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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - I.B.S.
September 1934


For you today I have a very simple message and a simple instruction. I would say to you in the words of the initiate, Paul; [241] "Forgetting the things which are behind, press forward." The glamor which enveloped you has gone. It has gone, my brother. You are now suffering primarily from fear and from humiliation. These are both destructive and unnecessary. You were the focal point for the glamor but you were also the focal point for the group love, which you aided much in awakening. Dwell somewhat upon this.

You are entering now upon changed conditions and your life will take a different line of action in the future. For this you must be prepared. But all ways are ways of service, and in service and in the helping of your fellowmen there comes for you the way of liberation. Be concerned with the group work and its rightful processes. Your soul will prove your guardian. Continue to give your physical body rest and sleep. Feed it normally and sanely and play no experiments with it as you have so oft and  foolishly done in the past. Keep busy with the Master's work and with happiness enter upon and accomplish each day's task... Your offering to the group is the providing of opportunity for service. You must learn to be served as well as to serve, for in so doing, your personal will is broken and the higher good substituted.

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