Baul Mystics



I'm Just Being To You

Fifth Question



Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Baul Mystics           The Beloved



The fifth question:

Question 5


THERE are always problems in the world, and the world has always been there, and the world will remain there. If you start working out: changing circumstances, changing people, thinking of a utopian world, changing the government, the structure, the economy, the politics, the education, you will be lost. That is the trap known as politics. That's how many people waste their own lives. Be very clear about it: the only person you can help right now is you yourself. Right now you cannot help anybody. This may be just a distraction, just a trick of the mind. See your own problems, see your own anxieties, see your own mind, and first try to change it.

It happens to many people: the moment they become interested in some sort of religion, meditation, prayer, immediately the mind tells them, "What are you doing sitting here silently? The world needs you; there are so many poor people. There is much conflict, violence, aggression. What are you doing praying in the temple? Go and help people." How can you help those people? You are just like them. You may create even more problems for them, but you cannot help. That's how all the revolutions have always failed. No revolution has yet succeeded because the revolutionaries are in the same boat.

The religious person is one who understands that "I am very tiny, I am very limited. If with this limited energy, even if I can change myself, that will be a miracle". And if you can change yourself, if you are a totally different being with new life shining in your eyes and a new song in your heart, then maybe you can be helpful to others also, because then you will have something to share.

Just the other day Shiva sent me a very beautiful incident in the life of Basho. Basho is the greatest haiku poet of Japan, the Master haiku poet. But he was not just a poet. Before becoming a poet he was a mystic; before he starting pouring out with beautiful poetry, he poured deep into his own center. He was a meditator.

It is said that Basho was entering upon a journey when he was a young man. The journey was an endeavor to find himself. Not long after he had begun he heard a small child crying alone in the forest -- maybe he was sitting under a tree, meditating, or trying to meditate; he heard a small child crying alone in the forest. He meditated for a long time on what to do. He then picked up his pack and continued on his way, leaving the child to its own fate.

In his journal he recorded: "First one has to do what one needs for oneself before one can do anything for another."

Looks hard...a child alone in the forest, crying, and this man meditates on whether to do anything or not, whether he can help the child, whether it will be right to help him or not. A child, a helpless child crying in the wilderness, alone, lost -- and Basho meditates over it and finally decides that how can he help somebody else when he has not even helped himself yet. He himself is lost in a wilderness, he himself is lonely, he himself is childish. How can he help anybody?

The incident looks very hard, but is very meaningful. I'm not saying don't help a child in the forest if you find him crying and weeping. But try to understand: your own light is not burning and you start helping others. Your own inner being is in total darkness and you start helping others. You yourself are suffering and you become a servant of the people. You have not passed through the inner rebellion and you become a revolutionary. This is simply absurd, but this idea arises in everybody's mind. It seems so simple to help others. In fact, people who really need to change themselves always become interested in changing others. That becomes an occupation, and they can forget themselves.

This is what I have watched. I have seen so many social workers, SARVODAYIS, and I have never seen a single person who has any inner light to help anybody. But they are trying hard to help everybody. They are madly after transforming the society and the people and people's minds, and they have completely forgotten that they have not done the same to themselves. But they become occupied.

Once an old revolutionary and social worker was staying with me. I asked him, "You are completely absorbed in your work. Have you ever thought if what you really want happens, if by a miracle, overnight, all that you want happens, what you will do the next morning? Have you ever thought about it?"

He laughed -- a very empty laughter -- but then he became a little sad. He said, "If it is possible, I will be at a loss as to what to do then. If the world is exactly as I want it, then I will be at a loss for what to do. I may even commit suicide."

These people are occupied; this is their obsession. And they have chosen such an obsession which can never be fulfilled. So you can go on changing others, life after life. Who are you?

This is also a sort of ego: that others are hard upon each other, that they are stepping on each other. Just the idea that others are hard gives you a feeling that you are very soft. No, you are not. This may be your way of ambition: to help people, to help them to become soft, to help them to become more kind, compassionate.

