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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples - I.B.S.
August 1942
  1. As the hours of service pass around the clock of time look for the sounding of the hour. What hour is that?
  2. As the minutes tick away the passing hour, watch for the minute when My voice is heard. When will that be?
  3. As the seconds note the passing of the minute hand upon the clock of time, expect the second when My face appears. Why has it not appeared? [548]
  4. When you think freedom lies within your grasp and when you think that you have done the utmost that you can, Beware! Obedience lies ahead, with freedom in its hand.
  5. Within the Ashram you must work. Cycles of speech transmute themselves into periods of silence. Yet both must play their part.
  6. You are passing on the Lighted Way, my brother. You have placed your hand in mine. I hold it firm.
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