Om Aham Mani Foundation

 Life Skills


The art of being professional does not mean becoming a cold, aloof robot. It simply means that we learn to deal with so many of our daily activities in a non-personal, objective manner. We learn not to become subjectively entangled in affairs that require a cool, objective approach.

For instance, making a billing enquiry concerning the telephone. We can approach this in a subjective, non-professional manner, or we can simply be professional - cool, detached, objective, matter of fact, non-emotional. We understand that the person on the other end of the phone is simply carrying out their professional duty and that we are simply another one of the thousand customers that the telephone operator deals with daily. So, too enable a smooth transaction and dialogue, we become professional.

As always, we must start with ourselves. We must learn to treat ourselves professionally. We need to train ourselves in this art - so that we rise above our subjective prejudice; our personal likes and dislikes. Being professional means that we achieve that which requires achieving, we get things done without our subjective nature interfering. For example, we do those things that we do not particularly want to do - but all the same need doing.

Professional Qualities.

  • Cool and detached approach to tasks.
  • Objective, non-emotional, non-opinionated.
  • Ability to engage will-power.



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