2005 AND 2006 |
The Pyramid: All Diversity is an Expression of One Universal Energy. The Pyramid has a four-sided, square base. The base chakra is always symbolised as having four petals or sides. The Six Chakras of Diversity and Variety (chakras 1 - 6) are all expressions of The One Universal Energy - the pyramid comes to one point, symbolising the Crown Chakra.
THE ONE AND THE EXPRESSIONS OF DIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSAL MIND. The top of the pyramid represents the One source and substance of all life - Chakra 7. The descending layers represent Chakras 6 - 1 which are the chakras of diversity, duality and variety. These six chakras are commonly referred to as the 'Universal Mind', or 'Mind', or 'The Mind of God' or 'Total Mind' or 'Cosmic Mind' or 'Macrocosmic Mind' all with a CAPITAL 'M' - it's the place where all time and space events occur. We must acknowledge the difference between 'The Macrocosmic Mind' - The Totality of All Diverse Expressions of The Universes - and each human individual's 'microcosmic mind' or in other words the soul - 'the human psyche and it's contents'. Although it should be known that there is an connection and overlapping of the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic minds - they melt into each other as our understanding and awareness increases. So, the Universal Mind is also sometimes called Maya or The Holy Ghost, because it lacks any permanency - it's all change! Attachment to that which has it's nature as change can only cause pain. This is why the Buddha says "Attachment leads to pain."
THE ONE. Self-Realisation is the understanding that the conscious awareness within you and all others is the "eternal watcher of the Mind" - Chakra 7 - THE SELF - Unborn, undying. The entire Universal Mind is an expression of the imagination of the Self. The word 'imagine' stems from the word "Magi" meaning "to make images in my mind". "I" (Self) "Make images in my Mind". Which is also the message behind the expression We are made in 'the image of God'. Which becomes all the more clearer when we realise that The human form is a microcosmic expression of the Macrocosmic Universal Pattern.
- THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES IN MAN - Position of the Seven Major Chakras along the Spine. We shall now trace the way in which the sevenfold division already described relates to Man. We shall see how it produces the seven levels of his consciousness and his seven centres of vital force - the chakras. In man the essential polarity has its axis along the spinal column so that spirit has its manifestation at the crown of the head while matter (in its densest form) manifests at the root of the spine. Between these poles there are intermediate stages of consciousness, each denser than the preceding one as the life force descends down the spine in its involution into matter. One may compare this process of gradual densification with the vibratory effects which are produced in music from the string of an instrument. The deeper notes are produced as the result of the string vibrating more slowly; when the string of the instrument vibrates more quickly it produces a higher note. So it is also that the finer levels of our consciousness are the Life Force vibrating at a higher frequency and the lower frequencies are the grosser or more material levels within ourselves. The seven chakras in man therefore correspond to a seven-note musical scale, the lower chakras having a slower vibration and corresponding to the deeper notes of the scale and the higher chakras to the finer notes. St Paul defined Man as 'Spirit, Soul and Body' and one can readily see that this definition is based upon the three principles of the Trinity. Spirit and body are the basic polarities and thought (psyche/mind = soul) is the relationship between the two. St Paul was using the Greek word psyche implying the mental and emotional level which we will now term psyche or 'mind' (with a little 'm') instead of Soul.
The Elements. Let us see how this definition fits in with the chakras in Man: Spirit we have already noted manifests at the crown of the head and the next chakra to appear in order of density is the force centre between the eyebrows, which St Paul refers to as soul (but which we may now call mind or psyche) being the seat of mental activity. Next in order is the throat centre and this, as St Paul said, is the body in essence because it is the seat of the ether. The ether is the substratum from which the four lower elements, air, fire, water and earth, are derived. Each of these elements is merely a modification of the basic ether so that the ether may rightly be regarded as the basic material body. The four elements of air, fire, water and earth have their seats respectively at the heart, solar plexus, sacral and base/root chakras. In this way we see that the higher triplicity and lower quaternary appear in Man strictly in accordance with the numerical laws of manifestation and the seven chakras are an exact working out of these laws. Alchemists referred to the ether as the quintessence or fifth level of vibration and we shall see later how the four lower elements are both produced from and return to this etheric substratum or latency. The more advanced alchemists also realized that since the various levels of consciousness are merely the life force vibrating at different frequencies, it follows that one level may be transmuted into another merely by changing the rate of vibration, and hence the transformation of one element into another is a perfectly natural possibility. This also applies to the transmutation of our grosser vibrations into our finer ones. The esoteric alchemy dealt with the refinement of man's consciousness by purification until the dross of the lower self was entirely transmuted and the pure gold of spiritual consciousness was attained. This process of attainment is known under various names to all true mystics of whatever religion. In more modern times, Einstein and other well-known physicists have noted the fact that matter is thought, vibrating at a lower frequency. In earlier times alchemists performed their transmutations of one metal into another using the same principles. In fact all manifestation is merely the life force working at differing rates of vibration and the difference between one element and another is merely its different frequency of vibration.
The Sequence of Involution. The body, as we have seen, is really the third or objective aspect of the trinity - that is the ether. Its four modifications comprise air, fire, water and earth. The sequence of involution may be expressed in the following way:
These principles or elements are often referred to by the Sanskrit term tattwas meaning 'thatness' or 'suchness'. This means the essence of any quality. These elements are all that there is, in fact there is nothing else except them in the world of name or form. They are the bricks of which our total experience is built and the world ot manifestation is composed solely of the elements.