Purifying the Seven Centers

"Do not blame the sinner, learn the virtue from the vice."

The mind actively generates our relationship with and experience of life. When we do not understand the mind, then it can subconsciously generate many problematic and unpleasant states that enslave us to a restricted experience of life. By understanding the mind, and the unpleasant mindstates that it can generate, we can gradually become free from this subconscious process and become a master of the heart and mind. This is the path that all souls must walk in order to attain spiritual realizations and freedom from the unconscious generation of unpleasant states of mind.

Our impurities - that give rise to confusion, self-dislike, and self disgust - show us that we have some purification work to do in those centers where the impurities arise.

Impurities need to be understand, purified, and behaviour forgiven - we live, learn, purify, and grow

Genuine human civilization is attained by the conquest of the inner forces of:

  1. Ignorance
  2. Egotism
  3. Narcissism
  4. Vice
  5. Delinquency
  6. Barbarianism

We have the knowledge and simple techniques to overcome this inner enemy to successful and happy living for one and all.

The aim is not to whitewash our emotions with platitudes - all emotion serve a logical and realistic purpose. The aim is to help us overcome persistently and unnecessarily negative attitudes, emotions, moods, and thoughts that create confusion, misery, pain, and disease.


In this image we see the representation of the heart and crown centers. The heart center represents God's pure love that can be displayed by the soul. The crown center represents realization of God.

By focusing on the heart center, spiritually awakening it, and sending it's qualities into the other six centers, then we can purify every area of our life. This is an ancient spiritual practice.

The following image represents this purification process:

Using this image as a representation of the purifying process, you can purify every area of your life and live according to God's will of LoveWisdomGoodness.

Here is an animation of the process:

Purifying the Seven Centers


The civilized person considers others.

Pratipaksha Bhavana

As stated in "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" (II: 33);


"When disturbed by negative thoughts, opposite [positive] ones should be thought of. This is pratipaksha bhavana."

This requires much practice in the first place but becomes easier and more consistent with time and commitment. Below you will find a table to help you replace negative (viceful/vicious) mindstates with their opposite, positive (virtuous) ones.

I feel that we must first "disarm" (not co-operate with) the selfish negative mindstates by applying the "neutral" opponent. 


Vices are undesirable qualities that make you and others unhappy. Vice is a diseased attitude that leads to ill-health for one and all. The persistent indulgence in one or more vices will lead our heart and mind to the gates of Evil.

Virtues are desirable qualities that make you and others happy. Virtue is LoveWisdomGoodness that leads to health and happiness for one and all.

Vice and virtue are two sides of the same coin. We find that the virtue is on the opposite side to the vice. By applying the effort to turn over the coin, we are rewarded by finding the virtue that was hidden in the vice and the lessons that we learned through the vice.

AFFIRMATION: "When I experience and observe the ignorance, egotism, and vice in this world, I vow to myself to learn how to refrain from such experience and how to embody the opposite qualities."

Three steps in dealing with vice:

  1. Identify the vice.
  2. Neutralize the vice: Refrain from doing it by affirming the opposite.
  3. Practice and apply the opposing virtue.
Change takes practice and time - be patient and steady

We will all experience moments of vice and deluded thinking, this is natural. The aim of this work is not to repress the natural emotions and experiences of life, but to help us overcome persistently negative states of mind that can lead to long term personality problems and unhappiness for all. We need to feel our emotions and acknowledge our attitudes and problems before we can set about improving and managing them.

The "force of Evil" in the world, in humanity, is created by the unguarded and habitual indulgence in one or more of these central vices (negative attitudes).

Vice/Deluded thinking

Affirm the opposite


Abuse of Power and Position

I do not abuse my power or position

  • Using power and position lovingly and wisely for the health and welfare of all beings
  • Attitude Awareness

Adolescent delinquency and sabotage of adult life.

I refrain from delinquency and self-sabotage


I refrain from unnecessary anger but I can show anger when I feel it is necessary



Exaggerated pride or self-confidence often resulting in a negative consequence.

I refrain from arrogance


I realize the ultimate folly of attachment

Attention Seeking Social Strategies

I refrain from attention seeking behaviour

Blaming others for our misfortune

I do not blame others


I do not bully others

  • Alerting authorities about any cases of bullying
Carelessness I am careful
  • Take care of yourself and loved ones
  • Take care with all life
  • Do not be wasteful


I am clear and I accept that I get confused sometimes

  • Learning
  • Clarity
  • Organization
  • Order
  • Decision



I refrain from corruption

I only do that which is moderate, healthy, good, and natural



I refrain from cruelty and harm

I do not harm myself or others



I am learning about human behaviour


  • Lying
  • Cheating
  • Stealing

I am honest


A belief that is held to be "truth" or the authority.

I am not dogmatic

  • Humility
  • Security in your own beliefs
  • Flexibility in view
  • Appreciating other's paradigms
  • No need to prove anything
  • Enjoying the variety in life
  • Releasing the need to "be right."
  • Allowing others to have their own views, opinions, and beliefs


An excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance. In extreme forms, egotism (as egotism) may include narcissism, personality disorders, and antisocial behavior.

