de Molay, the notorious Grand Master Knights Templar. The Order of DeMolay. It is a Masonic Order for children. Typically, children of Masons join the Order, and get their start in Masonry. DeMolay for young people represents induction into America's evil Masonic empire, a duplicitous and corrupt empire operating in opposition to the U.S. Constitution. Considering the corrupt Masonic agenda on the whole, involving children in Masonry is alarming, as is naming an Order for children after the infamous Knights Templar who arranged for the perpetuation of the Templar Rites.

The Masonic agenda, the Templar agenda, the Weishaupt agenda, agendas of corruption, have demonstrated threats to the fabric of society.

Is Bill Clinton a Masonic "player" or leader ?

In 1987, the President {Bill Clinton}, a Senior DeMolay (Mason) was chosen by Scottish Rite Freemasonry as the De Molay organization's "International Alumnus of the year."
p. 26 Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, Texe Marrs, 1995

Bill Clinton, a internationally prominent figure in the Order of DeMolay, has clearly demonstrated his interest in bringing about change and doing so for children. The Clintons' Governor's School in Arkansas placed some of the most promising young people (17 year olds) in their State in an essentially secluded environment from their parents while presenting programs which undermined the authority and traditional moral standards of the parents. An elitist world view was fostered, and in reference to the video documentary

The Guiding Hand: The Clinton Influence on Arkansas Education, 1992, students were evidently taught to divorce themselves from their bodies. Occult, mystical techniques which do just that, spiritistically, is part of the continuing exposé which follows in this book. It is a very important, even critical, issue because students and adults today need to be alerted to the dangers of such practices and what diabolical forces are involved. Many aspects of Clinton's Governor's School conform with the Masonic agenda, the Weishauptian agenda to de-Christianize the masses. Targeting those young people who already had exhibited great potentials to play leading roles in society represents quite a strategic move. "Celebrating diversity" in the context of undermining traditional moral values is something which no doubt would have made Adam Weishaupt gleeful.

DeMolay Clinton is also known for an agenda in which he "hit the ground running" upon securing the Presidency by driving hard to the remove homosexual restriction in the U.S. military, for which he received a great deal of successful opposition.

Would the Alta Vendita have been proud of Bill Clinton's Cabinet selection for Surgeon General, the chief health proponent for the nation, when she publicly considered the idea of legalizing harmful illegal drugs in America ? The physical, moral, and spiritual debilitative capacity and destructiveness of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and many other illegal drugs in America does not represent the path to a healthful and sound society. It does, however, further what America's counterculture has discovered, that mind-altering drugs represent one of the paths to spiritistic "illumination." As Schnoebelen has testified, the witchcraft community has contributed to the drug culture in America. The occult connection to drugs was also noted by Richard Kyle.

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to "drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation --- all in the name of tracking psi phenomena." {footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion
p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America,
Richard Kyle, 1993
{footnote: Moore, In Search of White Crows, pps. 221-22}
{footnote: Wuthnow, Experimentation in American Religion, pps. 66, 76}

The "inner machinery" of Masonry involves the "dark arts of espionage." It involves forms of human rights violations whose techniques are facilitated by drugs and other occult methods. The proliferation of the New Age movement has been heavily fostered not only by Masonry, but has obtained great impetus within America's counter-culture, the drug culture. It is not suggested that all Masons who swear criminal oaths take illegal drugs. Indeed, not all Masons are aware of the full scope of the Masonic agenda. The Masonic agenda is multi-faceted. Included among 33rd degree Masons who are prominent political leaders are Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole. Masonry is seemingly ubiquitous. There are corporations and individuals which are known to contribute to competing candidates and competing political parties in order to obtain access and possible influence whichever candidate or party wins an election. The issue is one of influence whether a politician understands the objectives of Masonry or not.

"De-Christianizing the masses" is one goal of the Illuminati. Consolidating power in the hands of an occult "oligarchy" is another part of the "Plan." The acquisition of influence, wealth, and to intrigue comprised major tenets of the Knights Templar which they had achieved before the dismantling of their wealth and station in the public domain. The acquisition of influence, wealth, and to intrigue describes the "heritage of the Temple" which Freemasonry re-established, and that those principles are ensconced within Freemasonry was revealed by the 1829 New York State Senate's investigation. The Templar tradition involved more than sex magic or kundalini serpent bites to the brain by the "great snake" "passing through" the initiate.

"Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple ...
"The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in profound mystery, and it externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order : the Subalterns followed them without distrust.
"To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and means proposed to the initiated Brethren. ...
All that will become the heritage of the Temple : the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World.
"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant.
pps. 817, 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

What the Bilderberger Group seeks to "supplant" is national sovereignty, and the design is to put in it's place a "supranational sovereignty" of an "intellectual elite and world bankers," as David Rockefeller described it in 1991 when praising collusive media principals. The Bilderberger Group encompasses a duplicitous collusion between financial, political and media principals.

... President Clinton is a Bilderberger, a Senior DeMolay (Freemason), and a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
p. 41 Circle of Intrigue:
The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy,
Texe Marrs, 1995

Bill Clinton's credential's read like the organizational roster associated with the indictments inherent in Jesse Helms wake-up call to Congress. President Clinton's mentor Professor Carrol Quigley known for supporting the globalist conspiracy wrote in his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope,

Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carrol Quigley, 1966

The Masonic and Bilderberger initiative is well described by the Templar heritage.

"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters ... ; the other public ... . Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant.
pps. 817, 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Satan, whom the Bible identifies as "transforming himself into an angel of light," often puts on good appearances and takes on various names, but he also embodies himself as that which he really is, the evil spirit bent on humankind's corruption and destruction.

The method of Freemasonry is to corrupt degree by degree, stage by stage, "sowing poison" while often maintaining good exoteric appearances. The Pharisees whom Jesus confronted were known for their good and charitable works, but were woefully indicted for perverting truth and justice.

It is not a comforting thought that there are high ranking governmental and religious officials in America and abroad whose "smiling faces" disarm the unwary, who charm their audiences into credulity, and who have secretly taken oaths which pledge to obstruct and subvert justice, not excepting murder and treason, and who have pledged their highest allegiance to a Supreme Council dedicated to the worship of Lucifer and to the achievement of the goals of diabolical ancient mystery religion. Freemasonry is presided over by Pike's Palladian Priesthood and formidably extends it's corrupting influence down through the degrees in a system for perpetrating and advancing the agenda of ancient mystery religion. Weishaupt declared the infiltration policy for the Illuminati as well as the policy of implementing the "pious fraud."

-- Weishaupt's Wish --

Ominously, for the emerging Constitutional democracy, the United States of America, Adam Weishaupt officially inaugurated the diabolical Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, two months prior to America's declaring it's independence from Britain. The organization of Freemasonry, born on English soil in 1717, underwent a transformation in 1782, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans.

On July 16, 1782, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans, representatives of the world's secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt ... .
p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

Freemasonry had grafted onto it a dominant Illuminati.

But it was not until the Congrès de Wilhelmsbad that the alliance between Illuminism and Freemasonry was finally sealed. This assembly, of which the importance to the subsequent history of the world has never been appreciated by historians, met for the first time on the 16th of July 1782, and included representatives of all the Secret Societies--Martiniste as well as Freemasons and Illuminati--which now numbered no less than three million members all over the world. Amongst these different orders the Illuminati of Bavaria alone had formulated a definite plan of campaign, and it was they who henceforward took the lead. What passed at this terrible Congress will never be known to the outside world, for even those men who had been drawn unwittingly into the movement, and now heard for the first time the real designs of the leaders, were under oath to reveal nothing. One such honest Freemason, the Comte de Viriey, a member of a Martiniste lodge at Lyons, returning from the Congrès de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal his alarm, and when questioned on the "tragic secrets" he had brought back with him, replied: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it." From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror".
p. 31 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

It should be remembered that Weishaupt's plans included not only the destruction of "the Church." Weishaupt, in his designs to "de-Christianize the masses" and to subvert civic authority had, as an ultimate objective, rulership by occult "intellectuals," an elite Illuminati. A principle objective was established, that of "procuring and training pupils." It should be mentioned here that even among the Order of the Illuminati, not all members traditionally shared identical knowledge of all aspects of "the Plan."

But we know that all the Bavarian Brethren were not equally illuminated, and it would be only copying their teachers if the cleverest of these their scholars should hold a sanctum sanctorum among themselves, without inviting all to the conference. Observe too that the chief lesson which they were now taking from the Germans was the method of doing business, of managing their correspondence, and of procuring and training pupils.
p. 232 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A. M., 1798

Similarly, not all Freemasons of equal level or degree share a common base of knowledge. As already established, an inner organization in Freemasonry is concealed, shielded within an outer organization. Nominal Masons having an excellent standing with the public enhance the image of Freemasonry.

Albert Pike placed in perspective how the Fraternity uses Masons who are nationally prominent public figures. He wrote: "Masons do not build monuments to [George] Washington, and plume themselves on the fact that he was a Mason merely on account of his Masonic virtues. It is because his civic reputation sheds glory upon the Order." {footnote}
p. 235 Behind The Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988, 1989, 1994
{footnote: Quoted by Charles S. Lobinger, The Supreme Council, the "ovvicial history of the Supreme Council" of the Southern Jurisdiction, The Standard Printing Company, Louisville, Kentucky, 1931, p. 244}

It is true that George Washington was a Mason, and the efforts by Masonry to "plume" itself with Washington's image have been very zealous. Pike's praise of Washington's Masonic membership ignores the rapid escalation of events in America which led to the formation of the Anti-Masonic Party.

The second U.S. President, John Adams, joined George Washington and Congress in passing laws designed to protect the United States from the Illuminist "Jacobin conspiracy."

In a letter to Reverend Snyder in October of 1798, America's first President, George Washington, was compelled to acknowledge the actions of American Masons involving Illuminati agenda.

In a letter written to Rev. G.W. Snyder at Mount Vernon on October 24, 1798 he apologized for giving the impression previously that American Masons were not involved in the rebellion: {1793 in Philadelphia}
It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. {footnote}
p.96 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: DeConde, Entangling Alliance, p. 306}

The Jacobins in France were responsible for the bloody Reign of Terror or en masse execution of political opponents during the French Revolution, establishing also a legacy of left-wing extremism. The revolution in France was used by the Illuminati staffed Jacobin Clubs to physically eliminate their political and religious opponents. Thousands were sent to the guillotine, including priests.

John Quincy Adams, America's sixth President, spoke out against Masonic oaths, obligations and penalties and stated that they "cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality." He also pointed out that the so-called "Democratic Clubs" which arose in America were "perfectly affiliated" with the Jacobins of France. [see New World Order, William Still, p. 94]

In America, Jacobin Illuminist agents positioned themselves to violently overturn the U.S. Constitutional government, placing the very life of George Washington in jeopardy during a riotous rebellion in Philadelphia.

{italics preserved herein}

". . . I did not believe that the Lodges of Freemasons in this country had, as societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first [the Illuminati], or the pernicious principles of the latter [Jacobins] (if they are susceptible of separation). That individuals of them [Masonic Lodges] may have done it, or that the founder or instrument employed to found the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned."
p. 32 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

{footnote: The Writings of George Washington From Original Manuscript Sources, volume 36, John C. Fitzpatrick, editor, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941, pp. 518-519}

Washington's characterizations are quite significant considering that Freemasonry and the Illuminati had been officially joined by the world's secret societies at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in 1782. Washington's denunciation is further significant considering Weishaupt's device of targeting the first three lower degrees of Freemasonry as a receptacle for Illuminati agents.

Washington acknowledged the operation of diabolical and pernicious forces in America, identified them, and recognized that such forces worked through the agency of individuals associated with Masonic Lodges.

"...The diabolical tenets of" " the Illuminati"

"... the pernicious principles of" "the Jacobins"

Pike might have used Washington's image and "his civic reputation" to "{shed} glory upon the Order," but it seems unlikely that he would have used Washington's words to shed "glory upon the Order" wherewith Washington denounced activities based upon the "diabolical" and "pernicious" tenets and principles of the Illuminati and of Jacobinism operating within Masonic Lodges.

The Jacobin Club was a device used by Weishaupt to achieve his designs against the Church and king. It was an instrument in the French Revolution.

Thus during the first two years of the Revolution Illuminism concealed itself under the guise of popular tumults, but with the formation of the Jacobin Clubs all over France its scheme of domination becomes more apparent.
These societies, Robison in his Proofs of a Conspiracy declares, were organized by the revolutionary committees under the direct inspiration of the Bavarian Illuminati, who taught them their "method of doing business, of managing their correspondence, and of procuring and training pupils".
p. 46 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

Weishaupt's wish in creating world revolution by means of the operation of secret societies under the control of the Illuminati had demonstrated it's capacity through the Illuminati Jacobin Clubs. The Bavarian Illuminati had become "instructors in the art of overturning the world." The "link" between the two vehicles of Freemasonry and Jacobinism was "Illuminatism." The pattern in France in converting Lodges "into a set of secret affiliated societies" "to carry on the great work of overturning the state" proved ominous for America.

Thus were the stupid Bavarians (as the French were once pleased to call them) their instructors in the art of overturning the world. The French were indeed the first who put it in practice. These committees arose from the Illuminati in Bavaria, who had by no means given over working; and these committees produced the Jacobin Club.
There is surely no natural connection between Free Masonry and Jacobinism -- but we see the link -- Illuminatism. ---
p. 231

Thus were the Lodges of France converted in a very short time into a set of secret affiliated societies, corresponding with the mother Lodges of Paris, receiving from thence their principles and instructions, and ready to rise up at once when called upon, to carry on the great work of overturning the state.
p. 232

And we see Weishaupt's wish accomplished in an unexpected degree, and the debates in a club giving laws to solemn assemblies of the nation, and all France bending the neck to the city of Paris. The members of the club are Illuminati, and so are a great part of their correspondents.---Each operates in the state as a Minerval would do in the Order, and the whole goes on with systematic regularity. The Famous Jacobin Club was just one of these Lodges, as has been already observed; and as, among individuals, one commonly takes the lead, and contrives for the rest, so it has happened on the present occasion, that this Lodge, supported by Orleans and Mirabeau, was the one that stepped forth and shewed itself to the world, and thus became the oracle of the party; and all the rest only echoed its discourses, and at last allowed it to give law to the whole, and even to rule the kingdom. It is to be remarked too that the founders of the club at Mentz were Illuminati (Relig. Begebenh. 1793. p. 448) before the Revolution, and correspond with another Lodge at Strasburg; and these two produced mighty effects during the year 1790.
p. 233 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A. M., 1798

Weishaupt's wish for fostering world revolution and for "de-Christianizing the masses" had a magnitude of proportions that one Mason was moved to exclaim,

I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it." From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror".
p. 31 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

Thus, Weishaupt engineered a variety of subversions and methods to accomplish his wishes.

Every move in the game devised by Weishaupt, every method for engineering disturbances and for spreading inflammatory propaganda, became part of its programme.
So just as the Jacobin Club had openly executed the hidden plan of the Illuminati, the Internationale, holding within it the same terrible secrets, carried on the work of World Revolution in the full light of day.
p. 195 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

-- "de-Christianizing the masses" --

The "Jacobin Club had openly executed the hidden plan of the Illuminati." The formation of the Jacobin Clubs "were organized by the revolutionary committees under the direct inspiration of the Bavarian Illuminati, who taught them their method ... of procuring and training pupils." The Jacobin Club was staffed by Illuminati. The goal of "de-Christianizing the masses" had obtained a large measure of success during the French Revolution. How would the English "Revolution" proceed ?

We have already seen in Chapter One that the objectives of the French Revolution were to rid society of church and king, at the root of which stood the Bible, which they ceremonially burned while pro-
p. 56
claiming reason the goddess of the new republic. With a strong Bible-believing community in England, there was little hope of driving the people to revolution against God and king; however, it may be argued that those who wished to see an English Utopia attempted to bring about the social change in a more subtle way.
p. 57 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,
Ian T. Taylor, 1984 - 1991, third edition.

The British case, however required something "more subtle" to de-Christianize the masses due to conditions existing there. At this juncture the name of Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, appears.

The Jacobin cause embodies more than the French Revolution. The Jacobin link represents the Illuminist link. The Jacobin cause was "directly inspired" by the Bavarian (Weishaupt's) Illuminati, and involved Illuminati as members and as "correspondents."

Erasmus Darwin was an active supporter of the Jacobin cause. {footnote, ref}
p. 56 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,
Ian T. Taylor, 1984 - 1991, third edition.

The Jacobin cause included targeting the Church for destruction. The Jacobins represented the agency through which priests were decapitated in France. Jacobins had further conspired to take the revolution to England.

Not only was Erasmus Darwin an "active supporter of the Jacobin cause" which was inspired directly by the Illuminati, but Erasmus Darwin had been the founder of Britain's Lunar Society.

In those days, attacks on religion and the church were not only blasphemous and immoral, but socially dangerous as well. Yet by the late 1700's, seeds of discontent within the British intellectual community were beginning to take root. One group of heretical thinkers belonged to an organization called the Lunar Society of Birmingham, which met once a month at the time of the full moon. This aristocratic group of men sought social change and the advancement of a secular society. Active from 1764 to 1800, the group never included more than 14 members.
p. 58 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

The primary obstacle to "social change" in Europe has often been seen in the context of traditional moral values imparted by the Bible. Subsequent to the Illuminization of Freemasonry, Erasmus Darwin wrote a two-volume work subverting the most fundamental teaching of the Bible, that of creation of mankind by God.

The founder of the Lunar Society was a man named Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), grandfather of Charles Darwin. Erasmus Darwin's contribution to the emerging view of evolution was a two-volume work written in 1794-96 called the Zoonomia. Although Charles Darwin was born seven years after his grandfather died, the ideas of Erasmus Darwin deeply influenced his life. Zoonomia
p. 58
expressed the essence of the theory that his grandson announced to the world five decades later. {footnote}
p. 59 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

Erasmus Darwin provided his grandson Charles Darwin with foundation writings for the theory or doctrine of evolution.

The founder of the Lunar Society, Erasmus Darwin, had in 1794 written a book called Zoönomia in which he outlined his theory of evolution, anticipating not only Lamarck's ideas but even the theory of natural selection ...
p. 58 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,
Ian T. Taylor, 1984 - 1991, third edition.

Lamarck's idea involved the theory of "acquired characteristics," or giraffe neck stretching theory, which was adopted by Charles Darwin and which was later scientifically disproved. Genetics determines the foundations of characteristics. Genetics, genes, the codes of DNA provide for diversity, not for fundamentally new life forms. So called "natural selection" of surviving species selects from what is available, and does not produce fundamental genetic changes which would be necessary for the emergence of new life forms.

It was Erasmus' grandson, who would popularize the evolutionary theory a half century later.

However, the liberal and evolutionary ideas of Erasmus undoubtedly influenced the young Darwin.
Erasmus was a physician, something of a poet, an instrument of the Industrial Revolution, and author of a massive two-volume work Zoönomia (1794-96); this work contained within it the essence of the theory that his grandson would announce to the world half a century later. {footnote}
p. 58 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,
Ian T. Taylor, 1984 - 1991, third edition.

Masonry, as this book goes on to show, teaches evolution to so-called "godhood" by occult, spiritistic means which the Bible and body of evidence identify as associated with evil. The writings of New Age leaders in the occult conspiracy themselves enable the same conclusion that evil forces are behind the movement.

Thus, it is not only Biblical Judeo-Christian moral values which the occult conspiracy subverts and opposes, directly or subtly, but it is the prohibitions on spiritism which it opposes and it is the very foundation of the Biblical account, that of creation by God, which it seeks to subvert. The Masonic-Illuminati agenda converge with the grandson of Erasmus Darwin. Charles Darwin produced The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. By 1867 he is noted for having attained to the 21st degree level in Freemasonry.

Another insight into Darwin's thinking is reflected in his involvement with Freemasonry, an occultic philosophy that is incompatible with basic biblical tenets. In 1867 he was made a Knight of the Prussian Order, "Pour le Merite." This was considered a weighty achievement in Freemason circles.
A Prussian Knight is known to have reached the twenty-first degree of the Scottish Rite. In Darwin's day, to be a twenty-first degree Mason was no mean feat. ...
p. 64 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

Senator Jesse Helms' assessment of those who wield the reigns of power includes the dissemination and coordination of plans affecting "academic" circles.

Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles ...
p. 48 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Congressional Record -- Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

The academic targeting which Freemasonry is implicated in rests not only in the development of the theory of evolution, but in the theory's implementation in America's public school system curriculum. The Masonic spin on propounding it's philosophies is seen in the words of Manly P. Hall (33rd degree).

" ... Master Masons ... are seeking to dispel the darkness ... with the ... light of the Masonic Lodge."
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Education aligned or in conformance with the Masonic agenda has made far-reaching strides in public schools. Evolutionary philosophy, naturalism and humanism have heavily impacted the public school agenda and the moral fiber of society.

Additional victories by the Craft occurred when former California Governor Earl Warren, a 33rd Degree Mason, became Chief Justice in 1953.
Two years after Brother Warren assumed his exalted position on the high bench, Brother Henry C. Clausen of California, 33rd Degree Mason (who later became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite), reminded the Fraternity of Brother Warren's philosophy toward education. He recalled a 1936 annual message made to the Brethren by then Grand Master Warren of the Grand Lodge of California. At that time, Earl Warren had said:
". . . the education of our youth . . . can best be done, indeed it can only be done, by a system of free public education. It is for this reason that the Grand Lodge of California, ever striving as it does to replace darkness with light, is so vitally interested in the public schools of our state . . .
"By destroying prejudice and planting reason it its place it prepares the foundation of a liberty-loving people for free government . . . " {footnote}
"Darkness" and "Light" are old Masonic code words for the beliefs of conventional religious groups, particularly teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as opposed to the beliefs of Freemasonry and Naturalism. The "prejudice" to be destroyed is ... conventional faith and belief.
p. 176 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
{footnote: New Age, October, 1955, Henry C. Clausen, "Report of Conference of Grand Masters In North America," p. 589 }

Earl Warren's address was given three years after the Humanist Manifesto was issued in the U.S. by John Dewey, representing an agenda of naturalism and essentially comprising a declaration of man's independence from the God of the Bible. The use of the public school system to "replace darkness" with Masonic "light," and replacing the Ten Commandments with New Age curriculum (including evolution doctrine) qualifies 33ş Earl Warren as a Masonic godfather of New Age education. Eventually, the theory of evolution would replace that of teaching creation in the public schools, and specifically, under the Warren Court, prayer to God was removed from the public schools in the 1960's under the pretense of separation of church and state, whereas the Founding Fathers opened their assemblies with prayer, and assemblies of Congress have continued to open with prayer. America's youth has been targeted for "evolutionary" subversion.

The teaching of evolution and completely disenfranchising God from the education of young people has prepared the foundation for corroding the moral fabric in America and dismantling of the traditional family structure. The U.S. Supreme Court has gone on to disenfranchise the most fundamental rights of the most vulnerable, the pre-born, subverting the right to life itself. Weishaupt's wish to de-Christianize the masses has gained tremendous strides through the agency of Freemasonry, as well as through institutions which it has impacted. Earl Warren was also a member of the Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine, available to 32nd degree Masons or Knights Templar. Members of the "Shrine" are noted for wearing the red Fez, historically derived from being drenched in the blood of slaughtered Christians. The de-Christianization agenda of "Illuminized" Freemasonry has heavily impacted American society to the detriment of it's people.

-- The Masonic Machine --

Consider the words of Jesus Christ, and examine whether they are not also applicable to the institution of Freemasonry, with it's criminally oriented "vows."

"Woe to you,..., hypocrites !

For you are like whitewashed tombs

which indeed appear beautiful outwardly,

but inside are full of dead men's bones

and all uncleanness.

Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men,

but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."

Matthew 23: 27, 28. NKJV.

FREEMASONRY is implicated in operating an Unconstitutional Authority behind the scenes, swearing men to conceal murder and treason and binding obedience therewith in conjunction with a Supreme Council for which 33ş Freemasons swear their highest allegiance, involving a body of oaths incorporating and swearing to acts of retribution embracing brutal murder for violation of the secrecy of criminal and Unconstitutional oaths, and for violation of secrecy of murder and treason.

Furthermore, the corrupt force of Freemasonry operating behind the scenes has manifestly represented a certified criminal force with a sinister agenda which together with the major media is implicated in subverting the U.S. Constitution and in presenting a platform for "smiling faces" and "pious fraud{s}".

The press in America represents a preponderant force having the demonstrated capacity to manipulate public opinion, "taking in hand the public," and which at the highest levels is implicated by David Rockefeller in a treasonous work of subverting America's national sovereignty.

The First Amendment was not intended to empower the press to be free to collude in treason to bring about the destruction of America's sovereignty. It was not empowered to contravene it's function as watchman to preserve Constitutional process, not empowered to collude in treason domestically to overturn America's sovereignty nor to act as an agency of foreign organizations to overturn America's sovereignty.

A Principle of Indictment is evident in the warning issued in writing in the Bible book of Revelation, as follows, and pertains to mystery religion which is rooted in the so-called second "Golden Age" prior to the divine intervention which caused the Tower of Babel (Babylon) project to be scuttled, but which mystery religion has been perpetuating in the entity "Babylon the Great."

"... Babylon the great ...

The habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit ...

... Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.."

Rev. 18: 2, 4, 5. KJV

Pagan mystery religion has been instrumental in corrupting Christian congregations. Corruption has continued to be sown in America through the agency of Freemasonry and it's criminal oath system, and it's "inner brotherhood." The goal of establishing an occult oligarchical rulership, overtly, over Americans, over mankind, represents an agenda for a ruling "intellectual" elite, and comprises a definite threat to all who would find themselves as subjects to it. Spiritistic initiation is a fundamental principle of the New Age movement. Blasphemously, Lucifer is sometimes referred to as Christ in the New Age movement. Luciferic initiation, degrees of it, represents spiritistic "illumination" such as related by Schnoebelen. It represents the ultimate objective of the sex magic Rites of the Templars, it represents the so-called "redemption" of having the "serpent" bite a person metaphysically at the base of the brain in Tantric sex, it represents the ultimate objective of the New Age movement for every individual, whether the later methods are employed, or whether drugs, or other means, ceremonies or personal "hands on" initiation is involved.

David Spangler, for instance, has stated:

Christ is the same force as Lucifer. . . . Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator.
... Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age . . . each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation . . . for it is an invitation into the New Age.
p. 239 Mystery Mark of The New Age:
Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs, 1988, {quoted from David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ (Findhorn, Scotland: 1978), pp. 44. 45/}

Lucifer is identified as the New Age "great initiator." Evolution to "godhood" was the doctrine spoken to Eve by the Serpent facilitated by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. Evolution is a fundamental doctrine of mystery religion, it is a fundamental doctrine of Freemasonry as this book goes on to show as it further develops the subject. Evolution is a fundamental philosophical or dogmatic tool of Freemasonry to alienate people from the God of the Bible and to ultimately steer persons into the jaws of the New Age.

The Lord of the World, the One Initiator ...
{Bailey blasphemously connects Christ to Satan, the Lord of the sinful World}
He, Sanat Kumara it is, Who from His throne at Shamballa ... presides over the Lodge of Masters, and holds in His hands the reins of government in all the three departments.
He has chosen to watch over the evolution of men and devas until all have been occultly "saved." He it is Who decides upon the "advancements" in the different departments, and Who settles who shall fill the vacant posts; He it is Who ... authorises what shall be done to further the ends of evolution.
p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, 1922

Lucifer, the "great Initiator" "has chosen to watch over the evolution of men and devas until all have been occultly "saved." The "illumination," "initiation," or spiritistic operation of a human's brain by Luciferian entities represents the occult version of salvation, as Alice Bailey noted. It represents a spiritistic "mark" in the forehead, the so-called ajna chakra of co-consciousness with Luciferian entities. "All have been" targeted. The philosophical doctrine of Lucifer was stated in the Garden of Eden, that humans would not die for rebellion against the sovereignty of God, but that they themselves would become gods in heeding the advice of the "serpent." The fundamental root of the "Philosophical Empire" is based on the "lie." Jesus identified Lucifer, or the Devil, as "the father of the lie" and as a "murderer." The war which Lucifer has waged against the human family began with the first human pair. It is a diabolical war carried on in the echelons of mystery religion, perpetrated by secret societies such as Freemasonry, harboring an elite brotherhood of spiritistically "illuminated" beings intent on corrupting the entire human family.

The plan for creating not only revolutions but world wars to reconfigure the world's political, religious and social structures was detailed in writing just a few years prior to Freemasonry's "godfathers," Mazzini and Pike, completing the organization of Freemasonry for the world. Mazzini drew the plans for three world wars in 1871, two of which the world has experienced. Authors such as former counter-intelligence agent and OSS agent Paul A. Fisher, Commander William Guy Carr and historian Nesta Webster have exposed Masonic and Illuminati intrigue in the formation and influence of the Communist State, and revolutions around the globe, including a host of subversions in the United States. Subversions in America include the precipitation of the Stock Market crash and the Great Depression (New World Order: Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still).

The third world war which the Illuminati have planned involves a religious conflict. Specifically, the middle-east has been targeted. New Age spirit guide inspired Alice Bailey revealed the intent of the Luciferian Hierarchy to use religious conflict.

In the next great strife the department of religions will be involved ...
And yet withal there is the closest co-operation in all departments, ... what transpires in one department is known in the others.
p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, 1922

Reminiscent of America's Civil War in which the Anti-Masonic opposition appears to have been substantially impacted in the institution of the pre-War Anti-Masonic press, a religious or racial conflict in America could present a similar scenario. Unenunciated aims could target Masonic opponents or New Age opponents tangentially. The Jacobin actions, on the other hand, were more overtly designated. Following chapters in this book document the "New Age Warrior" movement specifically targeting those who will not or cannot allow New Age principles or practices to be imposed upon them. New Age spirit guides specifically describe an agenda which includes conflicts in which New Age opponents are targeted for elimination. Whether the conflicts target New Age opposition clandestinely or overtly, the New Age agenda is a violent one.

Yet, New Age conflicts have not been limited to be directed against those who oppose the new Age agenda. It has been abundantly demonstrated throughout history that Freemasonry and the Illuminist movement have sponsored what appear to be diametrically opposed groups to create upheaval which could be used as a lever to aid in bringing about tactical or strategic changes to benefit the New Age / Masonic / Illuminati "Plan."

Although the white supremacist movement is most often looked at as fundamentally racial, it has a New Age religious and mystical base in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society and contributor to the Aryan doctrines of Hitler's Third Reich, as well as having a Masonic base. On the other hand, the black separatist movement in America also has a New Age base. Such movements which appear to fundamentally represent a racial conflict of interests embrace philosophies which can be traced to New Age religious perceptions and differences at the base, with both espousing New Age principles and influence.

There are a number of groups which have serious concerns about America relinquishing it's sovereignty to International bodies such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Such developments have given the liberal media the opportunity to obfuscate otherwise legitimate issues regarding a Bilderberger sponsored emerging world government aided through the agencies of the United Nations. By publicly linking white supremacist "hate" groups with resistance to United Nations agenda, the media has been able to divert legitimate discussions and concerns into the arena of white supremacist groups and frame the issues in terms of intolerance and extremism. The fact remains that the white supremacist doctrine has historically been linked with New Age teachings of Helena Blavatsky if not also Albert Pike's Klu Klux Klan. It should also be said that cloaking supremacist teachings with interpretations imposed upon the Bible discredits God while covering over New Age origins of white supremacist philosophy. Whatever the rationale presented for racism, the media has virtually portrayed opposition to the "New World Order" as the exclusive domain of white supremacist groups. At the same time, the media as a whole has covered-up the one-world-government plan as to it's true intent (see David Rockefeller's media collusion speech).

-- The Outer Form --

It is known that the FBI operated a radical journal in the 1960's in the United States to obtain the names and addresses of persons who would subscribe, in an effort to identify potential subversives. The example is used, not to demonstrate abuse of power, but as an example of clandestine methods and the fact that a group or organization which publicly represents a particular political or religious position could be founded or operated by interests having an opposite or conflicting point of view or interest for the purpose of identifying or even exercising influence, oversight or control over persons who might otherwise take up the issues in another format or in another more moderate organization which actually represents enunciated positions. Legitimate questions are raised as to the infiltration of non-governmental persons who might exercise inimical influence, inciting others to engage in evil acts, which in turn could inspire executive or legislative wrath which could negatively impact the rights of persons who have legitimate concerns about America's course, infringing upon persons who have conducted themselves responsibly. One ultimate tactic to direct actions against groups or individuals who are opposed to the occult New Age is obviously to infiltrate such groups with non-governmental personnel and to instigate or personally perform outrageous acts which might reflect upon the infiltrated group, subsequently instigating measures under government auspices which could damage the legitimate rights of many who speak and act responsibly. Behind-the-scenes activities of the Illuminati to subvert groups with grievances represents scenarios which should be taken seriously. Enunciated methods of subversion by Mazzini's Masonic Machine include the creation of organizations or networks of organizations which target the unsuspecting, and infiltration by inimical forces which portray themselves as sincere advocates. The principle applies to political subversion as it does to religious subversion.

Organizations were to be formed that had nothing to do with Masonry on the surface, but which would be under its control:
Create by yourselves, or, better yet, cause to be created by others, associations, having commerce, industry, music, the fine arts, etc., for object. Reunite in one place or another ... these tribes of yours as yet ignorant: put them under the pastoral staff of some virtuous priest, well known, but credulous and easy to be deceived. Then infiltrate the poison into those chosen hearts; infiltrate it in little doses....Afterwards, upon reflection, you will yourselves be astonished at your success. {footnote}
p.120 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 58, 59}

The strategies and tactics of the occult conspiracy include :

... adopting the outward form ... and operating within them ... .
p. 1 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989
The Illuminati, which have planned three world wars and numerous revolutions, and which have founded the Mafia, are experts in crisis creation.

-- Crisis Creation --

The Jacobinist inspired revolution in Philadelphia in 1793 which almost cost George Washington his life, represented an overt rebellion against America's Constitutional government. Covertly, the Illuminati had been formally joined to Freemasonry in 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe, and Illuminist agents had founded several lodges in America during the following four years. Thus the organizational stage was set for the Jacobinist rebellion.

As subsequent investigations by three state legislatures in the 1800's have revealed, the Masonic enemy would infiltrate, recruit, and operate within structures of America's institutions. America's judicial process, extending from the Supreme Court of the United States down to the jury level, would be Masonically compromised.

Potentials for violent conflict in American society have been sown by subversion of the Constitution over the decades. The civil rights movement of the 1960's represented a dramatic case of conflict, reacting to disenfranchisement of civil rights.

The disenfranchisement of the most fundamental rights of the pre-born has also subverted the U.S. Constitution. Violence perpetrated against the pre-born by means of abortion practices in America needs to be properly addressed through the protections which are insured by the Constitution. Seeking to bring about changes in the application of Constitutional law by engaging in violent acts against the abortion community is a tactic which infiltrators bent on creating violent conflict might seek to employ or influence others to employ.

Christian communities in America, along with others who oppose the abortion of the pre-born, as well as those who reject the imposition of New Age initiation and other occult agenda upon themselves, need to be careful not to allow themselves to be clandestinely influenced to commit wrong acts, not to resort to terrorist acts or even threats of violence. Groups which feel they have legitimate grievances in society need to be aware of infiltration by New Age operatives who might pose as supporters or even leaders of grievance movements or initiatives. Psychological or other maneuvering and manipulation of persons who may be well-intentioned but who are easily excitable has the capacity to do much harm to what otherwise might constitute legitimate expression of grievances in accord with the First Amendment. When people are educated as to the real agenda of New Age leaders and their methods, and educated about the Plan for an elite occult oligarchy to exploit and subvert the human family, many Americans could come to realize that it is not the fundamental principles of Masonry and the New Age which are in their best interests. Knowledge of the traps to avoid comprises crucial means of self-protection.

If persons are genuinely convinced that the public needs to be warned of dangers to America's founded Constitutional Republic and it's protections, the Biblical method is outlined in the writings of the prophet Ezekiel.

"Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,


"When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you shall surely die!' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.

"Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.


"Say to them: 'As I live' says the LORD God,

'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,

but that the wicked turn from his way and live.

Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die ... ?

Ezekiel 33: 1, 8, 9, 11. NJKV.

If it is in the power of your hand to save a life and you do it, the life you save may also be your own.

There are persons down through history who have risked, even given their lives to save others. What is the message ? The life-giving message is salvation through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ; the message is that Jesus Christ will rule as King over the earth when he has defeated the powers of evil, in heaven and earth, with God's holy and mighty angels; the message is that God's Kingdom, which Christians pray for and will see realized, will cause God's righteous and just will to be done in heaven, also upon earth.

The focus is on helping others to gain eternal life, whether in heaven or on earth, in the Kingdom of God.

The focus is rightly on spiritual preservation. Physical preservation at any cost is contrasted with preserving one's prospects of everlasting life by means of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ declared,

"For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

"Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Mark 8: 35 - 38. NKJV.

The focus is on spiritually strengthening education, being forewarned and in standing before "the Son of Man," Jesus Christ.

A conflict of fundamental principles in America is being waged. By exposing the evil Masonic agenda and it's perversion of justice, the protections of the U.S. Constitution could be strengthened, and the fabric of society could be re-inforced against pernicious Illuminist principles and Masonic subversion of law. There are a number of Christian groups, ministries and syndicated Christian radio station programs which have been addressing issues of anti-Christian and anti-Constitutional schemes sponsored by the United Nations or by State or national legislation or local or national Outcome Based Educational programs. Yet, the major media has demonstrated a penchant for associating public concerns about a United Nations conspiracy in the context of white supremacist groups, having the effect of discrediting opposition to an alleged one-world government plot. Although there is here no expressed or implied endorsement for any particular ministry or radio program, organizations or individuals, the point is that the New Age issue has been distorted by the major media which frames the issues, if at all, with images of militia groups. One of the greatest disservices the major media has performed for the American people is to frame opposition to the New Age in terms of association with white supremacists. The issues are thereby egregiously distorted. Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist and deep into the occult and New Age philosophy. Hitler ascended to power through the facility of occult secret societies in Germany. The regime of Adolf Hitler is not an example of opposition to occult / New Age methods, it is an example of many things which many Americans do not want repeated under the auspices of America's New Age movement.

The media role of providing a platform for image purveyors has excelled. The views opposing the New Age movement or New World Order have gone either unspoken, inadequately represented or woefully misrepresented in the major news media. The expression "New World Order" is publicly expressed in the context of post-cold-war cooperation between the super-powers, whereas the behind-the-scenes schemes, as revealed in David Rockefeller's speech in a Bilderberger meeting in 1991, are of a far more sinister content. The concealed issue is the establishment of an occult human-rights-disenfranchising rulership in America, and abroad.

Radicals are effectively lumped together as "anti-government" with rational opponents of the New Age / "New World Order," such as William Still, who can appeal to reason arguing legitimate concerns in apprehension of the "New Age." It is quite evident that it is the Masonic conspiracy which is "anti-government" respecting the duly constituted Constitutional government of the United States, and the "anti-government" character of Freemasonry has been well attested to, even by it's own oaths and corresponding actions. The media implicated conspiracy is deeply entrenched politically and within the occult-religious milieu of secret societies, such as the premier occult organization of Freemasonry. However, education of the public can do much to minimize the extent of spiritual subversion in the lives of individuals, families and groups.

If America cannot be turned by it's own people from subversion of the fabric of society and from the "destiny" which the Illuminati seek to impose, that of an Overt Occult Oligarchy, the case for the human race is not lost.

"... because the prince of this world is judged."

John 16: 11, KJV.

-- Bill Clinton, a man of Masonic Principles ? --

Little Rock, Arkansas, where Albert Pike ascended the Masonic ladder, is no stranger to the obstruction of justice and the cover-up of murder. In Saline county, Arkansas, the 1987 murder of two high school students for what they had witnessed, and apparently, for whom they had seen, has left a horrible trail of half a dozen deaths of potential witnesses, including among those, persons who were to testify before a grand jury. Evident Cover-Up by the State of Arkansas Chief Medical Examiner of the two murders was reportedly "rewarded" by Governor Bill Clinton and Jocelyn Elders, the Arkansas State Medical Examiner Commission Chairman, not with dismissal, but, according to a controversial video documentary, with a $14,000, or 41%, raise, whereas outside experts have discovered evidence tampering and evidence of murder. When the Chief Medical Examiner later resigned under growing public pressure, Gov. Clinton created an even more lucrative position for him, paying at least $70,000.
Another young man, who had witnessed the two murders, was himself murdered two days after speaking to friends and family expressing concern for his life and that he knew he had been watched for two months. The young man reportedly related that law enforcement officials were responsible for the murder, and when he was subsequently chased after having his throat slashed, the police report officially excluded mention of that critical evidence, with no autopsy or investigation performed, although two police officers stated that his throat was slashed.
Cover-ups and obstruction of justice allegedly involving local police, the sheriff and Police Chief escalated. An astonishing chain of events has involved the judiciary, State Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney. FBI charges of obstruction of justice against the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas, have not been acted upon by the Justice Dept.. Governor Bill Clinton's personally appointed "drug czar" in Arkansas has also been implicated in obstructing investigations.
Have the Masonic principles of concealment of murder been evident in Arkansas during the 1980's and 1990's ? If one considers the 1996 video documentary entitled "Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection," by Integrity Films, upon which the foregoing sketch is based, the answer is resounding. The horrible trail of murder, cover-ups and complicity connected with Mena, Arkansas, has demonstrated levels of culpability leading to the Governor's Mansion. Bill Clinton's words that he wanted Jocelyn Elders to do for America what she did in Arkansas has obtained far-reaching implications in view of the information presented in the documentary. Consummate corruption exceeding that of the murder of Captain Morgan is at issue in Arkansas, is at issue in America. The operation of Arkansas government during the governorships of Bill Clinton and Jim Guy Tucker have read like the findings of the Joint Committee of the Legislature of the Massachusetts House of Representatives into Freemasonry,

"a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land" {footnote 71}
The abuse of power, alone, under the presiding Governor, Bill Clinton, has the appearance of
a "moral evil," a "pecuniary evil," and a "political evil."

p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of

Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 9-10.

footnote 72: p. 11

Evils manifestly circulating in the Arkansas government under the governorship of Bill Clinton have also been exposed in the video documentary "The Clinton Chronicles" of 1994, which has raised very serious questions, to say the least, based on evidence, testimony and documentation. An analysis presented by former Arkansas State Supreme Court Justice Jim Johnson included in the video documentary is indicting not only of Bill Clinton, but of the media.

The material in the documentary "Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection" further implicates a newspaper campaign in a sinister entrenched effort to stifle an official undercover team headed by a prosecutor who followed an investigative trail of murder and drug dealing to governmental officials, eventually resulting in the prosecutor fleeing Arkansas in fear for her life when she faced being thrown into jail for refusal to compromise the investigations. According to the documentary, at the outset of her assignment she was specifically told by her superior not to pursue public figures in her criminal investigations. That the obstruction of justice has included the murder of several potential grand jury witnesses and destruction of evidence by the Arkansas State Medical Examiner comprises only part of the evidence presented in the video documentary.

No one should be so naive to believe that an organization which has men swear to conceal murder and treason does so out of regard for the U.S. Constitution. Masonic principles have been at work in Arkansas, under the "watch" of a Senior Internationally acclaimed Mason.

-- Arkansas' "pecuniary evil" ? --

The "Mena" (Arkansas) connection has obtained official and public notoriety as a cocaine conduit which makes the Congressional Whitewater hearings appear like a diversion from preponderant criminal wrongdoing and abuse of power which rewards the same.

Why has not the Republican Party vigorously pursued the horrible trail of murder of U.S. citizens and associated government cover-ups in Arkansas ? Brace yourself.

Twenty-five year veteran of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and "Drug Bureau Director for Cape Cod, MA. Michael Levine authored The Big White Lie: The CIA And The Cocaine/Crack Epidemic. [1993]. "According to author Michael Levine, the war on drugs is the "biggest, whitest, and deadliest" lie ever perpetrated on U.S. citizens by their government. ... He tells ... how the CIA created La Corporacion, the "General Motors of cocaine," which led directly to the current cocaine/crack epidemic." [Inside cover]
Former Arkansas "insider" Larry Nichols has not been the only one exposing the Arkansas cocaine connection and government institution involvement.
Terry Reed "who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force, FBI, and CIA" and "former prize-winning investigative reporter" John Cummings authored the book COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. [1994].

"Terry Reed is a former Air Force Intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam War. ... This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period. At the age of 21, armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency, ... he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets. As a civilian intelligence asset, he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencies from undertaking. His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for." COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. [1994]. [back-cover]
The punch line is delivered by the information presented which claims to prove that:

"This Arkansas-CIA connection became Clinton's darkest secret -- a secret shared by then Vice-President Bush, who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 Presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra."
"The Justice Departments of Reagan, Bush -- and now Clinton -- have orchestrated an ongoing cover-up of the Arkansas-CIA connection which has gone undetected for eight years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary. ..."
"Reed puts Clinton directly in the "Iran-Contra loop". Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arrangements, illegal Contra training and money laundering were discussed. ..."
"When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for, forces within President Bush's Justice Department, the CIA and the State of Arkansas decided he had to be neutralized. People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges, forcing him and his family into hiding. But Reed was acquitted, and now wages a one-man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice."
"Found innocent by a court of law, Reed was then convicted by TIME Magazine which aligned itself with a Clinton campaign consumed with protecting its candidate from sandals."
"Compromised reveals one of the most clandestine operations in recent U.S. history. It also offers behind-the-scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence, where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convenient mask of national security."
[the foregoing excerpts from the publisher's comments, inside cover, COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA].

The book alleges that it is not simply for Iran-Contra purposes that illegal events in Arkansas were performed.

Institutions of state and federal government have been implicated in a "pecuniary evil" supported on the corpses of U.S. citizens, including those seeking to perform their lawful and courageous duty to testify to criminal wrongdoing including murder. Indeed, Masonic principles of concealment of murder (and treason) have evidently been at work in Arkansas. If anyone is inclined to doubt that ...

"The Justice Departments of Reagan, Bush -- and now Clinton -- have orchestrated an ongoing cover-up of the Arkansas-CIA connection ..."
one can consider the case of the Clinton "machine" presented in the documentary "The Clinton Chronicles."

-- Massive Cover-up --

The 1994 video documentary/exposé "The Clinton Chronicles" [83 min], which has been the object of wrath by the Clinton White House and the major media, has exposed the CBS "60 Minutes" interview with the Clintons on the marital infidelity issue as an orchestrated cover-up and lie to the American people, that the "60 Minutes" interview was purposely staged and edited to manipulate public opinion to facilitate a "New Hampshire" boost in the primary presidential elections. The video interview with the CBS principal is astonishing. The documentary relates several media/news blackouts in conjunction with the manner of protecting the image of the Clintons as well as media attacks against Larry Nichols, a former Arkansas Clinton "insider" who discovered, while working at the ADFA as newly appointed Director of Marketing and as a friend of Clinton's, that the government loan agency which was formulated by Webb Hubbell and promoted by Governor Bill Clinton to provide insured low cost loans for churches, schools, colleges and job enhancement, was being used for political purposes and for laundering incredible sums of drug money. Huge loans were made which obtained or generated generous political contributions. Each loan had to be signed by Governor Bill Clinton. Loans were made which cost the tax payers $60 million. Such activity, according to "The Clinton Chronicles," has with the aid of media cover-ups and news black-outs aided the ascension of Bill Clinton to the White House.

It has been revealed in the documentary that ADFA loan applications were channelled exclusively through the Rose Law Firm, with Vincent Foster playing a prominent role in the applications process, involving extravagant fees. The money laundering trail was traced out-of-state to banks associated with the infamous BCCI, or 'Bank of Crooks and Criminals International,' for whom Robert Fiske has served as an attorney, the same Robert Fiske who was later appointed by White House / Justice Dept. Attorney General Janet Reno to head an investigation into "Whitewater," due to threats of a Congressional investigation. Yet, there are those who would still prefer Robert Fiske to conduct the "independent counsel" investigations of Bill Clinton while Kenneth Starr is accused of being politically compromised.

Vincent Foster who had been discovered deceased under suspicious circumstances was surrounded by contradicting evidence and testimony. Vincent Foster's files were shredded by the Rose Law Firm the week of Fiske's appointment, and there was a fire which wiped out an entire floor of an office building with important related Whitewater files. Fiske's subpoena actions suctioned up evidence which hadn't been destroyed, rendering such out of reach from Congressional scrutiny. The documentary also considers the brutal murder of private investigator and former head of security for Clinton's presidential campaign, as well as the break-in and stealing of the victim's files, which files had the alleged capacity to have ended Clinton's bid for the presidency. The documentary also includes testimony of the severe beating and leaving for dead of an attorney for Larry Nichols and the related confiscation of video tapes which provided video documentation supporting Larry Nichols law suit against Bill Clinton, as well as contradicting, with visual proof, statements which Bill Clinton had made during the "60 Minutes" said interview. "The Clinton Chronicles" considers media attacks against the State Police officers who came forward to confirm the veracity of Larry Nichol's statements against Bill Clinton. Nichols' law suit was quenched by a Clinton appointed judge, yet the media has sought out Kenneth Starr in his prosecutorial role due to an appearance of conflicts of interest. The modus operandi of the "Clinton Machine" in Arkansas, presented in the two video documentaries cited, has been revealed to reward "players" with lucrative or powerful jobs. Since, the "Jordon" Hubbell/Lewinski connection has provided grit for another special prosecutor investigation. The "Clinton Machine" has much more than embodied the term "insider," it has "pushed the envelope."

The ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority), which Larry Nichols testifies was used for political purposes and to launder enormous amounts of drug (cocaine) money, was formulated by Webb Hubbell, who was later appointed to the position of Attorney General by President Bill Clinton and who after his resignation was replaced by Janet Reno, who appointed Robert Fiske. Jocelyn Elders, to whom the notorious Arkansas Chief Medical Examiner was accountable, was appointed to the position of Surgeon General for the United States, in which position she publicly considered legalizing drugs.

The video documentary which links the lucrative Mena, Arkansas, cocaine connection, the ADFA, the Rose Law Firm, the BCCI and the later pardon of a convicted cocaine distributor and personal friend of Bill Clinton by Governor Bill Clinton, is loaded with dovetailing components. It further establishes a link between a former top aide to an implicated principal in the cocaine money laundering operations, allegedly involving ADFA, as one of the persons who raided Vince Foster's office under White House auspices after Mr. Foster's highly suspicious death. The implication of the judiciary, law enforcement and elected political leaders in the obstruction of justice in the murder of U.S. citizens and grand jury witnesses in Arkansas in connection with a lucrative cocaine trade raises the issue of fundamental principles, and dissolves the guise of national security. The murder of the two teenagers in 1987 in Saline County was evidently triggered not necessarily simply by what they saw, but by whom they saw, based on converging information in the video documentary 1996 "Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection" and the 1994 video documentary "The Clinton Chronicles," which conclusion is supported by at least one eye witness who was murdered two days after he told family and friends that law enforcement officers were responsible for the two murders, along with the revelations that the boys had encountered several men that night, one of whom has been specifically identified.

One can examine for oneself an astonishing trail of murder and government cover-up exposed in "Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection," a documentary which places numerous related revelations into astonishing and horrifying context, the murder of teenage witnesses, the murder of a half-dozen witnesses, including grand jury witnesses, falsification and tampering of evidence by the Arkansas State Medical Examiner, cover-ups by law enforcement officers, obstruction of justice by high-ranking government officials; and the reprehensible actions and in-actions by Governor Bill Clinton and Jocelyn Elders in conjunction therewith. As President, one of Bill Clinton's first acts, by executive order, was to fire all federal prosecutors to appoint his own, which is particularly disturbing considering that the tentacles of the Mena-ADFA connection have been traced into other states such as Florida.

The description of intelligence agent Terry Reed "as a civilian intelligence asset, {who} later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencies from undertaking" raises critical questions on the funding of such "illegal" operations and the Cocaine Cash Cow which has been made evident in "The Clinton Chronicles" documentary, which documentary and whose promoter, Rev. Jerry Falwell, have been virulently opposed by the White House and major media. The murder of American citizens to obstruct criminal investigations, and acts of falsification and obstruction by government and law enforcement officials in the course of concealing Constitutionally criminal activities has, indeed, involved concealing crimes of murder, if not also treason.

The recognition which Bill Clinton received as DeMolay International Alumnus of the year, is not recognition of which a person who prolifically quotes Bible Scriptures should boast. Leading young people on a path which swears men to conceal crimes of murder and treason is not a leadership position of which anyone should boast. 1987 was sadly a pivotal year in which principles of murder and concealment of murder were made evident in Arkansas. 1987 was also the year in which Bill Clinton obtained international acclaim as a Masonic leader -- for youth.

The impact of Masonic principles in America was not buried with the murderers of Captain Morgan, nor were the issues resolved in the conflagration of the American Civil War. That both the Democrat and Republican parties are presided over by prominent Masons raises legitimate questions whether Masonic principles of concealment of murder and treason are flourishing at the highest levels of government. Is Clinton doing for America, that which he has done for Arkansas ?

Bill Clinton can be noted for his role in the De Molay Masonic Order for youth, for contributing to leading impressionable youth on a path of Masonry, a path of oaths and obligations which "cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality," a path of corruption which binds men to conceal crimes of murder and treason in an organization certified to be a "political evil" a "pecuniary evil" and a "moral evil," supporting youth on a path which ultimately divorces them from fundamental principles of the Bill of Rights and which espouses them to tolerance and cover-up of evil, and sponsoring a Governor's School inviting young people into an elitist world view embodying the rejection of traditional (Judeo-Christian) moral standards.

-- Rejecting Masonic Principles --

In view of historical findings by State legislatures

and warnings by numerous groups and individuals,

including American Presidents,

and in view of the current New Age momentum,

it is legitimate and even necessary to ask,

Will the Luciferian New Age plot succeed ? Will it succeed in your case ?

Where do the American people stand on the issues ?

Are "non-insiders" adequately informed ?

Where do the American people stand on the issue of their own membership in Freemasonry, and on the issue of whether a person taking oaths to conceal murder and treason can hold law enforcement or government office ?

Do the American people stand with John Quincy Adams who warned of the oaths, obligations and penalties of Freemasonry that they "cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality" ?

Do the American people stand with George Washington in denouncing the "pernicious principles of the Jacobins" and the "diabolical tenets of the Illuminati" ? Will the left-wing extremist "Reign of Terror" against the pre-born end in America or will the Illuminati's dismal view of human life prevail ?

Do the American people stand with Abraham Lincoln in voicing their alarm at the corrupting power of corporations upon the political process; and in concentrating power and wealth in the hands of an "intellectual elite" in America, while the American people on the whole are being systematically disenfranchised politically and economically ?

Do the American people stand with the descendant of Patrick Henry, William T. Still, in alerting others that a Luciferian New Age is coming and in exposing the inimical conspiracy by Secret Societies to replace America's sovereignty with the rulership of an occult Hierarchy which has the fundamental principles of Adam Weishaupt who possessed a horrifying "spirituality" ?

Will Americans countenance the New Age agenda such as that of Masonic leaders such as Bill Clinton under whose Governor's School auspices American young people have been taught to divorce themselves from their bodies ?

Will American educators teach fallen practices in place of elevated values ?

Will the New Age Outcome Based Education Reforms based on measuring what is euphemistically called "mainstream" liberal moral tenets and philosophical outcomes take Americans by force ?

Will the New Age agenda be adopted nation-wide, following the State of Oregon in dispensing with the High School diploma and replacing it with "certificates" and in "legally" prohibiting employment for those who have not obtained the requisite "certificate" as has been instituted by the State of Oregon ?

The remaining chapters of this book detail methods which the New Age movement often deceptively uses to facilitate induction into the "New Age" of Lucifer. Sinister and diabolical methods are exposed, and the forces which New Age groups "wield" are shown from their own written works to be identified with the goal of subverting the human will, with the ultimate objective of subverting the human identity. The "inner machinery" of Masonry is described and is shown to be even more sinister than that which is embodied in the criminal oaths of Freemasonry. "Black arts of espionage" are exposed as are their applications in infiltrating or subverting political, religious and civic organizations as well as other groups, as well as individuals. What is the "Great Work" of Freemasonry and the New Age movement according to the inner, esoteric doctrine ?

The purpose of this book is not to present a bleak picture for mankind. Jesus Christ focused on the importance to pray, not for the occult Golden Age, but for God's Kingdom to bring true peace and happiness to earth. True redemption is not offered by Lucifer. In contrast, true redemption is offered by Jesus Christ. The following chapters make that contrast abundantly clear.

Everlasting life in heaven and on earth is not simply a hope, it is an assurance which will be realized through Jesus Christ.

The warnings of corruption, chronic corruption, in U.S. government in Washington D.C. have been voiced or otherwise declared through resignation of office by prominent politicians. The threats are real. Senator Jesse Helms stated before the U.S. Senate,

" ... what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert ... in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order
in powerful business,

and official circles ...

p. 48 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Congressional Record -- Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

Thus, David Rockefeller, while addressing powerful moguls of media, finance, and academia of the Bilderberger Group, extoled the "plan" for a new world order, praised the media and other powerfuls in society for their complicity and for acting in concert behind the scenes, in an effort which Freemasonry, the Templars, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati have been working at for centuries.

What is Freemasonry's "Great Work," and what sinister danger does it pose to every man, woman and child in America, ... in the world ?

Although there is no expressed or implied endorsement of any of the sources of research material cited in this book (other than the inspired Word of God) the referred to video documentaries can provide detailed substantiation of material herein presented and are listed with books in the end section, along with Bible translations used.


Chapter 5

The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 5
The Great Work - Whose Re-Incarnation ?

-- The Quest --

Both men and women who seek more "light" in Masonry and Co-Masonry engage in a "quest." It is so described by Masonic leaders. It is not a quest which leads one to Jesus Christ. It is a quest in which dangerous deceptions are encountered. It leads one away from Jesus Christ, the Life-giver, and into the hands of disincarnate entities who are in a "quest" for "fleshly gloves." Yet the legitimate interest which human beings have for life without end, as our Creator originally intended and as He provided a restoration thereof through the ransoming power of Jesus Christ's earthly sacrifice, that legitimate interest is distorted by Lucifer now as in the Garden of Eden into a "quest" for godhood under his, Lucifer's, auspices or priesthood.

The exposé by former 33rd degree Mason, Jim Shaw, with respect to the ceremony of American Masonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, that is, the exposé of a "strange black mass" in which participants play the part of Satan in acting out snuffing out the life of Jesus Christ, foreshadows a horrible stage of corruption which awaits those who wish to rise "higher" in seeking Masonic "light." Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason, presented and promoted the Masonic "quest" allegorically with the story of a man by the name of Aradamas. The eventual "light" which Aradamas would find, is, according to Masonic doctrine, that of Lucifer. Notice how Hall's description of the "quest" fits, metaphorically, the path of corruption by means of the oaths of Freemasonry, by means of the unholy rites, by means of the path of spiritual darkness.

Manly P. Hall epitomized the path of Freemasonry.

{The allegory continues}

... then with slow measured step he {the initiate} resumed his search for some ray of light, finding always darkness deeper than before.
p. 82 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

Darkness always deeper than before. The path of Freemasonry. The "light" which awaits at the end is the counterfeit light of Lucifer, for whom Pike as the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer celebrated Satan as the Prime Minister and described Satan as Lucifer's "Force." Schnoebelen described that "light" as a "scalding hot fog." From there a person can move on to becoming a fleshly glove in a demonic hand. A preponderant deception, a deadly deception, the seeking of Masonic "light."

The structure of secrecy has served Freemasonry very well. The process of corruption, step by step, degree by degree, would have been unquestionably more difficult to achieve without levels of secrecy and deception.

Pike explained how Masonry operates.

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled..."
p. 104 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The first three degrees of Freemasonry are called the "Blue Degrees."

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."
p. 819 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Masons who are surprised to learn of the core teachings of Freemasonry have been diverted by "false interpretation and misinterpretation", "intentionally misled by false interpretations."

The rituals conceal hidden meanings "reserved for the Adepts".

The initiated brother realizes that his so-called symbols and rituals are merely blinds
p. 13
fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual. He also realizes that few Masons of today know or appreciate the mystic meaning concealed within these rituals.
p. 14 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 1923

Having one's "brain-mind" permeated with Lucifer's consciousness does, indeed, fall into the "incomprehensible to the average individual" category, and rightly so.

Yet those Masons who are not among the mystical "elect" nevertheless comprise a significant power base through which the machinery of Masonry operates to achieve it's goals, whether political, social, religious or otherwise.

Masonry, ruled by the Super Rite in which Lucifer or other demon spirit entities "flood" the initiate's consciousness, demonstrates direct influence and control by Lucifer, the god of Masonry, over the Masonic organization and machinery. If a judge in an American court does not belong to the Illuminati, he can, nevertheless, be very useful to the Masonic "machinery" having taken the Royal Arch Degree oath in which he has sworn to obstruct or pervert justice, if need be. If a judge, as a 33rd degree Mason, has sworn his highest allegiance to the Supreme Council, he is no less useful. The Masonic Machine functions such that both Palladian Luciferians and those who are not, act in concert.

-- Machinery in Motion --

" This super-rite, which is masonic luciferian spiritism, must not be confused with the machinery of high masonry. ... High masonry is a supreme administration involving an organization much more highly developed than Palladism whose secret leaders, some of whom are not luciferian, act in concert and accept a superior central authority in order that their work may be the more effective."
{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.}
Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Thus, even 33rd degree Masons who are not engaged in Palladian luciferian practices act in concert with those who dominate over Freemasonry through that diabolical Rite.

The "operative" masons of midevil Europe built and subverted towering cathedrals with silent subversion. The "speculative" Masonry which spread from England provided a well-oiled machine or vehicle for revolution for the Illuminati's "ultimate secret society" to rule the world by a "New Hierarchy." Guidance by "Secret Orders of initiates" of pagan mystery religion has been shaping not only their immediate domain of secret societies, but has been steering a monstrous Plan which ultimately has every individual at "ground zero" of the conspiracy. The third stage into which Masonry is classified is that which 33rd degree Mason Foster Bailey reveals as "spiritual masonry," put to writing in 1957 in his book, The Spirit of Masonry. Having in mind the horrifying "spirituality" or "masonic luciferian spiritism" which rules Freemasonry at the highest levels, one has more than a clue as to the substance of what the third general phase, or "spiritual masonry" involves.

The adepts came to be regarded as wonderfully enlightened persons, like the patriarchs of old. They formed a Grand Lodge, a secret Fraternity of illuminated Master Builders. Craft Masonry did not satisfy completely the aspirations of the earnest human soul. The rites and rituals were but the symbols of sublime truths guarded by Secret Orders of initiates. This has been referred to as the romantic period of Freemasonry.
p. 6 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

Masonry, therefore, can be expected at this time to reveal more clearly its secrets, and to take those forms which will finally elucidate its true meaning.
p. 33 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The evident import of Foster Bailey's statement is that more Masons could be expected to participate in Masonry's "esoteric arts" and not remain simply in the "outer machinery" functions. The expansion of the "esoteric arts" among Masons is part of the Plan.

That the future Spiritual Masonry will recognise the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet is inevitable. ...
The fact of the existence of this Hierarchy and the conscious relation to it will be an accepted hypothesis in the Masonic fraternity in the days to come, but it should not become a Masonic dogma.
p. 137 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The "Spiritual Hierarchy" which rules over the "secret leaders" and organizational bodies to which Masonry pledges it's allegiance is acknowledged to be headed by Lucifer, yet, as Masonry reveals "more clearly its secrets," that which is not at first expounded as hard and fast "dogma" to the membership in general becomes more easily assimilated when presented as "hypothesis."

The "forms" masonry are expected to take evidently pertain to the expansion of the practices long concealed in the inner mysteries.

When however the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function, the G.M. will also resume his ancient prerogatives, for he will be chosen for his initiate rank, and that involves initiate knowledge. He will be restored to his ancient status, and his right to authority will be recognised.
p. 79 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Furthermore, if the "conscious relation" to the "Spiritual Hierarchy" becomes an accepted hypotheses in general, any doubts as to said "conscious relation" to it face being set aside by real spiritistic initiation. The entire body of nominal Masons is targeted for absorption into spiritistic initiation, whereas those having the highest level of initiation are presented as having a "right to authority" which would be widely recognized "when ... the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function".

Although many Masons enjoy fellowship at local lodges, 33ş Foster Bailey and Manly P. Hall clarify that the purpose of Freemasonry, in substance, is not the social club which some have construed it to be.

Masonry is not a social club.
p. 130 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

One could already have gathered that from the criminal oaths. Yet, the inspirational source, behind the inimical oaths is described by 33rd degree Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall as molding the destiny of those who of their free will "take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." That molding force is keenly associated with the criminal "obligations" of the "Fraternity."

He {the Mason} ... must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Now, who do you suppose they are, the "powers unseen and unrecognized" who "mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity" ?

Which "unseen" powers are those who are associated with Lucifer as god and which declare to employ Satan as his "force" ?

When a Mason takes the Royal Arch oath or "obligation" to subvert and pervert justice, he is swearing to act in concert with Masonry's highest authority, whose corrupt ethics are inherent in the oaths.

Does anyone believe that the "All-Seeing-Eye" upon the Mason to whom Manly Hall claims the Mason is exclusively accountable, is someone other than Lucifer ?

The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.

p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "All-Seeing-Eye" is also used in Masonry to symbolize illumination by Lucifer, Lucifer's "eye" through which humans see psychically as a "co-consciousness" with Lucifer unfolds with it's gradual "opening". The depiction stems from the Egyptian "Eye of Horus." Freemasonry represents Egyptian Mystery Religion, not only in practice, but in symbolism as well.

The "powers unseen" which "mold the destiny" of Masons externalize their agenda through initiates and through Masonry's machinery.

Masonry, it's machinery, it's members, serve the purposes of the "Spiritual Hierarchy" operating through the organization's leaders. The agenda: the externalization of the Hierarchy.

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.
p. 20

They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...
They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representations and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...
p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Lucifer is the so-called "lightbringer" in Masonry, in the occult; it is Lucifer's consciousness which expands into the candidate through spiritistic illumination.

The "unseen powers" who "mold the destiny" of said Masons externalize their hierarchy or rulership, not alone through the "machinery" of Freemasonry, but particularly through individual members initiated into an "expansion of consciousness" which comprises the degree by degree opening of the "psychic eye" and "co-consciousness" with and "illumination" by Lucifer. Those Master Masons which represent the "externalization of the hierarchy" and who impart "illumination" initiation are referred to by Manly P. Hall as belonging to those sometimes known as "Illuminati." Thus Adam Weishaupt's "infiltration" of Freemasonry at the level of the lower three degrees and the objectives of the work of "Pontiff" Pike in rewriting the Masonic degrees to better conform to Illuminist principles, have been "successfully" carried out into the middle and late 1900's.

Although not all high ranking Masons have been involved in the depths of Lucifer worship, Adam Weishaupt's plan welcomes their support.

There was more to Weishaupt's scheming and development of the Illuminati plot than most Masons have traditionally realized. The Illuminati would not only use the first three degrees of Freemasonry at the outset as a vehicle for the ultimate Plan, but an expansion of the Plan would involve the lower levels in ways which uninitiated membership even at higher levels have probably been unaware of .


"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.
None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry;
the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands.
p. 112 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

-- Another Powerful Engine for Change --

Not only would the press, an embodiment of "the form of a learned or literary society," serve as a "powerful engine in ... {their} hands," but the lower three degrees would ultimately serve as a powerful engine for change as well.

It is at that level of the occult conspiracy, the first three degrees of Freemasonry, that Masonic authorities clarify the potentials of those first three degrees known as the Blue Lodge. The explanations also clarify that although all Masons are to some degree or another compromised, there is a significant difference between Masons who are true initiates and those who are what might be described as nominal members who nevertheless comprise a substantial part of the power-base of the Masonic organization.

The noted Masonic authority, Manly Palmer Hall refers to the "expression of the Fellow Craft power," wherein the Fellow Craft is the second degree. Hall elucidated so-called "Spiritual Masonry."

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
Incessant vigilance over thought, action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft's degree is the degree of transmutation.
p. 48
The keywords of the Fellow Craft may be briefly defined as compassion, poise, and transmutation.
p. 49 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "application of" ... "the seething energies of Lucifer" represents the real essence of the "mystery of the Craft."

"The Fellow Craft degree is the degree of transmutation." The "unfolding of "their own being," however, represents the unfolding of a "co-consciousness" with Lucifer, the "unfolding" of another being.

The expression "unfolding their own being" embodies one of the "false interpretations" by which Masons are sucked deeper into the diabolical deception.

Recall Schnoebelen's description of the way Lucifer looks at humans wherein Lucifer's ""illuminated beings" regard humans the way we regard cattle," as Manly Hall describes the "transmutation" of the Mason :

But all of these expressions of the human heart must become transmuted into the emotionless compassion of the gods ...
p. 50 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Egyptian mystery religion "gods." Luciferian spirits.

4. The transmutation of personal affection into impersonal compassion shows that the Fellow Craftsman truly understands his duties and is living in a manner worthy of his order.
p. 51 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

"... emotionless compassion," "impersonal compassion," euphemistic expressions for changes in the second degree of the Fellow Craft. The "application of" ... "the seething energies of Lucifer" more than hints at the nature of the euphemism. The nature of the "transmutation" under the auspices of Lucifer involves, according to testimonial evidence, the Lucifer-consciousness. W. L. Wilmshurst, 33rd degree, uses virtually identical language to that of Schnoebelen, describing a flooding "illumination" by the source of Masonic "light" at higher levels of "illumination."

If it is to "contemplate its own intellectual faculties and trace them from their development" until they are found to "lead to the throne of God Himself" and to be rooted in Deity ... and be prepared to receive humbly the illumination that will flood into it from the Light of Divine Wisdom.
p. 122 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Egyptian mystery religion "wisdom" was passed on to the Templars is rooted in corruption, spiritistically as well as morally.

There remains no question as to whose "being" is being "unfolded." The gods which the Bible identifies as being worshipped by the world in general is Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons. It is that "deity," or god, whose plan involves "preparing" persons to "receive" spiritistic "illumination."

Having a person "contemplate it's own intellectual faculties and trace them from their development" is in the occult often assisted with the use of drugs, such as marijuana, and in the 60's counter-culture revolution was known as "checking yourself out," or "checking out your mind." And that is what the process of spiritistic "illumination" using drugs represents. Checking yourself "out" and "checking in" another being, partially or completely.

A transformation of character is all too often the result of the impact of "drugs." Spiritistic illumination, facilitated by "drugs" or achieved through other methods involves the transformation of the individual.

Schnoebelen relates the experience that the brain is "flooded" by the consciousness of Lucifer. Wilmshurst confirms what "illumination" is but ennobles the process and refers to the illuminating agent as "the Spiritual Principle." However, Wilmshurst later explains more as to the identity of said "Spiritual Principle," speaking not of only of illumination by the ... Light" but of "identification with it," "transcending all sense of personal individualization" and being "co-conscious" with "all in the Being of Deity," "the summit of the Mason's profession."

And, masonically, the "sun" stands for the illuminated human intelligence and understanding, which results from the material brain-mind being thoroughly permeated and enlightened by the Spiritual Principle ...
p. 103 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

{the Royal Arch degree}

It is not merely one of illumination by the Supernal Light. It is one of identification with It.
p. 154

It is also spoken of as universal or cosmic consciousness, since the percipient, transcending all sense of personal individualization, time and space, is co-conscious with all that is. He has entered the bliss ..
perceiving the unity of all in the Being of Deity, and which at the outset of his progress he was told was the summit of the Mason's profession.
p. 155 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Wilmshurst characterizes the process of illumination, which is the process of developing co-consciousness and the process by which a human transcends or becomes gradually divorced from his own personal "individualization." The "cosmic consciousness" is also symbolized by the torch blazing between the horns of the diabolical Baphomet representation of Lucifer, as already noted. "Cosmic consciousness" is "Lucifer-consciousness," Lucifer expanding his consciousness on the "physical plane."

-- Incarnating Lucifer's angels - the Great Work --

The "summit of the Mason's profession" is total "illumination," having one's "brain-mind thoroughly permeated" by Lucifer, "transcending personal individualization".

Behind the degree of Master Mason, there
p. 59
is another not known to earth. Far above him stretch other steps concealed by the blue veil which divides the seen from the unseen. The true Brother knows this, therefore he works with an end in view far above the concept of mortal mind. He seeks to be worthy to pass behind that veil and join that band who, unhonored and unsung, carry the responsibilities of human growth. ...
... he climbs the steps and ... passes on behind the veil. It is then, and then only, that a true Mason is born. Only behind this veil does the mystic student come into his own. ...
to be an active worker in the name of the Great Architect. It is there alone, unseen by mortal eyes, that the Greater Degrees are given and
p. 60
there the soul radiating the light of Spirit becomes a living star in the blue canopy of the Masonic lodge.
p. 61 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Hall gets to the core principle where a Mason becomes "an active worker," in the name of Masonry's Great Architect, Lucifer, not only applying "seething energies of Lucifer" but passing "behind the veil". The "summit" of the Mason's "profession" is reached where personal individualization is transcended and "eclipsed" (Schnoebelen) by the "illuminating" entity.

In the three degrees of the Blue Lodge we have an accurate picture of the progress of the human soul, from the time that that soul appears in human form until the time when the great work is accomplished and the candidate for illumination and the worker in the Temple of the Lord ends his career as a risen Master.
p. 14 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

When the stage is reached in which the human candidate has been progressively spiritistically "illuminated" until a "permeation" of the "brain-mind" by an intrusive spirit (or spirits) is achieved, which being "unfolds" it's own consciousness within the human, who really is it that is "risen" in the body of the "candidate" ? It is then that the "great work" is accomplished.

Manly P. Hall makes it unequivocally clear that the mind of the candidate must be destroyed. He reveals in Lectures on Ancient Philosophy that it is not the mind of the candidate which is unfolded; the mind of the candidate is sloughed off, it is left behind as useless.

{Chapter: Illuminated Mind, the Universal Savior}

In the secret teachings it is written that mind itself is the Savior-God. ... Mind must destroy itself that that which is greater than mind may endure. According to the Mysteries, there comes that time in the quest of consciousness when man discovers the mind to be the slayer of the Real. Then as he sloughs off his evil nature, he must slough off his mind that his consciousness may be disentangled from the infinite complex of the mental web. The mind is incapable of ascending to the state of consciousness. The mind can never completely annihilate the sense of separateness, for it depends upon comparison for its function and differentiation for its very existence. Consequently, though the mind is ever the link between consciousness and unconsciousness, it too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection, but woe unto him who slays the mind without that understanding which must be given out of the Mysteries.
The mind must not die until its own work has been completed and its function has reached the highest possible degree of perfection. ...
p. 65
The mind is a bridge connecting consciousness and unconsciousness, but having crossed the bridge, it is left behind, its usefulness past. As a bridge, however, the mind is a vital necessity, and he who depreciates it is as false as he who permits himself to become the servant of its whims.
p. 66
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals

Manly P. Hall, 1984

{relate to occult redemption, the dismantling of the human identity, and demon incarnation, and the destruction or replacement of the human mind}

With the "death of the mind," who becomes the "risen Master" "permeating the brain-mind" with "cosmic consciousness" ? It is then that Lucifer or an associated spirit has fulfilled its "quest" for a "human glove."

The "work of the mind" which Hall refers to pertains to the participation of the Mason, the witch, the New Age disciple, in actively engaging in "illumination" ritual or practices. It is described as a "quest." The description implies culpability pertaining to the participatory process or use of the human mind in engaging in the "great work" of "transmutation," of having Luciferian entities develop their consciousness in the human form as a replacement for the human mind. The human mind is referred to as "a bridge" through which the activity of "the great work," of incarnating Luciferian entities is accomplished through human participation.

The "death of the mind" of the human is an objective of the "great work" while Lucifer's, the Devil's, angels engage in a quest for incarnation on the physical plane. The Mysteries, so secretly perpetuated, involve the principle that "the mind" "must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished." Hall speaks of "the mind" as "left behind, its usefulness past" when the "great work" in an individual is accomplished. The co-operative work of transforming one's brain for other entities to use becomes the "summit of the Mason's profession", it consummates a Mason's "career as a risen Master".

The "true Mason is born" by means of the process of Lucifer-associated spirit incarnation in his or her flesh. The process begins with the candidate in the "human form" and the process of illumination ends with a "risen Master," the incarnation of the disincarnate Lucifer-associated spirit "permeating the brain-mind" of the human body, resulting in the "Master" discarnate demon "rising" in the flesh, or as some would put it, on the physical plane. The substance of Masonry's re-incarnation is that the gradual, step by step, degree by degree take-over of a person by Lucifer-associated entities or spirits incarnates the demon-spirit in the flesh of the human, and it is the demon-spirit which lives on when the human's subverted body is no longer capable of being sustained. Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, had a very interesting comment in this regard, as to what happens when the human organism dies which has been thoroughly "transmuted" or taken over.

The universe is divided into planes and these planes are divided from each other by the rates of vibration which pass through them. As the spiritual consciousness progresses through the chain, the lower lose connection with it when it has raised itself above their level, until finally only the
p. 35
Grand Masters are capable of remaining in session, and unknown even to the Master Mason it finally passes back again to the spiritual hierarchy from which it came.
p. 36 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "spiritual consciousness" of human beings which belongs to themselves is gradually supplanted or replaced with the consciousness of the incarnating spirit associated with Lucifer; the "lower lose connection with it." Then, when the body dies the consciousness of the possessing demon "passes back again to the spiritual hierarchy from which it came." Hall explained that what really takes place is unknown evidently even to the "Master Mason," but only to the "Grand Masters." The Luciferian spirit which lives on fits the description of the "Grand Master" ("only") "remaining in session." The Master Mason believes in an immortality which is counterfeit. The invading spirit which drives the "brain-mind" evidently imparts those thoughts which it wishes to the human vehicle and a process of co-option follows. The human serves as a "host" to a discarnate demon entity which survives the death of the host human body. Hall thus speaks of "Grand Masters" of "remaining in session," and the body of information available from Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Foster Bailey, William Schnoebelen and others enables the deception of Masonic "godhood" to be unraveled. Masonic immortality is a counterfeit immortality, and the human jeopardizes himself not only by corruption, but jeopardizes his or her otherwise real prospects of everlasting life available through the resurrection by Jesus Christ.

Quite literally, "the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan ..." [The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957, p. 20]

It is the "externalisation of that inner spiritual group" of Luciferian spirits which illumination initiate Master Masons to produce Illuminati, whereas the term Grand Master, "G.M.", is in this discussion not a reference to a Masonic title which is awarded, but a designation of a being beyond the physical body of the initiate Master Mason which is transmuted into an Illuminati.

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.
p. 20

They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...
They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representations and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...
p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

It is not only a political, religious and corrupt social agenda which is externalized. The discarnate spirits are physically "externalized" and are able thus to use human hosts to directly carry out their "Plan" while operating with the use of human bodies in political, religious and civic organizations. The "Machine" of Masonry facilitates the overall "Plan," a machine which is presided over, controlled and guided at the highest (and lower three degree) levels by the Illuminati.

What appears to be far more sinister than the conventional "possession" of a person by a demon spirit is the Masonic gradualism involved in the transformation and imprinting of the human brain by the transforming force of the demon, and a further transmutation of the person by means of a step by step development of "co-consciousness" with the Luciferian spirit and potential take-over. This appears to differ significantly from cases where, for example, a person might be victimized by demon possession and later return to consciousness while lacking recollection of what took place. Thus, the "evolution" which spirit guides facilitate through humans by "opening" the "psychic eye," whether in association with the Masonic Lodges or other association, represents the sinister process of corrupting the individual with consciousness of Lucifer-associated spirits. The co-operative process of using one's own mind to further the process as a "bridge" is how Hall referred to it.

New Age leader and wife of Foster Bailey, 33rd degree, elaborated on the psychic or esoteric sense, and it's use even in initiates of lesser degree in whom the "psychic eye" begins to open.

The active use of the esoteric sense in the occult training offered to aspirants, disciples and initiates of lesser degree produces certain changes within the brain, with corresponding changes within the buddhic vehicle; these changes enable one at will (after the third Initiation of Transfiguration) to contact the Being, Life, or the monadic POINT of contact with Whom he will be increasingly affiliated, or the Member of the Hierarchy Whom he may desire to consult.
p. 72 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

The expansion of consciousness called initiation must include the physical brain or it is of no value.
p. 102 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice Bailey, 1922

Examining the scope of teachings of high ranking Masonic leaders, as well as the exposés of former members, it becomes quite evident that what the work of Masonry really represents in opening of the "psychic eye" is the step by step development of co-consciousness with Lucifer or by one or more of his representatives. Thus, when a person follows a progression which leads to becoming a "fleshly glove" of a demonic being, the disincarnate spirit becomes incarnate in the human body. A horrifying "spirituality," indeed.

-- Hierarchical Impression --

The use of psychic powers even in "initiates of lesser degree" which result in "changes in the brain" and the operation of the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness" clarifies the term "transmutation." The "impression" of thoughts, by disincarnate Luciferian entities, mental impression related to "permeating the brain-mind" by various degrees or steps in the opening of the psychic eye, is elaborated upon by Alice Bailey.

Where the disciple is concerned, release from the constant consideration of personal circumstances and problems leads inevitably to a clear mental release; this then provides those areas of free mental perception which make the higher sensitivity possible.
Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy. This is at first purely ashramic, but is later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master; the Plan is then the dynamic substance providing the content of the reservoir of thought upon which he can draw.
p. 94 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

As the disciple begins to demonstrate soul quality, and the second divine aspect takes possession of him and controls and colours his entire life, automatically the higher sensitivity is developed; he becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts; he attracts into his field of consciousness the outline, and later the details, of the hierarchical Plan; ...
p. 95 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

"Impression from the Hierarchy" ... "later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master." Among what things then "possess" the "person" ? "the Plan is then the ... substance providing the content ... of thought ..." The human "guided by the 'gods' or disincarnate superintendents" toward "godhood" becomes subject to "evolution" toward so-called "godhood," and the "disincarnate" "gods" become incarnated in the human body.

... a "Golden Age," ... but in virtue of which men were once in conscious conversation with the unseen world and were shepherded, taught and guided by the "gods" or discarnate superintendents of the infant race, who imparted to them the sure and indefeasible principles upon which their spiritual welfare and evolution depended.
p. 173 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Wilmshurst describes the "Golden Age" which the New Age movement and Masonry seek to restore as involving guidance by "discarnate superintendents" and further refers to the "evolution" of the "infant race." The "discarnate" "gods" of the so-called "Golden Age" of the past are in a quest for incarnation.

Thus, it is that Lucifer symbolized by the goat god, or Baphomet, "grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane." Lucifer virtually incarnates on the physical plane by "permeating the brain-mind" of the human subject and obtains "co-consciousness" or even uses the human body as a "fleshly glove."

In Levi's illustration Baphomet is a goat-headed figure with androgynous features who sits on a cube. A torch blazes between the goat's horns which represents cosmic intelligence and spiritual illumination. In occult tradition Lucifer - who is regarded by the Church as the Devil - is called the lightbringer because he grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane.
p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

It is quite significant that Lucifer in the occult tradition is acknowledged as identified with the spirit entity which the Bible calls "the Devil." It is also significant that the depiction of Lucifer, or the Devil, as a "horned god" is based on occult, mystery religion, having roots in the Egyptian goat god, the Goat of Mendes. The "illumination" of a human's brain, spiritistically, by Lucifer, or the Devil, is referred to as being granted to "his disciples" "through incarnation on the physical plane." Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, also refers to the incarnation of gods becoming flesh in mortal bodies. Hall presents the subject illustratively.

Whenever through self-unfoldment an individual attains to the state of consciousness symbolized by a certain god, then that god is declared to be incarnate in that personality and to
p. 100
actually walk the earth. Thus the god of joy is incarnate in the joyful man, the god of mercy in the merciful, the god of truth in the truthful, and the god of war in those who fight. Being divine attributes, the gods thus become flesh in those mortal creatures who have unfolded and given expression within themselves to those godlike attributes.
p. 101 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

The Masonic transformations of an individual unfold attributes of impressing Luciferian spirit entities even when the subject is not in an actual state of "illumination" or immediate "incarnation on the physical plane" by the "illuminating" Luciferian spirit entity. Appropriately Jesus charged evil opponents "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do ...." -- John 8:44, NKJV. Transformation and corruption under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil, is what Masonry and the New Age movement offer. As Paul wrote, "... For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." -- 2 Corinthians 11: 14, NJKV Lucifer is depicted by his worshipers as the "Lightbringer." It is a false light.

The "self-unfoldment" is a clever expression, but the process of spiritistic "illumination," of having the "brain-mind" permeated and "flooded" by thoughts of a Luciferian entity represents a process of self-dismantling, whereas the Luciferian "gods" obtain some measure of "incarnation on the physical plane" or in a manner of speaking "the gods thus become flesh in those mortal creatures." Hall attempts to illustrate the idea by referring to "the god of ...." Yet, the principle of incarnating New Age, Luciferian "gods" in the flesh in some measure remains expressed. Thus, in the New Age movement, human beings speak of themselves as "gods" or even as "God." The "cosmic intelligence" which Howard refers to in connection with occultist Eliphas Levi's depiction of Baphomet represents spiritistic illumination by Lucifer, further identified as the Devil.

Manly P. Hall praises the ancient magic which illuminates the brain-mind with "cosmic consciousness." It is the same expression which Whilmshurst employed.

In the ancient religions, there was a kind of wonderful divine magic, the magic of illumination,
p. 91
the magic ... by which man seemed able at times to come into the presence of his God, to stand in the transcendency of the divine principle, to enjoy or to participate in a wonderful experience sometimes called cosmic consciousness.
p. 92 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,

Manly P. Hall, 1990

The term "cosmic intelligence" or "cosmic consciousness" is the consciousness of Lucifer entities "illuminating," "flooding," "permeating," the human brain.

The Masonic philosophy that "man is a god in the making" translates to the Hierarchical objective that the body of man or woman is the object of a god in the incarnating.

Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter's wheel he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood, and joins that throng of Master Masons who, in their robes of Blue and Gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple light of the Masonic Lodge.
p. 92 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "evolution" "guided by the 'gods' or discarnate superintendents" of a man to "godhood" is a process of "transmutation." The human body is a "glove" in the making for a "demonic hand," Masonically (see Schnoebelen's quote).

Yet, not all Masons belonging to Mazzini's Machine have evidently participated in the "true work of the craft."

-- A Double Lodge / One Machine --

A Mason ...
He is evolved through ages of self-
p. 71
purification and spiritual transmutation. There are thousands of Masons who are brethren in name only, for their failure to exemplify the ideals of their Craft makes them unresponsive to the teachings and purpose of Freemasonry.
p. 72 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Note that the focus, again, is on the doctrine of evolution. The fundamental teaching of evolution has represented a scheme to "de-Christianize the masses", undermining young people's moral fiber, making them more amenable to the corruptions of mystery religion traditions and drugs, and conditioning them psychologically for other evolutionary concepts such as for the "career as a risen Mason."

Contrasting the view that Masonry represents a mere social organization with that of its real purpose, Hall writes,

The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Speaking of the "Brethren in name only" Wilmshurst comments,

... not merely persons who fail to satisfy conventional qualifications, but also those who, whilst fitted in these respects, are as yet either so intellectually or spiritually unprogressed as to be incapable of benefiting from Initiation in its true sense although passing formally through Initiation rites.
p. 6 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Ensconced within the lodge, they may feel that they have deceived the Grand Master of the Universe, but when the spiritual lodge meets to carry on the true work of the Craft, they are disqualified and absent.
p. 43 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "true work of the craft," or the "great work," which begins with a person in the human form but which ends with the rising on the "physical plane" of a disincarnate entity, is also the "great work" in a historically associated "craft."

