Getting to Know the Physical
Signs of Anger which are very much like the Energy Enhancement "Symptoms of
Energy Blockages"
By learning to discern the physical signs of anger, we can become more prepared
for anger rising within us. As we familiarize ourselves with the physical cues
that anger brings, we can identify emotions of anger while they are still on the
horizon, rather than feeling overwhelmed when they saturate us. Here are a few
of the physical signs of anger–signals from our bodies that we are feeling
injustice, powerlessness, emotional pain or fear that needs to be dealt with.
Dental Tension
One of the most often overlooked signs of anger is dental tension. If you find
yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, it may be a sign of anger
approaching. Likewise, pain and tension down the jawline can also indicate
Body Aches
Common physical signs of anger include back and neck aches from contracted
muscles. Likewise, headaches and stomach aches can also be signals of tension in
the body due to rising anger.
Anger can trigger our “fight-or-flight” reactions in our bodies. Signs of anger
can include rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia),
shallow breathing, sweating palms, or feeling flushed in the neck and face.
Speech Patterns
The way we unconsciously talk can indicate increasing anger. When angry, you
might experience rapid speech, increase of volume, or begin yelling and
screaming without meaning to. Likewise, speech patterns of knee-jerk argument,
mocking or biting sarcasm can also indicate anger. Even silence can be
indicative of anger, as you may not trust yourself to talk, or may be doling out
the “silent treatment” in a subversive attempt at emotional combat.
Violent Urges
Sometimes, anger can create violent urges when it goes too long unattended.
Violent urges or actions, such as harming another person, hitting a wall, or
throwing an object are signs that anger has developed to an unhealthy point.
Nervous Behaviors
Anger can also trigger nervous behaviors, such as rubbing your head, holding one
fist in another hand, or rubbing your hands against your legs. You also might
find yourself pacing, nail biting, or even trembling when anger intensifies.
Crying -
Tears are a form of natural stress relief, and are often a physical indicator of
anger. Anger can also co-occur with emotional pain, and tears can indicate both.
Compulsive Behaviors
In an attempt to establish control, some people experience urges towards
physically oriented compulsive behavior. Urges to compulsively eat, clean, have
sex, or harm yourself can be indicators of deep-seated anger turned inward.
Anger sometimes also can lie at the root of chemical dependency, such as
drinking and drug use
According to myth, after the Sun sets, it shines in Tartaros. Therefore the Central Fire of Kundalini Chakra in The Center of the Earth is known as the Dark Sun, the Black Sun, the Invisible Sun, the Subterranean Sun and the Volcanic Sun, and there is a paradoxical unity between the Sun and the Underworld. This is why Parmenides was led by the Daughters of the Sun into the House of Night; it is also the path followed by the dead.
More precisely, the Central Fire in the Earths Center is Tartaros, the foundation of Zeus's Guard Tower Antahkarana (Zanòs Púrgos, Phulakê Diós, etc.), which is below Hades.
The guard tower Antahkarana columns of Zeus are the Energy Enhancement Antahkarana Power Tower Protection of Level One Initiation Six
The astrological symbol for the Sun represents the Fire at the center; it was also an ancient alchemical symbol for Sulphur, the Fiery Principle. The doctrine of the Central Fire is the original, mystical Heliocentric theory, which Copernicus borrowed, but has become debased into no more than astronomy. Copernicus himself called it the "Pythagorean Theory."
Has been removed from all Traditional Meditations - Thus "Traditional forms of meditation are designed to fail!!"
In the Ankh, an extremely important Symbol from the Ancient Egyptian Religion, the round Symbol represents the Earth and the Column springing from the center of the Earth perpendicular to the Earth is the Antahkarana connecting with the Chakras above the head. The cross bar is the origin of the Ancient Christian Cross and represents, "Squaring the Circle" which just means that a person in meditation with their spine square to the earth has the possibility of becoming a "Stream Enterer", entering into and accessing the Stream of Energy springing like a fountain from Kundalini Chakra, Tartaros, The Black Sun. in the center of the earth and flowing through the spine of the meditator into the Central Spiritual Sun in the center of the universe.
In the Sword in the Stone, an extremely important Symbol from the Arthurian Myth, the Stone represents the Earth and the Sword Column springing from the center of the Earth perpendicular to the Earth is the Antahkarana connecting with the Chakras above the head. The cross bar is the origin of the Ancient Christian Cross and represents, "Squaring the Circle" which just means that a person in meditation with their spine square to the earth has the possibility of becoming a "Stream Enterer", entering into and accessing the Stream of Energy springing like a fountain from Kundalini Chakra, Tartaros, The Black Sun. in the center of the earth and flowing through the spine of the meditator into the Central Spiritual Sun in the center of the universe.
