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The Rays and the Initiations - Appendix
The Key

Key the first lies hid under the Threshold, guarded by the Watcher. He who breaks in must stoop and seize after a search of strenuous decision. The hand that grasps the key must have the nail-mark through the center there located. When this is so, door the first will open.

Key the second lies across the Threshold, over the heap of thorns. From the centers in the feet must pour the blood that dissolves all hindrances. In the bloodstained feet and the nail-marked hands lies hid the secret. Seek you them. Then door the second will open to your touch.

Key the third lies half way up. Just at the level of the heart that key is seen. Before it can be seized and used the spear must pierce and thus the blood pour forth, cleansing and making whole. Only those thus purified can grasp the key and pass through door the third.

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