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The Rays and the Initiations - Part One - Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation
  1. The Law demands that this is brought about by the One, working through the Three, energizing the Seven and creating the straight line from there to here, and ending in a point which ignores the Three.

Let me paraphrase this, for detailed comment is not possible or permissible. The One directed will (of the [167] individual, of humanity, of the Hierarchy) and the great Lords of Shamballa, working through the three major centers (head, heart and throat; Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa), thereby energize all the seven centers (to the point of abstraction), using the straight line of the antahkarana from above downwards (from the center of power, the head or Shamballa), and gather all upwards into a point which is neither of the Three (Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity) and ignores them, for they must no longer limit the life. This point lies outside manifestation altogether. Abstraction is complete.

Ponder, therefore, upon this doctrine. of abstraction. It covers all life processes, and will convey to you the eternally lovely secret of Death, which is entrance into life.

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