... the magician ... must first reach his own center of being, the Light within each person where humankind becomes "God." This is the true meaning behind the phrase "the Great Work." Perfecting the Great Work may take a lifetime or many lifetimes to achieve.
p. 21 The Ancient & Shining Ones:
World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

The occult magician's "great work" is that of Masonry. The "Great Work" of transmuting human beings into "gods," so-called, is the work of incarnating Luciferian disincarnate entities "on the physical plane" by means of taking over, step by step, the brains or minds of human beings. The "great work" is expanding as the New Age movement gains momentum. The Machine of Weishaupt, Mazzini, Pike, and their successors has proved to conceal a sinister "great work," by means of a machine within a machine.

-- Machine within a Machine --

The "inner machinery" of the "Great Work" program has engaged in recruiting a New Age Army.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "adepts" who are illuminated, permeated by Lucifer consciousness, have revealed themselves as the "Princes of the Invisible Empire," disincarnate "gods" who have taken over the minds and bodies of persons in the "quest."

A legitimate question arises, if the Lucifer-associated spirit beings Incarnate themselves by means of participating human bodies by "permeating" the "mind-brain" of those pursuing spiritistic "illumination," then have they not been incarnating themselves in that way, or "re" - "incarnating" themselves in a host of humans down through history in the mystery religions of Egypt, Babylon and succeeding nations which gave new names to old gods ?

The "incarnating" of such entities throughout history has not taken place only since the days of Albert Pike or Adam Weishaupt. It has been repeating itself since the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt, and implicates Nimrod at the Tower of Babel in Babylon noted as a principal seat of mystery religion .

The body of information about Egyptian pyramid initiation and subsequent associated rites indicates that Lucifer-associated spirits have been "incarnating" through the bodies of the initiates of ancient mystery religion for centuries, and thus the issue is not simply "incarnation," but a repeated process, a process of "re-incarnation." A New Age spirit guide makes a reference to such a repeated incarnation on the physical plane through a human host.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

... that those entering the bodies of willing American adults have begun using the term "Walk-in" only within the past few years.
p. 46

"Many of them will not need to spend lifetime after lifetime going from one body to another, because if they are successful in one or more such cycles they will be able to go and come as the exalted ones."
p. 47 Strangers Among Us:
Enlightened Beings from A World to Come,

Ruth Montgomery,1979

If one accepts the doctrine of reincarnation, that a person passes from one life to another through death and appears as another person, animal, insect or plant, it is easy to become a victim of believing that one was another person in a "previous life." "Tuning in" to spirit induced impressions of a "past life" can render a person vulnerable to the "impressions" produced by a discarnate spirit looking for a victim. It is, therefore, not strange to hear of persons declaring or asserting that they are a "reincarnation" of someone in the past.

Masonry has not been the only avenue for the "incarnation" or "re-incarnation" of spirits which the Bible refers to as demons or rebellious and wicked spirit creatures. In fact, the Bible refers to a widespread incarnation of rebellious spirits before the Noahcian Flood, spirit creatures which joined forces with Lucifer, or Satan. That "quest" by demon spirits of taking on fleshly form was resumed after the Flood under the auspices of mystery religion.

The "incarnation" of the demon gods on what is termed the "physical plane" embodies the essence of mystery religion. Spirits which impersonate or transform themselves into angels of light, spirits which impersonate notable figures of human of history, of apparent virtue or otherwise, present a real danger. Guidance by such beings in religious, political and social affairs has been the substance of secret societies.

A new wave of spiritism emerged in America in the 1960's, facilitated by mind-altering drugs. The "Age of Aquarius" movement gained a public foothold, an astrologically oriented movement embracing channeling of "spirit guides" and psychic powers. The "partial" opening of the "psychic eye" is becoming more common place through the mass marketing of the New Age movement. "Psychic powers" are viewed as a path to "godhood." Yet what does the gradual opening of the "psychic eye" represent if not an increasing hybridization of a human being by means of contact with "Lucifer consciousness." Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry, and is the cornerstone of the New Age movement. He is the Anti-Christ who is bent on thus spiritistically corrupting ever human on earth, bent on re-incarnating discarnate Luciferian spirits into human bodies.

Jesus Christ stated,

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul ?."
Mark 8: 36, NKJV.

It is evident from the body of testimony by high-ranking leaders and members of Freemasonry that:

Freemasonry comprises a formidable Luciferian Machine operating an inner machinery externalizing the Luciferian Hierarchy in the bodies of initiate membership, while operating an outer machinery externalizing the "Plan" of the Luciferian Hierarchy to politically, religiously, socially and philosophically establish the framework for an occult "New Age," a "Golden Age" in which New Age Luciferian spirits plan to co-opt the body humanity.

It is further evident from testimony and other evidence presented in this and previous chapters that:

Freemasonry is implicated in Treason by operating an organization "binding" members to conceal murder and treason, for operating an organization whose members act in concert in a subversive political machine designed for externalizing principles and agents alien and inimical to and subversive of the U.S. Constitution, and by operating a political machine whose functions include subversion of Constitutional process. Freemasonry is further therein implicated in treason through complicity in a political machine destructive of Constitutional sovereignty, operating conjunctively with agents of foreign nations to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty and operating collectively with the press in concealing and participating in active efforts to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty.

-- Indictments --

Pursuant to the Principles of Indictment enunciated by the King, Jesus Christ, with whom is the authority to act as Judge in heaven and on earth, the following Indictments are warranted and rendered as subject to the prerogatives of that Court, as expressed in the Bible books of Daniel and the Revelation, such as expressed against corruption evidenced by the Pharisees.

operating an Unconstitutional Authority behind the scenes
swearing to conceal murder and treason
and binding obedience therewith
in conjunction with a Supreme Council
for whom or which 33ş Freemasons
swear their highest allegiance,
and swearing to a body of oaths
incorporating and swearing to retributions no less than brutal murder
for violation of the secrecy of criminal and Constitutionally subversive oaths

a Duplicitous Evil Empire
Operating in Contravention to U.S. Constitutional Principles,
Mazzini's Masonic Machine

an Instrument of
Pike's Palladian Priesthood
and for
Operating a de facto state religious authority/organization
in contravention of the U.S. Constitution
by adopting and perpetrating
nationally subversive
mystery religion agenda
behind the scenes
as clandestine policy

Furthermore, the corrupt force of Freemasonry operating behind the scenes has manifestly represented a certified criminal force with a sinister agenda which together with the major media is implicated in subverting the U.S. Constitution and in presenting a platform for "smiling faces" and "pious fraud{s}".
The press in America represents a preponderant force having the demonstrated capacity to manipulate public opinion, "taking in hand the public," and which at the highest levels is implicated by David Rockefeller in a treasonous work of subverting America's national sovereignty.
The First Amendment was not intended to empower the press to be free to collude in treason to bring about the destruction of America's sovereignty. It was not empowered to contravene it's function as watchman to preserve Constitutional process, not empowered to collude in treason domestically to overturn America's sovereignty nor to act as an agency of foreign organizations to overturn America's sovereignty.

In view of the evidence, testimony, and body of information available, it becomes necessary to submit the following indictments including that of the Major Media operating on American soil.

for treason
in working in collusion to overthrow the Sovereignty
of the United States of America
and colluding to replace it
with the "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers."

an instrument of Mazzini's Masonic Machine
and for
serving as a platform for
"smiling faces" and "pious fraud{s}"
in a conjunctive effort to perpetrate political, ethical and moral fraud
upon the American people.

Bill Clinton
for his role in the DeMolay Masonic Order for youth,
for contributing to leading impressionable youth on a path of Freemasonry,
a path of oaths and obligations which
"cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality"
a path of corruption
which binds men to conceal crimes of murder and treason,
in an organization certified to be
a "political evil" a "pecuniary evil" and a "moral evil"
supporting youth on a path
which ultimately divorces them
from fundamental principles of the Bill of Rights
and which espouses them
to tolerance and cover-up of evil,
and for
sponsoring a Governor's School inviting young people
into an elitist world view
embodying the rejection of traditional moral standards

33rd degree Masons
for swearing their highest allegiance to a secret body
which presides over an organization in contravention
of U.S. Constitutional precepts and authority
and for
consummating said allegiance ceremonially
by drinking wine out of a human skull

It is evident from the body of testimony by high-ranking leaders and members of Freemasonry that the following indictments are warranted.

as a formidable Luciferian Machine
for operating an inner machinery externalizing the Luciferian Hierarchy
in the bodies of initiate membership,
for operating an outer machinery externalizing the "Plan"
of the Luciferian Hierarchy
to politically, religiously, socially and philosophically establish a Golden Age"
in which New Age Luciferian spirits
co-opt the body humanity.

for Treason
for operating an organization
"binding" members to conceal murder and treason,
for operating an organization
whose members act in concert in a subversive political machine
designed for externalizing principles and agents
alien and inimical to and subversive of
the U.S. Constitution
for operating a political machine
whose functions include subversion of Constitutional process
and for operating a political machine destructive of Constitutional sovereignty, and operating conjunctively with foreign agents
to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty
and for operating collectively with the press
in concealing and participating in active efforts
to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty.
The Bilderberger, intellectual elite's prominent spokesman stated in 1991 on foreign soil, in a nation which gave birth to the Order of the Illuminati,

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
As quoted on p.13 from: Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:
Police Against The New World Order, 1992
As corporations consolidate, merge, take-over other corporations, "trim down" staff, and implement New Age training programs, the reigns of economic power become more and more concentrated in the hands not just of a "few", but in the hands of a philosophical "elite," a "New Age" elite. Abraham Lincoln's warnings of an emerging oligarchical concentration of power through corporations has acquired preponderantly more diabolical aspects. Jointly, the framework is established to empower "world bankers" to take political considerations hostage to their agenda, as the "global economy" and Wall Street fortunes and American pensions are jointly linked to the disposition of bank "interventions" on foreign soil.

When in 1988 CNN media mogul Ted Turner called for a "New Age President," it must be acknowledged in view of all the implications that America is threatened from within from media and other "conspiratorial" forces beyond that of a human nature. The incarnation of Luciferian, "goat god" spirits through human agents facilitated by various forms of New Age "possession" identifies the real "core" of the "elite" in the New Age / Masonic conspiracy which are intent to subvert due constitutional process with "undue influences" and with corporate "green backed" votes, and to destroy America's Constitutional sovereignty.

The corrupting force, politically, morally, socially, religiously and spiritistically through Freemasonry is Luciferian, occult. The proliferation of witchcraft and associated New Age occult interests in American society has been greatly enhanced through an elitist establishment which Dan Quayle referred to. The issues extend beyond those of traditional family values and relationships.

The Weishauptian and Alta Vendita agenda to 'corrupt the masses' has evidently found enthusiastic support through what has been controversially dubbed the "intellecutal elite" in Hollywood. A New Age encompassing agenda has been pursued by both entertainment and journalistic compartments of the "liberal" media.

America's Mainstage, Mainframe Media has performed incredibly and astonishingly effectively in concealing from public gaze a litany of New Age agenda and Constitutionally subversive Bilderberger style United Nations agenda embodiments crafted as U.S. legislation. Much of that agenda has been and continues to be proposed under the auspices of the Clinton administration and associated "party."
While at the posting of this chapter on the World Wide Internet, America's president is embroiled in controversy which has potentials of costing him the presidency, New Age Al Gore's best opportunity for securing the White House could follow Bill Clinton's leaving office before the natural end of his term. However, do not think that there is "no prevailing authority" in the New Age movement. Don't be deceived for a minute.

The next chapter considers some of the nefarious weapons which New Age adepts have been promoting in the public domain. The methods include NLP, of which Al Gore has been a student by a very advanced instructor, as you will learn in the following chapter.

The Masonic agenda has been re-packaged in "Trojan Horses" to enter within and conquer.
What are some of the threats to and by the Masonic and New Age "Warriors"
In which ways are New Age adepts themselves targeted by the New Age agenda ?

Why have there been government cover-ups of the "dark arts of espionage" perpetuated in secret societies and repackaged to co-opt segments of the public ?


Chapter 6

The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 6

The Trojan Horse - The Enemy Enters Within

Poised before the city's gate and walls, a man dressed in a white smock exclaims as he points to a Trojan Horse, "This is not a war-machine, this is science, this is art." The white-smocked man is himself an artist, a "spin artist." The "Trojan Horse" represents the art of deception and the science of warfare, indeed, and it is the appearance of art and the appearance of science which conceals the war-machine.

When in the First Degree Oath the Mason swears to ...

"ever conceal and never reveal any part or parts, art or arts, point or points of the secret arts and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry ..."
Who has devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. ...

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827, CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


... it is apparent that it is not the "art" of Michelangelo, nor that of Vincent van Gogh which is implied.

Masonry has not limited itself to the art of deception, but has concealed within itself the "dark arts of espionage," occult arts of spiritistic practices, arts of spiritistic warfare. The foundation of Masonry is the "All-Seeing-Eye" of Lucifer, the human point of contact with Luciferic consciousness, spiritistic "illumination," the "incarnation on the physical plane" of demon entities "permeating the "brain-mind.""

One of the Middle Ages guises or clandestine vehicles under whose cover spiritistic practices were perpetuated was known as alchemy. "Science" served as a guise.

The real purpose of the gold makers was gradually and cautiously revealed, although a certain amount of discretion was still necessary. The mysticism of alchemy ... The secret tradition in alchemy, with its divine science of human regeneration and redemption, ....
p. 24 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

Occult "redemption," the 'serpent bite to the brain' facilitated with drugs and/or meditative techniques which alter the consciousness and produce a trance-like state in which a spirit entity "floods" the consciousness of a human being, was hidden from the public in a vehicle which flourished under the name of "science."

-- "Science" as a Trojan Horse --

It is important to remember that alchemy did not take on the overtones of the World Mystery until it became the vehicle of that Society of Unknown Philosophers
p. 63
which set up the Invisible Empire, to perpetuate in the modern world the great Mystery Schools of antiquity.
p. 64 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

Alchemy served as an adroit masquerade, a Trojan Horse "vehicle" on European soil dominated by the Roman Catholic Church, to perpetuate the esoteric arts of spiritistic "illumination" of the mystery religions. Masonry and Alchemy have traditionally concealed the use of "psychic" power and it's source, Lucifer.

"Masonry ,... and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled;
p. 104 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Masonry and Alchemy have a legacy of "false explanations" as a cover to engage in the "Great Work," and to engage in restoring a set of conditions on earth which is referred to as "the golden age." The Lucifer associated spirit entities no doubt regard their walking the earth before the Noahcian Flood as a golden age, for themselves, and it is an age which they are intent on restoring by means of their "re-incarnation."

The foundations of alchemy shifted, and
p. 24
the abstract symbolism was applied to the transformation of corrupt governments, thus preparing the way for the emergence of a democratic-socialized way of life. In time, the mystic-chemists became mystic-politicians. They bound themselves into a Secret Empire of Philosophic Reformers. Through them, magical, cabalistic, and transcendental lore was focused upon the practical task of the restoration of the golden age. This golden age was the symbol of the Philosophic Empire.
p. 25 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "corrupt" governments linked with the Roman Catholic Church which had been influenced and corrupted by the pagan mystery religions were targeted to be replaced by governments ultimately even more corrupted in mystery religion.

The alchemical laboratory became the shrine of the spiritual sciences, taking the place of the ruined sanctuaries of the ancient Mysteries, which had been defiled by war, pillage, and the corruption of priesthoods. It was no longer possible to protect the physical houses of initiation. With the decline of the temporal power of pagan States, the hereditary descent of priestly offices became dangerous and
p. 19
impractical. One by one the shrines were sought out and demolished, and legislation enacted to prevent their re-establishment. It became unsafe even to be suspected of addiction to classical philosophy. ...
The initiate-philosophers simply transferred their temples, shrines, sanctuaries, and palaces to a less tangible but equally real sphere of action. They rebuilt their Empire "along the shores of the air;" that is, on the plane of mind, substituting psychological association for physical Fraternities. Their enemies could not attack successfully these airy fortresses, and the old wisdom continued to permeate the social structure from within. The Mystery teaching emerged under a variety of symbols, emblems, and figures. It took up its abode in the very camp of its adversaries, gradually transmuting all other doctrines into the likeness of itself. It became the Universal Proteus, taking on all appearances at will, yet never revealing its own shape. This Invisible Empire was beyond the reach of the profane. Occasionally one of its citizens (initiates) was apprehended and destroyed, but another immediately filled the vacancy. The machinery of the Inquisition was set in motion against this Empire of the sages, but persecution only strengthened the resolution of these unknown philosophers.
Alchemy was one of the earliest appearances of the Mystery Schools in early Christian Europe. The contrivance was most adroit. It appealed to the ideals of the idealists, and to the avarice of the avaricious.
p. 20 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

A "most adroit" "contrivance," Alchemy, a front for the perpetuation of the occult practices of ancient mystery religion, served as a "vehicle" for the "Invisible Empire" of occult Adepts.

The "Trojan Horse" of Alchemy on the soil of European rulerships which were linked with the Roman Catholic Church served as a most adroit means of concealment. Eventually the "machinery of the Inquisition" would be dwarfed in scope by the "machinery of Masonry." Mazzini's occult Machine would entrench itself in Western civilization, corrupt it, perpetrate perversion of justice in the judiciary, in the legislature, and engage in the most sinister methods of violating human beings and their human rights.

The occult conspiracy represents nothing less than a war on the human race by evil powers, clandestinely disenfranchising human rights, violating them, subverting the very soul of man.

This chapter considers some of the most sinister methods which New Age "warriors" have available to themselves to contrive or attempt to compel persons to submit to an earth-wide completion of the Luciferian Plan to accomplish the "Great Work" of re-incarnating Lucifer's angels. Following chapters consider more. Knowing the objectives and methods of the occult conspiracy, it becomes easier to distinguish a "science project" from a concealed war-machine, a Michelangelo from a "Trojan Horse"

-- Warriors of an Invisible Empire --

One of the principle reasons for secrecy in Masonry and other occult secret societies has been to permit the clandestine recruitment of others to join their Machine. The means of recruitment have included very subtle means by which persons become involved in stages, by steps or degrees. The formation of a virtual army of spiritistic warriors particularly facilitated by the machinery of secret societies has been in process, particularly since the formation of Adam Weishaupt's "ultimate secret society," the Order of the Illuminati, the Masters of Masonry, perpetuating the Princes of the Invisible Empire while expanding their influence.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light {Lucifer's}, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

An "Army of the Elect" who have been active, whether in the Masonic Machine, in the New Age Movement, or in other spiritistic, occult societies are spoken of as remaining in readiness until "the day be with us." There is, therefore, much more to the occult conspiracy than the activities or the scope thereof which has been pursued by the members of occult fraternities thus far, which in themselves have been quite extensive.

The New Age movement refers to a spirit entity speaking through the body of a human as "channeling." One such entity of Lucifer's New Age movement is that of "Lord Maitreya." The unpeaceful designs of the powers behind the New Age movement are more than simply alluded to.

Through his human voice, Benjamin Creme, Lord Maitreya {the discarnate spirit} has arrogantly crowed:
The time of My Emergence has arrived; and soon how, in full vision and fact, My Face and Words will become known.
p. 167
May you be among those who quickly find and recognize Me, for, if you do, you may become My Warriors.
My Army is now on the move and soon the clash of battle will be heard. The outcome of this battle is assured, for at my side are True Sons of God.
Take your places in the ranks of My Army, My friends, and create the New Time, the Time of God.
p. 168 Mystery Mark of The New Age:
Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{footnote: Benjamin Creme, Messages from Maitreya, pp. 42, 87}

The New Age "Time of God" is the time of Lucifer.

"True" Masons do not simply form a power base in Mazzini's Masonic Machine. They become part of the inner machinery and become Lucifer's warriors who apply his seething energies.

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
p. 48 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Manly P. Hall's (33rd degree) reference to the Mason as a "warrior" in applying the "seething energies of Lucifer" is not coincidental. Hall himself speaks of "the Army of the Elect" being "instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us.""

To repeat and emphasize,

Warning, the following is a quotation !
Note: fancy brackets { } enclose America's Subversion's author's reference based on the "Masonic Light" source as "Lucifer."

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light {Lucifer's}, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." ...
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The Masonic Machine is identified by the "illustrious" Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, as a War Machine, in effect, a Trojan War Machine holding within itself "the Army of the Elect ... instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." That Masonic Trojan War Machine extoled by Hall is essentially represented by Albert Pike as penetrating society under pretenses, that is, by "false explanations," presenting "misinterpretations ... to mislead." Masonic leaders reveal that the Masonic Machine has been at work, and their writings reveal ways in which it has been operating, but Hall's description evidently deals with aspects which go beyond the traditional behind-the-scenes activities engaged in thus far. Hall's other references such as those of "restoring the Mysteries" to their "rightful place" and having "adepts" gain public recognition as rulers have to do with ushering in a one-world government and a one-world religion. To accomplish the groundwork for their "Plan" many guises, a multitude of veritable "Trojan Horses" of spiritistic or occult practices are used to obtain witting or unwitting support for their practices. The campaign involves, however, not simply corrupting the public with their programs, but of "forming" "the Army of the Elect."

The public campaign to recruit warriors for the occult conspiracy has manifested itself in a variety of New Age programs. As with the case of Alchemy, "science" is a term used to recruit persons into processes and techniques which work insidiously with the power of gradualism. The steps, the processes of New Age techniques lead to an ultimate objective, which is often hidden from newcomers. Occult practices generally concealed within secret societies or co-opted by secret services have, in the public domain, been increasingly the "subject" of "research." The spiritualist movement founded psychic "research" organizations, while governments have kept the lid on the "research" as secret societies continued to work behind-the-scenes to influence political, religious and social developments. Particularly since the 1960's, the counter-culture in America served as fertile soil for promoting mind-altering drugs, eastern mysticism, astrology, the occult, and spirit guides. In the 1980's mass marketing of New Age practices made even greater strides. In the 1990's, the emphasis on having the public adopt spiritistic practices, adopting "research" in psychic powers, has gained considerable momentum.

Ultimately, this research goes on in a very special laboratory: the mind and body of a single human being. Warriors throughout history have found the keys to that laboratory and the inexhaustible potential that lies behind its doors. Use the laboratory at your disposal and join us at the warrior's edge.
p. 218 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The application made in the book The Warrior's Edge is not simply to personnel in the military, who are military "warriors." Techniques are therein specifically taught to the public to make psychic "warriors" out of persons in civilian life, and in business life. What is frightening is that the three authors of the book, The Warrior's Edge, having elite U.S. military backgrounds, teach techniques in which other human beings are put at the disposal of terrible psychic human rights violations. Other human beings, as well as the practitioners themselves, become the "very special laboratory" at the level of "the mind and body of a single human being." The "warriors" are not taught fundamentally to exert psychic powers upon themselves and do war against themselves, but to apply their techniques in working their will upon others. The authors admit or propose that the terminology of spiritism has been changed, and that it serves utilitarian purposes in essentially undemonizing the appearance of techniques which they teach.

-- Adroits --

One of the principle methods of operation still in use at the time of the writing of this book has been substantial concealment of purpose by Masonry, by the New Age movement. The goal of "re-incarnation," of "permeating" the "mind-brain" of humans to incarnate discarnate spirit entities would no doubt have traditionally had less success if they had just come right out with it. Just as Satan, or Lucifer, and his demons have presented themselves under other names, they have presented themselves, their agents, and their techniques with skillful camouflage.

Illuminism in reality is less an Order than a principle, and a principle which can work better under cover of something else. Weishaupt himself had laid down the precept that the work of Illuminism could best be conducted "under other names and other occupations," and henceforth we shall always find it carried on by this skilful system of camouflage.
p. 236 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

One is struck not simply with the adroitness with which many proponents of the New Age present their techniques, but one is sometimes struck by their candidness.

Language can play a powerful part in the change of beliefs. Sometimes changing the words used to describe an item or event can have great impact. For example, most people believe that it is wrong to kill another human being, yet we send our young off to war and expect them to rapidly change their beliefs and begin killing on command. To facilitate this change, we often use new words, commonly racist in nature, to describe the enemy.
... because words can have positive as well as negative power, we will teach you some new words for new capabilities.
p. 24 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors teach that "the shaman of the past becomes the techno-shaman of today." The reader should note that although the authors point to the usefulness of changing the words or language in order to change a person's beliefs, it is, perhaps, more accurate to say in connection with the quoted expression that new words are being used for old capabilities, capabilities formerly concealed from the public by means of secret societies and by means of governments which had co-opted the use of psychic powers in espionage. However, due to concealment of the use and very existence of many human rights violating psychic powers, many persons in the general public would no doubt regard such powers as new to them. Yet, the authors seem to have done quite well in describing a process in which "to facilitate this change {of beliefs} we often use new words ..." The "old" words used therein to describe what it is that they are doing seem to be quite adequate to convey the meaning or import of their mission. Contextually, the example which the authors use is intriguing, because they use a moral issue, and as will be demonstrated from their own book, moral or ethical barriers in adopting amoral methods which they teach for application by the general public, is what they evidently attempt to dismantle. Techno-shaman ? Adroit language.

The "shaman" of today and of the past has relied on spirit guides. Similarly, spiritualists also have relied on "spirit guides," which have facilitated what are known as psychic powers mediumistically produced, whether in a complete or partial trance state, typically in an altered state of consciousness. Modern spiritualism began in 1848 with the Fox sisters in upstate New York. When a spirit engaged in fierce bangings and rappings at their new home, the Fox sisters responded by speaking to the spirit and received answers with knocks. Other manifestations followed, spiritualist circles formed and interest in spirit mediumship spread. Séances and spirit mediumship became the rage in America and Europe. Spirit guides imparted teachings upon which doctrinal beliefs were formed and spirit mediums who operated in a partial trance condition exhibited psychic powers such as telepathy.

New terminology, new language is designed to attribute such spirit entity induced effects on the human brain in such a way as to divert attention away from the true source of powers, at least until such a time that the individual is addicted to occult practices.

When shorn of spiritualism and trained by scientific method, the shaman of the past becomes the techno-shaman of today, a psychic warrior capable of using the tools of science to reveal the secrets hidden within the human mind.
p. 10 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Hooking electrodes up to a person's brain while he is in a trance state or while he is "channeling" a spirit entity does not make "science" out of spiritism. "Tools of science" ? Does a shaman with one or more spirit guides become a "techno-shaman" if he utilizes measuring instruments ? The yogi meditation practices of Eastern mystics have enabled the entry of discarnate beings to communicate with elderly persons and supposedly prepared them for the "next life" in their later years and has been modernized for the West. The issue of emptying one's mind and the application of particular breathing techniques to enter trance states are exposed in a later discussion, but the reader is no doubt already informed about the "Kundalini force," evidently employed by the Templars and Rosicrucians, which is involved in Tantric, or sexual yoga. Adroitly, persons are led into dangerous spiritistic fields while being told those fields are "science" fields.

Kundalini yoga had its origins in ancient India thousands of years ago. ...
p. 162
The military application of kundalini yoga dates back over five thousand years, to the time when powerful individuals known as rishis developed (over generations) control and mastery of kundalini yoga.
In both military and civilian life, there are many potential applications of advanced breathing techniques. ...
p. 163 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The kundalini "serpent" force is now packaged as science, and the contrivance is obvious.

Because of the flagrant misrepresentation and mislabeling, many purchasers of what they have been persuaded are scientific methods for developing their full potential are in fact being led into religious beliefs and practices.
Transcendental meditation (TM) is a typical example of New Age misrepresentation. When Maharishi Mahes Yogi first introduced TM to the West, he openly taught that it was a Hindu religious practice and that its real purpose was to produce "a legendary substance ... in the meditator's body so the Gods of the Hindu pantheon could be fed and awakened!" But when he was denied access to public schools and government funding on the grounds that he was promoting religious practices, Maharishi quickly deleted all reference to religion and began presenting TM as a science. Nothing was changed except the labels. This deception has been furthered by the many celebrities, athletes, psychiatrists, and other leaders who have practiced and promoted TM, some no doubt without recognizing that it is in fact pure Hinduism.
p. 47 The New Spirituality:
A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,

Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988

{Formerly titled: America: the sorcerer's new apprentice}

Do measurable changes in the respiration, heart rate or EKG patterns make yogi practice a "science" ? Outright intense demon possession in voodoo ceremonies also have measurable effects. What is the agency of the effects produced ? Are Christian and Jewish parents told that their children are learning "science" when in reality their children are participating in spiritism, coming in contact with spirit entities which condition or alter thought processes ?

While psychic powers, which have been for the most part covered-up by secret societies and national governments, are now being mass marketed to the public, in many of the presentations the real source of the psychic powers continues to be covered-up for the public. The "new word" "science" is used to obfuscate the source of supernatural entity-intervening activities. The "skillful camouflage" of "changing the words" makes it easier for persons to get involved in practices which they might otherwise avoid, and avoid strenuously.

Only the multidisciplined warrior, the techno-shaman, can scale the walls of ignorance and shed light over the prevailing darkness. The warrior spirit must guide this process. So we will teach you how to become warriors in the spirit, as well as the physical, realm.
p. 14 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Very adroit.

It is learned from a variety of sources promoting psychic powers that eventually, the practitioner learns that spirit guides are at the core of psychic powers. Quite literally, it is "the spirit... realm" through which the person obtains the means to become a "psychic warrior." It is quite literally a spirit guide, or warrior guide, which opens the psychic eye, which permeates the "brain-mind," which transforms the person, even transmutes the person. Language can be not only adroit, but disarming.

Because this is a book about human potential, the nature of reality, and "psychic" phenomena, we will present a new perspective, showing how psychic phenomena fit into a quantum-mechanical model of reality. The misnomer psychic is particularly unfortunate, given the number of tricksters and charlatans who have appropriated it, because psychic, or psi, potential are within the grasp of everyone. If an individual realizes that these phenomena are not unnatural, the work of the devil, or the province of social deviants, the results of this training can be a greater confidence, a more effective and integrated sense of self, and dominion over a wide range of human experience.
p. 10 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors assert that "psychic phenomena" fits "into a quantum-mechanical model of reality. The authors present four models and state that "No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one." "If any" ? "No one knows" ? The "no one knows" "new perspective" using a "change in words" to take the spiritualism out of shamanism is not exactly what one might call a "reality map." For that matter, psychic test results reported in the book The Mind Race disproves the postulated link the Russians made between psychic phenomena and electromagnetic brain waves. Having in mind the "scientific method" experiments in The Mind Race, it is easy to come to the conclusion, although the authors of The Warrior's Edge use the expression "when trained in scientific method," that the "techno-shaman" in reality becomes the "shaman."

In the following chapters, we will unroll a reality map that includes telepathy, psychokinesis, and manipulation of time by the human mind. To perform extraordinary acts, some warriors need only faith.
{this is followed by 4 models of psi}

No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one. No one knows for certain how consciousness interacts with the phenomenal world.
p. 111 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

This chapter further demonstrates from the statements of the authors of The Warrior's Edge that the claim that psychic phenomena is not the work of the devil is a diversionary claim, specious. The preponderant contradictions of the positions proposed in matters of morality or ethics demonstrate that the very essence of what is taught in such a book personifies evil, personifies sinister violations of the human body and of the human will. This analysis is necessary to better understand how the term science is falsely used to facilitate the entry of evil, discarnate entities into the human soul, and how individuals, groups and nations subvert foundation principles of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

-- War on a Civilian Population --

The authors of The Warrior's Edge promote the use of "psychic phenomena" and teach techniques to achieve and implement such powers. Having admitted that "changing the words ... can have great impact," and that "when shorn of spiritualism ... the shaman of the past becomes the techno-shaman of today, a psychic warrior," it is important to examine what their ethical base is which they publicly advocate to those whom they teach.

All intelligence techniques require ruthlessness, duplicity, and absolute integrity. No, these are not contradictions in terms. If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of others. Recognize what you are doing; we do. If this manipulation is for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are adhering to the warrior ethic.
p. 216 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

It's actually in black and white.

Achieving one's objectives by the manipulation of others is advocated and described as the warrior ethic. Integrity is explained or defined in terms of ruthlessness and duplicity. These characteristics are at the heart of what they refer to as the warrior's edge, and they openly declare that they are practicers of what they preach.

The discipline required is the discipline of the open mind. That discipline is at the heart of what we call the warrior's edge.
... we are practitioners of what we preach.
p. 14 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Operating with such a declared and advocated foundation of ruthlessness, duplicity and the manipulation of others, the author's would persuade you that psychic phenomena is not "the work of the devil," and feel confident that "the warrior spirit must guide this process. So we will teach you how to become warriors in the spirit ... realm." The author's have certainly come up with "new words" for integrity, and appear to attempt to redefine other words, but an analysis of the methods advocated to acquire psychic power will continue to point to the actual spirit realm as the source of psychic power, and actual spirit guides, to guide the psychic warrior process.

So what is meant by "influence technologies" ? First it should be observed that the authors themselves refer to the means which are used as "technologies." The invasion of privacy, the intrusion upon the property, bodies and minds of other human beings is referred to as technology. There are certainly laws explicit and implicit in the United States Constitution and supporting bodies of laws against the violation of fundamental human rights. Yet, the example of the Russians apparently poses no deterrent to the advocacy of fundamentally egregious human rights violating "technologies."

... the Russians identify ... the following discrete skills:
... telepathy (using the human mind to tap into
the thoughts of others)
remote viewing (to see or otherwise monitor
events occurring at a distant location)
... psychokinesis (PK -- altering or affecting
molecular states)
All these phenomena involve using the mind and/or some "field" of the body to affect other minds and inanimate objects, sometimes at a distance, without the intervention of conventional mechanisms such as electronics or tools.
Of all the categories listed above, one of the most useful and interesting is remote viewing, sometimes called remote perception or remote sensing. Remote viewing allows a practitioner to acquire information irrespective of intervening distance -- or elapsed time. This capability has obvious intelligence-gathering potential, and studies at Stanford Research Institute, as well as other research, verify it's usefulness. Think of what it would be like to be able to learn, in advance, what a competitor or an ally is thinking or to know the plans or state of mind of another person, even if that person is half a world away. Other governments have.
p. 11 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Psychic means or methods which the authors direct the reader's or psychic "warrior's" attention to include telepathy, using a definition not simply of communicating from mind to mind by cooperative participants but of "using the human mind to tap into the thoughts of others." The authors speak of 'affecting other minds as well as inanimate objects' "sometimes at a distance" by obviously clandestine means and refer to the term "psychokinesis" or PK. They promote psychic "remote viewing" and spur the potential psychic warrior into contemplating "what it would be like to learn ... what a competitor ... is thinking or to know the plans or state of mind of another person" even at a distance. The authors attempt to discard the thought that the enabling forces involved are "the work of the devil" and portray the human rights violating methods as "technology."

Regardless of whether the authors speak of "intervention" without "conventional mechanisms such as electronics or tools," persons who invent or deploy new, unconventional mechanisms or devise other unconventional inventions would be in deep trouble if they tapped into White House telephone conversations. Tapping into your competitor's telephone or office conversations is not a right which the Founding Fathers of America secured in the Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution expressly protects fundamental human rights.

On the issue of "influence technology," there is a preponderant difference between inviting someone to lunch and presenting logical arguments for buying your wares compared to clandestinely slipping a drug into someone's coffee, hypnotizing a person and thereby getting him to sign on the dotted line. Promoting psychically "... using the mind ... to affect other minds ... at a distance" represents an assault on America's Constitutional fiber. "Using influence technologies ... {to} achieve your objective by the manipulation of others" has brought the "enemy" of human rights into the public sector in the name of the "techno-shaman." Fundamentally it is very difficult to disguise such a grotesque violation of human rights, whether through a euphemistic vehicle entitled "science project," or by having a bumper sticker reading "techno-shaman." Even in the Soviet Union a psychic who evidently refused to participate in "research" to psychically influence others exclaimed, "I will never do your dirty work."

The Soviets may recently have encountered problems in obtaining individuals willing to participate in research designed to psychically influence others. One unidentified psychic is quoted on film as telling Soviet psi researchers, "I will never do your dirty work." This type of response from gifted subjects may influence the future of Soviet research and development in the field of psychotronics.
p. 151 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The issue of "psychic influence," consciously acting to influence or manipulate others through the use of psychic powers has well been described in the former Soviet Empire by one dissenter as "dirty work." The thrust and focus of The Warrior's Edge is not written diplomacy skills but the acquisition and application of psychic powers to influence and manipulate others.

The warrior must be able to consciously influence others. Just as politics is a controlled attempt to influence a domestic constituency, diplomacy is a measured attempt to exert national will upon another nation or group of nations. When an attempt at international influence breaks down and global imperatives are not met, warfare often results.
p. 44 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Strange, indeed. Haven't wars been fought to preserve the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights ? If psychic warfare and "exerting national will upon another" is what the quoted authors would recommend to avert warfare, watch out ! Such exertion efforts to impose one nations' will upon another has caused warfare. With that "new" understanding of "diplomacy," one can certainly see that the Third Reich certainly had more than it's share of "diplomats" using The Warrior's Edge definitions. Where "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" have applied, the "new age" of the Third Reich certainly was not caught short in the area which is newly defined as "absolute integrity." Adopting the teachings of The Warrior's Edge appears to be less a case of "requiring" "the open mind," analytically, as it is of "emptying the mind" of the precepts which the Founding Fathers declared in writing.

-- Empty Minds - The Devil's Workplace --

Emptying the mind of fundamental principles of ethics and fundamental human rights underlies psychic influence, manipulation and intrusion.

Further, emptying the mind of all or virtually all thoughts is an occult technique taught to open the mind to spiritistic influence. To facilitate emptying the mind of one's own thoughts, the participant is taught to "free the mind of all thought's via detachment" or to concentrate on one point or "one chosen thought, without interruption", which effectively excludes the thought process from the human mind.

Our second mental exercise uses repetitious sounds or tonal vibrations that have no particular meaning but are useful in emptying the mind. One sound that is familiar to most people is
p. 34
om, or aum. This ancient Sanskrit world is said to replicate the basic sound of the universe. Such chants, used around the world, often have a very soothing effect. The purpose of the pure monosyllabic tonal qualities of aum is one of repetition, to free the mind of all thoughts via detachment, rather than to analyze complex and abstract concepts.
While the tonal approach is not recommended for use in the workplace, it is of great benefit when creating deeper states of relaxation within yourself. These states, once mastered, can also be instantly accessed with sufficient training.
p. 35 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Stilling the conscious mind" is the ultimate objective of techniques promoted. The security of a person's mind from outside influence in "these states", whether in civilian or military life, is also at issue.

Remember, ultimately your purpose is to control your mind, to be able to think one chosen thought, without interruption, for as long as you desire.
The next exercise in our arsenal of mental techniques for quieting the mind is meditation. Stilling the conscious mind is the ultimate idea of meditation, a preliminary step toward focusing mental powers on a single point. Many members of the military practice meditation; it has never been adopted as a training technique, although several proposals to do this have been put forward.
p. 36 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Subsequently, or consequently, "external thoughts may intrude." Stilling the conscious mind" is the ultimate objective of a variety of techniques which allow or are designed to invite "intruding thoughts," through which the enemy enters within.

As you practice any of the described techniques, external thoughts may intrude. ... One solution is to gently acknowledge the thought and then return to your word or sound.
p. 35
Do not become distracted by focusing on the intruding thought; you may then find it more difficult to banish the thought from your mind. For this reason, we suggest acknowledging the thought before returning to the exercise. Often, the intruding thought is an answer to a problem you have been unable to solve. By acknowledging that you have received the information and will work on it later, your subconscious mind should stop intruding and allow you to return to the activity.
p. 36 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The idea of acknowledging "external thoughts which intrude" while having blanked out one's own mind is by no means unique to The Warrior's Edge. It represents one of the more advanced techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming in which hypnotic techniques are applied to oneself and to others. It also represents the path of Eastern Mysticism. The mind thereby closes itself to one's own thoughts and opens to the entry of the influence of discarnate spirits. The authors speak of the subconscious mind as imposing with intruding thoughts, but the results of the steps are by no means explained in terms of the actions of simply a "subconscious mind."

The authors' concept of controlling one's mind is by means of a method by which one's thought processes are shut down. "The purpose ... is ... to free the mind of all thoughts ... rather than to analyze complex and abstract concepts." That's one way to come up with "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" as answers to the question "What is integrity ?"

New Age leader and wife to 33rd Degree Mason Foster Bailey wrote this about the subject of the impressionability of the human mind at what she describes as the unconscious, or subconscious, level.

1. Those possessing unconscious receptivity to telepathic impression. ...
Under this group we must, therefore, class all mediumistic phenomena, even those of the highest astral or spiritual nature ...
p. 88 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

Alice Bailey is noted for transcribing teachings of a New Age spirit guide, Djwhal Khul. For authors' to speak of activity at the "subconscious" or "unconscious" level does not necessarily mean that a person's own mind is the source of information provided. New Age leader Alice Bailey has referred to "unconscious receptivity to telepathic impression." The association is made to that of spirit beings impressing thoughts on the individual mediumistically.

One path to the opening of the psychic eye, or mediumistic phenomena, begins with such exercises of consciously blanking out one's own thoughts and the willingness to have thoughts intrude and responding to them. What does this path lead to ?

2, Those who are developing or have developed a conscious receptivity wherein the impression is, first of all, received by the mind and then imparted to and registered by the brain. The one who is the impressing agent in this case works via the centre between the eyebrows, the ajna centre.
With this last mentioned type of communication, there will be found mixed certain messages or impressions ...
... the disciple begins to realize certain differences, a new type of registration will awaken and guide the disciple's consciousness.
p. 88 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

Such exercises as proposed by The Warrior's Edge, as well as methods involving person to person initiation, can lead to the "opening of the psychic eye." From the body of information available from practitioners or former practitioners, there are changes which take place in the thought processes of the individual, which might be expected when a "point of consciousness" with a discarnate being is established. Schnoebelen and many others refer to it as "illumination." Alice Bailey speaks of "a new type of registration" awakening and guiding the disciple's consciousness. The Warrior's Edge speaks of the "warrior spirit" which guides the process. That actual spirit guides are involved in the process of acquiring psychic powers is referred to by Dr. Richard Lawrence, a "leading psychic practitioner" in his 1993 book Unlock your Psychic Powers. Dr. Lawrence, while promoting psychic powers, alerts persons to dangers of blanking out one's mind and what such exercises can lead to. Critically, it can be observed that books promoting the acquisition or development of psychic powers often leave the substantial warnings to the end or near end of the book, if they contain them at all.

I know of cases where people have successfully practiced mediumship using a semiconscious trance condition. They have found that although the results of the mediumship were very good and helpful in every way, this practice, over a period
p. 93
of time, started to undermine their own willpower. By constantly allowing others to take them over, even partially, and hence giving up some of their sense of will and control over their consciousness to guides on a frequent basis, a certain undermining was taking place of their mental capacity and they became mentally weaker as a result.
p. 94 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Dr. Lawrence is referring to interposing spirit guides. Although he deserves credit for not speaking of "techno-shamans," for many persons finding intense warnings at the end of a how-to-do-it-book might seem a bit like finding a toxic warning label inside the bottom of a box of stuff which you ordinarily might not even want to touch, let alone eat. The shock alone from reading the warning label at the bottom of the box of stuff you just ate could be quite hazardous in itself.

Lesser states than this, however, require anything from a partial to a complete negation of conscious mental control in
p. 96
order to be taken over by the communicating entity. The reason for this is that the operation of the conscious mind is an obstacle to the psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness, and unless you are able to tap the full powers of your superconsciousness, as for example in the Samadhic trance referred to, then a partial mental vacuum is left by you for an outside entity to occupy. Once this mental vacuum has been created, an overshadowing entity can use it exactly as it chooses. In extreme cases, such as certain tribal rites where alcohol, sex and even animal sacrifices are used to encourage the medium, native doctor or priest of the tribe to enter the trance state, the condition used may be extremely dangerous. Almost an entire mental vacuum is created within the person. He or she can then be 'taken over' by whatever entity so chooses, and judging by some of the rituals performed in these tribes, the entity is not a very pleasant or positive one. It is foolish to dismiss such rites and ceremonies as meaningless nonsense -- in certain cases powerful magic is performed on these occasions. But they are certainly dangerous, and can attract malicious and evil entities to overshadow the blanked-out mind of the medium, or even cause the medium to become mentally deranged.
I have met victims of negative trance, who have attempted to commune with the deceased or even perform other practices which involved blanking out the mind and with it part of the will.. Some of these have become fully or partially possessed. There is sometimes a narrow dividing line between mental illness and psychic delusion.
... for many psychological illnesses are related to both psychological disturbance and psychic interference.
p. 97 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

One must admit, if Dr. Lawrence would state such warnings at the beginning of his book, it could put the chill on a desire to "Unlock Your Psychic Powers."

Yet, even with the stark disclosures which Dr. Lawrence makes, one does not get the full story.

Examine the statement:

" ... the operation of the conscious mind is an obstacle to the psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness, and unless you are able to tap the full powers of your superconsciousness, as for example in the Samadhic trance referred to, then a partial mental vacuum is left by you for an outside entity to occupy."
p. 97 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

The evident inference is that if "the Samadhic trance" is achieved, one does not need to worry about a "psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness", that one need not worry about a "partial mental vacuum ... for an outside entity to occupy." Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason, explains that the ultimate state of illumination or "samadhi" involves casting aside the mind "as a snare and a delusion."

The Buddhist priest entering into Nirvana, and the Brahman bridging the chasm between mortal consciousness and samadhi,
p. 66
both cast aside mind as a snare and a delusion; yet without it the very principles upon which they work would be incomprehensible to them. The Eastern mind, endeavoring to annihilate the unreal and mingle itself with the Real, depends first upon the intellect to reveal the processes of illumination and the reasonableness of their abstract conceptions. The Western schools of philosophy differ from the Eastern in the they teach the perfection of the mind before its rejection, whereas the Eastern schools are prone to regard the mind as a hindrance, to be discarded at the very beginning of spiritual growth. Thus the Eastern mystic with his own nature slays the mind, while the Western philosopher, by elevating the mind to a realization of its own insufficiency, causes the intellect voluntarily to offer itself as a willing sacrifice upon the altar of spirit.
p. 67 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

This is a good description to deliver to persons before they line up for "the Samadhic trance" who have the idea that they can avoid a "psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness" and that one need not worry about a "partial mental vacuum ... for an outside entity to occupy" with the Samadhic consciousness, or "super-consciousness."

It should make a person reconsider deciding to "cast aside mind as a snare and a delusion." The Lucifer "Lie" is the "snare and a delusion." The process of "illumination" or the process described as "evolution" "to godhood" is a process of casting one's own mind aside and having another entity overshadow and eclipse one's own mind.

-- "Intuition" - The Troy Defense -

The process of "stilling the conscious mind" or of "emptying the mind" to enable "external thoughts" to "intrude" is the basis for what The Warrior's Edge characterizes as "intuitive decision making." It is the "Troy Defense," opening the barriers of the mind to give the enemy access to enter within.

To quiet the mind, there are two different approaches you may employ. One is a process of concentration; the other, a process of detachment. Both are good techniques.
p. 34 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Concentrating on one point to the exclusion of others, shutting down the active thought process is one technique whereas "detachment" by emptying the mind of thoughts directly is another Trojan technique. Defense by opening or dismantling one's barriers which otherwise prevent or limit the entry of the enemy or the enemy's devices represents "defense" through making oneself vulnerable, susceptible. The process of detaching one's mind, practicing "casting it aside" forms the first step in New Age "intuitive decision making." It is a first step to providing space "for an outside entity to occupy."

Defense through intuitive decision making is defense through detection and countermeasure. We have told you how intuition has saved lives and careers. Listen to what your heart tells you. Never shut out your intuition. It is your link to the warrior's edge.
p. 216 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Advising the readers "never {to} shut out your intuition" is like saying "never shut out" a Trojan Horse. The armed warriors inside the enemy's Greek Trojan Horse had the real warrior's edge when they emerged at night and opened the city's gates to a horde of invasive troops which then conquered the city. If Dr. Lawrence's warnings are not adequate testimony of ruined lives and careers, there is no shortage of supplemental testimony.

According to The Warrior's Edge authors, the key is to "set aside" one's "belief systems" of what constitutes the process of what they call "intuition," and to apply and use techniques and psychic powers at one's discretion.

Andrew Weil, in his book The Natural Mind, states, Intuitive flashes are transient, spontaneous altered states of consciousness consisting of particular sensory experience or thoughts, coupled with strong emotional reactions," and suggests that intuition is an internal process of rational or analytic thought.
Some psychologists argue that intuition, rather than being a supernatural or an unconscious process, is subliminally provided perception of data or insight already available to unconscious cueing. Rather than choose from among these explanations, we recommend that you temporarily set aside belief systems, apply the process we will describe and, if it works, continue to use it at your discretion.
p. 118 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The term "intuition" is used as "new language" for old practices. The two examples given of attempts to define a term called "intuition" both attempt to exclude "supernatural" intervention or influence. In the first example, however, there is certainly no imperative to exclude the supernatural from what is described as "spontaneous altered states of consciousness consisting of particular sensory experience or thoughts." The second example which is given and which represents an attempt to define "intuition" is even more intriguing in that it not only claims to discount "supernatural" intervention but goes on to suggest a meaning which fundamentally contradicts the objective of The Warrior's Edge process, that is, of obtaining information which is not "already available" to the person, as in "remote vision" wherein human eyes do not have access to "data" with their visual field of perception.

What the authors recommend is to set aside one's beliefs and simply to use techniques which they teach and advocate at the student's discretion, which "discretion" is not founded on ethical or moral standards such as are enfranchised in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights.

The objective of The Warrior's Edge training is to blank the mind for the purpose of having "external thoughts ... intrude." The authors do not argue that in the practice of telepathy, in which the thoughts of one person are conveyed to another or "read" by another, that the thoughts "perceived" do not originate from an "external source." The authors of The Warrior's Edge even report results of personal experiments giving evidence that thoughts can be transferred from one person to another, (pages 182 - 185, The Warrior's Edge). If the inference of the authors is that the "external thoughts {which} ... intrude" in their mind-emptying exercises are of internal origin, and not from an outside source, it does not form a convincing argument consistent with the body of information which they themselves present. The authors specifically refer to telepathy and psychokinesis and state, "All these phenomena involve using the mind and/or some "field" of the body to affect other minds and inanimate objects, sometimes at a distance, without the intervention of conventional mechanisms .... We will discuss the methods researchers are using to document these types of abilities and show how a person can, through training, acquire these skills." [page 11, The Warrior's Edge].

The two examples wherein "intuition" is defined (as quoted) as not associated with the supernatural apparently represent an attempt by the authors to disassociate spiritualism or the "supernatural" from shamanism, and recommend to the student to set aside belief systems. The authors attempt to describe their mind-blanking process for obtaining "intruding thoughts" with a word not traditionally associated by the public with spiritualism. However, in spiritistic circles the word "intuition" is associated with psychic, spirit guide, or spirit contact influence.

As the Encyclopedia Britanica's discussion on spiritualism relates, traditional spirit mediums have gone into a deep trance, but the spiritualist movement unfolded spirit mediums who receive spirit messages while in a partial trance, or while retaining some measure of "consciousness." Although there appears to be more than one level of an altered state of consciousness which spirit mediums employ, and in which connection authors such as those of The Warrior's Edge speak of "instantly" "accessing" an altered state of psychic powers at will after training, there are common denominators in training persons to make contact with spirit guides or spirit guide messages. Other than a séance, common methods of "spirit guide" contact involve consciously focusing or concentrating on one point or thought, or using hypnotic repetition to shut down or impair the person's thought processes. Thus the access by outside or intruding entities or spirits is facilitated. Dr. Richard Lawrence who establishes an unmistakable link between psychic powers and spirit guides alludes to what is meant by the term "intuitive information."

... in relation to psychic gazing.
In gazing, you should not enter any trance condition but remain alert and focused upon an apparent vacuum which is then filled by the psychic and intuitive information you need to give the reading.
p. 98 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Mediumistic states include deep trance states wherein the subject does not have any control of oneself or afterwards have a recollection of what transpired, as well as states wherein a person retains memory and consciousness. Blanking one's mind is a common denominator or common path. Focusing upon an apparent vacuum to be filled by psychic and intuitive information is what Dr. Richard Lawrence definitely links with spirit guides. This is a process of creating a partial mental vacuum. It is therefore very disturbing for Dr. Lawrence to advocate the acquisition of psychic powers and the spirit guides which he himself identifies as being therewith associated, when he himself describes the menacing dangers and vulnerability which even a "partial mental vacuum" can result in. He wrote, "... then a partial mental vacuum is left by you for an outside entity to occupy. Once this mental vacuum has been created, an overshadowing entity can use it exactly as it chooses." Corroborating the capacity of spirit guides to exert their own will upon others, Alice Bailey referred to "total Hierarchal impression by the time the disciple is a Master."

Dr. Lawrence further wrote,

In fact, some people deliberately blank their minds for the very reason that they wish to enter a trance over which they have no control so that they can be taken over by an outside entity or what they believe to be a god, ancestor or benign spirit.
p. 67 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

The Warrior's Edge would have you believe that blanking your mind and receiving "intruding" thoughts is what your "intuition" is composed of. In Masonry, the word "intuition" is also used.

Masonry has survived the ages because in truth and fact we have been guided by inspiration and by intuition, by the Grand Lodge on High ...
p. 119 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The external role of the so-called "Grand Lodge on High" is the role of discarnate spirit entities. The external nature of what is called "intuition" by those advocating psychic powers is quite apparent. To portray intruding entities as one's own subconscious is similar to calling the spirit guides one's "inner self." That is, in fact, exactly what is also done, and it will be discussed in another context later in this book.

The idea of defending oneself by arriving at answers by emptying one's mind of thoughts, shutting down the process of analytical thinking, tearing down the walls of the mind to invite in "intruding thoughts" to give us answers, equates to the "Troy Defense." It is a way in which even advocates in the field of psychic powers describe a means by which a person can "be taken over by the communicating entity." Psychic authorities write of "other practices which involved blanking out the mind and with it part of the will. Some of these have become fully or partially possessed." Tearing down one's walls of the mind to permit access by unknown "wooden horses" with who knows what kinds of enemies inside comprises the "Troy Defense." The city was taken when it was at ease.

What is the career of the "psychic warrior" as the "psychic eye" opens, as the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" establishes itself ? It is a path in which discarnate entities "re-incarnate." It is a path toward complete possession. It is a path to avoid, to leave, not a path to follow.

Jesus Christ stated,

"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world,
and is himself destroyed or lost?"
Luke, 9:25, NKJV.
Jesus Christ expelled demons from the demon possessed, and raised the dead to life again. Jesus Christ teaches resurrection to life and has the power to fulfill it.

The term proposed in The Warrior's Edge for stilling or quieting the mind of thought processes and readying oneself for intruding thoughts to solve complex problems without analysis is "intuition." It is an invitation for entities in the spirit realm who are willing to participate in outrageous violations of human minds and bodies, whether of the practitioner or of targeted victims, it is an invitation to spirits who are involved in the "Great Work" of re-incarnating themselves through human vehicles.

-- Invasive "Technologies" --

The authors of The Warrior's Edge offer examples as verification that the invasive "technologies" which they teach are to be taken seriously, which contributes to their culpability. Consider the implications of applying such methods by civilians against civilians, the "warrior's edge."

Complications arose from remotely viewing a site at Semipalatinsk, a nuclear facility in Soviet Central Asia. The remote viewers described equipment that resembled the "accelerators and electron injectors" used in directed-energy experiments, hidden in an underground site. The remotely sensed information was rejected as not possible by the project sponsors. Several years later, Western intelligence sources learned the Soviets had the equipment described and were working beyond a level credited to them by the U.S. technical establishment. Again, the psychics were right.
p. 148 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Giving Luciferian entities access to impress thoughts or images into one's brain opens the door of one's mind to powerful manipulative forces. The person applying psychic, occult methods to invade the domains of others becomes a concentrated point of invasion himself. The person seeking to use occult, psychic forces to manipulate and control others has opened himself to manipulation and control. The person opening one's mind to psychic forces to exert his or her will upon another has opened up one's own mind acutely to such forces.

The "Trojan Horse Defense" is not the only technique taught in psychic training.

For now, we ask that you expand your belief system just enough to practice with these weapons we are offering and make them part of your arsenal, so that their use can become second nature and their competence can become your competence.
The result will be the warrior's edge.
p. 25 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors aren't only advocating devices. They are advocating "weapons," and encourage the reader to make their "weapons" part of one's "arsenal." The "warrior" reference by New Age channeler Benjamin Creme, the "Army of the Elect," and "warrior on the block" references by Manly P. Hall (33rd degree) and the reference to the "seething energies of Lucifer" all fit in with the Masonic, New Age, Illuminati warfare agenda. "Expanding your belief system just enough to practice with these weapons we are offering" involves more than simply believing that the weapons of their "arsenal" have the capability of working, but involves discarding ethical beliefs embodied in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. The "invasive" techniques which the authors specifically teach and which are augmented by associated psychic techniques put foreword by similar authors is fittingly characterized as an "arsenal" for "psychic warriors." The authors of The Warriors Edge use the expression "influence technologies," and speak of such "technologies" "Without the intervention of conventional mechanisms such as electronics or tools." Yet, the substance of the violations represented by the "technologies" promoted are no less in magnitude than those violations perpetrated with more commonly employed "technologies." "These ethical difficulties are not unlike those involved with the introduction of any other new, invasive technology." [The Warrior's Edge, p. 154]

In principle, the issue is not one of whether, let's say, electronics is used. The authors then point to the resolution of the "Ethical issues" to an "ad-hoc basis by practitioners." [The Warrior's Edge, p. 154]

The practices, the psychic weapons of manipulation and intrusion, of invasion, are fundamentally unethical, and to speak of "integrity" in the context of fundamentally unethical practices, particularly while promoting "ruthlessness" and "duplicity," does not hide the fact that the reader is being asked to adopt human rights violating techniques under cellophane camouflage. Manipulation is the name of the "psychic warrior" game.

All intelligence techniques require ruthlessness, duplicity, and absolute integrity. No, these are not contradictions in terms. If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of others. If this manipulation is for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are adhering to the warrior ethic.
p. 216 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The "warrior ethic" is strangely framed as acting "for the eventual benefit" of "others as well as yourself." Definitely a formulation which should set off alarm bells when the authors speak of "ruthlessness, duplicity" and "the manipulation of others."
The domain of New Age psychic practices has a set of philosophical tenets which are quite alarming.
As one scrutinizes the New Age / Masonic principle for "psychic malpractice" and "psychic victimization" one finds that it blames the victim for successful victimization. (Chapter 9). The domain of psychic influence work includes Masonic Lodges. (Chapter 9).

The "manipulation of others" is promoted as a fundamental principle.

To begin on the path of influence, you must envision where you wish to go or what you need to accomplish. You then develop a plan, sketch a rational road map for its execution, and see it through to fruition.
Most of us are aware that we're subjected to the art of influence every day. Whether by the news media, Madison Avenue, domestic politicians, or international propagandists, the effects of these influences are visible, if not always clear. Hidden agendas, subterfuges, and ploys are part of the art. Influence technology is a serious and potentially deadly game.
p. 45 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

To emphasize, the techniques promoted for "psychic warriors" are not, fundamentally, the written word, as in the case of conventional media influence. The techniques include means of causing not only mental harm but physical harm including death. Fundamentally, the very means which "psychic warriors" use embodies the word "subterfuge."

We know these techniques work.
You can take advantage of your physiological connection with the ordering force of the universe to become strong, to shape your future, to gain your heart's desire.
What you will do is in no way predicated on what you can do. Unfortunately, we cannot stop you from using these techniques to oppress your fellow, to achieve selfish ends at the expense of your society and the biosphere, or to become the worst that you can be.
Given that some will make effective use of these techniques without having learned the good judgment that years of training and risk instill, you may need to defend yourself against such people.
p. 215 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

If a person "expands one's belief system" to adopt "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" as embodiments of "integrity," enough to make the outrageous human rights violating psychic powers "part of your arsenal" and to "practice with these weapons," it should come as no surprise that the student would "use these techniques to oppress your fellow" or "to achieve selfish ends at the expense of your society and the biosphere, or to become the worst that you can be." In fact, considering the degradation of moral, ethical standards therein represented, the "dirty work," the human violations of mind and body, it comes as no surprise that the reader of the book The Warrior's Edge is warned about persons who "make effective use of these techniques" in that "you may need to defend yourself against such people." It is not only "such people" whose "good judgment" is not molded by "risk" assessment that pose the danger, but it is such people whose judgment uses risk assessment, rather than human rights, as a fundamental guideline "against" whom "you may need to defend yourself."

To act effectively, the warrior must be able to expand beliefs to encompass new possibilities. By testing those possibilities personally, the warrior determines whether they offer an advantage--and if securing that advantage is worth the risk. The possibilities we use here to push reality's envelope are not risk free.
p. 198 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

It is not at all mitigating for the authors to characterize the persons against whom we need to defend ourselves as persons who "make effective use of these techniques" and who act as they do "without having learned the good judgment that years of training and risk instill." When "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" are portrayed as "integrity," and when "good judgment" is formed by years of training and risk, one is left with the impression that the "years of training" enable a person to more so "make effective use of these techniques" in that "you may need to defend yourself against such people," and that it does not put one at ease if the person against whom "you may need to defend yourself against" is deterred more by" risk" than by moral or ethical principle.

The guideline "if securing that advantage is worth the risk" is a morally devoid way of learning so-called "good judgment." The training subtly uses words such as "integrity," but when examined more closely it is ethically vacuous if not also fundamentally bankrupt.

Applications of remote viewing to industrial espionage are not unthinkable. If remote viewing were used during early research and development phases, the target company would be without even the hypothetical protection of patent application.
These ethical difficulties are not unlike those involved with the introduction of any other new, invasive technology. Ethical issues of remote viewing will be settled on an ad-hoc basis by practitioners, whether or not a consensus of behavior eventually evolves.
The majority of researchers in this field come to the conclusion that there is an interconnectedness among all things. This premise has major implications for our beliefs and behaviors. Proponents of this concept suggest that information--in the form of consciousness--is a common ingredient throughout the universe. This universal interconnectedness may be the vehicle that allows remote viewing to operate.
p. 154 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The "implications" for "beliefs and behaviors" in the "premise" work which psychics have been doing have already been established fundamentally, that is, the very means which they advocate and promote fundamentally represents egregious human rights violations. The "implications" are, rather, that behind-the-scenes violations of human rights, subverting the U.S. Constitution with "intrusive" "technology," are being promoted, not only from a base of secret societies, but by means of proliferation, or expanding recruitment, among the public. The essence of the ethical subversion and empty reference to "ethical difficulties" is most apparent from the following position.

When you choose to
p. 48
apply the lessons learned in this book, be sure you constantly perform environmental checks. It is in your own best interest to be aware of how much stress you place on those around you, especially superiors. Keep in mind their belief systems, and how they might accept your practices. We are not suggesting limits on your practice and application of skills, just judicious caution in how open you are with others.
p. 49 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Clearly an ethically corrupt position. The rhetoric about "integrity" being compatible with "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" obtains a contextual framework with the foregoing revelation. What is the code of "honor," silence ? The philosophy doesn't get any better upon further examination.

"The majority of researchers in this field come to the conclusion that there is an interconnectedness among all things. This premise has major implications for our beliefs and behaviors. Proponents of this concept suggest that information--in the form of consciousness--is a common ingredient throughout the universe. This universal interconnectedness may be the vehicle that allows remote viewing to operate."
p. 154 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

There is an "interconnectedness" between computers on a network, but the major "implication" for "behavior" is not the theft of computer files or information. Your neighbor's property might be connected to yours, but does that premise carry with it the implication for a belief or behavior that your property may be trespassed by your neighbor's grazing animals or that your home may be invaded by your neighbor's relatives ? Light is a common ingredient throughout the universe, but does that give your neighbor a right set up a video camera in your livingroom to keep an eye on you ? When the authors state that "We are not suggesting limits on your practice and application of skills, just judicious caution in how open you are with others," it is no exaggeration for the authors to characterize their disciples as "psychic warriors."

The "technologies" of psychic "warriors" in America represent a flagrant assault on the U.S. Constitutional protections of the Fourth Amendment against personal invasion. The emphasis of the authors appears to be on "success" of "actions" based not upon meeting the behavioral standards of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, but of one's "own behavioral standard." Prisons are full of persons with their "own behavioral standard."

What do we mean by morality ? We mean your subjective and personal sense of right and wrong, developed in a context of cultural ethics. If you meet your own behavioral standard, your actions have a much greater chance of success, because the expectations of your reality map are consonant with your belief-system tree.
p. 110 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

It's amazing how close the quoted author's description is to the account in the book of Genesis of meeting one's "own behavioral standard" right down to the "belief-system tree" and Lucifer's "reality map" of deception and corruption. For that matter, The Warrior's Edge promotes "a context of cultural ethics" which is inconsonant with the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

The focus is on performance and one's "own behavioral standard." By adopting the "invasive" "technologies" or invasive "weapons" promoted by the authors, the behavioral standard respecting human rights is scuttled into an abyss, deferring to "risk" assessment. The "culture" which is developed by the authors is framed in terms of "warriors" who deploy "weapons" of a psychic "arsenal."

The books' most eloquent statement, which follows, is contravened by the preponderant force of the book's lessons on the whole.

We must caution you to influence with integrity. There is truth in the old saying "What goes around, comes around." We urge you to practice the art of influence with the best interest of all parties in mind. The warrior exerts his influence in keeping with a code of honor and an unassailable integrity above reproach. With these tools comes the responsibility for right action. Our purpose in providing you with advanced human technology techniques is to help enhance all human performance. Properly used, these techniques can have a positive impact on human interaction worldwide.
p. 52 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The military is notorious for euphemistic descriptions which can make an all out Reign of Terror read like a tune-up manual. Any "Hidden agendas" imbedded in the language ? Does The Warrior's Edge serve as a part of the occult goal of influencing all humans to embrace the "Plan" of adopting psychic powers by dangling the bait to "enhance all human performance" ? Using psychic powers as a warrior to exert influence or to place pressure on others to get sucked into the New Age movement and psychic practices could result in what might be euphemistically described as enhancing "human performance." (by drafting all into psychic participation). Do not the application of "these techniques" "impact on human interaction worldwide" in a way "positive" in promoting the "psychic eye" for (1) - the practitioner, (2) - the "recruitment" of more "psychic warriors", and (3) - by the exertion of "influence" on the population in general in keeping with objectives of the "Hierarchy" to expand telepathic "interaction" such that increasing segments of the population establish the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" ?

[p. 197, Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen]

"Influence with integrity" is quite a statement considering what the standards are not, and considering what standards are trash-canned. But really, what kind of standing ovation can somebody get for using the word "honor" while trampling upon the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights ?

Having in mind clandestine techniques which psychics are taught, it is similar to recommending "integrity" in the use of slipping a drug into someone's drink and hypnotizing the person. "Ruthlessness," "duplicity," "unassailable integrity" ? Fundamentally, the techniques used violate the individual over whom the person exerts his will. Fundamentally, it is disconsonant to appear to take a high moral ground in proposing "integrity" when the very means used represent outrageous violations of the human mind and will, if not also of the human body.

"If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of others." When the authors speak of the "warrior's" "arsenal of weapons" they are speaking of psychic weapons for "psychic warriors" which elucidates their positions that "The warrior must be able to consciously influence others ..." and in that connection even diplomacy is viewed as "a measured attempt to exert national will upon another." Chilling. The authors are speaking of psychic influence when speaking of "influence technologies" and the "manipulation of others." From the psychic warrior's viewpoint, the psychic capabilities are described as "All these phenomena involve using the mind and/or some "field" of the body to affect other minds and inanimate objects, sometimes at a distance, without the intervention of conventional mechanisms such as electronics or tools."

The authors take the position that "If this manipulation is for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are adhering to the warrior ethic." Would you say that if a person engages in drugging, hypnotizing, and kidnapping others "for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are adhering to the warrior ethic" ? If so, whose "warriors" ? The methods are comparable. Considering the ethical and philosophical abyss which people are invited or recruited into, it is not reassuring for such psychic warriors to be making decisions about manipulating and influencing others clandestinely with "psychic" forces for someone else's "eventual benefit" as well as for their own benefit. The body of information available shows that world-wide initiation into the occult, or Luciferian consciousness is an occult plan. There are those who might argue that they are influencing persons in that direction for their own "benefit," but eventually having discarnate entities re-incarnate themselves in one's own human body is no one's right to seek to impose onto anyone.

The ultimate standard for the "psychic" "warrior on the block" who "applies the seething energies of Lucifer," is Lucifer. That is usually something a person doesn't find out until later, as the testimony has shown. The god of Masonry, Lucifer, who supplies oaths to conceal murder and treason provides the philosophical and operative context for the New Age agenda.

The recruits for "psychic warriors" are not simply asked to subvert the U.S. Constitution by themselves. They are given examples to reinforce their criminal actions.

To repeat,

In the following chapters, we will unroll a reality map that includes telepathy, psychokinesis, and manipulation of time by the human mind. To perform extraordinary acts, some warriors need only faith. Others need to know that what they are doing is behavior accepted by authorities they respect.
{this is followed by 4 models of psi}

No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one. No one knows for certain how consciousness interacts with the phenomenal world.
p. 111 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

What or whom do the authors mean by "authorities" ? Authorities or experts in "psychic warfare" ? The preponderant lessons of The Warrior's Edge can hardly be spoken of as consonant with the military establishment's sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. Yet, The Warrior's Edge was co-authored by a Colonel (John Alexander) who "evolved from hard-core mercenary to thanatologist" (expert in causing death), who "studied meditation in Buddhist monasteries ..." "He was chief of the Advanced Human Technology Office, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command; and director, Advanced Systems Concepts Office, U.S. Army Laboratory Command." Another co-author, a Major (Richard Groller) , "exemplifies the modern-day techno-shaman. A military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army for over eleven years, ... a mathematician, MBA, and systems engineer. On active duty, he served in a variety of high-tech, R&D, and operational assignments on the staffs of the Directorate of Intelligence, U.S. Forces Command, the 7th Infantry Division, and the U.S. Army Intelligence School." The third author (Janet Morris) was "Elected to the New York Academy of Sciences in 1980, she is affiliate with the National Intelligence Study Center. ... She was initiated into the Japanese art of bioenergetics, joh re, the Indonesian brotherhood of Subud, and graduated from the Silva course in advanced mind control. She has been doing remote viewing for fifteen years." [The Warrior's Edge, pps. 14, 15]

With all due respect to their military service, it should be remembered that wars have been fought to protect and preserve the precepts of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights.

As this book goes on to show, encompassing the techniques which are advocated in The Warrior's Edge and similar books teaching and advocating psychic powers, the "belief systems" which are "set aside" are fundamentally those of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights and those of the Judeo-Christian ethic.

The occult conspiracy has been concealing a war machine.

The occult conspiracy of "re-incarnation" has continued to employ a variety of "Trojan Horses" to gain access and entry.


Chapter 7

The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 7

Under Another Name

The Trojan Horse "defense" is but one New Age technique. The "Just Drive" maneuver is another ploy to watch out for. Before you consider replacing analytical thinking with psychic "intuition" analyze the advice given by advocates in the field.

You may feel a gentle urge to drive in a particular direction. Follow that urge. Do not think about it or analyze it. Just drive.
p. 189 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Strange advice from persons who warn of "remote psychic manipulation" and "externally induced suggestions by others."

Learning to discriminate our own psychic impressions from externally induced suggestions by others may also ultimately protect us from the possibility of remote psychic manipulation.
p. 9 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Fundamentally, psychic impressions are externally induced impressions. Fundamentally, shutting down the mental processes and shutting down analytical thinking and opening oneself to psychic impressions represents placing oneself at "ground zero" of psychic manipulation. Shutting down analytical thinking and handing one's brain over to impression or intrusion by outside entities is like giving it away. It's handing the keys of your automobile over.

The issues are distorted by psychic advocates who state:

We believe it is time for all of us to claim our right to function psychically. You own your own mind. It is important not to give it away, or fail to use it to its full potential.
p. 246 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"You own your own mind" ? Good. Hold on to it. Indeed, it is important not to give it away for manipulation or occupation by outside discarnate entities. The apparent inference by advocates of psychic power is, however, that your ownership of your own mind entitles you to things which they claim, and their inference is that if you do not pursue psychic functions that you are giving your mind away. Quite to the contrary. The plunge into "illumination" "casts aside mind."

You might own your own body, but prisons are full of persons who have used their bodies to violate the bodies of others. You do not own the bodies of other human beings. You might own your own mind, but you do not own the minds of other human beings to violate them. What of the claim to have a "right" to "function psychically" ? Which psychic "technologies" do the authors of The Mind Race and The Warrior's Edge specifically teach ? If anyone claims a "right" to practice psychic powers to manipulate, psychically influence and violate others, it should be noted that leaders in the field such as The Warrior's Edge authors have enunciated ethically specious, even outrageous guidelines. Is it not a false claim to have a right to violate privacy, to manipulate with "invasive technologies" ? Exclusion from psychic or other "technologies" of invasion of one's home or person is, on the other hand, a "self-evident" right expressed in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, written by America's Founding Fathers.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated ..."

Fourth Amendment, (Bill of Rights), U.S. Constitution.

The interpretation that the search and seizure restrictions of the Fourth Amendment apply only to government is a prescription for a totalitarian state wherein private citizens serve as adjuncts in violating 4th Amendment rights.

The private citizen component to the 4th Amendment respecting "search and seizure" represents more than legal guarantees against trespassing or theft.

The 4th Amendment is a guarantee of security under the law.

It provides a Constitutional and legal means of "defense" against intrusion, physical or "psychic."

Modern history does not lack examples to reinforce correct interpretation of the Fourth Amendment.

The totalitarian state of East Germany bore the official designation of :

the "German Democratic Republic" (DDR),

while the embodiment of "Big Brother," the "Stasi" or State Security Police, had it's civilian component.

It has been estimated that one third of East German citizens had worked for or otherwise cooperated with the "Stasi" in reporting on fellow citizens.

Through coercion or conviction segments of the civilian population became adjuncts to a totalitarian government.

East Germany represented one of most notorious totalitarian states during the Cold War, under another name.

It would be absurd to suggest that the protective restrictions of the Fourth Amendment apply to law enforcement institutions only. Fundamental rights are the cornerstone of the U.S. Constitution, not to be contravened by civilian adjuncts to whatever or whomever the Founding Fathers sought to protect us from.

It is little wonder that the occult empire has been referred to as the "empire of evil." The "psychic warrior" begins by knocking down the walls to his or her own mind, and allows the enemy to enter within. Psychic powers are not the product of natural occurring forces in the universe, but the product of the intervention of supernatural entities "permeating the brain-mind" of the individual. It is an understatement if not also a disingenuous statement for the authors of The Warrior's Edge, who claim that psychic phenomena fit a "quantum-mechanical" model of reality, to state regarding "telepathy" and "psychokinesis" that "No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one." The authors of The Mind Race, which promotes and teaches the acquisition and use of psychic powers, recommends the acquisition of powers which it itself effectively debunks as fitting a model of naturally occurring laws or forces, as this chapter documents.

-- Illuminism Under Another Name --

When "trained by scientific method" the "techno-shaman" becomes the "shaman." The "models of reality" become models of false theory.

Consider carefully the implications of the information which The Mind Race presents which debunks the Russian theory that psychic impressions are based on the transference of information by electro-magnetic brain waves through space. Then compare or consider how the book appears to disingenuously represent the fundamental process which is at work in psychic phenomena. The authors themselves, it will be seen, leave a clue as to the real source.

A principal so-called "technology" described in The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race by which a person's home can be psychically intruded is that of "remote vision" or psychic "vision." Former high-ranking Mason William Schnoebelen corroborated the reference to the flooding of the mind by the "illumination" process spoken of by 33rd degree Mason W.L. Wilmshurst who spoke of the "material brain-mind being thoroughly permeated."

Illumination: through drugs and occult techniques of the Seers, the so-called Third Eye would be opened, not just partially (as in psychics) but completely. This "eye,"also called the Ajna chakra, is felt to be the point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness. ...
To "open" the eye a little bit is to experience psychic powers. To open the eye completely is to have your brain flooded with the "pure" consciousness of Lucifer himself. This is why one of the Masonic symbols is the "All-Seeing Eye." It is a symbol of Illumination.
... You begin to think his thoughts and see with his eyes.
p. 197 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The opening or establishment of the psychic eye by various degrees of "permeating the brain-mind" of an individual is associated with the "All-Seeing-Eye" of Lucifer. It is also known as the "All-Seeing-Eye" of the Egyptian god Horus, in Masonry. Spiritistic "illumination" of the mind or brain comprised the foundation of Adam Weishaupt's conspiracy to rule the world by an occult Hierarchy. The plan to eventually encompass corrupting everyone spiritistically has unfolded or progressed as Weishaupt described, that is, with the use of guises, methods of camouflage. Weishaupt enunciated the principle that the goals of illumination can achieve greatest success when represented as something else.

Illuminism in reality is less an Order than a principle, and a principle which can work better under cover of something else. Weishaupt himself had laid down the precept that the work of Illuminism could best be conducted "under other names and other occupations," and henceforth we shall always find it carried on by this skilful system of camouflage.
p. 236 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

Psychic powers resulting from spiritistic "illumination" of the human brain, whereby developing a "co-consciousness"s with Lucifer or New Age discarnate entities is represented by the "so-called Third Eye," enables images to be impressed upon the human brain by supernatural spirit entities, and is often promoted "under other names and other occupations." One of the "Trojan Horses" through which illuminination is introduced to the public is by means of attempting to surround psychic powers with a "scientific" shell. The "shell," however, has been dismantled, scientifically.

-- Indicted by Scientific Method --

The "psychic warrior's" "arsenal" referred to by The Warrior's Edge includes what is called "remote viewing," or psychic vision.

In the arsenal of the warrior, who must remain alert to all threats and diligently gather as much information as possible, remote viewing is an incomparable weapon.
p. 155 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors, however, are not simply speaking of military warriors in their book, but of psychic warriors who practice in civilian life. The quotation immediately follows a discussion of "applications of remote viewing to industrial espionage" and where the authors speak of "ethical issues of remote viewing" being "settled on an ad-hoc basis by practitioners ..." The authors teach remote viewing techniques to the public. Chilling.

Remote viewing is the technical term for a specific psychic information-gathering process. Remote viewing is the ability of an individual to mentally acquire information about objects or events at a distance-whether those objects or events exist in the past, present, or future.
Sometimes a remote viewer gathers his information by contacting an observer at the designated site during the chosen interval. In other cases, the remote viewer gathers information without contacting an observer at the target location.
p. 136 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

That description by itself should imply the involvement of spirit entities which can impress not only thoughts upon the brain, but also influence individuals and influence some future events. Persons who are involved in occult, spiritistic practices are particularly vulnerable to such influence, as this book goes on to show. Many seek out such influence and guidance, whether by astrological horoscopes or by direct communication by spirit guides. Yet, even with behavior and event shaping capability, the Luciferian entities do not control everyone. Neither do Luciferian entities or "guides" always relate matters truthfully. These are no doubt among contributing factors in having "the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out."

In reality, however, the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out, as surely as they are also often superbly accurate in their psychic impressions.
p. 227 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The authors of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race themselves present experimental evidence disproving that electro-magnetic brain waves account for the information gathering process. They, themselves, effectively dismantle the tactic that a "change in words" can take the spiritualism out of psychic practices. Basically two sets of experiments have been performed, each debunking the theory that electromagnetic waves can be attributed as providing the means of information acquisition for psychic phenomena. The first, distance experiments; the second, deep sea experiments.

The Soviets had published several papers which proposed that psychic information was carried by extremely low-frequency (ELF) radio waves. Some Western researchers also hold this view. But if electromagnetic radiation is responsible for psychic functioning, we would expect to find some decrease in the accuracy of remote-viewing descriptions when viewers are thousands of miles away from target sites. We have not yet found, however, any such decrease in the accuracy of remote viewing over long distances.
p. 33 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The second scenario, of deep sea "remote viewing," was conducted under American auspices.

Back in the U.S., Stephan Schwartz of the Moebius Group, in an experiment called Deep Quest, put remote viewers in submersible craft and asked them to view targets on land from a substantial underwater depth. That the viewers were successful, even though they were in a chamber shielded by water, suggests that the process at work is not electromagnetic in origin. Schwartz proceeded to try psychically-assisted archaeology projects. In triple-blind experiments, Schwartz attempted to pinpoint previously undiscovered sites, subsurface geology, and buried remains, Subsequent digs by the group discovered a buried city, though there was no way for the sensitives who'd worked on the project to have information about a target completely unexcavated previously.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors of The Warrior's Edge have themselves referred to the "scientific method" research which debunks their claim that, "When shorn of spiritualism and trained by scientific method, the shaman of the past becomes the techno-shaman of today ..."

As far as unspeculative science is concerned, psychic "vision" is not facilitated by electromagnetic waves. It reveals what psychic "phenomena" is not.

The authors of The Mind Race who are psychic proponents and who advise persons to follow psychic "urges" while driving, present information which debunks the electromagnetic wave theory. In the submersible vehicle "remote vision" experiments the electromagnetic wave theory is disproved.

Seawater is known to be an excellent shield for both ELF and higher-frequency signals, which explains why governments are trying to develop other ways to communicate with their submerged submarines. ...
{the authors quote Stephen Schwartz, then Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, who has written "to the authors ..."}
" ... the Navy had amassed considerable knowledge about seawater's shielding effect of ELF and, more importantly, on exactly how much data could be transmitted in a given amount of time. This research demonstrated that while ELF could penetrate seawater far deeper than any other form of radio wave, it took enormous power and, because of the very low frequency, only a very few bits of information could be transmitted in any reasonable time period."
p. 48 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

ELF, extremely low frequency, waves did not offer the solution to the "remote vision" experiments in which psychic performance was not affected by the typical shielding effects which seawater has on electromagnetic waves or transmissions.

The results of these two successful ARV {associative remote viewing} sessions in the submarine, eachwith a probability of one in six, lead us to the conclusion that deep seawater, which diminishes evenELF radio waves a hundredfold, does not diminish psychic functioning. This offers furtherevidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves. This offers furtherevidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves. This offers further evidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves. The hundredfold decrease in radio transmission is calculated for radio waves of 10 cycles per second (which corresponds to brain-wave frequencies), among the lowest of the ELF waves that theorists have considered. Ordinary radio waves, at much higher frequencies, are blocked even more than ELF signals by seawater.
These research results indicate that remote viewing is not adversely affected by distance, electromagnetic shielding --- or seasickness.
p. 50 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Considering that the authors of both The Mind Race and The Warrior's Edge promote powers for which they themselves have presented evidence that the powers are not explained in terms of electromagnetic waves, the claims to take spiritualism out of psychic phenomena can be recognized to potentially mask serious dangers, the dangers of spiritualism. The dangers of demon possession, insanity, and of manipulation by evil forces are not to be minimized. Spiritual corruption and falling prey to deceptions and falsehoods are real dangers, as is jeopardizing one's relationship with God.

"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. ."
Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. KJV.

Divination of events including future events is prohibited by God. Spiritualism, which is spirit mediumship, continues to account for psychic powers, even though efforts have been made to re-package spirit medium powers. Seeking guidance in one's life from sources which God's Word identifies as inimical to mankind's best interests has been evident in practices which include astrological horoscopes. Such practices represent ways in which person's decisions can be affected or manipulated. More sinister methods of manipulation, psychic manipulation of the human brain, will be examined in the following chapter.

The alleged ability to see future events which may be determined or affected by the actions of people should immediately raise the issue that the "process" of "remote vision" into the "future" may involve the influence or manipulation of humans by discarnate entities. Of course, visually depicting the outcome of a planned building structure (even where outside influence or impression is not a factor in the design process) is something which even many artists could provide using architectural plans. The ability of Luciferian spirit entities to anticipate or predict some events and influence others does not make them infallible by any means, and they have not been proved to be infallible, whereas it is attested to that "the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out."

Remote vision of the future essentially represents the manipulation of the human brain by spirit entities, who might or might not influence some events in the future. Remote viewing of the "future" as such which might be suggested in The Warrior's Edge is not supported by scientific explanations or "models."

It is this apparent ability of the human remote viewer to gather information from sites removed not only in space but in time that interests physicists. Because these results are qualitatively repeatable, they can be studied scientifically. To date, no attempt to model the physics of such data transfer has been wholly successful. Nevertheless, it appears that data is successfully being transferred from on-site observers to remote viewers.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

From a standpoint of physics, the authors of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race themselves debunk the "electromagnetic model." What is effectively debunked is the assertion that spiritualism can be taken out of understanding psychic phenomena.

The "distance" and submerged "seawater" experiments proved that physical barriers do not limit the acquisition of psychically derived information, concurrently proving that the electro-magnetic wave model of psychic functioning does not fit. Yet, to those for whom the source of psychic powers is not an issue, the net result of the experimentation could be enticing to some, although dangerously so. Richard Kyle made a very astute observation pertaining to the subject of psychic research.

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to "drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation --- all in the name of tracking psi phenomena."{footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion
p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America, Richard Kyle, 1993

If, indeed, occultists and spirit mediums in touch with spirit "guides" have been doing much of the presiding over psychic "research," the potential for manipulation of the psychic "researchers" by "spirit guides," or the potential for manipulation of the public by psychic "researchers," certainly exists. That distance or that physical electro-magnetic wave barriers do not impede psychic performance or functioning is something which independent observers could confirm. Yet, what possibilities are there for contrivance by the spirit guides who facilitate psychic powers? It is interesting that the standard for "integrity" espoused and advocated by the authors of The Warrior's Edge is defined in terms of "duplicity" and "ruthlessness" in that duplicity is demonstrated by the Devil whom the Bible describes as transforming himself into an angel of light. What potentials exist for contrivance on the part of spirit guides which facilitate psychic powers or on the part of participants of psychic "research" ? The question needs to be asked, particularly when it comes to experiments which involve "temporal distortion," or time discrepancies or differences.

The Mind Race (pps. 56-58) relates an experiment in which a "remote viewer" described an unpredesignated scene at which an on-site observer team would arrive at a specific time, about a half an hour after leaving on their drive. The driving team followed what was described as a "random" drive without settling upon a determined location, but the words of the authors which elsewhere in their book recommend to "just drive" and to follow "intuition" suspiciously places their experiment in the shadow of unseen influence, whereby the driving "on-site" observers ended up at the location "foreseen" by the monitored psychic remote viewer at the time designated. What might be presented as a trip into the future by the remote observer could very well be characterized as an experiment in which the unseen spirit "guides" which facilitate psychic powers influenced the "random" driving team. The authors themselves raise the issue of psychic manipulation.

Learning to discriminate our own psychic impressions from externally induced suggestions by others may also ultimately protect us from the possibility of remote psychic manipulation.
p. 9 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Psychic influence and manipulation comprise a significant part of the psychic arts which The Mind Race considers. Even without telepathic communication between any of the players in the foregoing experiment, the capacity to be psychically influenced by psychically "induced suggestions by others" or to be psychically maneuvered by spirit guides who have their own agenda of deception even without the participation of contriving humans, is considerable.

