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Esoteric Healing - Chapter IV - Some Questions Answered
On Transmutation of Desire

The point to be borne in mind is that desire dominates and controls action when the life force is focused in the desire nature, as it predominantly is with the majority of people. But planned mental control is only possible when the life is focused on the mental plane. When this is the case, desire will not require suppression, because the power of the focused attention will be elsewhere and there will consequently be no furious desire to suppress. Suppression is an effort by the man focused in the astral body to bring in the will aspect of the mind. But this he seldom does. The desire may pass off through the intense effort the man is making to achieve some mental consciousness, but no suppression takes place really, nor is the will evoked. When a man's life is run and controlled by the mind from mental levels, then transmutation does take place; transmutation (whereby the astral nature is changed and altered) may be of a spiritual nature or simply of an expedient nature. Desire may be transmuted into spiritual aspiration or into an attitude which is in conformity to the will of the mind which is expressing it. Hence the necessity for careful analysis of motive and of objectives. [349]

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