Section 3: Cataloging the Material

Part 3: A clinical profile

57. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and sometimes without



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57. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and sometimes without

Although some psychopaths do not drink at all and others drink rarely,

considerable overindulgence in alcohol is very often prominent in the life story.

Delirium tremens and other temporary psychoses directly due to alcohol were not

commonly found in the hundreds of patients observed by me.

The view of some professional moralists to the effect that demon rum is the

fundamental cause of disaster such as that of the psychopath appears to have little claim

to validity. It has been pointed out already that an irreconcilable difference in primary

aim appears to exist between the ordinary person who drinks too much and the

psychopath. This may be restated briefly as follows: The ordinary drinker gets into

trouble by drifting with enthusiasm into the opinion that if two or six or eight drinks

have made him feel so good, another (or two more or perhaps five more) will make him

feel just so much better. Such rationalizations may assist the normal drinker, especially

if he has serious fundamental conflicts, in a progress toward becoming a neurotic

drinker or toward an alcoholic breakdown.

I cannot say that it is impossible in certain persons for a state of mental disorder

identical with that described here as psychopathic personality to be reached eventually in

this way. Often, however, these neurotic drinkers, in sharp contrast with the

psychopath, worry about their state when sober, are capable of making an earnest effort

to get well under psychiatric treatment, and lack most of the deeper personality features

of the psychopath. Even in the neurotic drinker it is more often an independent and

preexisting personality maladjustment rather than the alcohol which is primarily causal.

Many psychiatric observers make this vividly clear and no less convincing.


An interesting interpretation of alcoholism from a psychoanalytic viewpoint has

been offered by Knight.169,170

A major point about the psychopath and his relation to alcohol can be found in

the shocking, fantastic, uninviting, or relatively inexplicable behavior which emerges

when he drinks - sometimes when he drinks only a little. It is very likely that the effects

of alcohol facilitate such acts and other manifestations of the disorder. This does not

mean, however, that alcohol is fundamentally causal. Good criteria for differentiation

between psychopaths and others who drink, moderately or excessively, can be found in

what tendencies emerge after similar amounts have been consumed.

A peculiar sort of vulgarity, domineering rudeness, petty bickering or buffoonish

quasi-maulings of wife, mistress, or children, and quick shifts between maudlin and

vainglorious moods, although sometimes found in ordinary alcoholics with other serious

patterns of disorder, are pathognomonic of the psychopath and in him alone reach full

and precocious flower. Even in the first stages of a spree, perhaps after taking only two

or three highballs, he may show signs of petty truculence or sullenness but seldom of

real gaiety or conviviality. Evidence of any pleasurable reaction is characteristically

minimal, as are indications that he is seeking relief from anxiety, despair, worry,

responsibility, or tension.

Alcohol, as a sort of catalyst, sometimes contributes a good deal to the long and

varied series of outlandish pranks and inanely coarse scenes with which nearly every

drinking psychopath's story is starred. Free from alcohol, such a patient would scarcely

sit under a house all night idly striking matches, or, concealing himself behind book

stacks, urinate from the window of a public library on passersby in the street below.

Nor would he, like the psychopathic son of a prominent family, suddenly, as a prank,

decide to climb into a tree at a busy street corner, where he deliberately undressed,

shouting wildly and puerilely to draw public attention. This man could not be

persuaded to withdraw until the local fire department was called to remove him. The

alcohol probably does not of itself create such behavior. Alcohol is not likely to bring

out any impulse that is not already potential in a personality, nor is it likely to cast

behavior into patterns for which there is not already significant subsurface predilection.

The alcohol merely facilitates expression by narcotizing inhibitory processes.136 In cases

of this sort very little narcotizing may be needed. The oil which lubricates the engine of

an automobile neither furnishes the energy for its progress nor directs it.