The Mind Race (pps. 58, 59) also relates another remote vision experiment in which a random number generator was used to select a target location to be visited a half hour later by an "outbound experimenter." The random number generator was used to make the "target" selection after the remote viewer described the target location. The apparent successful description of target locations and of some of the activity of participating human experimenters at the target location under what appear to be scientifically controlled conditions might be construed by some to mean that the remote-viewer actually took a visual trip into the future. Not so fast. It is not only humans who can be influenced and manipulated psychically, but physical objects are also subject to psychic power influence. One pages 67, 68, The Mind Race considers the possibility that the remote viewer psychokinetically controls the random-number generator which selects the target in such "precognition" experiments, but discounts the idea with the argument that PK control of random-number generators has not been demonstrated to statistically match the performance of remote vision experiments which use random-number generators. Yet, "psychic" or psychotronic influence of random-number or random-event generators is "quantifiable."

Micro-PK, in contrast, occurs in ways that require scientific instrumentation to detect. You cannot see micro-PK events occur, but you can see the results, such as changes in a random-event generator (REG), when displayed on a statistical basis.
At the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, Dr. Robert John, Brenda Dunne, and others are using various instruments, including cascade and random-event generators, to show that micro-PK effects are quantifiable.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

That the effects of psychotronic or psychic influence upon random-event generators are quantifiable underscores the capacity of spirit "guides" to guide or manipulate the outcome of psychic research over which the spirit entities of spiritualism preside.

The authors of The Warrior's Edge themselves state that "No electro-magnetic model of this process {of precognitive remote viewing} advanced so far allows for temporal distortion."

Soviet work on remote viewing has attempted to explain the phenomenon as transmissions, by the human brain, of extreme low frequency (ELF) waves. Much Soviet work on remote perception is based on electromagnetic models.
After Russell Targ visited the Soviet Union at the invitation of the Soviet Academy of Science, he reported that some Soviet scientists had also found their subjects able to report information about a site before the site was chosen -- precognitively "guess" the site to be chosen and describe it. The Soviet ELF model requires the target to be concurrently viewed by the remote viewer for real-time-data transfer to occur. No electro-magnetic model of this process advanced so far allows for temporal distortion.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

"No electro-magnetic model of this process advanced so far allows for temporal distortion." To what, then, are apparent temporal (time) distortions attributable ?

The "ELF," or extremely low frequency, experiments may have served the purpose of psychic proponents in the spirit and physical realms in demonstrating that physical barriers do not limit the intrusion of psychic powers, but at the same time it was proved that electro-magnetic brain waves are not the facilitating means of psychic power. The efforts to "change the language" in repackaging spiritualism as "science" has failed. What would the New-Age/spiritualist Luciferian spirits stand to gain in deceiving persons into believing that the future could be visited by means of "psychic" powers ? The answers are obvious.

1- If humans can be convinced that psychic excursions into the future are correct, persons could base critical decisions based on false representations of the future, inspired by demons. A major means of maneuvering persons with false predictions is thus provided.

2- Persons could also be tempted to resort to a variety of forms of divination, including astrological horoscopes, to make decisions, and thereby come under greater influence by Luciferian forces in their decision making processes.

Lucifer is the great con artist. The idea is to secure a person's confidence and then later to spring the trap of a great and decisive deception. Psychic information is not only often unreliable, but can lead a person to deceptions even where a track record of reliability is determined.

{remote viewing}

Sometimes, individuals who are frequently correct have periods when they miss the target completely. At times, subjects may be just as confident about the accuracy of information that turns out to be incorrect -- or not verifiable -- as they are about information that proves to be valid.
p. 149 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The pattern of accuracy and falsehood might well be described using the words of Manly P. Hall, whereby the pattern provides "a microcosm of the whole design" in Lucifer's composite scheme of things. [Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, p. 8].

-- The Devil in the Details --

The term "rituals" used in connection with developing psychic powers is appropriate.

Her current research at the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, is concerned with various aspects of psychic healing and with rituals that may be used to elicit psi, both in the laboratory and in the field.
p. 43 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"Rituals" comprises a fitting expression for processes in which supernatural entities are elicited. Psychic powers have not in reality been shorn of spiritualism. Richard Kyle presents a concise link between the occult and psychic research worth repeating at this point..

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to "drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation --- all in the name of tracking psi phenomena."{footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion
p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America, Richard Kyle, 1993
{footnote: Moore, In Search of White Crows, pp. 221-22}

While attempting to change the terminology pertaining to the source of psychic powers, the military officers authoring The Warrior's Edge relate how the U.S. Pentagon has continued the psychic tradition. It is, however, an occult tradition.

Traditionally, any source is a good source as long as it provides reliable information about the enemy. ...
Throughout recorded history, leaders have attempted to use psychics to predict the behavior of warlike enemies. Court astrologers arose with Babylon. The ancient Greeks used a series of female oracles who spoke from cites such as Delphi.
That tradition continues today. According to U.S. News and World Report, "As far as back as 1981, intelligence agents from the Pentagon relied on psychics, first to help determine the
p. 135
whereabouts of a kidnapped U.S. general, and later to locate the Beirut headquarters of an Iran-backed Hezbollah organization, believed to be the keepers of the U.S. hostages."
p. 136 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

It was long suspected that the CIA was victim to high level "mole" operating within the United States. A high level double-agent, Aldrich Ames, was eventually discovered operating out of the CIA headquarters and sent to prison. Yet, the very facilitating forces invoked by U.S. Intelligence in psychic programs had been working simultaneously for the Soviet Union in facilitating their "psychic warfare" programs. United States Intelligence services have thus made America more vulnerable to manipulation and influence by psychic forces and more susceptible to subversion by psychic practices.

The issues concern not only the subversion of America's society and government. Other nations are also at risk.

U.S. Intelligence has not publicly identified the enemy within the "Trojan Horse" of psychic "phenomena." The viewpoint that "any source is a good source" has no doubt contributed to the effort to take spiritualism and the devil out of the details and in providing a "change in words." It comes as no surprise that the military officers authoring the book The Warrior's Edge attempt to disassociate the Devil from psychic phenomena, even as they themselves specifically refer to it in promoting a "change in words."

Because this is a book about ... "psychic" phenomena, we will present a new perspective, showing how psychic phenomena fit into a quantum-mechanical model of reality. {They themselves have overturned this notion.} ... If an individual realizes that these phenomena are not ... the work of the devil, ... the results of this training can be a greater confidence... and dominion over a wide range of ... experience.
p. 10 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

One issue in "changing the words" is of gaining public acceptance for employing occult means. Conscientious people rightly troubled could regard the Devil as, at best, a "double-agent" "in-house," who has also been working for Constitutional enemies abroad and at home. The Illuminist, secret society objective of literally having discarnate "demons" gain access to and obtain significant influence over human minds by means the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness" or the opening of the "psychic eye," is also more easily achieved by "changing the words" while promoting psychic, occult practices.

The very recommendation to follow the "urge to drive in a particular direction" to "follow that urge" and the advice "do not think about it or analyze it ... Just drive" should give the reader a clue that there are inherent dangers associated with the procedures which The Mind Race recommends.

-- Remote Vision and the OBE Link --

The impression of thoughts by "New Age' discarnate Luciferian entities upon the brain and psychic "eye" can escalate from "remote vision" to what is called "out of body experiences," or OBE.

In an out-of-body experience ... It is more intense than a remote-viewing experience ...
We believe that remote viewing and the OBE lie on a continuum of psi experiences.
When you have practiced entering a deeply relaxed state and are able to do so fairly easily, it is time to practice the next part of this OBE exercise.
p. 223 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Deep relaxation exercises are part of the psychic training techniques employed for OBE in The Mind Race and in remote vision in The Warrior's Edge.

Several established methods, or protocols, exist for remote viewing.
Sit down. Quiet your mind. ... Allow your body and mind to totally relax. Don't try to attract the information, just allow it to enter your mind. ... Again, don't strain; don't analyze: allow the information to come to you.
p. 142 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

At this point it is specifically important to mention that it can be strongly argued that it is essential that persons be specifically warned of such techniques, whether in reference to courses which teach "remote viewing" or to other "intuitive" psychic information gathering or guidance means. At work or in school, even in growing numbers of churches, psychic methods are becoming more common and are taught "under another name" or presented by "changing the words." In view of the proliferation of occult practices, often under a diversionary guises, it is important to be able to immediately recognize such techniques to be in a much stronger position to prevent occult practices from being foisted one oneself in the workplace or upon one's children in school.

Quieting the mind of thoughts, emptying the mind of thoughts while opening the mind to receptivity to "psychic" impressions is, as has already been discussed in the previous chapter, extremely dangerous. After deep relaxation exercises (which elicit an altered state of consciousness) have been practiced, the authors of The Mind Race speak of entering the state "fairly easily" and The Warrior's Edge authors speak of instantly accessing the state after practice.

When you have practiced entering a deeply relaxed state and are able to do so fairly easily, it is time to practice the next part of this OBE exercise.
p. 223 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Our second mental exercise ... useful in emptying the mind.
p. 34

The purpose ... to free the mind of all thoughts via detachment, rather than to analyze complex and abstract concepts.
... it is of great benefit when creating deeper states of relaxation within yourself. These states, once mastered, can also be instantly accessed with sufficient training.
As you practice any of the described techniques, external thoughts may intrude. ... ...
p. 35 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The same "continuum of psi experiences" eventually leads to contact with "spirit guides," according to the body of testimony by former and current practitioners in psychic powers.

Deflecting the public's attention from the source of power of psychic "warriors" assists in "recruiting" persons into the New Age movement and potentially involves persons who otherwise would not pursue psychic powers if they knew that such practices would involve them with the "seething energies of Lucifer," and which would set them on a path of an opening psychic "eye" or point of co-consciousness with evil entities intent on eventually engaging a person in transformations.

Incidentally, OBE is also the abbreviation of Outcome Based Education, whose focus is often on meeting philosophical standards, using code words such as "mainstream" to connote acceptance of the homosexual life style. The trend in the public school system in America over the last several years has been to incorporate yoga and other mystical practices in the name of science. The potential threat of incorporating New Age practices such as Out of Body Experience training in the classroom with Outcome Based Education criteria, wherein passing from one grade to the next hinges upon a students acceptance of philosophical or so-called "mainstream" trends, should be taken seriously by Christians and non-Christians. The trend was addressed by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon.

Yet Eastern mysticism and even various forms of witchcraft are regularly being taught and applied in public schools across America with government support. That growing trend will be addressed in more detail later.
p. 44 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The Masonic/Illuminati agenda is manifesting itself ever more boldly in public education.

-- The Genie becomes the Master --

"Changing the words" to portray spiritualism and associated spirit guide facilitated psychic powers as something other than spiritualism, "under another name," includes not only the term "techo-shaman," but also words which have applications in other contexts or other definitions but which are adapted to the field of the occult or psychic phenomena whereby the reader associates the term not with the supernatural but with another context. "Intuition" is one such example. There are others, such as the "inner self" or the "inner voice." Spirit guides are sometimes introduced as the "inner voice" or the "inner self," starting the process of spiritistic involvement by taking advantage of words having meanings associated with "conscience" or a reservoir of one's own life experience. The spirit guides are introduced or introduce themselves, as animals, as is common in traditional shamanism, or as humans who have died, or as angels, as "aliens," as other entities, or as humanoid representations of "natural forces."

The activity of such spirit guides impressing the "brain-mind" of the participant with thoughts, visual images, sounds or other sensations has several identifiable objectives. As the "psychic eye" opens more fully, the "point of contact with Lucifer consciousness" becomes more intense, and it is a path by which the "brain-mind" becomes "permeated" or "illuminated" by the discarnate spirit. "Incarnation on the physical plane" by discarnate spirits is one identifiable objective. Another pertains to the "transformation" of the character and personality of a human being such that even when a discarnate spirit is not actively "driving" human brain cells, the individual has been subjected to a process of transformation and molding to fit into the occult "plan." Thus, individuals who view psychic phenomena or spirit guides as a means to achieve personal ends often end up finding that the "genie in the bottle" bearing gifts in time becomes the master. The relationship serves the ultimate goals of the spirit guides.

The "inner voice" which psychic practitioner Dr. Lawrence describes is not that of the faculty of conscience but of spirit guidance obtained through practicing psychic powers. The relationship described demonstrates the process of how the psychic practitioner becomes the servant of the "genie."

After all, you have received this {psychic} information for a purpose and it might be very helpful ... . If you do not listen to the inner self when it speaks, as they say, you will start to lose contact with that inner voice.
p. 124 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"Evolution" to "godhood" in American spiritualism doctrine is common also to Masonry and witchcraft. Former 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, Wiccan witch and Spiritualist minister, William Schnoebelen, revealed the identity of the servant.

I learned that Lucifer was the true power behind Wicca, and that as a High Priest, I would have to do his bidding if I wanted to continue to evolve.
p. 38 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Although appearing "under another name," the entities which can assume responsibility for Uri Geller's psychic powers are identified as providing the psychic "power through him for their own purposes." Retracting or withdrawing such psychic power represents a corollary aspect in providing psychic power ... "for their own purposes."

"for their own purposes ..."

Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon, in a book first published under the title of America: the sorcerer's new apprentice, compared the dependency of Uri Geller to his psychic power imparting "entities," with those of traditional shamans to their "spirit guides."

While Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI) was preparing to put him through tests of his psychic powers for a documentary film, Uri Geller complained that most parapsychologists misunderstood the true source of this mysterious force. "They keep talking about my mind," he said. Uri then explained that in his opinion psychic power didn't emanate from his mind at all but from other minds---entities from another planet who were telepathically channeling the power through him for their own purposes, and that he had to obey.
"I have no choice, Uri told ex-astronaut Edgar Mitchell and several SRI scientists, "because they direct me. I can't go against [them]."
p. 196

This is classical sorcery (or shamanism), in which the reliance upon nonphysical entities has always been the cornerstone. Anthropologist Michael Harner reminds us:
To perform his work, the shaman depends on special, personal power, which is usually supplied by his guardian and helping spirits.
Each shaman generally has at least one guardian spirit in his service . . . [and] without a guardian spirit it is virtually impossible to be a shaman . . . .
p. 197 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]
[Michael Harner, The Way of the Shaman: The Guide to Power and Healing
(Harper & Row, 1980), pp. 42-43.]

The prerogatives exercised by Uri Geller's masters is also evident in traditional shamanism. The "master" is, again, clearly identified.

When first embarking upon his career, a shaman has to acquire a guardian spirit or animal.
p. 47

Even though a guardian spirit works with a shaman or any person, it does not always stay in the immediate vicinity. It moves around freely, coming and going as it wishes, entering and leaving the body according to its own will. During the shamanic journey, the power animal or spirit will generally meet the shaman somewhere inside the tunnel or just as he exits into the Lowerworld.
p. 48 The Ancient & Shining Ones: World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

Who owns whom, and the prerogatives exercised by spirit "guides" "entering and leaving the body according to its own will" was dramatically corroborated by William Schnoebelen with an Out-Of-Body experience which demonstrated that the "genie" is the real master of those who pursue the occult.

However, this particular occasion was quite different. I was summarily YANKED out of my body without my having any say in the matter.
p. 153 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Thirty Third degree Mason, C. W. Leadbeater in The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, describes the relationship of the psychic powers in Masonry to the discarnate spirits {presided over by Masonry's Lucifer}. Again, the emphasis is upon serving the purpose of the Masonic Masters, the discarnate Luciferian spirits.

Since the Great Ones have entrusted us with powers so portentous it behoves us to try to understand them fully, to study their working, so that we may learn how to use them to the best advantage, how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do.
We must consider heedfully the relation with the Angelic kingdom into which these higher Degrees bring us, for it is a matter of the utmost importance. ...
p. 307 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Thus, persons who embark upon a quest for psychic power or who are "recruited" into the world of spiritualism or shamanism might begin their experiences with the belief that their own goals are the center of focus, only to learn later that the "genie" is the master and not the servant. The "disciples" are instructed that the path to "godhood" {path to becoming "one" with Lucifer} is for mankind's benefit. It is referred to as spiritual "evolution." Watch Out !

-- Psychic Warriors --

As the psychic "warrior" "arsenal" is examined more extensively, it is important to keep in mind the Luciferian ultimate objective of establishing an overt and occult political and religious Hierarchy in America and internationally. The New Age spirit guide, Lord Maitreya, who spoke of "My Warriors , ... My Army" has an aggressive agenda of conquest. It is a Luciferian New Age which the occult conspiracy is working to fulfill. The Masonic "warrior on the block" who applies "the seething energies of Lucifer" is more than just the philosopher on the block.

The effects of Masonry's masters (who are "unseen and unrecognized" by nominal Masons or those otherwise outside of the occult conspiracy) upon the membership was emphasized by Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree,

He {the Mason} ... must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that
powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny
of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.
{sentence structure staggered for emphasis by this author}

The impending triggered transformation of those who take up the "obligations of Freemasonry" is alluded to by Schnoebelen in terms which are clarified in the following chapter. Keep in mind that particularly in persons wherein Lucifer has established his "point of contact" with human consciousness with the opening of the "psychic eye," the "impressibility" of the human brain by entities which have been allowed access is a predominant issue.

Through their "raising," what we have called
p. 262
the Masonic baptism), they have been engrafted into Lucifer. The strains of Masonry have been imbedded deep in their psyches. It may lie there dormant for decades in 99% of the Masons, like a computer virus waiting to be activated. But when this false christ wishes, it will be suddenly energized.
... They do not realize it, but ticking deep within them is a satanic timepiece with an evil agenda.
When this false messiah appears, he will punch a psychic button and Masons will rush to obey! From the pinnacle of the Masonic pyramid, currents of malignant power will pour down through the ranks and every Mason will feel the perfidious purposes of "Lord" Maitreya quickened within him.
If this sounds preposterous, then consider how, in many churches, Satan has already called in his favors. I have spoken in churches where the pastor was brought down by Masons because he dared to stand for Biblical truth!
I have been in churches where Masonic members loved Masonry more than Jesus, where they disobeyed their pastors to follow their Worshipful Master.
p. 263 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

What is meant by the "New Age" discarnate spirit Lord Maitreya, channelled through Benjamin Creme, when it spoke of "My Warriors , ... My Army" ? What is meant by the declaration that "My Army is now on the move and soon the clash of battle will be heard" ?

p. 168 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{footnote: Benjamin Creme, Messages from Maitreya, pp. 42, 87}

A New Age spirit guide named Alder alluded to the occult plan for "world initiation" which persons are being pressured into.

Alder also makes the astonishing disclosure that Saturn, the New Age code name for their false "Christ," is none other than Satan!
"The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!
Therefore, the world Initiation to which we are drawing near today is being brought to birth by a universal access of Pain and of pressure, to which humanity is responding with widespread action, leading, naturally, to . . . Initiation."
p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{quotation taken from Vera Alder, The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972), p. 109.}

The "pressure," whether on the job, in the school, or through the agency of psychic "warriors," brought to bear upon persons to actively join the pursuit of psychic powers "to enhance all human performance" represents a plan for "world initiation" into Satan's New Age, into Lucifer's "seething energies."

Luciferic initiation, establishing the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" is evidently the primary goal of Lucifer or Satan.

"Pressure ... leading ... to initiation" is being exerted by American corporations.

California Business magazine reports that more than half of the 500 presidents and company owners it surveyed have involved their employees in New Age training seminars that make use of various "consciousness-raising" techniques taught in programs similar to Erhard's est (now called the Forum).
There is perhaps no class of persons more vulnerable to this worldwide "Aquarian Conspiracy" than employees who are required by their employers to take New Age courses.
p. 39

In spite of the warnings from numerous experts concerning the very real dangers that are involved in such techniques, there is an expanding list of employees (including those in management) who have been fired for refusing to participate in New Age programs.
p. 40 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, 1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The subversion of the human will and identity is at the heart of the New Age agenda.

There are, according to Richard L. Watring, additional dangers inherent in the mind-control techniques at the heart of the New Age training programs. Watring, who is personnel director of Budget Rent-a-Car Corporation in Chicago, asserts that techniques are deliberately being introduced into employee training programs which "induce a trance-like state." He is concerned not only about the behavior modification similar to brainwashing which can result, but also about the many reports from participants who are convinced that they have come under harmful influence from "spirit entities" as a result of these trance states.
Watring felt compelled to investigate after observing (with considerable surprise and alarm) the eagerness with which ordinarily cautious business leaders were buying into mysticism mislabeled as motivational psychology.
p. 42 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, 1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The subversion of the American people's best interests by corporations in the political arena has now been followed by the subversion of human rights on an unparalleled scale and depth in the workplace.

The "consciousness" of mankind is a clear issue in the New Age movement. The clear overriding objective of replacing mankind's consciousness with that of the consciousness of Luciferian discarnate spirits is evident from the body of New Age teachings.

The violent intent to de-Christianize the masses on a scale which would dwarf the Reign of Terror of the Jacobins in France is abundantly clear.

John Randolph Price says that his own spirit guide, whose name is Asher, has warned that if these annual world events do not magically succeed in "healing," "purifying," and "cleansing" the world, a great calamity will befall mankind. There will be rage and violent action, Asher confides, and the people who reject the New Age "will experience the greatest emotion of fear and panic." The horrible end result of all the casualties: two and one-half billion men, women, and children will be killed.
p. 157

Asher: "The mass consciousness must be stopped, or shall we say changed,' otherwise the cataclysm will occur. . . ."
p. 158 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{footnote: John Randolph Price, Practical Spirituality, pp. 15-21}

The New Age agenda includes methods to intimidate, to "pressure" human beings into "surrendering" their own bodies, their "minds," to Luciferian spirits for the so-called "great work" of incarnating "daemons" in human flesh.
The destruction of the human race is at the heart of the Masonic/New Age movement.
Chapter 10 includes more information on how prominent New Age spokespersons have advocated such "surrender."
The issue of mankind's "consciousness" is evident not only in New Age programs in places of work, but is also evident in the expressions of the spirit guide called "Asher," considering that the New Age means of replacing the "mass consciousness" of mankind is with Luciferic "initiation," Luciferic "illumination," "Lucifer-consciousness." The New Age solution to what is derisively referred to as "mass consciousness" is that of the "universal mind," a oneness of consciousness with Lucifer or Luciferian spirits for all mankind. Following the leadership of Lucifer is what brought sin, sickness and death to the human family. Sickness, corruption, death; all fruits of the philosophical bite of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Lucifer is the founding father of those things which are wrong and bad with the human family. Occult "redemption" itself represents a further degrading of humans by using sexual perversion such as sodomy as a means to spiritistic illumination, the "serpent bite." Is "mass consciousness" the problem ? If it is, where did those aspects of "mass consciousness" which are objectionable originate ? It should also be remembered that the Dark Ages of Europe took place under the auspices of a religious hierarchy which was corrupted. Apostasy from Christian teachings and practices was not the solution to mankind's ills, it was a terribly subversive problem. Along comes Lucifer in the New Age movement to rescue mankind from oppression which he himself was responsible for as the Anti-Christ. Adam Weishaupt's modus operandi of corruption as a means of conquest exemplifies the tactics of Lucifer. Mankind's "consciousness" is, indeed, a paramount issue. Lucifer's design is to replace all of mankind's consciousness directly with his own and with that of his associated demon spirit entities, whether Asher, Alder, or other New Age spirit guides.

Furthermore, it is evident that human beings are being intimidated, threatened to surrender themselves, their bodies, their minds, to the spirit guides of Lucifer's New Age 'or else' "a great calamity will befall mankind." "A great calamity" ? Great calamities such as World Wars I and II were planned, under Lucifer's auspices, and enunciated in writing decades in advance by Lucifer's top agent, Mazzini, in 1871. WWI & WWII represent global conflicts which have been inspired and precipitated by spirit "guides" and secret societies. Mankind has been in a state of calamity since the philosophical contradiction of the "truth" was formulated by Lucifer in Eden to gain a following by the first human couple, to corrupt and ruin the work of mankind's Heavenly Father. And now Lucifer is threatening more great calamity ? Furthermore, he is threatening rage and violent action against those who refuse initiation into Luciferian New Age practices and Luciferian "transformation." The modus operandi of Luciferian spirits is to subject mankind to an array of means of "pain and pressure" to conform to his Luciferian agenda. World War III has been planned and put in writing by Mazzini as part of that agenda.

Will you be intimidated ?

Do you believe that Almighty God will subdue the forces of evil which are working to subvert and take over all mankind's consciousness ?

In fact, what the New Age spirit guides are leading their followers to are not simply world war as has already occurred twice in the twentieth century, but they are leading Luciferian Warriors to the War of Armageddon, in which God Almighty acts decisively against the Luciferian forces of evil. See Revelation 16:14. The Bible warns of the Antichrist's events, as it warned of the activity of the "Antichrist" following the death of Jesus' apostles, which activity is predicted to peak near the end of a wicked system of things.

Recruitment into the New Age "world" of psychic, spiritualistic, shamanistic powers is often carried out "under another name." Similarly, and "cleansing the earth of negativity" is an adroit euphemism. Those who oppose being taken over by or made "one" with Luciferian entities are apparently deemed in the New Age movement as "negative."

What other means are included among the New Age "warrior's" "arsenal" ? Lucifer's work is dirty work, and conscientious persons need to be warned.

-- "Dirty Work" Technology --

The following information about the scope of psychic power provides a background setting to the "mind race" (or who can get more "possessed" by the Devil before the other person).

When Manly P. Hall wrote about the "seething energies of Lucifer" and the Mason who applies such as a "warrior on the block," he not only provided supplemental information or descriptions to what Albert Pike had identified as the "force," or Lucifer's Prime Minister, but had established the concept of the psychic warrior in the context of his own body of writings. What "devices" are included in that "arsenal" ? Why do the devices not always work ? Should Christians feel that they cannot be affected by such "devices" ?


At the outset it should be mentioned that there are many means which evil, wicked persons use which do not necessarily involve psychic methods. Bodily or emotional harm has been inflicted unjustly and often by members of the human race upon one another since the rejection of mankind's heavenly Father by mankind's first human pair. Through the redeeming value of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the basis for resurrection to life is provided. Therefore the apostle Paul wrote that although the Devil is able to cause death, through the assurance of the ransom sacrifice and the resurrection to life through Jesus Christ, there is a strong incentive not to fear death. The focus of one's attention should be on a right relationship with mankind's Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Strengthening oneself, one's family, and others who are receptive with spiritual food in God's Word, The Holy Bible, and getting equipped with true spiritual defenses mentioned in the Bible book of Ephesians chapter 6 is vital. Prayer to "Our Father which art in heaven" in the name of Jesus Christ and developing a close relationship based on truth is essential.

Matthew 6: 9 KJV

The purpose of this book is to help persons to become aware of the "wiles of the Devil" against which we are exhorted to stand against.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Ephesians 6: 11. KJV

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Resist him, steadfast in the faith ... "
1 Peter 5: 8, 9. NJKV.

By esteeming things having real "spiritual" value we are encouraged to :

"... lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ..."
Matthew 6: 20. KJV

Getting to know our Father in the heavens and gaining everlasting life as his children are good reasons to seek the truth in the Bible.

-- PK Madness --

Psychokinesis, or PK, is a term used referring to changes in physical objects resulting from "psychic" forces. Uri Geller, noted for a variety of psychic demonstrations, had made "psychically" bending physical objects, such as metal spoons, quite an attraction. Although Uri Geller has been accused of using parlor tricks at times, parlor tricks (or accusations thereof) by persons professing psychic powers has conveniently enabled governments to officially discount psychic phenomena in the public arena. Parlor tricks have taken the edge off of investigations by the public while at the same time allowing psychic powers to be skillfully and strategically promoted enabling the operation and expansion of spiritualist and occult groups behind the scenes. Parlor tricks have diverted the attention of much of the public such that occult secret societies and government intelligence agencies have been able to operate behind-the-scenes without being confronted by a swell of public recognition of, and opposition to, clandestine methods available to persons or groups with agendas.

During the 1960's an emerging counter-culture plunged into hallucinogenic drugs, Eastern Mysticism, the occult, and other "New Age" "Age of Aquarius" doctrines and practices. The 1980's experienced a stepped-up involvement by more of the general public with the New Age movement. The phenomena which Uri Geller had made famous in the 1970's had aroused a significant interest. Notwithstanding that Mr. Geller was directed by entities which he couldn't "go against," techno-disciples were being gathered.

Historically, macro-PK research has been done with a gifted subject, such as Uri Geller, demonstrating.
Jack Houck, an aerospace engineer, originated the protocols for the PK "party." Since 1981, these PK parties have allowed thousands of people to perform psychokinesis for themselves.
p. 202 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

There is nothing like an "aerospace engineer" to recruit "techno-shamans." "Thousands of people to perform psychokinesis" ? The authors leave no doubt as to the potential of these sessions in having an impact upon society.

John Alexander's photo (figure 5) of a hacksaw blade rolled up in a 360-degree circle using PK is remarkable because a hacksaw blade is so brittle that it will frequently snap if bent,
p. 206
even slightly, using physical force. In 1982, between September 15 and November 19, Houck and Dahlen brought hacksaw blades wrapped in a bag to three PK parties and left the bag under participants' chairs, never once targeting the blades. During these exposures to ambient PK only, the Rockwell hardness of the blades inside the bag lessened progressively. ...
If such softening force were to be applied over time to crucial aircraft components or other military objectives, the results could be catastrophic. ...
p. 207 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The entities to which Uri Geller credited the psychic powers and which he asserts directed him in his actions cannot be ignored as to their intent. Nations, groups and individuals are being sucked into a competitive arena of the occult, in which entities having enormous capacity to exert influence are being invited "in." Uri Geller spoke of being compelled to serve "their" interests.

The madness of the endeavor to acquire psychic powers is one in which it hardly bears the necessity of saying that "the results could be catastrophic." The proliferation of these methods is such that individuals need to be cautioned about the very techniques which are promoted in the civilian sector "under another name."

PK parties have trained hundreds of people, including many top military, intelligence, and elected government officials. John Marsh, former secretary of the army, has been briefed on the results of these PK parties.
The security implications of macro-PK, if it can be learned and controlled, are far-reaching. Militarily, weapons systems could be made not to function on schedule, or to malfunction when necessary.
p. 205 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

What's their plan ?

Is it : Why-not-let-everybody-in-on-it ?

People need to be: warned about an escalating occult agenda and it's dangers, warned adequately ahead of time, and need to be given the reasons not to participate.

There is nothing like recruiting persons in the Army into a "New Age Army" with "pk parties." How many of these persons referred to at America's top levels of government realized at the outset that the PK founding father, Uri Geller, was being directed by entities from whom the powers emanated ?

Ambient PK ? What's the idea, to increase America's "ambient PK" ? And whose going to check all of these "hundreds" of top military and government officials for "ambient PK" before they board a plane, when you get right down to it ? Who would even want to ride an elevator with someone who had "ambient PK" ?

The students are, no doubt, more interested in directing or focusing such "psychic" force as they see fit and, no doubt, less interested in having their own technological possessions damaged.

Macro-PK refers to events where visible deformation of gross metal objects occurs, or where an object of substance is moved without the application of normal physical means or force.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Macro-Pk, "where an object of substance is moved without the application of normal physical means." The studies or experiments conducted lend credibility to reports out of various corners of the earth such as out of South East Asia in cases where there evidently has not been an attempt made to "change the words."

In South East Asia ...
The old disciple of Mohammed introduced his eager pupil to the art of magic. Evidently the boy had a strongly psychic disposition, and he gained a great mastery of the art. By magical power, he could open closed doors and windows, put out a burning flame, or light one. During all these experiments, his teacher made it clear that every fully qualified
p. 333
Muslim priest must also learn and master the art of magic.
p. 334 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

The authors of The Warrior's Edge, promoting the "arsenal" of the "psychic warrior," provide further corroboration of such reports inasmuch that they also teach how to extinguish a candle flame. [The Warrior's Edge, p. 196] The case in South East Asia illustrates further implications of "macro-pk" in the "arsenals" of New Age Warriors. It's good to know that psychic or magical attempts are not always successful.

The implications of micro PK in electronics can be even more far-reaching.

Micro-PK, in contrast, occurs in ways that require scientific instrumentation to detect. You cannot see micro-PK events occur, but you can see the results, such as changes in a random-event generator (REG), when displayed on a statistical basis.
At the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, Dr. Robert John, Brenda Dunne, and others are using various instruments, including cascade and random-event generators, to show that micro-PK effects are quantifiable.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The roll of a pair of dice is a sort of random-event generator, and mechanically based randomly "cascading balls" are referred to on page 199 in their book. Elsewhere in the book the author's describe the use of dice in selecting a location for remote viewing. If the use of dice was decided upon to eliminate the possibility of outside influence upon a person's decision making process, The Warrior's Edge effectively provides the material to debunk that claim very handily.

What do the author's of The Warrior's Edge deduce as to the implications of "micro-PK" ?

Because PEAR research concentrates on reliable, human-generated micro-PK effects that can occur in engineering sys-
p. 199
tems such as computers, the significance of this research to government and industry is undeniable. Micro-PK effects can seemingly alter the performance of a bit of information in a complex system. If that system is a missile-guidance system or a computer network or a satellite telemetry package, then the results may be much greater than the micro-PK effect itself.
p. 200 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Uri Geller, pk founding father, did not say that the effects were "human-generated." The "gifted" "demonstrator" acknowledged and spoke of being compelled by powerful outside entities and attributed to their agency his psychic powers. It is obvious that those "entities" have been seeking to draw increasing numbers of individuals into psychic powers and into the vortex of escalation of occult/spiritualistic practices. It is disconcerting that "psychic warriors" are encouraged to "push the envelope."

If a target can be affected in this fashion--from a distance, without physical tampering--the military and security applications are of great importance. There are major implications if micro-PK can be controlled. When questioned on this matter at a conference, Dr. John stated that he thought the greatest danger lay in micro-electronics such as the subsystems found in high-performance aircraft. Dr. Robert Morris has published studies on the impact of micro-PK on computers.
John Alexander says, "It is certainly my view that the greatest threat in the application of micro-PK is to attack computers. The systems do not need to be incapacitated; they only need to be made unreliable."
p. 201 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Perhaps one of the most profound statements by one of the authors of The Warrior's Edge advocating that civilians learn psychic techniques with the integrity of "ruthlessness and duplicity" is, remarkably,

"It is certainly my view that the greatest threat in the application of micro-PK is to attack computers."
Where do they get the expression PK party ?
Ironically, the protocols for the PK "party" are said to originate with "an aerospace engineer."

Ed Speakman, a government science adviser and inventor of the car antenna, was at a PK party attended by many government professionals and sitting three feet away from one of the participants when a fork "spontaneously" bent.
Enough of these spontaneous PK events have been observed to convince us that some process is at work here that, if harnessed, could impact national security.
p. 206 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The ultimate threat to national security is co-option by the evil entities which preside over the New Age psychic powers.

Not to labor on the point, but it would seem that "spontaneous PK events" "could impact national security" even if not harnessed. "Some process ... at work here" was identified by Uri Geller as outside entities. One would think that "enough of these spontaneous PK events have been observed to convince us that" mechanical and electrical switches in high security areas could be jeopardized some day by high level government personnel who couldn't stay away from PK "parties." "Spontaneous" is the "party"-goer's way of saying that they, themselves, were not in control. It should be apparent that such forces could constitute a clear danger in an aircraft cockpit or in a nuclear power plant. The "spontaneous" metal bending has demonstrated significant potential for harm to mechanical devices, and has demonstrated unpredictability of occurrence.

Manly P. Hall, psychic advocate, warned of experimentation.

"As far as the private citizen is concerned,
the esoteric arts are just as dangerous
as nuclear fission."
But some of the other more secret and mysterious arts were brought out of their ancient symbolisms and from the early sanctuaries of the Mysteries, Pandora's Box was opened, all types of psychic and magical phenomena came to be a little better known and a little better understood than was wise, ... The individual was in much the same condition that we were when we discovered nuclear fission and had in our hands the greatest power than man has ever materially possessed and practically no ethical structure to direct the use of it. This was a situation that was rather serious. As far as the private citizen is concerned, the esoteric arts are just as dangerous as nuclear fission. He can get himself into a private dilemma just as easily as the world can be forced into a dilemma by an atomic war. ....
Thus, systems and schools were set up for the exploration of these secret processes
p. 95 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

"It is like experimenting with poisonous serpents
or experimenting with some deadly material
that is liable to explode in your face at any moment."

... psychic phenomena ... I think you will realize why it is not good to dabble with this sort of thing. ... It is like experimenting with poisonous serpents or experimenting with some deadly material that is liable to explode in your face at any moment. Do not experiment. Do not play games with life,
p. 107 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

What might appear as another undesirable situation is having a nation staffed by "Uri Gellers," who "must obey" their human rights violating invisible masters, at the controls. The "New Age" is no party. To use an appropriate phrase, "the results could be catastrophic." The forces which can clandestinely influence others against their will are not forces which a person could conscientiously invite into one's own mind.

The methods which "psychic warriors" might seek to put at their disposal have been enunciated and represent a terrible menace to society.

... the more sinister aspects of psi research. For example, Nikolai Kokolov, an ex-KGB agent, reported a case in which the spinal column of a human subject, in a laboratory in southern Russia, was fractured psychotronically from a distance. If this story is true, it represents a dramatic increase in psi capability, well above the demonstrated norm in the Western world.
p. 151 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The use of psychic forces against human beings cannot ingenuously be represented as a new development. The ambition in psychic "laboratories" has evidently been to seek to manipulate such forces without being associated with outside or discarnate entities. Uri Geller, thus, has provided a contradictory point of advocacy for the "party" public "PK" laboratory. Now that authors such as those of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race have been teaching persons of the public how they can open their own personal "Pandora's Box," it is essential that the ongoing menace of the occult conspiracy be put into context and that the public be warned of the "devices" with which "psychic warriors" have available to them to victimize individuals and groups in the public domain.

Worse still is the death magic which is directed against people. I have encountered such activities among the Shamans in Alaska and
on St. Lawrence Island, among the voodooists of Haiti, and the Macumba spiritists of Brazil. Death magic is also found in connection with Zombiism in Africa, with Muslim black magic all over East Asia, with the Saugumma cult in New Guinea, the Hilots in the Philippines, and the Kahunas of Hawaii.
p. 46 OCCULT ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

Death magic does not always work, as has been publicly corroborated in Africa. But that it is known to work in instances demonstrates the menace of such terrible practices.

The Warrior's Edge reports about the use of a martial arts techniques of a "death touch" "that leads to the victim's death a few hours later. The fabled death touch does not kill instantaneously, nor is it administered using great physical force." The author's document the use of such a technique on two goats, one of which died twelve hours after the application, the other approximately twenty-four hours later, and both were autopsied. [p. 197, The Warrior's Edge].

One can compare what is known in the field with what The Warrior's Edge further reports, "The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency compiled a report on Soviet efforts ... The report suggests continuing research of the sort in which ... famed Soviet psychic, claimed to stop a frog's heart from beating." [p. 206, The Warrior's Edge].

When the authors speak on the one hand of official cover-ups, which to a great extent disables the public from taking legal, or legislative or protest actions, and on the other of the "arsenal" of the "psychic warrior" who operates in the public or civilian domain, it is chilling.

The effects of what is called "PK" force upon biological tissue can be potentially devastating. Effects upon the human brain should not be discounted by potential victims as the menace of the New Age movement becomes more imposing. More "sinister" than remote physical attacks are those techniques which attack the human brain or mind, subverting it, influencing it in ways which assault the human will, and which can be even more detrimental to the individual and collectively to a nation than strictly physical harm.

Consider the implications of the psychic technique or "arsenal" component which The Warrior's Edge authors describe as used by the same person who applied the "death touch" to the goats.

Savelli also teaches the ability to attack an opponent by interrupting his or her mental processes. He calls the technique "The Mind Stops." This is an advanced technique in which the mind of the opponent is blocked and he is unable to effectively strike you.
Savelli says this is the technique he would employ if faced
p. 195
with an attacker holding a gun. Others confirmed seeing a gun-wielding opponent remain still while Savelli maneuvered behind him. The attacker reported seeing nothing from the time Savelli was in front of him until Savelli struck the attacker from behind.
Similar stories appear in Soviet literature. Joseph Stalin, who had a known interest in psychic phenomena, had a famous psychic, Wolf Messing, brought in to demonstrate his reputed capabilities. Messing was invited by Stalin to try entering the heavily guarded Kremlin without being caught. Reportedly, Messing walked undetected by numerous guards, all of whom appeared conscious and alert. Messing claimed he could cloud people's minds, thereby becoming virtually invisible.
p. 196 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The reputation of Wolf Messing has evidently obtained corroboration of the ability to cloud or stop a person's mental processes, as demonstrated by Guy Savelli. The adept attributes "psychokineses as a primary energy source" for his practices. [The Warrior's Edge, p. 194] This component, of interrupting mind processes of another human being, in the psychic "arsenal" is considered in the context of various techniques which The Warrior's Edge teaches. Immediately after giving the Savelli and Messing cases the authors proceed to teach "developing exceptional mental control" capable to "extinguish a candle using only concentration." Of course, by concentration alone a human being cannot extinguish a candle flame. Thus the authors go on to put the practice into context "only after" [ibid., p. 196] learning their techniques, which open the mind to outside or discarnate entities. The menace of the New Age revolution in America and other countries cannot be underestimated. The ethical context in which psychic techniques are taught often uses nice sounding words such as "integrity," but "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" are not the kind of guidelines which give persons assurances that the "psychokinesis" revolution is not a part of an evil agenda. The recruitment of "New Age Warriors" by means of "agents" such as they-made-me-do-it Uri Geller points to an ulterior plan, a plan to usher in an occult new age, a plan which also threatens attacks against those who refuse to be initiated into occult powers.

From the people who recommend following an "urge to drive" without thinking, from the people who declare that "you own your own mind," the subversion of the human mind by another is apparently "exciting."

It was exciting to read Vasiliev's accounts of distant-influence experiments, in which he and his colleagues were able to telepathically put a person into hypnotic sleep and awaken him at a distance of hundreds of miles. To back up these findings, he cited earlier studies in mental suggestion and distant influence conducted by ....
p. 250 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Putting a person to sleep or suspending conscious mental processes from a distance represents a terrible assault on the ownership of the human mind. It is also an assault which impacts the human body. Worse yet are what are characterized or described as a remote capability of hypnosis. The psychic "warrior" "arsenal" can be seen to embody an escalating array of human rights violating methods, which the noted Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall refers to as "just as dangerous as nuclear fission."

What interests us here is that as a result of Mesmer's work, physicians all over Eastern and Western Europe began to experiment with medical application of hypnosis. This research led directly to the discovery that not only could one person cause another to fall into a trance, but that this effect could also apparently be induced from a distance!
p. 74 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

... I asked him whether he and his colleagues had conducted other tests, ... on actual telepathic hypnosis and awakening at a distance ...
and then nodded to me affirmatively.
p. 251 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

To bring such sinister methods in the psychic "arsenal" into perspective, it is extremely important to realize that what psychic advocates are advocating for defense against such sinister methods is primarily involvement in psychic techniques. Their solution to the problems which they themselves have been bringing into the public domain represents an escalating environment into the occult, and the deeper persons get into it, the more the "psychic eye" "opens," the stronger the "point of contact with Lucifer consciousness" becomes. The intimidation represented by an ever growing occult, psychic world organization, is not limited to conventional means. Knowing what their unconventional means are comprised of better enables a person to fight against personal subversions. Interfering remotely with the operation of another person's conscious mind constitutes a very serious human rights violation. The area of "telepathic hypnosis," as the next chapter shows, is not limited to inducing sleep remotely. The next chapter examines such sinister methods more extensively. The virtual explosion of New Age, psychic practices in America, as well as in other countries, demands a critical analysis.

Juxtaposed to practices such as advocated and taught in The Warrior's Edge or The Mind Race stands America's Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, a cornerstone of America's Bill of Rights.

Beware of any attempt to minimize the dangers of psychic practices even to the practitioner.

Contradicting the explicit warnings against experimentation with psychic powers such as expressed by Manly P. Hall, the authors of The Mind Race teach psychic power development to the public in their book and make this apparently reassuring comment:

We have no reason to believe that remote viewing can lead to any harmful effects,
p. 230 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"No reason to believe that remote viewing can lead to any harmful effects" ? If the ambitious student of the book hasn't had any harmful effects by the time he or she got to page 230 the reassurance becomes somewhat dimmed a couple of pages later.

Since spontaneous psychic experiences to some extent reflect the mental state of those who are having them, you can imagine the kinds of experiences that come to people who feel frightened and out of control. Out-of-body experiences can be particularly distressing under these cir-
p. 232
cumstances, since they sometimes resemble everyday reality about as much as a Magritte painting.
p. 233 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"Spontaneous psychic experiences," such as the case of William Schnoebelen who got "yanked out" of his body, so-to-speak, with a mystical Out-of-Body experience ? It appears that Dr. Lawrence was a bit more forthright about the "mental state" and cause and effect..

The following declaration is not for someone who has left their analytical thinking ability behind.

Having a lot of spontaneous psychic experiences does not mean you are going crazy, or that your ability to function psychically is getting out of hand."
p. 233 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

That quoted advice is brought to the public by the same people who advise "Just follow that urge and drive." Of course, persons experiencing "spontaneous psychic experiences" might have started on that path by blanking out their very own minds, developing so-called intuitional (psychic) decision making and going by the inimitable advice given by the authors:

Do not think about it or analyze it.
p. 189 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The authors and psychic practitioners which declare that "you own your own mind" and who promote "urge driving" should not get so enthralled about a demonstrated ability to remotely interfere with other people's consciousness. The next chapter considers further threats to persons who are entitled as human beings not to be violated in their bodies or in their minds.


Chapter 8


The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 8
You Own Your Own Mind

-- "Big Brother" --

Totalitarian rulerships have clearly exercised their powers in ways destructive of human rights and have constituted a predominant issue during the twentieth century. The twentieth century has witnessed monarchies replaced with democracies or with communist states, as well as the dismantling of colonial empires with democratic and communist blocks competing to bring the emerging independent nations under their umbrella of influence. Nationalist totalitarian states such as Nazi Germany had their arm of terror, the Gestapo, whose eyes and ears were often those of a person's own neighbors. The communist state of East Germany, which portrayed itself as a Democratic Republic (DDR) had it's version of the same in the "Stasi," or state security police. "Big Brother" whose eyes and ears are everywhere, and whose policies are enforced by the "thought police" has comprised a chilling concept whose emergence in the United States has been defended against by persons who value their human rights guaranteed by America's Constitutional Bill of Rights. It has long been declared in America that not only do you own your own body, but that you own your own mind. Protecting human rights, rather than enabling the violation of the individual, is a primary obligation incumbent upon governments. The "machinery" of Masonry has subverted not only Constitutional law, as evidenced in official investigations by three American State legislatures, but the "inner machinery" of Masonry has been involved in the most basic violations of human rights, as evident from revelations by Masonry's high ranking leaders. America has openly championed it's Constitutional Bill of Rights, not only on it's own soil, but globally. In contrast, Mazzini's Masonic Machine has been working behind the scenes to establish an occult New Order, not only for the United States, but for the world, with a one world government and a one world religion. While also outwardly championing human rights, the Masonic Machine has operated behind the scenes to subvert human rights in some of the most sinister ways imaginable. The methods exceed those of intrusive psychic remote vision. There has, indeed, been a "Big Brother" emerging in America. That "Big Brother" is emerging by means of a ubiquitous organization operating under the auspices of the "All Seeing Eye" of Lucifer, through whose "seething energies" a war is being waged against fundamental human rights and against the precepts of America's Constitutional Bill of Rights. Examine the means of psychic thuggery and subversion of the human mind which psychic warriors have at their disposal to serve particularly the interests of ushering in an occult New Order or totalitarian state while proclaiming democracy.

The advocacy and proliferation of "remote vision" and other psychic intrusive methods in the "arsenal" of the "psychic warrior" represents methods alien and inimical to America's Constitutional Bill of Rights. Indeed, "intrusion is a primary weapon of the tyrant."

"The makers of the Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness," Louis Brandeis {U.S. Supreme Court Justice} wrote in 1928. "They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feeling and of his intellect. . . . They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensation." Brandeis called the rights of privacy the rights to an "inviolate personality."
In 1964 Edward J. Bloustein, a law professor at New York University, analyzed Brandeis' views on privacy in an influential article published in the New York University Law Review. Bloustein wrote: "I take the principle of 'inviolate personality' to posit the individual's independence, dignity, and integrity; it defines man's essence as a unique and self-determining being."

... Bloustein ... wrote: "A man whose home may be entered at the will of another, whose conversation may be overheard at the will of another, is less of a man, has less human dignity, on that account. He who may intrude upon another at will is the master of the other, and, in fact, intrusion is a primary weapon of the tyrant."

p. 207 The Naked Consumer:
How Our Private Lives Become Public Commodities, Erik Larson, 1992

Placing the arsenal of "the seething energies of Lucifer" of the "warrior on the block" into context, the "inner machinery" of Masonry reveals the means of subverting individuals and groups in ways which pushes the envelope of the meaning of the word "sinister." Lucifer, identified as the god of Masonry and of the New Age movement, the god of ancient spiritistic mystery religion, is Masonry's Master, an architect of a plan for a new world order whose path to "incarnating" Luciferian entities "on the physical plane" is paved by destroying human rights, violating bodies and minds. "... intrusion is a primary weapon of the tyrant."

One of the New Age psychic "warrior" "arsenal" methods includes telepathy. "Telepathy" is a term which applies to much more than describing psychic communication between two or more individuals. As The Warrior's Edge uses the term, "we will unroll a reality map that includes telepathy"

[p. 111, The Warrior's Edge, Alexander, Groller, Morris]

in which telepathy is defined as:

"... telepathy (using the human mind to tap into
the thoughts of others)

All these phenomena involve using the mind and/or some "field" of the body to affect other minds and inanimate objects, sometimes at a distance

Think of what it would be like to be able to learn, in advance, what a competitor or an ally is thinking or to know the plans or state of mind of another person, even if that person is half a world away. ..."

p. 11 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

While the expression "reality map" is used, psychic researches have, themselves, determined through experimentation that psychic powers are NOT explained by means of physical laws. The experiements referred to were not presented to debunk the reality of psychic powers, rather, they were presented to establish the reality of psychic powers as having no physical barriers. Yet, one avenue through which persons are lured into New Age practices is by presenting psychic powers as naturally occurring phenomena, even though psychic powers cannot be explained in terms of the laws of physics. The spirit realm, which has for centuries explained the source of psychic powers, is in principle unsuccessfully circumvented. Yet, there are persons who take the bait. Later, however, practicioners learn that spirit guides are responsible for the wielding of psychic powers. The point of entry into psychic practice sometimes denies the reality of spirit entities. A substitute "reality" map is provided until a later time.

The "reality map" which the authors of The Warrior's Edge advance comprise the components of a psychic "arsenal." It includes "tapping into the thoughts of others" as well as 'affecting other minds.' The "psychic eye," or "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" includes not only "remote vision," but even more profound victimizations of human rights. Lucifer, the Master of Mazzini's Masonic Machine, presides over Masonry, presides over the workings of the "inner machinery" as well as over the structure of obstruction and subversion of justice embodied in the "obligations" of Masonry, that is the adherence to Constitutionally abhorrent oaths rewritten into present form by "Pontiff" Pike. Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, keys in on the basis of psychic phenomena, not only by the reference to "the seething energies of Lucifer," but by the apparent capacity of the discarnate entity, Lucifer, to interpret a person's thoughts.

The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.

p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

-- Overview --

The capacity of Lucifer entities to interpret thoughts coupled with their capacity to impress or induce thoughts upon the human brain forms the basis for the "phenomena" of telepathy, or "reading" of thoughts which psychics claim. Thoughts of humans which can be interpreted by spirit entities forms the basis of what is called telepathy, wherein the spirit entities subsequently impress thoughts upon the brain of the psychic, and the psychic in turn claims to read the minds of others. Thus, the reference to the opening of the psychic eye, or point of contact with Lucifer or Lucifer entity consciousness. It is also associated with a "co-consciousness."
"Remote vision" in one form involves an "on-site observer" whose thoughts or observations are "read," so to speak, via the facilitating spirit guide or entity. In another form of "remote vision," a human on-site observer is not used, wherein the Luciferian spirit guide never the less conveys physical appearances of a site.

Out of Body Experiences, or OBE, describe the sensations a person has of leaving one's body while receiving visual, auditory, or other sensory observations apparently apart from one's own body. The impression upon the brain of visual images taken from another vantage point, such as from a facilitating Luciferian entity, can also be coupled with the manipulation of the faculty of the senses by a facilitating entity and has led some persons to claim that they themselves have traveled in and out of their own bodies to make distant observations. Similarly, others claim that they themselves can "read" the thoughts of other persons.

As already examined, even proponents of psychic techniques have put research on the table which debunks the electromagnetic brain wave theory of "psychic" information transferal. At the same time, it has been established that psychic "powers" have the capacity to penetrate physical barriers which would limit or prevent the transmission of electromagnetic waves. For persons who are intent on the "if it works, use it" philosophy, the pursuit of psychic powers might not be deterred by the disclosure of such experimental evidence which debunks a materialistic explanation for the "phenomena" of "remote vision" and "mind reading." Testimony by former or current high-level participants in psychic-occult practices that spirit guides preside over the New Age movement, facilitate the "psychic eye," and establish co-consciousness with the "psychic" also argues against a materialistic explanation. Efforts to change terminology to divert people's attention from the real source of psychic "powers" camouflages many dangers. Along the path of developing psychic powers, later, when the participant is contacted unequivocally by discarnate spirit entities, pathways of influence by such entities upon the psychic have already become established. One of the dangers or traps involves an inability or difficulty in distinguishing between one's own thoughts and those impressed upon the brain by others, by the "Hierarchy" of spirit entities of the New Age movement. False, misleading telepathic communications or impressions presents another factor aggravating the problems. Persons who are contemplating the acquisition of psychic powers believing that telepathy is a means of arriving at truth should be advised that the realm of telepathic powers represents a realm of multitudinous deceptions and misleading inspirations, and is presided over by Lucifer, the Father of the Lie. Examine further the substantiation of these statements.

It should not be forgotten that the discarnate spirits which facilitate powers of telepathy have an agenda. The New Age, presided over by Lucifer, denies the existence of evil. That doctrine facilitates performing what is evil, which doctrine is examined in the next chapter. New Age spirits have themselves declared planning the elimination of persons who will not allow themselves to be initiated into the New Age, elimination of persons who will not participate in the "great work" of incarnating Luciferian entities on the physical plane, that is, through human bodies. Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light, he is referred to as the original manslayer (spiritually and consequentially) and the Father of the lie. False interpretations form the very basis of the progression of Masonic teaching in the Luciferian Scottish Rite degrees, as attested to by Pontiff Pike, who wrote them. The reader is reminded:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."
p. 819 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Masonry does not represent the path to truth, it is a path of "finding always darkness deeper than before." [p. 82, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall].

The end of the path is where the initiate's consciousness has merged and is eventually permeated, flooded, eclipsed by the transforming Luciferian spirit entities. Masonry embodies the occult, spiritistic plan to corrupt and rule mankind even beyond ways perpetuated upon mankind in general since the Luciferian Lie was first uttered in Eden. Masonry's doctrines and practices are designed to prevent mankind's real redemption from conditions of sin and death. Maintain perspective of the New Age's ultimate agenda as you examine further the "arsenal" of psychic powers wielded by psychic or New Age "warriors."

The Mason ... Let him never forget that the Master is near. ... The All-Seeing Eye is upon him ... reading his thoughts ... This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge ...
p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

-- "reading his thoughts" --

In the book The Mind Race, an allusion is made to "psychic abilities" being "monopolized by cults or co-opted by competing governments."
[p. 8, THE MIND RACE: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ & Keith Harary, 1984]

The authors also state that "The forces that mislead people about psi are as active as they have ever been"

[p. 242, THE MIND RACE: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ & Keith Harary, 1984]

The apparent premise of The Mind Race book portrays the former Soviet Union and the United States in a "mind race," a psychic weapons race, and cites limited CIA disclosures on the subject of remote vision and psychic "mind-reading."

WASHINGTON-The CIA financed a project in 1975 to develop a new kind of agent who could truly be called a "spook," CIA Director Stanfield Turner has disclosed.
The CIA chief said that the agency found a man who could "see" what was going on anywhere in the world through his psychic powers.

Turner said CIA scientists and officials would show the man a picture of a place and he would then describe any activity going on there at the time.

The tight-lipped CIA chief wouldn't reveal how accurate the spook was, but said the agency dropped the project in 1975.

"He died," Turner said, "and we haven't heard from him since."

Chicago Tribune

Saturday, August 13, 1977

p. 10 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Of course, information gathering has not been ignored entirely. One year after our luncheon, The Chicago Tribune of August 13, 1977 describes a breakfast meeting with reporters in which then CIA Director Stanfield Turner "confirmed reports that the Russians are studying persons who claim to be able to read minds and 'teleport' themselves into secret meetings and into the future. Turner confirmed that U.S. intelligence operatives have discovered that the Soviet Union is spending money and time researching whether occult and psychic methods could be used for spying on other nations."

The Soviet psychic research effort is primarily aimed at learning to use psychic functioning to influence human behavior.
p. 72 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

What is particularly interesting about the limited CIA and media disclosures which the authors cite is that the reader might conclude from the book that the "mind race" between America and Russia is of recent origin. The Mind Race does cite Russian research and psychic claims dating back to the 1920's, and the reader might think that the issue is that of America playing "catch up" with the Russians. What is particularly disturbing in connection with the issue of cover-ups is that the volume of information about mind-reading and related psychic phenomena at the turn of the century, associated with and following the birth of the spiritualist movement on American soil in 1848, appears to be substantially absent in The Mind Race. Historically, America's spiritualist movement first spread to England where it has attempted to "study" and to legitimize under the auspices of "science," spirit induced phenomena.

However, author Michael Howard zooms in on the cover-up of occult practices by governments at the end of World War II. Howard first discusses the case of the psychic with the codename "Anne," reported to use verified psychic vision to examine enemy documents, and to report on the contents of overseas conversations during World War II. [The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies -- Their Influence and Power in World, p. 138]

The author continues by exploring the use of Continental witch covens for employing psychic powers under the organizational efforts of a Hungarian occultist recruiting in occult circles and in contact with the Intelligence Service. While on the one hand spirits of the Hierarchy were working with the assistance of the Illuminati and Masonic organizations to maneuver nations into world war, the psychic powers of secret societies and occult circles were obtaining standing with intelligence communities while world war reconfigured the world's scene.

Methods employed by the occult Nazi Regime were purposely not exposed at the end of WW II. The author of Occult Conspiracy attributes the cover-up to Britain.

Churchhill allegedly suppressed the facts about the Nazis involvement in occultism. He ordered that under no circumstances should the general public be informed of the extent of the occult activities engaged in by the Third Reich. At the Nuremberg trials of the major Nazi war criminals, including Rudolf Hess, the truth about their occult activities and practices was hidden from the world.
p. 140 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Howard examines the occult roots of the British Secret Service in the 16th century, the use of an underground organization of witch covens in England by Sir Francis Walsingham "to gather material for his intelligence service," the extension of "his spy network across Europe" as ambassador to France, and the employ of astrologer/occultist Dr. John Dee for his contacts which included "high-placed occultists who were members of secret societies," which comprised a pool from which to "seek recruits for his network of agents on the Continent." [The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989, p. 53]

England's interest in covering up Germany's occult practices after World War II raises probing questions, issues familiar with British soil. Evidently at risk was the exposé of the verified psychic activities whose related "powers" have been at the disposal of secret societies and occult circles. In reality, the use of psychic powers was not simply an issue confined to solitary agents such as "Anne." Also at risk was exposing the role of secret societies in international espionage activities which would have opened intense public interest or scrutiny into the behind-the-scenes political activities of secret societies.

The focus of this chapter, however, as it relates to organizations, is on the New Age movement's premier secret society, Freemasonry, established as an organization in Scotland/England, and co-opted by the German born Illuminati scheme consolidated by Adam Weishaupt and his successors Giussepe Mazzini and Albert Pike. It is after the British and German hybrid secret society had established and even entrenched itself in America that spiritualism literally came knocking in the State of New York in 1848. While the manifestations of spirit guides and psychic powers such as telepathy became known to the general public at the time, the public certification of such powers, however, became obfuscated with acts of deliberate fraud. The new movement offered to the public at large what had apparently been primarily the domain of secret societies and occult circles and provided an expanded base for the New Age movement. The spiritualistic conditions in America provided fertile soil for the teachings of Russian born Madam Blavatsky, founding disciple of Theosophy. The teachings of Theosophy inspired by the Hierarchy later made significant contribution to the doctrines and practices of the occult Third Reich. The New Age Hierarchy of discarnate spirits has pitted nation against nation in world war, as secret societies have worked behind the scenes to achieve the ultimate objective.

The cover-up of psychic practices by governments goes far beyond concealing specific capabilities by specific nations in the field of espionage. At the highest levels of occult practices, the religious and political objectives of the sinister forces which are served dominate the agenda. There is no question that the Illuminati plot for world wars penned in 1871 has transformed earth's political landscape and has impacted the religious and social climates. The objective is ultimately to achieve a one-world occult government and religion. Sucking apparently competing forces into the world of physic, occult, spiritistic forces places the players on paths which have a common outcome, congruent with the "great work" and with "the Plan." Thus, participating in the so-called psychic "mind race" involves nations and people in an escalating vortex of forces leading the competitors onto a common path where their efforts merge. The end product is overt domination by an occult Hierarchy. The final scenario is the Battle of Armageddon, described in the book of Revelation, the ultimate War of nations inspired by deceptive spirits against Almighty God. The term psychic "warrior" is by no means an understatement. Examine further how telepathy, including remote vision, establishes the means for discarnate entities, Luciferian "angels," to transform and take control of human beings, to virtually incarnate themselves. Examine the mechanism which is proliferating as the New Age movement gains incredible momentum, as the unwary "outsiders" have been maneuvered to believe that such activities have been taking place on the fringes, if at all. Behind the scenes, New Age participants are working and remain poised, as Manly P. Hall stated, "until the day be with us." As the reader examines the subject of psychic mind-reading and psychic mental influence, keep in mind that the New Age spirit entities which facilitate such "powers" have an agenda. It is an aggressive agenda using sinister means to accomplish it's goals. The "Plan" ultimately involves placing persons under compulsion to be spiritistically initiated, whereas those who refuse are slated for elimination. The rulership spoken of is evidently not limited to governmental functions, but embraces a complete take-over under the auspices of a hierarchical regime. Telepathy represents a primary mechanism through which the conquest of mankind is facilitated. The agenda is encapsulated by New Age leader Alice Bailey who stated,

"... we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This is the whole story of telepathic interplay in the true sense; it portrays the growth of that oligarchy of elect souls who will eventually rule the world ..."
[Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, p. 7 ]

The New Age leader Alice Bailey also described ...

"total Hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master."
[Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, p. 9 ]

Can you figure out which "oligarchy of elect souls" are determined to "eventually rule the world" ?

Do you think that Czar Alexander had it right when he spoke of the occult "empire of evil which is spreading by all the occult means at their disposal ..."

[The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard, p. 103]

This chapter discusses some of the most sinister and evil means which secret societies and occult groups have had available in doing so, including not only remote vision and "mind-reading" but impressing thoughts upon the unsuspecting and interfering with human free will. The body of information regarding the spread of the "New Age" movement discloses that the means available are taught to be used to accomplish the "great work" and the "Plan."

-- Conditioning for Mental Impression --

The development of psychic powers involves a step by step displacement or transformation of the human being by Luciferian entities. Thus, when a person opens one's mind to "impressions" by outside entities, when within a person there is developed a "psychic eye," the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness," it is not only visual images which can be impressed upon a person's brain, such as in the case of "remote vision," but the individual becomes acutely vulnerable to the impression of thoughts upon the brain by discarnate spirits. New Age leader Alice Bailey describes how what takes place in psychic development is by no means without a cost.

The moment, however, that man tries to be telepathic, he is immediately swept into a vortex of abstract energies which condition him for spiritual impression far more than they fit him for personal relationships telepathically established.
p. 85 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

Opening the barrier's of one's own mind to intrusion by outside entities represents a "Trojan" method to bring the enemy within. The process by which a person becomes conditioned to receive "psychic" impressions is a conditioning process which goes beyond the designs of the person who seeks to develop "remote vision" or who seeks to "tap into the thoughts of others." It might be said that the apparent experiencing of other person's thoughts, through psychic facilitating spirits, would obviously condition a persons to experience thoughts induced by spirits in keeping with their own purposes. Persons who are brought into New Age practices without the initial mention of spirit guides are led through a process by which telepathic "powers" can be developed. Once acquired, once the person accepts the notion or experience of experiencing someone else's thoughts, the person becomes conditioned for impression by the spirit Hierarchy. But there is apparently more to it than simple psychological conditioning.

As evident from Alice Bailey's explanation, the effort to become telepathic involves a person with forces which condition the person for spiritual impression which goes beyond the primary function which the person may be aware of or have in mind. Again, it can be seen that the primary purpose of telepathy is to open channels of access, in the human mind or brain, of acute sensitivity or vulnerability to the impression of thoughts by spirit entities. It is a conditioning process "for spiritual impression" by the New Age spirit hierarchy. The "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" is an entry point for a vortex of powerful influences upon the person who seeks psychic powers. The Luciferic "great work" is for the "genie" gradually to become the "master." The "inner machinery" of Masonry obtains associates in "the Plan."

Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy. This is at first purely ashramic, but is later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master; the Plan is then the dynamic substance providing the content of the reservoir of thought upon which he can draw.
p. 94 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

The progression of psychic development leads eventually to "total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master." To have the thoughts in one's brain totally impressed by a hierarchy of discarnate Luciferian entities itself comprises the essential element of "the Plan." The resulting "Illuminati" becomes a fleshly agent to assist in bringing about political, religious, social or moral changes to bring about a one-world government and religion, eventually overtly occult. Influencing others to come under the same "hierarchal" influences represents the expansion or extension of "the Plan" and expands the power base to implement it.

It would be no understatement to speak of a process of "incarnation on the physical plane" or re-incarnation of discarnate entities through the body of a human being when "total hierarchical impression" takes place.

As the disciple begins to demonstrate soul quality, and the second divine aspect takes possession of him and controls and colours his entire life, automatically the higher sensitivity is developed; he becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts; he attracts into his field of consciousness the outline, and later the details, of the hierarchical Plan; ...
They drop into his field of consciousness because he has created a magnetic aura which invokes them and brings them "into his mind".

p. 95 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

"The Plan" involves a one-world government, an occult hierarchy, an elite "illumined" oligarchy ruling over a world in which Christianity has been slated to be displaced and destroyed.

When this awareness is cultivated and the individual mind is brought consciously into contact with the mind of God as it expresses itself through the illumined mind of the Hierarchy of adepts, we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This is the whole story of telepathic interplay in the true sense; it portrays the growth of that oligarchy of elect souls who will eventually rule the world, who will be chosen so to rule, and who will be recognized by the mass as eligible for that high office through the co-ordination that they have established between:
1. The Universal mind.

2. Their individual mind illumined by the soul consciousness.

3. The brain, reacting to the individual mind, and

4. The group of those whose minds and brains are similarly tuned and telepathically related.

p. 7 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

The "mind of God" ? The New Age God is Lucifer, Satan.

"Individual mind" ? ... "illumined," impressed, imprinted, transformed the individual mind of the human participant is dismantled, displaced and cast-off. Manly P. Hall described the destruction of the human mind, the sloughing off of the human mind. What "individual mind" of the human there initially is, is slotted for casting off.

Considering that New Age disciples come under "total hierarchal impression by the time the disciple is a Master," who, then, really comprise the "elect souls" who, according to the "Plan" are conspired to "rule the world" ?

"... we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This is the whole story of telepathic interplay in the true sense; it portrays the growth of that oligarchy of elect souls who will eventually rule the world ..." The purpose of sucking increasing numbers of human beings into the vortex of telepathic powers is to increase "the growth of that oligarchy." It is to increase the influence, increase the extent to which impression of thoughts by discarnate entities gain control over persons, to facilitate ushering in an overt occult rulership to "eventually rule the world." The "genie" which offers persons the facility of "telepathy" does so to become the eventual Master. The sometimes ostensibly "beneficent" "genie" actually represents discarnate spirits seeking to incarnate themselves on the physical plane, in the brains and bodies of initially unsuspecting humans. "The whole story" of the New Age movement, "the whole story" of spirit guides which "merge" with the participating human is to accomplish the "great work" of taking over the human race, of subverting the human will, of ushering in an overt occult one-world government and religion, of accomplishing "The Plan" to "rule the world" by an "oligarchy" of so-to-speak incarnated Lucifer spirits.

The expression, in the foregoing reference, "recognised by the mass as eligible for that high office through the co-ordination that they have established between ..." telepathically related minds is like saying that there is an agreement between minds which are being impressed by the hierarchy that the hierarchy is "eligible for that high office."

An "agreement" between minds which are "impressed" with thoughts from a spirit hierarchy again raises the issue of autonomy and ownership of the mind and raises the issue of "thought discrimination," discriminating between one's own thoughts and those impressed upon a person.

-- The Universal Brain --

" ... total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master."
The Masonic, New Age "religion" is one of spirit possession, by degrees, degrees of "illumination," degrees of "initiation."

The development of telepathic "powers" represents the path of impression on one's mind by outside entities, and is one in which discrimination between one's own thoughts and thoughts impressed upon the mind, itself becomes an issue. The human brain becomes a Luciferian vehicle for impressing of thoughts by discarnate entities and thoughts interpreted from others by such entities. Thus, with a variety of entities impressing their thoughts upon a human brain, the concept emerges of "the Universal Mind." It would be more appropriate to use the expression "universal brain," seeing that numerous spirit entities obtain access to impress thoughts of their minds upon the human brain, even "permeating" or "flooding" the "brain-mind." Having other entities use one's brain and body as they see fit more closely resembles an ultimate form of communism rather than personal ownership. Once a human being has become so subverted that their brain and body have become the "material" for discarnate entities to manipulate, the state could evidently be reached where a so-called "universal brain" becomes divorced of it's own identity. Thus W. L. Wilmshurst spoke of "transcending all sense of personal individualization." Recognizing that there are various degrees of spiritistic "illumination," it appears that when the consciousness of a New Age spirit "merges" with a human brain, according to Luciferian lingo, the person has attained to godhood. For that matter, "total impression by the Hierarchy" is not a description which ingenuously depicts ownership of one's own mind or brain. It should be quite obvious that what really happens is that discarnate entities attain to virtually incarnating themselves physically by taking over a human being, which is quite the opposite of a human being developing his or her own identity. Becoming a biological bus or vehicle for multiple New Age Luciferian entities to drive around is not godhood. Having a Luciferian entity behind the wheel is not godhood, it's a form of demon possession.

The person on such a path becomes transformed into a biological vehicle for the impression of thoughts by outside entities. It makes a terrible mockery of the expression "you own your own mind." The claim that "everyone has the right to operate psychically" involves violating the rights of others, as evidenced by the methods promoted, and ends in the violation and conquering of one's own mind by outside entities. Masonic "conquest."

One way of confusing a person about what constitutes one's own thoughts has evidently been to engage a person unwittingly into contacting a spirit guide. If the contact emerges in the form of an audible voice, the person is often told that the voice is one's own "inner voice." Of course, the deception should be quite obvious, and "hearing a voice" is apparently rather different when compared to experiencing induced thoughts. Yet, the path of developing what is called an "inner ear" is a path in which the spirit "guides" or entities which facilitate such phenomena often later identify themselves as spirit guides, as the next section will show. The discussion also provides the context to further consider the issue of "thought discrimination."

The "expansion of consciousness" is a reference often used in mystical, New Age descriptions. The objective, however, by the associated spirit guides is better described, not as the expansion of the consciousness of the individual human being, but rather the expansion of consciousness of Luciferian spirit entities in human hosts. The expression "cosmic consciousness" is often used, as isthe "universal mind," or more accurately, the universal brain host for impression by the Hierarchy and the externalization of their consciousness on the "physical plane." It is easier getting persons to become involved in spirit mediumship by representing the process, initially, as contacting one's "inner self."

The yogis say
p. 121

we have then touched the inner self not only of the object and ourselves, but of all things. They would describe this as a complete union with God, which is in fact the literal meaning of the word yoga.

p. 122 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

-- The "inner self" Ploy --

Dr. Lawrence, a "leading psychic practitioner" despite his detailed ominous warnings about blanking out the mind even partially due to the vulnerability of being taken over by an "outside entity," recommends developing psychic powers in his book Unlock Your Psychic Powers. Unlocking psychic powers is like unlocking Pandora's Box. Manly P. Hall said as much.
While Dr. Lawrence can be applauded for his riveting warnings about partial or full possession by malicious and evil entities at the end of his book, it is indeed remarkable that a reader of Dr. Lawrence's book should be led to believe that cultivating "psychic hearing" represents contacting "the voice of the inner self." It is, indeed, remarkable.

You will certainly make mistakes in the early stages, but with practice, a sense of humour and above all perseverance, you can gradually develop the sense of psychic hearing. This is one way to unlock those inner attributes that so many neglect and leave untapped, and yet which dwell within the innately divine nature of each of us. How many times have you heard the phrase 'the still small voice within' to describe this divine nature which is expressed through what is tantamount to a high form of claraudience? It is, in effect, the voice of the inner self.
p. 107 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Symbolically, the faculty of conscience has sometimes been spoken of as a voice within, but it is not a metaphorical reference to conscience which is here at issue. If the "voice of the inner self" referred to is a "high form of clairaudience," what standard does the author give by which to measure "genuine clairaudience" ?

A good communicating guide should be able to supply you with information which you could not have known consciously, subconsciously or by imaginative invention. This will be your yardstick for genuine clairaudience.

p. 104 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"Inner attributes" ?

It is quite apparent that the "voice of the inner self" which a person is supposed to contact for psychic information is actually an interposing communicating entity, an "outside entity" which gains access to the practitioner's consciousness..

When you start to awaken the inner ear you will actually start to hear, in your 'mind's ear' as it were, thoughts expressed. Through claraudience, a communicating entity can enter your consciousness and speak to you. In the early stages this can be a difficult thing to practise, but it is a practice built on very firm foundations because you are conscious throughout the procedure, and therefore in control of the whole thing with full memory recall afterwards. It can lead to an accurate and informative rapport with a guide or other communicator from a higher realm.
p. 98 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Although Dr. Lawrence describes one's being "conscious throughout the procedure ... with full memory recall afterwards," as contrasted with a more traditional mediumistic trance, he also uses a more elucidating description in connection with cultivating clairaudience:

"You will not be in an active mental state in which you are consciously thinking about things, but will be passively receiving whatever thoughts happen to go through the brain."
p. 105, Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

That description represents a rather tenuous position from which to claim that one is "therefore in control of the whole thing, " while "through clairaudience, a communicating entity can enter your consciousness."

Discussing trance states Dr. Lawrence observes,

Lesser states than this, however, require anything from a partial to a complete negation of conscious mental control in
p. 96

order to be taken over by the communicating entity. The reason for this is that the operation of the conscious mind is an obstacle to the psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness,...

then a partial mental vacuum is left by you for an outside entity to occupy. Once this mental vacuum has been created, an overshadowing entity can use it exactly as it chooses. ...

I have met victims of negative trance, who have attempted to commune with the deceased or even perform other practices which involved blanking out the mind and with it part of the will.. Some of these have become fully or partially possessed. There is sometimes a narrow dividing line between mental illness and psychic delusion.


... for many psychological illnesses are related to both psychological disturbance and psychic interference.

p. 97 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"the operation of the conscious mind is an obstacle to the psychic entity who wishes to overshadow your consciousness,... then a partial mental vacuum is left by you for an outside entity to occupy. " The dangers of partial or complete possession by a discarnate entity are not associated only with traditional spirit mediums. Thus, authors Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon round out Dr. Lawrence's own warnings:

Most self-improvement techniques being adopted throughout society---by public educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, and success/motivation seminar leaders---employ varying forms of Eastern meditation and self-hypnosis similar to TM's variation on Yoga. It is these very "technologies for expanding and transforming personal consciousness" that Marilyn Ferguson lauds in The Aquarian Conspiracy. Yet in keeping with warnings expressed by Atrign and others, there are many documented cases of persons involved not only in TM but in other forms of Yoga and autosuggestion having extremely frightening and uncontrollable spiritual experiences. As a result, some have been driven to insanity and even suicide---but these facts are deliberately suppressed. {footnote} The same problems often plague participants in assorted mind-dynamics and self-improvement courses, especially where the techniques involve contact with visualized "inner guides."
p. 49 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

A "sense of humour" (p. 107, Unlock Your Psychic Powers) evidently does not take into account "extremely frightening and uncontrollable spiritual experiences. As a result, some have been driven to insanity and even suicide ..." seeking or contacting "inner guides." The expression "therefore in control of the whole thing" while in a "state" in which "a communicating entity ... enter your consciousness" capable of taking over an individual could be likened to a person playing Russian Roulette with six bullet chambers and an unknown number of bullets, while being "in control of the whole thing." One would think that intelligent discrimination in mistaking a "communicating entity" with one's "inner self" could avoid such problems. The problem of intelligent discrimination is a far-reaching one.

Somehow intelligent discrimination seems to go out of the window with some people when they are on the receiving end of psychic material. When we develop, we have to guard against the ego creeping in and tempting us to believe that whatever comes through us is highly elevated. It may be good information, but it is not infallibly correct unless we ourselves are Masters in the mystic sciences and our guides are also Masters, a situation which is extremely rare.
These warnings aside, clairvoyance is an educational and exciting adventure which is well worth pursuing.

p. 84 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"Intelligent discrimination seems to go out of the window"

by brushing the warnings aside.

"Intelligent discrimination seems to go out of the window"

when one accepts the premise that the entity which one is supposed to be contacting is one's "inner self."

-- Thought Discrimination --

There is more than one type of discrimination at issue; discrimination in the sense of critical analytical ability or judgment, and discrimination, or lack thereof, between one's "own thoughts and those coming from an outside source."

If a psychic cannot not distinguish between his own thoughts and those impressed upon the mind by a spirit entity, then speaking of the practitioner as being "in control of the whole thing" gets rather problematic. "Thought discrimination," discriminating between one's own thoughts and those experienced "psychically" is itself an issue which goes beyond the clever device sometimes used when saying that the psychic voice inside is actually oneself. The experiencing of other people's thoughts, that is, thoughts impressed by "communicating entities" and differentiating such thoughts from one's own is a problem encountered first of all by psychics. It is an issue placed into context by Alice Bailey who described the end game as "total Hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master." Yet, Dr. Lawrence brings up the issue of thought discrimination himself, at least it appears to be himself.

Telepathy is difficult to practise ...
Clairaudience with a higher psychic plane can be easier because of the rapport which can be achieved so closely between the psychic and the guide, who is able to lock in very closely to the psychic's consciousness and create a strong link. The clairaudient's function is to go ...

to a more passive state in which he allows no interference from his conscious mind. He is alert but, at the same time, passive.


In the early states you will observe a jumble of haphazard thoughts and it will be difficult to discriminate between your own thoughts and those coming from an outside source. This discriminatory ability is in fact the key skill that needs to be developed. Gradually you will start to be able to do this, but it is highly possible that in the early stages mistakes will be made.

p. 103 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

The "guide" is described as creating a "strong link" with "the psychic's consciousness" while the psychic "allows no interference from his conscious mind." "... it will be difficult to discriminate between your own thoughts and those coming from an outside source."

Dr. Lawrence's description of the clairaudient going in "to a more passive state in which he allows no interference from his conscious mind" strangely results creating a "partial mental vacuum", doesn't it ? The chilling warnings of dangers associated with a "partial mental vacuum" are placed at the end of his book, as already noted. Yet, the dangers of lacking discrimination between one's own thoughts and those impressed psychically upon a person appear to be characterized by Dr. Lawrence simply as "it is highly possible that in the early stages mistakes will be made" due to lack of "thought discrimination."

Is the ability to discriminate between one's own thoughts and those which are psychically impressed upon one's brain really developed ? This is an issue which deserves critical analysis considering New Age leader Alice Bailey's description that the telepathic process eventually leads to "total Hierarchical impression by the time the {New Age} disciple is a Master."

There are two main ways to develop the necessary discrimination in clairaudience.
You will start to feel the presence of somebody else and be able to tell the difference between your own state of consciousness, which should be as elevated as possible, and another vibration being transmitted to you. Communicating intelligences will usually have their own passwords, particular phrases or signals which you will become used to. It can be as simple as a particular feeling associated with a particular guide.

You will not be in an active mental state in which you are consciously thinking about things, but will be passively receiving whatever thoughts happen to go through the brain. Mystical exercises and yoga practices will help you to learn the sensitivity necessary to develop this skill of discrimination. Because you are not thinking actively about something in this

p. 104

state, you will be an observer of thoughts and there will come a stage when you will also be impressed by outside feelings and vibrations which you know are not coming from yourself. A different type of phraseology of those thoughts, which again you know not to be from yourself, will also come to you, and it is then that you may be receiving guidance from an outside source. ...

p. 105 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Dr. Lawrence states that "Gradually you will start to be able to" "discriminate between your own thoughts and those coming from an outside source" and characterizes the ability "to discriminate" "in the early states" as "difficult." Fundamentally, the base line which is established in experiencing psychically impressed thoughts is that of a lack of discrimination "between one's own thoughts and those coming from an outside source." An entry process involving a lack of discrimination of one's own's thoughts from "impressed" thoughts should provide an ominous warning of the end game, that of "total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master."

There are basically two methods by which Dr. Lawrence contends that "thought discrimination" is achieved. One method for which it is claimed that a person can develop the ability to distinguish between one's own thoughts and those impressed psychically from the outside is that the psychic "will start to feel the presence of somebody else." It should be noted that "outside thoughts" were impressed upon the psychic in "early states" in which such presence is not felt, which fundamentally makes the means or method of distinction one which cannot be relied upon.

Another method alleged to provide the means of distinguishing between one's own thoughts and those impressed from the outside is characterized as the impression of feelings "and vibrations." The absence of such criterion or manifestations in "early stages" in which there is a lack of discrimination again leaves a person without a reliable means to gauge what is happening.

In both cases, whether feeling the presence of somebody else or the inclusion of sensing vibrations, there are very evident dangers in relying upon such manifestations to gauge whether the thoughts which one is experiencing as a psychic are one's own or impressed from an outside source.

For example, knowing that base line experiences establish that thoughts can be impressed from an outside source without attendant manifestations of feeling "the presence of somebody else" or manifestations of "vibrations," the clear danger is evident that a person could come to rely upon either, both, or even other manifestations to determine whether the thoughts one is experiencing as a psychic are one's own or impressed from the outside. Thus, a person could readily be in the position of being subsequently deceived if such determinant manifestations, such as "vibrations," are absent, withheld, masked, or otherwise missing during impression of thoughts from an outside source.

The above scenario should be of particular concern because of what might be described as the "trigger effect" in which thoughts or actions could be precipitated at a future time to impel a person to serve particular inimical designs of the evil, Luciferian Hierarchy.

In connection with impressing thoughts and/or feelings which are not "discriminated," the term "trigger effect," which is known as a precipitating mechanism in the field of hypnosis, obtains acute meaning in the potential of using the psychic human being as an active tool or vehicle at a future, approaching time. William Schnoebelen refers to a capacity of the trigger effect in his book Masonry: Beyond the Light (p. 263) and applies it potentially to Masons who have come under Masonry's influence.

A corollary danger to relying upon feeling presences or vibrations as a gauge to which thoughts are one's own and which are impressed from an outside source, has the potential for creating confusion, namely, the psychic precipitation of manifestations such as vibrations during a psychic's "own thoughts."

That New Age spirit guides and psychics employ tricks or devices to deceive persons on the issue of the real versus the apparent origin or content of thoughts is not a matter of speculation, as remaining portions of this chapter document. "Masking the intent" and using human carriers to "reproject" spirit guide thoughts "as their own" are included in the web of psychic deception.

The transformation of individuals and of society is at the core of the New Age agenda. The transforming capacity of spirit guides which impress thoughts upon the mind of the psychic involves a process which culminates in the "total impression by the Hierarchy." Indeed, the impression, or experiencing, of thoughts from the outside can have a long term transformational effect more profound than the effects of media or that of personal associates with whom one engages in verbal or written dialog. As one's character experiences changes or transformation, under spirit guide auspices, thoughts impressed by the outside may further become more amenable to one's transformed way of thinking, and more difficult to distinguish, on the basis of "character," from one's adopted way of thinking.

The very real potential of lacking though discriminatory ability at any point in time, whether at the entry level or at some future time, should alert anyone who would contemplate developing psychic powers, or contemplate continuing to pursue psychic powers, to the dangers of having thoughts impressed upon one's mind without the benefit of discriminating whether the thoughts are one's own or induced by a discarnate spirit entity. Persons who believe that they have acquired the ability to "discriminate" thoughts might be in the greatest danger while relying on sensations which can be masked.

It is also noteworthy that some guides can have a particular "feeling associated" with their presence. This is corroborated by a written body of information on the subject. That "Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light" alerts us that the feeling may not necessarily be associated with evil, but can be associated with what has been variously reported as a sensation of a soft or warm breeze or golden glow. The term "bliss" has also been used in Masonry and Eastern Mysticism. Although drugs and alcohol have been characterized as producing feelings of bliss by themselves, and although some occult techniques use drugs and/or alcohol to produce altered states of consciousness as a path to spiritistic "illumination," there are meditative and initiation techniques which don't use drugs which also result in spiritistic illumination. "Bliss" is a feeling which can blind people to reality. The reality of partial or complete permeation of the brain by a discarnate luciferian spirit entity could be obscured by feelings of bliss, just as drugs or alcohol can obscure the reality to serious and present dangers. There are persons who are kept in physical slavery, sexually or otherwise, by means of providing drugs which produce feelings of bliss or which are otherwise addictive.

It should be noted that it is not only thoughts which can be psychically impressed but it is feelings which also can be impressed upon a person, whether good or bad feelings. Although the specific discussion in this section of this book describes activity between the spirit guide and the psychic, the subject of psychic victimization which includes such methods gives the reader a better understanding of the scope of what devices targets of New Age "psychic warfare" are potentially confronted with. Psychic victimization is further considered in the next chapter along with the issue of "karma," which involves a New Age philosophy which impacts the issue of victimization.

Dr. Lawrence, who promotes contacting the "inner self" spoke of a stage in which a person, who had been unable to distinguish between his own thoughts and thoughts impressed from the outside, would arrive at in which the person would "know" the thoughts "not to be from yourself" and remarkably says that "it is then that you may be receiving guidance from an outside source ..." Dr. Lawrence cites feeling someone else's presence and sensing vibrations which the person does not believe are coming from oneself. The implication may be that unless an outside entity reveals itself by particular sensations or vibrations, the subject is dealing with one's "inner self." That is, of course, not something a psychic might choose to rely upon seeing that the author also refers to the state in which a person is "unable to distinguish between his own thoughts and thoughts impressed from the outside," as already noted. The potential for self-deception due to lack of "discrimination" is enormous.

As one examines the devices which are involved as psychics delve deeper into psychic practices, the means of an elaborate "sting" operation upon the human race unfolds. Later, the psychic is supposed to learn to distinguish between his or her own thoughts and those thoughts impressed upon himself by means of accompanying "psychic sounds." The author is, however, commended for his choice of words "essential discrimination between your own thoughts and outside impressions."

The other way to develop this essential discrimination between your own thoughts and outside impressions is the use of psychic hearing. As well as a different vibration and phraseology in an outside communication, you will start to hear psychic sounds with those thoughts. If you were psychically hearing no particular sound but only thoughts emerging in your brain, it would be difficult to know for sure that they were not your own thoughts, clairaudience will be the critical factor in determining the difference between your own mind and the impressions emitted to you from another mind. Providing you practise patiently, there will come a stage when you will start to hear the distinct characteristics of the voice transmitting the message. This is not a physical sound, it is heard by the inner ear.
p. 105 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"If you were psychically hearing no particular sound but only thoughts emerging in your brain, it would be difficult to know for sure that they were not your own thoughts." - ibid.