In the Flaming Spear of Saint Michael the round Symbol represents the Earth and more than that in represents the Kundalini Key purpose is that of removing the Energy BlockaGES FROM THE CHAKRAS BENEATH THE BASE CHAKRA AND THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. The Column springing from the center of the Earth perpendicular to the Earth is the Antahkarana connecting with the Chakras above the head which just means that a person in meditation with their spine square to the earth has the possibility of becoming a "Stream Enterer", entering into and accessing the Stream of Energy springing like a fountain from Kundalini Chakra, Tartaros, The Black Sun, in the center of the earth and flowing through the spine of the meditator into the Central Spiritual Sun in the center of the universe.
Man is imprisoned, imprisoned in his own body. The body is the prison and if you want to get out of your prison then here is the map... THE KUNDALINI KEY!!
Energy Enhancement is the Synthesis of all Spiritual Paths
It will help you attain the Essence of Your
Spiritual Life!!
As Within, So Without. The Removal of the Energy Blockage Stones in the Path of the Energy inside Your System is the Secret of Abundance and Plenty and success Outside.
Learn the Kundalini Kriyas. Ancient Techniques only passed on by word of mouth from Guru to Disciple. For the Smooth awakening of the Energy of Enlightenment.
Learn the Ancient Alchemical Techniques of Hermes Trismegistus in the midst of the negative thoughtforms of daily Life for Protection and Mental and Emotional Stability.
Learn Meditations for the Mastery of Energy Protection to Increase your Evolution for More Energy, More IQ, More Power, More Brilliance More StickToItness.
If the Energy Enhancement Map is Correct, the Results will Follow..
THANKYOU for This.....your mysticmagick of
I get you loud and clear re: questions....
I write you everyday with an update and ??sss....
And in the likelihood that the questions are silly, not
very evolved, you might really have to take some deep
breaths - in and out - for me! :)
We all could sure do with some SOL! :))
i am not psychic (as yet:) but i thankyou in advance
for the unwavering support and help that i know i'll be
blessed to receive, ONCE the work is done on my side.
Daily questions and updates with you will ensure that i
Defeat for good this overwhelming energy blockage of
mine for sooo long - procrastination!!
It has depleted my strength of will tremendously over
time. I am certain i have many blockages in solar
plexus to clear, amongst all the other chakras in & out
of body...
Nonetheless, i must have done something really good in
my life/ past lifetime for The One Highest Heart to
lead me to you both...to finally heal and embody the
SOL i was meant to be....that is meant for every single
one of us..
1. I am getting a bit more consistent in finding that
divine power source - i also sometimes feel light-
headed..seeing sometimes unformed moving images of
light - when i feel i enter this center-spot/space - so
though i haven't mastered this yet, would it help me to
do initiation 2 of level 1 now, to help me get more
energy and strength and find the antakharana easier and
2. i was reflecting on your thesis..."that all
traditional meditations were designed to fail"...
I must say...that certainly caught my attention when i
found your website.
Although mystic traditions have always operated on the
'unseen' level to obviously protect the integrity of
its teachings over time and to whom they are shared, i
am at a loss as to why generally, teachings of removing
energy blockages - the 2nd level of your Energy
Enhancement, are not taught in any other meditation
training which ought to be part of every mystic
3. We can understand that teachings offered to those
whose self-will is not aligned to God's will, giving
them access to unbridled power WITHOUT clearing those
blocks to allow for their Godconnection is literally
the workings of the dark, isn't it? But with teachings
on cleansing and transmuting negativity to love seem
hardly as something to withhold from anyone, stymieing
their process of soul evolution into pure light?
- maybe what you mean...is that what you offer in level
II is an amalgam of all cleansing methods from all the
mystic traditions?
of course, although in my heart, my love for God lives,
with all these blockages of mine blocking my own
permanent alignment with God's will, plus with this
limited intellect, there is only that much one truly
understands without direct experience, so whatever
clarification you can give on this, correcting me where
i'm wrong, i'd be really grateful.
i promise to ask shorter questions tomorrow :)
And by the way, Swami Satchidanand.... Swami Devi...
Thankyou for choosing this profession!! :))
Dear Swami Satchidanand,
i did initiation 3 today.
I visualized the golden chord of light and me going
deep down into the earth, going down the different
layers of rock until down to the white molten rock with
blue flashes of light. Often i was losing the
visualization of the journey down to burn the
blockages. My blockages are impeding my visualization
ability big time.
So, instead, to make it simpler, i went directly into
the white sacred flame and i just started dancing and
joyous in defiance of all the guk keeping me back. i
stayed in that moment till the end.