Psychopaths often indulge in these strange performances after drinking relatively

little. They know perfectly well what they have done before when drinking and, with

these facts squarely before their altogether clear and rational


awareness, decide to drink again. It is difficult indeed for me to see any substantial

grounds for placing the responsibility for the drinking psychopath's deeds primarily on

alcohol instead of on the disorder which, in ways no less serious even if less spectacular,

he shows also when entirely sober.

Although his most theatrical exploits in public are usually carried on when

drinking, the psychopath, even after he has been free from all alcohol for months, as for

instance, when he is in a psychiatric hospital, retains all the essential personality features

which have been mentioned. These show little or no tendency to diminish when he

cannot drink. These words translated from Aeschylus, "Bronze is the mirror of the

form; wine of the heart," express something pertinent about alcohol and man, whether

the man be ill or well.

All the curious conduct reported in patients who drank and who were presented

here occurred in the absence of delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis, or any other of

the well-known psychoses due directly to intoxication. Of course, such psychotic

conditions may occur in psychopaths and in neurotic drinkers. It is important to keep

such symptoms separate, since they are clearly due to another type of mental disorder.

Most of this asocial, unacceptable, and self-defeating behavior associated with the

psychopath's drinking seems to occur without the benefit of extreme inebriation. If

actual confusion from alcohol prevailed or states of genuine amnesia were induced

before the grotesque shenanigans began, intoxication could more plausibly be suspected

of playing a larger causal role. The psychopath often reacts in this typical way while in

perfect orientation, with unclouded awareness and in anything but the deeply drugged

state thought by some to be a prerequisite.

For whatever reason the psychopath may drink, it is true that, in contrast with

others who use alcohol to excess, he hits upon conduct and creates situations so bizarre,

so untimely, and so preposterous that their motivation appears inscrutable. Many of his

exploits seem directly calculated to place him in a disgraceful or ignominious position.

He often chooses pranks and seeks out situations that would have no appeal for the

ordinary person, whether the ordinary person be drunk or sober. The observer

sometimes wonders if a truly astonishing ingenuity, or an actively perverse inventiveness

is directing him, so consistently does he bring off scenes not only uncongenial but even

unimaginable to the average man.

Furthermore, these exploits seem to such little purpose, almost as hard to

understand on the assumption that they are for amusement or play as on the grounds of

utility. One patient with numerous other outstanding incidents in his career, while

sitting at a formal dinner party given by friends in


honor of his birthday, turned coolly and spat with deliberation on the cake as it was

brought to his side for him to cut.

One patient who developed typical symptoms early in life showed, long before he

had ever touched anything alcoholic, prankish tendencies worth noting here. When

taken into a store by his parents to be fitted with new clothes, he often allowed

intestinal gas to pass quietly but with vivid olfactory manifestations. Considerable

embarrassment and vexation were experienced by the clerks and by his parents, but he

was never ruffled and apparently took mild or moderate pleasure in the situation. He

occasionally resorted to these tactics while riding with his parents and dignified

company in a car when the windows were tightly closed because of cold weather. A few

times he discomfited his family considerably by the same means in church. At first the

parents accepted his apologies after reprimands and they were inclined to believe his

innocent-faced explanation that an involuntary lapse of control had occurred. The

timing of events and the predilection for close places and special surroundings, as well

as the emergence of other behavior, convinced them in time that these acts were


Another young psychopath who had never encountered liquor of any sort did

many things that would not attract the ordinary mischievous teenager. Finding time a

little heavy on his hands (and his parents out of the house for a few hours), he took

tools from the cellar and, working with no little skill and dispatch, got the connections

of the bathroom toilet apart, put into the outlet pipe a small electric motor, and then

carefully reconnected the fixture. The subsequent flooding, mess, trouble, and expense

did not seem to give him hilarious mirth or vindictive satisfaction. Certainly he showed

no evidence of such feeling in a degree to warrant his risking the punishment he


The pranks or buffoonery of the sober adult psychopath naturally differ

somewhat from those typical of adolescence or earlier. With a few drinks the similarity

of the adult's behavior often increases.


