Seeds of Light Information Service

In General

To Be A Whole Person.

Integrating male and female aspects.

Each one of us humans is a being of incredible beauty, divinity, and Humour. Each human being is a microcosm of the entirety of existence. I use the term existence to include the relative duality and diversity of existence (The One Mind) and also the Absolute qualities of existence (Absolute Being and Absolute non-Being).


Each One Of Us Is A Living Truth, A Living Expression Of The Ebb And Flow Of Playful, Creative, Divine Energies.

A whole person is an integrated person. They are at ease with their male and female aspects. They are at ease in their expression of their individual mind, body, and emotions. They are neither bound nor gagged by societal conditioning, yet understand the law of "Appropriation", which is a word I am using to mean "Judge to situation and act appropriately."


A whole person understands the behavioural law of;

"When in Rome and when at home."


A Whole Person Understands The Extended Self.

They have come to understand that the conscious experiencer within themselves is, in fact, the very self same experiencer of All. They have sought out the source of their own individual being and found it to be non-other than the Absolute Being - the Self in All. With this realisation - Self Realisation - the person understands that Life is a Unified Phenomena, all pain of separation ends, and a great peace and grace may descend with this realisation.

A whole person, a Self Realised person, sees and feels the Self everywhere, they realise that nothing exists outside of existence, so existence is the Self, and The One Mind (diversity, variety) and its total contents (Chittam) - that being all possible combinations and permutations of events and objects - is the expression of diversity.

Understanding that all phenomena of diversity exist in The One Mind, and that all these phenomena are thoughts forms in The One Mind and that the consciousness that experiences the phenomena of The One Mind is the Absolute, unalloyed One Beingness, then the whole person is free from the fears of the perceived phenomena of life and death, knowing them to be but thought forms in The One Mind.

A whole person is an integrated phenomenon. A whole person is a light unto themselves. A whole person is a Buddha, a Christ, a Krishna - an Awakener.


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