If that is not a prescription for a "sting" on the human race by New Age, spiritualistic entities .... then consider again what the "critical factor" is for a psychic in sorting out his own thoughts from impressed thoughts:

"clairaudience will be the critical factor in determining the difference between your own mind and the impressions emitted to you from another mind." - ibid.

Thus, at issue is not only problematic distinguishing of a psychic's own thoughts from those impressed by a spirit guide, but the issue of "determining the difference between your own mind and impressions emitted to you from another mind." Although spirit guides facilitate telepathic actions which take place, the aspect of outside manipulation triggered or formulated by other psychics comes into play.

"... the critical factor" notwithstanding, recall again Alice Bailey's description of "total Hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master."

That is the ultimate "sting."

That represents the "whole story" of "telepathic interplay" in it's objectives.

If a spirit guide provides for "psychic sounds" while a person is thinking one's own thoughts, or when a "psychic sound" is "masked" or withheld while a person is impressed by thoughts externally, theoretically, a person reliant upon so-called discriminatory abilities or clues could end up believing that one's own thoughts are impressed from the outside and believing that externally impressed thoughts were one's own. If a reader is inclined to dismiss such a scenario, be reminded that psychic development cited by Dr. Lawrence begins with the lack of thought discrimination, and it is taken up as an problem to be overcome, whereby the "critical factor" of "clairaudience" is at least initially missing.

"If you were psychically hearing no particular sound but only thoughts emerging in your brain, it would be difficult to know for sure that they were not your own thoughts" - ibid.

There is the issue of whether the above scenario could apply in the case of one psychic practicing upon another.

The "critical factor" is raised specifically in conjunction with "determining the difference between your own mind and the impressions emitted to you from another mind." The case of one or more psychics operating upon another by impressing thoughts does not necessarily entail representing their own thoughts in the thoughts impressed. What emerges from the body of written information on the subject by psychic practitioners is the potential for psychic deception in the arena of psychic warfare and espionage. also is the key to developing the sixth sense that permits the premonition of danger. Users of this ability can feel the emotions of those around them, and often develop sensitivity to psychic impressions.
p. 36

... that the practitioner has the power to read the thoughts of others. ...

...telepathy, which also permits nonverbal communication with other like-minded individuals. Concurrent with this ability, one also learns to form a mental barrier against the thoughts of others, and to project an impression that is false. This is called "masking the intention." Persons skilled in this art make excellent negotiators ...

p. 38 Ninja Mind Control, Ashida Kim, 1985

There you have it, "masking the intention."

The Japanese have a reputation for out-negotiating Americans. This is not, however, to necessarily suggest that ambitious American "mind-readers" have been pitted in negotiations against counterpart Japanese negotiators and have failed because of reliance upon so-called critical "discriminatory" abilities but also have been subject to psychic warfare. The practice of "masking the intention" at psychic, "mind-reading" levels and of "project{ing} an impression that is false" in such a context reveals that "telepathy" is itself comprised of a world or realm of deception. The technique of effectively stopping or impeding someone else's thought processes by remote hypnosis or the martial arts practice considered by Savelli evidently also has applications to confuse or disorient. Even if the victim is compelled to remain attached or glued to one thought, other thoughts or awareness of what is going on around a person might effectively be excluded, and the mind may be effectively blanked out from normal thought processes and alertness. Such are things to watch out for by non-psychics, and could be employed by "conventional" methods of distraction.

Encompassing a range of scenarios, whether a measure of "mind shield" is imparted as part of an initiation into an occult organization or group to shield knowledge of one's activities from others without the initiate having an awareness, knowledge or use of "mind reading"; whether "mind reading" is developed without "mind shield"; whether "mind shield" is developed as a particularly selective "technique; or whether they ("mind reading" and "mind shield") are developed or imparted concurrently, foundations are laid for escalation into deeper levels of occult practices and initiation, and greater personal impressionability by occult forces or powers.

The mention of forming "a mental barrier against the thoughts of others" is made not only by Ashida Kim but also in The Warrior's Edge. The concept of portraying an effort at making oneself so-called mind-reader proof or thought impression proof is presented as a self-defense method. A New Age spirit guide expressly made reference to "mind shield" or "cloak" and demonstrates that persons who seek mind-reading powers can be very disappointed when they discover that other psychics can drop a mental curtain in matters as simple as playing cards.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

I turned to the Guides for explanation ...:
"Mind shield is a protective cloak to guard one's thoughts from too-wide dissemination. People who are aware of mental telepathy often use it while playing bridge or poker, dropping a mental curtain so that they are not sending forth to their opponents images of the high cards they hold in their hands. In a similar manner, Brotherhoods shield the identity of {discarnate entities which inhabit humans}."

p. 102 Strangers Among Us:
Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The "mind shield" is an occult device presided over by the spirit "guides" which facilitate so-called "mind-reading." As both The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race present tests by which electro-magnetic shielding and deep-water salt-water shielding have not impeded psychic performance, it is quite evident that the "mind shield" referred to by the spirit guides is a limitation which they, the spirit guides, employ by which they reduce their dissemination of relating or transferring thought interpretations to so-called "mind-readers."

The pursuit of psychic defense represents a path to get persons involved in the psychic, occult practices in order to stage a defense against psychic, occult practices. The "mind-race" of psychic warfare represents levels of escalation into occult practices and forces of darkness which are propelling participating nations into an ultimate conflict with Almighty God. The concept of psychic self-defense against psychic "weapons" is flawed in a most fundamental sense, since involvement with the occult or the development of psychic abilities makes a person acutely vulnerable to impression by spirit guides. The escalatory nature of the offense-defense game in psychic powers leads to higher levels of "illumination," higher levels of initiation.

Ashida Kim makes it clear that the pursuit of the psychic methods which he teaches represents a search for "occult power," the "dark arts." The bottom line is represented by contacting "secret teachers" which lead a person to what is called "the Universal Mind." The spirit helpers, spirit guides, are the "Hidden Masters." Persons on the path in pursuit of "gifts" from the "genie" complete their quest when the "Hidden Masters" have transformed the practitioners brain into a "Universal Mind." The term "cosmic consciousness" is again employed.

{Chapter: The Hidden Masters: Spirit Helpers}

When you obtained this book, it was because you were in search of occult power. It has been said, however, that no one may find such power without personal instruction from one skilled in the dark arts, and that is so. So how may we contact these secret teachers -- if, indeed, we wish to pursue this quest? The answer is simple: we must follow their example. ...
There are many paths to the Universal Mind, the Cosmic Consciousness ...

p. 135

Invoking and communicating with the Hidden Masters serves three functions ... the spirit helper acts as a counsel and guide ... and a teacher of secret knowledge.

p. 136

There are hundreds of meditation techniques that help one contact one's spirit ally. ...

p. 138 Ninja Mind Control, Ashida Kim, 1985

"There are hundreds of meditation techniques that help one contact one's spirit ally. ..."

New Age spirit guides have specifically enunciated that they "meld" their minds with those with whom they are attuned. Thus the expression "Universal Mind" is easily explained. New Age spirit guides have further enunciated their capacity to impress thoughts upon a human whereby the human does not realize that the thoughts are induced, impressed or imprinted. They go on to relate that they would like to influence "all human beings in this fashion." In fact, the whole story of telepathic interplay relates to opening access to acute impression by the Hierarchy of New Age discarnate spirits.

The web of psychic or telepathic deceptions includes the scenario where a psychic "mind-reader" interprets thoughts which he or she believes are the target's own, but which are being impressed, manufactured, by an outside entity, or spirit guide upon the target. Ridiculous ?

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

I asked the Guides to explain the method used by spirits to teach those of us in physical body, and they replied: "We are attuned through something akin to thought waves, although of higher frequency, ... so that we are in instant rapport with them. As they attune themselves to us through the so-called alpha state, we are able to trigger a response somewhat like a plane touching down to earth, landing, after soaring through the stratosphere. As we touch down, so to speak, we establish contact and meld with the minds of those with whom we are attuned.
"In this way, we project pictures or symbols into their wavelength, and they reproject them as their own, unless they realize what is transpiring, as you do with the automatic writing. Were you not actively aware of this communication, we would be able to give you symbols or thought patterns, and as your personal radar reacted with them you would assume that they were your own ideas and impressions, rather than having been passed along to

p. 71

you from this side.

Were mankind to realize the full potential, we would be able to influence all human beings in this fashion; yet many are poor receivers ...."

p. 72 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come,
Ruth Montgomery,1979

The above description by a New Age spirit guide, itself, also demonstrates clearly that what one so-called "mind-reader" assesses another person's (subject) thoughts to be, can in reality be thoughts impressed upon the subject, and not the subject's own thoughts, opening many scenarios or levels of deception. Psychic "Mind-reading" is not a path to truth, it represents an environment presided over by deceptive spirits intent on influencing human beings to conform to their evil and selfish purposes of taking control and possession of human beings on a global scale.

Another item on the subject of psychic deception as it may apply to practitioners pushes the envelope of the term "impersonator" or, excuse the expression, "impressionist."

The voice of a communicator can be distinctive to you and even though, as in my case, you may be poor at mimicry, you can virtually speak out loud with the accent of that person when he is impressing you with his thoughts.
p. 106 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

The account evidently represents more potentials for deceptions, linked with "automatic speaking," whereby a person is used virtually as a puppet, "virtually speaking out loud with the accent of .. that {other} person when he is impressing ... {him} with his thoughts." The duplication of voice characteristics by a spiritualist in a "blinded" setting has ramifications in espionage and alibi construction which are quite extensive. Extensive, also, are the potentials for fraud wherein a discarnate Luciferian entity poses as someone who has died.

The subject of espionage again raises crucial issues, issues related to the psychic spy-master and the spirit guide or guides which have established strong links with the person's consciousness.

-- Deceptive Guides with a Luciferian "Reality Map" --

Dr. Lawrence in a subheading entitled "GUIDES" refers to terminology used by spiritualists and how a "guide" "makes arrangements for messages" and "introduces the various communicators if there are more than one."

If you do start to make contacts with guides and receive information from them do not fall into the trap of overestimating them.
p. 145

But they can also make mistakes and they should not be leant on or mindlessly obeyed. The average guide would be regarded as a friend who has useful information to give you, which can be helpful and instructive but is not infallible, as some mediums would have you believe.

p. 146 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

There is an expression, "with friends like that, who needs enemies." With spirit entity "friends" parading as one's "inner self," the enemy has entered within. However, the "inner self" is not the only charade perpetrated by the crowd which spiritualists and other New Age associates have a connection with.

{Subheading, GUIDES}

... revealed by the communicating guides, ...
The important thing is that they are communicating now and their value should be judged by the importance and merit of the messages they are giving.
I would be very wary of information given by anyone, including guides, about your past lives. Those who talk glibly of who you were or who they were in a previous life are highly suspect and can damage the gullible, who may be misled into believing that they were someone either far better or far worse than they really were.
p. 146 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Napoleon-imitating spirit guides do not represent the limit of the spirit guide charades. Impressing humans with thoughts or even recollections of events which they did not experience gets right to the core of the claims of human re-incarnation.

In my view, personal experience is the best way to discover the validity of reincarnation. There may come a time in your development when you actually start to remember incidents which have taken place in previous incarnations. You do have to be very careful indeed in discriminating between your imagination and a genuine memory, but sometimes it can be a very definite experience where you vividly remember events pictorially and emotionally.
p. 131


It is not necessary to remember past lives to believe in reincarnation, but it can be helpful to those who have developed their discrimination sufficiently to decipher their memories correctly.

p. 132 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"Thought" and "feeling" "discrimination" has already been considered in this chapter. Add to those issues that of "memory" "discrimination." The altering of memory by spirit guides is also an advanced technique practiced upon oneself in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, wherein the practitioner engages in a transformational process involving memory "imprinting" with the aid of a version of the "inner self."

Simply put, memories "impressed" upon a person then "read" by another presents even another scenario of false information gathering. The implications of this as well as other psychic techniques such as "masking" and "'reprojecting' thoughts impressed from external sources should dispel the idea of using so-called mind-readers on juries. Fundamentally, psychics as jurors would represent a class of individuals more impressionable by spirit entities than the average individual. The dangers of using "psychic" jurors should be obvious, particularly since the "psychic" juror may represent individually or collectively the weakest link in the judicial process. The psychic opens himself or herself up to spirit guides which can enter the person's consciousness and impress thoughts, feelings and even imprint memory changes. The problems of thought "discrimination" along with "masking techniques and the 'projection of false impressions' is not the kind a realm a person intelligently should want to open oneself up to or expose oneself to. Manipulation of psychic juries who are more acutely vulnerable to psychic manipulation by outside sources poses real dangers.. The worst scenario is having a jury which experiences "total Hierarchical impression." How would you like to be on trial and have Lucifer, Asher and Alder as jury members ?

By the time an individual is sufficiently adept at psychic functioning to even consider using the ability for psychic attack, he is himself very open and psychically exposed to corrosive aspects of his environment.
p. 238 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
... Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984.

The psychic, spiritistic environment is a domain of thought and emotion impression by Lucifer's hierarchy, a domain of acute mental manipulation.

Spontaneous psychic experiences of practitioners such as being so-called "yanked out of one's body" dramatically demonstrate being rendered "psychically exposed." Yet, In a more sinister vein, the pursuit of psychic powers acutely exposes a person to psychic influences or manipulation. The psychic realm is a psychically "corrosive ... environment." Thought discrimination difficulties as well as "masking" techniques and the 'projection of false impressions' is aggravated by guides who themselves claim to be the deceased souls of persons they are not, as well as the imprinting of false memories on individuals by such unscrupulous spirits, leaving a person believing that he or she was someone else in a "previous life." False, imprinted memories can definitely be described as a corrosive aspect of the psychic environment along with impressed or implanted thoughts and feelings. It's all part of the Trojan syndrome. The key is not to let the enemy within, and to be alert to things which can increase one's vulnerability to psychic forces, such as mind-altering drugs and alcohol.

One ultimate deception by masquerading discarnate spirits is that of the teaching of reincarnation. Besides information already considered in this book, if a person can be convinced that he or she was someone else, the individual can be thereby conditioned psychologically into accepting induced or impressed thoughts by a spirit guide thinking that such thoughts are from a "previous life" or "previous identity."

The person believing in having been someone else just might end up becoming someone else, that is, a biological vehicle through which a discarnate entity or spirit "incarnates" itself "on the physical plane."
It's quite a "sting" operation.

-- The "inner" Big Brother --

After all, you have received this information for a purpose and it might be very helpful to him. If you do not listen to the inner self when it speaks, as the say, you will start to lose contact with that inner voice.
p. 124 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

Again the author uses the expression the "inner voice," "inner self." It is quite evident that the "inner self" ploy is part of an expansive sting operation on the human race. Psychic information transmitted to the "psychic" eventually is said to require heeding. This is corroborated by Schnoebelen and Uri Geller and should be emphasized.

I learned that Lucifer was the true power behind Wicca, and that as a High Priest, I would have to do his bidding if I wanted to continue to evolve.
p. 38 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Uri Geller complained that most parapsychologists misunderstood the true source of this mysterious force. "They keep talking about my mind," he said. Uri then explained that in his opinion psychic power didn't emanate from his mind at all but from other minds ... for their own purposes, and that he had to obey.
"I have no choice, Uri told ex-astronaut Edgar Mitchell and several SRI scientists, "because they direct me. I can't go against [them]."

p. 196 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The New Age, Masonic "transformation" of society poses a number of obvious risks to military personnel. Retired Air Force and Intelligence officer, Texe Marrs, related the threat in his 1988 book, one of several he has authored.

... regarding the New Age influence within our military service. That influence has especially made itself felt, said Kevin, in the upper echelons, among the high-ranking brass. But it impacts lower ranks as well. Military personnel are often ordered to attend such New Age mind control and spiritual training programs as est and Lifespring.
Evine's research also turned up the alarming fact that in the early 1980's, officers at the prestigious Army War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, prepared a study aimed at creating a "New Age Army." These officers, some of whom were graduates of Werner Erhardt's est or former members of the radical university group Students for a Democratic Society, recommended the Army adopt meditation, psychic powers, magic, and neuro-linguistic (mind-talk hypnosis) training.

p. 179 Mystery Mark of The New Age:
Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

The risks of forming a "New Age Army," one man at a time, must be taken seriously, seeing that the New Age spirit guides have enunciated a subversive agenda, wherein an Hierarchy spirit guide of the New Age speaks of :

"My Warriors , ... My Army"

"My Army is now on the move and soon the clash of battle will be heard" ?

p. 168, Mystery Mark of The New Age:

Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{footnote: Benjamin Creme, Messages from Maitreya, pp. 42, 87}

The U.S. military is sworn to the Constitution, whereas it is within the jurisdiction of the Congress to declare war according to Constitutional principles, it is not the prerogative of King George, Lord Maitreya, or the Lord of Darkness to do so.

The military officers of The Warrior's Edge who promote the rise of techno-shaman warriors in civilian life, using the "weapons" of a psychic arsenal, developing the psychic powers of spiritualism without using the word or the traditional séance, appears to be a reflection of what is taking place in the military. The Warrior's Edge has itself commented on the movement in the U.S. military, as previously quoted, although Texe Marrs appears to have been more forthcoming.

Retired police officer Jack McLamb refers to the danger of spiritualism within this nation's police force.

It is the enemy of our nation that is using "spiritualism" to trick millions of religious fellow Officers and private citizens into falling for their NEW AGE/NEW WORLD ORDER fraud. One wise tip: Leviticus 19:31 says, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits; neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God."
p. 38 Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:
Police Against The New World Order, 1992

Persons who begin service in an intelligence or law enforcement agency might begin with a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution, but might establish relationships with "outside entities" whose objective it is to eventually establish an overt occult Hierarchical rulership in America, as well as in other countries. Underscoring the warning that the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights is being replaced in the New Age milieu by psychic methods of intrusion and deceptive manipulation. Retired police officer Jack McLamb refers to spiritualism as a serious problem within police departments.

William Schnoebelen, former first degree Illuminati, Spiritualist minister, Knight Templar and 90ş Egyptian Rite Mason, and Satanist described the "psychic eye" as the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness". The insidious danger for police officers in "opening" the psychic eye is obviously that of becoming New Age Warriors, impressed by the "Hierarchy."

-- Whose Army ? --

The New Age Spirit Guide Lord Maitreya has spoken of :

"My Warriors , ... My Army"
"My Army is now on the move and soon the clash of battle will be heard"

p. 168, Mystery Mark of The New Age:

Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{footnote: Benjamin Creme, Messages from Maitreya, pp. 42, 87}

The New Age Army, forming in the civilian domain with psychic "warriors," aided and abetted by military leaders such as Colonel John. B. Alexander U.S.A. (Ret.) and Major Richard Groller U.S.A.R. & (Defense Intelligence Agency), has also been compromising America's military and police services. Initiation into the "New Age," opening the psychic "eye" of "Lucifer-consciousness," represents initiation into a "world" in which Satan wields the forces of action and reaction.

Alder also makes the astonishing disclosure that Saturn, the New Age code name for their false "Christ," is none other than Satan!
"The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!

Therefore, the world Initiation to which we are drawing near today is being brought to birth by a universal access of Pain and of pressure, to which humanity is responding with widespread action, leading, naturally, to . . . Initiation."

p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{quotation taken from Vera Alder, The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972), p. 109.}

The "widespread action" of New Age participants in the Luciferian subversion of humanity is leading to initiation into New Age spiritistic "illumination" by Lucifers "angels" (daemons), overtly or through surreptitious or camouflaged programs.

The objective of the New Age plot is initiation of the world, "until all have been occultly" spiritistically corrupted.

The Lord of the World, the One Initiator ...
{Bailey blasphemously connects Christ to Satan, the Lord of the sinful World}
He, Sanat Kumara it is, Who from His throne at Shamballa ... presides over the Lodge of Masters, and holds in His hands the reins of government in all the three departments.

He has chosen to watch over the evolution of men and devas until all have been occultly "saved." He it is Who decides upon the "advancements" in the different departments, and Who settles who shall fill the vacant posts; He it is Who ... authorises what shall be done to further the ends of evolution.

p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar,
Alice A. Bailey, 1922, 1992

Satan, the Lord of the present Wicked World, is, although explained by Albert Pike to be Lucifer's "Force," nevertheless identified as the Lord of the World in the name Sanat Kumara, "the Lord of the World."

"... the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara ..."
p. 104 Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, 1922

Sanat Kumara's, Satan's, "throne" is referred to at "Shamballa," which is often referred to in New Age writings, such as those of Alice Bailey.

The Templar rite connection with Satan was specifically referred to by Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan.

...Anton LaVey, the founder and leader of The Church of Satan {wrote}
The original Templars' rite of the Fifth degree symbolically guided the candidate through the Devil's Pass in the mountains separating the East from the West ... At the fork of the trail the candidate would make an important decision: either to retain his present identity, or strike out on the Left-Hand Path to Schamballah, where he might dwell in Satan's household ...{footnote}

p.135 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991
{Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals - Companion to the Satanic Bible (New York: Avon Books, 1972), p. 56}

Anton LaVey, whose "church" has obtained tax exemption status by the U.S. government, admitted that his group engages in the destruction of human beings.

On its 20/20 News Special, ABC had already shown LaVey on camera stating, while not the whole truth, at least more than Aquino was willing to admit:
We perform human sacrifices, by proxy you might say -- the destruction of human beings who would, let's say, create an antagonistic situation towards us -- in the form of curses and hexes, not in actual blood rituals because certainly the destruction of a human being physically is illegal. {footnote}

p. 236 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide To The Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon. {footnote: "ABC NEWS, 20/20, "The Devil Worshippers," May 16, 1985, transcripts available from Box 2020, Ansonia Station, New York, NY 10023" ) {Note that Dave Hunt's book goes on to examine the issue of direct ritual murder by Satanists}

The physical destruction of human beings, murder, is what LaVey's written work teaches, according to former satanist, William Schnoebelen.

Though LaVey may deny that his Satanists practice human or animal sacrifice, the Bible he wrote paints a different picture. Psychic attack, (murder by cursing) is taught. There is a Ritual of Destruction.
p. 66 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

In the book, Lucifer Dethroned, William and Sharon Schnoebelen give an example of LaVey's satanic work involving the death of a famous movie star.

In 1975 Michael Aquino split from LaVey's group, a very significant development.

The result of this schism, which took place in 1975, was the foundation of Dr. Michael Aquino's Temple of Set.
p. 92 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Schnoebelen, a former satanist, has written an entire chapter about Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set in the book Lucifer Dethroned: A true story. Schnoebelen presents documentation demonstrating that:

"the Temple of Set is a more deadly institution than LaVey's church."

p. 103 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

The reader might recall from chapter 4 the Egyptian worship of the diabolical god, Set, and the "highly depraved Set (or Aiwass) magical current" of "unparalleled debauchery and evil" which Aleister Crowley instituted a ritual for to perpetuate.

p. 195, p. 196 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The connection between the satanist Aleister Crowley, 33ş, and the extremely diabolical Egyptian god Set, and the subsequent founder of "The Temple of Set," Michael Aquino, is striking. According to former Satanist William Schoebelen,

Thus, Aquino claims he was anointed by Set to be Aleister Crowley's true successor, the "Second Beast" as well as the Great Beast prophesied in the Bible. {footnote}
p. 102 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

While satanic interpretations of the "beasts" of Revelation might serve to divert attention from Biblical interpretations which are based on the precedents found in the Bible book of Daniel, the "beast" association with that of Satan is an association invoked by satanists which cannot be ignored.

Aquino's association with the "beast" is, therefore, quite revealing. The association with Satan, the "dragon," is obvious. The role of demonic inspiration in leading nations into war with God the Almighty is unmistakable.

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."


And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew Armageddon."

Revelation 16: 13, 14, 16. NKJV.

The most ancient "empire of evil," associated with the "ancient serpent," or "dragon," Satan the devil (Rev. 12: 9), is applying influence through demon spirits to draw the world into a conflict with God, the Almighty.

What function does Michael Aquino, who declares himself to be "anointed" by the debauchedly evil god "Set" to the role of the "beast" of Revelation, exercise in the U.S. government ?

... Aquino has a doctoral degree in political science and is a lieutenant colonel in Army intelligence with a very high security clearance. ... He is said to be an expert in psychological warfare, and psychotronic warfare (what the army calls "Psyop").
p. 93
Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

{"very high" : Schnoebelen's emphasis}

Lieutenant colonel Michael Aquino, anointed by the depravedly evil god Set to be the successor of the infamous "beast" Aleister Crowley, is implicated in using forces derived from the occult in official capacities. The occult means, or the "force," identified by Albert Pike in Freemasonry as "satan," is proliferating in government and civilian levels. The Masonic / New Age descriptions already considered make it clear that spiritistic "contact" with the Luciferian Hierarchy, or "impression" by the Hierarchy, makes persons vulnerable to "transformation" of character. Manly P. Hall spoke of unseen powers as molding the destiny of those who take up Masonic obligations, whereby Lucifer is Masonry's god which Hall extols. The wielding of "the seething energies of Lucifer" and opening the "psychic eye" has a principle objective. Psychic, spiritualistic powers acutely establish an inroad to influence and co-option by the occult Hierarchy.

The "whole story" of New Age telepathic powers pertains to "the growth of" an occult "oligarchy," through the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness." [F-1, F-2]

Thus one can in this decade speak of :

' ... the empire of evil which is spreading { , } by all the occult means at their disposal { , } the Satanic spirit which directs it.' [F-3]

F-1 [Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, p. 7]
F-2 [Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, p. 197]

F-3 [The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard, p. 103]

Psychic warfare, "psychotronic warfare," such as associated with lieutenant colonel Aquino, is beating a war path to Har-Magedon, war with Almighty God.

-- The Expanding Empire of Evil --

Psychic warfare, presided over by Lucifer, or Satan, has drawn opposing groups and nations into the vortex of his Hierarchical influence.

Remote hypnotism, as well as psychokinesis, pk, psychotronics and the physical effects upon metal objects and biological tissue comprise "weapons" in the arsenal of the New Age "Warrior." It should come as no surprise that the victimization of persons by psychic practitioners, psychic "warriors," is something unsuspecting persons have been all the more vulnerable to because of government and secret society cover-ups. The scope of the problem is revealed by authors who advocate and track psychic powers.

Psychic functioning takes quite a bit of effort for most people. It is not ethical to do anything that will cause this effort to be wasted.
p. 235

We think it is quite likely that psi can be used unethically, to affect the thoughts and therefore the behavior and mental health of another person. This potentially being the case, we think it is prudent to say a few words about the potential ramifications of such possible goings-on.

In earlier chapters we described several well-documented examples of individuals who were apparently able to have substantial influences upon the physical condition of a distant animal or person. Vilenskaya describes several similar instances in the epilogue. So it seems quite likely that an unethical psychic practitioner could deliberately put thoughts into a potential victim's head, in such a way as to disorient him, confuse him, or make him feel depressed.

There is a kind of naive Western folklore that says that in order to be effective a witch doctor or hexer must first let his victim know that he is being hexed. Although this may be true in certain primitive tribes that strongly believe in the supernatural, it is not necessarily true in general

p. 236

... "telepathic control" and psychokineses. In the former the hexer would affect the emotional condition and thought processes of the individual, and produce a state of mind, such as malignant anxiety, or Engle's "giving up ---- given up complex" that could have catastrophic biological consequences.

p. 238 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The words of Czar Alexander pertaining to the "empire of evil which is spreading by all the occult means at their disposal ..." are thus by no means limited to "remote vision" and what is called "mind reading." Inducing remote hypnosis, mind-stopping, disorientation, confusion, depression, malignant anxiety, and nervous breakdowns, comprise potential weapons in the arsenal of the psychic warrior.

It is also thought that irritation and disorientation that seem to have no apparent source could be induced in people by powerfully trained minds. Thought control and inducing nervous breakdowns are also possible. Although psychic activity may seem justified for truly defensive purposes, such as psychic protection, there seems to be a thin line between this and more aggressive purposes, such as harming other people or their technology, or forcing others to do your will. It is understood by most psychics that if they misuse their gifts, they will lose them or suffer damaging karmic consequences.
p. 172 Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, 1994

The tactics are such that the expression "psychic malpractice" has emerged.

Other symptoms of psychic attack, according to Fortune, include feelings of overwhelming dread and fear, which deteriorate to nervous exhaustion, mental breakdown, and a physical wasting away of body tissue; ...
p. 473 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991

"Inducing nervous breakdowns", producing "irritation and disorientation," "harming other people or their technology," subverting the human will, facilitating or impressing "feelings of overwhelming dread and fear," "nervous exhaustion," and "mental breakdown." Such are among the techniques at the disposal of New Age "warriors" who are intent on extending the "great work" of incarnating discarnate Luciferian entities or spirit guides on the "physical plane," and in working behind the scenes to achieve the "Plan" of a one-world government and Luciferian religion overtly by the occult Hierarchy. It is reassuring to learn that such techniques do not always work. Decreasing one's own vulnerability by sound health practices and by prayer to God through the name of Jesus Christ, and by putting on the complete suit of armor from God are part of resisting the enemies, Satan's, attacks.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Ephesians 6: 11, 12, KJV.

"Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,

and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,

and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith,

wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit ..."

Ephesians 6: 13 - 18a, KJV.

-- the "inner machinery" --

at Work,
in the Office,
and in Government

How do behind-the-scenes New Age activities work ?

The Adepts ...
They generally work only with world leaders or those who are instruments of large group activities that are having a major impact on the world. The disciples or messengers of these Enlightened Ones on the inner planes may at times contact those who are not major leaders but who are dedicated to serving the world with pure motives. For example, we were told by a friend who is a U.S. senator's aide that while researching the budget proposal for a major bill, he received guidance about what action to recommend to the senator from a source on the inner planes.

p. 233 Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, 1994

Support staff are included among the areas of activity in which occult adepts are active to influence world leaders from behind-the-scenes. It is not only that a U.S. senator's aide "received guidance about what action to recommend to the senator" for a major bill from the New Age spirit guide realm, but the means of influence which New Age warrior's have includes thought impression, feeling impression and potentially memory subversion. Using even only conventional means, support staff have the capacity for impacting the decisions of the individuals they serve. However, with the implementation of occult or advanced Neurolinguistic Programming hypnotic techniques, involved with spirit guides, the impact could be potentially devastating in subverting due process. The agents which represent the New Age and it's subversion of human rights and the very subversion of the human soul have entered within the Halls of Congress. The above example is but one of many examples.

New Age support staff or Washington "insiders" are in a position to exert a continuum of influence.

The book Spiritual Politics, while drawing attention to the role of the Illuminati in behind-the-scenes activities of influence at the national government level does not, however, boldly emphasize the extent of subversion by New Age / Masonic "Adepts," Illuminati, in society. While the formulation of the Spiritual Politics statement might upon cursory inspection appear to be somewhat modest (i.e. "work only with ..."), the language:
"or those who are instruments of large group activities that are having a major impact on the world"
with reference to those with whom the Illuminati (Adepts) are working, allows for quite expansive applications encompassing both leadership and grass roots levels of influence. Chapter 10 of America's Subversion : The Enemy Within brings this issue of the extent of Illuminati activity in society at a "grass roots level" into greater focus. However, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson do bring the gravity of influence into sharp focus.

The Illuminati are alternately referred to as the "Enlightened Ones" in the occult conspiracy.


The Enlightened Ones do not usually work openly or give public lectures. Since the earliest times of human history, they have worked quietly behind the scenes--in government, business, science, religion, the arts. It is part of the Divine Plan that they or their senior disciples are not directly in control of governments or major institutions, so that governments are based upon the demand and the current point in the evolution of the mass of humanity working through their representatives. This avoids creating too great a gap between the public consciousness and that of the Enlightened Ones. This is why the Adepts at this time work to influence world opinion leaders, if they are open to it, rather than leading directly.
p. 235 Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, 1994

There is a distinct reference to a grass roots New Age component with the expression "evolution of the mass of humanity" (see Chapter 10, America's Subversion). New Age Representatives, representing spiritistically so-called "evolving" persons who are significantly under Luciferian Hierarchical "impression" or influence is another part of the equation.

Specifically, the behind the scenes influence exerted by a human host inhabited by a discarnate spirit has been described by a New Age spirit guide. The spirit guide describes the role of such a behind-the-scenes New Age agent.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"One who is willing for others to take credit for the ideas that he has put into their minds."
p. 123 Strangers Among Us:
Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The emphasis of the description of influence by Adepts in Spiritual Politics refers to the "influence" behind the scenes exerted by "the Adepts" upon leaders of world opinion. "World opinion leaders" aptly describes the domain of the media, the printed press and the broadcasting networks. The "major media." Yet, while the expression "the Adepts at this time work to influence ... rather than leading directly" emphasizes the fundamental nature of the subversive work, the expression "The Enlightened Ones do not usually work openly or give public lectures" embraces the role of those who do work openly.
It might also be said that the language fails to emphasize the expansive role of New Age participants who are not "Adepts" in the absolute sense of the word. It fails to comprehensively account for the increasing level of participation in New Age practices of psychic influence so-called "technology". The formulation does, however, emphasize the role of the work of "influence" as compared to overt leadership positions.
The network of influence, and the scope of the capacity to influence behind the scenes, serves not only purposes of subversion, but provides support and concealment mechanisms for public figures who are involved in control aspects of the occult conspiracy, to conceal such principals from public recognition as leaders in a conspiracy. The New Age Masters further provide concealment mechanisms of high level conspirators even from general New Age participants.

Perhaps one of the most sinister weapons of non-psychic influence is, by itself, the disarming smile. Even more sinister is the disarming smile which conceals psychic subversion.

The concealment of the conspiracy, by the media, for a one-world government is, in fact, what David Rockefeller thanked media principals for at the 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Baden, Germany. The ominous praise of the complicitous media embodied Adam Weishaupt's principles of subversion, Weishaupt's Wish. The role in the conspiracy of many smiling faces in government and religion has been concealed by the media, while the role of smiling media faces has been covered up by government officials.

Michael Howard divulges more as to the extent of the conspiracy and implicates leaders themselves. His disclosure comports with what is known about the Masonically linked Bilderberger Group.

When we see the smiling faces of international statesmen and religious leaders on the television or in the newspapers it is difficult to imagine that behind the diplomatic facade exists a very different world; a world a secret societies and occult fraternities peopled by shadowy figures who have often been obsessed with the pursuit of power. Since the days of the Pharoahs in ancient Egypt the occult has entangled the black arts of espionage, subversion and revolution in its web. Today the occult conspiracy still affects politics, although there are few who are aware of its influence even though those who control it are often well known faces and household names.
p. viii, Preface The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In Baden, Baden, Germany in 1991 David Rockefeller speaking to an international group of insiders known as the Bilderbergers praised prominent institutions of America's press, not for it's public voice but for it's silence.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
As quoted on p.13 from: Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:
Police Against The New World Order, 1992

While the authors of Spiritual Politics declare that "The Enlightened Ones do not usually work openly," those who do work openly operate in conjunction with a behind-the-scenes contingency of conspiratorial workers.

"Behind the diplomatic facade" "smiling faces" known to the public work behind-the-scenes in capacities which have been concealed from the public.

-- Science, New Age Target --

"They have worked quietly behind the scenes--in ... science" ? The theory of evolution is a most notable example thereof. Evolution, so-called, to godhood is a fundamental doctrine of the New Age movement, the basis of ancient mystery religion. Evolutionary doctrine was given a major impetus by means of Erasmus Darwin's grandson, Charles Darwin, which is discussed in the book The Evolution Conspiracy, by Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991, Harvest House Publ.

Scientists who do not accept the theory have even been drummed out professionally or made to walk the corporate plank in fields of scientific endeavor. Masonry's international structure of support which has many professionals within it's comprehensive "sphere of influence" provides the ideal framework for the proliferation of occult-masonic philosophy, such as evolution.

America's educational system has been to a large measure co-opted by "Humanistic" philosophers. Among other intriguing topics, the expose, Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, gives a detailed examination of the subversion of the U.S. Supreme Court by Masonry, including at the Chief Justice level, and examines consequences to America's educational system.

Evolution is taught in America's public schools and assumes a materialistic point of view, that of mankind's emergence without the intervention of the supernatural. Yet, the New Age, Spiritualistic teaching of man's evolution to godhood involves spirit guides, the supernatural. It is interesting that first, belief in a Creator-Spirit is dismantled by the teaching of evolution, and then later, when faith in the God of the Bible has been damaged or destroyed, the Masonic and New Age teaching of evolution to godhood facilitated by spirit guides who enter one's consciousness, is offered to supplant previous beliefs. Initiate Masons, occultists and New Age channelers know that spirit entities exist, yet the materialistic philosophy is taught in public schools undermining faith in supernatural intervention. Jeremiah Films has two very good videos exposing fundamental fallacies of evolutionary theory, as well as exposés of the New Age movement. It might be recalled that alchemy was long used as a front, a "scientific" front, for the ulterior objective of alchemical transformations, spiritistic transformations which could be facilitated with the use of drugs. Evolution theory is the new front.

The term used in the title for the book, Spiritual Politics, signifies something beyond that which is materialistic. The issue is whether the "spirit" forces invoked by the New Age movement represent elevated values or those which are "demonic." The Apostle Paul contrasted the "earthly," animal, "demonic" things with "heavenly" things, which "heavenly" things reflect true "spiritual" values. The New Age "spiritual" principles are manifestly those of spirit beings or entities bent on subverting the human race, subverting human rights, and alienating mankind from God, mankind's Creator. The "spiritual" principles of the occult embrace sexual perversions of the worst kind and have involved persons in perverted practices in order to effect what is called occult redemption. The "goat god" of the Templars, Luciferians, and witches has it's roots in ancient Egypt. "Animalistic," "demonic," are expressions more descriptive of the occult tradition than the word pervertedly employed, "spiritual," if the word is employed to suggest a connotation of something elevated, noble. New Age "guides" sometimes appear as an animal, the traditional shamanistic guide. Mankind's first animal guide, a guise for Lucifer or Satan, was a serpent and served as a vehicle to enunciate the Lie which mankind's first human pair adopted, that of attaining to godhood by rejecting the standards and guidance of their heavenly Creator.

-- The "Golden Age" --

In time spirits which associated themselves with Lucifer incarnated themselves in the flesh, as reported in the book of Genesis, and Earth obtained a so-called "Golden Age" which was swept away with the Noahcian Flood. Another "Golden Age" was attempted through Nimrod who engaged in building the Tower of Babel and who made an attempt at establishing a one-world government having mystery religion as it's foundation.

In the Masonic tradition it is said that masons were first organized

p. 4

into a corporate body during the building of the Tower of Babel. ...

The fall of the Tower of Babel destroyed the common language spoken by humanity and ended the second Golden Age which followed the Flood.

p. 5 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Wilmshurst (33rd degree) also evidently referred to a subsequent "Golden Age" which received it's inspiration by, and "conscious conversation with the unseen world" of Luciferian entities.

... a "Golden Age," ... but in virtue of which men were once in conscious conversation with the unseen world and were shepherded, taught and guided by the "gods" or discarnate superintendents of the infant race, who imparted to them the sure and indefeasible principles upon which their spiritual welfare and evolution depended.

p. 173 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

The legacy of pagan mystery religion includes sex worship, sexual perversions, en mass human sacrifices and child sacrifices.

The first "Golden Age" of rebellious incarnate spirits before the Noahcian Flood was an age of tyranny and violence.

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

And God saw that the wickedness of man was only evil continually.

The earth also was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence.

And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."

Genesis 6: 1,2,4,5,11,12. KJV

It is the restoration of that corrupt "Golden Age" of incarnate demons which the Egyptian mystery religion represented and continues to represent. It is an ancient violent and immoral world which developed before the Flood which New Age spirit guides are seeking to re-establish, but which will be swept away by the War of Armageddon. The term "Golden Age" is a very misleading one, as is the term "spirituality" when used in conjunction with Adam Weishaupt whose "spirituality" was referred to as "horrifying." The Illuminati's fundamental principles pervert the noble meaning of spirituality, and are working for the establishment of a "horrifying" "Golden Age."

-- New Age Formula for Evil --

A teaching which is promoted at the highest levels of Masonry is "reincarnation," which Jim Shaw could attest to when having received his 33rd degree in Washington D.C., sometime after which he authored the expose Deadly Deception with Lt. Col. (Marine Corp.) Tom McKenny (retired). Reincarnation and the related doctrine of "karma" was expounded at length by Manly P. Hall. Hall has been officially recognized in the Scottish Rite Journal (formerly The New Age) as on the level with Albert Pike in elucidating Masonic doctrine.

"The obituary of Manly P. Hall, presented below, was published in the November 1990 Scottish Rite Journal. This shows undeniable proof of the Lodges praise and support of Mr. Hall and his occult books."
MANLY PALMER HALL, 33RD DEG, G {three dots} C {three dots}

ILLUSTRIOUS MANLY PALMER HALL, often called "Masonry's Greatest Philosopher," ... received the Scottish Rite's highest honor, the Grand Cross, in 1985 because of his exceptional contributions to Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite, and the public good.

Like Grand Commander Albert Pike before him, Ill {pyramid of three dots} Hall did not teach a new doctrine but was an ambassador of an ageless tradition of wisdom that enriches us to this day.

quoted from an excerpt from an obituary by Walter Stewart, 32nd deg.
as it appears on p. 17
Manly P. Hall: The Honored Masonic Author, by David L. Carrico

Indeed, "Hall did not teach a new doctrine" but represented the teachings of the Hierarchy of New Age spirit guides which also founded Spiritualism, Theosophy and other New Age movements and organizations, which typically have teachings of evolution and reincarnation in common. Denial of the actual Creator, and the philosophy of "evolution" to "godhood" under the auspices of New Age spirit guides, together with traditions of "sex magic," comprise components of so-called occult "wisdom."

"This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.."
James 3: 15. KJV.

The New Age movement which serves the self-seeking ambition of Lucifer and associated demon spirits has a tradition of so-called "wisdom" of their own, perpetrated and exemplified through the "wisdom" of the perverted Templar rites, which have perverted the meaning of the word spiritual The "ancient wisdom" of the "serpent bite" of occult "redemption" is, indeed, "devilish," and originates with the "Great Snake" or "great dragon," the devil.

Victimization has taken on a different standing with the reincarnation related doctrine of "karma." Perhaps one might expect as much considering that the Luciferian spirits which are seeking to be re-"incarnated" have been victimizing mankind for centuries, instigating and pitting men, women and children against each other in carnal and psychic warfare.

The victims are blamed for being victimized, and Hall further states that they are not the victims of injustice at all. Hall also specifically refers to "psychic invasion of our privacy" in describing victimization.

Therefore, we begin to feel that we are the victims of injustice. We are not the victims of any injustice at all. What we term, perhaps in our way, psychic invasion of our privacy, the possibility that some outside energy is moving in on us, actually calls to our attention only one very simple process, that the only way in which this can happen is that our own proper psychic defenses have not been restored and that therefore we have to restore them. To say that we can't is to say that we can't stop eating something that makes us sick physically. To say that we simply cannot make these changes in ourselves that are necessary to restore psychic integration is to assume that we cannot do what is necessary to protect our own lives. If we cannot do these things, then again our own weakness and not the strength of circumstances is the principle problem.
p. 83 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

Blaming the victim for constituting the "principle problem" for not resorting to psychic means to defend against "psychic invasion," manipulation or victimization is truly outrageous.

It is also quite possible that the psychic pattern of an individual may reach us subconsciously, that this individual's thoughts or feelings may gradually and slowly work into us. However, this operation in itself is not too serious or too important unless we have nothing with which to meet the invasion. ...
p. 51

In other words, we have our own psychic self-defenses by means of which we are immune to practically any negative or evil force that can reach us.
p. 52 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

To characterize victims of psychic invasion or attack as not being victims of injustice because of the target's not using psychic powers for defense is part of the New Age formula for evil. The evil character of the New Age movement, including Masonry, is evident again. The level of so-called immunity which Manly P. Hall refers to can be taken in perspective of the quest of Aradamas who found ever deeper darkness than before as he advanced in the quest. Lucifer's telepathic web is tangled with deceptions and counter deceptions. The Masonic standard of injustice enunciated by Manly P. Hall comports with the oaths to pervert justice. The "darkness" becomes ever deeper as one advances in Masonry. The quest is deceptively characterized as a quest for "light."

The pursuit of psychic powers has resulted and can result in unexplained phenomena, negative occurrences, (if not to mention outright demon possession) and sensations. The solution, Manly P. Hall advises, is to stop being "spiritual." On the one hand persons are blamed for not pursuing psychic defenses, and on the other, persons are advised to get out if they experience negative sensations.

The moment anybody feels any of these symptoms, stop worrying about what other people are doing to you and start organizing your own resources as quickly as you can. By organizing you own resources, I mean simply get your mind on practical, workable levels of actions, train your thinking, control your emotions, find natural and reasonable outlets, and get your mind off of being spiritual because if you don't, you are going to have more trouble.
p. 100
Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

The view is also reflected in The Mind Race,

If your body and mind are run-down, you are not in a good position to defend yourself from anything.
Another useful suggestion would be to trade in any psychic exercises that you happen to be doing and exchange them for physical exercises. If you are convinced you are under psychic attack, you will do well to give up your meditation for a while and take up jogging.

p. 240 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Inherent in both expressions is the warning that involvement with developing psychic powers can set the stage for psychic attacks. So the victim of psychic attacks is "blamed for having inadequate psychic defenses, and the victim who pursues psychic development but who experiences negative symptoms (such as those of psychic attack) is advised that the problem is his pursuit of "spiritual" or psychic development. Hall's comment about problems connected with being "spiritual" emphasizes the evil in blaming the victims for their victimization for not having a sufficiently developed "psychic" constitution. Blaming the victims takes another turn as Hall discourages experimentation and evidently promotes the framework of development which "philosophical" secret societies have to offer, wherein the person comes directly under the group influence of such an organization. (see Chapter 9).

If a person is miserable or unhappy the individual is advised not to run to "some form of psychic phenomena for escape ..." What Hall evidently goes on to explain is for a person to consider "philosophical" or "solid knowledge" development under the auspices or framework of a secret society which is a guardian of the mysteries. Thus, if a person has not sought psychic refuge in an organ of Lucifer such as Freemasonry, with its structure of criminal oaths, a person is accused or intimated as having oneself to blame for being victimized.

Under no conditions, if you are miserable, unhappy, defeated by life, run to some form of psychic phenomena for escape, because it is escape only into misery. If you can keep these thoughts rather clearly in mind, I think you will realize why it is not good to dabble with this sort of thing. In an experimental stage it is very foolish. It is like experimenting with poisonous serpents or experimenting with some deadly material that is liable to explode in your face at any moment. Do not experiment. Do not play games with life, but realize that if you really want to make philosophy your journey, as Plotinus said, build a solid knowledge supporting a well-disciplined, well-integrated character.
p. 107 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

Making "philosophy your journey" and developing a "well-integrated character" are veiled references to the organs of the "Philosophical Empire," such as Freemasonry. Hall does not argue against the use of psychic powers, but argues that they should be developed or exercised within a structure of "philosophical discipline," which is an evident reference to an organization such as Freemasonry.

Many people possess to varying degrees so-called psychic powers. Such powers may be considered as natural to them; in other words, they have not been acquired by any definite effort. But regardless of how remarkable these natural endowments may seem to both their possessor and the world at large, they are a liability rather than an asset unless they are reduced to order through philosophic discipline.
p. 144 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals
Manly P. Hall, 1984

The Masonic oaths perverting justice, concealing murder and treason and swearing dire retribution embracing murder puts the meaning of Masonic "character" into context, even where psychic powers are not pursued. In the next chapter one further learns that the Masonic Lodge is designed to engage in psychic targeting of the public. Blaming the victim for the effects of victimization is truly deplorable.

The word "character" which conventionally connotes virtues of justice is used to attract candidates for Masonry, but the "character" which is built by oaths which subvert justice and by occult methods which victimize persons clandestinely with the support of contorted justifications is fashioned in the image of Lucifer, whose very force is identified by America's Sovereign Pontiff of the Scottish Rite and Universal Freemasonry as satan, the Devil.

If one defines a strong character in terms of one's psychic constitution the standard becomes the capacity to which one is spiritistically compromised. While Hall argued against experimenting with psychic powers, he advocated the Masonic building of "character" and of occult transformation under the umbrella of Masonry. The character developed is typified in the first three degrees, which include transformation {Fellow Craft Degree} under the auspices of Masonry's god, the "All-Seeing-Eye" of Lucifer, and applying the "seething energies of Lucifer."

Hence a Mason is a builder of the temple of character. He is the architect of a sublime mystery -- the gleaming, glowing temple of his own soul.
p. [xxiii] The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "well integrated character" which Freemasonry's objectives are all about is integrating the "character" of discarnate entities into the "initiate" Mason. The Mason "builder of the temple of character" uses his mind as the instrument, the "bridge" to "cast off" one's own mind and incorporate a discarnate Luciferian entity into the biological "temple" of the initiate Mason.
Though Hall in the above reference uses more gleaming and glowing characterization, the body of Manly P. Hall's works as well as those of other 33rd degree Masonic explicators reveal elsewhere the true nature of the transformation. The "unfolding of consciousness of the candidate" and "initiations" reveals that the character which is built involves a spiritistic transformation, it is the character of a 'merging' Luciferian spirit entity which is developed in the human being. Masonry provides the blueprints of architecture for the Masons "soul." The efforts of the Mason work jointly with the spiritistic illumination which he pursues to produce a different 'architectural' product under the guidance of the so-called Great Architect, the All-Seeing-Eye of Lucifer, pictured by the Eye of Horus in ancient Egyptian mystery religion. A 'merger,' a hybrid, a biological vehicle for an incarnating spirit entity describes the object of the process. The "Plan" includes drawing increasing numbers of individuals into spiritistic "transformation." Psychic "warriors" are recruited for proliferating the "great work" and the "Plan," for whose psychic methods of victimization the public has various degrees of vulnerability. Persons who themselves are victimized by psychic "warfare" become fertile recruiting grounds, whereas persons already involved are vulnerable to pressure to escalate their psychic involvement or abilities. The evils of the subversion of the human race through spiritistic transformation proliferate as a result.
It should be emphasized that whether a person pursues telepathic "powers" to establish personal relationships for allegedly noble purposes or if psychic "self-defense" from psychic intrusion or attack is sought by using psychic methods, the conditioning of the human being for impression by a spirit Hierarchy is "far more" the achievement.

The moment, however, that man tries to be telepathic, he is immediately swept into a vortex of abstract energies which condition him for spiritual impression far more than they fit him for personal relationships telepathically established.
p. 85 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986,

The Warrior's Edge recommends using psychic techniques for self-defense and for countering psychic techniques of others. The "defense" begins by opening the barriers of the mind to make one open to impression and allow the enemy to enter within one's consciousness.

Defense through quieting the mind ...
Defense through influence is defense through intervention. All intelligence techniques require ruthlessness, duplicity, and absolute integrity. No, these are not contradictions in terms. If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of others.
p. 216

Defense through intuitive decision making ...
Defense through visualization ...
p. 216
Defense by remote viewing
Defense from remote viewing involves applying security measures to your home, to your workplace, to the information you carry in your mind. You can use your success space to construct mental barriers to keep out other remote viewers.
p. 217 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The capacity for psychic escalation is obvious. The danger of becoming involved in higher and higher levels of occult initiation, practices and techniques is also obvious. The scenario, again, is to involve the individual in opening the "psychic eye" or "point of contact with between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" in order to develop psychic "self-defense." Persons whose psychic eye is already "opened" are subject to a "corrosive environment" pressuring persons to have it opened more widely in order to counteract the effects of persons who utilize such a Luciferian relationship to victimize them in a competitive environment.

That the psychic "environment" is escalatory in nature is evident also in the thought "discrimination" problems.

Corroborating that the thought discrimination problem exists, The Mind Race authors reveal that remote viewing represents only one level of so-called psychic defense such as advocated by The Warrior's Edge, but that other levels of psychic involvement are then promoted for related "psychic defense" and thought, feeling and memory discrimination.

... we will, therefore, discuss ways in which you might separate your own feelings, thoughts, memory and imagination from actual psychic impressions. This ability is as vital for successful remote viewing as it may be for psychic self-defense.
p. 79 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984,

The authors could be at least commended for use of the word "might" in describing the problem of discriminating one's own thoughts and feelings from those which are impressed upon the person.

The "Plan" itself involves victimizing others psychically. Victimization can produce a perceived need for involvement and escalation. Such victimization activities are not simply incidental.

The impressing of thoughts or feelings onto other individuals, subverting them, is clearly revealed as part of the New Age agenda, a sinister means for bringing about the "Plan." It should be noted on the subject of clandestine influence that hypnotic skills are used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques and the student is later phased into the use of psychic influence.

How does New Age leader Alice Bailey present the ethical pits of subversive, clandestine influence ?

If you can grasp certain broad and relatively simple facts and recognise that you possess the key or the clue in your already developed capacities, then you will go forward with simplicity, making no undue intellectual difficulties when dealing with these more subtle phases of your ever-existent environment.
p. 55 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

"Go forward" with "already developed capacities" to do what, such that the New Age disciples are advised in "making no undue intellectual difficulties" ? What are the psychic capacities to be used for ?

At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and--at the same time--he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others, to master the understanding of the level from which he works as an impressing agent, and to know who are the sons of men he can impress. He has to master also the secondary lesson of adapting his environment in such a manner that he can impress others and the impression can find its way through his environing circumstances and into the usually inattentive minds for whom he feels a responsibility.
p. 92 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

It should be quite apparent that the concealing, the cover-up by governments of such subversive, corrosive psychic methods has facilitated the use of such methods upon those of the public who have been unsuspecting, "inattentive" to such activities to subvert them.
May that no longer be the case.
Responsibility ? The "great work," the "Plan," obviously comprises what is embraced in New Age terms by the word "responsibility."

The "great work" also involves impressing others, which varies in effectiveness.

Notice closely that "inattentive minds" represent particular vulnerability which accounts for a major reason for secret society / government cover-ups of psychic powers. Disclosures on the fringes are slowly giving way to more widespread disclosures of psychic powers as more of the public is drawn into the New Age movement, while over time the doctrine of evolution has eroded restraints and resistance to spiritistic practices.

Simply knowing of secret society activities and methods allows one to be more cautious and to mount legitimate defense measures against being co-opted into the psychic-occult organization.

Drugs and alcohol have been used to produce altered states of consciousness to prepare or condition a candidate for spiritistic initiation. It should come as no surprise that mind-altering drugs or alcohol can make a person more vulnerable to psychic "impression" or victimization.

It should also be obvious that involvement with meditative techniques which "quiet" or "still" the mind or which impede one's thought process, including "focusing" techniques which effectively do the same, are not only means to develop psychic powers by the entry of spirits which open or establish the "psychic eye," but that such means can make a person more vulnerable to victimization even when the person is not told in the context of the exercises that the objective is to contact spirit guides or develop psychic powers.

Involvement with the Ouija Board has long been recognized as a source of spiritistic victimization.

Placing oneself under guidance or influence of occult practices such as astrology (horoscopes) represent other obvious ways of involvement with the occult. The body of information already presented in this book should make it apparent that the spiritistic forces which preside over astrology have the capacity for influencing people and therefore events. Having Luciferian discarnate entities provide guidance in one's life stands diametrically opposed to what Jesus Christ represents when he truthfully declared, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life." Jesus Christ's guiding principles, His ransom sacrifice, and a relationship with God in His name is what is needed to obtain eternal life, everlasting life.

Christians who are unaware of "Satan's devices" could be included among those who comprise what Alice Bailey refers to as "inattentive minds." The Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians about the subversive powers of Satan which would become evident and warned about related subversion in the Christian congregation.

That Christians can be victimized by spirits by means of "telepathic" impressions is clearly an issue. Paul warned Christians to be aware of "Satan's devices" and that

"... your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
1 Peter 5: 8. NKJV.

There are a variety of reasons why some pastors or other religious leaders might be interested in supressing an expose such as this one. There are ministers who belong to Masonic lodges, and who even if they themselves are not psychic practicioners belong to an organization associated with exercising psychic influence, particularly upon members. (Chapter 9). There are ministers who, themselves, having psychic powers might not wish to have their powers exposed, whether they belong to Masonic Lodges or not.
Leaving people vulnerable to evil methods by covering up such methods is a high price to have others pay for concealing one's own psychic involvement or "powers."
Persons becoming Christians or serving in a Christian ministry leadership capacity include those who have had involvement with the occult, military intelligence, or other practice or organization which may have involved the person in psychic "technology" at some level. Particularly in a leadership position, such as a person or minister in a Christian organization might be reluctant to admit to continued psychic "abilities" possibly fearing accusations questioning whether one can serve as a Christian leader while continuing to possess powers imparted under the Devil's auspices. Covering-up a far-reaching analysis of the subject might constitute one way of avoiding such issues. But again, such a cover-up does a great disservice to others.
While there are those who rightly reject occult powers when becoming Christians they may have considerable difficulty in getting rid of an occult "power" or "ability" which has become a form of an "oppression." Similarly, one should not conclude that because one is a Christian that one is immune from assault by the Devil or his agents. Complacency over issues of occult power or vulnerability to assault, either in believing that one's psychic abilities are now, or were originally, from God or that one is automatically protected from all forms of occult victimization, has spiritual dangers. That should be obvious even in the case of the "mind reader" who might feel that his or her "ability" could be useful in the Christian congregation, perhaps not personally realizing that the world of telepathy is a world of psychic deceptions and intrigue, and that telepathic "sensitivity" represents a condition of dangerous vulnerability to psychic impressionability and influence. Obviously, additional good reasons to strive for release from telepathic sensitivity if one is still plagued with it upon becoming a Christian, or for anyone, for that matter.

Mistaking psychic powers as a "gift of God" should be one of the things Christians, or others, would want to be alert to.

A woman traveled from a large city in Bavaria to see me. ... She went to see a believing pastor in her city, and he, in his ignorance and lack of experience, told her that her telepathy and second sight were a gift of God. She rightly saw that it was a form of oppression, and that is what prompted her to come and ask my advice.
p. 310 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

That the case related took place in Bavaria (Germany), the official birthplace of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati, may be incidental. However, it does serve to emphasize that the Illuminati/Masonic plan to infiltrate and corrupt Christian churches with doctrinal, spiritistic, moral or other forms of corruption is not a recent one, and the infiltration of witches posing as Christians in Christian churches is one of sevcral New Age subversions which other authors have referred or attested to.
Occult practices were prevalent in the first century, and in the book of Acts, written by the Apostle Paul, there were many persons who had engaged in occult practices but who abandoned such upon becoming Christians.

""Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the LORD grew mightily and prevailed."."
Acts 19:19, 20 NKJV.

In our day, persons also take such a stand when becoming Christians. Victimization by spirits might not immediately end upon becoming a Christian. It might take some time. Yet, one might fall into the trap that when one's psychic powers do not disappear when becoming a Christian, one might falsely conclude that such powers are "natural" abilities, or that one exercises such powers or abilities under new auspices.

Some Christians believe that, when someone turns to Christ, all effects of the occult end at that moment. This is a view I have often heard in North America. But it is a false view based on lack of experience.
The other extreme is to exaggerate the occult. There are some Christians who think everything they do not understand is from the occult. Such people can even develop a kind of occult neurosis, which makes them ascribe everything unusual in their lives to occult influence.
p. 3 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

One of the problems which can arise is that psychic powers, or psychic impressions, which do not automatically disappear when a person becomes a Christian, might induce some persons to conclude that the powers are from God. Acquiring psychic powers by means of association with others, "Christians," who themselves are subject to psychic impressions or "powers," might also induce a person to believe that the psychic powers are from God.

Can Christians also be psychic?
p. 10

When a person is converted and turns to Christ, the psychic powers he may have inherited or acquired do not always disappear. Because inherited psychic powers are not usually known to those who have them, such Christians experience negative effects in their life of faith without understanding their origin. Christians like this can also be influenced by practitioners of the occult.

p. 11 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

"Christians like this" ? ... whose "psychic powers are not usually know to ... them" comprise part of what is obviously meant by "inattentive minds" which are more vulnerable to psychic subversion.
How one measures "negative effects in their life of faith" could be elusive, but real, particularly if the individual is brought to believe that the psychic powers are from God. One of the things which Christians are warned about is the deceptive capability of Satan and his ministers.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15 KJV

Persons who have engaged in exposing evils of the New Age movement or of the occult have been known to receive physical as well as psychic attacks.

Those who are called to fight against occultism and to attack fanatical, extremist practices find that they are open to many attacks.
p. 208 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986
{page 3 and 4 relate Dr. Koch's own experiences in writing his book.}

This comprises one other reason why the cover-up of an expose such as this one becomes reprehensible. There are persons who have conscientiously fought to expose pagan and other unchristian aspects of Freemasonry, or similar institutions or groups, and might not have known that they might be subject to efforts of psychic attack or "destruction of" the individual. There are many other good persons who have personal, not public, battles in their lives to overcome, family or other obstacles. Not knowing of the evil devices which "psychic warriors" have been perpetrating behind the scenes for occult and other subversive purposes has put such individuals at a disadvantage. Simply knowing that such techniques not only exist, but that they are employed to accomplish much evil under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil, could have helped many individuals to cope with their personal situation.
What is no less worrisome, is that there are persons within "Christian" organizations who have possessed "psychic powers" and who have been relatively free to exercise such "powers" among those who have been left in the darkness as to the potential capacity such individuals hold for personal subversion, whether through "mind reading" practices, or through methods of "mental impression" "work."

Morally and Constitutionally, the obligation and right to warn fellow human beings of the dangers inherent in occult and New Age practices has been met by physical and psychic assaults. Anton LaVey's admission was quite revealing. Physical as well as psychic assaults against human rights and against individuals is what has been going on behind-the-scenes in the New Age movement. Ed Decker can testify to that in his own case, while speaking in Scotland, exposing Masonry and Mormonism, as already herein related. It should also be noted that in the realm of psychic warfare, including tactics such as inducing nervous breakdowns, psychic power is not to be underestimated in its effects. The authors of The Warrior's Edge state,

Stress kills.
p. 41 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

One should also not underestimate obtaining help and results in prayer to God in the name of Jesus Christ, and not to give up in one's prayers and efforts.

The context of the The Warrior's Edge statement that "stress kills" was in reference to using psychic powers to reduce stress, which represents another aspect in which a person could get sucked into involvement with psychic powers which open a person acutely to psychic impression and the realm psychic escalation.

Knowing specifically what things to watch out for and knowing what potential capacities for human subversion New Age "warriors" wield, places a person in a position wherein one is no longer as easily spoken of as an "inattentive mind," whereby the person previously might have been a better target for subversion.

One of the methods to be considered later in detail in this book is that of Neurolinguistic Programming, or NLP, which represents progressive techniques in hypnosis involving clandestinely manipulating others as well as self-hypnosis at advanced levels involving contacting spirit guides which are presented/incorporated as different "parts" of oneself. NLP has been taught in government circles and has been proliferating in the business community. The Warrior's Edge co-author U.S. Army Colonel John Alexander, "chief of the Advanced Human Technology Office, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command", became involved in teaching NLP techniques to government officials whose participants included Al Gore.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is defined as a set of techniques used to facilitate individual pattern changes. ... NLP teaches ways to modify behavior patterns that are not useful as well as to install useful behavior patterns. ...
p. 47
In 1983, the NLP training group, along with John Alexander, was engaged to teach these skills to several members of Congress, including Al Gore, Jr. and Tom Downey, under the auspices of Congressional Clearing House on the Future, a bipartisan activity established to provide information to congressmen when they request it. Gore went on to become a serious candidate in the 1988 presidential primary race.

p. 48 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Al Gore also went on to become the Vice President to Bill Clinton.

The clandestine manipulation of other human beings represents one of the greatest threats to the fabric of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights.

"Intrusion is the primary weapon of the tyrant."

Psychic intrusion and manipulation are unequivocally weapons of tyrants.

It has been asked of Masonry, "why the secrecy?" Examine the "inner machinery" of Masonry. It is well connected to the outer machinery. Combined, an efficient means to subvert America's Constitutional Bill of Rights has been grinding away behind the scenes. The "brotherhood" of Masonry has been working as part of a machine to transform American society "until that day be with us." It is an international effort to encompass the world.

Working behind-the-scenes, it has been difficult to put a face on the inimical "Big Brother." The identity, however, is known as Lucifer. The principle New Age vehicle has been Mazzini's Masonic Machine. The ride is to Armageddon.

Why the secrecy ? The next chapter examines the "inner machinery" of Masonry which enjoys the outer machinery support system which is sworn to obstruct and pervert justice. The outer machinery reflects the design of the inner.


Chapter 9

The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 9
The Inner Machinery

The "great work" of externalizing the Hierarchy through human "biological" vehicles and the "Plan" of externalizing the Hierarchy by means of an occult one-world government and Luciferian religion, are interwoven. The outer machinery has provided a human power base from which to operate including mechanisms for obstructing and subverting justice, while the "inner machinery" has provided the guidance and means of sinister influence within the "machine" on the whole and without.

"Externalisation of the Hierarchy" of discarnate Luciferian entities involves (1) incarnation of Hierarchy spirits on the physical plane through human hosts, as well as (2) the externalization of the Plan of the Hierarchy in human society and government, such that the spiritistic influences substantially materialize from behind the scenes. Both aspects of the externalization of the Luciferian discarnate Hierarchy are objectives of Mazzini's Masonic Machine. The oaths written before Pike and re-written by Luciferian Pontiff Pike represent a step by step, degree by degree corruption of the individual. More than that, "initiated" Masons engage in the "great work," not only as it applies to themselves but in proliferating the "great work" among others, Proliferating a work which involves exerting influence, impressing other minds according to the Hierarchical Plan to usher in an overt occult world rulership and religion. An evil New Age oligarchy is intent on taking control of earth's affairs.

It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come for the return into recognised physical expression of the {New Age} Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs.
p. 570 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,
Alice A .Bailey, 1957, 1985

"In later stages ... senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognizable physical control of world affairs."
In short, the "Plan." When individuals or groups "act in concert" and particularly work clandestinely and co-operatively behind-the-scenes toward a common goal in which they are in agreement and operate subversively, what is that called if not a conspiracy ? Operating mutually in taking "control of world affairs" by means of subversive and unconstitutional tactics definitely comprises a conspiracy. Those who are not comfortable with the word "conspiracy" should be no less comfortable with the word "machine," "inner machinery," "the Plan," or the "great work." The New Age movement truly represents a "conspiracy." It is driven by discarnate spirits, Luciferian "demons" who have been the precipitating force behind both world wars of the twentieth century, and that in evident conjunction with the "illuminated" Mazzini and Weishaupt plan, for reconfiguring the world's political scene. Lucifer and his associate "angels," while promising peace, have fundamentally and substantially exerted a terrible and nefarious influence in human affairs. The "Golden Age" of incarnated Lucifer associated "angels" was ridden with violence and unrighteousness on a massive scale. The restoration of that horrible age has been the goal of the spiritistic "mystery religions" since Babylon and Egypt. The mechanisms for re-incarnating Luciferian spirits have been concealed in occult secret societies which have operated clandestinely with the goal to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs."
The "great work" of spiritistic illumination operating in conjunction with the "Plan" for world domination is being facilitated by :

-- The Machine --

The political, social and religious base or "sphere of influence" consolidated by allegiance to a secret Supreme Council which is supported by oaths which swear to obstruct and pervert justice not excepting murder and treason can be seen to form the basis of an "invisible government" acting behind-the-scenes in violation of Constitutional process. The framework for subversion is embodied in the oaths. The machinery of that criminal empire in America has been highly developed and has survived the efforts to dismantle it.

" ... masonic luciferian spiritism, must not be confused with the machinery of high masonry.
... High masonry is a supreme administration involving an organization much more highly developed than Palladism whose secret leaders, some of whom are not luciferian, act in concert and accept a superior central authority in order that their work may be the more effective."
{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.}
Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Masonry and it's god, Lucifer, involve both spiritistically initiated and uninitiated Masons acting in concert with one another and accepting a superior central authority, the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree "in order that their work may be the more effective." Although distinction is drawn between Masons having a primarily "secular" standing and those who are spiritistic initiates, the Masonic efforts directed by means of a secret body composing a central authority have a wide range of professionals upon which to draw. It is not suggested that member Masons who act in concert agree on all issues. Political, social and financial conflicts have the capacity of being manipulated to effectively achieve a work whose modus operandi has involved crisis enhancement, crisis creation and revolution, as Masonry's history clearly demonstrates. The 32rd degree Masonic Motto itself reads, "Order out of Chaos." Masonry's history has definitively embodied that expression, that is, the creation of a New Order by world revolution and war. It is a fitting expression for the leadership level of Masonry, that of the "inner circle."

The means by which Luciferian initiates facilitate working "in concert" with members of Masonry who are aware only of the "outer aspects of the Craft" pertains to the "inner machinery." It gets to the core of the meaning of the "sphere of influence." There are persons who have attained the 33rd degree level of Masonry who evidently have not been informed of the luciferian spiritistic methods of influence by those with whom they work "in concert" in the Masonic Machine. Even so, the satanic undercurrents of the ceremonies for non-initiates have impacted conscience and compelled resignation, such as by Jim Shaw, former 33rd degree Mason who authored the book Deadly Deception with retired U.S. Marine Tom McKenny.

Other than accepting a "superior central authority", what force is at work in Masonry which facilitates 'acting in concert' to achieve Masonic objectives ?

The inner workings of the "machinery of high masonry" for true initiates was elaborated upon by 33rd degree Mason C.W. Leadbeater as he associated the work of the machine with masonry's hierarchy of discarnate entities (or Luciferian angels) and the conferring upon the recipient of "certain definite powers."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

It must of course be understood in all cases that, though the conferring of the Higher Degrees puts certain definite powers in the hands of the recipient,


We are to exercise the functions of the Angels on some of the lower planes, ... The great Angels of our respective Degrees will assuredly work with us; it is for that purpose that they have come to us; but we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency.
p. 306 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

The "machinery of high masonry," and "the machine as a whole," in which masons "act in concert" with a central authority "in order that their work may be the more effective" operates in conjunction with the work of discarnate masters "so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency."

One of the principle activities of the Masonic Machine has been that of recruiting. The "inner machinery" of the recruiting program has already impacted history and is moving society toward an overt occult government.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "subtle" "inner machinery" of this "philosophical," occult "program" has also been reflected in the Rosicrucian secret society.

... Realizing that an open approach was doomed to failure, Rosenkreutz decided to conceal his political and cultural reforms behind the mask of a secret society. This group would work clandestinely behind the scenes influencing in a subtle way important people who could bring about the social changes Rosenkreutz dreamed about.
p. 46 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies ---
Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

What is meant by the expression "subtle" in the behind-the-scenes, clandestine, influencing work of the "Princes of the Invisible Empire" which includes organizations other than Freemasonry ?

-- Inner Machinery --

The Inner Machinery of Masonry includes psychic mechanisms. The "sphere of influence" includes activities of recruitment and clandestine, occult influence and subversion of the human will under the auspices of Luciferian "angels." Invoking evil powers in "spellworking" is the substance of what is called "magick," and involves the "dark arts." Mechanisms of subversive magic have been concealed within the inner domains of Freemasonry. Mazzini's Masonic Magic Machine. Not a sideshow, but an evil composite mechanism for world conquest by an evil, occult Luciferian hierarchy.

Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised.
p. 95
Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ...
p. 97 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Foster Bailey's 1957 book referred to "... magical work... as yet fortunately but little realised" Has the American public realized the extent of the impact of Masonry behind-the-scenes before 1957 and it's contributions to bringing about two world wars and re-shaping political, religious and social landscapes even as Mazzini and Pike had conspired ? Even since 1957 Masonry has heavily impacted America to achieve the goals of it's secret as well as invisible masters. Is that also "fortunately ... little realised" ? It is not the physical structures of Masonic Lodges and Temples which have been secret. It is the operation of the "inner machinery" of Masonry which has been kept secret from the general public and traditionally even from many "nominal" Masons. Masonry's Machinery includes methods of occult recruitment, infiltration and subversion, and underhanded psychic methods.

-- The Illuminati Machine --

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.
p. 20

They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...
They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representation and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...
p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The inner aspects, in substance, "the whole fabric of Masonry" consists of externalizing the "inner spiritual group," the "Custodians of the Plan." The outer ceremonies are symbolic of the "major spiritual initiations" through which Masonry engages in a literal re-incarnation process in which the illumination candidate's consciousness is merged with or eclipsed by the consciousness of Luciferian entities, bearing more Illuminati into the world of mankind. The real Master Mason assists "at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate" until he {the candidate} can "in his turn become ... one of the Illuminati." The Masonic Machine represents a major means or framework for the activities of the Illuminati which includes "unfolding" the "consciousness of the candidate" to, in turn, produce more Illuminati members. A transitional objective is to become "co-conscious" with Lucifer or with Luciferian angels. Considering that there are several levels and degrees of initiation of the Illuminati, the relationship with the Lucifer entity or entities has been variously described as a co-consciousness, a merger, or even the state of being a "fleshly glove" for a discarnate entity or demonic hand. Permeation or flooding of the brain or mind in Masonry have served as other descriptions. Masonry's link with discarnate Masters traditionally at the higher levels or on a fundamentally initiated Master Mason level (3rd degree) reveals only part of the machine. The "inattentive," unsuspecting minds of nominal Masons provide fertile ground for the clandestine work of the Craft of Masonry, particularly considering that they have taken upon themselves the "obligations" of Masonry.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

He {the Mason} must not lightly regard his vows, and if he would not bring upon himself years and ages of suffering he must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

By what "subtle" means do "powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity ?

The means directly affecting Illuminati members should be quite obvious, considering their link with Lucifer consciousness. However, the influence having the capacity to "mold the destiny" of others in the Masonic organization has traditionally been "unseen and unrecognized" by persons who have traditionally regarded Masonry as merely a social organization. As Foster Bailey stated, "Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members ..." and "... magical work... as yet fortunately but little realised."

The expressions "little realised" "unrecognized" and "little as it may be realised" reveals that the broad spectrum of professional persons and others who have formed the apparent bulk of Masonry's membership have participated in an organization which has operated clandestinely not only in society in general but clandestinely within it's own organization, in operating the Masonic Machine.

Analyze how this information is revealed in writing by high level Masons.

-- The Master is Near --

Warning, the following is a quotation !

The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.
p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Manly P. Hall (33rd degree), whose obituary in the official journal of Scottish Rite Masonry placed him on the level with Albert Pike in not teaching new doctrine, identified Masonry's god as the "Master" whose ever-presence in the Mason's life provides the standard of measure. "This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge." The "great Orb" for whom Albert Pike served as a "Pontiff" presides over a hierarchy of discarnate spirits. The Bible also speaks of the Luciferian associates as the Devil's "angels."

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
Revelation 12: 9, KJV

The Master of Masonry is Lucifer. Satan is described as Lucifer's force by the Supreme Pontiff of Masonry who rewrote the degrees for the Scottish Rite. While Masonry is described as an organization in which persons are "intentionally misled by false interpretations" from it's core principles to conceal what it calls "light," the Bible describes Satan as follows:

"... Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness ... ."
2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. KJV

The transformation of appearances to facilitate deception is a device employed not only by Satan, but also by his angels and human servants. Lucifer's deceptive "angels" perpetrate various ploys to exercise influence to achieve the objective of restoring the Golden Age of tyranny and violence in which they previously incarnated themselves on earth.

The Genies bearing supernatural powers become the Masters. The "work" of externalizing the Hierarchy of Lucifer's "angels" is participated in by persons who themselves are transformed and taken over, step by step, by the masters they serve.

Lucifer's associates, the Golden Age representatives or discarnate ministers or angels, give added meaning to Hall's expression, "This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge," and through ceremony become the associates of Masons.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Yet when one of these bright Spirits is attached to us by a Masonic ceremony we must not think of him either as a director or as an attendant, but simply as a co-worker and a brother.
p. 309 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

That is how a relationship with one of Lucifer's inimical "angels" is portrayed to the novice initiate. Co-worker ? Whose work ? What work ?

Warning, the following is a quotation !

It must of course be understood in all cases that, though the conferring of the Higher Degrees puts certain definite powers in the hands of the recipient, it does not instantly endow him with the knowledge of how he is to employ them; he must grow into that by long and careful practice, and full comprehension of them is the first step.

To gain such full understanding is no easy matter. Those of us to whom these powers are entrusted have to wield the forces of a new and higher world; ...
A definite piece of Their work is being turned over to use, to set Them free for other and higher activities; we must not fail Them, we must not disappoint Them by showing ourselves unable to do it. ...
p. 305
All who have worked in the Liberal Catholic Church or in the earlier Degrees of Co-Masonry know that
p. 305
the chief object of those great organizations is to draw down spiritual influence from on high ...
But in each of those bodies the actual work of radiation, of distribution, is done by non-human entities--by the great Angels or Devas whom we invoke--our part in the work being rather the provision of the material which they employ. ...
But now in this work of the higher Degrees we are called not only to collect but to direct---not only to provide material but to distribute and apply it. We are to exercise the functions of the Angels on some of the lower planes, thus leaving them free to concentrate their energies on higher levels where as yet we are less effective. The great Angels of our respective Degrees will assuredly work with us; it is for that purpose that they have come to us; but we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency.
p. 306 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Notice that "definite powers" are placed "in the hands of the recipient." 33rd Degree Mason Leadbeater explains that "our part of the work is the provision of the material which they employ."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

"... we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency".
What is the work of the whole fabric of Masonry ?
Wilmshurst reveals the matter slowly by giving the case of co-masonry.

It is the work of non-human entities, their Plan, their work.

... "the chief object ... is to draw down spiritual influence from on high ... But in each of those bodies the actual work of radiation, of distribution, is done by non-human entities--by the great Angels or Devas whom we invoke ..."
Co-masonry includes groups such as the Order of the Eastern Star, which is principally for women. Of Co-masonry, "... the chief object ... is to draw down spiritual influence from on high."
The pagan, witchcraft connection with the Co-masonic organization of the Order of the Eastern Star is examined in the book Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star: The Masonic Connection, by Dr. Cathy Burns.

Perhaps one of the most indicting connections between Masonry and witchcraft is that of "drawing down" energy or invoking "spiritual" influence.

Pagans ... believe it is their responsibility to do whatever they personally can to aid in gaining their desires. To do this, all Pagans engage in a form of spellworking.
Spellwork is a type of magick, the drawing down of energy from another plane of existence. ... Be aware that if you use magick or spellwork to interfere with another's free will, you involve yourself with that person's karma, whether positive or negative.
Witches and most Pagans use invoking magick for their rites.
The methods of worship in Witchcraft and Paganism have been updated to suit the modern individual, but the intent and purpose remain the same.
p. 39
The Ancient & Shining Ones: World Myth, Magic & Religion,
D.J. Conway, 1993

Although witchcraft is often portrayed more innocently in modern times as nature worship, former Wiccan (witch) High Priest William Schnoebelen confirmed the high level connection between witchcraft and Masonry of which Albert Pike wrote. Referring to the Baphomet goat god,

The right hand side is masculine and sacred to the Horned God (who we in Wicca eventually learned was Lucifer).
p. 13 Mormonism's Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

I learned that Lucifer was the true power behind Wicca, and that as a High Priest, I would have to do his bidding if I wanted to continue to evolve.
p. 38 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The path of witchcraft which promises many young people "freedom" is in actuality a path leading to deeper and deeper forms of slavery. It is as the Bible warns of those who while promising freedom are themselves slaves to corruption. The spiritual corruption of occult practices often involves persons in moral or sexual corruption, the Templars being a prime example. The Third Degree in Wiccan witchcraft provides another example.

The manifest "intent and purpose remain the same" for witchcraft and Masonry, as embodied in the "great work" and in the step by step corruption of the individual. It is the so-called "great work" which involves "drawing down" powers of clandestine or subversive influence.

Spellworking, "drawing down" energy or influence is a common denominator between masonry, Co-masonry and witchcraft. Thus, both masonry and witchcraft use the term "the Craft" to refer to themselves. The "intent and purpose" of witchcraft and Masonry are similarly to do the bidding of Lucifer and his associate "angels," otherwise known in the Bible as demons.

Infiltration of Christian churches is also a common denominator.

When one knows the true mission of the 'Pink Serpents', one wonders if Christianity will not presently assist at this crowning abomination --- a convent of so called Christians practising luciferianism.

" The 'Pink Serpents are sister masons. They are the luciferian missionaries and operate as individuals and under conditions of the greatest secrecy. No records of the money appropriated for these religious spies are shown. "
{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.}
Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

The Luciferian and witchcraft connections of modern Co-masonry are extensive. Recruitment into masonry or Co-masonry primes a person for involvement in witchcraft or spiritualism. Hall's statement about recruitment activities by the occult "Invisible Empire" cannot be dismissed as inconsequential.

Weishaupt described methods of corruption by the Illuminati including "sowing poison in small doses" and enlisting the aid of a "gullible priest" in the service of their cause. Infiltration of Christian organizations has continued. Witchcraft "missionaries" have certainly had their impact through infiltration.

One Church of Wicca in the Los Angeles area, with more than 8000 members, boasts of its infiltration of nearby Protestant and Catholic churches, of its many converts from mainstream Christianity, of its well-attended classes for children who are released an hour each week from public school for religious instruction, of its summer camps for youth, and of its funding from international bankers.
p. 93 The New Spirituality:
A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,

Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

College campus recruitment into witchcraft which targets young people in a secular setting demonstrates the extent of the efforts to recruit persons into the "great work."

We were told that the way to set up a coven was to start public lectures on an apparently innocent subject such as astrology or parapsychology.
p. 46 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Involvement in guidance by astrological horoscopes also primes persons for other occult practices. The link of coming under the influence of the "great Orb" of the Masonic Lodge with that of coming under the influence of the spirits of astrology by following their guidance using horoscopes, may be better understood when the Masonic Machine Methods are examined more closely with regard to the influence which discarnate entities can particularly have upon individuals who place themselves within the framework of a means of spiritistic involvement or guidance, be that an organization or an ostensibly independent pursuit such as personal astrology. What capacities of influence due Luciferian spirits have in Masonry and other occult, spiritistic organs ?

-- The Neophyte Trap --

The Luciferian Masters of Masonry, Satan's false angels of light, are in search of neophyte's, novices to beguile.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Since the Great Ones have entrusted us with powers so portentous it behoves us to try to understand them fully, to study their working, so that we may learn how to use them to the best advantage, how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do.
We must consider heedfully the relation with the Angelic kingdom into which these higher Degrees bring us, for it is a matter of the utmost importance. ...

p. 307
The Angel links himself with the higher principles of the man, most of all with the buddhi or intuitional wisdom, and the result should presently show itself in two ways. The indescribable vitality and versatility of the Angel's mind will constantly impress themselves upon the mental body of the novice, stimulating it into far greater activity, suggesting new lines of thought and action ...
Conversely, whatever ideas may arise in the neophyte's own mind will at once be seized and intensified by the Angel, and all sorts of hints will be offered as to methods of putting them into practice. ...
p. 308 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Neophyte bait.

The promises of occult power and association with effulgent entities are morsels on Lucifer's Hook.

The Trojan Horse enters the novice candidate described.

The Genie promises gifts with glowing descriptions, powers and guidance in "how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do" as Schnoebelen, Geller and Dr. Lawrence have confirmed.

What begins with what is characterized as "vitality and versatility of the Angel's mind will constantly impress themselves upon the mental body of the novice" appears to emphasize "vitality and versatility" but the crunch exists in the action of the "Angel's mind" which will "constantly impress" upon the "mental body of the novice." One of the lurking dangers the "neophyte" or "novice" may be unaware of is that of" thought discrimination"

What of promises of seizing and intensifying the neophyte's own ideas ?

That's an interesting concept considering that the process of "illumination" involves permeating the brain of the candidate with thoughts impressed by Lucifer's "angel," while also considering the factor of "thought discrimination." The words "seizing" and "intensifying" appear more fitting in a comprehensive context. That is, the thoughts impressed by the New Age, Luciferian "angel" obtain increased intensification as the novice continues on the path of so-called "unfolding" a greater consciousness as the "psychic eye" opens more fully, it is the brain and body of the participant which is seized step by step.

Glowing language about service to humanity should be given the correct perspective in that accomplishing the "great work" and the "Plan" of externalizing Lucifer's hierarchy, are the Luciferian objectives for "humanity." It is those objectives which obtain "service." Incarnation on the "physical plane" by Luciferian entities is the Luciferian objective for "humanity."

The effulgent descriptions of Lucifer's "bright Spirits" or "angels" as "attendants" conceals their ulterior objectives. Even the term "Masters" represents an understatement considering the merging or hybridization which occurs and which leads to the discarnate entities' displacing, eclipsing or literally taking over a person's soul. The "neophyte" becomes the food for ... "Your adversary, the devil ... seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8. KJV.

Warning, the following is a quotation !


We must consider heedfully the relation with the Angelic kingdom into which these higher Degrees bring us, for it is a matter of the utmost importance. ...

p. 307 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Leadbeater's description of the 18ş degree is established, first of all, to be understood as synonomously applying in the "Holy Royal Arch" degree. C.W. Leadbeater (33ş) also establishes that at the Blue Lodge level (degrees one through three) the assistance of certain "angels" are also called upon in conducting the work of the Lodge.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

In Blue Masonry and in the Degree of the H.R.A. {Holy Royal Arch} we call in the assistance of certain ... Angels to assist the officials in conducting the work of the Lodge or Chapter; in this 18ş and in other still higher Degrees we do that also, but the type of Angels who respond is different, for each Degree has its own kind of Deva-attendant.
p. 299 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Leadbeater considers the description of so-called angelic relationships at the level of the 18ş degree or the Royal Arch degree, and appears to be speaking of the initiate, and not the non-initiate Mason. It should be recalled and emphasized that the initiate of the Royal Arch (18th) degree has traditionally ceremonially drunk wine out of a human skull and has otherwise sworn to obstruct and pervert justice, murder and treason not being excepted. The identity of the "angels" as being in association with Lucifer, the god of Masonry, is thereby indicated.

(Non-initiate membership in the Royal Arch degree has for years no longer been "by invitation only," whereas the 33ş is now "by invitation only" and involves ceremonially drinking wine out of a human skull to seal sworn allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33ş. Yet, the role of discarnate spirit creatures operating "in a union" with initiate Masons is delineated by Leadbeater in a structured degree system which has hidden meaning for initiate Masons).

Warning, the following is a quotation !

... that admission to the 18ş has to be by invitation only. ...
Here is a great and powerful Being, of an order quite different from our own, but in certain ways complementary to it; if we two can work together in a union so perfect that there shall be but one will, one purpose, one thought--and that the Divine thought--between us, we can achieve very far more ...
Such a union is part of God's intention for us; if we can attain it, it will be an incredible advantage to us; yet if we desire it because of that personal gain, we are unworthy of it and shall fail to realize our hope. We must accept such magnificent comradeship only because of the benefit which will accrue to the world ...
p. 310 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

The "benefit which will accrue to the world" represents glowing language for the "great work" and the "Plan," the Luciferian conquest. The standards of morality or justice are set by the "great Orb," or Lucifer. The "union" in "one will, one purpose, one thought" is not simply metaphorical. It is not simply a symbolic union. The Impressing Luciferian "Angel" enters within. The candidate is not co-opted in the same manner as a traditional spirit medium who is not conscious and typically remembers nothing. The candidate is "transformed," and continues to function in society to further "the Plan." It is a path which leads to having one's very own soul eclipsed by a Luciferian Spirit in search of incarnation, physically. Re-incarnation, as it pertains to the Golden Age is the process. "Magnificent comradeship" is like saying "magnificent Trojan Horse." The glowing descriptions even offer a choice of "Trojan Horse" colors.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

The 30ş brings its Angel also, of appropriate character-- a great blue Deva of the First ray, who lends his strength to the Knight K.H., somewhat as the crimson Angel assists the Es. and Perf. Bro. of the Rose-C. The 33 {deg} gives two such splendid fellow-workers--spirits of gigantic size as compared to humanity, and radiantly white in colour. ...
They belong to the cosmic Order of Angels ... and their permanent centres of consciousness are on the intuitional plane ...
p. 311 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Persons not satisfied with one "Trojan Horse" are informed that more are available.

