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Alice BaileyDjwhal Khul


Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
During the years 1919 to 1949 Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul established a close telepathic contact. One of the results of their cooperation is the book series on Ageless Wisdom Teachings enjoyed everywhere.


Fundamental Teachings

  • The Kingdom of God, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, can and does materialise on earth.
  • There is a continuity of revelation down the ages in that God has revealed Himself from cycle to cycle to humanity.
  • The God Transcendent is equally the God Immanent. The "Sons of God" have to express the three basic divine aspects, namely knowledge, love and will.
  • There is only one divine Life, expressing itself through the multiplicity of forms in all the kingdoms of nature. Humanity is therefore ONE.
  • Within each human being is a point of light, a spark of the one Flame, the soul, the second aspect of divinity, which St. Paul referred to as "Christ in you, the hope of glory".
  • An ultimate perfection (though relative in nature) is possible for the individual aspirant and for humanity as a whole through the action of the evolutionary process. This process is exemplified in the teachings in various ways, from the humblest atom up through the four recognised kingdoms of nature, on through the fifth kingdom, to those exalted spheres where the Lord of the World works out the divine Plan.
  • There are certain immutable laws governing the universe; man becomes progressively aware of these as he evolves. These laws are expressions of the will of God.
  • The basic law of our universe is to be seen in the manifestion of God as Love.
  • There are necessarily many subsidiary factors presented in the teachings like the Law of Rebirth or Reincarnation, the cyclic nature of all manifestation, the nature and aim of the evolutionary process, the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the existens of the Masters and Their work, the nature of consciousness with its various stages culminating in the Path of Initiation etc.

Books by Alice Bailey
and Djwhal Khul:

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Initiation, Human and Solar (1922)
An initiation is an expansion of consciousness, leading to revelation and illumination. Initiation is experienced by all forms of life, great and small. The work of the planetary Hierarchy, in its many stages of Mastership, is outlined in this book, and the Fourteen Rules are given by which the neophyte may become an Applicant at the Portal of Initiation.

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Letters on occult Meditation (1922)
The science of meditation, as a mind-training technique, is increasingly practiced everywhere. Meditation is concerned with energy flow, energy which is impersonal and fiery in nature; its potential dangers should therefore be understood and avoided, and practices adopted which are safe and trustworthy.

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (1925)
This volume deals with the underlying structure of esoteric teaching for the present era and with those vast cosmic processes reproduced through all areas of life from universe to atom. A large section of the book is directed to a detailed exposition of Solar Fire, the Fire of Mind, since this is the dominant energy to be understood and controlled during this second solar system. Among other values, the book provides a compact outline of a scheme of cosmology, philosophy and psychology which serves as a basic reference and text book.

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A Treatise on White Magic (1934)
This book contains the Fifteen Rules for Magic. The soul, the white Magician is becoming manifest through its own inherent "magical" powers. The human being is essentially and inherently divine. The soul is the means whereby mankind evolves a consciousness of divinity, redeems gross matter and liberates the pure flame of spirit from the limitation of form.

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Discipleship in the New Age - Volume I (1944)

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Discipleship in the New Age - Volume II (1955)
These two volumes contain the record of a series of personal and group instructions given to a small group of aspirants over a period of fifteen years by a Master of the Wisdom. They contain detailed teachings on Meditation, Initiation and the Six Stages of Discipleship. They emphasise the new age, pioneering necessity for group work, the development of group consciousness, and the change in training for initiation from individuals to discipleship groups.

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Problems of Humanity (1947)
The basic world problems continue to present humanity with opportunity for progress. A perspective on the problems is shown in this book; the spiritual factors and subjective causes are related to the outer appearances and effects on the world scene.

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The Reappearance of the Christ (1948)
The event is presented in this book as an imminent, logical and practical fact in the continuity of divine revelation throughout the ages. The Avatar belongs to all mankind; he can be known and understood as "the One" in all  world religions.

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The Destiny of the Nations (1949)
A nation is an evolving spiritual entity, subject, as a human being is, to the impact of energies. These energies influence the national consciousness, encouraging recognition of soul destiny and cooperation with that evolving process. The spiritual destiny of many nations and their predisposing soul and personality influences are discussed in this book.

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Glamour - A World Problem (1950)
World glamour - the sumtotal of human ignorance, fear and greed - can dissipate through the clear, inclusive thinking of those in whom the soul (Christ) principle is awakening. Glamour results from a negative emotional focus; the dissipation of glamour depends on "illumined thinking".