My knees started to hurt a lot, i got a lancing shock
of pain in my right thigh, legs, and my neck and throat
hurt. And throughout i was sweating with Kundalini
"Sweating with Kundalini Heat" -
"L" November 2012
What you said at the end of the initiation:
"The ego wants you to believe that it is you, but it is
not. it is up to you to be the Soul and assert that you
are in charge..It is a force of Will that comes from
God Itself that will free you from these viruses."
That statement went straight into the center of me. At
this very moment now...that is exactly what i needed to
hear and know.
i've got a highly developed tricksterish ego that often
can fool me and does so, if i don't consciously keep it
in check. Often it leaves me not trusting myself.
With what you said...that one statement of Truth, i
felt a release and a cleansing from much self-doubt and
My soul shines with Thanks for this.
Now the key is Practice, practice, practice meditation
using this technique and the others to come...
Little by little i know i'll get there :))
Swami Satchi, if there is anything i've missed and you
need to add something, please do let me know. Thankyou.
And like Rumi and Tolkien, your words too are infused
with God energy...divine transmissions that
subtly...awaken us
Love and Blessings,
"L" November 2012 - From the Video Buddhafield
When I came to see Satchi at the airport for the first time I was struck by his energy but it was the second time, when he was talking to another student when meeting us off the train at Figueres that I really started to feel the Buddhafield of Energy Surrounding him. Suddenly I started yawning like the big healer guy in "The Green Mile" and then tears started from my eyes and I felt I was getting rid of a lot of Painful memories from the past. Olympia Panza 2004
The secret of the Sacred Circular Symbols is that of Golden Bio - Energy flowing in the Central and Governing Meridians and mapped for 4000 years by Acupuncture. The Central Meridian flows down the front of the body from Forehead to Throat to Center of the Chest to Belly to Genitals to Perineum to Anus. The Governing Meridian flows from Anus to Coccyx up every bone of the Spine to the Neck, Base of the Skull, over the top of the Head to the Forehead. In reality there are not two Meridians, only one. And the Energy flows naturally in a circuit, circle, around the body. If we can maximise the flow through Energy Enhancement techniques we can maximise our energy and eventually become Enlightened, Illuminated.
Table of the Synthesis of Religions
HOLY TRINITIES WITHIN MANY RELIGIONS - Gurdjieff, Alchemy, Ancient Greek, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism
Energy Enhancement Trinity |
Surface - Center of the Earth – VITRIOL - Alchemy |
Connecting Column of Energy - Axis Mundi or the Antahkarana |
Central Spiritual
Holy Trinity |
Christ/Son – Mother Mary |
Holy Spirit – Blood of Christ |
Satchidananda |
Chid, Chitta – Holy Grail/Chalice - Shiva Moon of the Purified Mind |
Ananda – Bliss flow of Energy - SangReal |
Sat – The Truth |
Hindu Gods – |
Krishna/Vishnu – Shakti Kundalini |
Shiva |
Hindu OM - AUM |
A | U | M |
Sufi and Buddhist HUM |
H | U | M |
Christian AMEN |
AM | E | N |
Table of the Synthesis of Religions
with great respect to Benedictine Monk, Father Bede Griffiths known also as Swami Dayananda who enunciated the Synthesis of The Holy Trinity and Satchidananda to me on his death – bed at the age of 96 at his Ashram, Satchidananda Ashram on the Banks of the River Cauvery in Tamil Nadu, South India, “Tell them! Tell Them!” he said.... So now you are told!!The flow of Energy in this Meridian is stopped by Energy Blockages. By meditating on the flow with Energy Enhancement techniques we can push the Energy faster around the body. This helps to remove Energy Blockages and also speeds up the natural flow.
By meditating on the Energy Blockages with Energy Enhancement techniques we can remove the Energy Blockages and thus speed up the flow all the way to health, wealth, intelligence and Wisdom, Enlightenment, Illumination. We can further increase the Energy by connecting this natural Circuit to the infinite energy sources of Chakras outside the body, - female Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth – VITRIOL, Which connects with the male Central Spiritual Sun Chakras in the Center of the Universe – The Soul, Monad, Logos, Sirius and Avatar of Synthesis, then an infinity of chakras to God.
The male and female polarities are connected by means of a column of Energy called Axis Mundi or the Antahkarana which includes the upward flow with its associated spiral, as magnetic energies spiral around flows of light, in parallel with the downward flow with its associated spiral, an energy Circle within the same Antahkarana Column of Energy.
The Antahkarana links in with the human energy acupuncture meridian flows down the front of the body and the flow up the spine and thus The Masonic Two Towers. Thus Taoist Meditational Energy Circulations or Orbits. Thus the Taoist Yin Yang Symbol with its base and crown chakra dots.