I am not egotistical



I am not envious

  • I am pleased for others and their good fortune
  • Happiness for others good fortune
  • Emotional awareness

(From God centered living)

I refrain from denying the possible existence of God and of my identity as being a soul that is not limited to the lifespan of this current physical body.
  • The whole universe is God's show
  • I am a soul, created by God
  • It is the duty of the soul to serve God in all things
  • As a soul, my existence continues after this current lifetime
  • Although the world may seem chaotic and unfair, God's will and order is firmly in control, teaching all souls the lessons they require.

False (egocentric) Pride

I am not proud of my ignorance or egotism

Glamour I refrain from being blinded by the superficial outward appearance of people and things in the world
  • Relating to others and the world beyond the external coverings
  • Love
  • Empathy and compassion




I refrain from greed

  • Temperance
  • Balance
  • Charity
  • Non-hoarding
  • Wise and appropriate giving
  • Balancing your needs with the needs of the world
  • Balancing yourself with others
  • Emotional awareness


I am not hasty


I do not harbor hatred

I may experience natural aversion to people, places, and things but this is of the moment and not a persistent problem



I do not idolize others

  • Respecting and enjoying the uniqueness of the individual


I want to learn


I refrain from imitation


I am patient

  • Patience
  • Tolerance
  • Temperance
  • Respect for time
  • Planning


I consider others

Irrational Guilt

I only feel guilty when I know I have done something wrong


I am not jealous



I do not judge others

I refrain from prejudice


I refrain from lust

  • Temperance
  • Admiration and appreciation
  • Realizing the folly and misery of trying to satisfy endless selfish desires
  • Accepting the natural functioning of the second chakra
  • Considering and respecting others
  • Emotional awareness


I refrain from mockery

  • Helping others who are less fortunate than you
  • Do not make others small to make you feel tall

Naive innocence

I don't want to remain naive

  • Education
  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Wisdom


I refrain from selfish self adoration

Negative habits

I am identifying and overcoming my negative habits

  • Nurturing positive, healthy habits and routines

Neurotic fear

I refrain from unnecessary fear


I refrain from immoderate passionate behaviour

  • Reason
  • Balance
  • Rationality
  • Goodness
  • Equanimity
  • Calm
  • Moderation

Persistent indecision

I make choices and accept the consequences


I do not project my problems and issues onto other people

I take responsibility for my problems and issues

  • Taking responsibilities for your problems and issues



I am not resentful


I refrain from revenge


I refrain from scorn

  • Helping others who are less fortunate than you

Self pity

I refrain from self-pity


Selfish attachment

I am not selfish

I consider others

I refrain from selfish attachment


Needing to feel that your belief, opinion, view, and activity is "the right way to live."

Making others wrong so that you feel right.

I am not self-righteous

  • Live and let live
  • Learn to find variety interesting
  • Sort out your own life and beliefs and then learn to enjoy variety
  • Let go of the need to feel right all the  time
  • Attitude Awareness
  • Psychological Awareness


I only feel shame when I know that I have done something wrong

  • Goodness
  • Holistic health




I am not lazy and I do not procrastinate


The unfounded and unquestioned belief in things that you don't understand.

I am not superstitious

  • Comprehension
  • Attaining our own level of understanding
  • Application of rationality and logic
  • Scientific Testing
  • Method and Procedure
  • Suspending belief
  • Making up your own mind


Indulgence in egotism and vice.

I am not tempted


I refrain from vanity

Wasteful I am not wasteful

I am prudent

  • Be prudent
  • The universe is abundant
  • The creator is abundant
  • This no excuse for to be wasteful, greedy, inconsiderate, reckless, or destructive

Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for selfish egotism, fury, hatred, resentment, self-pity, narcissism, anti-social behavior, and persistent anger. It is also known as rage (excessive and unrelenting violent anger).

I purify my heart and mind of all selfish and destructive impurities

I fill my heart with love

  • Get into love
  • Be loving
  • Fill your heart with love
  • Make love the center of yourself


Fear and hatred of lifestyles that are different from your own: attitude, beliefs, culture, opinions, views.

I am interested in others who are different to myself

I do not hate others who think differently to myself

  • Interest in other cultures
  • Trying to understand different ways of living and relating to life

We can use this procedure to purify and transform any negative thought or quality in our mind and personality:

  1. Identify the negativity (vice).

  2. Neutralize the vice by positive and realistic affirmation.

  3. Apply the positive opponent (virtue).

Although central to our experience, the mind is not the only area of activity, we should be attempting to purify our total personality - purifying the seven centers.



"The seven deadly sins" are seven key vices that are poisonous to human health and happiness.

