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The Rays and the Initiations - Part One - Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation
Rule Thirteen

Let us now descend to thoughts more practical and within the range of comprehension, and consider the thirteenth rule somewhat in detail. It runs as follows:

Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may Transmutation disappear. Let the OM be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All.

The key to the significance and the clue to the secret of this rule are to be found in the preparatory rule given to applicants in the earlier book (Initiation, Human and Solar). It is included here so that you can refer to it as you study its higher corresponding rule, as given to initiates and to advanced disciples.

Rule XIII. For Applicants. Four things the disciple must learn and comprehend before he can be shewn the inmost mystery: first, the laws of that which radiates; the five meanings of magnetization make the second; the third is transmutation or the secret lost of alchemy; and lastly, the first letter of the Word which has been imparted, or the hidden name egoic. [248]

In this earlier rule, the disciple is told that before he can advance to the mysteries which will be revealed to him sequentially as he advances along the Path of Initiation, there are four things which he must "learn and comprehend." These are:

  1. The laws of that which radiates. I would call your attention to the fact that this does not refer to the Laws of Radiation. That which radiates comes under its own laws which are different to those which produced radiation. Students need to read with increasing care as they advance upon the occult way which leads to the Way of the Higher Evolution.
  2. He must study the five meanings of magnetization. This refers to the five modes in which the Law of Magnetization works; this is another name for the Law of Attraction.
  3. He must comprehend what transmutation is and in which consists the secret art (now lost along with the Lost Word) of Alchemy. Esoterically speaking, transmutation is the mode whereby force is transmuted or changed into energy. This means (where a disciple is concerned) the transmutation or changing or stepping up of personality force into egoic energy.
  4. He must know the "hidden name egoic" or the first letter of the imparted Word. Two things should be noted here. The "Word" here does not refer to the Sacred Word but to the name of the planetary Logos, the hidden name of Sanat Kumara Who is the soul of the world in all its phases, the manifesting Ego of the Logos on the cosmic mental plane. Only the first letter of that "ineffable name" is permitted expression to initiates until the fourth initiation. You will see, therefore, how vast a field this instruction on Rule XIII covers.

The higher correspondences of these four requirements are expressed in the following terms:

  1. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis. (This is the law which governs the thinking of those great Lives Who form the Council of Sanat Kumara in Shamballa.) [249]
  2. Let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway.
  3. Let Transfiguration follow Transformation and may Transmutation disappear.
  4. Let the OM be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All.

You can gather from the above what a tremendous field of esoteric truth is here covered and how abstruse to the average occult student is the theme. Again I would remind you that the real significance will only be perceived by the trained initiate and that what I say here must necessarily be veiled and even meaningless to the non-initiate, even whilst radiantly clear to those who truly know. Again, I would remind you that I write this particular section of A Treatise on the Seven Rays entirely for initiates, and that aspirants who have not taken initiation cannot understand or duly appreciate the inner meaning of these fourteen rules. In this fact lies no reason for discouragement, nor is there any suggestion that those with initiate consciousness should endeavor to explain, even if - through compassion or from the desire to stimulate approach to the Mysteries - they desired to do so. No true initiate would be so tempted, for he would realize that it would not only be impossible but also that there is a vital necessity for the disciple to work out significances and meanings through the medium of his own life experiment and to arrive at understanding through direct experience. Then no questioning can ever arise and sure knowledge takes its place. There are no questions of any kind in the consciousness of those who form the Hierarchy. The lower analytical concrete mind which questions and separates this from that has been completely controlled and superseded; response to indicated group activity takes place. Students need to realize more concretely that group consciousness, universal awareness, and therefore synthetic effort, synthetic understanding and synthetic activity are possible to a Master or an initiate of the higher degrees. That involves the keynote of this solar [250] system, particularly within this planet, the Earth; it will be succeeded in the next solar system by a type of life activity which is as yet only known in Shamballa.

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