Comments on: RIG VEDA – Download the free English PDF ebook of the complete Rig Veda here Download the Bible, The Holy Quran, The Mahabharata and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation etc. Read the reviews and download the free PDF e-books. Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:45:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Avi Jaiswal Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:45:03 +0000 In reply to Kabbir.

If you can’t resist India’s rich culture and history just shut it off.

By: Sanjog Chakrabarti Tue, 26 Dec 2023 06:30:21 +0000 In reply to Kabbir.

Who hurt you Kabbir ? And also which Google or Wikipedia posts have you been reading huh? Every argument you have made are far away from facts, they are mostly arguments you are making in bad faith. Also please learn to put your feelings aside and present arguments through your intellect because there are a lot of personal attack you have done. Take for instance you talking about Ramayanam. Ramayanam and Mahabharatam are factual historical records written by Sri Valmiki and Maharishi Ved Vyas. They are some of the most well-preserved historical records of India .So you can not even say that they are fairytales. And also almost all versions of Ramayanam written in different parts of the world have the same story except for some little difference which does not bring about a difference in the main story . I do not know which version of Ramayanam you read I assure you that the text in it has been manipulated by some wrong people who are trying to mold your brain into thinking wrongly about our culture. If you want to dispute my point or have any points you want me to dispute please feel free to ask.

By: Sanjog Chakrabarti Tue, 26 Dec 2023 06:18:24 +0000 In reply to Dr. Pawan Kumar Aryan.

No you are wrong Mahabharatam and Ramayanam are the most well-preserved historical accounts of India. And the Puranas are also historical records with mythological aspects .
The Bhagvadam Gita is the very conversation between Lord Sri Krishna and Arjuna from Mahabharata which tells us the reality of life and death and discuss about other aspects of life. Calling it mythologies is just dumb of you since you did not present any facts and calling it filth just shows the inability of yourself to keep feelings away from intelligence. Also the Puranas were written by Maharishi Ved Vyasa whom, I claim, you do not know.

By: Stephanie Chambliss Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:42:36 +0000 In reply to brandon.

I am also working on my own translation and not having access to the pictures is my greatest obstacle. Words don’t always make learning easier for me and pictures do. Those of us who desire Truth live in an age of deception and time is a lie.

By: Stephanie Chambliss Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:33:47 +0000 In reply to Balajee.

I want to understand more about you to improve myself. Currently there are no ways to translate English to Sanskrit or Sanskrit to English. Even pictures of archeological findings of Sanskrit are rare. Pictures available to the public are many times censored or altered. I would greatly appreciate any assistance that you can provide.

By: Kabbir Sun, 01 Oct 2023 10:45:20 +0000 In reply to Manoj.

Seriously…..have you any of it

.sorry fr this long post…pls bear with me and read these facts

First came siddarth…


Called as bhuddha (the enlightened)

There were NO GODS


Kalidasa wrote shakuntala

The story of shanatanu and his fisherwoman wife
So his son bhishma renounced the kingdom to make his dad happy

THE original vishnu sahasrama was written by bhishma

Then came vyasa to write about his sons Dhiridrastra (blind )pandu impotent)… all pandavas were illegitimate sons
Then he included a fictional Krishna….a yadhava… make things worse there is sloka 67 chapter 18…which is disclaimer in the bhagvath geetha

Fr 20 years the indian government did a serious archeological exploration fr Dwaraka in gujrat coast..till 2012…..they couldnt find a single piece of evidence that there was a KRISHNA.. so we are left with stories of mathura jail…..vasudeva crossing the river yamuna with his child…..ALL STORIES….SANGIS WONT LIKE FACTS….

It is also mentioned in the Vedas , that beef was eaten freely.

Beef eating was prohibited by Brahmins priests to show piousness in their religion to counter the Buddhism popularity . These Brahmins started idols worship and started installing idols in their temples to attract people when they saw Buddhists worshipping Buddhas image . There was no idol worship in Santan Dharam or Hinduism before Buddha and Buddhism came .

Swami vivekananda says…one is not a hindu if he/she does not eat beef

Best beef recipes are also written in Sanskriti in vedas !!

The Hindus of Bali all eat beef we discovered when on a visit to Bali.

Vegetarianism and beef-ban are just a way the brahmins invented to set themselves apart as a superior race/caste.

Actually…i have been watching these manu vadi folks fr a period of time…..and this is what i found

They are all manipulative,as they are compulsive liars.

They dont want to take responsiblity fr their lies and are not ashamed

They beleive they are super intelligent,but sadly …none

They act even as victims…to gain sympathy

They hate anything and evrything under the sun

They cant match truth being told.

They live in a false sense of security

They want to fill u with themselves their thoughts always

They dont want to hear you..they often say

you are just being selfish…or gas light you with confusing tales.

When found cornered…they start showing great love….ofcourse needless to state , that is a fake.

They dont have empathy.

They Hate to be found at faulty end…..and so loves to makes a groupy/ganging up / dishonouring as normal,and hate to be exposed

And all these above summed up in psychiatry is called NARCISISM TRAITS….

they are sick mentally and deep inside they have a deep sense of shame, insecurity and cant handle it…very sadly they need psychological /mental health treatment.

Ramayana is another big fairy tale……valmiki who was a waylaying robber happened to meet disowned sita…who told him the story of her husband ram…

He was born in kusal….the house of his mother kausalya…and not in ayodya which is 100s of kilometer away….he had 2 deva guru…and on his coronation day he was asked to go on vanavas fe 14 years….such a sad deva guru vasista confirned the dates of coronation…the other guru viswamitra helped to get him married to sita ,the daughter of king janaka (whose guru was ASHTAVAKRA,he wrote astavakra geetha….Read this book )

Rama actually committed suicide in sarayu river after getting defeated by his own sons lava and kucha…..Rama was elevated to the level of god during bhakthi movement….ramcharitra manas

So all of these gods are grom fictional stories

This has culminated in hatred fr others

We in tamilnadu have over 3000 temples…but never have beleived in the lies of the aryan sanskrit …

Such is the deceit of manuvadis (a.k.a.brahmins)

By: Chandrasekaran K R Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:56:38 +0000 In reply to ss.


By: Chandrasekaran K R Sat, 17 Dec 2022 14:55:45 +0000 I am studying for self improvement

By: Jay Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:42:25 +0000 In reply to Lichtenberg.

Thank you for the contribution of making these resources available to all.

Your efforts are commendable.