Kahlil Gibran has written a small story:

There was a dog, a great revolutionary one might say, who was always teaching other dogs of the town that "Just because of your nonsense barking we are not growing. You waste your energy by barking unnecessarily." A postman passes, and suddenly...a policeman passes, a sannyasin passes.... Dogs are against uniforms, any sort of uniform, and they are revolutionaries. They immediately start barking.

The leader used to tell them, "Stop this! Don't waste energy, because:this same energy can be put into something useful, creative. Dogs can rule the whole world, but you are wasting your energy for no purpose at all. This habit has to be dropped. This is the only sin, the original sin."

The dogs were always feeling that he was perfectly right; logically, he was right: why do you go on barking? And much energy is wasted; one feels tired. Again the next morning one starts barking, and again by the night one is tired. What is the point of it all? They could see the leader's meaning, but they also knew that they were just dogs, poor dogs. The ideal was very great and the leader was really a revealer -- because whatsoever he was preaching he was doing. He never used to bark. You could see his character: that whatsoever he preached he practiced also.

But by and by, they got tired of his constant preaching. One day they decided -- it was the birthday of the leader -- and they decided, as a gift, that at least on that night they would resist the temptation to bark. At least for one night they would respect the leader and give him a gift. He could not be more happy than this. All the dogs stopped that night. It was very difficult, arduous. It was just like when you are meditating, how difficult it is to stop thinking. It was the same problem. They stopped barking, and they had always barked. And they were not great saints, but ordinary dogs. But they tried hard. It was very, very arduous. They were hiding in their places with closed eyes, with clenched teeth, so they would not see anything, they would not listen to anything. It was a great discipline. The leader walked around the town. He was very puzzled: "To whom to preach? Whom to teach now? What has happened?" -- complete silence. Then suddenly when midnight had passed, he became so annoyed, because he had never really thought that the dogs would listen to him. He had known well that they would never listen, that it was just natural for dogs to bark. His demand was unnatural, but the dogs had stopped. His whole leadership was at stake. What was he going to do from tomorrow? because all he knew was just to teach. His whole ministry was at stake. And then for the first time he realized that because he was constant}y teaching from the morning till the night that's why he had never felt the need to bark. The energy was so involved, and that was a sort of barking.

But that night, nowhere, nobody was found guilty. And the preacher-dog started feeling a tremendous urge to bark. A dog is, after all, a dog. Then he went into a dark lane and started barking. When the other dogs heard that somebody had broken the agreement, then they said, "Why should we suffer?" The whole town started barking. Back came the leader and said, "You fools! When are you going to stop barking? Because of your barking we have remained just dogs. Otherwise, we would have dominated the whole world."

Remember well that a social servant, a revolutionary, is asking for the impossible -- but it keeps him occupied. And when you are occupied with others' problems, you tend to forget your own problems. First, settle those problems, because that is your first, basic responsibility.

A famous psychologist had bought a farm just for fun. Every time he threw grain into his plowed furrows an army of black crows would swoop down and gobble up his grain. Finally, swallowing his pride, the psychologist appealed to his old neighbor, Mulla Nasrudin.

The Mulla stepped into the field and went through all the motions of planting without using any seed. The crows swooped down, protested briefly and flew away. The Mulla repeated the process the next day and then the next, each time sending the birds off befuddled and hungry. Finally, on the fourth day, he planted the field with grain; not a crow bothered to come.

When the psychologist tried to thank Mulla, the Mulla grunted. "Just plain ordinary psychology," said he. "Ever heard of it?"

Remember, this is very plain, ordinary psychology: not to poke your nose into others' affairs. If they are doing something wrong, that is for them to realize. Nobody else can make them realize. Unless they decide to realize it there is no way, and you will be wasting your valuable time and energy. Your first responsibility is to transform your own being. And when your being is transformed things start happening of their own accord. You become a light and people start finding their paths through your light. Not that you go, not that you force them to see. Your light, burning bright, is enough invitation; people start coming. Whosoever is in need of light will come to you. There is no need to go after anybody because that very going is foolish. Nobody has changed anybody against his will. That is not the way things happen. This is plain, ordinary psychology; ever heard of it?... just keep to yourself.