The 33rd degree Mason pledges his highest allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, above all other allegiances. For example, having first attained to the Royal Arch degree in the York Rite in which a Mason swears to obstruct and pervert justice, not excepting murder and treason, or swearing to perform retribution of the bloody oaths of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the secret members of the Supreme Council literally based in Washington D.C. represent on earth a hierarchy of "angels" or spirits which have an agenda quite apart from America's Constitutional process and Bill of Rights. The principals of Mazzini's Masonic Machine which include Pike's Luciferian Priesthood act "in concert" "in order that their work may be the more effective."

The "intuitional plane" is not a road where a person would want to "just drive." Analyze. The "intuitional plane" represents the impression of thoughts by Luciferian entities which subvert not only the values of America's Constitution and it's Bill of Rights, subversion as embodied in the arsenal of psychic warriors and Co-masonic and witchcraft magical work"," but which subvert the prospects of persons to obtain true everlasting life in God's Kingdom, through Jesus Christ the true Redeemer. The God of the Bible promises a veritable new heaven and new earth in which righteousness will dwell, which is quite the opposite of the values of Lucifer's so-called New Age.

The "cosmic" or "divine" consciousness which Masonry offers falls under the auspices of the "great Orb," Lucifer. In Masonic teaching, the highest level of attainment is for the human being to merge with that "divine consciousness."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Despite this re-arrangement the Royal Arch is the natural conclusion and fulfillment of the Third Degree.
The Royal Arch Degree ... From being conscious merely as a natural man and in the natural restricted way common to every one born into this world, he becomes exalted (whilst still in his natural flesh) to consciousness in a supernatural and illimitable way.
No higher level of attainment is possible than that in which the human merges in the Divine consciousness and knows as
p. 140
God knows.
p. 141 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

The merging of the human with the Luciferian "consciousness" is Masonry's "attainment" for the Master Mason. Even in this description by Wilmshurst the word "merge" represents a mild expression understating the ultimate take-over of the individual.

It is quite apparent that the consciousness of Luciferian "angels" which "merge" with the human represents their incarnating themselves, in a manner of speaking, by means of the initiate's "natural flesh," and achieve a level of fleshly attainment for themselves, which is what the restoration of the "Golden Age" is all about. Such a "merger" facilitates the "one will, one purpose, one thought." Guess whose. It is a "merger" mechanism for alienating mankind from God, on an individual level. Spiritistic corruption, in it's most sinister form.

-- The Lodge --

The "drawing down" of "energies" or "spiritual influences" common to witchcraft and Masonry, the so-called "magical" work, is rooted in "non-human entities." 33rd degree Leadbeater clarifies the purpose of the Masonic Lodge. The role of psychic clairvoyance in presiding over the "Lodge" is specifically referred to.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

But the Master of the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant priest or priestess who could see where the defect lay, and so could keep his Lodge strictly up to the mark. ...
We have in nearly all Masonic Lodges a beautiful opening ceremony, full of deep symbolical meaning; and when understood it is seen to be no mere form, but a wonderfully effective formula, calling to our aid various entities, and preparing the way for the performance of a very definite service to mankind.
p. 33 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

As Manly P. Hall and Foster Bailey, both 33rd degree, revealed, Masonry is fundamentally not a mere social organization. The "calling to our aid various entities" or "invocation," sets the stage or "prepares the way" for the "great work" of transformation and illumination. It comprises the basis for exercising influence.

The "actual work" such as delivering the effects of a firearm's bullet is performed by the firearm mechanisms and explosive charge, but it is the finger which triggers the action. In this, Lucifer enlists the aid of human beings for the subversion of the human race in wielding Satanic power. Sinister. Masonry and witchcraft involve trigger pulling of diabolical forces.

Examine more closely the "method of work" of the New Age "Hierarchy."

Examine how the written disclosures of Alice and Foster Bailey comport with Manly P. Hall, Leadbeater, Wilmshurst and Schnoebelen.

Forget not that the method of work of the Hierarchy is that of impression upon the minds of Their disciples, of telepathic work carried on with the Master as broadcaster and the disciple as the recipient of impression and of energy.
p. 40 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

The "method of work of the Hierarchy" is that of "impression upon the minds" of their disciples. Yet the work is evidently not limited to those who are consciously involved in the process.

At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and--at the same time--he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others, to master the understanding of the level from which he works as an impressing agent, and to know who are the sons of men he can impress. He has to master also the secondary lesson of adapting his environment in such a manner that he can impress others and the impression can find its way through his environing circumstances and into the usually inattentive minds for whom he feels a responsibility.
p. 92 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

(LINK : thought impression - inattentive minds)

The "great work," the "Plan," form the substance of what is called New Age "responsibility." While the person himself (or herself) becomes more sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy, the person "himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others." As already considered in the previous chapter, psychic impression can include not only thoughts, but feelings, and has the potential capacity of subverting even memory. The principle goal of this subversive impression work ? The "Plan," the "great work." The targets ? Humans.

The expression "usually inattentive minds" is not descriptive of collaborative disciples, but descriptive of persons who are fundamentally unsuspecting. Considering that most Masons have been traditionally "misled by false interpretations" and appear to have been unaware of the workings of the subtle "inner machinery," a very extensive base of professional and non-professional persons who have taken the "obligations" of Freemasonry would appear to have come under the roof of sinister and psychically influential forces.

As the Illuminati have been proliferating as the New Age gains momentum, the potential for influence within the Masonic organization and within society at large has grown ever more serious. The influential capacity of "group work" is considered by Alice and Foster Bailey.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Thirdly: Any group work of this kind must be most carefully controlled; any group effort which seeks to impress the mind of any subject (whether an individual or a group) must be strenuously guarded as to motive and method; any group endeavour which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living must be utterly selfless, most wisely and cautiously undertaken, and must be kept free from any personality emphasis, any personality pressure and any mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, prejudice, dogmatism or ideas. I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully.
p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

The above words should, indeed, be examined "most carefully."

Motive and method are evidently framed in the New Age context, it's goals of the "great work" and Plan. The term "utterly selfless" has the appearance of being noble, but upon further examination it is clear that what is meant is that the impression work upon other people's minds should be utterly "free from" "mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, ... or ideas." The objectives of the Hierarchy are what are to be carried out.

Studying the "above words carefully" reveals that "mental pressure" which is not "formulated in terms of personal belief" is not excluded from "a united applied effort" "cautiously undertaken" "which seeks to impress the mind" "to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living."

Examples of "group work," "group effort" or "group endeavor" "to impress the mind of any subject" are given as those" which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life," or a technique of living." Considering that this is done under the auspices and hierarchal guidance of Lucifer, the ramifications are, indeed, extensive.

She continues :

The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will.
The result of all true telepathic work and rightly directed effort to "impress" a subject will be to leave him with a strengthened will to right action, an intensified interior light, an astral body freer from glamour, and a physical body more vital and purer. The potency of a united group activity is incredibly powerful.
p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

Alice Bailey, again, provides disclosures which deserve to be examined "most carefully." Bailey defines "black magic" as bringing "so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact" under the impression of other minds. As to method, she describes the "black magic" influence scenario" as resulting even from "the moment that there is the least tendency ... to force an issue", with the effect upon "their victim" as rendering him "with a weakened will." Yet, Bailey assures the group that it, itself, may be 'protected' "from any serious results to themselves," though devastating their victim, if they have "right motive."

"Right motive" is a noble sounding phrase for: New Age agenda.

"Strengthened will to right action" is obviously defined in terms of New Age goals and agendas.

-- The Karma Clause --

New Age leader Alice Bailey's reference in protecting "the group from any serious results to themselves" is an evident reference to the New Age belief in "karma," associated with the eastern teaching of reincarnation. In other words, if the motive of the group or individual is "right" in connection with forcing an issue and exerting preponderant pressure so as to render the victim "helpless under the impact," producing "black magic," there are no repercussions to the perpetrators on the scales of justice. The position of justifying "forcing the issue" by impressing work upon the mind of a victim such that the person's will is weakened, with an impact which is definitely serious, presents a position taken in conjunction with objectives of Lucifer's Hierarchy and demonstrates the evil of the New Age movement. If it is not obvious that the New Age position is that of denying that such sinister and outrageous actions constitute true evil, consider a position taken by not-a-new-teaching Manly P. Hall in conjunction with karma and psychic victimization.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Black magic arises the moment we try to solve the problems of our own experience negatively. The moment the individual believes in the reality of evil, he is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against someone else, because he is now turning negation against himself. ...
p. 41 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992

Thus, those who believe that evil exists may be targeted by "evil" forces which represent themselves as the agents of "justice."

The reality of evil is thus denied in the New Age movement.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Evil exists only in our minds --- it is a human creation.
p. 196 Dark Secrets of The New Age:
Satan's Plan for a One World Religion, Texe Marrs, 1987

{as quoted from Superbeings, John Randolph Price}

As will be documented, basically, Manly P. Hall taught that the person who is the victim of evil is not the recipient of injustice, but is really the recipient of justice, and therefore not a victim of evil at all. In that connection Hall links the psychic defense capacity of the individual as a mysterious mechanism with psychic debt or karma.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Nature has provided us with a most extraordinary defense mechanism. This mysterious mechanism extends also into our psychic lives. If we can assume an honest person owing no psychic debt to anyone, living a constructive life and free from any immediate pressures of karma -- I think we can at the same time assume that so-called malicious psychic persecution is impossible for that
p. 35
person to suffer. Something has to happen to break down the natural defenses of the individual. These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem.
p. 36 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

Again, Manly P. Hall blames the victims for the effects of malicious psychic persecution, assuming that malicious psychic persecution is impossible for a person to suffer if the person owes "no psychic debt." He represents the fault as being with the victim. The position is outrageous. It should be quite apparent that the teaching enables the perpetration of victimizing others. It is a teaching which, in effect, can foster evil or injurious actions. If so, how ? Evil can be fostered by providing a doctrinal framework, not only by asserting that successful victimization is the fault of the victim, but by teaching that the perpetrator is balancing the scales of justice by successful victimization or injury, and that if the motives for the actions resulting in injury are congruent with New Age agendas, no karmic "debt" is assumed by the perpetrator..

The weak and susceptible are viewed as deserving of successful malicious actions directed against them for it is assumed that they must have engaged in malicious actions themselves in a previous life, which malicious actions of theirs 'bounced back' and did not affect the object of their actions because their victim's psychic constitution whom they had targeted was strong enough to resist the malicious actions. In other words malicious efforts which fail are punished. Efforts which succeed are considered as balancing the scales of justice due to the lack of psychic resistance of the victim. Such a teaching or philosophy can truly be characterized as evil. Consider the documentation. Hall continued :

Warning, the following is a quotation !

These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem. Somebody who wants to use some mysterious ability to injure us can turn that ability in our direction, but if we are not a proper receiving station, it goes right back to the original sender and causes more trouble than it can ever cause us, because always, the sorcerer finally becomes the victim of his own sorcery. He is setting up negative karma in himself and this karma will destroy him more rapidly than a bullet.
p. 36 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,Manly P. Hall, 1990

If the target of the sorcery is a "proper receiving station," New Age philosophy blames the victim and holds that the victims of "psychic invasion" are not the victims "of injustice at all." [ibid., Hall, p. 83]

Hall sets up a bogus argument leading to the teaching of karma
wherein "psychic malpractice" is portrayed as something which a subject thereof has "earned" and 'deserves',
and the argument is presented in the form of a question:

Warning, the following is a quotation !

If a person is subjected to psychic malpractice which he hasn't earned, which he doesn't deserve, and for which he has no way of protecting himself reasonably, and he must endure this because some other persons wishes to take advantage of him and the one persons is not punished for his evil and the victim is not protected against this evil, what happens to the concept of universal law and order ? ...
p. 32 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992

New Age "law and order" is part of the blueprint for Freemasonry's "Golden Age."

The Masonic scholar, Manly P. Hall (33rd degree Mason), in the above quotation asks
"what happens to the concept of universal law and order" IF a person "doesn't deserve" or "hasn't earned" "psychic malpractice" which that persons "is subjected to."
What is the "one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble," according to the teaching which Hall presents in the context of referring to Platonic and Buddhist philosophy ? - "karma."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Now in the Buddhist philosophy, we have these repentant Onis, miscellaneous secondary demons who more or less finally went to the robe and became good Buddhists themselves, and what do we have as the answer to the rest of the problem of Buddhism ? There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma. Now karma is not a monster, It is a good law, absolutely necessary to us. ...
In both Platonism and Buddhism, an individual has to be in need of some type of punishment or it doesn't come to him
p. 33 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992

When the "legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble" is described as "karma," the individual again is blamed for his or her own troubles since karma is portrayed as a mysterious force which balances the scales of justice.

Hall calls "karma" a good law, absolutely necessary to us." If the successful malicious victimization of persons represents the expression of "karma," what are the implications of saying that karma is "absolutely necessary to us" ? New Age standards go far beyond what is called the law of the jungle. The "key" to New Age philosophy is that of the justification of evil. The New Age philosophy is supported by Hall that "an individual has to be in need of some type of punishment or it doesn't come to him."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

Therefore, if a vibration is not for us, it doesn't touch us and it's not for us unless we deserve it. We must deserve it by making the mistakes, that bring the negative ones or setting up the positive situations that bring the positive ones.
p. 84 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

Evil is portrayed as the expression of justice, and Hall does not distinguish between deserved punishment and undeserved actions whereas he denies that a person can be the recipient of injustice. Hall claims "it's not for us unless we deserve it ..."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

A good spirit, a saintly spirit, is the spirit of the reward for good. The evil spirit is the spirit of the punishment for ill. So nearly all of the infirmities which we would like to shift onto the shoulders of either some actually well-intentioned little demon of one kind or another or upon some person with malicious intentions to us, we have to finally face the fact that in the universe, law and order must be maintained.
p. 35 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992

The standard is presented that the "evil spirit is the spirit of the punishment for ill," and an expression of justice, and the idea that persons are innocently victimized maliciously is discounted and argued against, that it is their own fault, thus taking the position that there really is no evil, as such, taking the position that "the individual {who} believes in the reality of evil ... is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against some else " [Invisible Records ..., Hall, p. 41] Again, Hall argues in the context of maliciousness that "law and order must be maintained" in the universe.

The victims of the Jewish Holocaust have given unequivocal proof of the manifest evil of the occult regime of the Third Reich. Efforts to clothe evil with nobility by claiming "right motive" or philosophical destiny by the New Age Aryan teachings of Madame Blavatsky demonstrates philosophical evil.

Law and Order in the New World Order, in an approaching "Golden Age" of re-incarnated demons represents a truly demonic world. It represents an overtly Lucifer dominated world, in which Satan is credited with being Lucifer's "force." A satanic society of Lucifer's "force," perverting justice, enthroning victimization and tyranny, is what the god of the "Golden Age" clearly represents. The ""Saturnian spirit, "Satan."" is explained by the New Age spirit guide, Alder, to wield the laws of Karma.

The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!
p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{quotation taken from Vera Alder, The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972), p. 109.}

In a New Age world, successful victimization is presented as being the fault of the victim because the victim is portrayed as carrying a "toxic load of karma."

Then the thing he is being punished by is not what the other individual is trying to do to him, ...
His own ego which he has carried with him for many embodiments is still struggling to unload its toxic load of karma. If this load of karma at some time or other meant that we had tyrannized and in some way we have to experience the payment for this, then we shall be the victims of
p. 39
p. 40 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992

Being the subject of successful malicious victimization is viewed as paying the karma "debt" from previous lives or "embodiments" according to the teaching of reincarnation.

It should be quite apparent that the teachings of the New Age are toxic.

"Tyranny" is something that "we shall be the victims of" if, it is alledged, "we have to experience the payment" for a "toxic load of karma" in a New Age karmic "law and order" society.

The New Age principles, the Golden Age standards endorse, evidently even require, malicious victimization and tyranny for karmic "law and order must be maintained" for those whose psychic defenses are unable to resist it due to their "psychic debt." It is quite evident that tyranny is the New Age expression of law and order against those who do not have the capacity of resistance to malicious actions.

The methods of the New Age are evil.

The "philosophical empire" of Lucifer holds that "an individual has to be in need of some type of punishment or it doesn't come to him."

The victims are blamed for inadequate psychic defenses.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

"These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem."
"The moment the individual believes in the reality of evil, he is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against someone else,"
It appears that those who believe "in the reality of evil" are guilty of denying that it is their own "breakdowns {which} are the real cause of the whole problem." New Age philosophy would have persons who have been successfully victimized believe that they are the recipients of justice. The belief in "the reality of evil" is exchanged for the belief in the "reality" of karmic justice. According to New Age standards, tyranny, where successfully employed, is an expression of "law and order."
The foundations for the convolution of justice are embodied in the very first degree of the Blue Lodge. The foundations for karma service are laid.

The list key of the Entered Apprentice is service. Why, he may not ask; when, he does not know. His work is to do, to act, to express himself in some way -- constructively if possible, but destructively rather than not at all.
p. 39 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Hall spoke of remaining "in readiness until "the day be with us." He spoke of the unfolding of the "philosophic program." That New Age philosophic program, rooted in karmic principles, has targeted persons guilty of "negativity" toward New Age practices for elimination. Wherein rests the New Age justification ?

"There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma."
The "philosophic program" concerns itself with more than the "end game." It pertains to on-going practices of subversion, invasion, and "malpractice," which is viewed as successful only because of a "breakdown" of the victim's "psychic defenses." If the motive of the perpetrator is in keeping with New Age (Luciferian) objectives, then the motive is "pure" and the perpetrator is viewed as not incurring karmic repercussions. The "philosophic program" is a prescription for manifest evil.
The Rev. Shaw indicated in his book, Deadly Deception, that reincarnation doctrine is embodied in the 31st degree of the Scottish Rite.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

With the degree work and other Masonic writings as our source, we finally decided that the truth lay in reincarnation ...
We remembered, for example, the exemplification of the 31st degree. In this degree the candidate, as a typical man who has just died, is defending his life before the gods and goddesses of Egypt. The candidate tells of his good works in his just-ended life and of his hope for a better incarnation in the next.
The candidate listens then as the Soul of Cheres, symbol of immortality, is brought before the Chamber of the Dead and he learns that he must improve in his next life in order to advance in the cycle of reincarnation.
p. 85 The Deadly Deception, Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

Reincarnation teaching, as 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall enunciated, involves the philosophy of "karma."

With the background of New Age principles and standards which Manly P. Hall provides, Alice Bailey's disclosures on impacting other people's minds with "black magic" are chilling.

"There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma."
"... we have to finally face the fact that in the universe, law and order must be maintained."
Karma philosophy portrays the victim of maliciousness as a perpetrator who obtains recompense.

-- Karma and Masonry's Psychic Warriors --

Hall's reference to "psychic malpractice" and the alleged law of karma, "psychic debt," and that "breakdowns" in the defenses of the victim "are the real cause of the whole problem" connects with the subconscious subversion, if not also the conscious subversion of the victim. Hall himself characterizes the psychic influence as an "invasion."

Warning, the following is a quotation !

We do, however, have certain legitimate problems that arise from the vibratory situation, but these problems become solved in a somewhat different way.
It is also quite possible that the psychic pattern of an individual may reach us subconsciously, that this individual's thoughts or feelings may gradually and slowly work into us. However, this operation in itself is not too serious or too important unless we have nothing with which to meet the invasion. If we possess a reasonably strong character and our thoughts are clear, the pressures of other people around us may reach us but will not markedly alter
p. 51
us. We will immediately be able to draw upon our own resources to counteract the situation. In other words, we have our own psychic self-defenses by means of which we are immune to practically any negative or evil force that can reach us.
P. 52 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

What is remarkable in Hall's assurances about "psychic self-defenses" is that:

1- it is an assurance which assumes no "karmic debt" on the part of the individual. Yet, Hall declares that "we are all carrying unfinished karmic business", which is a qualifying principle to the immunity to psychic malpractice which he cites for persons who are psychically self-defense constituted. Apparently the expression "immune to practically any negative or evil force" suggests as much.

Warning, the following is a quotation !

If we want to assume for any reason whatever that in spite of all these situations it still appears that we are subject to some kind of negative, destructive force, then I think we should give two areas very definite and complete study and consideration. One is the facts that we are all carrying unfinished karmic business...
p. 37 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

What is secondly remarkable in Hall's assurances about "psychic self-defenses" is that:

2- a person who has been compromised "spiritually" by pursuing psychic powers has already been drawn into the acute psychic vulnerability of the "great work" of impression by the Luciferian Hierarchy. The individual's vulnerability to impression by the Hierarchy increases as the "psychic eye" opens more fully as the so-called psychic defenses are escalated.

The very means of self-defense advocated in the New Age movement tears down one's defenses against those sinister forces which seek to clandestinely influence, impress, and co-opt the individual, step by step.

What is Masonry's role, to finish other people's "karmic business" by victimizing them ?

With all that alleged "unfinished karmic business" awaiting victimization under the auspices of the "Saturnian spirit, Satan," to effect New Age justice, what are the potentials for psychic "tyranny" ?

There are a great many people in this world who live for only one reason and that's to over-influence somebody. If their advice is not always followed, if they are not allowed to dominate every situation, they are just plain peeved.
P. 81 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

Kidnapping and drugging a person is definitely a criminal act. It is fundamentally criminal. Clandestinely hypnotizing a person to gain control over the individual or to disrupt the person's life is also fundamentally criminal. The "technology" differs. The "subtle" nature of psychic "technology" makes it all the more sinister.

Hall comments on the capacity of psychic forces such that "if it moves in on the subconscious, we are not consciously able to meet it. We are therefore subject to being adversely affected without our knowledge." Although Hall makes that comment following a discussion in which he apparently attempts to suggest that psychic forces and influences are naturally occurring to man (not quoted), and he continues with the subject of "psychic malpractice" or victimization and says, "we do not have physical means of protecting ourselves from psychic energy, we do have the proper psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice."

But anyway, this problem of influencing and over-influencing persons, either obviously or subtly, either by open word or action or by some mysterious subtle process such as auto-suggestion, suggestive therapy, or hypnosis, all these different processes represent degrees by which it is obvious that people can and do influence each other. Probably they shouldn't but they do. ...
So there are certain influence patterns that are more or less necessary in Nature. Psychic influence is not so very different.
Actually, there is not reason to question that we do have subtle means of communication, that this communication can move in upon our subconscious just as surely as it can upon our conscious. We feel that we are greatly at a disadvantage because if it moves in on the subconscious, we are not consciously able to meet it. We are therefore subject to being adversely affected without our knowledge. This a common belief and it is a great convenience to suspect that someone else is ruining our disposition. It's nicer to feel that than to admit that we are ruining it ourselves, which is usual the fact. But while it is true that we do not have physical means of protecting ourselves from psychic energy, we do have the proper psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice of any and all kinds. ...
The great promise of psychic and emotional and psychological health is the maintenance of a healthy psychic integration.
p. 82 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

... Hall's "great promise" (con't) ...

Being "therefore subject to being adversely affected without our knowledge" is serious, indeed. What Hall promotes is "psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice." Hall presents "the great promise." It is fundamentally the promise that psychic protection from the psychic forces which the occult Hierarchy wields, in which they do the "actual work" or dirty work in is to be gained by so-called developing the forces they wield. Of course, the psychic gets to be acutely impressed by the Hierarchy in exchange. The promise of the New Age, pertaining to self-defense, pertaining to physical and psychological health is echoed by Hall.

"The great promise of psychic and emotional and psychological health is the maintenance of a healthy psychic integration."
Psychic integration into co-consciousness with Lucifer is what the "great promise" offers. The "psychological health" promise dismisses the many cases of insanity known to occur in psychic pursuits, whereby even Manly P. Hall has warned of continuance of psychic development when attended to by a wide range of physiological problems or symptoms.

Characterizing merging with or being co-opted by Luciferian discarnate entities as a condition of "psychological health" does not comport with the effects William Schnoebelen testifies to nor does it comport with "casting mind aside."

Persons who do not take up the psychic banner are labelled as not being the victims of injustice at all when victimized. Hall acknowledges the reality of "psychic invasion of our privacy," but blames the victim for lack of psychic defenses.

Therefore, we begin to feel that we are the victims of injustice. We are not the victims of any injustice at all. What we term, perhaps in our way, psychic invasion of our privacy, the possibility that some outside energy is moving in on us, actually calls to our attention only one very simple process, that the only way in which this can happen is that our own proper psychic defenses have not been restored and that therefore we have to restore them. To say that we can't is to say that we can't stop eating something that makes us sick physically.
{Convoluted reasoning}
To say that we simply cannot make these changes in ourselves that are necessary to restore psychic integration is to assume that we cannot do what is necessary to protect our own lives. If we cannot do these things, then again our own weakness and not the strength of circumstances is the principle problem.
p. 83 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

Hall's "great promise" is Psychic extortion, protection racketeering. It also provides the philosophical support for the "inner machinery" of Mazzini's Masonic Mafia Machine.

If the individual does not engage is "psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice" the person is accused of his own "weakness" as "the principle problem."

Psychic defenses are not the key to peace on earth. Psychic means, psychic forces, are Luciferian means of taking control of the human race and subjecting it to slavery. The New Age represents principles anathema to the fundamentals of justice and portrays the victim of malicious acts as deserving of them. The New Age represents material dangers to the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, as do the abhorrent oaths of Freemasonry which involve a person to swear to perverting and obstructing justice, murder and treason not excepted.

"However, this operation in itself is not too serious or too important unless we have nothing with which to meet the invasion" [ibid., p. 51]
Hall minimizes the magnitude of the invasive force by called it weak and calling the victim even weaker. He attributes the blame for victimization by saying that "The whole situation could only arise from the extraordinary lack of organization of the victim."

I have known many, many instances of so-called claimed psychic invasion of people's lives. I've never yet found one case where the invasion was major. It was not a well-planned strategy. The invading force was miserably weak. The only reason it succeeded at all was that the invaded territory was still weaker. The individual was not the victim of some great, big, strong, evil force. He was a victim of something of the proportions of a rat that had found a hole in his psychic integration. The whole situation could only arise from the extraordinary lack of organization of the victim. But the victim, instead of rising to meet the emergency, simply demoralized, infinitely magnified and distorted the whole situation, made a mountain out a molehill, and frightened himself out of his wits. This so-called influence is going on all the time. Every one of us is constantly a field of vibratory activity and, to a measure, vibratory conflict.
p. 83 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall, 1990

The invasive force is characterized as "not major", but the problem is attributed to the "extraordinary lack of organization of the victim." ? "But the victim, instead of rising to meet the emergency" by doing what Hall teaches, which is to resort to "psychic self-defense," "frightened himself" ?

The New Age philosophy expressed for blaming the victim, for either not resorting to psychic forces for self-defense, or for blaming the victim as the culprit for carrying a bag of "toxic karmic debt," "psychic debt," could have made Hall a candidate for the office of Golden Age Attorney General with satan as the "Prime Minister."

The "Philosophical Empire" does not comprise an innocuous composite academia. The nefarious occult teachings are presented as a duty to be enshrined or incorporated into the member's being.

A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life. ... He must realize that his duty is to build and evolve the sacred teachings in his own being:
p. 18
... and that his Masonic rites must eternally be speculative until he makes them operative by living the life of the mystic Mason. His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities.
The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

If the New Age disciple is, indeed, to embody the principles of karma in his or her own life, in his or her own being, then the "great work" of the New Age, of Masonry, involves a veritable machine intent on expressing or exercising the principles of karma. The expression "His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities" as the Mason advances, accounts for Hall's description in the very same book :

The list key of the Entered Apprentice is service. Why, he may not ask; when, he does not know. His work is to do, to act, to express himself in some way -- constructively if possible, but destructively rather than not at all.
p. 39 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The New Age spirit guide Alder explained that Satan presides over the laws of karma. It follows that exercising "karmic responsibilities" by the Mason involves "applying the "seething energies of Lucifer," [ibid., p. 48]

whereby Lucifer's "force" is satan, (according to the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, Albert Pike).

Hall's reference to "service" in which the Mason is prompted to "express himself" "destructively rather than not at all" obtains in Hall's very same book (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry) a context of "karmic responsibilities," as Hall promotes the

Mason's "duty ... to build and evolve the sacred teachings in his own being" which transforms "speculative" Masonry into "operative" "in the life of the mystic Mason" whose "karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities."

As Manly P. Hall disclosed, a major tenet of karma philosophy or teaching is that "there is no injustice." Satan, who "wields the laws of karma," is the godfather of injustice and evil.

Considering that a New Age spirit has revealed Satan as presiding over the laws of karma, it is not surprising that Alice Bailey's revelations, inspired by her New Age spirit guide, provides more disclosures connecting the psychic mental impression work and Satan, who presides over the laws of karma, which Hall has shown to involve psychically intrusive and destructive activities.

It is clear from Alice Bailey's disclosures that Shamballa, the throne of Satan, is the source of "inspiration" for New Age / Masonic telepathy. It is also quite evident from Alice Bailey's descriptions that the "impression" work is not limited to the domain of New Age followers, but that humanity at large "all the way from the lowest grade of daily living" "by the least developed human beings" (according to Alice Bailey) to the 'evolved' New Age practitioners are targeted for psychic or mental impression, from the "Hierarchy" of Luciferian spirits and from their "impressing agent{s}."

The Science of Impression ... is the technique which all disciples have to learn (no matter which of the Seven Paths they may eventually choose) and it is also the sublime art which every Master practices on inspiration from Shamballa; ... it is the acceptance on their part of the promotion of that Purpose through right impression on all forms of life at any particular point of evolution. Disciples then become agents of the divine will and are entrusted with the direction of energies, with the plan and with the secrets and the inspiration which are hidden in the Mind of God.
p. 91

This power to use the ray energies to attract and impress the constantly expanding revelation is the clue to all the work going forward today, and to this activity we give the name of the Science of impression. It involves the constant opening up of a new environment -- an environment which reaches all the way from the lowest grade of daily living, undertaken by the least developed human beings, to that point upon the ladder of evolution when the aspirant becomes consciously susceptible to what we call spiritual impression. At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and -- at the same time -- he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others, to master the understanding of the level from which he works as an impressing agent, and to know who are the sons of men he can impress. He has to master also the secondary lesson of adapting his environment in such a manner that he can impress others and the impression can find its way through his environing circumstances and into the usually inattentive minds for whom he feels a responsibility.
p. 92 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

-- a Careful Study --

When New Age disciples are urged to examine carefully the formulation of words describing the nature of group impression work it appears, having examined it in view of New Age doctrine, that the formulation conceals from the casual observer the import and intent of the formulation. Alice Bailey posts the signpost herself with the words, "I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully."

Expressions such as "utterly selfless" may have a noble appearance, but when it is realized that the objective of the group impression work is embodied in the "great work" and the "Plan" to achieve world rulership by means of an occult oligarchy, to have earth's affairs overtly taken control of by the externalisation of the Luciferian Hierarchy, the noble sounding expressions can be seen to mask an evil plan. "Pure motive" is measured in terms of advancing the "Plan." Frankly, the plan by Luciferian entities to turn the human race into biological vehicles for their own incarnation on the physical plane is not what should be called the basis for "pure motive" on the part of that demon hierarchy. It is that Luciferian Hierarchy which has provided for two world wars to reconfigure earth's political landscape to facilitate the planned changes. The planned elimination of Christians and others who refuse initiation into the Luciferian "EYE" or point of co-consciousness with Luciferian entities is no less evil in the context of the New Age philosophy of "karma." What Alice Bailey made a reference to in the description of the impression work in which she urged New Age disciples, "I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully" was the Karma Clause, that is,

Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves,
but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious..."
To wrap up 'studying' Alice Bailey's "few words most carefully", the Karma Clause represents in New Age philosophy a veritable license to produce "the effect upon their victim {which} will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will." The philosophy evidently is that "black magic" can be practiced with karmic impunity when practiced with "right motive" according to New Age standards.
If the "motive" is congruent with the "great work," with the "Plan," the motive is evidently considered to be "pure," and karmic repercussions are not expected to be visited upon those impressing the mind of their victim. If the person does not have the capacity to resist the force applied, it is evidently considered in New Age karmic philosophy to be a case where the individual is deserving of the effects..

The apparent danger, according to New Age philosophy, is that if the motive is not "pure," but impure, then the practitioner assumes "psychic debt." Thus the ostensibly cautionary words in connection with impressing thoughts upon others not in keeping with so-called "pure" New Age motive. Maliciousness is camouflaged when New Age motive is defined as "pure." Following the guidance or directions from New Age spirit guides raises yet other issues of what is considered "pure" in connection with New Age objectives. Asher, Alder and Lord Maitreya embody New Age agenda in their declarations.

The very notion that the "great work" and "Plan" are goals which are "pure" is a deception because of the principles of perversion of justice which the occult, karmic Hierarchy seeks to impose upon the human family. Because tyranny forms an underlying substance of New Age law and order, anyone associated with the New Age movement, which is often presented in glowing terms of peace and brotherhood, needs to re-examine the very foundations of the New Age movement and it's principles.

'Studying' or re-examining Alice Bailey's disclosures of New Age "group work" in seeking "to impress the mind of any subject" "to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living" in conjunction with New Age goals and in the context of the philosophy or doctrine of "karma" reveals the inner machinery of the New Age movement.

Thirdly: Any group work of this kind must be most carefully controlled; any group effort which seeks to impress the mind of any subject (whether an individual or a group) must be strenuously guarded as to motive and method; any group endeavour which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living must be utterly selfless, most wisely and cautiously undertaken, and must be kept free from any personality emphasis, any personality pressure and any mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, prejudice, dogmatism or ideas.. I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully.
The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will.
The result of all true telepathic work and rightly directed effort to "impress" a subject will be to leave him with a strengthened will to right action, an intensified interior light, an astral body freer from glamour, and a physical body more vital and purer. The potency of a united group activity is incredibly powerful.
p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

A "careful study" of Alice Bailey's description reveals that "black magic" "telepathic work" resulting in "definitely serious" 'effects' "upon their victim" leaving their "victim" "with a weakened will" "to effect changes" in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living,
comprises a New Age group activity from which the group allegedly 'may be protected' "from any serious {karmic} results to themselves" if so-called "right motive" is employed. New Age "right motive" evidently does not exclude the application of "black magic" to subvert the will of other human beings. A "careful study" can reveal a great deal, even as Alice Bailey encouraged "you to study the above few words most carefully."
Alice Bailey's presentation is congruent with Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall's blaming the victim if psychic victimization is successfully employed.

Apart from "the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue" with "black magic," but avoid karmic repercussions if the "motive" be congruent with New Age goals, Bailey characterizes "the result of all true telepathic work" "to "impress" a subject" as leaving "him with a strengthened will to right action", which "right action" is no doubt measured in terms of New Age objectives.

When such subversion of the human being constitutes "right action" from which to gauge other rights actions, America is in deep trouble.

-- Masonic Group Work--

C.W. Leadbeater's (33rd deg.) disclosure regarding ancient mystery religion "Lodges" that "the Master of the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant" "who could see where the defect lay" and take associated measures, is cited as a tradition or precedent for the activity invoked by an opening ceremony in "nearly all Masonic Lodges" "calling to our aid various entities" and an associated work or service.

But the Master of the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant priest or priestess who could see where the defect lay, and so could keep his Lodge strictly up to the mark. ...
We have in nearly all Masonic Lodges a beautiful opening ceremony, full of deep symbolical meaning; and when understood it is seen to be no mere form, but a wonderfully effective formula, calling to our aid various entities, and preparing the way for the performance of a very definite service to mankind.
p. 33 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

The purpose of the Masonic Lodge is to further "their work." The "formula" is clearly linked with that of the activity of Co-masonry, Masonry for women, and the activity of witchcraft, in "drawing down" energies or powers which have the capacity to interfere with the free will of those against whom it is directed.

Foster Bailey's description of the mental impression work in Masonic Lodges appears to remarkably parallel that of Alice Bailey's disclosure. Alice Bailey, in her formulation, evidently concealed from the casual reader a sinister work. The advice: "I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully.." seems just as appropriate in conjunction with Foster Bailey's following description of Masonic Lodge activities.

Unless the Lodge members are spiritually alive, and unless pure motive lies behind all mental activity, the candidate --- when subjected to the initiating power of the Master Masons in Lodge assembled --- would be subjected to undue mental influence. The power of the united thought, unless pure and selfless, would be hypnotic in its potency, and the word 'Free' Mason would be rendered meaningless. Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised.
p. 95
Later, when the nature of the rhythm to be established through the rituals is grasped and Masons are trained to work along the lines of united thought, united action and united ideals and objectives, a Lodge will then work as a group for humanity as a whole. They will ... organize themselves into a body of conscious custodians of the mysteries ...
The effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression. This sensitivity is already a fact which is now recognised by science.
p. 96
Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ...
p. 97 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The expression "unless pure motive lies behind all mental activity, the candidate --- when subjected to the initiating power of the Master Masons in Lodge assembled --- would be subjected to undue mental influence"
--- Foster Bailey.
Foster Bailey does not go into as much depth as Alice Bailey as to what constitutes mental influence which might be categorized as due in the New Age movement within the scope of what is called "pure motive" or "right motive," if they are not distinguishable ("pure" vrs.. "right").

"The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group ... but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious ..."
--- Alice Bailey.
Alice Bailey describes the "least tendency" "to force an issue" which can render the subject "helpless under the impact of other minds" and does so in the context of "right motive" and "black magic."

Foster Bailey discloses that "Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised."

What constitutes undue mental influence and what constitutes mental influence which is not undue ? If the motive of all engaging in mental influence activity is not with "pure motive" (Foster Bailey) then the mental influence is represented to be undue mental influence. It appears from Alice Bailey's descriptions in conjunction with Foster Bailey's, that one might conclude that mental influence which is so-called "pure" in conformity with the New Age Plan is considered as "due" influence.

Should a candidate for Masonry be assured by Foster Bailey's words that he would not be subject to hypnotically potent influence by assuming that the motives of all involved are "pure" ?

Even if "pure", Alice A. Bailey revealed the impression work can even then "bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds ... "black magic" with "the effect upon their victim ... definitely serious ... with a weakened will."

The capacity for subjecting a member, "the candidate," to "undue mental influence" under initiating power is declared as possible, and "undue" influence could constitute one means to render the term "Free" meaningless.

The capacity and power for mental impression work by the Masonic Lodge to be of "hypnotic potency" is also declared. The immediately following sentence states that "Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work." It is intimated that the application of hypnotic power would render the "word 'Free' Mason" as "meaningless" for the 'subject' of such power. What emerges from the expositions of Alice and Foster Bailey is that an eager candidate who is receptive to mental impression undergoes a "magical work" in the Lodge. Persons within the Lodge who resist the efforts of impression work could be subjected to forces which could weaken their will. From several perspectives "those who consciously take upon themselves the obligations of the fraternity" may be subject to particular influence having the capacity to "mold the destiny" of such persons.

Is the interpretation "Free" Mason a meaningless one ? How does the term "Free" in Freemasonry constitute a fulfillment of Pike's statement that there are Masons who are "misled by false interpretations" ? How is any Mason free ?

He {the Mason} must not lightly regard his vows
He must realize that ... powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Hall declares that unseen powers "mold the destiny" of those who use their "free will" to "take upon themselves the obligation of the Fraternity." Those "obligations" are embodied in the oaths or vows of the degrees.

Even the typical Mason ... is adopted into Lucifer's family when that cable-tow is placed about his neck, and when it is removed at the end of the first degree oath! That oath placed him in bondage to Lucifer, whether he knows it or not.
p. 203 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The Mason freely takes upon himself the "obligations" the "oaths", although a Mason might not know what he is getting into beforehand. The character of the oaths, however, should provide ample warning that Freemasonry is something which one should conscientiously avoid participation in. Yet, as the Scripture which warns of those who 'while promising freedom, themselves are slaves to corruption,' Masonry involves a person in an environment designed for spiritistic influence and for spiritistic corruption of the human soul. Thus, "He must realize that ... powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." From the very first degree the stage is set for spiritistic forces to influence or even "mold" the life of the Mason.

The Mason should have a clue from being ceremonially led blindfolded by a rope, having a "cable tow" around his neck, that the expression "Free" is a contradiction, mockery and a sham. If, indeed, the Mason is "free" to pursue the "quest" of more spiritistic "illumination," the exercise of such freedom results in deeper and deeper slavery, even as William Schnoebelen attests in his book Masonry: Beyond the Light. The exercise of, his participation in, using his own mind as a "bridge" to accomplish the "Great Work" which entails sloughing off the mind, to "merge" with Luciferian "cosmic consciousness," is the path to becoming a "fleshly glove " for a "demonic hand." [Masonry: Beyond the Light, p. 199]

When the Luciferian Hierarchy imposes, imprints or impresses thoughts upon the candidate, the term "Free Mason" is, indeed, made a mockery of. When the ultimate stage is reached where the Illuminati becomes a "fleshly glove" in the hands of Luciferian spirits, the term "Free Mason" is, indeed, made meaningless. It is an oxymoron to speak of a "Free" Mason when the individual is subject to "total impression by the Hierarchy by the time the {New Age} disciple is a Master." Masonry traditionally has comprised the organizational core of the New Age movement. Is the term "Free" one of those terms by which Masons are "misled by false interpretations" ? If one is, indeed, free to use one's own mind as a "bridge" to slough off his or her own mind while providing a host for Luciferian consciousness, the end of the process is total slavery. Those who do not freely use their mind as a bridge for their own destruction could be subject to deceptions and subversive influences which lead them down that path.

The candidate for even the first degree enters or binds himself to an organization with the capacity for due influence as well as "undue mental influence" and for "mental activity" "hypnotic in its potency." He swears himself to an organization in which "unseen powers" "mold the destiny of those who "take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." Although he might not be freely informed of such influence, he binds himself to an organization which "obligates" persons to conceal crimes by fellow Masons "not excepting murder and treason. "In higher degrees the Mason "obligates" himself to commit acts of retribution pursuant to the bloody oaths of secrecy, and binds himself to decrees of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree. "Free" Mason ?

Does the "transformation" of the Mason lead to freedom ?

The "transmutation" which Masons undergo is a spiritistic transformation. It involves gradually merging the consciousness of luciferian entities or spirits with that of the initiate, while the initiate continues to be able to operate "consciously" in society. It involves molding the initiate according to the designs of the luciferian Hierarchy on a path of co-option.

Foster Bailey clearly associates "this possible work" of influence with telepathic impression by stating that "the effectiveness" of the "possible work" "will be paralleled by" "increasing sensitivity of the race" "to telepathic impression."

Alice Bailey, "total impression by the Hierarchy by the time the disciple is a Master."

"Free" ? "total impression"

"by the Hierarchy"
Free ?
Examining Foster Bailey's description of the "work" of the Masonic Lodge, it is evident that he is speaking of the "work" within the Lodge such as upon a "candidate," upon whom "due" mental activity is applied or exerted, as well as the "work" in which he states "a Lodge will then work as a group for humanity as a whole" ... "The effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression."

It is a "telepathic impression" "work."

The "work" within the Lodge practiced upon Lodge members by initiate Master Masons "is magical work," a "work" which Foster Bailey describes "as yet fortunately but little realised." That magical work provides more human "material" for the Hierarchy to use in subverting yet other humans.

The "work" by the Lodge "as a group for humanity as a whole" in which "the effectiveness of this possible work" is associated with "telepathic impression", identifies the Lodge members who are part of such a collaborative concerted effort as members of a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy involving the externalization of the Hierarchy, the Luciferian Hierarchy. It is a work of spiritistically subverting human souls, it involves a New Age "Plan" to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs."

Thus, when the Royal Arch Mason swears to conceal the crimes of a fellow Mason, murder and treason not excepted, it is evidently not without purpose that such a criminal oath is rendered. It is clear, subsequent to the disclosures of 33rd degree Masons of "the inner circle," that Masonry is involved in a collusive, subversive, conspiratorial work. It is clear that the conspiratorial work is embodied in the nature of the rituals themselves, fundamental to Masonry, and is not an aberration of rebellious Lodges.

The "inner machinery" of the New Age movement including Mazzini's Illuminati Machine as it pertains to Luciferian influence exerted upon initiate Masons as well as upon "inattentive minds" is revealed by members of the occult conspiracy's "inner circle" themselves. The scheme of that "inner machinery" to impact individuals in society, whether politically, religiously, socially or professionally is also exposed by the very persons who are advocates of the "great work" and of the "Plan." Masonry is not simply a repository for pagan symbols. It is a machine rooted in rituals which invoke evil powers which are intent on imposing their will upon mankind, clandestinely and ultimately, overtly.

Does the influence of the established rhythm lack "hypnotic" "potency" ?

"Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ..."
"nature of the rhythm to be established through the rituals"
Fundamentally the work of the Masonic Lodge is "magical work," and "behind the magical work of the rituals" is the "influence of the established rhythm."
Where is the "nature of the rhythm" "established" ? "Through the rituals."

If it seems a bit circular in description, keep in mind that the rituals invoke the "aid of "various entities." It is those entities which facilitate the magical work of impression. Keep in mind that as Manly P, Hall disclosed, the second degree of Fellow Craft is a degree of "transmutation." The application of the "seething energies of Lucifer" are the "key" to the "warrior on the block."

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
Incessant vigilance over thought action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft's degree is the degree of transmutation.
p. 48
The keywords of the Fellow Craft may be briefly defined as compassion, poise, and transmutation.
In the Fellow Craft degree is concealed the dynamo of human life. The Fellow Craft is the worker with elemental fire, which it is his duty to transmute into spiritual light.
p. 49 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "magical work" of Masonry is accomplished by the "seething energies of Lucifer."

William Schnoebelen spoke of "seeking more light," more "light" or "illumination" from Lucifer. The "psychic eye" or "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" is pursued by the initiate Mason. He engages in a "quest" for greater "illumination." The Mason is taught that it is a quest for godhood.

The quest is that by the discarnate Luciferian Hierarchy for veritable incarnation in the flesh of the initiate.

So, what is meant by the expression "unfolding one's own being" ?
As the above quotation contextually places it, it involves "transmutation."
"Unfolding one's own being" appears to represent a potentially misleading expression
and a sinister play on words.
One of the potential deceptions is that the candidate might enter the process thinking that he unfolds his own being or his own identity, whereas the "unfolding of their own being" actually pertains to the unfolding of a discarnate spirit guide being on the physical plane, unfolding a "personal" discarnate Luciferian spirit (or being) within oneself, one's own being (sic) referring to a Luciferian discarnate entity which gradually merges with the consciousness of the Mason, transforming the individual in conformance to Luciferian objectives, transmuting the Mason spiritistically in a process of possession.

Indeed, the Mason provides for "non-human entities" "the material which they employ" both on an individual or personal basis and in conjunction with associate Masons upon whom the work of impressing takes place.

Adam Weishaupt in scheming to conceal the inimical Illuminati in the first three degrees of Masonry because "the public ... expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it" conforms with Manly P. Hall's disclosures as to what the first three degrees mean for the true Mason as well as Foster Bailey's disclosures on the substance of Masonry as an Illuminati machine.


"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; ... None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.
p. 112 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798

Although sectors of the public might be aware of the professional "sphere of influence" of the local lodges, alluded to by Manly P. Hall, the extent of the "sphere of influence" is something the general public has been unsuspecting of. The "inner machinery" of Masonry and Co-Masonry reveals a "program" subversive and sinister to the core which embraces the convoluted philosophical karma clause for the justification of evil and tyranny. Masonry has concealed within itself, not only an unconstitutional government, but "the Invisible Empire" of an army of psychic warriors marching to the orders of Lucifer, employing the "seething energies of Lucifer, employing the "force" acknowledged at the highest levels as satan.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us."
The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history.
Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

-- The Program's Inner Machinery --

The New Age "warriors" of the "Army of the Elect" in the civilian and government sectors of society which stand "in readiness" and which have been proliferating was ominously foreshadowed by the "inner machinery" of Freemasonry by subversions of justice uncovered by State legislature investigations in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

The "Princes of the Invisible Empire" had formed a virtual Masonic Army operating behind the scenes and contravening the laws and principles of the United States Constitution. In 1834 a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives had found :

The Committee found Freemasonry was "a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy ... ." {footnote 71}
The Joint Committee found Freemasonry to be a "moral evil," a "pecuniary evil," and a "political evil." {footnote 72}
p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 14-21. footnote 72: p. 11

The inner and the outer "machine" are mutually supportive, even through not all members of the outer machine are necessarily aware of the inner machinery methods. The "high machinery" of Masonry "acts in concert" and the machinery on the whole operates in concert. The breadth of Masonry's influence in business, government, the judiciary and law enforcement has been attested to by an investigating New York Senate Committee. The Masonic "concert" has even had persons of the judicial "bench" playing its tunes.

"It comprises men of rank, wealth, office and talents in power -- and that almost in every place where power is of any importance -- it comprises, among the other classes of the community, to the lowest, in large numbers, and capable of being directed by the efforts of others so as to have the force of concert through the civilized world!
"They are distributed too, with the means of knowing each other, and the means of keeping secret, and the means of co-operating, in the desk, in the legislative hall, on the bench, in every gathering of men of business, in every party of pleasure, in every enterprise of government, in every domestic circle, in peace and in war, among its enemies and friends, in one place as well as another. So powerful, indeed, is it at this time, that it fears nothing from violence, either public or private, for it has every means to learn it in season, to counteract, defeat and punish it . . . . " {footnote 64}
p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 64: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp. 13-14

At the time, in 1829, the New Age telepathic capabilities for acting in concert for purposes of judicial subversion were no doubt not as pronounced as they have been since the subsequent spiritualist movement which began in 1848, and since the resurgence and proliferation of spiritualism and the New Age movement in the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's, with each decade experiencing particular contributions to the occult conspiracy. Nevertheless, the means of subversion in the 1800's was widely entrenched.

The report noted that there were approximately 30,000 Freemasons in the State of New York -- about one-forth of the eligible voting population -- "yet they have held for forty years, three-fourths" of all public offices in the State. {footnote 65}
Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
footnote 64: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp. 13-14. footnote 65: p. 15

The influence of Freemasonry upon judicial decisions, in an atmosphere and context of having formed "a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy" was further discovered by "the Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives" in 1836.

In all, nineteen witnesses refused to provide sworn testimony to the committee. Other witnesses informed the legislators that Masons influence judicial decisions and consider Masonic oaths superior to all other oaths. {footnote 74}
p. 36 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 {footnotes:
Testimony Taken by the Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives To Investigate the Evils of Freemasonry, Read in the House of Representatives June 13, 1836, Theodore Finn, Harrisburg, 1836, p. 15. footnote 74: pp. 39-42, 46.

The "Masonic oaths" include concealment of "murder and treason" as well as commitment to acts of "retribution" pursuant to oaths which subvert and pervert justice.

The subversion of America's judicial process at the jury level, even by "grand juries" surfaced during the New York investigations.

The New York legislators said Masonic witnesses on the stand "have sworn to facts, which in the opinion of bystanders, were not credited by a single one of the hundreds of persons who were present." Moreover, grand juries, "a majority of whom were masons," omitted to find bills of indictment "when there was proof before them of outrages not surpassed in grossness and indecency by any committed in the country since the first settlement." {footnote 67}
p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994
Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, footnote 67: pp. 7-8

Since those judicially subversive and perilous times the capacity of Freemasonry and other occult societies, organizations and groups to obstruct and even subvert justice has been evident not only in the proliferation of New Age, spiritualistic, witchcraft, and occult groups, but in the proliferation of the means of telepathically acting in concert and in proliferation of means of psychic influence. The potential ramifications exceed the ominous examples of judicial subversion by juries, staffed by Masons, made evident during the state investigations in America during the 1800s.

The scenarios for potential subversion of justice by juries in the 1990s is first of all present by juries themselves, drawn from a public jury pool in which alarming and growing numbers of persons are involved in the New Age movement, encompassing Masonry, Co-Masonry, spiritualism, witchcraft, and even outright satanism.

The scenarios for potential subversion of justice by juries is secondly present in the jury selection process, whereby telepathic ("mind-reader") participants in the jury selection process are in a position to potentially cull out persons in such a way so as to favor particular objectives. Such scenarios do not necessarily favor the defendant if the defendant has a "mind-reader" or telepathic practitioner working on his or her team, since there may be other agendas in play which do not concur with the defendants objectives. The potential could be considerable for favoring a hidden or predominant New Age agenda.

There are scenarios related to the jury selection process wherein psychic "masking" of the intent, "mind-shield," by the jurors themselves, or by the agency of intervening outside forces, can obscure the efforts of even of a telepathic official participant in the jury selection process. Confusion or deception of a telepathic jury screener could also be facilitated by a device of "reprojecting" thoughts into the telepath's mind which do not actually originate in the subject's (potential juror's) mind. Such scenarios are supported by information provided regarding psychic techniques already exposed in this book.

Of the characteristics belonging to potential jurors which might be sought to subvert the judicial process are those pertaining not only to a secret agenda which a person might be harboring, but could also pertain to vulnerability to psychic influence. Psychic influence does not necessarily involve, or is not limited to, impressing thoughts or feelings upon jurors in a trial, but may be as simple as clouding, stopping, diverting or otherwise obstructing a juror's thought processes or attentiveness at crucial or significant points in the judicial procedure. Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, and Janet Morris, authors of The Warrior's Edge, take psychic warfare very seriously. The scenarios for the subversion of justice in America should also be taken seriously, particularly in view of the demonstrated Masonic subversion of grand juries.

The innocent could be found guilty by psychically compromised juries, while the guilty could be set free. Luciferian spirits who preside over spiritualistic powers and who do "the actual work" can particularly impress acutely vulnerable persons (psychics) and deceive them with a variety of psychic devices.

The intent and actions demonstrated in the occult conspiracy to subvert justice was clearly evident in the investigations of Freemasonry during the early to middle 1800's in the U.S. Since, the capacity in the occult conspiracy to subvert justice has increased dimensionally. The words of Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Freemason, pertaining the "inner machinery" of the "Invisible Empire" of occult adepts and the expansion by recruitment of conspiracy participants who have been instructed to "remain in readiness" comprises the greatest challenge to the U.S. Constitution since the investigations by three U.S. state legislatures. The greatest menace to the U.S. Constitution is from within, from the behind the scenes "Invisible Empire" of presiding occult adepts supported in their ambitions by a New Age "Army of the Elect."

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "whole fabric of Masonry" has to do with the "externalisation of the Hierarchy" of Luciferian entities. The "whole story of telepathy" has to do with the expansion of the influence of an occult "oligarchy" intent on taking over physical control of America, and of the world.

-- The Whole Story --

The "whole fabric of Masonry" pertains to the externalization of the Hierarchy.

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, ...
p. 20 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The "whole story of telepathy" pertains to "the steady growth" of a "Hierarchy," an oligarchy which is intent on ruling the world.

When this awareness is cultivated and the individual mind is brought consciously into contact with the mind of God as it expresses itself through the illumined mind of the Hierarchy of adepts, we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This is the whole story of telepathic interplay in the true sense; it portrays the growth of that oligarchy of elect souls who will eventually rule the world, who will be chosen so to rule, and who will be recognised by the mass as eligible for that high office ...
p. 7 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986

Telepathic interplay, particularly that of impression, represents the principle means by which a spirit Hierarchy associated with Lucifer has facilitated not only direction of it's subjects to expand their own influence, but represents also an agency by which acute access has been obtained to impress the minds of men, women, and children.

An oligarchical elite, an elect esoteric group maneuvering world affairs from behind-the-scenes has been operating with the benefit of an exoteric body of Freemasonry. The inner and outer machinery has been acting "in concert."

True Freemasonry is esoteric ...
p. 16
The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which ... is far greater than all the lodges on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is a central fire.
p. 17
In Freemasonry is concealed ... the path the student must tread in order to join those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs. The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason. A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life.
p. 18

His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Freemasonry has employed oligarchical and behind-the-scenes means, building a "track record." The findings by commissions in Italy have proved accurate, including commission investigations performed during Mussolini's term, and those since.

"Freemasonry has penetrated into the most delicate organs of the national life, using as its lever the chief banking institutions. . . Its chief weapon is secrecy, which debases men's conscience, making them prone to intrigue and obliging them to submit to discipline against which they cannot rebel without breaking their vows: {this} forces them to maintain an internal solidarity which annuls or overcomes every other duty of loyalty or justice, and . . . insures immunity to any one who profits by it.
"When one thinks of the characteristics of Freemasonry which have been set down above, and especially its ties with similar organizations abroad, one realizes that the existence of Freemasonry is a phenomenon of such gravity that it seems unbelievable that the State has permitted it hitherto."
p. 23 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988, 1989, 1994
quoted from: Hamilton, New Age, August, 1949, pp. 486-487

President Abraham Lincoln, shortly before his assassination, warned of the "money power of the country" being employed to maneuver events "until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic {be} destroyed." He spoke of "corporations ...{being} enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow .." Lincoln saw the crisis approaching in his day, in which Masonry had entrenched itself as a criminal empire in America. In 1991 the plan for a world-wide oligarchical rule continued behind the scenes, and 1996 has witnessed the continuing momentum in America of the ever increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of the few.

Lincoln perceived the corrupting influence of the international bankers and commented:
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed. {footnote}
p. 148 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990
{footnote: Dallas Plemmons, The Illuminati, (self-published tract, 1979), p. 4}

The findings and conclusions by three American state legislatures have been in substance corroborative in many respects, including that Masonry represents a "pecuniary evil."

"In Freemasonry is concealed ... those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs." While traditionally and generally working clandestinely behind-the-scenes, the objective of the "great work" is to achieve the "Plan" of establishing an overt occult rulership to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs." [The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, p. 18]
It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come or the return into recognised physical expression of the {New Age} Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs.
p. 570 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A .Bailey, 1957, 1985

Oligarchical rule by an "illuminated" elite, by "the philosophical elect" in which a "chief weapon is secrecy" has been grinding away in Freemasonry's machinery, inner and outer, "as the great work awaits completion."

The rule of the philosophical elect---the dream of the ages---will yet be realized and is not far distant. To her loyal sons, Freemasonry sends this clarion call: Arise ye, the day of labor is at hand; the great work awaits completion, and the days of man's life are few."
p. 454 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals,
Manly P. Hall, 1984

It is with the testimony herein delivered that the shocking words of David Rockefeller of a far-reaching conspiracy of a "plan for the world" in which rulership is to be administered by an intellectual, philosophical elite encompassing an oligarchical establishment, needs to be taken seriously.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
as quoted on p. 13 or
Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:

Police Against The New World Order, 1992

The Masonic link having been estalished by testimonyalready given, the plan for the world conducted behind the scenes reveals an occult philosophically intellectual elite guided by fundamental principles dangerous to the principles of the U.S. Constitution.

Pursuant to the testimony rendered it is evident that Manly P. Hall, 33ş, has operated as an agent of an occult Evil Empire, whereas Alice Bailey has served as a complicitous agent of the sinister Karma Clause of victimization in which satanic forces are wielded to exercise influences to transform society according to New Age / Masonic standards. Will the American Republic be alienated from it's Constitution ?


Chapter 10


The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 10
America's Alienation

The security of America's borders has been a hotly contested political issue. Illegal aliens "walking in" across substantially unprotected borders en masse for years has caused great concerns that America is slowly becoming an Alien Nation.

Examine the words of a foreign agent published in 1979:

"They are all around you, and will soon become more apparent as the world recognizes the need for rapidly stepping up that process [walking-in] in preparation for the evil days of the next decade ... They will be declaring themselves publicly before too long, as an essential step in recognizing the work that will have to be done rapidly and well."
{original author's rectangular brackets [walking-in]}

Do those words make the Governor of California feel uneasy ? They should. The sinister agent was writing about the process of walking-in. But the issue was not the immigration of "illegal aliens" along America's southern border. The process of walking-in referred to pertains to the New Age movement. It pertains to Group Work of New Age "Brotherhoods." It pertains to the occult "Great Work" of incarnating discarnate Luciferian spirits through human bodies (Masonic Hierarchy). The above quotation was written through Ruth Montgomery (Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979, p. 121, 122) by New Age spirit guides and comports with the agenda expressed by New Age spirit guides Asher, Alder, and Lord Maitreya. The emerging New Age lingo has employed the expression "Walk-ins."

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

... that those entering the bodies of willing American adults have begun using the term "Walk-in" only within the past few years.
"They work in secrecy ..."

p. 46

"Many of them will not need to spend lifetime after lifetime going from one body to another, because if they are successful in one or more such cycles they will be able to go and come as the exalted ones."

Most Walk-ins zealously guard the secret of their altered identity, because people tend to fear what they consider supernatural.

p. 47 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come,

Ruth Montgomery, 1979

The "Great Work" of Freemasonry, Co-Masonry, witchcraft, spiritualism, the New Age movement as such has had a significant impact upon American society, as well as internationally. The gradual "great work" of the destruction, casting aside, or sloughing off of the human mind and replacing it with the consciousness of a New Age discarnate spirit has beem represented by several paths. Ruth Montgomery who has channeled "automatic writing" from her New Age spirit guides purported in 1979 that the achievements of discarnate entities in taking over the bodies of human beings has been extensive.

There are Walk-ins on this planet.
Tens of thousands of them.

A Walk-in is a high-minded entity who is permitted to take over the body of another human being who wishes to depart.

p. 13

As they will tell you, a Walk-in is a highly evolved entity who, always with permission, enters the body of a human who wishes to check out before completing the tasks he has begun.

p. 14 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The spirit guide "Alder" disclosed that "World Initiation" is "drawing near," and asserted that "Pain" and "pressure" would lead "naturally, to ... Initiation." Thus, when Ruth Montgomery related that "Walk-ins" are making themselves available to take over the bodies of humans who wish to "depart" or "check out", the significance of the "Pain" and "pressure" leading to Initiation or impression by the Luciferian Hierarchy is quite apparent.

The "work of Walk-ins" is to lead others to seek inner "intuition," while promoting the psychic impression of thoughts upon a person who thinks he or she is contacting one's "inner self."

The work of Walk-ins is at the mental level, inspiring others to seek inner awareness and rely on their intuition.
With their own intuitive knowledge they recognize what sages have been teaching for thousands of years: There is no death. There are no miracles, but simply the proper utilization of life energies that function according to cosmic law.

p. 48 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The "work" of the "Walk-ins" is aligned with the deceptions incorporated in the structure and devices of Freemasonry, that of deliberate misrepresentations. The nefarious doctrine of karma, a formula for evil, presided over by the "Saturnian spirit, Satan," is represented as "universal" or "cosmic" law. The "seething energies of Lucifer" are represented as cosmic forces which can be wielded by humans.

God's Word, the Holy Bible, does not teach that the human soul is inherently immortal. It teaches that through the ransom sacrifice which Jesus Christ rendered in the flesh that the basis is provided for resurrection to life. Satan, in the Garden of Eden, posing as Lucifer, an angel of light, lied and stated that there is no death, but that sinning against God would lead to godhood, and that there would be no death penalty.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

"To speak of disaster in the physical sense is therefore of minor import. The soul is indestructible, since it is a part of the Creator and of Creation itself."
p. 70 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The lie of the serpent, used as a vehicle by Lucifer, has been perpetuated in mystery religion since Babylon and Egypt, and has spread throughout the world. "Intuitive knowledge" impressed upon the subject by discarnate New Age entities inspires some men or women to believe that "there is no death." The lie deceives men and women into thinking that they can "check out" into the spirit realm. Such lies can expedite the "quest" by discarnate Luciferian entities to take over the "human form." New Age "Brotherhoods" are at work in the occult "Great Work" of Freemasonry and witchcraft.

... my Guides verified, that five of the sixty Serving Brotherhoods are composed entirely of Walk-ins ... and that one of their major functions is to assist those who are entering directly into adult bodies ... for a Walk-in to take over human form.
p. 96 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The objective is "for a Walk-in to take over human form." A New Age method to facilitate that objective is the "work of Walk-ins ... at the mental level, inspiring others to seek inner awareness and rely on their intuition."

I asked how this could be accomplished, and she {an alleged Walk-in} replied: "First, look toward your immediate goal and know that you will reach it. When it is time to choose between one direction or another, simply pause for a moment, blank your mind, and listen to your intuition. Don't try to reason with logic. Your own inner sense will tell you which choice to make. If it is any more meaningful, ask for guidance from whatever source is most comfortable for you, whether divine inspiration, prayer, or help from discarnates.. Try being in the Flow as often as you think of it."
p. 154 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The method of blanking one's mind is a New Age, occult technique, and whether one asks help from "discarnates" or "divine inspiration or prayer," the method is not taught in God's Word the Bible, it is an occult method. "Being in the Flow" of Luciferian energies or influence would be like going with the Niagara Flow, heading right over the edge. The goal is "for a Walk-in to take over human form."

"Don't try to reason with logic" represents the familiar "just drive" ploy, "when it is time to choose between one direction or another" the Walk-in teaches, "simply pause for a moment, blank your mind, and listen to your intuition. Don't try to reason with logic. You own inner sense will tell you which choice to make." The objective is to have a discarnate Luciferian spirit make the decision.

The essence of New Age philosophy and teaching is deceitful, representing demon influence and inspiration as one's "inner self" which one is told to contact for wisdom.

-- New Age Deceptions --

It is indeed remarkable that the Founding Father of deception and lies, Lucifer, or Satan, presides over the New Age movement in which New Age techniques are represented as a means to create a world without deception. Telepathy is the agency through which such a world is supposed to be made possible. Yet, the "whole story of telepathic interplay" was explained by New Age leader Alice Bailey as representing the "growth of that oligarchy." Telepathy is the means by which a point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness and acute Hierarchical impression is achieved. The individual seeking telepathic powers to discern deceptions becomes subject to being taken over, step by step, by the very New Age discarnate entities facilitating telepathy. The no-deception or no-successful-deception ploy is one of the most outrageous deceptions.

For some it will be a rocky road, because if others can read our thoughts it will be impossible to lie or cheat without discovery. No one will be able to keep a secret and no crimes will go unsolved.

Why have satellites to spy on another's doings when it is possible to read his mind at a distance and forestall his evil intents ?

p. 30 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Fundamentally, Lucifer and his associated discarnate spirits are the ones with the "evil intents" whose agenda people need to pre-empt in their lives. Satan, the demons, and Karma Clause agents are perpetrating terrible crimes upon the human family, and the nature of those crimes need to be solved and exposed. The lies and deceptions need to be discerned as such.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

I had learned from ... {a Walk-in} that the five Brotherhoods who work directly with Walk-ins employ something called mind shield to protect the newcomers from discovery while they go about their tasks. Since he did not elaborate, I turned to the Guides for explanation, and they wrote: "Mind shield is a protective cloak to guard one's thoughts from too-wide dissemination. People who are aware of mental telepathy often use it while playing bridge or poker, dropping a mental curtain so that they are not sending forth to their opponents images of the high cards they hold in their hands. In a similar manner, Brotherhoods shield the identity of Walk-ins and other high-minded members from the curious public."
p. 102 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Seeing that telepathy is performed through the agency of New Age spirits, the control which they are able to exercise in withholding "dissemination" of thoughts or impression of thoughts to others is called "mind shield." To conceal their sinister activity in preparing persons as material which the discarnates employ, Luciferian "Walk-ins" shield their work from many general telepaths, according to what was communicated by Ruth Montgomery. A spirit guide further declared that:

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"In the years ahead they will be proclaiming this fact to others, and as the process of walking-in is speeded up, there will be less reason to maintain secrecy about their status."
p. 109 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

According to the statements of spirit guides themselves it is evident that what has been taking place is the concealment of their real activities from the telepathic community in general. For that matter, telepathic players have the opportunity to prevent other so-called "mind-readers" from reading their minds in even simple matters such as playing cards. That, however, provides obvious fertile ground for escalation in higher levels of measures and counter-measures, sucking persons more deeply into the vortex of occult/psychic impression.

The whole idea of telepathy is for discarnate spirits to "meld" with the minds of humans and eventually take them over.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

"To speak of disaster in the physical sense is therefore of minor import. The soul is indestructible, since it is a part of the Creator and of Creation itself."
p. 70


Referring to the coming holocaust, the Guides said it will be of such proportions that some now living will wish to withdraw from their physical bodies beforehand, rather than face the turmoil. In that event, they will be permitted to do so without incurring bad karma, because Walk-ins will volunteer to take over their bodies and ease the path for others who wish to remain.

These future Walk-ins are now said to be in the same spirit state as the Guides, but after entering adult physical bodies they will be able to communicate more normally with us earthlings than discarnates can. I asked the Guides to explain the method used by spirits to teach those of us in physical body, and they replied: "We are attuned through something akin to thought waves, although of higher frequency ... so that we are in instant rapport with them. As they attune themselves to us through the so-called alpha state, we are able to trigger a response somewhat like a plane touching down to earth, landing, after soaring through the stratosphere. As we touch down, so to speak, we establish contact and meld with the minds of those with whom we are attuned.

"In this way, we project pictures or symbols into their wavelength, and they reproject them as their own, unless they realize what is transpiring, as you do with the automatic writing. Were you not actively aware of this communication, we would be able to give you symbols or thought patterns, and as your personal radar reacted with them you would assume that they were your own ideas and impressions, rather than having been passed along to

p. 71

you from this side.

Were mankind to realize the full potential, we would be able to influence all human beings in this fashion; yet many are poor receivers, and so unaware of anything beyond their own plane that it is like the locks in some dams, which will not permit fish to rise to the higher level and go upstream to spawn."

p. 72 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Projecting thoughts into a person's brain and having them interpreted by others (evidently by "mind-readers") as originating from the subject of mental impression represents wholesale deception. Ashida Kim wrote of the practice of "masking the intent" and "projecting a false image," and indicated that spirit guides as the real teachers of the "dark arts."

Telepathy represents a spiritistic environment of deceptive, deceitful practices.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"We have lessons to learn when in flesh, and one of them is to protect the privacy of others."
p. 122 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Whose privacy is it that the New Age is protecting ? It is the privacy of the identity of the "Walk-ins" from the public, and often from the community of "mind-readers" themselves.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"Wait until that person is ready to reveal himself, for the time will not be far off when they will be accepted as valuable contributors to the community, and honored as such. Their present need is for privacy to prevent witchhunts or crude remarks while they go about the important tasks they chose of their own free will."
p. 125 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The New Age agenda is to protect the privacy of core conspirators while engaging in Group Work, Karma Clause Work, of subverting the will and character of human beings, violating the privacy of their very being in sinister and evil ways.

Just as the "outer body" of Freemasonry was constructed to "shield" an "inner body," the New Age "Brotherhoods" operate similarly.

... these Serving Brotherhoods, which operate throughout the world, without realizing that within each one is an Inner (or Closed) Brotherhood
p. 94

To restate this in simple terms: Within a Serving Brotherhood, which is something like an outer cloak, there is also an Inner, or Closed, Brotherhood ..."

p. 95 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The New Age spirit guides have much to conceal.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

... I ... asked why Brotherhoods bother to have outer as well as inner members. "As a means of permitting evolving incarnates to have something to join -- a place to develop," they replied, "without initiating them into the inner secrets or esoteric teachings that would be well beyond their present level."
p. 103 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

(In the quoted context the term "evolving incarnates" is an evident reference to human beings which are in the process of transformation or transmutation).

Entry level persons acquiring telepathic powers may be deluded into thinking that the New Age represents a world in which deception is conquered. It is a ploy through which human beings are being conquered.

-- One for All and All for One --

In "reincarnation" terminology, the references made in Ruth Montgomery's book, Strangers Among Us, includes that of "discarnates" and of a "Walk-in," which is a discarnate who "enters the body of a human." "Incarnates" is often used as an expression to denote human beings themselves in her book, and is contrasted in her book from "Walk-ins."

The compartmentalization of the New Age movement is not only by means of inner and outer groups of the "Brotherhoods." Discrete telepathic groups have been formed in which participants are specifically linked.

... references to Brotherhoods and Group Minds, I asked the Guides to elaborate. They replied that many Brotherhoods are already in existence, each with a Group Mind into which members can tap, and that the memberships are composed of both discarnates and incarnates, including Walk-ins.
p. 31 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

"Group Minds." Group Minds with an invisible nucleus. Persons on the outer fringes or outer brotherhood often do not realize that there is an "inner brotherhood" which is telepathically "shielded." The outer members of the groups are subject to impression by the "Hierarchy," but do not have access to tap into the real thoughts, the inner secrets of the (closed) nucleus of the inner Brotherhood.

Thus it is that outer members who are led to believe that they are working for the betterment of mankind are diverted from the real agenda and methods of the inner core. The Illuminati have conspired and worked for the accomplishment of three world wars and a multitude of bloody revolutions. The misery and human suffering which the occult conspiracy is responsible for is staggering. And the New Age movement claims to represent a path of relief from such suffering (which it itself is responsible for). The "Group Mind" represents a means of preparing human beings for co-opting, partially or completely, by discarnate Luciferian spirit entities.

Among the more intriguing aspects of the New Age is the role that Brotherhoods and Group Minds are said to be playing in preparing mankind for the Aquarian Age and the wave of the future.
p. 93

Michael, as I choose to call him, belongs to the Brotherhood of the Spiral, whose membership is composed of not less than two hundred incarnates at any given time, and approximately six thousand discarnates. This particular group might also be termed the Brotherhood of the Mind, since it is dedicated to opening minds, freeing them from shackles, and bringing awareness to all members of the human race.

Michael told me that many people living today belong to one or another of these Serving Brotherhoods, which operate throughout the world, without realizing that within each one is an Inner (or Closed) Brotherhood with its own individual Group Mind that has been growing and evolving for untold thousands of years.

p. 94

"This Mind then becomes a consensus of all the knowledge and experience of its members, each of whom can draw on it through mental telepathy."

To restate this in simple terms: Within a Serving Brotherhood, which is something like an outer cloak, there is also an Inner, or Closed, Brotherhood, and it is these Inner Brotherhoods that have developed their own Group Minds during the thousands of years of their existence."

p. 95 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

"This Mind then becomes a consensus of all the knowledge and experience of its members" evidently excludes the inner Brotherhood of such so-called Group Minds which are "shielded." The capacity for telepathic fraud is vast. It has also been revealed by a New Age spirit that discarnate spirits have the capacity to impress thoughts upon a participant leaving the impression for so-called "mind-readers" observers that the thoughts impressed originate from the subject. Telepathic practitioners themselves are subject to the ultimate form of media or information manipulation and dis-information.

-- The Media --

The role of the media, targeted by the Illuminati Order of Adam Weishaupt, and "smitten by {Freemasonry's} influence" as revealed through State legislature investigation, has obtained a reputation as a critically controlled media, with a clandestine agenda.

David Rockefeller ...

voiced his praise of the controlled U.S. media for keeping their oath not to divulge the Globalist plans to the public. Speaking to his fellow conspirators at a meeting, June 1991 in Baden Baden, Germany, of yet one more infamous World Order group, the Bilderbergers, Mr. Rockefeller said:

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
He went on to explain:
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
p.13 Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:

Police Against The New World Order, 1992

Is the media at large in America and other complicitous media controlled singly by means of "directors" or the outer machinery of Freemasonry ? The answer appears to reveal itself in the New Age Group Mind phenomena.

Although the term "mediarchy," rulership or control by means of the media, is a term which could be derived from David Rockefeller's leaked praise for a conspiratous effort to subvert the U.S. Constitution and replace it with a "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers", the term surfaces specifically in connection with a form of control which "resonates throughout the field" in the form of Group Mind of telepathic receptivity and coordination.

The term mediarchy was used by a New Age spokesman for "awakened warriorship" expressed through the medium of art.. In an article interviewing José Argüelles, Meditation Magazine lists the New Ager as "educated at the University of Chicago (BA 1961. MA 1963 and Ph.D. 1969) - Artist. poet, visionary historian. and cosmic harmonist. he is recognized as a leading spokesman for the principles of art as awakened warriorship and the role of art as a dynamic agent of planetary transformation" and lists several books he has authored. [page 50, Meditation Magazine, Summer 1987].

The warrior theme of the Masonic / New Age movement is evident in the interview, which pertains not to the arts of canvas, but the arts of occult/New Age transformations. Argüelles' explanation of "control" experienced in a coordinating network of groups pertains to receptivity to the spirit guide Hierarchy control which resonates throughout the field. He speaks of a number of groups operating like this and speaks further of their convergence into a larger network.

{Meditation Magazine interviews José Argüelles}

An important thing, once we reach that window, is that through the surrender and through the quality of sublime receptivity which we can cultivate, we will receive information that will catalyze a new sense of vision - a new planetary vision and a new sense of purpose.
The other {area for creating the communication matrix of the five year period} is the role of global media, television and radio. There are a number of moves occurring right now attempting to establish global programming ... .

p. 10

It may very well be that through this period something of an information government, which I've referred to in the Crystal Earth Papers as a "mediarchy," will emerge that will help process the information, will assist in the demilitarization, will assist in the cleaning up of the planet and that will become para-mount.

MM: ... José, is there some sort of coordinating network at this point or would a lot of different groups set it up ?

JA: Basically there are a lot of groups working on this now. ... And depart of the old style is to think that there has to be a central control. The field of trust doesn't operate that way. The field of trust operates knowing control resonates throughout the field. Many groups are operating like this now. We have to trust that we will all converge, harmonic convergence, at that moment and that what is necessary for the unfolding of the next phase will become apparent through the process of convergence, ...

MM: It might be helpful as well if there were coordinated networking, so that groups would be aware of other groups.

JA: We're developing that right now, in fact we're almost at the completion stage of it.

As I mentioned earlier that state of surrender and receptivity is of the utmost importance - surrender, receptivity and trust.

p. 11

... and I think that, particularly through the 5-year purification period {1987-1992}, we will see the emergence of a type of earth/geomancy {geomancy, a form of divination} council that will be working with, for instance, the mediarchy, or the planetary information council.

p. 19 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

"Control resonates throughout the field." Within the framework of persons participating in a New Age "Group Mind" in colluding to bring about a New World Order, usurping the U.S. national and Constitutional sovereignty and working to replace it with rulership by means of an occult oligarchy and intellectual elites, the need for micro-management by the "directors" of major media institutions fades. The capacity of the Luciferian Hierarchy to manipulate the "sublime receptivity" of Group Mind members who "receive information that will catalyze a new sense of vision" is embodied in the word "surrender." It is apparent that the type of "mediarchy" which Argüelles refers to represents a much deeper base of interaction than which could be effected through the organizational efforts of key directors of media outlets. Members of the Bilderberger Group could meet in the "Empire of the Air," and that portion of the public which does not belong to the New Age movement could continue to perceive only the "smiling faces" on the air waves of persons who have blanked out their minds in a field of "surrender, receptivity and trust."

In his interview, it appears that Argüelles may be referring to the activity of networking "outer Brotherhoods" of the so-called Group Minds, considering that Alice Bailey previously expressed an already existing relationship that "what transpires in one department is known in the others."

And yet withal there is the closest co-operation in all departments, with no loss of energy. Owing to the Unity of consciousness of those who are free from the three lower planes, what transpires in one department is known in the others.
p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar,

Alice A. Bailey, 1922, 1992

"Those who are free from the three lower planes" is an evident description of discarnate Luciferian entities, who know what takes place in the other "departments.".

Telepathic networking was also referred to by high level Mason, Satanist and spirtualist minister William Schnoebelen.

However, I knew what it was like to have my mind filled with the scalding hot fog of the "brilliance" of Lucifer. I experienced "more light" in
p. 201

Masonry with a vengeance! I knew the feeling of being linked mentally into a vast spider web of communications, and being part of an invisible army of slaves almost totally at the command of the Deceiver himself.

p. 203 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

Thus, Group Minds of telepathic communications presided over by a Luciferian Hierarchy and governed by "Inner" concealed "Brotherhoods" provide the organizational framework capable of perpetrating a "mediarchy," Masonically and by means of other New Age agencies.

Argüelles is not immune to the trend to "change the words" or language of spiritualism. Yet, Argüelles unavoidably makes reference to "the spirit guides" as you may shortly see.

It is not simply an issue of whether Masonry has smitten the News Media, or whether Bilderberger "insiders" have controlled the press from their powerful positions. What the New Age movement has been expecting and working for is that psychic powers play a dominant role in society, whether through the control of information and a "mediarchy" or through restructuring institutions in general according to "transmitted" "spiritual traditions."

{Meditation Magazine interviews José Argüelles}

From that, then as we move through the next 20-25 years, the role of what we now have been referring to as paranormal faculties or qualities or powers will become not only increasingly important but increasingly dominant in the structure and organization of our life and of the planetary life that we are creating.
MM: In a sense a real science of the spirit will develop, which will no longer be treated as a strange religious or occult realm.

JA: You might say a genuine science of spirit, a genuine science of mind that is grounded in cosmic principles.

p. 14

The truth of it is that through utilizing those genuine living spiritual traditions that have been transmitted, we are going to create the foundation for the new order, for the new world that is dawning.

p. 16 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

Cosmic principles, cosmic law, cosmic consciousness; code for Saturnian principles, karmic law and Luciferian consciousness.

"The new order" which Argüelles explains is expected to be built by utilizing "spiritual traditions that have been transmitted" and employs "paranormal faculties" "which will no longer be treated as a strange religious or occult realm." That is precisely what is happening in public schools in America and in corporations which compel employees to participate in New Age practices. Argüelles describes "paranormal faculties" as becoming "increasingly dominant in the structure and organization of our life." The "spiritual traditions that have been transmitted" have been enunciated by New Age principals such as Alice Bailey advocating the Karma Clause of "group work" in subverting the human will and character. The "Great Work" of witchcraft, Masonry and New Age movement involves subversion of the human soul and is an aggressive campaign of deceit and includes compulsion.

The New Age spirit guide agenda involves an "entity who ... enters the body of a human" "entering directly into adult bodies ... to take over human form." Explicit language by a New Age leader demonstrates the New Age plan : to end the human race, Homo sapiens, which involves massive New Age initiation, massive "imprinting," the take-over of the human form by outside entities. After referring to the "spiritual traditions" utilized to "create the foundation for the new order, for the new world that is dawning" Argüelles states :

{Meditation Magazine interviews José Argüelles}

At that point there will be an actual evolutionary shift of major proportions. The phase that we refer to as Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale will be ended and a new evolutionary stage will occur. It will be like a massive imprinting that will take place at that time, a galactic imprinting. Following that we will be entering a phase, which for lack of any better terms with regards to ourselves as a species, we could call super-human: beyond what we know of as human now and in which we are functioning as a single organism. ... We will then be operating also with the fifth dimension which is the plane of the spirit guides or the ascended masters. We will be operating as a multi-dimensional organism.
p. 18 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

The description of "functioning as a single organism" following a planned "massive imprinting" describes the end result of "no-name-ness" of surrendering personal identity as the New Age host is transformed into a biological vehicle for New Age Luciferian spirits. As Manly P. Hall put it,

"... he must slough off his mind that his consciousness may be disentangled from the infinite complex of the mental web ...
Consequently, ... the mind ... too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection."

p. 65 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy:

An Introduction To Practical Ideals,

Manly P. Hall, 1984

New Age "perfection" involves the death of the human mind, 'disentangling' human consciousness from the telepathic "mental web." The "consciousness" which "is released to complete perfection" is consequently that of the incarnating New Age spirit within the brain of the human, using the human body as a "fleshly glove" or vehicle.
According the the New Age / Masonic Plan, the human race is slotted to be reduced to a mere biological organism to serve as host vehicles for discarnate Luciferian spirits.

New Age spirit guide Alder referred to the massive imprinting as "world Initiation" under the auspices of Satan. The term "super-human" applied to the results of "massive imprinting" or Luciferic initiation does not lack better, more accurate terms of description. Ultimately, the term "fleshly glove" for a Luciferian spirit is far more accurate.

Alder also makes the astonishing disclosure that ...
"The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!

Therefore, the world Initiation to which we are drawing near today is being brought to birth by a universal access of Pain and of pressure, to which humanity is responding with widespread action, leading, naturally, to . . . Initiation."

p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{quotation taken from Vera Alder, The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972), p. 109.}

Former U.S. Air Force officer Texe Marrs, quoted two New Age sources which represent dire threats to the survival of the human race.

Foster Bailey, of the Lucis Trust, further reinforces this dogmatic stance:
The new civilization in Aquarius will inevitably develop a quality appropriate to what we consider most valuable . . . . Our children, and men . . . will have to live with the New Age standards. Those who do not will end up as irreconcilable outcasts.

p. 27 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{quotation taken from Bailey, Things to Come, p. 39}

The real face of Luciferian tyranny and intimidation, New Age "peace", emerges not only in Masonic / New Age philosophy, but in New Age spirit guide utterances through their spirit "channellers" and otherwise through the pronouncements of New Age leaders. The "pain and pressure" tactic to compell persons into the New Age movement, "towards world initiation," is diabolical, indeed.

The New Age leadership has flatly stated that in the coming New Age Kingdom, Christians will have to change their lifestyles and their entire way of thinking and become good "Aquarians" or else. Barbara Marx Hubbard has threatened: "People will either change or die. That is the choice."
p. 27 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988

{quotation taken from Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth!

(Santa Fe, N.M.: Ocean Tree Books, 1986), p. 32}

The "warrior" terminology in the New Age movement and Freemasonry does not simply represent a war of words. Lord Maitreya speaks of "My Army" "My Warriors." The telepathically networked Group Minds in which telepathic impression resonates throughout enables the dubious description by New Age "special forces" that "we are our own commander and infantry." The means which are presented in The Warrior's Edge as part of the "arsenal" with which to demonstrate "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" include a broad spectrum of psychic intrusive and destructive means. Included are psychic means having the capacity to achieve the "manipulation of others" which the authors of said book advocate. The New Age movement represents a human rights violating arsenal and a human rights violating agenda.

In this New Age we are our own commanders and infantry, truly special forces of a sort that has never been seen at war before. . . . Charge on to the only true victory there is, that of spiritual liberation . . .
Like the colonists of this country who began this struggle for liberation, we owe it to ourselves to complete it. The fate of the world depends on us.

p. 33 Dark Secrets of The New Age: Satan's Plan for a One World Religion, Texe Marrs,1987

{as quoted from Jack Underhill, "The Second American Revolution,

The New Crusades," Life Times, Winter 1986-87, p. 2}

Occult liberation is slavery leading to total Hierarchical impression.

Argüelles makes a remarkable statement in his interview which precedes his description of the end of the human race, Homo sapiens.

{Meditation Magazine interviews José Argüelles}

JA: That we're not alone in an inhuman universe. The popular image of being alone in this cold, terrifying, violent universe is merely a projection of our own condition of alienation resulting from our creating a belief that separates us from nature.
p. 13 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

The alienation of the world on the whole is fundamentally and principally alienation from God, and not as the New Age teaches, from nature. That condition of alienation from God resulted from creating a belief, a philosophical belief, that man is inherently immortal, and that under the auspices of Lucifer, the serpent power, that man could evolve into godhood. The Masonic / New Age philosophy takes God out of the picture by claiming that mankind evolved from animals and that he (or she) can evolve into godhood. The New Age agenda is not only a philosophical deception leading to individual ruin, but it is a violent agenda directed at corrupting the human race spiritistically, by force, by compelled initiation, if necessary, divorcing human beings from their bodies and taking them over through deception or compulsion by New Age Luciferian entities.

