Question 1 Maneesha has asked a question: BELOVED OSHO, HAS ONE ONLY RECEIVED A HIT IF IT HURTS? Maneesha, a master hits not to hurt but to heal. And a disciple receives the hit with tremendous gratitude, not with anger. Unless a hit is received with gratitude it cannot do its work of healing. You are all full of wounds, and they all need to be exposed to the sun, to the open sky. Unless you allow yourself to be exposed completely, you cannot get rid of those wounds. The normal way in the world is to hide the wounds so nobody knows about them -- go on hiding them deeper and deeper in the unconscious, so even you forget them. But to work on the consciousness, cleaning it from all the wounds is absolutely necessary. Those wounds have to be brought into the open. You are asking, "Has one only received a hit if it hurts?" No, Maneesha. If it hurts you have missed. If it does not hurt but creates a gratitude, a love, it heals. LAST NIGHT I DID NOT FEEL HURT. You are an old sinner, Maneesha. You have been with this strange man long enough. But you don't know that by your side, Zareen was sitting; your migraine immediately jumped on Zareen! Today she is sitting far away from you. For seven years she had no migraine. Last night she suffered migraine, I saw it jumping on her! But I kept quiet, because she is new and she has to understand many things. This was also a great experience for her, that this is not an ordinary assembly of people, this is not a Lion's Club or a Rotary Club. We are involved in the greatest experiment of transforming consciousness. If you keep remembering it, you can overcome all the stumbling blocks. I hope that Zareen has overcome the migraine. But it jumped on her because she is new and she does not know that in such a place, the master hits only when he loves. The master hits only when he finds you worthy enough. You are saying: I SAW THE TRUTH OF WHAT YOU SAID BUT DID NOT HATE MYSELF OR STOP LOVING YOU. DID I MISS? No, Maneesha, fortunately you did not miss. I KNOW YOU WILL HIT ME AGAIN IF I NEED IT -- AND THIS TIME I DON'T HAVE THE EXCUSE OF A MIGRAINE. Look where your migraine has gone! Now, when everybody is in meditation, Zareen has to throw it as far away as possible. Whoever deserves it will get it! And I promise you, Maneesha, whether you need it or not I will hit. Just for sheer joy! Now today's time is devoted to Zareen.... Little Ernie swaggers into the bar and shouts to the shapely barmaid, "Gimme a triple scotch on the rocks!" "Hey, kid," says the barmaid. "You don't look to be more than seven years old. Do you want to get me into trouble or something?" "Maybe later," says Ernie. "Right now I just want the scotch!" Alfonso, the Italian, is dragging a large, heavy box down the middle of the street when he suddenly stops in front of a house. He knocks on the door and a woman comes to open it. "Are you Widow Jones?" asks Alfonso. "My name is not Widow Jones," replies the woman. "It is Mrs. Jones." "Well," says Alfonso, sadly, "just wait till you see what I've got in this box!" Old Father Fungus is getting very deaf in his advanced years, so he asks his flock to write down their sins on a piece of paper instead of speaking them to him. Everything is going well with this method, until one day Father Fungus hears someone crash his way into his confessional booth, belch loudly, and blow his nose. The strong smell of whiskey pours from the other side of the box as Father Fungus hears his old friend Paddy fumbling around in his pockets. Finally, Paddy passes a small, crumpled scrap of paper through the curtain into the priest's hand. The confession reads: Ten cans of beer. One six-pack of Coca-Cola. Half a dozen eggs. Three rolls of toilet paper, two condoms and one box of tampons. Old Father Fungus looks at the note for a minute, shrugs, and silently passes it back to Paddy. Paddy stares at the paper in shock. "Oh Jesus!" he cries. "I must have left my goddam sins at the supermarket!" Prince Charles and Princess Diana of England are invited to be the guests of honor at the All-England Agricultural Show. After they preside over the opening ceremony, the royal couple dutifully walk around to mix with the farmers and look at the exhibits. Soon Charles gets bored and heads for the beer tent, and Diana walks over to admire the prize bull -- and never did a male animal have such splendid equipment! The princess is shocked and amazed at the size of the beast's machinery, and calls over the bull's attendant, Farmer Cowtit, for a talk. "That is a fine animal you have there," says Diana. "Yes, your highness," replies Cowtit. "He is a champion, and the father of champions." "Really?" says the princess, getting excited. "Tell me about him." "Well, my lady," continues the farmer, "this bull went to stud three hundred times last year!" "Really?" exclaims Diana. "That's amazing! I must tell my husband about this." And she runs off to get Charles. She finds him in the beer tent, boozing with a bunch of farmers. "Come with me, Charles!" snaps Diana. "I am going to show you an animal that will make you feel ashamed of yourself!" And she drags him over to the bull. "Now, my good man," says Diana to Farmer Cowtit, pointing to the bull's balls. "Tell my husband what you told me about this bull." "Well," replies the farmer, "as I was explaining to the princess here, this magnificent bull went to stud three hundred times last year." "And that, Charles," interrupts Diana, "is almost every day!" "Very interesting," slurs Charles. "But I bet he doesn't have to screw the same old cow!" Nivedano... (Drumbeat) (Gibberish) (Drumbeat) Be silent. Close your eyes. Feel your body to be completely frozen. Now look inwards, collecting your whole consciousness -- with great urgency, as if this moment is your last moment of life. Only with such urgency can one reach to the center of life. And the center of life is the center of eternal, immortal, universal being. Deeper and deeper, because you are going to meet, at the boundary line between you and the oceanic consciousness, the buddha himself. Your being a buddha is a necessary preparation for taking another step and jumping into the cosmic whole... not leaving even footprints in the blue sky. The greatest blissfulness is not to be. Thousands of flowers start showering on you. Just be an empty heart and you will be filled with tremendous treasures. To make it clear, Nivedano... (Drumbeat) Relax. And just remain watchful, witnessing the body, the mind. You are neither of them. You are only the witness. This witness is metaphorically referred to as the buddha, the awakened one. How cool it feels at the center -- a fresh breeze, a new fragrance that you have never experienced. The whole consciousness becomes full of stars. This evening was beautiful in itself. But ten thousand buddhas dissolving themselves into the ocean of consciousness have made it majestic. I can see that your consciousnesses have become a lake. Buddha Auditorium is just a lake of silent witnessing. In such lakes, lotuses blossom, truth is experienced, love for the first time understood. Beauty is no more a physical thing but an inner grace. Collect as many flowers as you can before Nivedano calls you back. This is your true nature. This is your original face. You don't have to go to any temple to find the buddha. Your witness is the buddha. Nivedano... (Drumbeat) Now come back. But come back like buddhas, with great peace, with immense grace, with a song in the heart, with a dance in every fiber of your being. And sit for a few moments, just to recollect the whole experience -- where you have been, the golden path that you've traveled back and forth. This path you will have to travel back and forth many many times. Only then, one day you are ripe. Only then the time comes for the ultimate explosion. Okay, Maneesha? Yes, Osho.
Next: Chapter 4: Go on digging
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Zen Joshu: The Lion's Roar
Chapter 3