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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section Two - The Aspirant and the Major Initiations
To sum up what I have said:
  1. The energy of the seventh ray is the potent agent of initiation when taken on the physical plane, that is, during the process of the first initiation.
  2. Its effect upon humanity will be:
    1. To bring about the birth of the Christ-consciousness among the masses of intelligently aspiring human beings.
    2. To set in motion certain relatively new evolutionary processes which will transform humanity (the world disciple) into humanity (the world initiate).
    3. To establish in a new and intelligible manner the ever-existent sense of relationship and thus bring about upon the physical plane right human relations. The agent of this is goodwill, a reflection [574] of the will-to-good of the first divine aspect. Of this first Ray of Will or Purpose, goodwill is the reflection.
    4. To readjust negative and positive relationships, and - today - this will be carried forward primarily in connection with the sex relation and marriage.
    5. To intensify human creativity and thus bring in the new art as a basis for the new culture and as a conditioning factor in the new civilization.
    6. To reorganize world affairs and so initiate the new world order. This is definitely in the realm of ceremonial magic.
  3. The stimulation of this seventh ray will, in relation to the individual initiate,
    1. Bring into being upon the mental plane a widespread and recognized relation between the soul and the mind.
    2. Produce a measure of order in the emotional processes of the initiate, thus aiding the preparatory work of the second initiation.
    3. Enable the initiate - upon the physical plane - to establish certain service relationships, to learn the practice of elementary white magic, and to demonstrate the first stage of a truly creative life.

As far as the individual initiate is concerned, the effect of seventh ray energy in his life is potent in the extreme; this is easily realized, owing to the fact that his mind and his brain are conditioned by the seventh ray at the time that the initiatory process is consciously taking place. The effect of this upon the mental plane is similar to that seen - on a much larger scale - in the planet, for it was this ray energy which the planetary Logos utilized when He brought together the major dualities of spirit and matter at the commencement of His creative work. The two aspects of the mind (the lower concrete mind and the soul, the Son of Mind) become more closely related and enter eventually into a conscious, recognized [575] on the astral plane; it is the seventh ray which restores order within the astral consciousness, and (on the mental plane) it is this influence which produces creativity, the organizing of the life, and the bringing together "within the head" of the lower and higher energies in such a manner that "the Christ is born." This latter point we shall consider in some detail when we take up the significance of the initiations; we shall then find that the relationship between the pituitary body and the pineal gland is involved.

Finally, it is seventh ray energy which - in the initiatory process between the first and the second initiations - enables the initiate (in his physical plane life) to demonstrate a developing sense of order and of organization, to express consciously and increasingly a desire to help his fellowmen, and thereby establish relationship with them, and to make his life creative in many ways.

All these factors are embryonic in his nature, but he now begins to consciously lay the foundation for the future initiatory work; the physical disciplines are at this time of great importance, though their value is frequently over-emphasized and their effect is not always good; the relationships established and fostered are sometimes of small value, owing to the disciple being usually self-centered and thus lacking - from ignorance and lack of discrimination - complete purity of motive. Nevertheless, the changes brought about by the influence of this ray become increasingly effective from life to life; the disciple's relation to the Hierarchy, the reorganizing of his life on the physical plane, and his growing effort to demonstrate the esoteric sense of white magic will become more and more vital, until he is ready for the second initiation.

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