-- Stepping up that Process --

"Rapidly stepping up that process" of divorcing Americans from their bodies is evident by teachings in special schools, such as Clinton's Governor's School, as well as in general public education as revealed by Phyllis Schlafly in proceedings before the U.S. Department of Education, edited in her book Child Abuse in the Classroom. It should be obvious that the sponsorship of techniques such as those teaching students to divorce themselves from their bodies already declares who proponents of New Age Alienation are. There are New Age proponents who are "stepping up that process" of "walking-in."

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"They are all
p. 121

around you, and will soon become more apparent as the world recognizes the need for rapidly stepping up that process [walking-in] in preparation for the evil days of the next decade, and the shift of the axis at the close of the century. They will be declaring themselves publicly before too long, as an essential step in recognizing the work that will have to be done rapidly and well."

p. 122 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The alienation of mankind represented by the New Age movement is not only alienation from God who directed the writing of the Bible, but it represents the alienation of human beings from their own bodies, to be taken over by Luciferian entities. The New Age agenda is to engage in "stepping up that process." The "evil days" are becoming even more evil.

It appears that one of the key players in accelerating the New Age agenda is Bill Clinton. After Arkansas Governor Clinton lost his gubernatorial re-election bid, the succeeding Governor was aghast at the changes which Bill Clinton had implemented in the public schools, and brought about reversals. However, when Clinton was re-elected as Governor, he instituted the Governor's School in which some of the most promising youth (17 year olds) were essentially isolated from their parents while being exposed to a morally elitist program. The video documentary, referred to in an earlier chapter in this book, shows young persons on the floor being taught to "divorce yourselves from your bodies." It was evident that the students were just sitting back up from lying on the floor while a teacher asked them "are you ready to divorce yourselves from your bodies ?". Based on the spirit guide teaching that "It is unnecessary to do this more than a few times before a high-minded entity will begin to make its presence felt", the students were evidently made "ready" to carry on that practice during further sessions, whether on their own time, at home, or otherwise.

The New Age mystical techniques or traditions are not science but have been transmitted from the New Age spirit guide Hierarchy. New Age guides have explained how a person can divorce oneself from one's body by vacating one's mind to enable another entity to occupy it, incarnating itself on the physical plane through the body of the participant.

{WARNING ! : The following quote by Guides of the author through "automatic writing."}

"When one decides to make his body available for a more highly evolved entity, he should picture himself floating off into space, while another sets up housekeeping in his vacated body.
It is unnecessary to do this more than a few times before a high-minded entity will begin to make its presence felt.

But the vacater should not practice this unless he has definitely decided that he would like to return to spirit, and is willing to have his present incarnation carried on by another.

p. 24

To prepare for a Walk-in, first surround oneself with the golden protective light. Then, as one begins to feel the presence of another, he may invite him in by taking leave of the body for short periods. The best time for this is while lying in bed or on the floor, so that no injury would result from a brief period of unconsciousness while the entity slips into the vacated mind.

p. 25 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Have your children been warned of New Age techniques which unscrupulous teachers and/or school might attempt to foist upon them or present for participation "under another name" ?
As Dr. Lawrence testified, it is extremely dangerous to empty one's mind allowing another entity to enter one's consciousness. The spirit guides writing "automatically" through Ruth Montgomery specifically stated that "the entity slips into the vacated mind." Occult visualization techniques, such as surrounding oneself with a "golden protective light" is one device which prepares the participant for occupation. The device is known and can be intelligently avoided or resisted without a person being deceptively drawn into such dangerous practices. Parents and students can be prepared with pre-emptive knowledge not to fall into New Age traps or to be compelled into New Age programs which are often "re-packaged."

The role of Governor Clinton cannot be underestimated in the proliferation of spiritistic practices, enabling "Walk-in" New Age entities to take up residency in America's youth. Senoir DeMolay Clinton has obtained national recognition as a leader of young people on a path dedicated to occult traditions, and has established himself in the arena of the New Age agenda.

{A Walk-in} asserted, and my Guides verified, that five of the sixty Serving Brotherhoods are composed entirely of Walk-ins, or of entities who in a previous life had been Walk-ins, and that one of their major functions is to assist those who are entering directly into adult bodies. Without the help of one of these five Brotherhoods, it is said to be impossible for a Walk-in to take over human form.
p. 96 Strangers Among Us:

Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

While Masonry has sponsored the path of "illumination" and "permeation of the brain-mind" by Lucifer, other New Age groups have used other terminology and have even taken bolder, less gradual steps at "entry levels" to speed up the quest of New Age spirit entities, "stepping up that process" "to take over human form." Under the sponsorship of Bill Clinton's Governor's School such dangerous and subversive practices have been introduced to youth. With the aid of Clinton's Governor's School, and it's staff who have assisted youth in New Age practice, there are American children who have been subverted, fundamentally, substantially, and they have been robbed from their parents in a six week virtually "incommunicado" environment. The referred to video documentary The Guiding Hand also considers the shift or undermining of moral values which the Governor's School has facilitated. Jacques DeMolay would no doubt have been gleeful to have been a guest speaker in Clinton's School.

Dr. Lawrence well as Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon have enunciated the dangers of evacuating the mind, blanking it, voiding it.

It is these very "technologies for expanding and transforming personal consciousness" that Marilyn Ferguson lauds in The Aquarian Conspiracy. Yet in keeping with warnings expressed by Atrign and others, there are many documented cases of persons involved not only in TM but in other forms of Yoga and autosuggestion having extremely frightening and uncontrollable spiritual experiences. As a result, some have been driven to insanity and even suicide---but these facts are deliberately suppressed. {footnote} The same problems often plague participants in assorted mind-dynamics and self-improvement courses, especially where the techniques involve contact with visualized "inner guides."
p. 49 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The referred to video documentary of the Clinton Governor's School sadly relates the suicide of a young man who had become withdrawn after participating in the Governor's School. It is generally unknown how many of the participating young people might have otherwise "withdrawn" by being co-opted temporarily or permanently by New Age entities while "divorcing" themselves from their bodies.
How extensive is the New Age spirit guide plan for "stepping up that process" ?

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

Then they {spirit Guides} made another electrifying statement: "There will be a President of the United States in the latter part of this century who is a Walk-in ...
p. 207 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

In the context of the inner, Lucifer "illuminated," ruling body of Freemasonry, such an objective is not altogether surprising. For Ruth Montgomery, who is part of the spiritualistic New Age movement it has been characterized as an "electrifying statement." Even if the fulfillment of such a plan would be delayed, the objective of having a New Age Luciferian spirit such as Lucifer, Asher, Alder, Lord Maitreya, or another New Age spirit, whether deceptively beneficent or boldly anti-Christ, assume incarnate residence in the White House is horrifying.

-- "to surrender his body" --

Preparing persons to surrender their bodies to New Age entities embodies a key component of preparing for the "New Age" of incarnated Luciferian entities.

{Meditation Magazine interviews José Argüelles}

JA: ... The key factor in the preparation {for the purification phase} is a sense of surrender - surrender to the higher evolutionary purpose of the planet and surrender to the higher galactic intelligence which monitors this planet. That sense of surrender obviously is an individual responsibility, but it is necessarily undertaken with other people. So we're talking about a small group phenomenon, the small collective, small cooperatives. The attitude by which to enter into the August 16-17 period, which is like a two-day window in time, is this one of surrender.
An important thing, once we reach that window, is that through the surrender and through the quality of sublime receptivity which we can cultivate, we will receive information that will catalyze a new sense of vision - a new planetary vision and a new sense of purpose.

p. 10 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

The "galactic intelligence which monitors this planet" is in the New Age movement and in Freemasonry Lucifer, the "great Orb," "reading his {the Mason's} thoughts."
New Age spokesman José Argüelles claims that "surrender" is an "individual responsibility" "necessarily undertaken with other people," and that "sublime receptivity" is a means of receiving "information." The harmonic convergence occasion he was referring to in 1987 was an event for New Age manipulation of the human race, telepathically. The manipulation, through "surrender" and telepathic "receptivity," leads not to the salvation of the human race, but to it's end. "No-name-ness" de-emphasizes the identity of the individual while preparing human beings to serve as human "forms" for luciferian "Walk-ins."

As I mentioned earlier that state of surrender and receptivity is of the utmost importance - surrender, receptivity and trust. Insofar as the many legitimate meditation techniques allow an individual to get to that place of openness and surrender, of no-name-ness, and as individuals can form into group alliances where they are able to get to that level of surrender and receptive no-nameness, then that helps to create and strengthen this field of trust.
p. 11

The truth of it is that through utilizing those genuine living spiritual traditions that have been transmitted, we are going to create the foundation for the new order, for the new world that is dawning.

p. 16

At that point there will be an actual evolutionary shift of major proportions. The phase that we refer to as Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale will be ended and a new evolutionary stage will occur. It will be like a massive imprinting that will take place at that time, a galactic imprinting.

p. 18 Meditation Magazine, 1986, Summer of 1987 issue,

The Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Van Nuys, California

The "receptivity" to telepathic impression by the Hierarchy of discarnate New Age spirits is closely associated with the "state of surrender." The means of cajoling "surrender" by the occult "evil empire" include methods of "pain and pressure" wherein the role of telepathic thought "impression" and feeling "impression" underscore the meaning of New Age karmic "tyranny."

The very so-called "spiritual tradition" of "divorcing" oneself from one's body has been "transmitted" by New Age spirit guides, and such "spiritual traditions that have been transmitted ... are going to create the foundation for the new order ..."

Surrender of one's body, no-name-ness, divorcing oneself of one's identity, divorcing oneself from one's body, ending the "phase" of Homo-sapiens, the human race, occult "spiritual traditions that have been transmitted" "to create the foundation for the new order," might be Lucifer's dream, but it is humanity's nightmare. Re-incarnation, the process by which a discarnate New Age Luciferian spirit inhabits one human body and later moves on to another, is associated with a "willingness" "to surrender" one's "body."

I was somewhat troubled by the assertion that on occasion a Walk-in whose body dies can almost immediately enter that of another adult, since the Guides had earlier indicated that some preparation with a willing Walk-out is necessary before the transition. But my unseen friends said I was overlooking two factors: Help from several discarnates is always required to effect the changeover, and Walk-ins have more highly developed telepathic powers than most of us. Thus they can be alerted to the willingness of another to surrender his body, and can be in mental contact with that person well before their own body expires.
p. 60 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The nightmare has been attended by pain and suffering through world wars, criminal gangs occultly involved, and international organized crime which has purveyed destructive and morally debilitating drugs. The New Age method of inducing "pain and pressure" was enunciated specifically by a New Age spirit guide, and has as a principle goal the "surrender" of the human being to enable a "Walk-in to take over human form." "Pain and pressure" is supposed to induce or precipitate an "attitude of surrender," according to the occult conspiracy.

Thus, inducing discouragement in human beings provides one path to taking over human form. Part of the arsenal of psychic "warriors" involves the capacity to induce nervous breakdowns and feelings of dread. The Karma Clause of group influence, black magic, to subvert the thinking and character of human beings, aligned with the Karmic formula for evil enunciated by Manly P. Hall, have been duly exposed. New Age spirit guides who offer themselves to "walk-in" the bodies of willing persons who are discouraged is painted by the "Guides" as beneficent on their part and as the solution to mankind's problems.

New Age spirit "Guides" asserted their achievements in a book published in 1979. Notice that the New Age "path" which is referred to is that of "Walk-ins" which is one of several paths to being taken over, including Masonic "illumination," and advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming in which the practitioner is taken over, "part" by "part." The overt "Walk-in" strategy uses several deceptive methods, one of which is to co-opt the "discouraged and heartsick."

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

I asked the Guides if any of our current political leaders are Walk-ins, and they replied: "In the U.S. government there are some in reasonably high places and in intelligence-gathering circles, but successful politicians are less likely to give way to a replacement than are those who have become discouraged and heartsick. A few have attained political power since becoming Walk-ins but at present there is not an abundance of them in the higher echelons."
p. 34 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,


While the spirit medium Ruth Montgomery cites discouragement as one possible motivation for a persons in government to surrender themselves to possession by a discarnate spirit, as the research work America's Subversion : The Enemy Within documents : the pursuit of the acquisition of psychic powers is one of the principal paths of spirit mediumship, and spirit mediumship represents various stages of spirit possession.

The "discouraged and heartsick" tactic is one of several used by New Age "Guides" for their "Walk-in" strategy.

Another tactic is to represent the process of Walking-in as the solution to plaguing problems, the 'surrender your body for the betterment of the many' ploy. New Age "Guides" are 'volunteering' "to take over bodies" "to ease the path for others."

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

Referring to the coming holocaust, the Guides said it will be of such proportions that some now living will wish to withdraw from their physical bodies beforehand, rather than face the turmoil. In that event, they will be permitted to do so without incurring bad karma, because Walk-ins will volunteer to take over their bodies and ease the path for others who wish to remain.
p. 71 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Those who are not yet "discouraged" but who wish to "Walk-out" ahead of time are invited by the New Age spirit guides to surrender their bodies "and ease the path for others." Impending doom wielded by New Age forces and the Illuminati plot for world wars, corruption and oppression, have been part and parcel to the "Pain and pressure" methods of the New Age Hierarchy. The context comprises a strange position from which the "Guides" present themselves as beneficent beings rushing to mankind's aid by offering to take over their bodies.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"Understand, there is no pressure whatsoever for a person to become a Walk-out. It is entirely his choice, freely made, and although he may not necessarily realize it, his wishing for a long period of rest from worldly cares helps prepare the way for a Walk-in."
p. 44 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The spirit guide should have said instead that the New Age spirits have been creating the miserable conditions to "prepare the way" for "wishing for a long period of rest from worldly cares."

In contrast, God's Kingdom rulership in the hands of Jesus Christ coming to earth will provide a long rest period from worldly cares and refreshment for those who are resurrected from the dead and for those who survive the coming War of Armageddon. As the "good news of God's Kingdom" nears fulfillment by establishing a righteous rulership for mankind and the earth, hot on the heels of Jehovah God's approaching anointed King, Jesus Christ, are the New Age demons who are bent on corruption, bent on ruining mankind, bent on creating wars, famine, and pestilence.

Although truth and pronouncements of the Good News of God's Kingdom and judgment for the unrepentant might be interpreted as painful to the wicked, it is "Pain and pressure" to conform to Satan's agenda which Lucifer's demon spirits have been applying to mankind. The deceptively beneficent New Age demons seek the experience of being in someone's body. Among other things, it gives the New Age spirits an opportunity to engage in "transformation" work of the individual. It also has as an objective the co-opting of the person.

{A claimed Walk-in related :}

"I remembered how last year in my tiny, dark apartment in another city, I had felt the presence of others, one in particular who asked to experience being in my body. If I am indeed a Walk-in, I have inherited the memory patterns of the original Laura ...I had welcomed the entity in my dreary little room, sometimes feeling uncomfortable and asking it to go away, but then allowing it to remain there longer. I asked it for help when I needed it, and offered to help it as well."
At that point, Laura had left her incompatible husband and was living alone. Now the diary continues: "I was told that the other entity wanted to experience being me, and it did so briefly now and then. I would lie completely still, and will this other entity to become me for a while ...

"Then it became regular and routine. Each night at bedtime I would relinquish my claim to this body, and allow the other entity to enter it and remain in it all night."

p. 81

"On the night before the full moon, there began the most painful headache I have ever had, around eight o'clock. I decided to go to bed early. I had chosen not to take painkillers, but to deal with the pain on other levels. Pain wracked this entire body, every inch of it. I can never remember such pain. I felt sick. I no longer cared if I finished the week's seminar, no longer cared about anything, and somewhere a connection was made with higher levels. Some stream of energy connected with the top of my head, as I willed the pain to leave the body and go out into freedom. I fell asleep.

p. 82 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The danger should also be mentioned of a person's being given the impression that he or she is a Walk-in, when he or she is not, or not yet.



Pain and pressure.

The Karma Clause work of New Age Groups, Serving Brotherhoods, or other New Age groups wielding the capacity, more or less, to induce thoughts or feelings, psychically, represents another form of "pressure," along with the capacity to induce pain, nervous breakdowns, or inordinate feelings of dread. The "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" of New Age "warriors" guided by the principles of "karma," presided over by the Saturnian spirit, Satan, represents an evil subversion of American citizens by forces alien to the human race. It is an international subversion of the human race.

The Karma Clause of the-victim-had-it-coming New Age Philosophical Empire, or the emerging "Golden Age" of Luciferian incarnates, has not been difficult to decode. Many of the New Age principles have been put to writing, automatic writing, or verbal channelling by New Age spirit guides themselves. The Illuminati's "dangerous secret" of an evil "great work" and "plan" has been exposed.

-- Ruthlessness, Duplicity, Manipulation --

The Karma Clause and the psychic warrior code are prescriptions for evil. The manipulation of humans to suck them into the New Age milieu is euphemistically spoken of as being for their "eventual benefit." The process of Walking-in and directly taking over human bodies is represented as being for the benefit of the co-opted individuals as well as for the world. Notice the emphasis on the use of psychic "influence technologies" in manipulating others.

All intelligence techniques require ruthlessness, duplicity, and absolute integrity. No, these are not contradictions in terms. If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of others. Recognize what you are doing; we do. If this manipulation is for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are adhering to the warrior ethic.
p. 216 The Warrior's Edge,

Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The manipulation is psychological, as well as psychic. Impending doom is used to create anxiety to make persons more vulnerable to the deceptions of New Age spirit guides who seek to "incarnate" "on the physical plane" and re-construct the terrible so-called "Golden Age" of evil entities in the flesh.

Having in mind that New Age, Lucifer inspired/possessed Illuminati have planned three world wars (which Giuseppe Mazzini put into writing in 1871), two of which have been effected, notice how the New Age "Guides" adroitly maneuver persons into their gaping jaws by saying that World War Three can be prevented by immersion into New Age practices !

The Guides say that even World War III, which looms darkly on the horizon, can be prevented if we all begin now to concentrate our thoughts on a peaceful world. The energies will work toward that goal.
p. 164 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The reference to "concentrate our thoughts on a peaceful world" and "The energies will work toward that goal" is that of New Age meditation, harmonic (telepathic) convergence. Yet, the "whole story of telepathic interplay" {powers} serves the purpose of "the growth of that oligarchy" of discarnate spirits. So they say that even World War III can be prevented if one blanks one's mind to enable discarnate entities to enter one's consciousness, and if one pursues an attitude of surrender, telepathic receptivity, and "trust."

The hypocrisy and duplicity of the New Age discarnates in maneuvering human beings into surrendering to their evil plan of co-opting the human race is seen in the following statement. The New Age "Guides" are intent on having humans put themselves in the "Flow" of Luciferic "energies," the "seething energies of Lucifer," as Manly P. Hall described it.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

The nuclear war! The needless war of the 1980's that can still be avoided if we learn to live cooperatively with one another, put ourselves in the Flow, and send forth the energies toward peace.
Unfortunately, the Guides see little possibility of that idyllic state being achieved in time to prevent the holocaust of World War III.

If they are correct in their prognostications, World War III will be set off around 1987

p. 191

the war need not be waged, but it is unlikely to be averted if the present course continues."

p. 192 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The New Age spirit "Guides" are even more explicit, bold and brazen.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"Now as to World War III, which lies ahead, the situation is similar. Were there millions of Walk-ins working in
p. 53

unison, that catastrophe could perhaps be prevented, but in this present age of prosperity, how may luxury lovers are likely to say to a discarnate, 'Take my place. I'm ready to go on.'

If those too indolent to support themselves would be willing to surrender their physical bodies to Walk-ins, so many could enter that the nuclear war of the late 1980's might yet be averted, but this is unlikely to occur."

p. 54 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

What a deal ! The New Age Deal reads that if enough "Walk-ins" in the millions were to work in unison, the 1980's catastrophe of a Third World War, a nuclear war, could be averted. Talk about manipulation ! With New Age "spirit guide" talk like that in 1979, with declared impending nuclear war for the 1980's, that must have spurred the "outer Brotherhoods" into hyper-recruitment response. There was a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity to propel the New Age movement. "The New Age took off."

In the early 1980's the New Age Movement (little more than technologized, yuppie-fied witchcraft) was moving to center stage, with our former witch friends quitely working behind the scenes. About 80% of the New Age concepts were lifted right out of witchcraft, but the media packaging was critical! {Italics, the authors} It had to appear upscale, scientific and trendy. Thus the New Age took off.
p. 73

Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990


A person who "channeled" communications between the earthly and spirit worlds was first referred to as a medium, although now they are often called channelers. The repertoire of the early mediums included table levitations, EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION, speaking in a spirit's voice during trances, AUTOMATIC WRITING, and the manifestation of apparitions and "ectoplasmic" matter. All such phenomena were attributed by the mediums to the agency of spirits.
Spiritualism has had, since its inception, a large following. Many churches and societies have been founded that profess some variety of spiritualistic beliefs. ... Closely aligned with other NEW AGE beliefs, belief in spiritualism again became popular during the 1980's, particularly in the United States.

p. 189 Academic American Encyclopedia, 1993

A retired U.S. Air Force Intelligence officer wrote:
... regarding the New Age influence within our military service. That influence has especially made itself felt, said Kevin, in the upper echelons, among the high-ranking brass. But it impacts lower ranks as well. Military personnel are often ordered to attend such New Age mind control and spiritual training programs as est and Lifespring.
Evine's research also turned up the alarming fact that in the early 1980's, officers at the prestigious Army War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, prepared a study aimed at creating a "New Age Army." These officers, some of whom were graduates of Werner Erhardt's est or former members of the radical university group Students for a Democratic Society, recommended the Army adopt meditation, psychic powers, magic, and neuro-linguistic (mind-talk hypnosis) training.

p. 179 Mystery Mark of The New Age:

Satan's Design for World Domination,

Texe Marrs, retired Air Force Officer, 1988

The ploys are seemingly endless. The New Age offers persons and nations defense from psychic victimization by inviting them to step into the telepathic vortex of deceptions, acute Hierarchical impression, and Luciferian manipulation and control.

All sorts of arguments are used in an effort to get human beings to surrender their bodies. There is the "luxury lovers" argument. There is the "too indolent to support themselves" argument. The hard-core "luxury lovers" are the Luciferian discarnates eager to possess someone else's body. Persons who use psychic powers to obtain wealth ride the road leading to co-option by discarnates who then end up loving the luxury, in someone else's body. The "Plan" has expanded to include the "indolent" with the argument that if enough indolent persons give up their bodies to discarnates, the nuclear war of the 1980's could be averted. The New Age "Guides" are not only desperate, they are comprehensive in their approach, targeting persons in all levels of society to usher in their "Golden Age."

The New Age spirit guide pronouncement published in 1979 presented a prime example of New Age extortion. The Luciferian, New Age discarnates and Illuminati are purveyors of world war, misery, crime, corruption, and they suggest that surrender to their plan is a plan for peace. Giuseppi Mazzini put the plan for Three World Wars in writing in 1871. The modus operandi of the Illuminati include deception, manipulation, pain, pressure and extortion. So what might one conclude ? The 1987 nuclear war did not occur. What might New Age "outer Brotherhoods" and other New Age groups have been manipulated into concluding as to their efforts in proliferating the New Age movement and facilitating and "speeding up that process" of "walking-in" ? No doubt what they might have been deceived into believing is that what is needed is more of the same, more "Walk-ins," more Illuminati.

Persons who found fault with President Jimmy Carter might find the New Age "Guide" techniques intriguing.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

It is a gloomy picture that the Guides are painting for the decade ahead. President Carter, they say, will be succeeded in the White House by another Democrat, {and a scenario is developed leading to war} ... But this will come too late, as war will already have broken
p. 195

out ...

p. 196

They ended their discussion of the war by declaring "this is as much as we wish to tell you now about those perilous times. But remember this! If men will see the folly of their ways, their war may yet be averted."

p. 203 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Manipulation of others, psychically, is declared modus operandi in the New Age movement. If applied in the political realm, the scenario of New Age spirit guides maneuvering New Age activists to participate in influencing the outcome of political elections raises many questions as to the vulnerability of segments of the public to be influenced by individual psychic warriors or by "group work" methods enunciated by Alice Bailey and Foster Bailey. The capacity inherent in methods of psychically influencing persons to think, feel, and/or vote a particular way or to be "polled" in desired ways could have much to do with the involvement by the targeted individuals in the use of drugs and alcohol which can heighten vulnerability to psychic influence, as well as other factors such as in astrology or other occult practices. The capacity to potentially influence "undecided votes" when and where the final ballots are cast presents other potentials for influencing voting outcomes.

(Incidentally, the power of public opinion polls has enormous political leverage, and the capacity for psychics to selectively bias outcomes by selecting persons polled on the street, and the capacity to influence persons who are polled raise the issue of potential manipulation of perceived public opinion which goes beyond the ability to formulate and interpret questions and answers to polls in ways which yield partisan advantages.)

Even if a Republican successor to Carter might have been genuinely predictable, the import of the New Age spirit guides pronouncements and warnings in 1979 could have provided a stimulus in the New Age communities to actively employ psychically clandestine means to achieve what might have been perceived to be a much more desirable outcome, and whether psychic power had a distinguishable effect to change the course of the election or whether a Republican would have succeeded President Carter anyway, more persons would have been drawn deeper into psychic involvement if reacting to the 1979 pronouncements by applying psychic "arts" in an endeavor to influence outcomes. The key to psychologically manipulating the New Age community can be found in the words : "But remember this! ... their war may yet be averted." With an apparent and inherent challenge to alter the sequence of events predicted, as well as working to produce more "Walk-ins," the New Age communities may have been spurred psychologically to propel the New Age movement in the 1980's, as has been observed.

If the New Age groups at all had an influence in causing persons to "see the {alleged} folly of" electing a Democrat to succeed Carter (who was not known to be a Mason), to avert the alleged predicted sequence leading to nuclear war, it would have been a contribution to the outcome of the election which eventually resulted in an occultly oriented administration. Reagan's administration adopted the practice of appointing staff and setting meeting times according to astrological horoscopes, whereby astrology is an occult practice and Masonic practice which is presided over by the "great Orb," Lucifer. Reagan received an honorary 33rd degree in Freemasonry while in office. The accomplishments of the Reagan/Bush administrations in keeping with the Illuminati plan included quadrupling the national debt (one of the "twin pillars" which Jessie Helms spoke of) and de-regulating the Saving and Loans, enabling their plundering to the tune of 500 billion dollars and for which the taxpayers have been indebted to the tune of 300 billion dollars, about $1,200 a head. Many elaborate defaulted building projects were sold by the government at a considerable loss enriching an elite who bought them for a song. The de-regulation czar, George Bush, was a former CIA Director, a reputed 33rd degree Mason, and a member of the Illuminist connected Skull and Bones Society in which candidates are reborn naked in a coffin while spirits are called upon to give the candidate a re-birth.

Thus, when Ted Turner, CNN media mogul, announced in 1988 that what America needed was a New Age President, the energized movement was in full swing, and a media principal tipped his hand.

This is the milieu in which so-called Outcome Based Education became a clandestine servant of the New Age agenda. "Hard" traditional learning skills have been de-emphasized in favor of philosophical testing, in which acceptance of lifestyles such as homosexuality are measured, and where such testing plays a role in whether a student advances in the grade structure or receives a diploma. What is the New Age spirit guide agenda for education ?

-- The Easy Way Out --

The discarnate Luciferian spirits seeking "incarnation" or "re-incarnation" have their own agenda. The occult is proliferating among young people. Luciferian discarnates are intent on becoming "Walk-ins." They are seeking so-called "Walk-outs" who would be willing to surrender their bodies, who would be willing to "divorce" themselves from their own bodies. In the field of education, Bill Clinton was, indeed, a self-styled agent "for a change" by means of his Governor's School in a most sinister way. What other educational ploys do New Age "Guides" have to funnel young and old into their gaping jaws ?

The "self-reliance" Ploy.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

Inasmuch as many Walk-ins are leading the way toward this resurgence of self-reliance, I asked the Guides if any of our current political leaders are Walk-ins, and they replied ...
p. 34 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery, 1979

Self-reliance ? Isn't that supposed to mean exercising the ability to do things oneself ?

The New Age spirit guide plan for education contradicts the image of "self-reliance" of people and students.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

School systems will be drastically altered, for by tapping directly into the minds of others, one may secure the information he requires, without attending classrooms for twelve or sixteen years.
p. 31 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The self-reliance image is a terribly deceptive one. Reliance upon telepathy, which makes one acutely impressionable and co-optable by the New Age Luciferian Hierarchy, is what the "self-reliance" scam involves. Succumbing to "imprinting" by discarnates relies on discarnates who are intent on transforming the individual, leading to co-option.

The New Age is not as keen on educating young people as it is in taking them over, having them divorce themselves from their bodies, blank their minds and surrender their bodies, in short, Walk out.

New Age education is portrayed as the "easy way out,"

whereby it is the ultimate way out.

It is the ultimate way of divorcing oneself from oneself.

The New Age "Guide" disclosure reveals why the trend in Outcome Based Education has been de-emphasizing traditional technical learning, while stressing and even mandating cultural attitude programming.

If "education" is purported to be the key to the "new economy," what is New Age job security, possession by "Walk-ins" ? The "Walk-in" not only gets the job, it gets the person's body.

In the 1990's, the insecurity of America's borders is eclipsed by the insecurity of bodies and minds from invasion by Luciferian discarnates.

What about a Group Mind of students who have been taught to accept any sexual life-style and who are relying on each other for things telepathically that not one of them has learned ? What's the answer to that, having an allegedly beneficent "Guide" offer to take over and "Walk-in" to replace a mind whose only skill, a problematic one, is reading the minds of others and who has been left behind in escalating levels of competitive psychic warfare and Hierarchal impression ?

Is telepathy New Age career training ?

Eventually, the human mind which acquires "co-consciousness" with a "spirit guide" and develops thereby telepathic "powers" should realize that the New Age does not plan a long-lasting career for the human with psychic or telepathic powers. Eventually, the human being's mind is scheduled according to the New Age / Masonic Plan to be "disentangled from" the complex telepathic "mental web." The death of the human mind is on the agenda, to be replaced by a Luciferian spirit which uses the human body to incarnate itself in the flesh.

"... he must slough off his mind that his consciousness may be disentangled from the infinite complex of the mental web ...
p. 65 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall, 1984

New Age education offers students (of any age) the dubious opportunity to "cast aside mind as a snare and a delusion" where the participant "slays the mind" in the Eastern philosophy. In the Western philosophy New Age education teaches that the mind is a bridge to rejecting itself through a co-operative effort involving spiritistic "illumination" to enable "the perfection of the mind before its rejection." The 'perfecting' or entrenchment of the "mind" or "consciousness" of a possessing Luciferian spirit in the human body while 'rejecting' one's own mind is spoken of as a 'bridging' process, a cooperative effort.

... bridge to oblivion ...

In the New Age program, how is the human mind made "perfect" ?

New Age "traditions" comprise New Age outcome based education.

The outcome of the Eastern and Western occult traditions are the same.

What is that outcome ?

The Buddhist priest entering into Nirvana, and the Brahman bridging the chasm between mortal consciousness and samadhi,
p. 66

both cast aside mind as a snare and a delusion; yet without it the very principles upon which they work would be incomprehensible to them. The Eastern mind, endeavoring to annihilate the unreal and mingle itself with the Real, depends first upon the intellect to reveal the processes of illumination and the reasonableness of their abstract conceptions. The Western schools of philosophy differ from the Eastern in the they teach the perfection of the mind before its rejection, whereas the Eastern schools are prone to regard the mind as a hindrance, to be discarded at the very beginning of spiritual growth. Thus the Eastern mystic with his own nature slays the mind, while the Western philosopher, by elevating the mind to a realization of its own insufficiency, causes the intellect voluntarily to offer itself as a willing sacrifice upon the altar of spirit.

p. 67 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall, 1984

Luciferian, New Age "spirit" entities.
Astonishingly, in the New Age philosophy, man is his own savior and occult traditions leading to spiritistic illumination form the basis for what is called occult "redemption." The human mind is not saved, however. Personal identity is not saved. The human body is used as a glove for discarnate Luciferian spirits which later move on to another after the human body is worn out and dies. The Luciferian quest for human bodies comprises the process of occult "salvation."

{Chapter: Illuminated Mind, the Universal Savior}

In the secret teachings it is written that mind itself is the Savior-God. Mind is the martyr of the ages, the eternal and universal Prometheus sacrificed upon the altar of human necessity. Mind is the willing sufferer upon the tree. Mind must destroy itself that that which is greater than mind may endure. According to the Mysteries, there comes that time in the quest of consciousness when man discovers the mind to be the slayer of the Real. Then as he sloughs off his evil nature, he must slough off his mind that his consciousness may be disentangled from the infinite complex of the mental web. The mind is incapable of ascending to the state of consciousness. The mind can never completely annihilate the sense of separateness, for it depends upon comparison for its function and differentiation for its very existence. Consequently, though the mind is ever the link between consciousness and unconsciousness, it too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection, but woe unto him who slays the mind without that understanding which must be given out of the Mysteries.
The mind must not die until its own work has been completed and its function has reached the highest possible degree of perfection. As the mind increases in power and rationality, it grows gradually to realize that there is something beyond thought. The mind is capable of realizing this power but is never able actually to contact it. There is a supermental state which is synonymous to a certain extent with the causal sphere. The Buddhist sees consciousness as a universal sea.

p. 65

The mind is a bridge connecting consciousness and unconsciousness, but having crossed the bridge, it is left behind, its usefulness past. As a bridge, however, the mind is a vital necessity, and he who depreciates it is as false as he who permits himself to become the servant of its whims.

p. 66 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals {SIC}, Manly P. Hall, 1984

In the New Age program, in what ironic sense is the human mind made "perfect" ?
" The mind must not die until its own work has been completed and its function has reached the highest possible degree of perfection. "
The "perfection" of the human mind functioning as a bridge to it's own destruction while enabling the process of complete possession by a Luciferian spirit is Satan's idea of human perfection, human "salvation."
Diabolical !

"The Western schools ... teach the perfection of the mind before its rejection." The "perfection of the mind" is seen in "its function" to accomplish "its own work" to completion, whereupon the "mind must" die. "Its own work" is to serve as a "bridge" which is later "left behind, its usefulness past." The "perfection" of the human mind is described in it's developing role in performing a co-operative work, a functional role as a "bridge" in achieving the "Great Work" whereby the consciousness of other beings take over and in which the death of the human mind becomes an ultimate objective. "Mind must destroy itself." "The mind ... must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished." The shaping of the perfect bridge for the destruction of the human mind comprises what is meant in the New Age by "perfection" of the human mind, perfection of it as a functional, perfect tool for it's own destruction. "Complete perfection" goes beyond the human mind's activity as a bridge, "... complete perfection" is achieved "by the death of the mind."

Consequently, ... the mind ... too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection."
p. 65 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall, 1984

The "consciousness" of the human is "released," but not to life. The occult process results in the "death of the mind."
Not only is the human mind said to reach New Age perfection as a "perfect" tool or bridge to it's own destruction, if there is an ultimate "perfection" in conjunction with the human mind after the bridging function is completed, it might be said that the "death of the mind" achieves complete perfection through releasing or getting rid of the human consciousness, which is replaced by the consciousness of a Luciferian spirit.

In the New Age "Great Work", if there is any human consciousness which is "released" in the process of achieving the "death of the mind", human "consciousness is released" or gotten rid of with "complete perfection" with the "death of the mind."

While on the one hand New Age "spiritualism" teaches that the human mind lives on, it is essentially admitted by the New Age scholar Manly P. Hall that the human mind does not or cannot live on by itself,

"Mind must destroy itself that that which is greater than mind may endure"

and it is this precept upon which Manly Hall's argument is substantially predicated, that a consciousness other than human is to take over the human form, a consciousness which is capable of living on after the death of the human organism, that is, the Luciferian possessing spirit. That is not immortality, freind. It's not your immortality which Freemasonry, witchcraft, spiritualism, or other occult traditions have to offer. First the initiate Mason or New Ager works towards the destruction of one's own mind, and later the human body dies. In the interim, New Age daemons, Luciferian angels, "Walk-Ins," achieve incarnation in human flesh. Contrast that with the Biblical teaching of resurrection to life, everlasting life, through the provision of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

In making another reference to the incapacity of the human mind to be raised above it's own level of mortality, Hall discloses that the Masonic path of initiation involves the human mind only as a link in a chain, with a "spiritual consciousness" (daemon possession) above that level, and Hall speaks of that consciousness (after the death of the human mind and the inhabitation by another "mind") as "capable of remaining in session" after the death of the human body and after it "finally passes back again to the" (Luciferian) "hierarchy from which it came." The incarnate Luciferian spirits are referred to as "Grand Masters" and Hall reveals that even the Master Mason is unaware that it is the (daemon) Grand Master and not his own consciousness which returns to the spirit realm where the Luciferian spirits or daemonic angels reside.

The universe is divided into planes and these planes are divided from each other by the rates of vibration which pass through them. As the spiritual consciousness progresses through the chain, the lower lose connection with it when it has raised itself above their level, until finally only the
p. 35
Grand Masters are capable of remaining in session, and unknown even to the Master Mason it finally passes back again to the spiritual hierarchy from which it came.
p. 36 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Thus, there is a "secret" which Manly P. Hall revealed in writing, which in conjunction with his other revelations demonstrate that the Masonic quest for immortality is a terrible fraud,
in that it is not the human being which attains salvation to immortality,
it is the human being which is led on in a effort resulting in the destruction of the human mind
and in the take-over of the human body by an 'incarnating' Luciferian spirit.
What a terrible ploy !
Willaim Schoebelen has corroborated the demon-possession process as a first degree Illuminati and participating member of the Palladian Rite.

In Freemasonry, as a tool for it's own destruction, the human mind is ironically spoken of as perfecting itself in it's New Age destructive function when said destruction is finally acheived and the Luciferian spirit takes over completely.

When the occult "Great Work" is acheived,
it is the Luciferian discarnate spirit which 'perfects' it's own habitation or possession of the human organism in the process in which the Masonic / New Age initiate uses his or her own mind in a cooperative effort to replace one's own consciousness with that of the "illuminating" Luciferian discarnate spirit.

Human "evolution to godhood" through occult traditions, is a lie, Lucifer's Lie. The human being is not redeemed from sin and death with occult traditions, the human being is immersed in spiritistic corruption and destroyed. In the Occult Tradition, the human being is not saved, the human mind is destroyed and the human body is later discarded.

Spiritistic illumination is posed in contrast to the human mind which is viewed as developing "realization of its own insufficiency." The Luciferian spirit's consciousness displaces the human mind. Yet in the Eastern occult tradition, the mind is not said to be "perfected" as a bridge to destroy itself as it is in the Western tradition. The route is more direct.

If there is "insufficiency" on the part of the mind of any human beings, it should be noted that sin and human "imperfection" began when Adam and Eve rebelled against their heavenly Father and followed Lucifer. Physical, mental, emotional and other infirmities and sicknesses followed. Jesus Christ through His ransom sacrifice has provided the means for forgiveness of sins, and has provided prospects of eternal life for those who would become his children. Eternal life with Jesus Christ in heaven for those who are resurrected to the spirit realm, and eternal life on earth in human perfection when the tent of God comes down out of heaven from God to end the plague of sickness and death which mankind has inherited from Adam (Revelation chapter 21). Lucifer's "perfection" of the mind is counterfeit, a horrible lie. Lucifer's version turns the human "form" into a "fleshly glove" for a "demonic hand." Satan's philosophical plan is for "the intellect voluntarily to offer itself as a willing sacrifice upon the altar of spirit." The "spirit" which takes over is an associate discarnate spirit associated with Lucifer. The human mind is ultimately destroyed along with it's intellect in Satan's plan. On the other hand, Jesus Christ will heal the infirmities of the human being and the human mind for members of the human family who are given a place in his family on earth.

Lucifer's New Age plan for education is not to develop the intellect of the human being, but for the human being to "merge" with and develop co-"consciousness" with Luciferian spirits, following a path which leads to the displacement of the human mind with the consciousness of another being, a discarnate associate of Lucifer, one of Satan's "angels." The New Age "Great Work" is to replace the human being.

The New Age education plan is to blank the mind, sacrifice the intellect, cast aside mind, divorce yourself from your body and have a discarnate being replace you in your body. It's a course in becoming a "fleshly glove" for one of Lucifer's "hands."

Steer clear from Lucifer's designs to de-moralize your character with illicit sex and drugs. Steer clear from occult practices. Develop your mind. Learn to use your body with your own mind for your benefit and for the benefit of your family and fellow man. Learn what God has done for you and what your future can be, and discover or learn what you can do for God.

Examine the scientific evidence that humans did not get here by evolution, but were created by God, against whom Lucifer and associated angels rebelled to corrupt and ruin God's work, the human family. Do not allow yourself to be cheated out of a good relationship with our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ. Do not yield to the empty deception of so-called "occult salvation" which destroys the mind of the human and replaces it with a Luciferian entity. How can you accept the traditional philosophy of evolution presented through adroit contrivances of logic and simplistic presentations of strata. Do not allow the American or International Masonic establishment to play games with the clear perception of intelligence manifest in even the single operating living cell through presenting a materialistic interpretation; and then later, when faith in God, the Creator who is a Spirit, is shaken, to allow oneself to be lead on a counterfeit path of "evolution" to "godhood" under the auspices of Luciferian spirits.

"Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ."
Colossians 2: 8. NKJV.

Examination of the occult conspiracy using it's own sources reveals the plan to destroy the human race and to use human bodies as biological extensions of Luciferian, New Age spirits.
The progress and security of the individual and of the human race is not dependant upon developing "psychic" powers. It is the destruction of the individual and ultimately of the human race which is set in motion by adopting, rather than resisting, such a link to daemonic spirits. With psychic practices, such as so-called "mind-reading," Lucifer has his foot in the door of the practitioner's mind. Lucifer doesn't only want the door.

The realm of telepathy represents a deceptive world of Hierarchical impression, "masking the intent," giving false impressions of a person's thoughts, wherein Luciferian entities wield the capacity of impressing thoughts such that the object or target could mistakenly assume that the impressed thoughts originate with oneself. It is not a world to enter, it is dangerous beyond comprehension, and it represents powers which one would not want to make oneself vulnerable to through drugs, alcohol, or mystical meditative techniques.

The representations which New Age spirits make through their spiritualistic agents serve the ulterior purposes and motives of a segment of the spirit world which is alienated from God and which seeks to pervert the truth and lead men, women and children away from God, away from Jesus Christ. New Age spirit guides have alleged that Moses was a "Walk-in." Spiritualists have claimed that Jesus Christ was the greatest medium that ever lived. Such deceptions are not only blasphemous but represent attempts to lead persons down a path of spiritualism in the name of Jesus Christ and to take credit for notable servants of God.

Taking credit illegitimately is also seen in a New Age guide allegation about inventions.

The assertion that spirits have implanted many of the ideas that inspire inventors and writers would explain why the U.S. Patent Office frequently receives applications for almost identical inventions at the same time, although the inventors are unknown to each other, and why books on the same subject, that was previously untouched, achieve publication simultaneously. These may not be examples of pirating, as is sometimes charged, but of clear channel "receiving" from discarnates.
p. 72 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Not examples of pirating ? Spirit guides are no doubt not the only ones who would like to take credit, not only for Moses, but for many inventions. 'Remote viewing" and "mind-reading" have a long history, one which the authors of The Warrior's Edge would evidently like to expand upon.

Applications of remote viewing to industrial espionage are not unthinkable. If remote viewing were used during early research and development phases, the target company would be without even the hypothetical protection of patent application.
These ethical difficulties are not unlike those involved with the introduction of any other new, invasive technology. Ethical issues of remote viewing will be settled on an ad-hoc basis by practitioners, whether or not a consensus of behavior eventually evolves.

p. 154 The Warrior's Edge,

Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

That New Age spirits, not to mention Ted Turner, would like to see a New Age President, is obvious. Evidence indicates that it has already taken place. What about the plan to have a "Walk-in" as a U.S. President ? It probably is true that not all politicians are interested in divorcing themselves from their bodies by "walking-out." However, in the Masonic tradition the process of greater levels of impression leading to "godhood" is called "evolution."

The "Walk-in" path appears to be somewhat of an "Eastern philosophy" version in that there is no pretense of developing one's own mind, whereas the American Masonic doctrine of "evolution to godhood" represents Western occult philosophical tradition.

The proliferation of New Age techniques in the classroom, at work, etc., has often put the individual or the family at a disadvantage. Having some advance knowledge of the crafty and deceptive techniques used to "repackage" or camouflage hidden New Age dangers could equip a person to escape capture. Who is not familiar with the coyote in pursuit to devour the elusive "roadrunner" ? Wiley is dangerous.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Ephesians 6: 11. KJV.

In addition to that,

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Ephesians 6: 12, 13. KJV.

Who do you think are the "rulers of the darkness of this world" ? Do you think you can fight evil by resorting to occult powers such as witchcraft ? Do you think fighting against "spiritual wickedness" can be achieved by adopting the powers of "spiritual wickedness" ? In witchcraft and Freemasonry the candidates are adopted by Lucifer, symbolized by the "cable-tow" placed around the neck. Your children may have seen such a cable tow placed around the neck of a child in the PBS 'spiritualistic' program "Ghost Writer." Your children might be imitating such traditionas and behavior without your knowledge, even without officially joining a witchcraft or Masonic organization. America's children are learning to solve problems with the aid of New Age spirit guides, right on PBS public television !
If you "adopt" the "spiritual wickedness" which the Bible shows includes spirit mediumship, aren't you joining rather than fighting it ? According to New Age leader Alice Bailey, the pursuit of telepathic powers draws a person into a vortex of "spiritual" energies, wherein "spiritual" is identified in the New Age as associated with Lucifer, Satan, the Saturnian spirit.
Resisting evil includes not resorting to evil. Resisting the New Age imposition of occult initiation and resisting participation in developing psychic powers brings "the whole armor of God" into sharp focus. Developing spiritual strength, not spiritualistic power, paves the road to eternal life.

The "evil days" are presented by New Age spirit guides as those which they can aid the world to avert by mass "stepping up that process" of "Walking-in." It is more accurate to say that the "walking-in" process represents preparation for bringing about "the evil days" of Karma Clause, and the en masse wielding of satanic forces and "energies."

"They are all around you, and will soon become more apparent as the world recognizes the need for rapidly stepping up that process [walking-in] in preparation for the evil days of the next decade ... They will be declaring themselves publicly before too long, as an essential step in recognizing the work that will have to be done rapidly and well."
p. 121, 122 {original author's rectangular brackets [walking-in]}

Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery, 1979

"They will be declaring themselves publicly before too long."

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote:}

"Wait until that person is ready to reveal himself, for the time will not be far off when they will be accepted as valuable contributors to the community, and honored as such. Their present need is for privacy to prevent witchhunts or crude remarks while they go about the important tasks they chose of their own free will."
p. 125 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The plot put in writing by a New Age spirit guide about "Walk-ins" comports with the revelations by New Age leader Alice Bailey (who also was directed by a "spirit guide"), and her 33rd degree Masonic husband, Foster.

It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come or the return into recognised physical expression of the Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs.
p. 570 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A .Bailey, 1957, 1985

That Illuminati, including those who have "walked-in," are anticipated to be honored publicly by New Age constituency, according to the New Age conspiracy, pertains to the restoration of the spiritistic mysteries in the public domain.

When however the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function, the G.M. will also resume his ancient prerogatives, for he will be chosen for his initiate rank, and that involves initiate knowledge. He will be restored to his ancient status, and his right to authority will be recognised.
p. 79 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Fellow Thirty Third Degree Mason with Manly P. Hall, Foster Bailey (husband of New Age leader and spirit channeler Alice Bailey) has revealed the "true function" of "Masonry" and of the ancient "Mysteries," to rule mankind through leaders who are initiate "Grand Masters," incarnate spirits, Luciferian hierarchical incarnations.
The initiate Grand Master (G.M.) is distinguished from and above the initiate Master Mason, even as Manly P. Hall made the distinction, as noted earlier in this chapter.

The plan of the Illuminati, the "builders of the occult tradition" who facilitate occult or mystical "initiation" pertains to the "externalisation of that inner group," and embodies the "whole fabric of Masonry." The "externalisation" of the Hierarchy through human bodies and through an overt, occult government is the plan of the Illuminati, who "are called by many names," including "Walk-ins."

Teaching mystical techniques in the public schools serves the interests of 'restoring' the "Mysteries" of spiritualistic mystery religion. The elitist Governor's School in Arkansas sponsored by the Clintons and it's 'divorcing oneself from one's body' mystical technique has evidently served the purpose toward that Hierarchical goal.

-- Charges--

Spiritistic practices, "divination," constitutes serious charges brought against perpetrators and practicers thereof in the court presided over by Jesus Christ.

"... The diviners envision lies,
And tell false dreams;

They comfort in vain,

Therefore the people wend their way like sheep;

They are in trouble ...

My anger is kindled against the shepherds, ..."

Zech. 10: 2, 3. NKJV.

The court was seated,
And the books were opened."

Daniel 7: 10. NKJV

"Hear the word of the Lord, ...
For the Lord brings a charge against

the inhabitants of the land ...

Hosea 4: 1, 2. NKJV.

The testimony rendered provides ample basis for indictments, such as those which Jesus Christ delivered in person to the corrupt scribes and Pharisees. The testimony has also facilitated the divine commission:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ ...

2 Cor. 10: 4, 5. NKJV.

The testimony rendered has provided the basis for the following brief summaries or charges to indict the participants in support of the occult tradition or conspiracy.
Adam Weishaupt for establishing a secret network of conspirators whose objective it is to "de-Christianize the masses" and to "in silence, possess themselves of the government of the State."

Adam Weishaupt for conspiring to implement "pious frauds" in obscuring an evil agenda of an occult Empire.

Adam Weishaupt for setting in motion a secret organization dedicated to "monopolize the writing, publication, reviewing and distribution of all literature, more effectively to control the minds of the readers."

The Bilderberger Group for convening secret meetings encompassing "political, financial and media spheres" for the purpose of conspiring to fulfill collaborative agenda intent on subverting the sovereignty of duly established Constitutional national States, in alignment with the Masonic conspiracy

Bill Clinton as a New Age agent for establishing The Governor's School in which students have been taught dangerous New Age technique to "divorce" themselves from their "bodies" and in which young people's traditional values have been undermined by an elitist program subverting Judeo-Christian moral values.

Giuseppe Mazzini for "forging the union of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual power" to achieve the "de-Christianizing of the masses."

Giuseppe Mazzini for founding the Mafia which has been a principle purveyor of moral and political corruption.

Albert Pike as the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer for co-founding the Klu Klux Klan.

Albert Pike for instituting the horrible "supreme rite" of the Palladium to preside over Freemasonry and for re-writing the oaths of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite to provide for an ascension of degrees structured to obstruct and pervert justice and providing for the swearing of individuals to be subject of the edicts of a secret Supreme Council operating acting in concert with spiritistic luciferians.

José Argüelles as a New Age agent and "leading spokesman for the principles of ... awakened warriorship" in the context of providing for a "dynamic agent of planetary transformation" in promoting "surrender" to New Age forces, for promoting "receptivity" to telepathic control by New Age forces, for working "to create the foundation for the new order" of New Age spirit guides, for working for the end of Homo sapiens, the human race, and for working for "a massive imprinting" or occult initiation.

Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, for promoting New Age warriorship, psychic warfare, with "ruthlessness and duplicity" in the public domain.

Ruth Montgomery for promoting New Age "Walk-ins" "entering directly into human bodies" subverting the human race.

Michael Howard for promoting the Great White Brotherhood of occult adepts and occult tradition.

Foster Bailey as an agent of the Masonic work of psychic impression and for promoting that work inside and outside of the Masonic Lodge in collusion with the New Age spirit guides of Freemasonry.

Bishop Charles W. Leadbeater for promoting the Masonic Machine and union with Luciferian angels and for promoting sharing in the work of Luciferian angels "so that the machine as a whole may act at it's highest efficiency."

W.L. Wilmshurst for promoting flooding of the individual's consciousness with Masonic spiritualistic illumination and associated thorough permeation of the brain-mind.

Russell Targ & Keith Harary for promoting psychic impression compliance in the public domain and for promoting persons to follow an urge to drive in a particular direction without thought or analysis, to "Just drive."

Meditation Magazine for advancing "coordinating networking," to link New Age groups to further the New Age agenda, thereby promoting telepathic communication and control and a state of surrender and for promoting the re-packaging of occult spiritual traditions for the New Age new order.

-- New Age Ramification Scenarios --

In a scenario, consider what a New Age implemented national health care program could result in for Americans. The implementation of "inner self" yoga or other mystical techniques in which one "wields" the "seething energies of Lucifer" and which puts one on a path for acute impression and take-over by the Luciferian Hierarchy could conceivably be made compulsory in a national program employing an effort of fiscal justification by citing reduced costs to the health care program. The imposing national debt could play a decisive fiscal role in limiting medicare services, paving the way for New Age politicians or administrators to argue that money could be saved with a "serpent bite to the brain," although they might use more euphemistic language. America's fiscal crisis could be used as a precipitator for a New Age health care system, for medicare or otherwise, in which persons might be given the choice to get "occultly saved" or die. Under the Clinton health care proposals a national health care system was envisioned in which services and/or medications otherwise legally available could have or would have been made illegal if "red-lined" as no longer available under new fiscal or other guidelines, and infractions would have been criminally sanctionable. The American people rejected the plan understanding the track record of the federal government running large programs, and understanding the potential for increased taxes and the potential for losing choice in a proposed system overseen by contemplated secret committees with potentate administrative powers. Can you fathom the consequences of having New Age administrators in any health care system ? The plan to usher in a "Golden Age" of Luciferian discarnates has many supporting agendas.

The "It's the economy, stupid" issue as jobs are exported overseas has stolen the limelight while New Age spirits are imported into American bodies. How can there be such a thing as job security when Americans are losing their body security at work and in public schools ? How can Americans speak of losing job security to foreigners when Luciferian entities are clandestinely sponsored in corporations to take over American minds and bodies, essentially taking over also their jobs, as it were ?

While New Age "mind-readers" might say that they "can feel your pain," the New Age movement is maneuvering to have a "Walk-in" to take over and experience your pleasure. And what about Ted Turner's advocacy for a "New Age President" ? In practice that could be like getting two for one, three for one, one for all and all for one, a Group Mind, of discarnates and "Walk-ins" in the White House. In practice, the "two for one" Presidential term which America has experienced with Bill and Hillary Clinton resulted in the greatest effort to co-opt America's health care system under one umbrella, a federal one, which would have had the force of law and which was envisioned to be presided over by secret committees and which has already involved unconstitutional secret meetings in its formulation in which a federal judge had to intervene. The governance by secret committees represents an expression of Oligarchical rulership, and the consequence of "re-inventing" government in contempt of the U.S. Constitution. The very appointment of Bill Clinton's spouse to a role of oversight comparable to, if not also exceeding that of some of the White House Cabinet member's has circumvented the expressed prohibition enunciated in the U.S. Constitution pertaining to a President's spouse. Considering that a second term for President Clinton could involve appointing 25% of America's life-term federal judges and another Supreme Court Justice, there are strong indications that America is facing a multi-faceted crisis.

The "two-for-one" health care plan was washed away with a 1994 tsunami, along with many supporting Democrats. Bill and Hillary Clinton's "Big Government" would have embodied rulership by the few --- oligarchy. Bill Clinton's subsequent expression that the "era of Big Government is over" is not reassuring coming from a Bilderberger, a member of an elite group of powerful insiders working for the establishment of an elite oligarchical rulership operating in America and abroad. A "Big Government" can be exercised by the few, and that is in substance what oligarchical rulership means. Clinton's Big Government health care system was to be controlled by a few -- a secret panel. Staff reductions in government or in corporations don't necessarily mean that the respective institution is getting less powerful, less "Big." Personnel reduction efforts in government or in corporate America need to be watched carefully considering that there are corporate and government institutions which are either making New Age courses or training compulsory or offering them on some other basis. Selective firing practices could result in a higher concentration of New Age staff in government or corporations. It would be disastrous to "re-invent" and "prune" America's government bureaucracies to yield a New Age configuration.

"The era of Big Government is over" declaration by President Clinton is an intriguing statement, not only retrospectively in view of the Clinton/Democrat Plan and Party defeat underwritten by American citizens as evident in the 1994 election sponsored coup, but prospectively considering that a financial collapse of Social Security and/or Medicare within a decade could take place due to the Clinton administration's deficit and Entitlement policies and political gamesmanship. Through failure to balance the federal budget and inadequately modify Entitlement policies the Clinton administration could be setting the American people up for the collapse of aspects of so-called "Big Government" (whether administered federally or by the states) which Americans have invested in for themselves and their communities and rightfully expect services from. The fallout could result in a number of scenarios, including the formulation of a drastically "revised" version of Social Security and Medicare, whereby it cannot be excluded that public outcry could bring such a revamped program under federal auspices (if the Democrat Party has the effective political majority), and possibly under some form of autocratic administration such as the Clintons have envisioned at the outset. The "Big Government is over" statement contains not only ironical aspects, but could be laden with meaning such that it could have a sinister punch line upon the bankruptcy of Social Security, which Congress has been pillaging to service the preponderant national debt incurred by the administrations of Presidents Reagan and Bush and Democrat Congresses. Fiscal collapse of Social Security could put increasing pressure ("pain and pressure") on the Entitlement package on the whole, whereby pressure to modify Medicare could be opportunistic so as to enable the inclusion of New Age mystical techniques to decrease expenses while expanding the New Age agenda and doing so on a possibly compulsory basis.

The 1994 failure of the Clinton Plan respecting the co-option of America's health care by secret panel has not ended a growing crisis for the American people.

The Republican plan of "Devolving" more powers to the states is not insurance against oligarchical rulership but could very well result in the empowered proliferation of examples such as found in Oregon, where health-care red-lining of medical procedures and laws tying compulsory state directed education in with hiring practices could do on a state-by-state basis what Clinton has not been able to do in large measure at the federal level. New Age conquests in society might actually obtain greater strides on a state-by-state campaign when compared to having to mount a national effort which might be opposed by the American people in general. As more persons are absorbed into the New Age movement, precedences in states such as Oregon could be adopted regionally.

Then there is the threat that New Age practices could become an obligatory part of health insurance corporations. As the New Age movement increases momentum, will America's senior citizens be given the option to "divorce" themselves from their bodies" in lieu of hospitalization ? Will our elderly ones be offered mystical trances instead of life saving or pain mitigating tablets ? Will identity checks be as common as blood-pressure checks ? Will "Walk-in" clinics be set up for persons who are pressured to "Walk-out" because insurance companies continue to cut services and payments to doctors ?

While persons underneath the Masonic umbrella may gravitate toward apparently competing camps more aligned with personal preference, advantages, interests or personal beliefs, hasn't the Masonic Machine demonstrated a capacity to achieve it's goals step by step by means of competing political camps ? Yet, that the America people had a voice in stifling Clinton's health take-over Plan was evident in the 1994 election. The New Age agenda is political, social, financial and religious, and has been able to operate with net gains in an atmosphere of two "competing" political parties. The Masonic Machine has many compartments, even a separate one for blacks, while maintaining the KKK and the majority of Lodges in America for whiles only.

The two competing political parties in America have provided a great deal of gridlock in long failing to achieve important and necessary changes in insurance, tax reform, and other public interest legislation. "Order out of chaos" has been heavy on the chaos leading to the New Order.

New age issues are themselves scattered on the field of confusion. White supremacy is a New Age doctrine, enunciated by Helena Blavatsky. The KKK was co-founded by Luciferian Albert Pike. At the opposite pole the black separatist movement in America is also involved in the New Age.

The New Age spirit guides have indeed clearly defined the meaning of the term "hate group" of exceeding "intolerance," and have done so by the declarations of Lord Maitreya, spirit guides Asher and Alder, and others. The New Age "Saturnian spirit" or "Satan" wields the "Law" of the New Age. It is a law of victimization. "Celebrating diversity" in the New Age translates to celebrating the moral corruption of homosexuality, and celebrating the spiritual corruption of spirit mediumship and "divorcing {one}self from {one's} body."

Persons who are tempted to take up psychic practices to fight the New Age cannot do so without compromising themselves, for they would become acutely vulnerable to Hierarchical impression and deception and "spontaneous" psychic experiences, if not also becoming part of the New Age pool of human hosts for co-option. Ephesians chapter 6 shows that a Christian's "spiritual" warfare is not psychic, it is based on God's Word which condemns spiritism. Jesus Christ and the holy and mighty angels will defeat the Luciferian forces at Armageddon, just as Revelation indicates. Secret societies, co-opted secret services and psychic powers pave the road to a clash with God Almighty.

The New Age / Masonic Plan to "externalize" the Luciferian "Hierarchy" in the bodies of initiates is not limited to "fringe" activities of secret society members. The diabolical "Plan" involves an agenda of "massive imprinting" of humanity through an assortment of New Age organizations, including overt as well as camouflaged techniques. The extermination of the human race and the incarnation of daemonic beings intent on using human flesh as "gloves" represents the New Age / Masonic agenda, as demonstrated through the writings of Masonic scholars, New Age leaders and their "spirit guides." So, you see, even if you don't believe in the Bible, you can understand what the New Age movement and Masonic Machine are really all about.

You can also understand what underlying subversive philosophy has been perpetrated by a Masonic establishment in America and internationally. The deceptive philosophical precept that humans can "evolve" to godhood conceptually disguises the actual "New Age" or Masonic process in which the human being's own consciousness is progressively replaced by that of a Luciferian being (daemon). Examine the Illuminati/Masonic links to the development of the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is in reality more of a "specious" teaching than a "species" teaching. The theory of evolution does not have as much a preponderance of evidence as it does a preponderance of support from a Masonic establishment. As was recently admitted (April, 1998) on the PBS Lehrer News Hour by a prominent evolutionist on an elite panel seeking to enforce the teaching of evolution in all of America's public schools, many scientists holding to the theory of evolution are really quite "spiritual." What that essentially translates to is that the evolutionist was referring to persons who are not materialist atheists. Indeed, one of the traditional requirements for a man to become a Mason is belief in a supreme being. The "materialistic" philosophy which "eliminates" God has been used as a ruse to destroy faith in the Creator and in his written Word, the Bible. Now, the bumper crop of materialists which America's Masonically guided public school system has spawned has yielded a bumper crop of New Agers. The very same Lehrer New Hour program just referred to had as it's concluding segment a discussion with an author promoting spiritualism. Even if the two segments were not "orchestrated" to be aired on the same program, the Masonic / New Age Media Machine has acted "in concert" with the New Age / spiritualistic agenda on a substantial scale, right down to the PBS "spirit guide" program for children known as "Ghost Writer."

New Age organizations are promoting psychic cells or groups of persons to "network" with other similar groups. In the name of "peace" individuals are surrendering their consciousness to the daemonic, Luciferian spirits which have been the driving forces behind Mazzini's Illuminated three world war Plan, and numerous bloody revolutions. The New Age "surrender" to the New Age spirit guides is configuring the destruction of the human race in America and internationally. You see, when persons are conditioned to experience the thoughts of others through so-called psychic powers, they are conditioned to have their brains used as biological vessels for mental imprinting. Knight Templar and Palladian Rite Illuminatus William Schnoebelen and others have written of the pursuit in occult circles of experiencing the consciousness of Lucifer or other spirit entities who are viewed as "gods" which imbue their "hosts" with qualities of theirs, with the additional objective of leaving the subject transformed even when not in an ongoing state of possession. The preponderant imprinting, thought impression, or take-over of a human being by a New Age entity is the ultimate objective of Masonic, New Age initiations or so-called New Age "evolution." One of the expressions which have emerged in the New Age movement for a full-fledged incarnation of a New Age "spirit guide" is that of "a Walk-In." While somewhat descriptive, it represents somewhat of a slang expression and such expressions often serve to desensitize persons to the import of what is at issue, which in the case of a "Walk-In" is the daemon possession of a human being. What is at issue is the alienation of human beings, step by step, degree by degree. What is at issue is the Weishauptian occult conspiracy, spawned on foreign soil, a convergence of occult traditions and agenda represented by the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and other ancient occult so-called "wisdom."


Chapter 11

The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 11
The Clinton Mystery

Warning, textual paragraphs of this author also contain imbedded quotations.
Be aware of the "quotation marks" to properly recognize the attributions.

-- Clinton Mystery Schooling --

"Occult salvation," the habitation of human bodies by discarnate Luciferian entities, spirits, represents the "Plan," the "Great Work" of the New Age movement, including Freemasonry. Manly P. Hall, 33ş, explained that which Senior DeMolay Mason and Scottish Rite's chosen 1987 International Demolay Alumnus Bill Clinton might not be ignorant of.

It is quite incredible that any initiated Brother, when presented with a copy of Morals and Dogma upon the conferment of his fourteenth degree, can read that volume and yet maintain that his order is not identical with the Mystery schools of the first ages. Much of the writings of Albert Pike are extracted from the books of the French magician, Eliphas Levi, ... an occultist, a metaphysician, a Platonic philosopher, who by the rituals of magic invoked even the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana ...
Through his {Pike's} zeal and unflagging energy American Freemasonry was raised from comparative obscurity to become the most powerful organization in the land. Though Pike, a transcendental thinker, was the recipient of every honor that the Freemasonic bodies of the world could confer, the modern Mason is loath to admit that transcendentalism has any place in Freemasonry. This is an attitude filled with
p. 450
embarrassment and inconsistency, for whichever way the Mason turns he is confronted by these inescapable issues of philosophy and the Mysteries.
p. 451
Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy [Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1984

The Mystery Schools. A religious agenda of "occult salvation," destroying the human consciousness and replacing it with that of an outside spirit entity has traditionally involved methods including employing sexual perversions.

Weishaupt ... believed that once the masses had been de-Christianized they would demand political freedom and the right to enjoy life without the moral straitjacket imposed by the puritanical teachings of the Chruch on sexual matters.
In common with the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, Weishaupt believed this redemption was possible by the application of the occult traditions preserved by the pagan Mystery schools who were the guardians of the Ancient Wisdom.
p. 63
The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Thier Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Weishaupt's plan to "de-Christianize the masses" and cast off sexual restraints can be linked to occult traditions in which participants have been requried to engage in sexual perversions, such as sodomy, to receive spiritistic illumination. The "ancient wisdom," as the reader has now no doubt already been made aware, was embodied in the sexual magic / sodomy of the rituals of the Knights Templar, Jaques DeMolay being it's last public Grand Master. The "ancient wisdom" represents a legacy of spiritual and moral corruption. The Illuminati scheme itself, composed of Rosicrucian and Masonic Principles, is rooted in the ancient Mystery schools.

While an undergraduate Weishaupt studied the ancient pagan religions and was familiar with the Eluesinian mysteries and the theories of the Greek mystic Pythagoras. As a student he had drafted the constitution for a secret society modelled on the pagan Mystery schools but it was not until he was initiated into Freemasonry that Weishaupt's plan for the ultimate secret society was spawned.
p. 61
The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati became core organization through which the Luciferian hierarchy has expressed it's influence in the Western world, as already born out in testimony rendered in this critical analysis. The foundation for the modern perpetuation of the occult "wisdom" and counterfeit "salvation" is the ancient "Mystery School."

All the great Mystery Schools have hierarchies upon the spiritual planes of Nature which are expressing themselves in this world through creeds and organizations.
p. 17
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall

The Masonic scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Albert Pike, 33ş and Supreme Pontiff of Lucifer, and Manly P. Hall, 33ş, held Lucifer to be the god of nature.
Foster Bailey, 33ş, and wife of New Age leader Alice Bailey, confirmed the ancient foundation of the worldwide nature of Mystery School activity and leadership by high level initiates, of the "Spiritual Hierarchy" which belongs to Lucifer.

The ancient secret Orders and Mystery Schools were led by high initiates of a greater worldwide Order than has ever yet precipitated as an exoteric Order in all its brilliance and perfection.
p. 133
The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Alchemy, as the reader may recall, was adopted by the "Invisible Empire" as a cover for it's own activity, to perpetuate the ancient traditions of the "Mystery Schools" of antiquity.

It is important to remember that alchemy did not take on the overtones of the World Mystery until it became the vehicle of that Society of Unkown Philosophers
p. 63
which set up the Invisible Empire, to perpetuate in the modern world the great Mystery Schools of antiquity.
p. 64
Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall

The methods of contrivance employed to perpetuate ancient Mystery School philosophy and practice, subverting society "from within," can prompt persons to analyze more recent efforts to perpetuate ancient "Mystery School" philosophy and practices.

The alchemical laboratory became the shrine of the spiritual sciences, taking the place of the ruined sanctuaries of the ancient Mysteries
p. 19

The initiate-philosophers ... rebuilt their Empire "along the shores of the air;" that is, on the plane of mind, substituting psychological association for physical Fraternities. Their enemies could not attack successfully these airy fortresses, and the old wisdom continued to permeate the social structure from within. The Mystery teaching emerged under a variety of symbols, emblems, and figures. It took up its abode in the very camp of its adversaries, gradually transmuting all other doctrines into the likeness of itself. It became the Universal Proteus, taking on all appearances at will, yet never revealing its own shape. This Invisible Empire was beyond the reach of the profane. Occasionally one of its citizens (initiantes) was apprehended and destroyed, but another immediately filled the vacancy. The machinery of the Inquisition was set in motion against this Empire of the sages, but persecution only strengthened the resolution of these unknown philosophers.
Alchemy was one of the earliest appearances of the Mystery Schools in early Christian Europe. The contrivance was most adroit. It appealed to the ideals of the idealists, and to the avarice of the avaricious.
p. 20
Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall

The adroit contrivances used in perpetuating the "spiritual" traditions of the Mystery Schools have evidently not ceased. The Theosophical Society, founded by mystic Helena Blavatsky, has through a publishing organ presented a contemporary introduction to the ancient ritual traditions, in the work of Jean Houston. In commenting on his own participation in a contemporaneous "Mystery School" the Hon. William R. Bryant, Jr., Republican Leader Emeritus Michigan House of Representatives stated in the foreword which he wrote for the book Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans by Jean Houston,

Since 1985 I have felt the possibility and reality of growth and renewal. And I found a Mystery School. ... lead for the past ten years by Hean Houston. ... Mystery School consists of nine weekends in the course of a year. In its ten years, well over two thousand participants have taken part in its mind and spirit expanding experiences.
p. Foreword - x
... Why the name Mystery School ? It could be called the Graduate School in Human Potential, or The Sacred University of the Depths, or Archetypal School, or Spirit School. It is, in fact, all of these. ... Further, the sacred schools of past civilizations --- of Egypt and Eleusis, of Pythagoras and Rumi -- were called Mystery Schools as well. The linkage of the modern Mystery School with its sacred precursors of the past deepens and extends its scope and patternings.
p. Foreword - xi
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

There you have it. Explicit. The "linkage" of Jean Houston's "Mystery School" with those of Egyptian and other ancient Mystery Schools is not simply conjectural word matching, it is attested to by a seven year veteran of the school, as quoted.

Willaim Bryant, Jr., continues his discussion by relating his induction into visualization by Jean Houston wherein one was to "let the experience flow and see what happened." {p. xi}. "Thomas Jefferson was next, requiring two brimfull week-ends." {p. xii}. Mr. Bryant was immersed into Emily Dickenson wherein he "found myself writing poetry in her style -- not feeling I was imitating her, just feeling sensuously close to her. I felt our skin as one and gazed out her window at the children giggling and playing beyond the fence below. Similing and sighing with her, ..." {p. xii}. "Later that year, we turned inward again, to the study of Helen Kelller and Annie Sullivan, Helen's Teacher and mentor ... I found myself feeling thoughts as if from her and Annie about education, intended for us today. As I wrote, I had the sense of knowing something of the depth of Helen's mind in the silence and darkness of her vast cosmos, and I wrote in Helen's hand and voice ..." {p. xiii}.

Immersion into the actual writings of various personalities which were focused on, combined with intense visualization exercises is reminiscent of the "inner self" ploy, in which an interposing spirit entity gradually gains access through an altered state of consciousness. Altered state of consciousness ? That is what Mr. Willaim Bryant, Jr., failed to mention, but which the text of the book, which was based on the actual lessons, makes quite clear. In a word, hypnotism. Breathing exercises are used to facilitate an altered state of consciousness "going deeper into this inward state" {p. 177} as the reader is invited to allow Thomas Jefferson to serve as a guide. "And if you find yourself getting stuck or confused, or the vision ceases, you can ask Mr. Jefferson or your guiding Divine Architect to help illumine your vision so that you will be able to see more clearly how it can be done. It especially helps to dialogue with Mr. Jefferson about these things, for he is still full of bright ideas on making society work." {p. 179}. The context is described as the participant supposedly hammering out the details of making the world work with the guidance of Thomas Jefferson. Spirit guides is what spiritualism, initiate Freemasonry, New Age spirit channeling, and the ancient Mystery Schools have been all about. On preceding page 178 Jean Houston states in a lesson "you see that surrounding you, almost like a penumbra of light, is a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society." The "new society" is the New Age, and the "Divine Architect" is the architect of the New Age, the architect of Freemasonry, who is called T.G.A.O.T.U. or The Great Architect Of The Universe in Freemasonry. Lucifer, or his Luciferian "angels" or spirits, are ready to take on the guise of the "inner self," or that of the appearance of Thomas Jefferson. Jean Houston encourages the participant who is in a trance state "Be there now, with Mr. Jefferson. Explore it {"altogether feasible possible society"}. Talk about it. Interact with him. Let him introduce you to some of the people who live there. Be there now, and discover as much as you can." {p. 178}. At the end of the session Jean Houston brings the participant out of the trance including the words "Coming now to full waking consciousness ... Continuing to breathe more quickly now ... Clap your hands, and open your eyes."

Open your eyes, indeed. Don't' let an adroit contrivance induct you into the spiritual and physical dangers of ancient spiritistic practices. Jean Houston herself makes the link with the ancient Mystery Schools in her Introduction.

What is a Mystery School ? It is my twentieth-century version of an ancient and honorable tradition going back millennia wherein men and women gather to explore the mysteries of who we are, what we are here for, and what we may yet become. Once upon a time there were such schools in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan, India, China, Tibet, Ireland, England, France, Hawaii, the Americas, as well as in many other places on the planet where the sacred called to the secular to illumine the mystery of existence.
Thus we harvest what is available (or can be imagined) of the knowledge and traditions, rites and ritual of these ancient studies, imbuing them with new realities and discoveries.
p. xviii

We participate in rituals, ceremonies, and high drama. We empower one another and embrace transformation. ... It requires a commitment to be open and available to the deep inner self ...
p. xix
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

Embracing "transformation" under the auspices of the ancient Mystery Schools is what initiate Freemasonry is all about. The "inner self" ploy camouflages the entry of discarnate spirits into a person's consciousness, empowering spiritistic transformation of the individual. Thus Jean Houston writes about the "possible human" as an objective. Again, in the New Age the real objective is the possible incarnation of discarnate spirit entities into the body of the human. Walking a person through a ritual "story" under deeper and deeper levels of altered states of consciousness forms the substance of much of Jean Houston's Mystery School work.

Great Story is powerful and primal, capable of unlocking levels of the deep psyche. Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are ...
p. 93
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

The assertion that one becomes who one really is through a "mutation of consciousness" produced by ancient Mystery School rituals is akin to saying that one becomes who one really is by taking the hallucinogenic drug LSD. For that matter, Jean Houston's early exploratory work, including herself as a subject, reportedly involved taking LSD. Such mind-altering and hallucinogenic drugs represent a fast-track to contact with demon entities. The Greek word used in the Bible for sorcery is derived from a word having to do with drugs, the link between sorcery and mind-altering drugs being substantial. Thus "alchemy" served as an adroit vehicle for perpetuating the occult Mysteries, not simply because of the quest for turning base metals into gold, but for the pharmacological possibilities which such a cover also presented. As already established in this book, the use of drugs represents only one of several means to produce altered states of consciousness which make a person susceptible to contact with spirit entities. Tonal vibrations, chanting, particular breathing exercises and hypnotism are among those techniques which Jean Houston has employed in her Mystery School courses and books which can induce altered states of consciousness. These are all New Age methods for inducing altered states of consciousness which make a person vulnerable to intrusion or invasion by discarnate spirit entities. There are also more subtle techniques which she and other proponents use, such as those involved in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming. The "end game" pertains to the transformation of the individual under the auspices of spirit guides which leads to a complete take-over of the individual.

Jeans Houston's words, "you see that surrounding you, almost like a penumbra of light, is a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society." "Union" with the "Beloved" "Spiritual Presence" comprises terminology in rituals in another Jean Houston Mystery School book, The SEARCH for The BELOVED: Journeys in Sacred Psychology. Union, merging, with discarnate spirits form the foundations of ancient mystery religion. The "search" for the "Divine Architect," "Divine Archetype," "Beloved Spiritual Presence" comprises the New Age "quest."

A sacred psychology, however, assumes that one's fullest realization comes from the living experience of union with God, which is then expressed through the forms of daily life. The WE ARE realm serves as the mediating field for the practice of this developmental program."
p. 26
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

The "WE ARE" realm of spirit entities which gain access through altered states of consciousness engage in the "transformation" or "transmutation" work. The New Age movement is one of spirit medium activity, spirit medium practice. The human body becomes the "medium" through which New Age spirits write, speak, and otherwise extend their own being.

What sacred psychology does is help you build the bridges that connect your every day life with your depth life. It provides you with practices that quite literally re-orchestrate your brain, your body, your nervous
p. 27
p. 28
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

As Manly P. Hall noted, the human mind, in the Western occult tradition, is trained to served as a bridge to it's own destruction to enable another consciousness to take over, transmuting the person. This process is enabled by building "bridges" or connections to the realm of New Age spirits. The student begins with the "THIS IS ME realm," and uses the "realm of the WE ARE" as a bridge to "the Unity of Being of the I AM." {p. 26}. The student starts off with his or her own identity and is transformed through the agency of the "WE ARE" realm of spirits, leading to a union, an ancient mystery religion union with pagan mystery religion spirits. Jean Houston, herself, again becomes more explicit.

Critical to sacred psychology is the ability to incarnate or incorporate a variety of identities and personalities. This may allow you to access the knowledge and experience of different life forms as well as gain the compassion and understanding that comes from getting inside another person's reality. You learn to operate with leaky margins, and osmotic-ally assume the persona of another.
Traditional psychologies of the sacred have always taught this facility for "incarnation."
This aspect of sacred psychology teaches the ability to assume, when appropriate, the archetype of the god or goddess. Divine identity carries evolutionary enhancement. You take on the body, the mind, the spiritual resonance of the god -- or, if you will, of the next stage of evolution. You enter into the lure of becoming and acquire aspects of the extended physical, mental, emotional, and spirtual capacities of the archetype.
p. 65
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

What is the purpose of all of this "transformation" and of "incarnation" of other "entities" ? Jean Houston's words, "you see that surrounding you, almost like a penumbra of light, is a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society." Another agent of the New Age Hierarchy is thus in the making to contribute to building a New Age of incarnating spirits associated with Lucifer.

Jean Houston clearly states that the Mystery School practice results in accomplishing the following objective, "You take on the body, the mind, the spiritual resonance of the god."

One' body might take on the behavior of the "body" of the inhabiting spirit when the "mind" of the spirit takes over, but the ancient spirit medium practice is really all about the "god" or pagan daemon entity taking over the "body" of the human being. It is what the New Age movement is all about, it is what Freemasonry is all about in it's core principles.

As the authors of The Warrior's Edge have testified to, a change in words facilitates the adoption of practices which otherwise might be rejected. "Archetype" is one such word, carrying with it to many un-initiated an implication that it is not with spirits which one is dealing. "Inner self" is another such expression used to facilitate contact with spirit guides, using a guise. Jean Houston uses the word "archetypal," which is not reserved simply for attributing her rituals to the ancient Mystery Schools.

Twenty-eight hundred years after it was written, this episode of the archetypal Friend in Court still serves as a telling model of what it is in us that helps us out of our stuck places and illumines our traditions. Often some quickening agent of the life force, some stimulus from the archetypal world, is needed to help us get on with it.
p. 79
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

There is no doubt that LUCIFERIAN, pagan spirits would like to get you "unstuck" out of your "place," so to speak, and take over. It is the occult conspiracy objective. Spiritistic "illumination" often forms the "stimulus" by inducing thoughts and feelings, influencing a person's mind in that direction. Very sinister. The "archetypal Friend."

Brace yourself for candor. Jean Houston writes,

How, then can you make contact with this agent, this guide and guardian ? How can you, like E.T., "phone home" before your resources are exhausted ? Most of this book is dedicated to answering this question in a variety of ways. Here, however, I present a basic and deceptively simple exercise in which you become that guiding archetype, observing with both great compassion and detachment the mortal that you are. Essentially, instead of trying to contact this other realm, you will allow yourself to incarnate this realm directly. ...
p. 80
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

Is there some kind of secret here ? In her book, the reader (or practitioner) is told this on page 80. Jean Houston promotes that "you will allow yourself to incarnate this realm directly." I think it's a good idea to have a warning on the front page of her book to read page 80 first, before practicing exercises which are designed to enable contact with the so-called "Archetypes" which have the capacity to influence a person's mind, both in thoughts and feelings. Houston is clearly talking about "incarnating" that "realm directly." As she states, "You take on the body, the mind, the spiritual resonance of the god." Again, it is the human's body through which the spirit realm entity "incarnates." The ancient Egyptian "Mystery School" practice.

In the New Age movement the expression "channeling" is often used where "spirit medium-ship" was previously. Where the séance has served as one "modality" of spirit medium-ship, there have been many, many others. The formats and techniques have changed to include a wide range of methods. Spirit medium-ship with partial or full memory recall emerged publicly as the spiritualist movement of the 1800's advanced. The use of the human mind as a co-operative "bridge" to facilitate the taking over of one's own mind by an outside entity forms the substance of the rituals of the Mystery Schools, and such techniques have converged with the spiritualist movement to produce a comprehensive New Age movement. Jean Houston continues her discussion by speaking of "playing the role" of the Friend in Court wherein "you fully enact the archetype with appropriate change of voice, gesture, language, and energy." {p. 80}. The adroitness does not cease. Neither do the ancient methods. In the section "Incarnating the Friend in Court" "The process will begin with a chant, for chanting prepares you to dissolve the barriers that surround the local THIS IS ME self, and allows the archetypal energies and personae of the WE ARE realm to be identified with and engaged. After the chanting, you will come together in groups of "godded" beings and present the case of your mortal." {p. 80}. "This is the Court of the Gods. Each person will incarnate the archetypal Friend in Court, speaking for the needs and needed transmutations of his or her own local life, referring to the local self in the third person." {p. 81}. On page 81 the chanting method is emphasized with the following explanation that "You will become the realm of I AM, letting yourself be filled with the fullness of the god realm that is the I Am. You will become Being itself." The exercises are, indeed, "deceptively simple." The deception is simple. The deception on the part of New Age Luciferian spirits seeking to incarnate themselves in the bodies of humans by having themselves presented as "Archetypes" or the deep "inner self" of unsuspecting humans is not difficult to see through. The phrase by Jean Houston, "the goddedness in us is yearning for us" {p. 138} bespeaks the quest of discarnate entities for incarnation on the physical plane.

That the spiritism which is involved is but thinly concealed is evident from "The Rites of Pothos: The Search for the Beloved." "This process allows you to experience, first through a guided meditation and then through a powerful ritual, the experience of the search for the Beloved and the union with that deep force within you. In different ways you will experience this in each of the journeys presented in the last part of this book, for all of sacred psychology ultimately speaks to this quest." {p. 138}. The "Beloved" with whom one is supposed to seek "union" has already been identified. For emphasis, Jean Houston's words, "a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society." While adoit language is used, ultimately Jean Houston does not conceal her efforts to duplicate or restore the ancient mystery religion roots of the rituals. "The ritual of crossing the threshold to the realm of the Beloved is derived from my speculations on the little we know of the rites of pothos at Samothrace." {p. 139}. Candles are used and "Participants may be invited to decorate the room as the Temple of the Beloved." {p. 139}. The Script a facilitating person reads is prefaced with the words: "(To be read in a gentle, trance-inducing voice throughout. ...)" {p. 140}. In the "Great Story" which the person experiences in a trance-state, the human participant experiences sacrificing oneself in order that the so-called "Beloved" may live. On a coffin the words are read "You who would save the Beloved must sacrifice yourself so that the Beloved may live" and the facilitator reading the script says, "And you know that the sacrifice must be total, it must be complete ..." {p. 142}. The words of Manly P. Hall regarding the sacrificing of the human mind are inescapably encountered at this point,

"Consequently, though the mind is ever the link between consciousness and unconsciousness, it too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished."
p. 65
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall, 1984

The person, in Jean Houston's ritual, who has experienced cutting oneself to pieces in the visual scenario in a trance-state, is reassembled by the so-called "Beloved." That ritual is supposed to be immediately followed by another which ends with descriptions as follows:

There you find yourself a place where you sit down and enter into commu-
p. 144
nion with the Beloved. It is the place of the marriage of the self with the Beloved of the soul. It is the place of the great union. ...
Know yourself now in communion with the Beloved. You have entered into a union that, if you choose, will sustain and support you all the days of your life. Never again will you ever really be alone, for now your are in union.
p. 145
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

Union with yourself ? No. Union with "ancient" spirits. Note what Jean Houston herself comments about in the "story of Psyche and Eros" which is supposed to provide a "process" "which engages us fully enough" {p. 152} and which uses "the burning lamp and the cutting knife ... used at different times either by you or on you. ... cruelly used on you" {p. 169} in the participatory scenario depiction starting on page 169 which is supplemented on p. 174 with "Instructions for working alone" ... "Since this can be a trance-inductive process ..." "And you can let your eyes remain open until they involuntarily close." {p. 174}. Jean Houston's comment on page 160 regarding the story of "Psyche and Eros" includes this: "In fact, they suggest, she is being ravaged by a demon. In this case, of course, the demon is really a daimon, a god, but at this state of unconsciousness, one cannot tell the difference." In the "Psyche and Eros" section Scenario 5 to be enacted under an inducted hypnotic trance, "Fourth Labor: Descent into Hades Followed by Sacred Marriage," the candidate is further transformed.

"In enacting this process of descent into Hades we engage in a very ancient initiation rite, receiving the gift from the immortal realms. ... This initiatory process and its conclusion invites union with the Divine Beloved." {p. 182}. The "detachment" {p. 80} which has been referred to from the viewpoint of an incarnated "guide" is revealed as to it's substance. It comports with the statements by Manly P. Hall connected with transmutation and wielding the seething energies of Lucifer.

But all of these expressions of the human heart must become transmuted into the emotionless compassion of the gods ...
p. 50 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

In the Search for Union with the "Beloved" the participant, in a trance-state, is guided to exercise "emotionless" so-called compassion in the quest for union with the so-called "Divine Beloved," "the Divine Architect," the New Age god. The pleas for help from others are stifled in the quest for union with the Divine Beloved, the Divine New Age Architect.

Brace yourself for examining shocking elements
of the New Age schooling which Jean Houston presents !
The initiate acts out callous, emotionless disregard for "The pleas for help from others" while the initiate engages in the "quest" for "union" with the incarnating spirits of ancient mystery religion (Mystery Schools).

--- Brace yourself ---
Jean Houston Education
"But your ears are still filled with cries for help.
"Please help me! Please help me!"

