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Esoteric Healing - Chapter III - Our Karmic Liabilities
  1. "The Great One poured His life throughout all parts and every aspect of manifestation. From the center to the periphery and from the periphery to the center He rushed, carrying abundance of life, energizing all forms of Himself, producing excess of movement, endless extension, abundant growth and undue haste. He knew not what He wanted because He wanted all, desired all, attracted all and gave to all too much."

The imperfection of this great energy with its building, vitalizing and cohering potency, was and is the power to over-stimulate, to produce accretion, to pile together, to build too many forms, to attract too many atoms and to bring about those conditions which lead to what has been called (esoterically) "the suffocation of the life" - another form of dying, but dying this time as a result of excessive vitality, affecting the blood stream, producing building within the forms already built, and frequently creating an [300] etheric vehicle which is too potent for the outer exoteric physical form. Other results are, for instance, the appearance of tumors, of cancers, of growths, and the over-development of bodily aspects, over-large organs and super-numerary bodily parts.

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