Chapter 6.13

The Paradigm Shifts of Human Evolution.

The Problem is that they are just not Enlightened!

If the heart is not open, if we are stuck at the level of the spoilt child, the second level of evolution, if to this is added a psychopathic brain the size of a planet, then we end up with a Hitler, a Mao or a Stalin, or some little Petty Tyrant.

Adolf Hitler.

People have karmic propensities from pain absorbed in past lifetimes to remain at a low evolutionary level.

Society does not understand these levels of evolution mentioned above. Not enough effort is put into the education of the evolution of the members of society.

Societies evolutionary centre of gravity tends to pull people back to its central level. People have to really try hard to get beyond this median level.

With the greater depth of evolution necessary in the informational age, there is more to assimilate for all members.

This is the reason that institutions like our own – The Synthesis of Light (SOL), have been founded by the Planetary Brotherhood. At the moment, we are the cutting edge of planetary evolution. Over the next few centuries, these institutions will become the major force for education on the planet, eventually becoming institutionalised by the State.



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