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (1950)
The scientific basis for the widely accepted ideal of the "brotherhood of man" rests on the fact of the interwoven etheric energy structure underlying all forms in all kingdoms within the planet. It is this essential oneness which provides the conditions for intercommunication on all levels of consciousness, and creates the possibility of simultaneous impression in many by a stream of energy.

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Education in the New Age (1954)
Education should be a continuous process from birth to death. It is essentially a process leading to reconciliation of the human and divine elements in the constitution of a human being. Right relationship between God and man, spirit and matter, the whole and the part, should be a prime objective of educational techniques.

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The Externalization of the Hierarchy (1957)
This book discusses the interdependence of all states of consciousness and kingdoms in nature within the planet. It shows the interaction between humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa, and sets out the essentials of Plan and Purpose which influence human affairs. The process of the externalisation of certain ashrams within the Hierarchy and the practical effects of the process are given in detail.

A Treatise on the Seven Rays:

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Volume 1: Esoteric Psychology I (1936)

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Volume 2: Esoteric Psychology II (1942)
Five volumes have been written under the overall title of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, based on the fact, the nature, the quality and the interrelationship of the seven streams of energy pervading our solar system, our planet and all that lives and moves within its orbit. These two volumes go extensively into the psychological make-up of a human being as the life, quality and appearance of an incarnating, evolving spiritual entity. They also relate the circumstance of human psychology to world conditions and to future possibilities.

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Volume 3: Esoteric Astrology (1951)
The science of esoteric astrology is said to be one of the basic sciences of the future. Astrology is described in this book as "the science of relationships", a science which deals with those conditioning energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within it.

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Volume 4: Esoteric Healing (1953)
Healing is an exact and an exacting science. Esoteric healing is equally scientific, based on a number of requirements, including knowledge of the constitution of man as a spiritual being and of the biology and anatomy of his physical form. In this book the seven ray techniques of healing are described; the laws and rules of healing are discussed; basic causes of disease are shown; and requirements for healing are given in detail.

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Volume 5: Rays and the Initiations (1960)
The first part of this volume contains the Fourteen Rules for Group Initiation, an extension of the teachings given in Initiation, Human and Solar on the Fourteen Rules for Applicants. The second part of the book is concerned with the nine initiations by which the disciple progressively liberates himself from the various forms of our planetary life. The possibility of group initiation is a development of the present era; this volume emphasises the growth of the group idea - group service, group responsibility, group initiation and group absorption into the centre Hierarchy.

Books by Alice Bailey:

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The Consciousness of the Atom (1922)
In this book the scientific relation of matter and consciousness is discussed as evolution progressively affects the atomic substance of all forms. The "atom" emerges as a miniature but complete replica of the energy structure common to all forms of life - cosmic, planetary, human and subhuman.

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The Soul and Its Mechanism (1930)
The soul works through the mechanism of the threefold personality. The method by which the soul and the personality vehicles interact and function together is presented in this volume; and also the way the human constitution, as a whole and in its component parts, responds to the impact of an evolving consciousness.

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From Intellect to Intuition (1932)
The development of the intellect, while necessary, is a means to an end. The intellect should become a means of penetrating into new dimensions of thought and consciousness, and of awakening the intuitive faculty of "pure reason". Through occult meditation the gap is bridged between the threefold mind and the intuition.

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From Bethlehem to Calvary (1937)
The life experience of the Master Jesus, including the Crucifixion, the Great Renunciation, is reflected in the life experience of all human beings. We can know and consciously cooperate in the journey which leads from the place of spiritual birth to the place of renunciation and resurrection.

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The Light of the Soul (1927) [The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali]
paraphrased by Djwhal Khul with commentary by Alice Bailey
This volume is an original paraphrase, with commentary, of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The Yoga Sutras are of ancient origin, first reduced to writing by Patanjali, who is considered the founder of the Raja Yoga School. Control of the mind and its illumination by the soul are brought about through the practice of Raja Yoga.

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The Labors of Hercules (1974)
paraphrased by Djwhal Khul
with commentary by Alice Bailey

The story of the dramatic experience of the great and ancient Son of God, Hercules (or Herakles) from the Greek myth, gives us a synthetic picture of the progress of the soul from ignorance to wisdom, from material desire to spiritual achievement.

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The Unfinished Autobiography (1951)
Although her death in December 1949 prevented the completion of this book, enough of the author's life story emerges to show the stages in her journey from Christian evangelism to mastery of the science of esotericism, and her work as an author, lecturer and teacher.
Last Updated Saturday, December 26, 1998