"With my homework."

"Through school." ...

"I'm dying, and only you can help me." ...

You used to be such a kind and generous person."

What happened to you all of a sudden?"

"Please help me! I need you!"

"I'm your own mother. I've given you everything." ...

"I've never needed you so much!"

Stay mindful. With so many people asking you to give away all that you have, stay focused."

p. 186
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

Houston writes of gaining the "compassion and understanding that comes from getting inside another person's reality", yet teaches the initiate to callously ignore the pleas of family members in dire distress in order to pursue the "quest."

The issues involve not only transformation of character, but "mutation of consciousness" and transmutation which "sloughs off" human consciousness as it is replaced through "union" with a New Age spirit entity or entities. The person is guided to sacrifice even oneself, according to ancient Mystery School tradition, to achieve "union" and is brought into union in a trance state described in which demons and "gods" cannot be differentiated.

This is the moment of the marrying, the bonding, the communing, the partnering with the Beloved. Know yourself now as being godded in this union."
p. 188
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

The "emotionless compassion of the gods" transformation inherent in Freemasonry and Jean Houston's adopted Mystery School tradition bespeaks a "union" which makes the issue of whether a New Age "godded" being can or cannot feel another's pain, moot. The term "godhood" itself is deceptive, as it has been abundantly demonstrated from the expressions of Masonic and New Age leaders themselves that Masonic/New Age "godhood" involves the destruction of the human consciousness and the replacement of it with that of discarnate spirit entities seeking to be incarnated in the flesh, human flesh.

Are there deceptive intelligences operating in the Clinton White House ? Jean Houston has established herself as an intimate advisor and "spirit raiser" for the Clinton First Family, in her visits at the Camp David retreat and in the White House. Bob Woodward, in his book The Choice has wittingly or unwittingly enabled the Clinton's association with Jean Houston to provide definition of the Clinton White House in terms which New Age experts can immediately identify.

The development of the "possible human" which Jean Houston encourages involves a process of "mutation of consciousness," "transmutation," "transformation" until "union" is achieved with "the Divine Architect" of the "New Age" (the "Golden Age" of re-incarnated Luciferian spirits). The so-called "human" which Jean Houston's Mystery School spirit incarnation process makes "possible" is the "possessed" "human." The "society" which the proliferation of such daemon incarnations makes "possible" is a "society" of incarnated daemon spirits, incarnated in human flesh. Diabolical.

... for the essential task of the Mystery Schools has always been to develop the possible human in the possible society ...
p. Intro - xx
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

The end product of the New Age "Great Work" is ironically called the "possible human." The 'possible incarnated spirit in human form' would be a less adroit expression. Using New Age techniques, one might speak of the "possible" "possessed" "human." The New Age "possible society" is identifiable as the "Golden Age" of incarnating spirit entities and includes in it's composition the political and social aspects of "the Plan." The New Age spirit guides which are facilitating the "hammering out of the details" to construct the "possible society" might be introduced to participants of Jean Houston's Mystery School as "archetypes," but the results are clearly identifiable with the spirit interposing activities of the ancient Mystery Schools upon which the methods and traditions are built.

It is thus with great import that Jean Houston advised President Bill Clinton in the White House:

She advised that Clinton, as a student of history and biography, take the fact of the unique historical circumstances of his presidency, go back to his predecessors and try to harvest their learning. From that the president could construct a vision of a better society, what she called "the possible society."
p. 56
The Choice, Bob Woodward, 1996

Thus, President Bill Clinton was referred to his predecessors by an advisor who has couched the rituals of the ancient Mystery Schools in more amenable language, "sacred psychology." Although Bill Clinton is a student of history, it cannot be argued in the context Jean Houston's sessions with Hillary, and in view of the Mystery School techniques which her several books promote, that it was merely a reading of ink on paper of predecessors such as Thomas Jefferson that was advised. Bill Clinton was, by the advice given, confronted contextually with the methods delineated in the book Public Like a Frog in which Jean Houston's methodology for contacting spirit guides has been expressed with the words:

"And if you find yourself getting stuck or confused, or the vision ceases, you can ask Mr. Jefferson or your guiding Divine Architect to help illumine your vision so that you will be able to see more clearly how it can be done. It especially helps to dialogue with Mr. Jefferson about these things, for he is still full of bright ideas on making society work."
p. 179.
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

Contextually, the "vision" specifically referred to is experienced in a trance state and invites the interposing of New Age spirit guides through the additional facility of guided imagery.

Warning, do not read the following quotation
if you are in a trance state !

"... Thomas Jefferson ... And he beckons you forward. And you see him or sense him in one or another way. He beckons you toward a kind of tunnel that appears to be a kind of space and time warp. And you follow him into the tunnel that will lead you eventually to a society that is a Possible Society of the future. ... Going deeper and deeper. ... Going deeper into this inward state that carries you deeper into this visionary realm of the future society.
p. 177.
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

Bill Clinton has presented himself as the "education president." That is not disputed here. It is called into focus here. Neither is it suggested here that Bill Clinton's first encounter with New Age education or with Jean Houston began in the White House. In Arkansas, the Clintons established the "Governor's School," involved in the teaching of New Age techniques to 17 year olds students, teaching students to "divorce" themselves from their bodies.

What kind of society has Bill Clinton sponsoring ? ... as Governor of Arkansas, ... as President of the United States ? What kind of "Possible Society" is DeMolay Clinton leading America's youth to ? Has Bill Clinton taken Jean Houston's advice ? It appears that Clinton started on forging the "possible society" no later than with his Governor's School in which New Age body divorcing was taught to teenagers.

It is furthermore definitive to read that the advise given to search for 'a vision of a better society' the "possible society" and "to harvest their learning" implicated the "working in you and through you" the New Age Architect.

... a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society."
p. 178
Public Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans, Jean Houston, 1993

Bob Woodward relates in The Choice that President Clinton was advised to "go back to his predecessors and try to harvest their learning." Sound familiar ? Woodward relates, "From that the president could construct a vision of a better society, what she called "the possible society." Sound familiar ? Recalling Jean Houston's words that:

"the essential task of the Mystery Schools has always been to develop the possible human in the possible society",

it is a "possible society" constructed according to the aspirations of the "Mystery Schools" which Houston is advocating.

Who is to "hammer out the details of the new society" ? According to Jean Houston: "... a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form ... working in you and through you..."
Houston teaches,
"you will allow yourself to incarnate this realm directly."
"You take on the body, the mind, the spiritual resonance of the god."

That strategy and method aligns fully with Freemasonry of which Bill Clinton is a Senior DeMolay member, as preceding testimony in this book has ascertained. Further, The Masonic, New Age "Great Architect" has been described by Masonic Scholar Manly P. Hall:

The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.

p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

It cannot be said that the Clintons were first connected with the New Age at Camp David upon Jean Houston's visit there to counsel the president two years into the presidency, considering that their Governor's School has taught New Age technique to divorce oneself from one's body. According to Bob Woodward, "In the first month of the Clinton presidency, Hillary had said publicly that she had imaginary discussions with Eleanor." {Roosevelt}. Jean Houston's role need not have been an introductory one at Camp David. In the Mystery Schools, such as in ancient Egypt, the initiation facilitator was called "heirophant," (a word which she herself uses) the conductor of spiritual (spiritistic) ceremony whose specific role was not to be underestimated, just as in hypnotic induction, the personal role of the hypnotist is not to be underestimated. The Clinton Governor's School, in which identities of teachers were concealed from parents, perpetrated the New Age practice of divorcing oneself from one's body and contributed to restoring the Mysteries into the domain of public education. In Freemasonry and other New Age organizations, the role of the initiator in facilitating escalating degrees or levels of spiritistic initiation is part and parcel to initiation. It would be less than generous to assume that an uninitiated person would have engaged a class in an elite/"advanced" atmosphere to learn how to divorce themselves from their bodies, particularly in a school sponsored by a Senrior DeMolay Mason, whereby

Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient manner of teaching.
p. 22

New Age participants themselves have increasing levels of initiation available, and are thus themselves subject to escalating levels of New Age "education."
A principal New Age objective is to restore the "Mysteries" in the public domain.

These advanced initiates will assume leadership in all departments of human life, elected by the free choice of the people because of their proven merit as wise servants of the public and their inclusive spirit. In the area of religion they will restore the Mysteries--the public mystery dramas and initiations that have been part of so many ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, and the Greek and others through the ages.
p. 236
Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, 1994

Jean Houston has contributed substantially to restoring the Mysteries, the occult mystical practices, as has the Clinton Governor's School. The undermining of traditional moral values at the Governor's School also comports with the occult agenda. Note the commonality of fundamental principle which the Governor's School, which has undermined traditional moral values in impressionable 17 year olds, with the following expressions of occult doctrine. The derision with which Jean Houston has spoken of "puritanical ...." comports with the occult view expressed in Michael Howard's book Occult Conspiracy and aligns with the objectives of Illuminati Adam Weishaupt and that of the Alta Vendita, the highest lodge of black Freemasonry to rule the occult empire before Mazzini wrested the scepter of the dark empire from it's hands.
give quotes.

Indeed, the New Age movement has cast traditional sexual morality aside.

Hillary Clinton was referred to by Bob Woodward as swinging between "New Age feminist and national housewife." {p. 129}. The depiction by Jean Houston may be more revealing. "Houston ... called Hillary a "world server," someone who would help all humanity." Bob Woodward's interpretation of Jean Houston's reference appears very generous. Renowned New Age leader Alice Bailey placed the term "world server" into context in the New Age movement. Let's examine the New Age meaning of the term.

Telepathic communication is also:

d. Between the occult Hierarchy and groups of disciples on the physical plane.

e. Between the Hierarchy and the New Group of World Servers in order to reach humanity and lift it nearer the goal.

p. 13

There you have it. If Hillary Clinton is, indeed, a "New Age" "world server," the implications are enormous. New Age leader Alice Bailey, wife of 33rd degree Mason Foster Bailey, described "world servers" as being in "telepathic communication" with "the occult Hierarchy" for the purpose of furthering "the goal" of the New Age movement.

You see, in the New Age movement, the term "world servers" is expressed by one of the most read New Age leaders as persons being in service to the occult Hierarchy. The "help" which "humanity" recieves from such persons is that for reaching "the goal." The "goal" of the "Great Work" is incarnation of New Age spirits on the physical plane and "the Plan" of the occult Hierarchy is to externalize themselves also by overt rulership.

Clinton's Governor's School, attributed to both of the Clintons, can certainly be said to have served the interests of the occult Hierarchy. Are the Clinton's publicly straightforward about their New Age involvement ? According to Bob Woodward,

"If I ever get caught," Houston asked Hillary, "what should I say?"
"Just tell the truth," Hillary replied, "just tell them you're my friend."

p. 413
The Choice, Bob Woodward, 1996

Caught ? If "the truth" is simply that Jean Houston is Hillary's "friend,"
why would Houston be concerned about 'ever getting' "caught" ?

There is a whole White House contingency caught up in the "goings on" at the White House, a participating contingency, as Woodward reveals in his book. Caught doing what ? If Houston gets caught, Hillary gets caught. Houston got "caught" when she wrote her Mystery School books. "Caught" ?

The Clinton's have already been "caught." The Arkansas Governor's School which they sponsored taught divorcing oneself from one's body, lying of the floor.

The Washington columnist spirit medium Ruth Montgomery describes one of the many methods used to accomplish the process which Jean Houston promotes, the incarnation of spirit beings in the flesh of a human being.

This quotation is presented
for warning purposes only.
DO NOT Attempt the technique.
But, be advised what to watch out for
in school, or other courses.

{The following quote by Guides of the author through "automatic writing."}

"When one decides to make his body available for a more highly evolved entity, he should picture himself floating off into space, while another sets up housekeeping in his vacated body.

It is unnecessary to do this more than a few times before a high-minded entity will begin to make its presence felt.


But the vacater should not practice this unless he has definitely decided that he would like to return to spirit, and is willing to have his present incarnation carried on by another.

p. 24

To prepare for a Walk-in, first surround oneself with the golden protective light. Then, as one begins to feel the presence of another, he may invite him in by taking leave of the body for short periods. The best time for this is while lying in bed or on the floor, so that no injury would result from a brief period of unconsciousness while the entity slips into the vacated mind.
p. 25 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

Their you have it. Divorcing oneself from one's body, on the floor, preparing to have a discarnate entity take up incarnation in the participants body !
The warning caution advises the reader
that the quote presented serves warning purposes.
Watch out for what Clinton education programs
and other New Age "education" programs
would perpetrate on your children !
The visualization involving 'surrounding oneself with the golden protective light' opens the participant to having an entity slip into the vacated mind, as the person apparently engages in an out-of-body illusion in an altered state of consciousness. The guided imagery which Jean Houston uses in her Thomas Jefferson lesson also calls for the participant to visualize being surrounded by a light penumbra or cone of light ... "you see that surrounding you, almost like a penumbra of light, is a Divine Architect for whom you are the chosen art form. And this Divine Archetype, this Beloved Spiritual Presence, is there working in you and through you to help hammer out the details of the new society." "Working in you" "Working ... through you." The Mystery School, New Age "union" with a spirit entity co-opts the initiate. Thus, when a New Age spirit guide facilitated the automatic writing through which Ruth Montgomery was used to describe the process wherein a New Age spirit entity assumes control of a person's body, it is with alarm that the public learns that President Bill Clinton has been advised by Jean Houston to "go back to his predecessors and try to harvest their learning. From that the president could construct a vision of a better society, what she called "the possible society ... ", whose details are taught to be hammered out by the discarnate New Age Architect. Thus the assertion by a New Age spirit guide, channeled through Ruth Montgomery, becomes all the more more threatening as one contemplates the activity of Jean Houston in the Clinton White House.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

Then they {spirit Guides} made another electrifying statement: "There will be a President of the United States in the latter part of this century who is a Walk-in ...
p. 207 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

The expression "Walk-In" is New Age lingo for a spirit entity which has incarnated itself into a human body. In other words, an incarnated daemon spirit, an incarnated Luciferian, New Age spirit. It represents the ultimate objective of Freemasonry, of which Bill Clinton is a prominent member.
It is not here maintained or suggested that the consciousness of Bill Clinton has been overshadowed and eclipsed by an outside prevailing entity, a New Age spirit which is seeking incarnation not only on the physical plane, but in the White House. Neither, however, is it here asserted that such is not already an accomplished fact. What is known is that the threat expressed by the words of the spirit guide which penned that New Age objective needs to be taken seriously. That expressed objective comports with the outline which Masonic scholars and New Age leaders have already given.
Mystery School Jean Houston in her participation at Camp David and in living in the White House, which included two five day periods, provided services to Hillary and Bill Clinton which prompted Houston's remark "If I ever get caught ... what should I say?" Hillary told her "just" what to say. It was elusive and avoided the issues. Bob Woodward characterized the Bill Clinton / Jean Houston advisor relationship by saying "But he {Bill Clinton} was one of the fastest and deepest learners that she had ever encountered." That was "16 months after she had known him"{p. 413, The Choice}. If Clinton was "retrained by circumstance" {p. 413} and "getting close to transcendence" {p. 413} it must be specifically asked how. Was Jean Houston simply an observer of how Bill Clinton was responding to "circumstance" ? Or has Jean Houston facilitated the 'training', even if partially ? On page 413 in The Choice, Woodward relates that Houston attributes a "deepened and fortified" Clinton at least partially to her efforts to 'help' Clinton "undertake perhaps the most difficult task of his presidency." "Houston and Bateson asked to hold deeper reflective sessions with the president, but he never responded." {p. 413}. What needs to be remembered is that assuming the communication to be true, it might have been, let's say, uncomfortable for the President to engage in deeper hypnotic states under the facilitating guidance and direct participation of Jean Houston, according to what we have already learned about her techniques. Yet, Houston promotes self-application of much of what she teaches. Being cautious about what might be inferred might include not inferring that Clinton's lack of response to Houston's deeper session overtures would exclude the student from engaging in further sessions himself, under the auspices of one of those "guides" which Houston recommended if the student encounters difficulties.

It was earlier during the Camp David advisory sessions that Houston advised Bill Clinton to "go back to his predecessors and try to harvest their learning." {p. 56}. The "learning" which Jean Houston promotes in her Mystery School and related series of books pertains to experiencing circumstances through guided imagery in an altered state of consciousness. It pertains to learning from spirit guides which interpose and conduct their own sessions during the experience during pauses allotted for such. Several books which Jean Houston has written reprint much of the original lessons which she has taught. One such book, Manual for the Peacemaker: An Iroquois Legend to Heal Self and Society was read by both Hillary and the president. {The Choice, p. 133}.

Manual for the Peacemaker was the second Mystery School book in a series following The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as Mystery and Initiation. In the introduction of Manual for the Peacemaker, "How to Use This Book," Houston opens: "This book is intended to enable groups of people to experience together the transformational power of one of the greatest stories ever told." {p. xi}. "...for this volume is second in a series of books devoted to presenting material which grew out of our presentation in the Mystery School." {p. xxxii}. "We participate in rituals, ceremonies, and high drama. We empower one another and embrace transformation. Virtually all of the exercise and processes involve restructuring of mental, physical, and psychological life to enable the activation of many of our extraordinary human potentials." {p. xxxiii}. The "restructuring" involves altered states of consciousness, trance states. "In Part Two you will be guided in a meditation to a state of receptivity in which you receive the quality of the Peacemaker. {p. 9}. "Peacemaker" ? Not just a title, a name given to "Deganawidah ... for he would be an incarnation of the great Spirit sent to do his work on earth." {p. 1}. "I ask you now to sit up in a comfortable position and close your eyes." Exercises follow. "Let us begin by invoking the spirit of Deganawidah and Hiawatha as archetypes of peacemaking, persuaders and teachers of the way of peace. ... Deganawidah promised that if they {his people} needed a renewal of peace, they had only to speak his name and he would return to teach them again. The ancient peoples knew that there is power in a name, so our invocation may simply be the name by which Deganawidah is known -- Peacemaker." {p. 12}. And the participants proceed to chant "Peacemaker" to "invoke the spirit." Guided imagery follows as Jean Houston or another facilitating Guide eventually arrives at the guiding image with the words: "Now the Peacemaker paddles his white canoe into the lake of your heart ... And you allow Deganawidah, Peacemaker, to enter fully into the lake of your heart, granting you something of the New Mind, new heart, new understanding of the message, the challenge, and the task of peacemaking ..." {p. 13}. "And the peace moves in you, and it is you. And you know yourself as Peacemaker." {p. 14}.

Houston's descriptions of Deganawidah included "that Deganawidah knew that he was living as an agent of an archetypal power, that he was the outward manifestation, the living incarnate from in space and time of an inward spiritual power. ... Deganawiday was in a state of communion and dynamic connection with the archetypal realm of spirit. ... Then it seems that certain men and women are inspired by the particular spiritual or archetypal presences that contain the evolutionary information needed to guide the next stage of human development. ... such individuals are energized to engage in extraordinary activities and to deliver inspired teachings". {p. 22}. To follow the "experiential" exercises of the Mystery Schools poses questions as to a person's identity, no later than the initiations, indeed. Jean Houston prompts the question which we are supposed to ask others, "Who are you really, and what is your message?" Houston, "And when we ourselves are asked that question, we need to respond truthfully and courageously as Deganawiday does." How is that ? To say that one is an incarnation of someone else ? Houston, "Would it not be wonderful to be able to answer a question about our identity and our purpose with the deepest knowing of the soul ?

"Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are ... " --- Jean Houston

Look, the "intense force" which produces a "mutation in consciousness" resulting in the "incarnation" of another entity does not result in becoming "who you really are."

"To do so is to realize that we are a particular focalization in space and time of the God-Self and to become more and more accustomed to being sourced from this Self." {p. 23}
The rhetorical exercises themselves appear rather intense.

Invoking spirits to incarnate themselves in persons in whom an altered state of consciousness is produced (a trance state) and then describing the result as an inner self archetypal expression does not provide a satisfying explanation for spiritualistic phenomena, psychic powers, or the scope of mediumistic activities. The thrust of Jean Huston's Mystery School techniques of producing altered states of consciousness and invoking and incarnating spirits is not a matter of simple role playing. Identity is truly a fundamental issue during or after such "processes" or "mutation of consciousness."

Thus it is that the disclosures of Jean Houston's involvement in having Hillary Clinton close her eyes and herself hold a conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt cannot in the context of Houston's extensive work be simply written-off as role-playing.

Woodward on Hillary Clinton : "she knows herself ...shaman, a higher power to posses one ... p. F-xv

A principle method used by Jean Houston, as well as other New Age tutors, is that of guided visualization or guided imagery, which particularly in altered states of consciousness can open a person to contact with spirit guides.

"Critical to any practice of sacred psychology is training in multiple imageries to facilitate the inner realism of journeys of the soul. ... " --- Jean Houston.

Houston's students have according to her own teachings not been dependent upon her facilitation to continue the spirit guide transformations or transmutations. Jean Houston gives an eastern tradition example of how so-called "inner" teachers assume the role of guiding the student into deeper depths.

In both Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist practice, for example, one learns to build up the most precise and complex images of Buddhas and Boddhisattva figures so that the interior image has a much reality as if that image were seen and known externally. Then these "living" inner divine teachers become one's guides to the deeper levels of human and divine experience. The meditative experience of these Buddhist schools ..."
p. 58
The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology, Jean Houston, 1987

The meditative techniques which facilitate altered states of consciousness open the doors to interposing spirit entities. Jean Houston comments that "from the ancient Egyptian mystery schools to modern theosophical movements, training in internal imageries is critical to their practice of engaging the inner gnosis." {p. 58}.

Inner gnosis is the expression for inner knowledge. Knowledge facilitated by spirit guides.

The person initially constructing the visual image discovers, through the mystical techniques which open the door to spirit interposition the image may have "began to unfold its own story, its own narrative." {p. 61}. Dangerous, indeed. Interposing spirit entities, entering the consciousness of the human, known to take over the human.

Speaking of Bob Woodward, is there an unanswered "mystery" in regard to his role in unraveling the "Watergate" scandal ?
Who was "deep throat" ?
A mind-reading, telepathic tattle tale who guided the dismantling of Nixon's Presidency ?
Or a spirit guide acting in the service of preserving the occult conspiracy ?
Who ?

Perhaps the answer lies in the phrase "Follow Bob Woodward,"
who was the first to pursue the Watergate story.

Bob Woodward is very intriguing, indeed.
It is not, however, suggested that Mr. Woodward acted in the capacity of a telepathic tattle tale.

Bob Woodward publicly played down the import of what he related about the Clintons in connection with Jean Houston, but in a public interview he also conceded that others would pursue what was revealed. That's like holding a sign up reading "There's more." His concession might also suggest that he knew of the import of what he related but did not pursue it completely.
Intriguing fellow, Woodward. I mean it sincerely.

He was right that others would pursue what was revealed.
You just read such a pursuit. It was written two years ago.
In the meantime, there has been a great deal of obstruction and cover-up of the research material of
America's Subversion. This, however, is the first release of the material of this particular chapter.

To persons well-acquainted with the New Age conspiracy, Bob Woodward's The Choice stated much about what needed to be stated about the Clintons.

The specific application of key New Age words and other relevant descriptions revealed in The Choice allow it to be adequately demonstrated that the Clinton White House is knee deep in occult "Mystery," as has been Clinton's Governor's School in Arkansas.
On the other hand, to persons well-versed in the conspiracy, mostly New Ager's, it provided a significant description of the significance of the Clinton administration.

If the Washington Post, which Bob Woodward has continued to work for, has been implicated by Bilderberger David Rockefeller in concealing a "plan" to subvert America's constitutional sovereignty, what other than unconstitutional process, per se, was at risk with the Nixon administration's clandestine actions to break into the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate office complex, and to what might a successful break-in have led ? What, besides the abuse of power by an American President, was at risk ? The Democrat Party has been in the forefront in pursuing New Age agenda in conjunction with respective legislation. That's one perspective.

Bob Woodward, in writing The Choice has wittingly or unwittingly revealed himself as a very intriguing figure, by virtue of coming forth with that work product.

The proliferating New Age movement
of "channeling" and incarnating
discarnate spirits
has given new meaning to the term

As you consider
the threats posed by
New Age Washington "insiders"
stay tuned
for the wrap-up


Chapter 12 have yet to find 12 or if there is one

Chapter 13


The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 13
Secret Services

The depth of subversion of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights by Mazzini's Masonic Machine, the "outer machine" and the "inner machinery," has been the subject of much of this book. Why have not the FBI and the CIA investigated and exposed the national and international Masonic/Bilderberger plot, encompassing America's Media Machine, for a one-world government in which the sovereignty of the United States and it's Constitution are slotted for dismantling ? Brace yourself. The intrigue deepens.

Mormon writer John J. Stewart has said:
The Prophet {Joseph Smith} established a confidential Council of Fifty, or "Ytfif," (Fifty spelled backwards), comprised of both Mormons and non-Mormons, to help attend to temporal matters, including the eventual development of a one-world government, in harmony with preparatory plans for the second advent of the Saviour." {footnote}
The close relationship between Masonry, the Mormon Priesthood, and Joseph Smith's growing ambition to rule the world ... has been pointed out by a number of Mormon writers.
p. 235 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

The development of a plan for a one-world government attended to by a "confidential Council" became embodied in the Mormon organization. Mormonism's Founding Father, Joseph Smith, originally contemplated establishing a religious control over the U.S. government, a theocracy, which means a ruler-ship by God. Although Jesus Christ will establish his kingdom ruler-ship over the earth from heaven (Rev 21), it is known that Lucifer is also intent on establishing an overt theocracy over the entire world. The close relationship between Masonry and the Mormon Priesthood will be briefly considered in essential and revealing aspects. A preponderant issue for Americans is whether Constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights will be guaranteed until Jesus Christ returns to restore mankind to the paradise garden conditions which existed before the Luciferian rebellion which included the first human couple, or whether an overt occult oligarchy will proceed to entrench itself in America and elsewhere, extensively assaulting human rights physically and psychically. What is the original "secular" goal of Mormonism's Founding Father and "Prophet" ? Former Mormon elder Ed Decker testifies.

The original aim of founding Prophet Joseph Smith and other early Mormon leaders was to establish a theocracy that would eventually control the entire United States. ...
... Mormon leaders were then, and still are, biding their time until that prophesied day when their original goal will at last be accomplished.
That goal of establishing a theocratic rule over the United States and planet Earth is still an integral part of the Mormon faith and the underlying motivating factor in their desire to convert the world.
p. 10 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

The Masonic agenda "to remain in readiness until "the day be with us" has involved an "inner machinery" of a diabolical spiritualistic/psychic program operating behind the scenes with the objective of establishing an overt occult ruler-ship in America and throughout the world.

The Bible book of Daniel contains a prophesy of an multi-compositional image which was to be destroyed by a rock taken from a mountain. Joseph Smith's interpretation is an interesting one, as it raises the issue of whether America's Constitutional form of government was interpreted to be destroyed or whether it is ultimately a de facto un-Constitutional government which might be destroyed. Considering that Joseph Smith was evidently intent on subverting the Constitutional form of government and taking control by means of a theocracy of his making, the question is an intriguing one, and bears careful analysis as one contemplates the methods which Joseph Smith's organization employs down to our day.

For Joseph Smith the dream indeed was certain, and the interpretation sure: the mountain was the Mormon Kingdom of God, Joseph the prophetic stone, and the great image to be broken was the United States of America, to be followed in time by all the sinful kingdoms of the world, that is to say, every government everywhere. This is not the current, official Mormon interpretation, but we approach the central paradoxes of the Mormon people. In the judgments of President Reagan and of President Bush, of the FBI and the CIA (both replete with Mormons), of our armed forces (with many Mormon high officers), there are no more patriotic Americans than the people called Mormons. Pragmatically, this is beyond reasonable dispute, even as no American grouping is currently more dedicated to monogamy, or more strenuously
p. 90
insists upon itself as being Christian. Yet the Mormons, if they are at all faithful to the most crucial teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, no more believe in American democracy than they do in historical Christianity or in Western monogamy. Smith, Young, and their followers believed in theocracy, or the inspired rule of the Saints, and they looked forward to each prophet in turn ruling over the Kingdom of God, as king, first here and then everywhere.
And even as they continue to work towards what they call the Kingdom of God, they have not denied and indeed cannot deny the vision of a plurality of gods ...
Only the question of the Kingdom seems to me a potential vexation for most Americans, and even that will not be an overwhelming problem for perhaps another third of a century or so. Yet the problem will come, and it will be very real. On that basis, I will devote the remainder of this chapter to the Mormon vision of the Kingdom of God. ...
p. 91 The American Religion, Harold Bloom, 1992

As related by Harold Bloom from Joseph Smith's interpretation, Joseph Smith, the "prophetic stone," was to destroy the "image," the United States, and subsequently all the sinful kingdoms of the world. That the FBI and the CIA are replete with Mormons appears to suggest to some, such as Harold Bloom, that the FBI and the CIA might be replete with the Mormon vision, however that is understood at any time and as facilitated through the efforts of it's members.

If the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are in danger of being pre-empted by a one-world government or even a national Mormon/Mason theocracy, the preceding interpretation of Joseph Smith, Mormon's "Prophet," is alarming whether it currently obtains official recognition or not.

The apparent argument which Harold Bloom makes is that the official position of the Mormon church is today at odds with "crucial teachings" of Mormonism's Founding Fathers, Joseph Smith and his successor, Brigham Young, and therefore remains unsettling. The inescapable conclusions are that if Mormonism is true to the original interpretations of it's Founding Fathers, there are no doubt many Americans who would say that they want their country back, and while Mormonism is making the most strenuous assertions of being Christian, Mormonism's allegiance to Masonry's god would make it plain that God demands back his sheep who believe in Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ makes an honest examination of Mormonism why don't we attempt to do so ?

In Mormonism, Lucifer is Jesus Christ's brother. According to Albert Pike, Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, the God of the Bible. Philosophically, one might wonder if Joseph Smith and Albert Pike had a common source of inspiration.

The evidence is more than circumstantial.

2) Hyrum Smith (Joseph's brother) received his three Masonic degrees in Mt. Moriah Lodge #112 of Palmyra, NY, about the same time that Joseph was supposedly receiving visions and visits from God and angels.
3) Official LDS church history informs us that Joseph Smith was made a Master Mason on Wednesday, March 16, 1842. Under a subsection entitled "Inauguration of Endowment Ceremonies," Smith informs us that he first taught the Endowment to the LDS apostles on Wednesday, May 4, 1842; less than two months after receiving his Master Mason degree.
p. 15 Mormonism's Temple of Doom,
by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

Both Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith were Master Masons, and that Joseph Smith began teaching "the Endowment to the LDS apostles" "less than two months after receiving his Master Mason degree" accounts for a commonality of symbols such as the Masonic compass and square, and other symbols, even more diabolical ones, such as considered in exposés by former Mormons William Schnoebelen, Ed Decker and others.

The Masonic philosophy, spiritistically inspired, of evolving or growing into godhood is fundamental to Mormonism.

In his interview in the film "The God Makers," Dr. Harold Goodman, former Brigham Young University professor and then President of the Mormon Mission in England, declared:
So you can see why the Temple is so important to the LDS [man]: because if he is worthy to go into the Temple and there receive the sacred ordinances and covenants and keep them, he can eventually grow into becoming a god himself.
p. 31 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

How is growing into godhood supposed to be achieved in Masonry, in the New Age movement ? It is by discarnate entities, spirits. The Mormon link is very substantial.

The Latter-Day Saints are encouraged to have encounters with the alleged spirits of the dead in and out of the Temple. It is their belief that these encounters, though absolutely forbidden in the Bible, are the most sacred evidences that Mormonism is the only true religion.
p. 72 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

God's Word, the Bible, prohibits spiritism.

The so-called "logic" that the manifestations of practices condemned in the Bible are proofs of God's support or inspiration in Mormonism provides a substantial point about which associated assertions can be questioned. Although Satan is quoted in the Bible in specific instances, Satan's guidance or the guidance of his "angels" is obviously not sought by Christians. The dangers of following the guidance by Luciferian "angels" posing as spirits of the dead should be obvious and underlies the prohibition on seeking guidance by spirits who may pose as, or present themselves as spirits of persons who have died.

Although the evidence might be lacking that evil spirits have been "sworn in" to testify in behalf of Mormonism, they nevertheless are said to testify in Mormonism's behalf, according to Brigham Young.

Young even confessed that the evil spirit world supported Mormonism: " Is there communication from God? Yes. From holy angels? Yes; and we have been proclaiming these facts during nearly 30 years. Are there any communications from evil spirits? Yes; and the Devil is making the people believe very strongly in revelations from the spirit world. This is called spiritualism [spiritism], and it is said that thousands of spirits declare that 'Mormonism' is true." {footnote}
p. 249 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon,1992, {footnote: Journal of Discourses, 7:240}

It's not that evil spirits are not capable of being clever. They can be exceedingly clever. Consider the case with the apostle Paul. A servant girl having a demon of divination kept following Paul and Silas around for several days.

"And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, these men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.
And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.
And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market place unto the rulers."
Acts 16: 16 - 18. KJV.

Paul and Silas were taken into custody and were thrown into prison. Divine intervention turned the situation around that night, but the apparent device to maneuver events to obstruct the true "way of salvation" was clever, although ultimately largely unsuccessful.

In the case of Mormonism, regardless of whether evil spirits testify in behalf of or against Mormonism, either way scenarios can be found in which persons can be maneuvered or manipulated into drawing false conclusions. If the evil spirits would say that Mormonism is false, someone might conclude that "lying spirits" saying such would indicate the opposite, that Mormonism is true. Yet, Satan's "angels," like Satan, transform themselves into angels of light, to maneuver and manipulate. The arguments of the three false comforters of Job in his plight provide examples in manipulative argumentation, browbeating Job with accusations, and designed to turn Job against God. The lies of Lucifer, through the serpent, are recorded in the Bible that we might know what those lies are and how they have led many away from God and into the jaws of mankind's adversary.

Examine, however, that Brigham Young stated that "the Devil is making the people believe very strongly in revelations from the spirit world. This is called spiritualism ..."

"Revelations from the spirit world" have a big helper in the Devil, according to Brigham Young. On what basis might Brigham Young have supposed that the revelations received in "spiritualism" are not all from the Devil or the Devil's associates ? Indeed, spiritistic practices are condemned in the Bible. The apostle Paul stated,

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Galations 1:6-8. KJV.

Obviously, the reference to the gospel of truth applies to those who really received the truth. It also demonstrates that if an "angel" were to contradict God's World of truth, that "angel" would be out of bounds, deceptively turning persons away from the true way of eternal salvation. The Bible unequivocally condemns spiritistic practices.

"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth the, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD they God doth drive them out from before thee."
Deuteronomy 18: 9 - 12. KJV.

-- Spiritualism - Spirit Mediumship --

Spiritualism, as a movement, is traditionally attributed to have begun with the Fox sisters in New York state, with spirit mediumship as a foundation practice. The spirit "revelations" of spiritualism conform to Lucifer's original lie, that the human soul does not depend upon God for eternal existence, that the human soul is by itself immortal. The Bible indicates prolifically that:

"....the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Ezekiel 18: 4. KJV.
It is through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ that everlasting life is restored to the human race, to individuals who would accept it's provisions.

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 6: 23. KJV.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
Romans 3: 23. NJKV.

The doctrine of reincarnation also emerged in the spiritualist movement based on spiritualistic "revelations." Interestingly, Mormonism teaches, as does spiritualism, that human beings had a pre-human existence, and if properly guided, can evolve into gods and goddesses. The spiritualism, New Age, Masonic and witchcraft world stands opposed to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. It is seeking to establish an overt, occult ruler-ship of it's own, an evil, Saturnian, Luciferian ruler-ship. The story of spiritualism is fundamentally summed up as "another gospel" which is not another gospel of Jesus Christ, however.

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Galations 1:6-8. KJV.

Spiritualism employs the very means which God's Word, the Bible, condemns, that of spirit mediumship.

" There shall not be found among you anyone who ... conjures spells, or a medium ... "
Deuteronomy 18, 10, 11. NKJV.

Does anyone seriously think that God or His angels would participate in séances, or calling upon the dead, which He has prohibited, or centering worship around a spirit medium ? Spirit mediumship is central to spiritualism.

A Spiritualist is a person who believes that communication with those who have "passed into the higher life" (have died) is possible and makes such communication the centre of his religion.
p. 511 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1979

Spirit mediumship is fundamental to spiritualism, thus it should come as no surprise that the message or "new revelation" of spiritualism contradicts that of the Bible while conforming to the lie of Lucifer, spoken through the serpent. The symbol of God's sovereignty over the human beings He created was embodied in a particular command of prohibition, a simple one. Speaking through the serpent, Lucifer approached the first woman and said:

" ... Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3: 1 - 5. KJV.

By heeding the counsel of the "serpent" Adam and Eve did not become immortal. They became sinful. Their offspring were born in sin, and wickedness and evil proliferated in the human family. Having been expelled from the Garden of Eden, access to the tree of life which also grew in that garden was denied to them and they eventually died. They could have lived forever, but they followed the "spirit guide" Lucifer, and passed sin, sickness and death to their offspring.

Many inquirers wished to convince themselves as to human survival of bodily death; other suffered from the loss of loved relatives and friends and found consolation in the belief that they were able to communicate with them; others wanted information about the future life. To promote these serious ends, spiritualist associations or churches were formed
... the general tendency of the established religious bodies was to suspect the movement and its claim to a new revelation that would either supplement or replace the Christian revelation.
p. 43 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1973

Jesus Christ holds out the promise of resurrection to life, everlasting life, for those who would exercise faith in the ransom sacrifice which He made in the flesh. Forgiveness of sins and eternal life belonging to God's Kingdom which will rule in heaven and on earth is a wonderful "Good News" for the human family. That "good news," that "gospel," is contradicted by Lucifer and his intransigent demon angels who are intent on despoiling, taking-over, or destroying the human race. Lucifer's "new revelation" is his "old lie" repackaged. The "new revelation" of spiritualism is blasphemous.

Spiritualist groups...
Spiritualists believe that the human spirit exists eternally as a part of the Universal Spirit and thus antedates the creation of the body and the soul.

Whatever sphere a person is in, he is working to go higher. But he moves higher only through his own efforts, with of course the counsel of spirits wiser than himself.
Every human being, according to the theory, is a medium, but most are undeveloped.
God is thought to be an impersonal being, the infinite,
p. 512
eternal, distant Oversoul. Yet the possibility of intimate personal fellowship with superhuman powers is by no means absent from Spiritualism; what other faiths would call the "nearness of God" is for Spiritualists the nearness of our spirit guides, of souls who have gone on ahead of us and who are much concerned for our comfort, health, and safety.
Jesus is not thought to be God ... nor did he give his life as a ransom for mankind. ... According to Spiritualists, he was the greatest medium who ever lived.
p. 513 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1979

Denying the ransom of Jesus Christ and teaching that Jesus Christ was a spirit medium is a stark example of what the apostle Paul wrote about, that :

"... there be some that... would pervert the gospel of Christ." KJV.

-- Spirit Medium Religion --

Spirit mediumship spawned in the public domain by means of the Fox sisters in New York state is recognized as having taken at least two routes. One route taken was religious in which groups formed around spirit mediums and local churches were formed crystallizing around the medium.

Spiritualist groups
... In the years following, many persons both in America and abroad discovered their mediumistic powers and became centres around which groups formed. These groups grew into local churches, and the churches grew into over a dozen congregationally organized regional and national bodies.
.p. 512

Worship. Séances and church services are the customary forms of worship for Spiritualists. ... the medium may or may not go into trance, and the room is usually darkened. ...
The spirits in turn, it is alleged, use different methods depending on the powers of the medium, such as rapping's, table tipping's, the voice of the medium, independent voices, automatic writings, the ouija board. ...
Church services ... include ... spirit messages ...
The spirit messages, given by a message bearer (medium), are of the mental type of phenomena, and the bearer receives them in an undarkened room. ...
p. 513 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1979


Many mediums function relatively independently, each having his own clientele and his own doctrine. He is not answerable to any ecclesiastical authority. Others officiating as a combination of medium and minister establish a church in which the practice of mediumship and the holding of standard religious services are combined.
p. 515 Joseph B. Rhine, Duke University, Encyclopedia Americana, 1991
-- Genie in a Bottle --

The formation of religious groups or churches represented one route taken by spiritualists. Another route taken was that of psychical research.

Spiritualist groups
The interest is spiritist phenomena also took another organized form. In 1882 the Society for Psychical Research was founded in England. Its purpose was objective investigation, not worship or the giving of spiritual solace.
p. 512 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1979


Experimental studies in extrasensory perception, which includes telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition, have been carried out at the Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University and in many other laboratories in the United States and Europe, including those of the societies for psychical research. These have shown that the mind can, in certain instances, reach out across space and time and physical barriers to acquire information that the senses and the reason could not obtain.
p. 516 Joseph B. Rhine, Duke University, Encyclopedia Americana, 1991

Telepathy and clairvoyance became certifiable phenomena. The attribution pointed to the agency of discarnate spirits.


...This research had its most definite beginning in the formation of the Society of Psychical Research in 1882 in London and in the subsequent formation in later years of similar societies in the United States and other countries. ... The studies made on the Piper mediumship by officers of the society led a number of these men and women to the conclusion that the spirit hypothesis was the most reasonable explanation of the results obtained and that spirit communication was an established fact.
p. 516 Joseph B. Rhine, Duke University, Encyclopedia Americana, 1991

-- Mediumistic States --

Spiritualist groups
Worship. Séances and church services are the customary forms of worship for Spiritualists. ... the medium may or may not go into trance, and the room is usually darkened. ...
The spirits in turn, it is alleged, use different methods depending on the powers of the medium, such as rapping's, table tipping's, the voice of the medium, independent voices, automatic writings, the ouija board. ...
Church services ... include ... spirit messages ...
The spirit messages, given by a message bearer (medium), are of the mental type of phenomena, and the bearer receives them in an undarkened room. ...
p. 513 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1979

Establishing the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness", called the "psychic eye," pertains to a co-consciousness with Luciferian New Age entities at various levels of mental impression. Deep trances from which the medium usually recalled nothing paved the way mediumistically to clairaudience, receiving spirit messages as voices, and transformation through co-consciousness with New Age spirit entities.

The séance at which mediumistic phenomena occur may be in complete darkness, in reduced light, or, more rarely, in full daylight. The medium is sometimes in a state of trance, speaking and behaving without subsequent memory of what has been said or done, but some mediums work in a state of normal consciousness.
p. 42 The Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropĉdia, 1973


Some mediums characteristically go into a state called trance. This state is not, however, a clearly marked psychological or physiological condition, and it varies, apparently, with different mediums.
p. 514

According to the reports, sometimes an independent voice, supposed to be that of a spirit, will be heard either though a trumpet or merely at large in the room, especially if it is dark.
However, not all mediums use the trance state; in fact, few modern mediums do. The more general practice is for the medium to report that he hears or sees spirit forms and that they communicate to him the messages that he then repeats. Even without trance some mediums are able to write automatically; that is, they are unconscious of what is being written. They thus record the message purporting to come from the possessing spirit. Others claim to do automatic speaking without going into a trance; the spirits supposedly talk through them.
Mediums who deal entirely with what are believed to be messages from disembodied personalities are called mental mediums, and these make up by far the larger number of Spiritualist mediums. A small number of mediums, however, produce various types of physical effects represented as caused by spiritual agency, and these mediums are referred to as physical.
p. 515 Joseph B. Rhine, Duke University, Encyclopedia Americana, 1991

The term "possessing spirit" used in connection with automatic writing in which the subject is "unconscious of what is being written" or "automatic speaking without going into a trance" wherein "the spirits supposedly talk through them" should make anyone cautious about what the spiritualist community regards as "normal consciousness" or "without going into a trance" while at the same time the subject is not conscious of what is transpiring. When it comes to manifestations of spirit facilitated "psychic powers," can you imagine the ramifications of having a Secret Service agent, an FBI or CIA agent, or high ranking military commander who is subject to such manifestations of spirit mediumship or "possession"? The pursuit of such practices in giving discarnate spirits a body or vehicle through which to operate would appear to involve substantial culpability. Although the psychic powers appear to be at the disposal of the practitioner in triggering psychic powers, the dangers of so-called spontaneous occurrences, such as being "yanked out of" one's body, psychically, never the less remains a threat, particularly as the occult conspiracy draws to a climax, such as Schnoebelen describes, where currents of malignant force are poised to flow down through the ranks of those spiritually compromised in Masonry. Psychics are at the disposal of Lucifer. The spiritualistic connection is common to other organizations. It is particularly common to Mormonism.

--Mediums for Secret Services --

Spiritualism is spirit mediumship. The documentation on the spiritualistic fundamentals of Mormonism is extensive because Mormonism is extensively a spiritualistic religion. The emergence of the Mormon religion and the spiritualism movement in general were closely associated in time.

It is significant that a sermon delivered by Mormon elder Parley Pratt in 1853 indicates early Mormon acceptance of Joseph Smith as a "divine" medium -- virtually the same designation modern spiritistic mediums apply to themselves. This sermon was given only five years after the celebrated spiritist movement began in 1848, a movement which Pratt himself extols. Indeed, endless other allegedly divine mediums were making pretentious claims at the very same time Joseph Smith was.
p. 245 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1992

Joseph Smith was acknowledged within the Mormon Church to be a "medium."

{A Mormon elder Parley Pratt in an 1853 sermon}

Who communicated with our great modern Prophet, and revealed through him as a medium, the ancient history of a hemisphere, and the records of the ancient dead ? Moroni, who had lived upon the earth 1400 year before ...
p. 245 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon

{footnote: Journal of Discourses, 2:44-46; cf. 1:12-15

Both generic spiritualism and spiritualism perpetuated under the roof of Mormonism concern themselves with "spirit guides" and with mediumistic powers.

The fact that Mormonism offers so many opportunities for contact with the spirits is one reason why Mormonism can be classified as a spiritistic religion. In fact, Crowther himself defines one of these categories of spiritistic contact in characteristically mediumistic terms. Thus, allegedly "righteous spirits return to earth to :
A. give counsel,
B. give comfort,
C. obtain or give information,
D. serve as guardian angels,
E. prepare us for death,
p. 244
F. summon mortals into the spirit world,
G. escort the dying through the veil of death."
p. 245 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,

John Ankerberg & John Weldon,1992

{footnote: Crowther, Life Everlasting, 150-151}

Automatic writing is a manifestation of mediumistic phenomena, and is performed by "spirit guides" of spiritualism.

In fact, the extent of the practice of occultism throughout Mormon history is amazing to contemplate. Everything from automatic writing to out-of-body excursions and other occult practices have been endorsed. {footnote}
p. 248 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1992

Psychic or mediumistic powers have a legacy, not only in spiritualism in general, but a legacy within the Mormon Church. Although professing to be Christian, and therefore reluctant to admit to occultism, Mormonism adheres to the Biblically condemned practice of spiritism and it's arts.

While the Mormon church cannot logically deny its occult history, it does deny any association with occult activity today. Yet Mormonism remains an occult religion because of 1) its continual acceptance of spiritism and necromancy and 2) its reliance upon psychic/spiritistic powers.
In harmony with modern "Christian" parapsychology and even mediumism itself, the Mormon church interprets its spiritistic activity as "spiritual" and "godly."
p. 241 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1992

Is the claim of the Mormon church that its "powers" are "godly" a credible one ? It's stance on encouraging "encounters with the alleged spirits of the dead" is preponderantly sufficient to settle the issue, but what is striking is the Luciferian connection which is not simply implied, but evident in Mormon theology. Former Mormon elder Ed Decker focused on the honor and praise which is paid Lucifer in the Mormon church.

In contrast to the consistent teaching of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, pagan/occult traditions consider the seduction of Eve to be a blessing in disguise. This allegedly made it possible for Adam and Eve to have children and unlocked the door to godhood for them and their descendants. There again in the interpretation for the fall of man we have another connection between paganism and Mormonism. {footnote 25} The similarities are too many and too close for coincidence. Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles, expressed Mormonism's agreement with pagan/occult mythology when he wrote:
p. 29
Adam fell, but he fell in the right direction . . . toward the goal . . . he fell upward. {footnote 26}

It is astonishing how thoroughly Mormonism has embraced Satan's promise of godhood ! In LDS doctrine the ancient lie that destroyed the human race has metamorphosed into the central truth. On the afternoon of June 8, 1873, preaching from the pulpit of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, President Brigham Young declared:
The devil told the truth . . . I do not blame Mother Eve.
I would not have had her miss eating the forbidden fruit for anything in the world. . . .
President Joseph Fielding Smith stated it in these words:
The fall of man came as a blessing in disguise . . . I never speak of the part Eve took in this fall as a sin, nor do I accuse Adam of a sin . . . .
We can hardly look upon anything resulting in such benefits as being a sin . . . . {footnote 28}
p. 30 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984, {footnotes in respective order:

{footnote 25: 2 Nephi 2:25}

{footnote 26: Deseret News, Church Section, July 31, 1965, p. 7}

{footnote 28: Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, 1960 ed., pp. 113-15}

Brigham Young preached that "the devil told the truth",

Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles stated that
"Adam fell ... in the right direction ... toward the goal, he fell upward ..."

President Joseph Fielding Smith stated that
"The fall of man came as a blessing in disguise ...
We can hardly look upon anything resulting in such benefits as being a sin ..."
It should come as no surprise, according to such positions, that Lucifer plays an essential role in Mormonism.

In fact, in 1981, Sharon and I had an interview in Salt Lake City with an LDS apostle (one of the top fifteen men in the Church worldwide). ...
He solemnly assured us that our intuitions and information were accurate. Lucifer was, indeed, the god worshipped in the Mormon temple.
... We were warned, on pain of death, never to discuss our meeting with any LDS official below the level of an apostle.
p. 305 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Lucifer's role in prompting Adam and Eve to sin is viewed as having been beneficial. Receiving the "endowment" in Mormonism is explained as dependent upon the devil's presence. Considering the praised role of Lucifer, the devil, in leading the "fall" of the first human pair, it is legitimate to ask whether it is under Luciferian, spiritualistic auspices that the endowment is given. The presence of the devil is considered not optional but essential to getting one's "endowment."

Brigham Young also said, "You cannot get your endowment without the devil's being present." {footnote}.
p. 193 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

The devil does not play an idle role in Mormonism and is implicated as being involved in more than proposing temptations. William Schnoebelen, former Mormon and Wiccan High Priest and James R. Spencer revealed in the book Whited Sepulchers the use of the inverted pentagram in Mormonism, which is a witchcraft symbol for Lucifer, the goat-god, the Baphomet. The witchcraft connection is attested to in the publication, Mormonism's Temple of Doom.

In fact, as a student of witchcraft, I had been told that Mormonism, in the temple at least, taught high-level occult science. Years before I ever encountered Mormon missionaries, my witchcraft mentor, the head of all Druidic witches in North America, told me that the highest form of witchcraft was practiced in the Mormon temples.
p. 11 Mormonism's Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

There are several important issues which this analysis deals with. The Mormon church places a great deal of emphasis upon the "Holy Ghost" and upon Jesus Christ's name. It would be a mistake to assume that such references comprise a guarantee that powerful manifestations are from God. Jesus Christ stated that :

"Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name"? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them,
I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Matthew 7: 22, 23. KJV.

Practicing spiritism, or spiritualism, while using the name of Jesus Christ ostensibly to confer godly legitimacy to the practice or it's manifestations is an iniquity in itself.

But this phenomenon of spirits lying and impersonating others is not unusual. In fact, visitations from "Jesus" and other biblical personalities are a common theme in occult circles which claim a biblical orientation.
For example, Mormon theologian Duane S. Crowther argues that merely being a member in good standing with the Mormon church and
p. 242
invoking Jesus' name almost guarantees that spiritistic contacts and revelation will be "godly."
p. 243 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1992

The secret services of the Mormon Church involve spiritualistic practices, Masonic symbols and philosophy, praise for Lucifer. The subversion, step by step, of individuals who enter Mormonism believing the public pronouncements honoring Jesus Christ, while leading such persons on a course condemned in God's Word, the Bible, is unconscionable. The subversion is not only on the level of the individual. The understanding of God's Word is subverted, the Good News of Jesus Christ is perverted, God's Holy Spirit allegedly becomes associated with spiritistic and Luciferian practices and worship, and the name of Jesus Christ and His Father are associated with a theology which praises Lucifer.

The student manual Doctrines of the Gospel tells Mormons that the Holy Ghost will also give them clairvoyant or telepathic abilities. "The Holy Ghost enables righteous individuals [Mormons] to discern the thoughts of others (see Alma10:17; 12:3; 18:16-18; Jacob2:5)." {footnote}
p. 256 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism,
John Ankerberg & John Weldon,1992

{footnote: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Doctrines of the Gospel, 11.}

Telepathy and clairvoyance are "powers" attributed to the agency of "the Holy Ghost."

At confirmation as a member of the Church, hands are again laid on in the name of the Priesthood, and the person is commanded to receive the Holy Ghost. As we have already noted, the Mormon Holy Ghost is definitely not the Holy Spirit described in the Bible.
Sometimes when the Patriarch's hands are laid upon the head, the recipient of the blessing begins to vibrate under a mysterious force and experiences a strange ascension into a "higher consciousness," where there is an extreme openness to occultic power and bondage. Former Mormons testify that in such a state it is no longer necessary to listen to the words being spoken. Even before the Patriarch's thoughts are audibly expressed, the one being "blessed" is already hearing the words --- and sometimes is even seeing everything in a fantastic moving vision. Similar experiences are common among numerous occultists; and the power over one's life that is produced thereby can only be broken by a complete renunciation of these forces in the name of Jesus Christ and receiving Him into one's heart and life as Savior and Lord.
p. 249 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

The Mormon/Masonic tradition of so-called evolving to godhood and acquiring psychic powers is quite evident.

The Temple ceremonies performed by the Mormon Priesthoods ... involve secret names, signs, symbols, handshakes, and formulas of classic occultism and ritual magic which the initiate must use to ascend the ladder of hierarchy and thereby gain access to the coveted powers of the "Gods."
p. 210 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

Mormonism's "reliance upon psychic/spiritistic powers" and Mormonism's considering the fall of man as resulting in "benefits" involve the spiritistic corruption of humans, leading them on a path in which co-option by discarnate Luciferian entities supposedly turns the person into a god. It is the occult conspiracy, the Luciferian plan, the Masonic tradition, the spiritualistic path.

The subversion is not only of the individual and of the true way of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, but also the subversion of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights and of America's sovereignty as a nation. The Masonic/Mormon plan has been enunciated as one for a one-world government. The very capacity of America's "secret services" to investigate and pursue the occult conspiracy has been seriously compromised.

Mormons have extended their missionary work from the American public and foreign nations to our federal government, so that the FBI, CIA, and allied organizations have become very Mormon indeed.
p. 118 The American Religion, Harold Bloom, 1992

The Mormon vision appears inseparable from the Masonic vision, from the spiritualist vision, from the vision of Lucifer. An examination of the spiritualistic manifestations or psychic powers with which the Mormon church is intimately associated does much to explain the close association with the intelligence services in particular.

This seems a better alternative than allowing psychic abilities to be monopolized by cults or co-opted by competing governments.
Psi is too important to become the exclusive property of governments, either at home or abroad, who might become interested in exploiting these abilities for their own purposes.
p. 8 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Psychic abilities have been co-opted by governments. At the same time the psychic abilities, under the auspices of New Age Luciferian entities and their agents, have rendered government agents vulnerable to be exploited by the unseen powers which facilitate "psychic powers." It is a matter of the occult "Plan" and of the doctrinal vision which agents have of the future, and activities which they are able to influence.

... a high proportion of Mormons find their way into government. Returned LDS missionaries have "the three qualities the CIA wants: foreign language ability, training in a foreign country, and former residence in a foreign country." {footnote - 36} Utah (and particularly BYU) is one of the prime recruiting areas for the CIA. According to BYU spokesman Dr. Gary Williams, "We've never had any trouble placing anyone who has applied to the CIA. Every year they take almost anybody who applies." {footnote - 37} He also admitted that this has created problems with a number of foreign countries, who have complained about the "pretty good dose of [Mormon] missionaries who've gone back to the countries they were in as Central Intelligence agents." {footnote}
This may at least partially explain the reported close tie between the Mormon Church and the CIA. {footnote - 38} A disproportionate number of Mormons arrive at the higher levels of the CIA, FBI, military intelligence, armed forces, and all levels of city, state, and federal governments, including the Senate, Congress, Cabinet, and White House Staff. Sincere and loyal citizens, most of them may be unaware of the secret ambition of The Brethren. What could be better than having such patriots as these serving in strategic areas of government and national security?
p. 238 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really
{footnote - 36: Los Angeles Times, Apr. 5, 1980, Part 1-A, p. 1, Kostman}

{footnote - 37: Salt Lake Tribune, Oct 1, 1981}

{footnote - 38: ibid.}

-- An Obvious Question --

An obvious question which emerges is that if there are FBI, CIA and other government agents who may have psychic, clairvoyant, "mind reading," or other spiritistic "powers," why do many crimes go unsolved or unresolved ?
One factor is that the Mafia was founded by Illuminati/occultist Giuseppe Mazzini who established himself as the political godfather of Freemasonry internationally.
(LINK : Mafia connection) Giuseppe Mazzini's Mafia Machine

(LINK : executive authority Mazzini) Giuseppe Mazzini's Masonic Machine

Thus, it should should come as no surprise that Mazzini's evil Mafia empire has occult foundations and has otherwise obtained occult support.
(LINK : Mafia occult support) A legacy of occult support

In the world of deceptive New Age spirit guides, a specific obstructionist factor "psychic" government agents are faced with is that in the occult conspiracy scheme of things, the Luciferian spirits who preside over occult "powers" have chosen to optionally provide levels of immunity from "mind reading" for occult participants, and this capacity was specifically disclosed in an "automatic writing" message from a New Age spirit guide through a spirit medium.

Levels of psychic escalation

Another factor in confounding persons who believe that they have obtained "mind reading" "powers" is that advanced psychic methods include "masking the intention," "projecting" false 'impressions' of what one is thinking, and is alleged by a Japanese Master to be used in negotiation tactics. The spirit guide role is emphasized by the occult practitioner.

Another factor in confounding persons who believe that they have obtained "mind reading" "powers" is the capacity (disclosed by New Age spirit guide writing) to "impress" thoughts upon a human subject not his or her own, whereupon a psychic "mind reader" observer who believes he is reading the human subject's mind is really 'reading' thoughts "projected" onto the human subject. In view of the disclosures made by the Japanese master regarding the projection of impressions which are false, the configuration of deceptive tactics under the auspices of New Age spirit guides demonstrates by their own claims that the world of psychic "mind reading" is a world of deception and that so-called "mind reading" does not form the basis for a new society of truth and honesty. Guile and deceit are fundamental principles of the Luciferian Hierarchy.

Another confounding method which "psychic" as well as non-psychic persons or agents should be aware of may be psychic ventriloquism and/or impersonation, wherein a subject speaks in the accent of an 'impressing' agent. In view of the demonstrated capacity of spirit guides to "speak" to humans, the impersonation of persons with or without the role of a human medium raises scenarios which extent outside of the séance where deceased humans are claimed to contact relatives.

Thus, U.S. government secret services which have pursued psychic, occult powers have been set up to encounter futility or otherwise have been confronted with temptations of escalation into deeper occult practices to counter elusive or obstructive occult practices by mafia or other criminal elements or national agents of many national origins.
It is within a international climate of escalating occult, psychic practices that secret services of many nations have been faced with being plunged into greater depths of spiritistic corruption. The national objectives to preserve freedoms has been diverted into areas in which government agents are made vulnerable to inimical forces in a spiritistic environment , and has compromised government officials at many levels through involvement in Freemasonry, spiritualism, or psychic development programs which have been camouflaged as personal development programs.

As the research analysis America's Subversion : The Enemy Within shows, entry into the world of psychic powers involves a person with a vortex of forces presided over by a Luciferian hierarchy of spirits whose intent is to impress their own agenda on the minds of participants, subverting and ultimately conquering the human mind.

Psychic warriors are not limited to the domain of government services. In the U.S. experienced military officials have promoted psychic warrior activity in the civilian domain, which has profound implications in the areas of industrial espionage, both foreign and domestic.

While there are writers in the field of psychic warfare who lead their readers to believe that psychic warfare is a recent development in the West, the pro-occult writer Michael Howard has revealed that governments have engaged in substantial cover-ups of their occult practices in the field of espionage.

The occult conspiracy encompasses competing, compartmentalized groups representing a variety of political, economic, social, racial, national and religious interests. The pitting of Mormon FBI agents against Sicilian Mafiosi reveals upon closer examination the intriguing role of Lucifer in both Mormonism and Mazzini's Mafia, and the escalation into spiritistic, psychic practices represents deeper levels of co-option into Lucifer's family of incarnating spirits. The reported link between members of the Mormon Church and government services such as the FBI and the CIA does not raise issues of potential conflict confined simply to Mormonism.

During the late 1960's a young man happened across an out-of-the-way CIA recruiting office on an University of Wisconsin campus. He asked how recruiting was going and one of the two men at the recruiting desk stated an explicit interest in Mormons and spiritualists. The issue is fundamentally one of spiritualism, and the manifestations of spiritualistic powers has a long history of telepathy and clairvoyance. Mormonism is a spiritualistic organization with a body of laws and prophesies quite explicit. Mormonism offers enforcement mechanisms which generic spiritualism groups or churches might lack. Mormons have been noted for strong family ties and use the image of a strong family in their missionary or recruitment work. As it turns out, as it has been testified to by former Mormons, if a person turns away from Mormonism, once a member, the person can be shunned by one's friends and family and cases have been noted where former members allege that even divorce has been counselled as a solution to an "apostate" situation. Historically, a person leaving the Mormon church was subject to execution. Former Mormon elder Ed Decker expressed the view that what was called "blood atonement" or execution for leaving the Mormon church cannot be considered an entirely abandoned issue.

Regardless of the understanding of the average Mormon, The Brethren look forward to the day when they will once again be able to practice openly not only polygamy but blood atonement.
p. 234 The God Makers: A Shocking Exposé of What the Mormon Church Really Believes,
Ed Decker, 1984

It should be quite obvious that "secret services," spiritualistically, in the Mormon church or other spiritualistic organizations, leading to psychic powers such as telepathy or "mind-reading" has traditionally predisposed a person for co-option by governmental "secret services," or predisposed a person to being taken to a psychiatric hospital and given psychotropic drugs if making the wrong statements to the wrong person.

The cover-up of "mind-reading" (telepathy) and other psychic manifestations has served not only the "secret services" of governments which have co-opted them, but has served primarily the purposes of the occult plan, driven by occult secret societies and other groups, such as Freemasonry, in clandestinely expanding their power base and influence in government and in society. Behind-the-scenes activities by the media in covering-up the Bilderberger/Masonic plan or plot for a one-world government smacks intriguingly of the Mormon/non-Mormon "confidential Council" plan for one-world government and the associated interpretation of Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, and represents a conspiracy which has evidently not been counter-acted by the FBI or CIA. Indeed, it could be said that a commonality of agents exist in critical American institutions which appear complicit in an underlying objective to subvert the U.S. Constitution. The cover-up of telepathic agencies by government has been sufficiently extensive that the authors of The Mind Race have, at the end of their book, sounded a warning.

One last thought about the option of selecting a clinician to help you. It is still the case that if you told most psychiatrists that you were under psychic attack, or could read the mind of another person, or that someone else could read yours, they would consider such beliefs a clear indication of mental illness, because the same sorts of things are experienced by people who really are mentally ill and suffering from paranoid delusions. Any of those statements can get you into serious trouble, if made to the wrong person. By "serious trouble," we mean being thought to be in serious need of extensive psychiatric treatment. Continued persistence in these beliefs in spite of treatment could lead to commitment to a mental institution, and being given psychotrophic drugs.
p. 240 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The deceptions perpetrated upon the American people and upon the people of the world by spiritualistic "secret services" of governmental agencies has left the public vulnerable to nefarious, spiritistic and hypnotic methods to subvert the human character while proliferating the "Great Work" of witchcraft and Freemasonry.

Who has been co-opting whom ?

While governments have been co-opting psychic/spiritualistic powers for their purposes, it is evident that the Luciferian spirits which preside over such powers have been engaging in a process of co-opting those who acquire such powers by means of a point of "co-consciousness."

The issue of co-option by sinister forces also raises the question of whether or to what extent government institutions have been subverted or even co-opted by the organisation of Freemasonry.

Freemasonry represents a system of subversion.

Freemasonry's system includes oaths of allegiance, both to Freemasonry and to it's secret Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, allegiance to an organization in defiance to the U.S. Constitution and to the Constitutional institutional provisions for a system of checks and balances, and further embodies principles of subversion in swearing men to conceal crimes of murder, perjury and treason.

The system of subversion includes principles and methods of occult subversion.

Law enforcement officers who are Freemasons are compromised not only by pledging their allegiance to an organization (Freemasonry) which includes a system of oaths swearing to concealing perjury, murder and treason, but are compromised in ways which include swearing to "due performance of the same" in swearing to exact retribution upon Masons who expose Freemasonry.

Law enforcement agents who are involved in Freemasonry are involved in an organization spiritually dominated by the diabolical Palladian Rite, Luciferian spiritualism, demon-possession. Similarly, law enforcement officials who are not members of Freemasonry but who practice spiritualism to acquire psychic "powers" are compromised in that spiritualism is the practice of spirit mediumship, which in itself represents various degrees of mental impression by New Age spirits or daemon possession, such as evidenced by so-called "automatic writing."

The issue of spiritistic-spiritualistic subversion of America's law enforcement and intelligence services is ultimately an issue of participants being subject to various levels of influence, mental impression and even co-option by Luciferian spirit entities.

There may be persons such as police officers and other U.S. government officials who have been pressured into New Age techniques who need to be alerted to the spiritually destructive forces which they have become entangled with or subject to. There are persons such as those within the Mormon Church with family affiliation who need to be awaked to their spiritual danger and that of their relatives. There are persons who have been drawn into organizations such as the Mormon Church believing it to be Christian and seeking the comfort of upbuilding association, whereas such persons have been deceived in crucial ways and subject to spiritual harm.

-- Corruption will end --

The testimony and evidence presented warrants the following indictment against political and religious "goat-like" shepherds in America and abroad who have exploited God's sheep, and who have been "building" a Masonic New Age / New Order.

Within the pronouncements of God's inspired Word as found in the Bible Books of Zechariah and Ezekiel God has declared:

"... The diviners envision lies,
And tell false dreams;
They comfort in vain,
Therefore the people wend their way like sheep;
They are in trouble because there is no shepherd.
My anger is kindled against the shepherds,
And I will punish the goatherds,
For the Lord of hosts will visit His flock ..."
Zech. 10: 2, 3. NKJV.
The "false dreams" given to, or false representations of a glorious "New Age" future made by the Masonic / New Age movement are brought into sharp focus in the Revelation given to the apostle John.

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."
Revelation 15: 13, 14, 16. NKJV.
The New King James Version presents an intriguing rendering of "demons," whereas the King James Version uses the expression "devils." In the New Age movement, such as represented by the New Age leader Jean Houston, "daemons" associated with the "mystery religions" including those of Greece and Rome serve as spirit guides for increasing numbers of individuals in America, including persons in U.S. government. Jean Houston has been noted for her personal visits and counseling provided to the Clintons while in the White House. This reference to Jean Houston is not a "grasping for straws" here. It represents but one significant component of a New Age and Masonic track record and agenda which the Clinton/Gore White House has continued to pursue. A detailed, documented analysis of the Jean Houston connection and it's implications are provided in the previous chapter.

The King James Versions uses the expression "the spirits of devils, working miracles" and brings into focus an aspect of the New Age movement which the New King James Version does not fully embrace with the expression "performing signs." The New Age "spirit guides" lure persons into accepting their guidance, often, through the performance of "miracles," and that is where the King James Version brings into sharper focus that it is through the agency of "devils" that such diversions are performed. That is to say, in particular segments of American society today, the expression "demons" has taken on a milder appearance through the "mystery school" teachings promoted by New Age leaders such as Jean Houston. The "daemon" spirit guides which she promotes and evokes are increasingly viewed among the public as the guides to personal improvement and mystical (occult) salvation.

As this research book America's Subversion: The Enemy Within has documented, New Age promises represent a grandiose delusion and deception, and that has been documented and proven from the very writings of Masonic scholars Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, and other New Age / Masonic leaders. Keep in mind, it is not the persons on the fringes of an organization or movement which define the teachings, it is the "esoteric core" at the center which lead, initiate, and promote from within. Often, "exoteric" teachings are admittedly used to deceive or to "hint" at the real, core, "esoteric" teachings of an organization.

Don't let anyone deceive you as to the true character of the New Age movement. In particular, an entry level person might not, for obvious reasons, be interested in having his or her own consciousness replaced with that of a Luciferian entity. The person trying to convince you that New Age practices are innocuous, harmless, even beneficial, might be an entry level person himself, or herself. It might be typical not to explain at the outset that complete mental impression is the ultimate objective of the New Age Hierarchy. Accustoming a new initiate to various degrees of "mental impressions" or even addicting an initiate to various forms of occult "powers" represents steps in a progression, which, when followed to it's ultimate conclusion, culminates in complete walking/talking "possession" by another entity. Intermediate degrees of influence or "mental impression" by spirits of the Luciferian Hierarchy, who, like Satan, may transform their "appearance" into angels of "light," can progress into "part-time" or "full-time" possession. Spirit medium "automatic writing" in the spiritualist movement, wherein a discarnate entity physically directs the writing of the human hand, "progressed" from evidencing itself during a sleep-like trance state of the medium into what appears to be a normally functional "conscious" state of the medium. This can well serve as but a mere example of how the Luciferian Hierarchy can use it's human participants as ‘fleshly gloves,' whether in part or as a whole.

Don't be fooled as to the true essence or core "values" of the New Age movement by persons who might say to you that not all New Agers believe what New Age leaders teach. Of course not. To repeat, the person making the claim, may himself or herself be a lower level initiate. Having lower level initiates recruit persons into the "New Age" movement can take the form of having an old, "trusted" friend be the recruiting contact. Watch Out. Watch out also for peer pressure. Keep in mind that not all Illuminati are equally "illuminated." It is often a gradual process of assimilation. It is step by step. It is degree by degree. And don't forget the written Masonic admissions of using deceptions and diversions ! Don't be fooled. There are Illuminati who know that they are serving Lucifer, Satan. There are other Illuminati who erroneously believe that they are serving at the direction of Jesus Christ. The Luciferian Hierarchy can pose as angels of "light," as Jesus Christ, as the angel "Gabriel," or present themselves as themselves, or as the Egyptian god "Set," "Isis," or some other ancient mystery religion pagan god, or, as in the case of Jean Houston "Mystery School" sessions, as Thomas Jefferson. Remember, God's Word, the Holy Bible, prohibits spiritmediumship, and New Age spiritmediumship has taken many various forms.

Don't be fooled by the deceptions of "unclean spirits," "devils," "demons." They are taking their followers on a collision course with God.

Jesus Christ focused attention on God's kingdom and contextually linked that kingdom to the accomplishment of God's will to take place on earth..

"In this manner, therefore, pray :
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed by your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6: 9, 10. NKJV.

By contrast, Lucifer has been working at establishing a one-world government of overt occult rulership on earth, notably attempted in Babylon where God intervened to disrupt the evil project of Satan's servants, such as Nimrod. Since, the inner initiates of mystery religion and spiritistic secret societies have been working to bring about Nimrod's evil plan for the world, in opposition to Almighty God. These two Kingdoms are on a collision course. The Luciferian path leads to exploitation and ultimate "extinction" of the human being, replacing the human consciousness with that of Luciferian spirits, incarnating "demons" in the flesh. On the other hand, the intervention of the Kingdom of God, not Masonic or Mormon, but the true Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ means everlasting life for participating members of the human family.

Jesus Christ truthfully stated,
"... I am the way, the truth, and the life ..."
John 14: 6. NKJV.

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
John 11: 25. NKJV.

May the material presented serve to necessarily document designs of the Devil which Christians, indeed, all humans beings, should be aware of.

"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
2 Peter 5: 8. NKJV.

-- ISSUES --

The spiritual and moral corruption of members of the human race is a concern which has not diminished since the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ in which the forces of evil were unequivocally denounced. The Biblical warnings of the coming of the Anti-Christ and manifestation of evil need to be taken seriously. Jesus Christ, the Judge, has issued warnings and offers of help before the world-wide Day of Accounting arrives.

Jesus Christ referred to the Devil as the father of the lie, the seed of spiritually destructive lies. The occult realm brought into being by the Devil is in the context of it's own body of available information an evident domain of self-evident destructive deceptions. The occult agenda is fundamentally a human rights violating agenda, which has been in operation behind the scenes through the agency of secret societies. Fundamentally, the U.S. Constitution enunciates protections for human beings against their violation, it enunciates means to protect against evil, not to enable it.

The Founding Document of America declaring this nation's sovereignty declares that human rights, inalienable rights are endowed by the Creator of the human race. The U.S. Constitution has established a framework "to secure these Rights," not to violate them. Constitutional crisis is not new to America. This book represents an exposé of occult secret societies operating behind the scenes which have exercised evil influences in political, religious and social realms of society, and which have operated in contravention of the spirit and letter of the law of the U.S. Constitution. World conquest by the forces of evil has been the agenda of occult secret societies. In particular, sources inside the occult conspiracy themselves have fleshed out the conspiracy and have given written testimony to its trail since its inception. The destruction of Christianity and the violation of the principles of the U.S. Constitution are core objectives and practices of the occult empire. The subversion of America and it's enunciated founding principles have, in part, been considered in this book.

The unrighteous suppression and violation of inalienable human rights and the suppression of exposés of that evil empire have included murder, judicial means, law enforcement, and the media. While the case against the occult conspiracy is a matter of Biblical record and will be resolved by the Judge, Jesus Christ, it has been necessary, pursuant to Scriptural warrant, to pursue the case in the domain of the public, which itself has been targeted by the occult conspiracy.

The intrigue continues.

Are you allowing yourself to become a victim ?


Treason Chapter supplement: Middle-East Subversion, America's Subversion, Treason and World War Three

Middle-East Subversion,
America's Subversion,
Treason and World War Three

author: Sonny René Stermole

To read the complete works of America's Subversion start here:

Chapter Supplement
The Third World War

Bill Clinton's Administration Pops the Cork on the Nuclear-Genie Bottle

While not a study in perfection, the often incisive analysis provided through the Jesuit-trained (Roman Catholic) John McLaughlin in his John McLaughlin Group program and John McLaughlin's One on One put the ingenuity of two Congressional/Senate Intelligence principals to the test, provoking their nearly undaunted smiles which waned from smirks as McLaughlin recited embarrassing intelligence information to more somber expressions as they emphasized that the apparent CIA intelligence failures in India (in failing to inform Congress of India's impending nuclear tests) suggested that more money be put into so-called "human" espionage sources (they supervise) 'whatever their source,' to appropriate 'the best.' (aired Saturday, May 16, 1998). McLaughlin took the position that it simply is not credible for the CIA to assert that it did not know of India's preparations for testing nuclear devices. He also pointed to the gravity, the import of the advanced missile guidance technology transfer to China facilitated by Bill Clinton. In vain, giving both guests ample opportunity to reveal their outrage at Bill Clinton's culpability in providing critical underpinnings for the unfolding events, McLaughlin's skillful questioning was transformed into an intriguing version of the memorable television program What's My Line, and should have left the audience wondering what their line was, or is.

What emerged from the McLaughlin programs which aired back-to-back is that the Bill Clinton political machine received campaign funds from the Chinese military establishment and that the Clinton administration, acting against the strenuous objections of both the Defense Dept. and Justice Dept., provided China with advanced missile targeting technology. (Subsequent to moving the jurisdiction of the technology in question from the State Dept., which rejected the request for the transfer of said technology, to Ron Brown's Commerce Dept. in March of 1996, hundreds of thousands of dollars were channeled from the Chinese military to the Democratic soft money machine during the summer. Following that, regulations enabling the transfer of technology were released on election day in November). The impact of the missile guidance technology transfer which followed is such that in response to the threat of deployment of advanced missile targeting-technology (coupled with nuclear weapons) by China along India's border, and the recent "fly-by" testing of an advanced nuclear capable Pakistan missile provided through China, India tested a total of 5 nuclear devices which is now proclaimed as the precipitating point for a regional nuclear arms race inciting and encouraging other nations, including Pakistan and Iran.

In short, the Clinton administration has popped the cork of the nuclear Genie bottle by providing China with the advanced missile technology which not only provided a substantial basis for technological escalation in the arena, but which has simultaneously signaled to India, a burgeoning democracy, that America has essentially formed a technological alliance with China which has threatened the strategic prospects of, et. all, a major democracy. The refined targeting technology which Clinton provided to the Chinese military is reported to be applicable to intercontinental ballistic missiles which China has aimed at the U.S., and has provided a 'dandy' solution to the Chinese military's missile guidance problem.

Thus, the Moslem/Hindu armed tensions in the area have been materially intensified through the actions of both a communist country and a facilitating administration headed by a Scottish Rite Mason and Bilderberger, Bill Clinton. While the role of the U.S. corporations involved in the specific technological issues also figures into the formula, the intriguing fact which emerges is that the Illuminist/Masonic plan for three world wars has by means of a New Age, Masonic leader at least regionally obtained a large step towards a potential event which reasonable persons would want to avoid, that is a third world war, particularly one in a world in which nuclear weapons are becoming a language nearly as universally in vogue as English among diplomats.

What, among other things, appears so significant in the Illuminist/Masonic plan for three world wars is that the Third Planned War has been enunciated by conspirators as revolving around tensions with the Moslem "world." While the Middle-East has been specifically pointed to in the Luciferian conspiracy as providing the strategic and tactical basis for a Third World War, corollary components could be in the construction stage in other regions of the world, notably India/Pakistan/China.

A Plan for Three World Wars, you might say ? Not my idea. Not my conspiracy. Not my prediction. It is, however, a plan by persons who have much more power and influence than that expressed through the power of the pen. It does, however, substantially include persons who have the lion's share of the power of the pen, that is, the "press." Or, one might say, includes those who have the lion's share, the vulture's share, and the jackal's share. And I'm just trying to hold on to my First Amendment share. And that's a principle shared by many patriotic Americans and Christians around the world.

When was the alleged plan for three world wars penned and by whom?

It was put to writing in 1871 under the auspices of two prominent godfathers of Freemasonry, Mafia founder Giuseppe Mazzini who viewed the subversive and occult structure of Freemasonry as a profound vehicle or "lever" for world revolution, and America's Confederate General Albert Pike, co-founder of the KKK and Supreme Pontiff of Lucifer who re-wrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and who instituted the diabolical Rite of the Palladium to dominate Freemasonry, with the Palladian Rite providing an intensified hands-on course in "fleshly glove" demon possession leading to walking/talking possession of human initiates by Lucifer-associated spirits, demons. The ultimate objectives of the "occult conspiracy" include the establishment of a One-World Government to exercise overt occult oligarchic ruler ship world-wide.

The "Plan" embodies the ultimate in human rights violations, and the world wars which it has spawned have been instruments to achieve even more diabolical objectives. Within the scope of what "Plan" has Freemasonry elicited oaths embracing murder, perjury, and treason ? To what extent have persons been culpable who have operating within the United States as U.S. citizens ? Enemies Within ? Including Presidents ? Beyond Bill Clinton ? Brace yourself. See Freemasonry's oath and organizational-structure history. America's Subversion The Enemy Within: Chapter 3 see Freemasonry's spiritistic international political & religious history.

The grandfather of the Illuminati conspiracy, of whom Mazzini and Pike have been successors, was Adam Weishaupt who formed the Order of the Illuminati in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany on May 1, 1776. Weishaupt formed the "ultimate" secret society, which like Germany's occult Rosicrucian's, operated within other organizations; Weishaupt infiltrating Freemasonry, an occult institution which obtained a special organizational framework in England in 1717. In 1782 the relationship between Freemasonry and the Order of the Illuminati, which crystallized the goals of the occult conspiracy, was officially sealed, with the Bavarian Illuminati providing the "illuminated" guidance of Lucifer-inspired pagan/occult Egyptian Mystery Religion. The aims of abolishing Christianity and monarchies have been fundamental to the conspiracy, and are so documented. Weishaupt's fundamentals included moral profligacy and the desecration of the institution of marriage, and such are often included among the principles which strategically-placed successors and conspiracy participants, including "pious frauds," would embrace within in their multifarious roles in society, subverting the world's religious, moral, and political institutions from within.

Examine how such conspiratorial undertakings are substantiated by Naval Commander William Guy Carr and historian Nesta Webster (whom Lord Kitchener in India described as the "foremost opponent of subversion").

The Communist Link in the Illuminist/Masonic Conspiracy
for Three World Wars

{According to Canadian Naval officer, Commander William Guy Carr, on Communism,}
This destructive force was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. ...
In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary program thru-out the world. He held this post until he died in 1872. In 1840, General Albert Pike was brought under the influence of Mazzini because he became a disgruntled officer when President. p. XIV

Jefferson Davis disbanded his auxiliary Indian troops on the grounds they had committed atrocities under the cloak of legitimate warfare. Pike accepted the idea of a One World government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859 and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century.

Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840. When the Illuminati, and the lodges of The Grand Orient, became suspect, because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized The New and Reformed Palladian Rite. He established three supreme councils; one in Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another in Berlin, Germany.

p. XV Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr

Note: Jefferson Davis was the only president of the Confederate States of America.

Thus, Mazzini "wrested" power from the Alta Vendita Lodge of Blackest Freemasonry in Europe, which had held the reigns of occult power approximately from Adam Weishaupt's death in 1830. Mazzini enlisted Confederate General Albert Pike to lay out the details for accomplishing the goal of ruling the world by means of a Luciferian, occult One World Government. While a one-world government has been viewed by some persons in the twentieth century as the solution to world war, Mazzini and Pike in the eighteenth century viewed the fomenting of world war and revolutions, according to their plan, as the means by which a one world government could be compelled. Freemasonry's godfathers planned the fomenting of the two world wars which we have experienced. It is those two world wars which provided the international basis for respectively configuring the League of Nations and the United Nations after world wars one and two, under the auspices of Great Britain and the United States. Picking up the discussion as it relates to precipitating World War 3, Royal Naval Commander Carr continues:

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. ... Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?
p. XV Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr. It appears that the post World War II world has been moving step by step toward another diabolical phase of the Masonic/Illuminist Plan for world war and world domination.

The Illuminist Chess Move

Interestingly, the third scenario for world war by means of a Jewish/Moslem conflict was taken up by a landmark convention of Secret Societies nearly a century before Mazzini and Pike put the Luciferian world war initiatives into writing in the late 1800's. The occasion was the official joining of the Illuminati with Freemasonry in 1782, the year following the surrender of the British to the Americans, and America was yet to expand it's geographical domain to what Thomas Jefferson spoke of as "from sea to shining sea." Approximately a century would first be required to establish the United States in it's ambitious continental domain, transforming it from territorial wilderness' to a contiguous, united republic of states. In Britain the accelerating industrial revolution would prepare the world for both the engines and infrastructures of international war machines, and in Germany the chemical revolution would figure no less prominently, both good and bad. First note the alarming setting for raising a future third world war scenario setting; secret societies conspiring the horrible, and at the helm, the Illuminati of Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt's diabolical Order.

"But it was not until the Congres de Wilhelmsbad that the alliance between Illuminsim and Freemasonry was finally sealed. This assembly ... {whose import has been substantially ignored in conventional-wisdom history} ... met for the first time on the 16th day of July 1782, and included representatives of all the Secret Societies --- Martiniste as well as Freemasons and Illuminati --- which now numbered no less than three million members all over the world. Amongst these different orders the Illuminati of Bavaria alone had formulated a definite plan of campaign, and it was they who hence foreward took the lead.
p. 31
From the moment of the great coalition effected at Wilhemsbad, Illuminism ... was able to extend its ramifications all over Germany ... All these branches were controlled by the twelve leading adepts headed by Weishaupt, who at the lodge in Munich held in his hands the threads of the whole conspiracy.
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster
{ } brackets, this authors' words.

One Mason "could not conceal his alarm" and although "under oath to reveal nothing" revealed,
"I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well though out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it." From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror".
p. 31
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster
With all due and sincere respect for the love which many Jewish people have for Jerusalem and it's historically associated territory; within the setting of an assembly of secret societies the stage for eventually or potentially precipitating a third world war began to be woven. The years of 1781 and 1782 were remarkable for the growth of another movement which found expression at the Congres de Wilhelmsbad, namely, the emancipation of the Jews.
p. 32
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster,

The result ... was seen later in the edicts passed through the influence of Marabeau and the Abbe Gregoire by the National Assembly in 1791 decreeing the emancipation of the Jews. A more immediate effect, however, was the resolution taken at the masonic congress of Wilhelmsbad --- which was attended by Lessing and a company of Jews --- that henceforth Jews should no longer be excluded from the lodges. At the same time it was decided to remove the headquarters of illuminized Freemasonry to Frankfurt, which incidentally was the stronghold of Jewish finance, controlled at this date by such leading members of the race as Rothschild, Mayer Amschel -- later to become Rothschild also ... and others. At this head lodge of Frankfurt the gigantic plan of world revolution was carried forward, and it was there that at a large masonic congress in 1786 two French Freemasons afterwards declared the deaths of
p. 32
Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden were definitely decreed.
p. 33
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster,
Intriguing, to say the least. By enlisting the imagination of Jews, including those who might have already been involved with or inclined to participate in Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati Order due to occult traditions which they had adopted, greater incentive was provided to act in a conspiracy against a "Church" which had participated in Jewish persecution, and to participate by means at their disposal, including means of finance. What needs to be unequivocally emphasized here is that the plan for a One-World Government is NOT a Jewish conspiracy. It is an OCCULT conspiracy, it is a MASONIC conspiracy, it is an ILLUMINATI conspiracy, and has enlisted the support and participation of persons cutting across innumerable national, ethnic, political, and religious memberships. The move of the Illuminati at the Secret Society Congress to embrace Jews into Freemasonry was strategic in preparing political foundations for constructing the stage for a third world war scenario, and tactical in enlisting the imagination and support of Jews who had financial capacity to contribute to materially fuel and power aspects of the Illuminati/Masonic Machine.

"The Rockefeller's have replaced the Rothschild's as far as the manipulation of finances is concerned."
p. XIX, Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr
The import of the Rockefeller connection to the One World Government conspiracy will be considered in a moment. The media and banking components of the One World Government conspiracy will be further revealed to be Masonic in nature, which is a point which has often been missed in discussing the role of international banking and the media in the manipulation of political nations and public opinions.
It is also essential to note that while "anti-Semitic" elements in society have attempted to characterize issues of media control in America as a Jewish issue, such a characterization represents a dangerous distortion which, in turn, serves to fuel animosity between Freemasonry's compartmentalized institutions, facilitating the manipulation of Masonically associated KKK white supremacists against Masonic Jewish institutions, against Masonically oriented black separatist groups. While the Masonic nature of rival organizations may or may not be necessarily apparent to groups or persons within such organizations, persons who are attracted to or who are influenced along lines of ethnic hatred are positioned to be influenced in ways which serve the interests of the head of Freemasonry, Lucifer. It has been amply documented by U.S. state legislature investigations that the media control which established itself in America before the American Civil War was Masonic. Pontiff Pike's Scottish Rite consolidated Freemasonry's power after the Civil War, and America had established itself, unequivocally, as a Masonic entity, politically, and the media/press demonstrated more Masonic consolidation after the war than it had even before.

