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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations
Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilized and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Polaris, the Pole Star (found in the Little Bear) and it is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star. Esoterically speaking, the Pole Star is regarded as the "star of reorientation" whereby the art of "refacing and recovering that which is lost" is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source. It might, therefore, be correctly inferred that this Pointer and the energy emanating from it guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross. Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy. It is here that the divine [197] necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky and when it has been achieved then there is a direct inflow of divine energy and man is linked up in a new and creative manner to sources of divine supply. Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates) to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man - Spirit, soul and body. More than this it is not permitted to me to convey to you. I may, however, give you another hint. These three stars are embodiments of the three aspects of divine will. It is the three aspects of all expressions of divinity in manifestation which underlie the Science of Triangles. This I will later elaborate.

Another triangle of energy also appears: Aries, Leo and Polaris, and they are doubly connected through the medium of the Pointers.

Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the "brilliant star of sensitivity." You have therefore:

  • Polaris - The Star of Direction - governing Shamballa. Later, another Pole Star will take the place of Polaris, owing to the interplay of forces in the universe and the general shift and movement. But the name and quality of this star will only be revealed at initiation. [198]
  • Sirius - The Star of Sensitivity - governing the Hierarchy.
  • Alcyone - The Star of the Individual - governing humanity.

You can see from the above how the entire plan of this Treatise is gradually unfolding. It was necessary for me to indicate to you the nature and the purpose of the three divine centers - Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity - before I could make this part of the teaching clear to you, or before I could point out the nature of the energies pouring from distant constellations and zodiacal signs into our planetary scheme.

Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. For the first time in the history of both mankind and disciples the energy of Sirius, pouring into the seven groups which form our planetary Hierarchy evokes a response. I would remind you of a basic fact in the evolutionary process which astrology will eventually prove scientifically and past all controversy. This is the fact that energies and forces are pouring upon our system and our planetary lives ceaselessly, potently and cyclically. Yet they are only regarded today as existing when definite response is evoked. They come from all kinds of sources, extraneous to our system and planetary schemes, but until man responds and registers them both scientists and astrologers fail to recognize them and they are as if they were not. This is a point to bear in mind as I continue to teach you, for I may indicate some sources of active energy which may as yet be unknown to you as playing upon our system and its contents. The difficulty will not be because of my inaccuracies but will be owing to the lack of sensitivity in the mechanism of response which mankind and disciples are at present utilizing. [199]

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Last updated Monday, July 6, 1998           Energy Enhancement Meditation. All rights reserved.
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initiation. [198]
  • Sirius - The Star of Sensitivity - governing the Hierarchy.
  • Alcyone - The Star of the Individual - governing humanity.
  • You can see from the above how the entire plan of this Treatise is gradually unfolding. It was necessary for me to indicate to you the nature and the purpose of the three divine centers - Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity - before I could make this part of the teaching clear to you, or before I could point out the nature of the energies pouring from distant constellations and zodiacal signs into our planetary scheme.

    Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. For the first time in the history of both mankind and disciples the energy of Sirius, pouring into the seven groups which form our planetary Hierarchy evokes a response. I would remind you of a basic fact in the evolutionary process which astrology will eventually prove scientifically and past all controversy. This is the fact that energies and forces are pouring upon our system and our planetary lives ceaselessly, potently and cyclically. Yet they are only regarded today as existing when definite response is evoked. They come from all kinds of sources, extraneous to our system and planetary schemes, but until man responds and registers them both scientists and astrologers fail to recognize them and they are as if they were not. This is a point to bear in mind as I continue to teach you, for I may indicate some sources of active energy which may as yet be unknown to you as playing upon our system and its contents. The difficulty will not be because of my inaccuracies but will be owing to the lack of sensitivity in the mechanism of response which mankind and disciples are at present utilizing. [199] To Energy Enhancement Meditation Homepage     Previous     Next      Index      Table of Contents Last updated Monday, July 6, 1998           Energy Enhancement Meditation. All rights reserved.  

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