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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - D.A.O.
July 1934


I have but little to suggest to you at this time, as I would ask you to continue with the work as outlined by me in my last communication. I think you know within yourself the value of the instruction then imparted and the reason why I emphasized certain work. E'en if you do not understand, I who watch and guide can see the germ of the needed organizing faculty demonstrating in ever fuller measure. Much of your usefulness to this group has been unrecognized by you as it has worked out mainly on the astral plane in a stabilizing and loving capacity to integrate the group in love. Of this your physical brain is scarcely aware.

You have had a period of relative stability in a life hitherto full of ceaseless movement, and this for you is novel and educational. Your life work, esoterically speaking, consists in mentally arresting and stimulating the thinkers and workers in the world, so that they measure up to the need and the demand of those around them. So many people feel and think. You can teach them to think and feel. This connotes a wide distinction. I would ask you to correspond at times with a brother whose name I will give you. He needs your wisdom and your strength , and you can help him through a period of apparent loneliness from which he now suffers.

Your work for the group is to blaze the trail to the high places and to keep it open.

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