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The Rays and the Initiations - Part One - Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation
The two parts of this rule are consequently expressive of the new demands for disciples - not applicants. This becomes apparent when you study the two rules: one for applicants and one for disciples. The applicant is referred to the microcosm. The Macrocosm is held before the vision of the disciple.

The two demands are expressed in Rule V as follows:

  1. In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form.

This is the demand for the building of the antahkarana which relates the disciple in his personality to the Triad.

  1. The macrocosmic Whole is all there is. Let the group perceive that Whole and then no longer use the thought, "My soul and thine."

This is the demand for a sense of synthesis which is occult vision and not mystic vision. These two demands will be the two basic requirements for the new schools of occultism.

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