Next: Chapter 8, I'm Just Being To You, Sixth Question


Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Baul Mystics           The Beloved



Chapter 8


  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 1
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 1, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN SOMEBODY HATES YOU? at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 2
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 2, YOU ARE RECOMMENDING MEDITATION OR DEVOTION. I FIND THEM BOTH HELPFUL; BOTH LEAD TO THE SAME GOAL: BLISS, ANANDA. SOMETIMES I FEEL I AM THAT, OR RATHER THIS, THE ESSENTIAL MAN, AND SOMETIMES I FEEL ECSTATIC IN BEING A DEVOTEE at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 3
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 3, AT DARSHAN, FROM THE WAY YOU TALKED TO ME IT SEEMS CLEAR MY MEDITATION IS TO LIVE TOTALLY IN THE HERE AND NOW. YOU MADE IT CLEAR I WAS NOT TO LIVE IN HOPE. T.S. ELIOT SAID, 'I SAID TO MY SOUL, BE STILL, AND WAIT WITHOUT HOPE, FOR HOPE WOULD BE HOPE FOR THE WRONG THING. WAIT WITHOUT LOVE, FOR LOVE WOULD BE LOVE OF THE WRONG THING. THERE IS YET FAITH, BUT FAITH AND THE LOVE AND THE HOPE ARE ALL IN THE WAITING.' ANYTHING MORE TO SAY OSHO? at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 4
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 4, DESPITE ALL YOU HAVE SAID, L AM STILL UNWILLING TO MAKE A CHOICE BETWEEN THE PATH OF MEDITATION AND THE PATH IS LOVE. MY HEART LOVES THE WORLD TOO MUCH TO SAY'ENOUGH', AND MY MIND IS TOO CYNICAL TO SURRENDER. GURDJIEFF SPEAKS OF A FOURTH WAY WHICH INVOLVES SIMULTANEOUS WORK ON BODY, HEART AND MIND. IS THERE NO POSSIBILITY OF FOLLOWING THIS PATH? at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 5
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 5, BEING OUTSIDE THE ASHRAM IS SOMETIMES HARD FOR ME, FOR I SEE HOW HARD PEOPLE ARE AND STEP ON EACH OTHER. THIS HURTS ME MUCH, SOMETIMES EVEN BODILY, AND IF EEL VULNERABLE LIKE A SMALL CHILD. PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO DEAL WITH IT at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 6
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 6, L AM DESPERATE. IF FEEL MORE AND MORE ENERGY AND A DEEP LET-GO WANTING TO HAPPEN. IN THE LAST WHILE I OFTEN HAVE A FEELING OF LETTING MYSELF FALL INTO SOMETHING, LIKE INTO THE SEA, OR INTO THE INCREDIBLE BEAUTIFUL VAST CLOUDS OF THE SKY. BUT THE STRONGER THIS BECOMES, THE STRONGER ANOTHER PART, MY EGO, IS TRYING TO KEEP ME DOWN, TO PUT ME TO SLEEP AGAIN, TO TELL ME THAT EVERYTHING IS JUST BULLSHIT AND FANTASY at

  • Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 7
    The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. Dance is his religion; singing is his worship. God is his only abode, and the whole sky is his shelter. Baul Mystics, Vol. 2 The Beloved Chapter 8: I'm Just Being To You, Question 7, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY MORE ABOUT LOVE OR MEDITATION; THEY ARE ONE TO ME. I SEEK TRUTH AND YOU ARE THE MEANS. MY DEVOTION AND MY PRAYERS ARE AN EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE. LOVE IS NOT THE ASKING, AND LOVE IS NOT THE OTHER at





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