Next: Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 58. Suicide rarely carried out


Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Psychopath           The Mask Of Sanity



Section 3, Part 3


  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 44. Synopsis and orientation
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 44. Synopsis and orientation, In an earlier chapter it was noted that an attempt would be made to follow the general methods of science. Let us stop for a moment to orient ourselves. In Section two some examples of the material were offered and certain observations recorded. In the preceding parts of this section an effort was made to consider traditional concepts of the problem and to differentiate broadly the subject of this study from certain other personality reactions. These may be regarded as preliminary steps in the process of sifting and arranging our observations into some sort of order for the purpose of giving them, as much as possible, distinct and comprehensible form at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 45. Superficial charm and good "intelligence"
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 45. Superficial charm and good 'intelligence', More often than not, the typical psychopath will seem particularly agreeable and make a distinctly positive impression when he is first encountered. Alert and friendly in his attitude, he is easy to talk with and seems to have a good many genuine interests at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 46. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 46. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking, The so-called psychopath is ordinarily free from signs or symptoms traditionally regarded as evidence of a psychosis. He does not hear voices. Genuine delusions cannot be demonstrated. There is no valid depression, consistent pathologic elevation of mood, or irresistible pressure of activity. Outer perceptual reality is accurately recognized; social values and generally accredited personal standards are accepted verbally. Excellent logical reasoning is maintained and, in theory, the patient can foresee the consequences of injudicious or antisocial acts, outline acceptable or admirable plans of life, and ably criticize in words his former mistakes at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 47. Absence of "nervousness" or psychoneurotic manifestations
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, ASection 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 47. Absence of 'nervousness' or psychoneurotic manifestations, There are usually no symptoms to suggest a psychoneurosis in the clinical sense. In fact, the psychopath is nearly always free from minor reactions popularly regarded as 'neurotic' or as constituting 'nervousness.' The chief criteria whereby such diagnoses as hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety state, or 'neurasthenia' might be made do not apply to him. It is highly typical for him not only to escape the abnormal anxiety and tension fundamentally characteristic of this whole diagnostic group but also to show a relative immunity from such anxiety and worry as might be judged normal or appropriate in disturbing situations at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 48. Unreliability
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 48. Unreliability, Though the psychopath is likely to give an early impression of being a thoroughly reliable person, it will soon be found that on many occasions he shows no sense of responsibility whatsoever. No matter how binding the obligation, how urgent the circumstances, or how important the matter, this holds true. Furthermore, the question of whether or not he is to be confronted with his failure or his disloyalty and called to account for it appears to have little effect on his attitude at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 49. Untruthfulness and insincerity
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 49. Untruthfulness and insincerity, The psychopath shows a remarkable disregard for truth and is to be trusted no more in his accounts of the past than in his promises for the future or his statement of present intentions. He gives the impression that he is incapable of ever attaining realistic comprehension of an attitude in other people which causes them to value truth and cherish truthfulness in themselves at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 50. Lack of remorse or shame
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 50. Lack of remorse or shame, The psychopath apparently cannot accept substantial blame for the various misfortunes which befall him and which he brings down upon others, usually he denies emphatically all responsibility and directly accuses others as responsible, but often he will go through an idle ritual of saying that much of his trouble is his own fault. When the latter course is adopted, subsequent events indicate that it is empty of sincerity-a hollow and casual form as little felt as the literal implications of 'your humble and obedient servant' are actually felt by a person who closes a letter with such a phrase at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 51. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 51. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior, Not only is the psychopath undependable, but also in more active ways he cheats, deserts, annoys, brawls, fails, and lies without any apparent compunction. He will commit theft, forgery, adultery, fraud, and other deeds for astonishingly small stakes and under much greater risks of being discovered than will the ordinary scoundrel. He will, in fact, commit such deeds in the absence of any apparent goal at all. Yet we do not find the regularity and specificity in his behavior that is apparent in what is often called compulsive stealing or other socially destructive actions carried out under extraordinary pressures which the subject, in varying degrees, struggles against. Such activities, and all disorder distinguished by some as impulse neurosis,14 as we have mentioned, probably have important features in common with the psychopath's disorder at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 52. Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 52. Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience, Despite his excellent rational powers, the psychopath continues to show the most execrable judgment about attaining what one might presume to be his ends. He throws away excellent opportunities to make money, to achieve a rapprochement with his wife, to be dismissed from the hospital, or to gain other ends that he has sometimes spent considerable effort toward gaining at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 53. Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 53. Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love, The psychopath is always distinguished by egocentricity. This is usually of a degree not seen in ordinary people and often is little short of astonishing. How obviously this quality will be expressed in vanity or self-esteem will vary with the shrewdness of the subject and with his other complexities. Deeper probing will always reveal a selfcenteredness that is apparently unmodifiable and all but complete at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 54. General poverty in major affective reactions
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 54. General poverty in major affective reactions, In addition to his incapacity for object love, the psychopath always shows general poverty of affect. Although it is true that be sometimes becomes excited and shouts as if in rage or seems to exult in enthusiasm and again weeps in what appear to be bitter tears or speaks eloquent and mournful words about his misfortunes or his follies, the conviction dawns on those who observe him carefully that here we deal with a readiness of expression rather than a strength of feeling at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 55. Specific loss of insight
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 55. Specific loss of insight, In a special sense the psychopath lacks insight to a degree seldom, if ever, found in any but the most seriously disturbed psychotic patients. In a superficial sense, in that he can say he is in a psychiatric hospital because of his unacceptable and strange conduct, and by all other such criteria, his insight is intact. His insight is of course not affected at all with the type of impairment seen in the schizophrenic patient, who may not recognize the fact that others regard him as mentally ill but may insist that he is the Grand Lama and now in Tibet at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 56. Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 56. Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations, The psychopath cannot be depended upon to show the ordinary responsiveness to special consideration or kindness or trust. No matter how well he is treated, no matter how long-suffering his family, his friends, the police, hospital attendants, and others may be, he shows no consistent reaction of appreciation except superficial and transparent protestations. Such gestures are exhibited most frequently when he feels they will facilitate some personal aim. The ordinary axiom of human existence that one good turn deserves another, a principle sometimes honored by cannibals and uncommonly callous assassins, has only superficial validity for him although he can cite it with eloquent casuistry when trying to obtain parole, discharge from the hospital, or some other end at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 57. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and sometimes without
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 57. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and sometimes without, Although some psychopaths do not drink at all and others drink rarely, considerable overindulgence in alcohol is very often prominent in the life story. Delirium tremens and other temporary psychoses directly due to alcohol were not commonly found in the hundreds of patients observed by me at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 58. Suicide rarely carried out
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 58. Suicide rarely carried out, Despite the deep behavioral pattern of throwing away or destroying the opportunities of life that underlies the psychopath's superficial self-content, ease, charm, and often brilliance, we do not find him prone to take a final determining step of this sort in literal suicide. Suicidal tendencies have been stressed by some observers as prevalent. This opinion, in all likelihood, must have come from the observation of patients fundamentally different from our group, but who, as we have mentioned, were traditionally classified under the same term. It was only after a good many years of experience with actual psychopaths that I encountered my first authentic instance of suicide in a patient who could be called typical at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 59. Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 59. Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated, The psychopath's sex life invariably shows peculiarities. The opinion has already been expressed that homosexuality and the other specific deviations, though of course occurring in psychopaths, are not sufficiently common to be regarded as characteristic at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 60. Failure to follow any life plan
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 3: Cataloging the material, Part 3: A clinical profile, 60. Failure to follow any life plan, The psychopath shows a striking inability to follow any sort of life plan consistently, whether it be one regarded as good or evil. He does not maintain an effort toward any far goal at all.47,53 This is entirely applicable to the full psychopath. On the contrary, he seems to go out of his way to make a failure of life. By some incomprehensible and untempting piece of folly or buffoonery, he eventually cuts short any activity in which he is succeeding, no matter whether it is crime or honest endeavor at





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