Chapter 7.4

The Base Chakra.

What will you do After you have Conquered the World?

Alexander the Great.

I have also heard that Alexander the Great, just before he took off to conquer the entire known world, heard about and went to meet the wise sage Diogenes. Diogenes was famous throughout Greece. I know our schools teach that he lived in a tub, but that is not the whole. Diogenes was a well built and shining being, an integrated master whose beauty and wisdom was renowned through the world at that time. He wore no clothes and lived on what people gave him. And because of his gifts he lived exceedingly well because everyone wanted to be with him and to consult him.

At the time Alexander met him, Diogenes was lying in the sun, on the beach, by the side of a beautiful river. Alexander rode up with his bodyguard, because the life of a King is fraught with danger, and pulled up short saying he wanted to go alone and talk. The captain of his guards advised caution because that was his job, but Alexander pointed out Diogenes’s nakedness and his own body armour and big sword. So the captain said OK, but he would keep his eyes peeled.

Alexander walked over to Diogenes and introduced himself. "I am Alexander the Great. I intend to conquer the entire known world with my cohorts and legions. What do you say?" Diogenes sighed and turned towards him, naked in the sun, and said, "Oh, and what will you do then?" Alexander looked discomfited because he had never thought about that and said, "Well, I suppose I will retire and rest like you are now." Diogenes said, "Why wait? This beach is enormous and the sun is shining. There is room for two I’m sure.

But one thing. Do you think you could move out of my light? I am in your shadow. And one thing. Remember it. If you leave now, you will never return."

It is said that Alexander found it hard to resist but eventually went on to conquer the entire known world. In India, at the age of 35, Alexander came down with fever. He knew he was going to die the next day. He made one request to his friends, that in the funeral procession they left his hands outside the coffin palms face up and nailed the coffin shut. They asked why? Alexander said that he wanted people to know that although he had looted the whole world and conquered it, still he was going out of it as he came in, with Nothing. And it is said that at that time he remembered the words of Diogenes, because the words on an integrated master reverberate long in ones being, and pondered on them.

The base chakra holds all the programming that says you should spend you life searching for security because of all the fears above. Because all of your life you have acquiesced to the wishes of powerful beings, your parents and your teachers, because they held the power. They could withhold your food, they could send you away and to your room, they could beat you and hurt you! An unintegrated being is powerless and afraid. And what is the method of behaviourism or brainwashing?

Simply that one uses the carrot and the stick! Pleasure and pain, Heaven and hell. Always in the future or the past and never right now!

See how institutionalised religion reinforces its law through promises of pain or reward in heaven or hell.

See the way in which the multibillion-dollar industry of advertising is built upon scientific research into behaviourism and see how successful it is. See how powerfully Goebels of the Third Reich used it and how those lessons are used so powerfully now.

And what are the teachings of Pavlov and the behaviourists like Skinner and Watson? Simply how easy it is to program beings like you were as a child. This mass of unseen fear resides in the base chakra and is directing your work and your life right now. And are you happy because of it? Just see the fear and pain in the lives around you. See the unhappy way of life of those scurrying through the "Rat race." See the hospitals filled with those dying of cancer or some other bodily malfunction before their time or "calmed" with medication and know that although bodies can get ill, a vast amount of illness is caused by mental and emotional pain, eventually affecting the body.

These fears are often caused by blockages in the Base Chakra.

It is only your own awareness which can free you, and allow you to stop this negativity. This freedom can be learnt in our Course of Energy Enhancement Levels One, Two and Three.





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