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The Rays and the Initiations - Part One - Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation
The words:
  1. Let the group know the vivid, flaming, drenching life that floods the fourth when the fifth is known

are of prime importance to those who would and can profit [129] by what I am seeking to convey, as I interpret - as far as may be - these Rules. The knowing of the fifth kingdom in nature through the medium of the consciousness of the fourth and the sacrifice of the fourth kingdom to the fifth, of the human being to the soul and of humanity to the kingdom of God, is the parallel (on a higher turn of the spiral) of the sacrifice of the third kingdom, the animal kingdom, to the fourth, the human kingdom. Thus it proceeds down the scale - sacrifice always of the lower to the higher.

It therefore behooves the individual disciple to decide whether he is an applicant, and consequently to be controlled by the "rules in time and space," or a candidate for initiation who knows that life is one and that the form is of no material significance, except as a field of experience for the soul.

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