  1. Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, haughty arrogance, conceit, snobbery, separation from the Unity of Life on Earth, and the arising of egotism. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as vanity and egotism.
  2. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation and the desire to prevent others from experiencing their own good fortune. Jealousy is resentment at others' good fortune, traits, status, abilities, or situation. Jealousy and Envy follow the rule of the tyrant - "It is not enough that I succeed, others must also fail. It is not enough that I fail, others must also fail."
  3. Gluttony is an unreasonable selfish desire to consume more than that which one requires.
  4. Lust is an unreasonable and selfish craving for the pleasures of the body.
  5. Wrath/Persistent Hatred is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as rage (excessive and unrelenting violent anger).
  6. Greed is the excessive and addictive desire to possess and hoard things, often at the expense of our humanity. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness (longing/craving).
  7. Sloth is excessive laziness, ignoring life, and procrastination in attending to living.




So we now understand that all this selfishness arises from the mechanics of egotism - ignorance and forgetfulness that life on Earth is "One Unified System" and the life of the Cosmos is One Entity - the real Self.

This ignorance and misidentification with the experience of the individual (body/mind) produces our egotism, greed, competitiveness, and unnecessary fear about life.

Do not pursue the path of selfish happiness because it is actually the path of misery.


  • CHAKRA ONE: Base/root chakra.
    Refrain from greed, miserliness, and unnecessary hoarding.
    Refrain from physically damaging and unhealthy behaviors.
    Refrain from clinging to bodily life.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to the material world.
  • CHAKRA TWO: Sacral chakra.
    Refrain from selfish lust for sexual and sensual pleasure.
    Refrain from sexual misconduct.
    Refrain from addiction to sensual pleasure.
    Refrain from nurturing disappointment.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to sex and sensual pleasure.
  • CHAKRA THREE: Solar plexus chakra.
    Refrain from envy and jealousy towards others.
    Refrain from damaging, unhealthy, and antisocial behavior.
    Refrain from sloth.
    Refrain from nurturing anger and frustration.
    Refrain from hyper-activity.
    Refrain from egotistical and selfish abuse of power.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to life's activities.
  • CHAKRA FOUR: Heart chakra.
    Refrain from hatred.
    Refrain from nurturing grief and sorrow.
    Refrain from harmful behavior.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to love.
  • CHAKRA FIVE: Throat chakra.
    Refrain from unnecessary harmful and negative communications.
    Refrain from unpleasant and harmful creativity.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to communication and creativity.
  • CHAKRA SIX: Brow chakra.
    Refrain from cooperation with negative and unpleasant thought-forms.
    Refrain from over-intellectualizing life.
    Refrain from selfish attachment to the intellect and thought-forms.
  • CHAKRA SEVEN: Crown chakra.
    Refrain from attachment to the body and mind.
    Refrain from losing contact with or forgetting about the reality of the Mystery of Existence.

ne and all
  • Realizing that selfish egotism makes everybody unhappy - especially the egotist
  • Refrain from vice
  • Refrain from egotism
  • Refrain from anti-social and damaging holistic behaviour
  • Vanity

    I refrain from vanity

    Wasteful I am not wasteful

    I am prudent


    Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for selfish egotism, fury, hatred, resentment, self-pity, narcissism, anti-social behavior, and persistent anger. It is also known as rage (excessive and unrelenting violent anger). I purify my heart and mind of all selfish and destructive impurities

    I fill my heart with love


    Fear and hatred of lifestyles that are different from your own: attitude, beliefs, culture, opinions, views.

    I am interested in others who are different to myself

    I do not hate others who think differently to myself


    We can use this procedure to purify and transform any negative thought or quality in our mind and personality:

    1. Identify the negativity (vice).

    2. Neutralize the vice by positive and realistic affirmation.

    3. Apply the positive opponent (virtue).

    Although central to our experience, the mind is not the only area of activity, we should be attempting to purify our total personality - purifying the seven centers.



    "The seven deadly sins" are seven key vices that are poisonous to human health and happiness.

    1. Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, haughty arrogance, conceit, snobbery, separation from the Unity of Life on Earth, and the arising of egotism. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as vanity and egotism.
    2. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation and the desire to prevent others from experiencing their own good fortune. Jealousy is resentment at others' good fortune, traits, status, abilities, or situation. Jealousy and Envy follow the rule of the tyrant - "It is not enough that I succeed, others must also fail. It is not enough that I fail, others must also fail."
    3. Gluttony is an unreasonable selfish desire to consume more than that which one requires.
    4. Lust is an unreasonable and selfish craving for the pleasures of the body.
    5. Wrath/Persistent Hatred is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as rage (excessive and unrelenting violent anger).
    6. Greed is the excessive and addictive desire to possess and hoard things, often at the expense of our humanity. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness (longing/craving).
    7. Sloth is excessive laziness, ignoring life, and procrastination in attending to living.




    So we now understand that all this selfishness arises from the mechanics of egotism - ignorance and forgetfulness that life on Earth is "One Unified System" and the life of the Cosmos is One Entity - the real Self.

    This ignorance and misidentification with the experience of the individual (body/mind) produces our egotism, greed, competitiveness, and unnecessary fear about life.

    Do not pursue the path of selfish happiness because it is actually the path of misery.