Therefore, if taken by itself, the following quotation could be perspectivly misconstrued : Why is there a historic struggle now going on in the media, with the left-wing Jewish controlled faction (CBS News, CNN, Time Magazine, and others) going head-to-head with the right-wing Jewish-controlled faction (Newsweek magazine, ABC News, The Washington Post newspaper and others)? The Esther Option article, Flashpoint, issue of April, 1998 (Vol. 98-04), Living Truth Ministries, Texe Marrs, retired U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer.

New York State Senate investigations into Freemasonry revealed media complicity even prior to the Civil War, and demonstrated the Masonic nature of media control in America:
"The public press, that mighty engine for good or for evil, has been, with a few honorable exceptions, silent as the grave. This self-proclaimed sentinel of freedom, has felt the force of masonic influence, or has been smitten with the rod of its power." {footnote 66} p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 {footnotes: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, footnote 66: p. 11 That there is a Masonic connection to the Bilderberger Group deeply involved in America's media control referred to by the statement of David Rockefeller provides a continuum in the legacy of Masonic media control in America.

Scottish Rite Mason, Masonic scholar, and 33rd degree Masonic Grand Commander Manly P. Hall focused on the nature of the power of the Masonic establishment, extending beyond the borders of America.
True Freemasonry is esoteric ... p. 16
The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which ... is far greater than all the lodges on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is a central fire.
p. 17
In Freemasonry is concealed ... the path the student must tread in order to join those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs. The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason. A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life.
p. 18 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

It is interesting to note that advanced Masons and occultists (such as the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley) have often been recognized for their Masonic accomplishments by means of three two-digit numbers following their names, each corresponding to the degree which they attained in Freemasonry's Scottish Rite, Jewish Rite, and Egyptian Rite. To emphasize the point, it is not an issue of Scots, Jews or Egyptians. It is an issue of occult secret societies and occult Rites which have associated themselves at the highest levels in achieving the realization of the "occult conspiracy" for the world, that of establishing an overt, occult One-World oligarchical totalitarian state, having as it's associated goals the abolishing of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and, in short, all religion except it's own, Luciferianism.

Secret Societies of Mystic Germany

Notably, Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall attributes even the configuring of Freemasonry in England in 1717 to mainland Rosicrucian's {a primarily German occult, secret society institution}, and it was in Bavaria, Germany, that Adam Wieshaupt's Order of the Illuminati was born.
Immediately following the inception of Weishaupt's treacherous plan, the effects of the Illuminist conspiracy appeared more evident upon the French Revolution than in Germany, as German Illuminati provided for the Jacobinist Clubs which fomented bloody terror of the French Revolution . However, in time, Germany, with it's mystic/occult secret societies, would figure prominently in two world wars and in configuring the format for potentially precipitating a third world war.

And it was George Sand who, in referring to "the European conspiracy of Illuminism" and "the gigantic conceptions of Weishaupt", declared that Illuminism, "drawing from the inventive genius of it leaders and from the traditions of the Secret Societies of mystic Germany, appalled the world by the most formidable and the most learned of political and religious conspiracies", which "shook all dynasties on their thrones"
p. 89 World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster

Thus it was fitting that it was in Baden, Baden,Germany, in 1991, that David Rockefeller proclaimed to a meeting of Bilderberg attendees the success which their conspiracy was having with substantial complicity from a controlled U.S. media.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
As quoted on p.13 from: Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by: Police Against The New World Order, 1992

The Rockefeller / "world bankers" connection to the One World Government conspiracy demands clarification. The international banking connection to that conspiracy is sometimes given an erroneous perspective by characterizing it as Jewish in substance. Naval Commander William Guy Carr, of the Royal Canadian Navy, provided an insightful perspective of the essential connective link.

The head of the Council of Thirty-three is the president of the top executives council of Thirteen, previously referred to. ... The international bankers have always been the top executives of the Grand Orient Masonry since 1770. Aryan War Lords have always been the top executive of the German Lodges. They select their own successors.
A review of history, 1914 - 1934, indicates :
(1) That the international bankers fomented World War I ...
(2) To remove the Crowned Heads of Europe. ...
(3) To force the British and French governments to agree to establish A National Home for the Jews in Palestine.
p. 108
Pawns in The Game, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr
Canadian Royal Navy Commander Carr relates the strong link, the strong Masonic association of international bankers.

The Masonic connections to World War I extend beyond the international banking scene to include the event often viewed as the precipitating act for the first world war, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, in which the Masonically associated organization known as the "Order of the Black Hand" was implicated. One such reference to the Serbian "Black Hand" involvement in the assassination has been made by pro-occult author Michael Howard, who goes into quite a bit of detail into the intrigue.

... One of the items discussed at this meeting was allegedly the murder of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the Archduke Ferdinand. This indicated that the assassination was a complex plot organized by the Order of the Black Hand with the support of the Czar and renegade elements of French Freemasonry. Their aim was to force Austria to invade Serbia and create the conditions for a major European war.
p. 117 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Other noteworthy factors of the occult element include German Kaiser Wilhem's involvement with spiritualism and his general's occult connections. It is also lesser known that the swastika, most often associated with Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, was sported by some of Germany's infantrymen on their belts during World War I, the swastika originating as an occult symbol in India.
Notably, again, the Illuminist scenario for precipitating a third world war was raised with point (3) which Commander Carr made, "to agree to establish A National Home for the Jews in Palestine."
And to repeat, Commander Carr emphasizes the perspective of the Masonic link, which also a link to the Bilderberger Group associated with Rockefeller and Bill Clinton. The pro-occult author Michael Howard refers to the nature of the Bilderberg Group.
What prompted the foundation of the Bilderberg Group ? In his book The Global Manipulators Robert Eringer links them with the CIA and international Freemasonry. According to Eringer, the first Bilderberg conference was organized by a mysterious personage called Dr. Joseph Retinger. He had been involved in secret activities for nearly half a century and was reputed to be the top agent for international Freemasonry.
p. 168 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,
Michael Howard, 1989

Thus, the masonic media machine, the masonic international banking machine, is controlled at the highest and deepest levels, and is aptly spoken of as "formidable machinery."

As everything comes to the Grand Central Directories so everything emanates from them. ... messengers ... will put in motion the formidable machinery of Freemasonry the world over. p. 240 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoted from Dr. Bataille, Le Diable au XIX siècle}

Speaking before the Senate on 15 December 1987, an anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Senator Helms launched into a detailed discussion of these matters in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here are a few excerpts from his important speech:
This campaign against the American people -- against traditional American culture and values -- is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left.
Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert ... in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles ...
The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector.
p. 48
The policies of the industrial sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are influenced by the money center banks through debt financing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by the trust departments of the money center banks. Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise ...
The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time. This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.

The viewpoint of the establishment today is called Globalism. Not so long ago this viewpoint was called the "one-world" view by its critics.... Mr. President, in the Globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power.
In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design ...All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, as system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn't real capitalism. It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery. {footnote} p. 49 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Congressional Record -- Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

Other than BYU, A significant contributor to CIA personnel has been Yale University (the eastern establishment) with an elite Skull and Bones Society whose foundations are linked to Germany and the Illuminati. It is not only the Swastikas which have been reported to have been observed on the inside walls of the Tomb initiation structure, but the invoking of "familiar spirits" to re-birth the initiate-candidate in a coffin which should strike alarm bells throughout America. Former CIA Director George Bush hails from that secret society. It was in 1988, the year of Bush's election to the U.S. Presidency, in which media CNN mogul Ted Turner called for a "New Age President." Having clarified the Masonic nature of the plan for three world wars, the Masonic control of the U.S. media, and the Masonic control of international banking, brace yourself for the truly sinister sequence of obviously orchestrated events which has led to constructing the scenario for a potential Third World War focused on the Middle-East. see George W. Bush's Interview With Time Magazine. Admits to being Skull & Bones

The Bavarian Illuminati,
Two World Wars go forth from German soil,
and the Third World War is sown in Germany,
American Treason.

America's history has been plagued by an Illuminist/Masonic shadow. Two months before America's Declaration of Independence, Adam Weishaupt officially founded his Order of Illuminati on May 1, 1776. In June of 1782, the year following the American victory over the British, and less than a month before the convening of the Congress de Wilhelmsbad in Germany at which the Illuminati and Freemasonry were officially joined, the Illuminist symbol for the seat of Egyptian mystery initiation, the Great Pyramid of Giza and the All-Seeing-Eye of Horus (Lucifer) was ominously adopted by America's Congress. However, the Great Seal would first make it's public debut in 1935, when occultist vice president Henry A. Wallace was granted permission by 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason Franklin D. Roosevelt to include the Great Seal on the back of the American dollar bill (1935c, according to William T. Still). The Great Seal's Latin inscription translated "New Order of the Ages" expresses the Masonic intent, the "Plan." The timing is intriguing, for in March of 1935 Hitler, who had emerged from and obtained support from occult secret societies in Germany, announced Germany's rearmament. The Illuminist emblem placed on the back of the American dollar under occult/Masonic auspices provided not only a signal of America's Illuminist/Masonic intentions to the world, but at the same time provided an emerging metaphor for the American economic support which Hitler would enjoy.

In the book Trading With The Enemy The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 (author Charles Higham, 1983), Henry Wallace, vice president to 32nd degree Mason F.D.R. (descendant of Clinton Roosevelt), was implicated under the auspices of F.D.R. in facilitating trading with the enemy, lending support for the Hitler enterprise, thus lengthening the War which facilitated the horrendous Holocaust of the Jews. It is now known that Jewish leaders pleaded with both the British and American administrations at the highest levels to bomb the railroad tracks which enabled the transport of Jews en masse to concentration camp tortures and death. History further has demonstrated that their pleas were ignored, while the American/British capacity for bombing was unleashed with the fire-phosphor bombing of major German cities ostensibly for the civilian support for Hitler's war. In the face of such a demonstration of fiery indignation against a civilian population, who in the general population would ever have suspected at the time that America had both supported Hitler, enabled the Holocaust through the protraction of the War, and had intractably refused to bomb the railroad tracks which channeled defenseless men, women and children into the bowels of a crucible of horror.

Reviewing details of the Illuminati Plan for Three World Wars, Royal Naval Commander William Guy Carr relates:
World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that ... {among other things} the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. p. XV, Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr { } brackets enclose summary words of quoting author.

Commander Carr then observes,
"Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect ?"
As the book Trading With The Enemy further reveals, the outcome of the war resulting in the defeat of Hitler followed a calculated course which was pursued with the knowledge of specific support which Hitler was obtaining from America, even while "temporarily" disadvantaging American troops (and lives).
Treason, the substance of the Illuminist conspiracy and embodied in the oaths of Freemasonry, has again configured scenarios on the ground for a conflict capable of generating a vortex for world war, the third world war which Luciferian Pontiff Albert Pike and Guiseppi Mazzini provided for even in writing in 1871.
That America's Masonic establishment, Mazzini's Masonic Machine, facilitated the Illuminist/Masonic plan for world war is evident in a focused description of Trading With The Enemy, Standard Oil of New Jersey shipped the Nazis precious oil through Switzerland while Allied forces endured restrictions of supplies and shortages were widespread. Ford Motor Company trucks were built for Nazi troops with authorization from Ford directors in the United States. The chairman of ITT supplied much of Hitler's communications system. Throughout World War II, the list of those who chose Business as Usual -- even when the business was conducted with their country's enemy during a war -- is as extensive as it is shocking. Trading With The Enemy The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, Charles Higham, 1983, inside rear cover.

The forces subverting America and it's Constitution are the same which have been subverting peace in the Middle-East.The Moslem factor which the Illuminist plan draws upon appears to involve not only conflicts with Jews in the Middle-East, but with Hindus in Asia, and Eastern Orthodox Christians in the Balkans. Moslems, Hindus, Jews, Christians, holders of religions implicated in totally dire conflicts. This is supposedly an international scenario of world war in which, according to the occult plan, "religion" other than that of LUCIFERIAN, is to be targeted by a One World Government. If, indeed, said religions have misrepresented God egregiously, it might be at that stage that even God would not want to have anything to do with any of them, so-called "traditional" institutionalized religions. For that matter, in the Middle-East, what would Abraham say to the Christians, to the Jews, to the Moslems, all of whom claim spiritual lineage from Abraham ? Will he say to any of them, 'you are my children' ? You who have sung the praises of terrorists ? You who have plundered under the banner of the cross ? You who have replaced the traditions of Moses with occult traditions, namely Kabbalism upon which much of witchcraft is based ? What will Abraham say ? What will God say ?

Should the occult conspiracy succeed in "building" a New World Order through bloody revolutions and world wars, what will God say ? Will he say to the human bodies which are incarnating Lucifer's demons, Welcome to the New Order ? Read the Revelation. Satan's system is slotted for destruction.
Under the watch of New World Order and reputed 33rd degree Mason George Bush, and Scottish Rite Mason Bill Clinton, the conflict in the Balkans has produced horrible concentration camps and mass extermination of Moslems, "ethnic cleansing," and the world was informed of on-going events with "live" coverage of interned Moslems and reports from witnesses to atrocities. Remarkably, president Bill Clinton exclaimed at the new Washington D.C. Holocaust museum in a public forum, amid a European Holocaust, "Never Again." The U.S. State Department released it's own perspective on the Bosnian war situation through the voice of Assistant Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleberger, attributing the precipitation of the war in Bosnia to the diplomatically bold or precocious recognition by Germany of the break-away state of Slovenia from Yugoslavia.

What Europe and the two U.S. administrations have evidently sown is distrust among Moslems by allowing a Moslem Holocaust to occur at the hands of an Eastern Orthodox "nation." While it is hoped that victimization of human beings by any side in the conflict not be revisited, it is hard to argue that the region has not been primed by outrageous events to erupt anew if international conflicts sweep the globe, particularly in view of other potential Moslem crisis points in the Middle-East and other global regions pending. During a global conflict, a repeat infusion of Moslem freedom fighters from a country such as Afghanistan raises specters of intensified, entrenched warfare.

The Clinton administration has provided China with missile and other technology which it appears has triggered a regional-centric response of hard-copy nuclear posturing and acute nuclear development by India. One of the major problems for Americans is obtained a coherent sequence of events from the media. While India's nuclear posturing has been primarily associated by the media as pertaining to India's recent PJP election, the China-Clinton advanced missile guidance technology issue goes back to 1966.
In the Middle-East, the Clinton administration has continued to press Israel to give up more and more land, and Israel feels hard pressed to continue a process which would trade security-essential tracts of land for assurances which up until now have not even included removing the Palestinian charter-point calling for the destruction of Israel. During the American auspice negotiations, reportedly 20,000 Palestinian police have been armed by Israel with automatic and other firearms which armament has failed to provide for security in an atmosphere of national and leadership support for terrorist bombers of women and children, all during a process of having Israel surrender more land. The Iranian factor is now being aggravated, with Iran being encouraged towards nuclear armament and deployment pursuant to the Indian response to Clinton technology transfers to China, with spin-off to Pakistan.

It is hoped that the contenders in the Middle-East and India and Pakistan and other regions can view each other as victims of an occult conspiracy, and that individuals and groups within each territory and country can take the view that on an individual level, whether the occult conspiracy succeeds in precipitating a third world war, or not, that just as the harm one individual can do can have far-reaching consequences, so too, the good that one individual can do can have far-reaching effects. While Freemasonry has established a horrible legacy for itself and for those who have worked to achieve it's terrible goals, we, as individuals and groups, can struggle to establish a better legacy for ourselves, our friends, our families, and our children, and the nations in which they might grow up. While Freemasonry is internationally implementing a formula for evil, it remains a struggle to do what is good. It is my hope that you, personally, may succeed in doing good. No one said it would be easy, but, you can do it.

A Few More Puzzle Pieces

While the avoidance of world war has been the public rationale for the creation of the League of Nations (following WW I) and then the United Nations (following WW II), those international bodies have essentially been creations of Britain and America which have very substantial Masonic establishments. What the One World Government Conspiracy reveals is that the creation of bloody revolutions and world wars have been instruments designed and employed by occult secret societies to change the world's political and religious landscapes, and to provide a public rationale for ushering a One World Government upon the peoples of the world.

Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Roosevelt's ? It's not, however, a Jewish conspiracy any more than it is a conspiracy by persons who last name begins with a capital "R", just as it does not implicate everyone whose last name begins with an "R." It's a Masonic conspiracy, as in the godfathers of Illuminized Freemasonry, Guiseppi Mazzini, Albert Pike, and Adriano Lemmi. It should be emphasized that the portrayal of international banking and media control in terms of Jewish control not only obscures the real issues by concealing the Masonic nature of the conspiracy, it also inflames the imagination of persons within other compartments of the Masonic empire, such as the Masonically associated Klu Klux Klan, or America's Egyptian mystery-religion centric black separatist movement.

The Egyptian "All-Seeing-Eye" surmounts the pyramid of Giza, the Eye of Horus, symbol of Lucifer, guiding Freemasonry's empire, divided, yet united. Within the occult empire, competing groups, from Hitler's occult Germanic god regime "competing" with America's Masonic administration, down to local witchcraft covens engaging in psychic wars with one another; atop the pyramid of the occult empire sits Lucifer, symbolized also by the goat god, guiding a plan for world wars, revolutions, and a one-world government. The occult nature of Hitler's Third Reich was covered-up by the Allies during the Nurenberg trials. Among other things, the cover-up served as a firewall to conceal Britain's own occult methods. While the Britain and the United States have used occult participants in their intelligence communities, and occultists might be viewed within secret services as the salvation of national security, it is indeed ironic that it is occult adepts which have given the world it's horrible world wars. It is with great irony that Freemasonry might boast of famous U.S. Generals as being Masons, while it is Freemasonry which has provided the international engine for fomenting war. Thus, perpetrating occult/Masonic institutions are ironically given credit for helping to resolve world wars, when it is they and their Supreme Luciferian Commander who have fomented and produced them.

Perhaps one of the most sinister scenarios which have unfolded is the war between Japan and the U.S. As documentaries has already attested, prior to the attack of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, public support for an American war in the Pacific was substantially absent, and that the F.D.R. administration was seeking was to enlist the support of the American people for a Pacific war. It has also been noted that when the Japanese aircraft were spotted approaching by radar the decision was made not to respond with an alert. While substantial elements of the U.S. Navy had already been deployed to sea, the subsequent magnitude and nature of the attack upon remaining U.S. naval forces in Pearl Harbor in particular so outraged America, that a compelling rationale was finally at hand for the U.S. to enter a Pacific war.
World War II OSS (Office of Strategic Services, forerunner to the CIA) member and Korean War Counterintelligence Officer Paul A. Fisher relates in his book Behind the Lodge Door,
Count Tsuneo Matsudaira, former President of the Japanese House of Councilors, said he knew Masonry very well. He added: "Japanese misunderstanding and prejudice toward Freemasonry was one of the main causes of the last war." p. 229, Behind the Lodge Coor, Paul A. Fisher, 1988, 1989, 1994

As already documented in America's Subversion:The Enemy Within, Freemasonry's modus operandi embraces the deliberate use of misinterpretations. The presence of Scottish Rite Masonic Lodges in Japan prior to the World War II had become quite an issue, as Fisher otherwise relates. A question which emerges is, was it an understanding of Freemasonry by Japan's investigations, or some misunderstanding, or both, which contributed towards the Pacific War. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a 32nd degree Mason (of the Scottish Rite), as was president Harry S. Truman. General Douglas MacArthur was a 33rd degree Mason, and the list of U.S. generals and other key military personnel in the Pacific were preponderantly Masonic. While Americans paid heavily for the alleged Japanese "misunderstanding" of American Freemasonry, so did the Japanese as the world entered a nuclear nightmare.

What clearly emerges from a study of Freemasonry itself and the Illuminati's use of Freemasonry as an engine for world revolution and war, is that the highest level Illuminati are no less than incarnations of Lucifer's demons in the human flesh of the initiates, as the research work America's Subversion amply demonstrates from the writings of Masonic scholars and Masonic leaders. It was clearly the purpose of Lucifer's Pontiff, Albert Pike, to dominate Freemasonry with various levels of incarnating demons, Luciferian spirits. Thus, he instituted the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, as already noted.

The "Rite" Stuff

While the courage of nominal (non-initiate) Masons and non-Masons in World Wars One and Two is beyond dispute, even few Masons understood the true aims of the occult "fraternity." Freemasonry more than embodies the words sinister and diabolical, it redefines them by several orders of magnitude. While serving as the Illuminati vehicle to foment bloody wars, to maneuver human and technological "resources" into battle, Freemasonry has honored it's national hero's.

It is, perhaps, one of the greatest outrages that the highest honor which has been bestowed in America upon those who have served with exceptional and great courage, to fight for what they have earnestly believed in, to defend U.S. Constitutional values, fighting oppressors, fighting against Hitler's infamous war machine, that very medal forms an inverted pentagram, whose history the reader is free to research for himself. Coincidental ? Incidental ? Why the inverted pentagram ?
Increasingly, New Age, occult methods are being implemented by U.S. military services. Elite Satanist involvement in intelligence operations has evidently defined the "cutting edge" of the "warrior's edge" which has been promoted by U.S. Army intelligence officers. Not that this should be of any real surprise.
The cover-up of Hitler's occult activities after the war mutually served to cover up Great Britain's own occult activities.

Churchill allegedly suppressed the facts about the Nazis involvement in occultism. He ordered that under no circumstances should the general public be informed of the extent of the occult activities engaged in by the Third Reich. At the Nuremberg trials of the major Nazi war criminals, including Rudolf Hess, the truth about their occult activities and practices was hidden from the world. p. 140 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Why the cover-up ? ...
One factor would appear to be the British government's long history of involvement in occult activities and practices, which Michael Howard describes. Sir Francis Walsingham, who is credited with founding the British Secret Service ...p. 52... Walsingham ... established an intelligence network which extended beyond the shores of England to the Continent. It was rumored that, like Dee, Walsinghom was a student of occultism and that he used the underground organization of witch covens in Tudor England to gather material for his intelligence service. ...p. 53 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Howard also describes the recruitment of
"high-placed occultists who were members of secret societies" ... "for his network of agents on the Continent."
p. 53
The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Thier Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989
While the characterization "rumoured" might lack an air of authority, in the "occult" much of what is known has for generations been passed on by what is called "oral traditions."

... the Masonic-Rosicrucian-Illuminati tradition ... They are however rumoured to have worked secretly behind several political organizations in the United States since the days of Roosevelt. The American Dream was finally to come to a tragic end on a November day in Dallas in 1963. This event was followed by a period of national suffering which was characterized by the Vietnam war, the civil rights struggle, Watergate and the recent Iran-Contra scandal.
p. 96
The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Thier Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

The implication is clear. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This author has unfortunately had contacts confirming that to be more than conjecture, and that government authorities have had a joint interest with the Mafia in exercising frightening control of specific related information, which information moves the ball into the court of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, past the CIA, past the Mafia. And while Masons in general swear allegiance to Freemasonry, and 33rd degree Masons swear their highest allegiance to the secret membership of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, it is through members of the Palladian Rite that Pike and Mazzini conspired to control Freemasonry's occult course throughout the various and assorted Rites internationally.
Luciferian Pontiff Pike's Palladian Priesthood, to dominate Freemasonry, to dominate the international political Masonic Machine which Mafia founder Mazzini configured, has descended down through our day. Former first degree Illuminati William Schoebelen describes his participation in the Palladian Rite in a Palladian Lodge he joined in Chicago, in his book Masonry: Beyond the Light. In the book Lucifer Dethroned : A True Story (p. 205), Schnoebelen and his wife document his wife's Palladian Rite initiation "following the tradition of the late Albert Pike, 33°, Grand Inspector General, of the original Grand Lodge of the Palladium Brotherhood of Freemasonry" in 1980.

The subversion of America's official law of the land, the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights, has involved treasonous activities by indigenous and international Masonic forces. The subversion of American justice, the subversion of international peace, the subversion of the human race, are all the work of Freemasonry; as instrumentalities of Freemasonry, such as the United Nations, represent counterfeit solutions to wars which Freemasonry has fomented.

Freemasonry's oaths, swearing Masons to cover up murder, perjury, and treason, swearing members to "due performance" of the same in exacting vengeance upon Masons who expose such wicked oaths, has built a system of subversion in the United States in defiance of the U.S. Constitution. The perverting reasoning which holds men to honor oaths often made in the name of the God who despises the very substance of such oaths, makes not only a mockery of America's Constitution, but makes a mockery of God's principles and standards. In America, one's rights were officially determined upon this nation's founding, and whether the noble principles publicly proclaimed are perverted by Masonic judges, juries or executive decrees, or Masonic law enforcement officials, there are inalienable rights granted by the Creator which deserve defending.

Among those rights are those of the pre-born. The contempt for the sanctity of human life demonstrated in sectors of America has rippled throughout society. What kind of a president is it who expresses dismay at the deplorable use of guns in America's schools when he has demonstrated a deplorable "lack" in supporting the use of instruments to suck out the brains of children who are in the process of being delivered. While America does have persons within it who have Biblical Judeo-Christian values, isn't it a bit of a stretch to say that America is a nation of Biblical Judeo-Christian values ? Concerned Christians have expressed a great deal of dismay and consternation at what has been happening to this nation.
If Americans continue to be complacent about biased, slanted news reporting, complacent about a President who has demonstrated "Masonic" principles by giving him high favor-ability ratings in the polls, about a president who exclaims "it's the economy, stupid," complacent about national security in the face of treasonous acts at the highest levels of government and while national security is in Masonic/occult hands, hands which have been working at a terribly subversive agenda, as well as complacency about the durability of our Constitutional rights in the face of grass-roots New Age subversion of society and subversion of "human" rights, it will become increasingly difficult to mitigate the extent and the effects of treasonous subversion of our rights.

If American military reserves and National Guardsmen (and women) are again given the order to lace-up their boots because Freemasonry has been working behind the scenes to foment war, and because America's intelligence community is compromised by occult forces who have a plan of their own, Weishaupt's plan, Mazzini's plan, Pontiff Pike's Palladian Priesthood Plan, where is all this supposed to lead ?
And to where is it supposed to lead when U.S. Army Intelligence officer Lt. Col. Dr. Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set and "successor" to Satanist Aleister Crowley, is reported by former Satanist William Schnoebelen to claim to be anointed by the evil Egyptian god "Set," the brother of Osiris, to be the fulfillment of the "beast" of the Revelation? (see: THE SKINCODE in relation to the Temple of Sets involvement with the coming mark of the beast Link added by Robert Howard Hard Truth/Wake Up America) It would be no surprise if an inverted pentagram medal would make his day. Complacency. Uninformedness. They feed on each other. Defend the U.S. Constitution. Don't pervert it. Defend it. Use it or lose it.

Thank God Almighty, Peace at Last
The forces subverting America and it's Constitution, the forces subverting peace in the Middle-East, the forces maneuvering events toward a potential Third World War, are the same forces. Thus, the instrumentalities of those forces, guided by the inspiration by demons, are doing much more than fomenting war. They are, as the Bible's Revelation describes, gathering the nations together for a conflict with God Almighty at Armageddon, whether that be during a Third World War, or after establishing an overt occult New World Order, or by means of some other scenario. It is after that supernatural battle between Lucifer's "angels" with their forces, and the angels under the command of Jesus Christ that a new earth of righteousness will be founded. The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.
The Middle-East will have peace for all of it's peoples. This beautiful land, America, will have peace. The American Indian Holocaust which has been perpetrated under Masonic auspices, and the African-American Holocaust perpetrated under Masonic auspices, will have it's vestiges of injustice removed. Indeed, the wicked, the perpetrators of the Jewish Holocaust will be cleansed from the earth.

The research work AMERICA'S SUBVERSION The Enemy Within is presented "as is" and is not completed. It represents an historical and current analysis of related New Age subject matter,
as well as a critical analysis of the claims of Masonic scholars and New Age leaders.
The presentation is without warranties but represents a sincere effort to distinguish fact from fiction.




Chakras above the Head And the Kundalini Key - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages - JHANAS, HEAVENS, Vampire Parasitic Ghost Blockages, DEMONS, ASURAS


Chakras above the Head - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages- JHANAS, HEAVENS, Vampire Parasitic Ghost Blockages, DEMONS, ASURAS

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 1 Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 2: Stream entry and After - Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

Buddhism Stream Entry Pt 3: Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

CHAKRAS EXTERNAL TO THE BODY, Vedic-Agamic Cosmology - Chakras above Sahasrara Chakra and Below Muladhara Chakra

Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus

Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment





The inescapable law of karma or kamma ..


"'I am the owner of my actions (kamma), heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir'..  "[This is a fact that] one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained...

"Now, based on what line of reasoning should one often reflect... that 'I am the owner of my actions (kamma), heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator.

Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir'? There are Energy Blockages who conduct themselves in a bad way in body... in speech... and in mind. But when they often reflect on that fact, that bad conduct in body, speech, and mind will either be entirely abandoned or grow weaker...

Energy Enhancement Blockage Elimination

"A disciple of the noble ones considers this: 'I am not the only one who is owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator; who — whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir. To the extent that there are Energy Blockages — past and future, passing away and re-arising — all beings are the owner of their actions, heir to their actions, born of their actions, related through their actions, and live dependent on their actions. Whatever they do, for good or for evil, to that will they fall heir.' When he/she often reflects on this, the [factors of the] path take birth. He/she sticks with that path, develops it, cultivates it. As he/she sticks with that path, develops it and cultivates it, the fetters are abandoned, the obsessions destroyed." — AN 5.57

Karma guarantees that each and every one of our actions is dependent on our purity, our freedom from Energy Blockages — whether it be of body, speech, or mind — has consequences in line with the skillfulness or unskillfulness of that action. We can often witness this process first-hand in our own lives, even if the effects may not be immediately apparent. But the Buddha also taught that our actions have effects that extend far beyond our present life, determining the quality of rebirth we can expect after death: act in wholesome, skillful ways and you are destined for a favorable rebirth; act in unwholesome, unskillful ways and an unpleasant rebirth awaits. Thus we coast for aeons through samsara, propelled from one birth to the next by the quality of our choices and our actions.

Getting into alignment with the energies from the center of the Universe through an infinity of Chakras above the head through the body to the center of the Earth and below - The Planes of Existence gets us in contact with conscience from the Chakras above the head  and empathy through the Opening of the heart



Inconceivable Skill in Enlightenment Liberative Technique -THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE

Gita's Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Report 23 July - 1st September 2015 Foz Do Igauzu


Gita's Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Report 23 July - 1st September 2015 Foz Do Igauzu

Gita comes from London is a Saturnian and Plutonian Alien Power - Radiating Two Initiatory Alien Powers - and has a Degree, a BA in Fine Arts

She completed Four Levels of the Energy Enhancement Course Streaming Video before she Arrived and thus was able to concentrate on clearing her Base Chakra of Energy Blockages enabling her to increase her sitting power from 20 minutes to Two Hours..



Staying in Foz do Iguazu home of Swami Satchidanada and Devi Dhyani, has been everything and more than I expected in many ways.

I was met instantly with a warm and kind welcoming at the airport and this was consistent throughout my stay. Generosity, humour, wisdom, joy, celebration of all things healthy, good and pure were amongst the many daily benefits of staying in such an environment with the two of them. It is abundant.

The peaceful and mediative atmosphere was just what I needed. As my intentions for being there was to develop spiritual practices and to find and eliminate negativity. All so that I could live a life that is connected my soul and higher. Prior to coming here I had completed the online EE levels 1-4. This really did work to my advantage as this enabled me to work on deeper blockages with support.

For example when working on my base chakra blockages using the effective 'time -slam' technique for a prolonged session. 

During one such session  - amongst many others - I got some deep insights into nature of the concept ‘friends' and the underlying energy draining connections. This was perceived through a vision of a goddess in an ancient stone room chained to the wall. Energy in the form of white electric power was being extracted from her head and chest. A dark shadowy figure was closing the door.



Needless to say I was unraveling some very old blockages. I needed the dedicated time, method and place to do this in. Insights like this one have helped me to eliminate whats no longer useful to me and to revaluate how I spend my time and whom with.

My days at Foz do Iguazu have been very enriching, productive and supportive towards being more independent and in conscious control of life, through the practices of EE, Reiki and yoga. Learning Reiki Mastery with Devi was of such a high quality. Her initiations were of a deep and high connective-ness. My awareness to my body and its aliveness and ability to sense was enhanced and healed. In combination with EE and Liberation of Blockages Technique (Devi’s creation) I was guided in the most effective removal of energy blockages. Thanks to her wisdom I was able understand, heal and deal with the presence of entities.

Other methods that I found very insightful was watching movies especially selected by Satchi to have spiritual energy, messages about society, controlling factors and manipulation. This was very relevant to understanding how things are.





The experience of Iguazu, the actual waterfalls was the most powerfully charged and beautiful natural environments I ever had the blessing to see. Pathways leading to huge scenes of steaming water rushing from heights creating spray, mist and great sound matching their collective orchestra of power. Complete end to end rainbows, rich lush green forest and butterflies of iridescent blues, striking neon yellows and patterns of black, white and red zebra like formations. The wildlife was abundant.



It was winter time during my stay, and for the most part it was clear skies of blue, often mellowing into the most richest contrasting orange tones I have ever seen at sunset.

With temperatures of around 26 - 30 Degrees Celsius. The notion just didn't match my London born concept of the season. I could get used to this!

Amongst the other great and pleasant things was the discovery that the region was well stocked with crystals. My deep appreciation for these was meet on visitation to the warehouse called Vitoria Cristais. Here was housed numerous amounts of geodes, clusters and points of all sizes. truly spectacular. The cost for these were a fraction of what I’d expect. I left with some great gifts to take back with me.

Finally, the food was so nutritious and tasty. Satchi and Devi take such care and pleasure in what they set before the dinner table. For one that enjoys good food, I was so pleased to meet like minded and equal values.



From: gUSTAVo - 6 September 2015

My Dearest Devi:

I find myself every day in complete knowledge of how blessed I am, Of having your friendship.

Your prayers shaped as Divine Love have taken me through a Phenomenal path towards my healing of body mind and soul.

It is obvious and to make clear that by means of the teachings of Mr. Satchidanand and yours I began to recognize the soul, the monad and beyond.

Thanks for your constant transmission of wisdom.

I close my eyes often and I tune in to your love towards me.

And mine towards you.

The Power of Love was written by my hand, but it is evident, those words are not mine.

The Author is the Heart.

Love Light and Realization,
Dear Devi full of light,
Thank you.



Over all this has been the most top quality, premium time away form home I’ve ever experienced in terms of the environment, energy, healing, information, conversation, inspiration, learning, and space.
Thank you Satchi and Devi.





I’m already planning my next visit!
















There is a Sufi tale about a potential student wondering of a Spiritual Master if he and his techniques were the right way for him to be taught.

The Master gave him a ring and told him to go to the market and ask its price..

So he went to one shop where they were selling low priced items and they offered him a hundred paise.

Then he went to the most expensive shop where they had vast experience of perfect gems..

They offered him 100,000 paise!!

Believe the experts..

I have meditated for 46 years with several methods but none which have the power, specificity and purity of purpose as Energy Enhancement Meditation. I am grateful for each tradition I have participated in and learned from each but I always felt they were not complete. In a way I feel I have just been preparing for this!

Thanks, LD, February 2015


Thank you for all the love, energy and light that you share. I've been finding the articles and Free e-books very very helpful. Been meditating a bit everyday. I can now wholeheartedly say that I'm a walking talking blockage mass as well as everyone around me. Which is wonderful news as the blockages are appearing very obvious through behaviour and emotional responses. Basically all the info that you said. It's the words through spoken and written language that are now being experienced through my practicing awareness not just my mental knowledge.

Love and light
And gratitude GN Feb 6th 2015


Donal Minihane - I will never forget my very first day of training with Satchi and Devi. Devi took the first session in the morning and we began to spiral in energy, soon I noticed raindrops on my bare shoulders and on my head, raindrops? It's indoors, and it's 30 degrees out there. There is no rain in here. But it was raining, raining energy and it was touching me like raindrops. I was amazed and sneaked a peek over at Devi who just smiled as I said. It's raining in here.
February 6 2015 at 10:01pm ·


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Meditation DVD course image

Gita completed Four Levels of the Energy Enhancement Video Course Prior to coming to the Iguazu Buddhafield for more intensive work and higher Levels.


I’m already planning my next visit!



















Sole dominion over the earth,
going to heaven,
lordship over all worlds:
	the fruit of stream-entry
	excels them.
— Dhp 178



The Katmandu Bodhinath Stupa where the hemisphere of the white base represents the Earth and the tower above represents the Antahkarana Kundalini Key.. - A Tower representing the Infinity of Chakras above the head where getting your Body and Mind into alignment in Meditation, with the energies from the center of the Universe through an infinity of Chakras above the head ("lordship over all worlds") through the body to the center of the Earth Chakra, Kundalini Chakra and below that ("Sole dominion over the earth, going to heaven"), using Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation Techniques will Enlighten you.

A Stream Enterer is a person who aligns his body and mind with this stream of Energy the Infinity of Chakras above the head where getting your Body and Mind into alignment in Meditation, with the energies from the center of the Universe through an infinity of Chakras above the head  through the body to the center of the Earth Chakra, Kundalini Chakra and below that in Meditation.

Dharma or Dhamma is the Conscience acquired by one who enters into the Stream of Energy from Heaven to Earth and also into the higher Chakras above the head, the Soul Chakra gives conscience, the Jhanas, and gradually wears away his Energy Blockages.  The gaining of Spiritual Energy of Level 1 of Energy Enhancement brightens up all the faculties, usually supplying sufficient Energy to awaken the Dharma Eye of Psychic Vision.

Nirvana, or Illumination follows as the good effects of that Alignment in Energy Enhancement Meditation and its consequent removal of All Energy Blockage Impurities

Nibbana names the transcendent and singularly ineffable freedom that stands as the final goal of all the Buddha's teachings.

If nothing is happening in your Meditation, Whats Up!! Some people sit for 20 Years without any discernable Change. Energy Enhancement Advanced meditation Techniques Speed Up the meditative Process.

What follows is the good effects of that Alignment in Energy Enhancement Meditation an its consequent removal of Energy Blockage Impurities..

In Buddhism, as in every major religion after the founder dies, there seems to be a loss of information such that the initial impulse of the religion is lost and only the partial and inessential remains.

For example,

1. It is obvious from the Kundalini Key shape of the Stupa, - in that the hemisphere is the earth and the tower the Antahkarana with all the heavens, Jhanas, or Chakras above the head  - was one of the keys to the success of the original buddhist meditations.

Thuparama Stupa Sri Lanka - Hemisphere Earth with Kundalini Earth Chakra and tower Antahkarana



2. It is obvious that a stream of Energy Exists from Heaven to Earth and that only when a person consciously aligns himself with that energy that he becomes a stream enterer and when he gets the access to the chakras above the head in Samadhi or Jhanas, such that he gets access to so much spiritual energy that his Dharma Eye - Psychic vision opens that he becomes a stream winner.

What we have left below is what happens when a person has access to all the above information to help his practise. He becomes Good and Does Good. He activates Yama and Niyama from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, knows the 10 Commandments. But these saintly powers of goodness only can come from one who is in tune with the energies of the Universe. For that we need the Kundalini Key symbolised by the shape of the Early Buddhist Stupas or the Dome of the Taj Mahal (Alchemical Sufism) or the Dome of the Capitol in Washington (Masonic). For that we need Meditation and Samyama. For that we need Energy Blockage removal!!

It is good that the student knows that he has to become good and that he has to make himself good, but without Spiritual Energy and without energy blockage removal techniques, no wonder people meditate for 20 years and never get anywhere.

It is impossible to get all the good results below just by telling yourself to be good. The blockages will just laugh at you and however much you try to resist them, the temptations will always be too much and you will backslide, and you will fail.

You need Energy Enhancement.

Energy Enhancement gives the original techniques which form the basis of every religion on this planet and which therefore Speed Up!! the Process of meditation many times. The techniques work like they were meant to work before they were removed by those who followed the founder of every religion and the spiritual technology was lost; Everywhere!!

Krishna - Christ

"When virtues decline and the evils flourish,
I give myself birth to protect the good and destroy the sinners.
In every age I appear for establishing righteousness."
Krishna - Bhagavad Gita



















PURUSHOTTAMANANDA Energy Blockages Create the Matrix

PURUSHOTTAMANANDA Discovering the Meaning of Happiness in Illumination










Meditation DVD course image

Gita completed Four Levels of the Energy Enhancement Video Course Prior to coming to the Iguazu Buddhafield for more intensive work and higher Levels.

















Meditation DVD course image






Global Warming and Climate Change as  instruments for an Austrian Economics, Global Depopulation, Genocide Agenda





One day Krishna said to his favourite Student, Radha, I will give you one wish to obtain anything you want, Gold, Jewels, a Prince for a husband, palaces, Anything you want. But Rahdha said, "My Lord, there is only one thing I want from you, and that is to be your Flute, to feel your sweet lips next to mine, to feel your sweet breath entering into me 24 hrs a day to make your sweet music in the World"



In every age there is a need for renewal of the original spiritual impulse in order to provide more Happy Enlightened Beings for the benefit of Humanity, for the benefit of the World, For the benefit of the Universe.
Energy Enhancement is that renewal of the original spiritual impulse.














DVD Course




DVD Course



DVD Course



DVD Course













It is necessary to have the aim of being a good person. How else are we to know when we are not good?

But the attainment and maintenance of Goodness and Illumination depend only on Vairagya or as it is normally translated, Discrimination. However, Vairagya as symbolised by the pictures of Manjushri pictured with his Sword of Vairagya gives a much more active technique in the removal of Impurities, Effluent, Sin or as we call it in Energy Enhancement - Energy Blockages.. than mere meditation, or words..


Manjushri Manjusri Sword Vairagya Discrimination


The suttas describe thirty-one distinct "planes" or "realms" of existence - the chakras above the head  - which can be visited in Meditation in order to access their high spiritual energies and into which beings can be reborn during this long wandering through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms below the base all the way up to the most sublime, refined, and exquisitely blissful heaven realms.

Existence in every realm is impermanent; in Buddhist cosmology there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma and their kamma at the moment of death. When the kammic force that propelled them to that realm is finally exhausted, they pass away, taking rebirth once again elsewhere according to their kamma. And so the wearisome cycle continues.

The chakras above the head  and below the base Chakra - The realms of existence, are customarily divided into three distinct "worlds" (lokas), Chakras Above the head listed here in descending order of refinement:

  • The Immaterial World (arupa-loka). Consists of four realms that are accessible to those who pass away while meditating in the formless jhanas.
  • The Fine-Material World (rupa-loka). Consists of sixteen realms whose inhabitants (the devas) experience extremely refined degrees of mental pleasure. These realms are accessible to those who have attained at least some level of jhana and who have thereby managed to (temporarily) suppress hatred and ill-will. They are said to possess extremely refined bodies of pure light. The highest of these realms, the Pure Abodes, are accessible only to those who have attained to "non-returning," the third stage of Awakening. The Fine-Material World and the Immaterial World together constitute the "heavens" (sagga).
  • The Sensuous World (kama-loka). Consists of eleven realms in which experience — both pleasurable and not — is dominated by the five senses. Seven of these realms are favorable destinations, and include our own human realm as well as several realms occupied by devas. The lowest realms are the four "bad" destinations, which include the animal and hell realms.

These realms - Chakras Above the head - describe the various mind-states we might experience in this lifetime in Meditation. The real message of this cosmology is this: unless we take steps to break free of the iron grip of kamma by removing our Energy Blockages, we are doomed to wander aimlessly from one state to another, with true peace and satisfaction forever out of reach.

The Buddha's revolutionary discovery came in finding that there is a way to break free: Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation Techniques Speed Up!! The meditative Process using Ancient tried and Trusted Techniques from all the Worlds major paths including the Noble Eightfold Path, which equips us with precisely the tools we need to escape from this wearisome wandering, once and for all, to a true and unshakeable freedom.

All the terms like Devas and Gods are purified chakras - and the Asuras, Parasitic Hungry Vampire Ghosts and Demons are Energy Blockages containing Chakra parts which can be utilised by the chakras once purified and blockages eliminated using the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process

I. The Immaterial World (arupa-loka) Chakras above the head - chakras above the head

Realm Comments Cause of rebirth here
(31) Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (nevasaññanasaññayatanupaga deva) The inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind. Having no physical body, they are unable to hear Dhamma teachings. Fourth formless jhana
(30) Nothingness (akiñcaññayatanupaga deva) Third formless jhana
(29) Infinite Consciousness (viññanañcayatanupaga deva) Second formless jhana
(28) Infinite Space (akasanañcayatanupaga deva) First formless jhana

II. The Fine-Material World (rupa-loka) Chakras above the head - chakras above the head

Realm Comments Cause of rebirth here
(27) Peerless devas (akanittha deva) These are the five Pure Abodes (suddhavasa), which are accessible only to non-returners (anagami) and arahants. Beings who become non-returners in other planes are reborn here, where they attain arahantship.

Among its inhabitants is Brahma Sahampati, who begs the Buddha to teach Dhamma to the world (SN 6.1).

Fourth jhana. (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)
(26) Clear-sighted devas (sudassi deva)
(25) Beautiful devas (sudassa deva)
(24) Untroubled devas (atappa deva)
(23) Devas not Falling Away (aviha deva)
(22) Unconscious beings (asaññasatta) Only body is present; no mind.
(21) Very Fruitful devas (vehapphala deva) Beings in these planes enjoy varying degrees of jhanic bliss.
(20) Devas of Refulgent Glory (subhakinna deva) Third jhana (highest degree). (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)
(19) Devas of Unbounded Glory (appamanasubha deva) Third jhana (medium degree)
(18) Devas of Limited Glory (parittasubha deva) Third jhana (minor degree)
(17) Devas of Streaming Radiance (abhassara deva) Second jhana (highest degree). (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)
(16) Devas of Unbounded Radiance (appamanabha deva) Second jhana (medium degree)
(15) Devas of Limited Radiance (parittabha deva) Second jhana (minor degree)
(14) Great Brahmas (Maha brahma) One of this realm's most famous inhabitants is the Great Brahma, a deity whose delusion leads him to regard himself as the all-powerful, all-seeing creator of the universe (DN 11). First jhana (highest degree)
(13) Ministers of Brahma (brahma-purohita deva) Beings in these planes enjoy varying degrees of jhanic bliss. First jhana (medium degree)
(12) Retinue of Brahma (brahma-parisajja deva) First jhana (minor degree). (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)

III. The Sensuous World (kama-loka)

Happy Destinations (sugati)

Realm Comments Cause of rebirth here
(11) Devas Wielding Power over the Creation of Others (paranimmita-vasavatti deva) These devas enjoy sense pleasures created by others for them. Mara, the personification of delusion and desire, lives here. · Ten wholesome actions (MN 41)

· Generosity

· The development of virtue and wisdom (AN 10.177)

(10) Devas Delighting in Creation (nimmanarati deva) These devas delight in the sense objects of their own creation.
(9) Contented devas (tusita deva) A realm of pure delight and gaiety. Bodhisattas abide here prior to their final human birth. This is where the bodhisatta Maitreya (Metteya), the next Buddha, is said to dwell.
(8) Yama devas (yama deva) These devas live in the air, free of all difficulties.
(7) The Thirty-three Gods (tavatimsa deva) Sakka, a devotee of the Buddha, presides over this realm. Many devas dwelling here live in mansions in the air.
(6) Devas of the Four Great Kings (catumaharajika deva) Home of the gandhabbas, the celestial musicians, and the yakkhas, tree spirits of varying degrees of ethical purity. The latter are analogous to the goblins, trolls, and fairies of Western fairy tales.
(5) Human beings (manussa loka)

You are here (for now).

Rebirth as a human being is extraordinarily rare (SN 56.48). It is also extraordinarily precious, as its unique balance of pleasure and pain (SN 35.135) facilitates the development of virtue and wisdom to the degree necessary to set one free from the entire cycle of rebirths.

· The development of virtue and wisdom (AN 10.177)

· The attainment of stream-entry (sotapatti) guarantees that all future rebirths will be in the human or higher realms.

* * *

States of Deprivation (apaya)

Realm Comments Cause of rebirth here
(4) Asuras (asura) The Demon Energy Blockages — "titans" — that dwell here are engaged in relentless conflict with each other. · Ten unwholesome actions (MN 10)
(3) Hungry Shades/Vampire Parasitic Ghosts (peta loka) Vampire Parasitic Ghost Energy Blockages and unhappy spirit Energy Blockages wander hopelessly about this realm, searching in vain for sensual fulfillment. · Ten unwholesome actions (MN 10)

· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10.177)

(2) Animals (tiracchana yoni) This realm includes all the non-human forms of life that are visible to us under ordinary circumstances: animals, insects, fish, birds, worms, etc. · Ten unwholesome actions (MN 10)

· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views. If one is generous to monks and nuns, however, one may be reborn as an "ornamented" animal (i.e., a bird with bright plumage; a horse with attractive markings, etc.; AN 10.177).

· Behaving like an animal (MN 57)

(1) Hell (niraya) These are realms of unimaginable suffering and anguish (described in graphic detail in MN 129 and 130). Should not be confused with the eternal hell proposed by other religions, since one's time here is — as it is in every realm — temporary. · Ten unwholesome actions (MN 10)

· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10.177)

· Murdering your parents, murdering an arahant, injuring the Buddha, or creating a schism in the Sangha (AN 5.129)

· Being quarrelsome and annoying to others (Snp II.6)

  • Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyanatiloka Mahathera (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1980).
  • The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction (fourth edition), by R.H. Robinson & W.L. Johnson (Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1997).
  • The Long Discourses of the Buddha (Introduction), translated by Maurice Walshe (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1987).
  • A Manual of Abhidhamma, by Ven. Narada Thera (Kuala Lumpur: Buddhist Missionary Society, 1979).
  • The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Introduction), translated by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1995).
  • Teacher of the Devas (Wheel Publication 414/416), by Susan Elbaum Jootla (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1997).
  • The Three Worlds (wall chart), compiled by Ven. Acaro Suvanno (printed for free distribution by devotees and Mr & Mrs Lim Say Hoe and family).


Part of the karma Cleaning Process of Energy Enhancement - The Ending Karma Technique - Reflecting on one's actions (The Buddha teaches his young son)

Reflecting on ones actions is good but far better and far far more quick to use Energy Enhancement Samyama on ones actions and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to remove Energy Blockages which cause all bad actions.

[The Buddha:] "What do you think, Rahula: What is a mirror for?"

[Rahula:] "For reflection, sir."

[The Buddha:] "In the same way, Rahula, bodily acts, verbal acts, and mental acts are to be done with repeated reflection.

"Whenever you want to perform a bodily act, you should reflect on it: 'This bodily act I want to perform — would it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Is it an unskillful bodily act, with painful consequences, painful results?' If, on reflection, you know that it would lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it would be an unskillful bodily act with painful consequences, painful results, then any bodily act of that sort is absolutely unfit for you to do. But if on reflection you know that it would not cause affliction... it would be a skillful bodily action with happy consequences, happy results, then any bodily act of that sort is fit for you to do.

"While you are performing a bodily act, you should reflect on it: 'This bodily act I am doing — is it leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Is it an unskillful bodily act, with painful consequences, painful results?' If, on reflection, you know that it is leading to self-affliction, to affliction of others, or both... you should give it up. But if on reflection you know that it is not... you may continue with it.

"Having performed a bodily act, you should reflect on it... If, on reflection, you know that it led to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it was an unskillful bodily act with painful consequences, painful results, then you should confess it, reveal it, lay it open to the Teacher or to a knowledgeable companion in the holy life. Having confessed it... you should exercise restraint in the future. But if on reflection you know that it did not lead to affliction... it was a skillful bodily action with happy consequences, happy results, then you should stay mentally refreshed and joyful, training day and night in skillful mental qualities.

...[similarly for verbal and mental acts]...

"Rahula, all the priests and contemplatives in the course of the past who purified their bodily acts, verbal acts, and mental acts, did it through repeated reflection on their bodily acts, verbal acts, and mental acts in just this way.

"All the priests and contemplatives in the course of the future... All the priests and contemplatives at present who purify their bodily acts, verbal acts, and mental acts, do it through repeated reflection on their bodily acts, verbal acts, and mental acts in just this way.

"Therefore, Rahula, you should train yourself: 'I will purify my bodily acts through repeated reflection. I will purify my verbal acts through repeated reflection. I will purify my mental acts through repeated reflection.' Thus you should train yourself."

— MN 61



Five pleasant things to be gained by acting skillfully

"These five things are welcome, agreeable, pleasant, and hard to obtain in the world. Which five? Long life... beauty... pleasure... status... rebirth in heaven... Now, I tell you, these five things are not to be obtained by reason of prayers or wishes. If they were to be obtained by reason of prayers or wishes, who here would lack them? It's not fitting for the disciple of the noble ones who desires long life to pray for it or to delight in doing so. Instead, the disciple of the noble ones who desires long life should follow the path of practice leading to long life. In so doing, he will attain long life, either human or divine...(Similarly with beauty, pleasure, status, and rebirth in heaven)..."

— AN 5.43

The End of Karma in Illumination - The most noble kamma of all: the ending of kamma

"Monks, these four types of kamma have been directly realized, verified, & made known by me. Which four? There is kamma that is dark with dark result. There is kamma that is bright with bright result. There is kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result. There is kamma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the ending of kamma.

"And what is kamma that is dark with dark result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates an injurious bodily fabrication, fabricates an injurious verbal fabrication, fabricates an injurious mental fabrication. Having fabricated an injurious bodily fabrication, having fabricated an injurious verbal fabrication, having fabricated an injurious mental fabrication, he rearises in an injurious world. On rearising in an injurious world, he is there touched by injurious contacts. Touched by injurious contacts, he experiences feelings that are exclusively painful, like those of the beings in hell. This is called kamma that is dark with dark result.

"And what is kamma that is bright with bright result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates a non-injurious bodily fabrication... a non-injurious verbal fabrication... a non-injurious mental fabrication... He rearises in a non-injurious world... There he is touched by non-injurious contacts... He experiences feelings that are exclusively pleasant, like those of the Ever-radiant Devas. This is called kamma that is bright with bright result.

"And what is kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates a bodily fabrication that is injurious & non-injurious... a verbal fabrication that is injurious & non-injurious... a mental fabrication that is injurious & non-injurious... He rearises in an injurious & non-injurious world... There he is touched by injurious & non-injurious contacts... He experiences injurious & non-injurious feelings, pleasure mingled with pain, like those of human beings, some devas, and some beings in the lower realms. This is called kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result.

"And what is kamma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the ending of kamma? right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. This is called kamma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the ending of kamma."

— AN 4.235



Chakras above Sahasrara Chakra and Below Muladhara Chakra

Chakras above the Head - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages

Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus

Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment




MEDITATION - Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths


MEDITATION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.










ENERGY ENHANCEMENT KARMA CLEARING PROCESS - Remove Ego Sub-Personality Energy Blockages like the Connector Sub-Personality, the Distraction Implant Control Blockages and Implant Vampire Blockages Attention Seeking Strategy Energy Blockages and Inner Children in Energy Enhancement Level 3







Chakras above the Head - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages

Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus

Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment







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The Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key Synthesis of Religion

To Square the Circle







The Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key contains within it the Origin of all Sacred Symbols - Ancient Egyptian Ankh, Hindu Shivalingam and Yoni, The Sufi Alhambra Fountain, The Christian Cross and many more.

















































Most Helpful Customer Reviews


5.0 out of 5 stars This Book is Amazing.- Super Energy and Sacred Symbols, August 10, 2009

This Book is Amazing. It is a new Vision of One Meditation available from Every religious tradition which works to raise Kundalini Energy and Enlightenment.

This Energy Enhancement Book gives the Secrets of Illumination and the meditational unity of all the world's major religions from their sacred symbols and shows how all these Ancient Sacred Symbols indicate one Guided Meditation showing how to get into Alignment with a Stream of Energy from Kundalini Chakra in the Earth's Center To the Central Spiritual Sun "Brighter than 10,000 Suns" in the Center of the Universe. To Square the Circle - The Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key Synthesis of Religion. Learn Secrets of the Kundalini Kriyas...

The secrets at the heart of these sacred symbols shows the meditational unity of all the world's major religions - Ancient Egyptian, Masonic, Ancient Greek, Alchemical Taoism, Hindu, Sufi, Zen Buddhism, Christian, Gurdjieffian. That these all these symbols are Legominisms - Ancient Secrets from all the World's Spiritual Masters and Saints who founded these Religions - which are the Initiations of Energy Enhancement.


Some of the symbols explained are, The Yin Yang, the Cross and the Iona Cross, Om or Amen, Antahkarana, Squaring the Circle, The Holy Grail, The DNA Spiral, Caduceus, The Pyramid, The Ankh, Sufi Whirling Dervishes, The Fountain at the Sufi Alhambra, The Light of the Soul, Sphinx or Centaur, The 12 Labours of Hercules, Zen Circle, Alchemy, VITRIOL and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, Omphallus, The Antahkarana Axis Mundi, The Myth of King Arthur and The Sword and the Stone, Launcelot and Guinevere, The Yoni and Shivalingam, The Chakras, Kundalini Energy, Tantra and Sex, Philosophers Stone and VITRIOL, Squaring the Circle, The completion of the Octave.

The sacred Symbols explain Human Evolution and the Chakras, Sexual Abuse and Rape, Energy Connections between chakras, The Heart Chakra and Society, Crown Chakra Connections to Chakras above the head, Then There is Anger, Jealous People are called Monkeys, What are the Strategies of the Energy Vampire?


Swami Satchidanand has created something new here which actually works. Testimonials from the site [...] shows that the map provided by these ancient symbols works in practise to Speed Up the Meditational Process, gain energy and remove Energy Blockages.


Swami Satchidanand has taught many Students Ancient yet Powerful methods to Access More Wisdom, More Kundalini, More Clarity, More Intelligence, More Energy using Energy Enhancement Techniques available Live or On Video together with many Talks, Books, Videos. More Energy Enhancement Meditation at... [...]



Heaven or sagga
In Buddhist cosmology, the heaven realms in the Chakras above the head are blissful abodes whose present inhabitants (the devas) gained rebirth there through the power of their past meritorious actions. Like all beings still caught in samsara, however, these deities eventually succumb to aging, illness, and death, and must eventually take rebirth in other realms — pleasant or otherwise — according to the quality and strength of their past kamma. The devas are not always especially knowledgable or spiritually mature — in fact many are quite intoxicated by their sensual indulgences — and none are considered worthy of veneration or worship. Nevertheless, the devas and their happy realms stand as important reminders to us both of the happy benefits that ensue from the performance of skillful and meritorious deeds and, finally, of the ultimate shortcomings of sensuality.

A rare rebirth

Blinded this world — how few here see clearly! Just as birds who've escaped from a net are few, few are the people who make it to heaven. — Dhp 174

Seeing for oneself

"I have seen beings who — endowed with bodily good conduct, verbal good conduct, & mental good conduct; who did not revile Noble Ones, who held right views and undertook actions under the influence of right views — at the break-up of the body, after death, have re-appeared in the good destination, the heavenly world. It is not from having heard this from other priests & contemplatives that I tell you that I have seen beings who — endowed with bodily good conduct, verbal good conduct, & mental good conduct; who did not revile noble ones, who held right views and undertook actions under the influence of right views — at the break-up of the body, after death, have re-appeared in the good destination, the heavenly world. It is from having known it myself, seen it myself, realized it myself that I tell you that I have seen beings who — endowed with bodily good conduct, verbal good conduct, & mental good conduct; who did not revile noble ones, who held right views and undertook actions under the influence of right views — at the break-up of the body, after death, have re-appeared in the good destination, the heavenly world."— Iti 71

Recollecting the devas

"Furthermore, you should recollect the devas: 'There are the devas of the Four Great Kings, the devas of the Thirty-three, the devas of the Hours, the Contented Devas, the devas who delight in creation, the devas who have power over the creations of others, the devas of Brahma's retinue, the devas beyond them. Whatever conviction they were endowed with that — when falling away from this life — they re-arose there, the same sort of conviction is present in me as well. Whatever virtue they were endowed with that — when falling away from this life — they re-arose there, the same sort of virtue is present in me as well. Whatever learning they were endowed with that — when falling away from this life — they re-arose there, the same sort of learning is present in me as well. Whatever generosity they were endowed with that — when falling away from this life — they re-arose there, the same sort of generosity is present in me as well. Whatever discernment they were endowed with that — when falling away from this life — they re-arose there, the same sort of discernment is present in me as well.' At any time when a disciple of the noble ones is recollecting the conviction, virtue, learning, generosity, and discernment found both in himself and the devas, his mind is not overcome with passion, not overcome with aversion, not overcome with delusion. His mind heads straight, based on the [qualities of the] devas. And when the mind is headed straight, the disciple of the noble ones gains a sense of the goal, gains a sense of the Dhamma, gains joy connected with the Dhamma. In one who is joyful, rapture arises. In one who is rapturous, the body grows calm. One whose body is calmed experiences ease. In one at ease, the mind becomes concentrated."

— AN 11.12

Happy, but of limited wisdom

"Once, Kevatta, this train of thought arose in the awareness of a certain monk in this very community of monks: 'Where do these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder?' Then he attained to such a state of concentration that the way leading to the gods appeared in his centered mind. So he approached the gods of the retinue of the Four Great Kings and, on arrival, asked them, 'Friends, where do these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder?'

"When this was said, the gods of the retinue of the Four Great Kings said to the monk, 'We also don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. But there are the Four Great Kings who are higher and more sublime than us. They should know where the four great elements... cease without remainder.'

"So the monk approached the Four Great Kings and, on arrival, asked them, 'Friends, where do these four great elements... cease without remainder?'

"When this was said, the Four Great Kings said to the monk, 'We also don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. But there are the gods of the Thirty-three who are higher and more sublime than us. They should know...'

"So the monk approached the gods of the Thirty-three... Sakka... the Yama gods... Santusita... the Nimmanarati gods... Sunimmita... the Paranimmitavasavatti gods... Paranimmita Vasavatti... the gods of the retinue of Brahma...

"Then the monk attained to such a state of concentration that the way leading to the gods of the retinue of Brahma appeared in his centered mind. So he approached the gods of the retinue of Brahma and, on arrival, asked them, 'Friends, where do these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder?'

"When this was said, the gods of the retinue of Brahma said to the monk, 'We also don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. But there is Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be. He is higher and more sublime than we. He should know...'

"'But where, friends, is the Great Brahma now?'

"'Monk, we also don't know where Brahma is or in what way Brahma is. But when signs appear, light shines forth, and a radiance appears, Brahma will appear. For these are the portents of Brahma's appearance: light shines forth and a radiance appears.'

"Then it was not long before Brahma appeared.

"So the monk approached the Great Brahma and, on arrival, said, 'Friend, where do these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder?'

"When this was said, the Great Brahma said to the monk, 'I, monk, am Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.'

"A second time, the monk said to the Great Brahma, 'Friend, I didn't ask you if you were Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be. I asked you where these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder.'

"A second time, the Great Brahma said to the monk, 'I, monk, am Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.'

"A third time...

"Then the Great Brahma, taking the monk by the arm and leading him off to one side, said to him, 'These gods of the retinue of Brahma believe, "There is nothing that the Great Brahma does not know. There is nothing that the Great Brahma does not see. There is nothing of which the Great Brahma is unaware. There is nothing that the Great Brahma has not realized." That is why I did not say in their presence that I, too, don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. So you have acted wrongly, acted incorrectly, in bypassing the Blessed One in search of an answer to this question elsewhere. Go right back to the Blessed One and, on arrival, ask him this question. However he answers it, you should take it to heart.'

"Then — just as a strong man might extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm — the monk disappeared from the Brahma world and immediately appeared in front of me. Having bowed down to me, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to me, 'Venerable sir, where do these four great elements — the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, and the wind property — cease without remainder?'

"When this was said, I said to him, 'Once, monk, some sea-faring merchants took a shore-sighting bird and set sail in their ship. When they could not see the shore, they released the shore-sighting bird. It flew to the east, south, west, north, straight up, and to all the intermediate points of the compass. If it saw the shore in any direction, it flew there. If it did not see the shore in any direction, it returned right back to the ship. In the same way, monk, having gone as far as the Brahma world in search of an answer to your question, you have come right back to my presence.'"

— DN 11






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ENERGY BLOCKAGES, ENTITIES, NAFS, EGO SUB-PERSONALITIES and IMPLANT BLOCKAGES are composed of seven parts TALKED about in this web page.

1. Negative Karmic Mass and Energy Blockages

2. Blockage Protection

3. The Blockage Living Core

4. The Blockage Power Source which comes from outside.

5. The Blockage Programming




Negative Karmic Mass is pure spiritual energy which has become TRAUMATISED by what we believe to be, "anything which should not be" When something should not be, it is because it is against the will of God. When we do something which is against the will of God then we feel Shame which usually creates Guilt.

Negative Karmic Mass is created by Traumatic happenings which we know should not be. So, Trauma and Stress on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels create Negative Karmic Mass.

Physical Trauma comes from accidents or deliberate torture.

Emotional Trauma comes from bad actions by people we trust or through fear of those bad actions.





Mental Trauma is like a joke whose purpose is to release this NKM in laughter or tears. Mental Trauma is where usually there is a disconnect, a paradox, two mutually cancelling statements like, "I Love You" and "I Love You Not", the traditional statements whilst pulling the petals from daisies. A Koan like, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" or, "What was your face before you were born?" are similar and work in the same way.

The mind cannot compute these seemingly opposite statements which can only be understood in terms of wisdom and intuition, seeing the problem from a higher level with more information.

Mental trauma comes from the contemplation of "That which should not be" - in this case - through not understanding the test through a lack of wisdom, understanding, intuition and thus creating a problem, trauma, Negative karmic mass in the mind. The Negative Karmic Mass walls off the problem into a blockage sub - personality or "Inner child" and prevents its resolution or evolution by the higher parts of the mind, the chakras above the head, the parts of your super- computer which, "Know"

Negative Karmic Mass can only be created by moral people who know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, that which is better and that which is worse. That morality is created by a relative lack of blockages above the head allowing a clear connection to the higher chakras of the Soul and the Monad etc. As the blows of life rain down, so blockages are created which tend to reduce morality and in the creation of Negative Karmic Mass we lose the ability to change and evolve.

We can use Negative Karmic Mass as a power source independent of the energy of God. As we burn the NKM in the Center of the Earth by using the Ancient Taoist and Alchemical Formula in Latin, VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE  RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM - Visit the Center of the earth, there you will find the hidden stone, the Philosophers Stone which Transmutes Base metal (Blockages) into pure Spiritual Gold.





We teach this process in Energy Enhancement Initiation Three, The Grounding of Negative Energy, in order to remove some energy blockages which are not powerful or have heavy protections. We use the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to further enter Blockage protections, cut them off from their power source and put, resurrect, the living core in its proper place in the chakras above the head.

NKM is also used by Bad people who have many blockages above the head and in the Heart, which is the definition of a psychopath, and who are thus cut off from the energy of God and who have no empathy for others. These types of people can go on training courses to learn how to create and use NKM, how to create and program blockages etc.

These bad types of people like to create this Negative Karmic Mass in all people so they can take it and use it to power their beings independent of the energy of God. They can do this on an individual basis by all types of Trauma or on a countrywide basis by creating fear. They also like to create it so that they can use it to create Blockage Implants which they place in people to create and leach off Negative Karmic Mass and spiritual energy from their chakras from other people for these purposes of independent power.

"As above so below" says Hermes Trismegistus - if the energy of God is like sunlight which is infinite and free, the sun constantly showering energy on this planet, then NKM is like petroleum oil which needs to be thoroughly burnt to create energy. Incomplete burning creates pollution. The use of NKM to make people independent from God is like the scientific and political discussion as to where humanity should get its energy from. From monopoly controlled oil or from infinite free sunlight?


Blockages like the core of an atom have protections which are like electrons moving at the speed of light around the blockage core in up to an infinity of orbits called shells. In order to ground the Negative karmic mass in the core we need to penetrate this protection. Energy Enhancement has developed techniques to penetrate through to any core or any number of cores simultaneously in Multi-Cored Blockages thus releasing the blockage.




The human matrix exists as chakras which step down the energies of the source in discrete levels and functions, all parts of the multi - processor human super - computer model. Human beings and their chakras are composed of other species of existence called angels. These angels come in all levels of evolution from the parts of chakras to the Archangel who supervises the existence of planets and suns. Like cells who make up the organs of the human body and the human body itself, angels make up the parts of the human super-computer and in matrices make up higher and more highly evolved parts of existence.

Everything is created from communities and matrices of angels. As evolution proceeds, these communities become larger and more highly organised. Indeed, human beings are made up of angels and as we start to access more and more of our chakras above the head, so we develop in wisdom,  grace and enlightenment.





When a human being dies, if he suffered a lot and does not know how to ground his negative karmic mass, then he will be heavy and may not have enough energy to go higher, to heaven, to the soul and thus his lower bodies may separate off and float around. This is an Entity. Everything needs a power source and usually they travel towards the greatest source of energy amongst their family and the people that they know. They parasitise their loved ones in order to exist either consciously or unconsciously like in a coma.

For example I had a little girl of four years brought to me by her grandfather. Her mother had died that year and since then she had been behaving strangely. So I felt something within her and asked silently, inside, "Who are you?" and the reply came back that this was her mother! So I said well, perhaps you should go to heaven because you have with you some negative energies and these were adversely affecting her little girl. "But my daughter needs me" - this came to me emphatically with a lot of emotion, so I mentioned that it was possible for her to go to heaven, get all of her pain taken away and then come back as her daughters guardian angel. "Can I do that?" and I said, "Yes!" so she went. And within five seconds she was back, all healed and ready to look after her daughter. Well, the little daughter was fine after that.

As long as the angel is connected to the source of all existence - God, there is harmony. When the angel at the heart of the blockage has become blocked off from this connection by the Negative Karmic mass and by the protection then it becomes separated and subject to other negative and evil programming. It becomes a cancer on the spiritual level and given time will become a cancer or other disease on the physical level.

When the protections have been breeched and all of the Negative Karmic Mass grounded and burnt up then the angel core of the blockage has been healed, resurrected and connected with the source again. It then becomes free to become part of your psychic body to increase your complexity, function and ability to handle energy. To help in your evolution.

Blockages and Tapas

This removal and healing of blockages is the Raja Yoga "Tapas" or austerity as it is normally translated enjoined by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as part of a spiritual persons evolution. Tapas refers to the heat involved in burning up negative karmic mass. Raja Yoga involves the enlightenment processes of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana samdhi and samyama which we teach in energy enhancement. Tapas is a part of "the five things to do" - yama and also is connected to "the five things not to do" - niyama, making up the yogic ten commandments. It also refers to other disciplines like yoga, meditation and fasting as part of the blockage busting process.

Blockages and Gurdjieffs Conscious suffering

Gurdjieffian "Conscious suffering" which Gurdjieff said was the only way of evolution is the same process in which Gurdjieff precribed taking upon yourself as many blockages as possible and in that way you will complete your psychic body to the level of ascended master very quickly. Gurdjieff described a process in which you deliberately went out of your way to take on problems, making your life as difficult as possible, receiving as many "shocks" as possible in order to evolve quickly. This is the same as the energy enhancement process where we acknowledge the necessity of removing our own blockages as part of our own enlightenment process, but also acknowledge that our evolution also involves our interaction with humanity. As we evolve we also have the possibility of removing the blockages in others, thus helping their evolution and also evolving our own psychic body. Gurdjieff says as you help other people, so you help yourself.

Blockages and Alice Baileys Resurrection

Then we come to the concept of "resurrection" given out in the Alice Bailey teachings in, "The Rays and the Initiations" as something which can take us into the realm of becoming an Ascended Master of the fifth Initiation.





Chakras are functions created by teams of angels working together in a group. As we increase the number and evolution of the angels working there, so we can evolve the chakra function and handle more energy.

Resurrection is the healing of the angels at the core of blockages and then the process of moving them up the Antahkarana, resurrecting them into place as members of your higher chakras as part of your angel team there thus increasing the size, function and ability to handle energy of your psychic body.

Energy Enhancement uses scientifically proven and conscious techniques to speed up Tapas, the evolution of the healing or Reiki or "Conscious suffering" is made quick and easy as we learn how to automatically transmute energy blockages and negative energies in the people around us and Resurrection of blockages to add functionality to all your chakras to create an Ascended Masters of yourself is just part of the job.

Healing of blockages is one way to find angel partners in your evolution. There are all evolutionary levels of angels inside blockages. By incorporating the healed angels we become greater more complex and more evolved.

As Above, So Below. All levels are analogous, as we purify our spiritual bodies of blockages and become more complex and evolved, so the earth evolves in a similar way by purging all of its Negative Karmic Mass and stuck blockages.


Angels and Enlightened human beings should be totally powered by the source which is infinite. The infinite source steps down its energy through chakras until it reaches our crown chakra. If we are cut off from the source by energy blockages then in order to live, we must parasitise other forms of life on this planet for our food. See the Strategies of the Vampire - in Energy Enhancement Level 3


Traumatic blows of existence create inner children which are powered by split off parts of the soul chakra. They are created in this lifetime and in all of our previous lifetimes and pass on from body to body, until they are healed and dissolved by Energy Enhancement Meditation techniques.

Inner children are sub - personalities which exist in droves inside the normal human mind. They are talents, self - programmed points of view or simple childish emotion limited by their trauma and fear created Negative Karmic Mass.





For example if we are beaten or raped then a very sad or angry inner child may be formed. The inner child might lock off the memory of this through amnesia to protect the rest of the mind.

You may have been bereaved or been dumped in this lifetime and certainly so in many other lifetimes and the pain of this always comes through the violent breaking of connections from your chakras to the chakras of your family or marriage partners. Inner children will have been formed long ago from these constant blows and be in charge of your  psychic connections. In order to Master your Relationships and be in charge of who you connect to, from which chakra and for which purpose you will need to heal these inner children and take control of these processes for yourself. This problem, located in the lower chakras is also is a prime area for sexual implants to create sexual addiction and adultery. By healing these types of blockages you will gain control over the talent and remove the addiction.

You may also have been immensely successful in previous lifetimes in business, money, property and have developed the talent to deal with these things. If the talent forms part of a blockage then you will be addicted to these things as well as having a talent with them and thus this will prevent your evolution into higher things. By healing these types of blockages you will gain control over the talent and remove the addiction.





If you try to work on one of these blockages to ground all the NKM surrounding this event then the inner child will try to prevent this because it is afraid of being integrated into the soul, afraid of the traumatic memory,  and might even want to protect you from the memory. Thus when using meditation to integrate and heal It will try to distract you. It will create diversions outside. It will try to rubbish the meditative technique. And it is then you must prove who is in charge, "Focus Trinity", use the rapid and effective energy enhancement technique of the Seven Step Process and move on to remove the inner child and integrate your mind.

We, ourselves, create blockages and it is we ourselves who must integrate them. We must create one, integrated soul - infused mind, - the soul because the higher chakras must always rule. Only when the lower rules - and the blockages always rule the lower - do we have all the warlike selfish problems of life for ourselves and for all others on the planet.

Until we can heal these inner child blockages and integrate them back into the Soul - together with all their talents and psychic powers, we cannot become enlightened.


Blockages and implants are created for various purposes but all involve a link back to their creator who powers the blockage and holds it in place in the victim for lifetime after lifetime, until it can be removed by energy enhancement techniques.


Blockages and blocked human beings are powered by links to bad energies and people. Any attempt to de - power and heal a blockage must involve cutting off its links to its perverted power source and indeed healing all these sources too. Blockages exist at all levels of existence and the higher blockages power the lower blockages.

Without an infinite source of energy there is always a perceived energy shortage and thus much competition for energy therefore bad people feed on the energies of their own kind as well as their human energy food. Competition is a symptom of blockages. Indeed to survive, the bad people who are cut off from the source must be vampires, feeding off the energy of innocent human victims and their evil contemporaries, lifetime after lifetime.

By implanting blockages which they create into other people they can cut a person off from the source by putting blockages in above the head or into the heart chakra, thus creating an accomplice. They can put blockages between the base chakra and the center of the earth thus creating someone to feed off, a slave. They can also program the blockages to send the energy back to them, thus becoming an energy vampire.





They can program addiction and other types of control blockages.

The energy of one addicted is greater - like burning the candle at both ends - and easily taken. People burning the candle quickly usually die young but as well as energy received each day from God, the soul is given a supply of energy at birth, thus for a vampire to get more energy it is good that there are many short bright lives. Thus drugs, sex and gambling blockages are tools to concentrate energy back to the blockage implant creator.

Distraction Implant Control Blockages are very high level alter-Egos or Sub-personalities whose job is to distract the victim with the Normal Hollywood dreams of Power, Money, Car, House, Fame, Harem. They also do it through addiction to Food, Drugs, Sex. They also do it by perverting the power of Emotion creating fear, anger, sadness, slave and psychopath as part of their control. They also are behind and above the use of Ego-Strategies like the Poor-Me, Violator and Selfish  Competitive Star. They do this by forming these stupid alter-ego distraction desires in people

We see these bad people who create implants with psychic vision connected by streams of energy to their victims. Some have thousands of connections like a telephone exchange connecting to thousands of implant blockages put into their human energy food. And these implant blockages exist in people lifetime after lifetime, until the techniques of energy enhancement can remove the implant. The whole world is in the state that it is, perverted, because of the creation of these brainwash implant blockages.





IMPLANT VAMPIRE BLOCKAGES are programmed blockages created by an evil person to implant into other people, usually to siphon energy back to the evil person - the Ultimate Energy Vampire.

Gurdjieff used to tell a parable to explain how the world is run by elite families controlled by a few bad people.... There was a magician who was also a shepherd. He had thousands of sheep to look after and he was a very miserly man so he didn't want many servants and he didn't want many watchmen. He did not want to pay anybody and he did not want his sheep to be lost or taken by the wolves. But it was very difficult for him to take care of all the sheep alone. He was very rich and he had many sheep.
So he played a trick on the sheep. He hypnotised them and implanted them with control blockages -- he was a magician. He hypnotised them and told every sheep, 'You are not a sheep. Don't be afraid.' To some he said, like in Animal Farm by George Orwell, 'You are a lion.' To some he said, 'You are tigers.' To some he even said, 'You are men. Nobody is going to kill you. Don't be afraid and don't try to escape from here.'
The sheep started believing in his controls. Every day he would butcher a few sheep but the others would think, 'We are not sheep. He is butchering only sheep. We are lions, we are tigers, we are wolves, we are French, we are Russians, we are Chinese, we are this and that...' even that they were men. Some were even told that they were magicians -- and they believed it. It was always some sheep which was to be butchered. They remained aloof, distant. They were not worried. And by and by they were all butchered.

'This is the situation,' Gurdjieff used to say.

Implant Blockages are removed in exactly the same way as all the other blockages, quite easily through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level 2.

Implant Blockages usually connect to the evil person or their accomplice worker or emmissary who in general are completely oblivious that they are working for someone else through Energy Connections from the Implant Blockage, although sometimes they are!  These energy connections are from person to person or horizontal - the image is that of a circle with a horizontal line in the center thus the person only takes energy from others and is cut off from the higher self.

What I mean by that is that the normal personality is completely oblivious that one of the Control Implant Blockage ego parts or Sub-personalities is conscious of the connection and in fact is in charge of it. This is the connector sub-personality and it thinks that it is saving the normal personality by taking energy from others, allowing it to live longer and with more energy by becoming a sucker.

We work on Ego Sub-Personality Energy Blockages like the Connector Sub-Personality and Control Implant and Vampire Blockages in Energy Enhancement Level 3 and also with Attention Seeking Strategy Energy Blockages  and Inner Children.

We work on these Energy Connections, as part of the Mastery of Relationships in Energy Enhancement Level 4.

Only by connecting with the energies of the universe as we Gain Energy in Energy Enhancement Level 1 can we drop the necessity of absorbing the energies of others.

In this way and Enlightened Person only gives 100% of his energy because he is connected to infinite sources of Eternal Energy from the Soul and other chakras above the head. The image is that of a circle with a vertical line in the center - symbolising the connection with the soul.

When we do this we then become able to purify the Connector Personality so that the Soul can regain the psychic power of connection in order to give energy in the Healing of others or the giving of Kundalini Energy to help with the Enlightenment of Students - an Energy Enhancement Teacher and here the symbol is that of a circle with a cross in the center of it, the vertical line taking energy from the soul and the horizontal line giving 100% of its energy to others - the Meaning of the Christian Cross. 

The upgrade of this symbol of course is that of the pure circle - here this symbolises the Ascended Master where we take energy vertically from the Soul and distribute it downwards to any pure person who needs it. The circle, like the columns of protection, an external antahkarana, of Energy Enhancement Initiation 6 of Level 1 has become extended into a vertical line containing the upwards flow of Energy and the downwards flow of Energy of Gurdjieff's Reciprocal Maintenance and the Yin Yang Symbol, signifying the antahkarana of an ascended Master whose duty is to distribute the energy of God.


Because these angels at the center of blockages are cut off from connection with the source and the good instructions from the source, they no longer know what to do. They are perverted by the Negative Karmic Mass which surrounds them. Thus they are easily programmed with instructions from other sources which can be followed like a program for thousands of years. They can no longer evolve.

As above, so below. Human beings are in exactly the same problems as angels. As blockages cut them off from the source, so they lose their essential humanity and move into the direction of the dark side, they listen to the messages of the dark side through their blockages and their media interests and become programmed by it. They develop cynicism, lack of conscience, lack of empathy. Meaningless, purposeless, addicted lives without any significance. They can no longer evolve.

"After all that" is part of the first Sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali written 5000 years ago. It seems that we need many immersions into the dark side before we understand that it always ends up in a bad way. We need these experiences and indeed are sent to this planet to receive them.

This planet is a factory for the production of enlightened beings. Bad experiences are part of the process which we have designed. The way of the world is to purify gold ore by heating it up to a thousand degrees, putting it on the anvil, and then beating the crap out of it. 

Enlightened beings say a softer process is more effective and more desirable. Energy Enhancement is that softer and more effective process.

As Human beings and blockages lose their Negative Karmic Mass and as Humans lose their blockages so they get back on track on their soul path and on the path of their evolution. They become ascended masters.






Dear Satchy and Devi!


"I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your soul, your real self!! If you need help you 'll get it from them ... " Danisa de Paul (Spain) Dance Instructor/Yoga and meditation teacher - 2004 Course in Spain



First of all , happy new year! I hope that this 2009 bring us together again!!! yes, why not?

I heard that you are coming to India... uhhhh I thought ill see you there..
anyway, we are here in Thailand with my mum. She is doing fine and happy!!

I talked to Hiromi in Japan and she'll do the Energy Enhancement Levels 3 and Level 4 with you this year, that's great!!!

I just thought about you and want to tell you that I am very thankful for everything and thanks soo much for your Energy Enhancement Level 1 and Level 2 DVDs, I am so happy to have then with me and be able to travel with your teachings, they are great!!

I'd like to know how you are doing and if you have changed any plans or have new plans for your future.

I'll be doing a Vipasana again in a month and a half around...
I'll let you know...

I'll be working soon and I'll keep you posted
love you both












When viewing blockages psychically, often times we see that they have many parts, some thicker and more dense from having more Negative Karmic Mass, some having more layers or shells of protection. Groups or teams of blockages join together to perform their function. Any strategy to remove blockages must take these multi-cored blockages into account. Energy Enhancement techniques remove multi-cored blockages.


In the Sufi terminology, NAFS or Breaths or Energy Blockages represent the degrees of in the transmutation of the consciousness which we go through in the Levels of Energy Enhancement starting at the Second level.

First we deal with the lower types of NAFS or Sub-Personalities and later with more refined parts of the EGO. Although more refined, all NAFS are part of the Ego structure and all of them, one by one must be found and purified as their Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass is transmuted and then the core of the blockage is integrated with the Soul Personality where it can finally be safely used as a purified function or purified talent or so called psychic power.


1. Nafs-i-ammara - the depraved or commanding Nafs

2. Nafs-i-lawwama - the accusing Nafs

3. Nafs-i-mulhama - the inspired Nafs

4. Nafs-i-mutmainna - the serene Nafs

5. Nafs-i-radiyya - the fulfilled Nafs

6. Nafs-i-mardiyya - The fulfilling Nafs

7. Nafs-i-safiyya - The purified and complete Nafs

The creation of the Sufi (from Sophia or Wisdom showing the Greek Platonic origins of Sufism) process of creating the "Golden Head" through the purification of the mind and integration into the Soul. Sun symbolises Soul, so as the shadows of the mind are purified to make them transparent and open, so the Soul Sun, the first chakra above the head, "Brighter than 10,000 Suns" illuminates the intellect and emotions in EnLightenment. The Aura of the Buddhafield becomes Golden, "The Secret of the Golden Flower", the Chinese Alchemical Taoist Golden Elixir which confers immortal life.

These Seven types of Nafs or Energy Blockages are formed so that you can see how they start as part of the ego, the separated split off parts of the mind as depraved or commanding or Accusing Nafs and then are evolved through the Energy Enhancement Seven step process by purifying the Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass through VITRIOL and then integrating the purified and complete Nafs into the Soul Chakra, on the path of Illumination.

Nafs are Energy Blockages which when purified of all trauma then become compliant fulfilled parts - the talents - of an integrated mind.

The Nafs pass through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process which can be termed "Death and Rebirth". The death or removal of the Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass and the Recapitulation of the events and traumas which formed the Blockage and the Rebirth, the Transfiguration and Resurrection (Alice Bailey - The Rays and the Initiations) as the purified function or talent is absorbed or integrated with the Soul or Higher Chakras so that it can be safely used by the Soul infused Personality.

As the Nafs become purified then we become open to the still small voice of the conscience - accusing and then serene and fulfilling etc as we find our Soul Path and the purified talents and functions become useful to the individual and society.

Most individuals are out of control. They believe themselves to be coherent personalities but with Energy Enhancement they start to see their multiple and changing personalities. "The man that swears to get up at four o' clock in the morning is not the same personality who throws the alarm clock out of the window!"  - GURDJIEFF

They use the energy enhancement seven step process on programmed, automatic and negative thoughts and thus start to understand that these negative thoughts are simply symptoms of the energy blockage sub-personalities. As these blockages are reduced, so the mind becomes capable of operating at a higher level.

As the task of reconstitution and Resurrection is completed, then enlightenment, the capacity for teaching and the capacity for intuitive understanding become normal.

There is a process of removing, eliminating, the energy blockage sub-personalities which exhibit Attention seeking behaviour, through the Energy Enhancement Process. This is the process of Integrating the mind under the aegis of the Soul, the Higher Self, and by purifying the Nafs, the Talents, The Sub-personalities, the Energy Blockages in Energy Enhancement Level 2 - Eliminate Energy Blockages, and Energy Enhancement Level 3 - Eliminate the Attention Seeking Sub-Personalities and Strategies of the Vampire


"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."

"As we practiced on each other we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.

I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.

Before I came here Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."

"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."

I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"







The Energy Enhancement Levels 1 and 2 - 15 Initiation Energy Enhancement Course is
available over 28 Days - Get in touch by email to design your course.



Energy Enhancement Ashram









Chakras above the Head - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages- JHANAS, HEAVENS, Vampire Parasitic Ghost Blockages, DEMONS, ASURAS

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 1 Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 2: Stream entry and After - Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

Buddhism Stream Entry Pt 3: Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

CHAKRAS EXTERNAL TO THE BODY, Vedic-Agamic Cosmology - Chakras above Sahasrara Chakra and Below Muladhara Chakra

Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus

Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment




Satchidanand Articles

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Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani Bio

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Chakras above the Head - The Buddhist Thirty-one Planes of Existence and Energy Blockages

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 1 Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

Buddhist Stream Entry Part 2: Stream entry and After - Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana

















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