In Energy Enhancement we differentiate into two parts…
1. The male surface of the Earth – You, Christ the Son, Vishnu/Krishna.
2. The female Center of the earth – Shakti and Mother Mary in the female Kundalini Center - Alchemical VITRIOL.
In Energy Enhancement the lost energies of the Gaia female Earth Kundalini Shakti are integrated into the patriarchal myth.
Energy Enhancement Teaches that Infinite Spiritual Energies flow between these two polarities. . The Center of the Earth and the Center of the Universe. “Connect, Only Connect” - Goethe.
When we utilise this map in Meditation the results are Immediate!! -
Just see the Reports of our Students.
Anyone can POWER UP!!
All we need to do is to Learn How to Connect!! -
With Energy Enhancement.
"Next, I came across a particularly stubborn blockage to remove, and knew that I would have to prepare myself well during meditation. I consciously sourced as much energy from above to flow through my body, and in doing so, rather than my body being filled with golden light, I had somehow tapped into an immense source of white light above the head. As well as feeling this increased energy stream through my body, I realised I had involuntarily suspended breathing somewhere near the top of an in breath. My body felt like a beacon of light, with more than enough energy to direct toward a blockage and watch it dissolve in an instant.
Since that time I am always connected to and able to source the white light
from above my head. Many times during this process I just forget to breathe
as though my breathing is just naturally suspended. I am now living in the
My energies are naturally far higher than when I arrived on the Energy Enhancement course just two weeks ago.
I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks."
- Thomas Blair September 2005 Course in Spain
We met Thomas in Goa, India, in May 2010 and spent four weeks there working on Blockages. Later we took him to an Ashram where we spent Two weeks together, meditating together every day. He is still there...
Dear Satchi
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Subject: RE: Getting back again.
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 21:28:59 +0000
Dear Satchi
Yes, everything, all the DVD course and Online Course Downloads are here,
all together they arrived, mighty excited i might add and all is downloaded
and well.
I was sitting still
for about an hour and it felt like only a few minutes i think i just
I think i now have all the little pieces of my jigsaw, its taken a long time
searching and im also seeing the numerous times when i was shown the
direction but i was unable to see, There seems to be so much that i have
missed and i wonder how come i was this blind for so long.
I wanted to say "Thank You" For your patience, For your time and most of all
for being here on the planet at this time.
May Peace and Love always be your friends.
Don And Anne.
ODE TO JOY (Friedrich Schiller)
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
from Heaven, thy sanctuary.
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing.
May he who has had the fortune
To gain a true friend
And he who has won a noble wife
Join in our jubilation!
Yes, even if he calls the one soul
His own in all the world.
But he who has failed in this
Must steal away alone and in tears.
All the world's creatures
Draw joy from nature's breast;
Both the good and the evil
Follow her rose-strewn path.
She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave lust for life to the lowliest,
And the Cherub stands before God.
Joyously, as his suns speed
Through Heaven's glorious order,
Hasten, Brothers, on your way,
Exulting as a knight in victory.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed
From Heaven, thy sanctuary.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Then let us pray that come it
(As come it will for a' that),
That Sense and Worth o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree an a' that.
For a' that, an a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That man to man, the world, o'er
Shall brithers be for a' that.
- Burns
The aim of these performances and these DVDS is to create High Art.... a psychic energetic charge, a psychic seed, whereby you can become transformed energetically simply through the transfer of Kundalini energy blessings
- Simply by watching..
"To expand, I was sitting in meditation the other night and was happily destroying blockages in me using the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement taught by Satchi and Devi when I was staggered by something new. I watched as negative energy transmuted into white light and travelled down to the centre of the earth then returned up my spinal column and carried on into outer space to the centre of the universe and then returned back to me through the crown chakra and down the front of my body through the throat centre then the heart centre and the solar plexus, on to the genitals and in to the perineum, through to the centre of the earth and returned back up my spine and so began this new orbit of energy.
The effect was something else; it shot through me at incredible speed. This carried on and got denser and more powerful as I discharged more of the negative energy within me. This energy took the form of bands of light that followed each other in waves travelling at equal distance apart and as I discharged and transmuted more negative energy the bands got closer together and I found that I could control the speed at which they travelled through the body. Satchi calls this orbit the Supra Galactic Orbit which travels up the Quantum Worm Hole Antahkarana into the centre of the universe and down through the centre of the earth passing through the front of the body on the downward sweep and returning up the spine on the outward sweep. I was complete."
Satchi, please accept my total respect and gratitude for everything you have imparted to me over the short four weeks I have been here. You are a huge light in this world and long you shine. For everyone reading this, get your asses over to see these people, your lives will be changed forever and we don’t get many chances in this world to be able to achieve that and there are defiantly not many people in this world like Satchi and Devi who can do the business like this.
Channeling The Soul
"De Profundis (out of the Depths of Sorrow)" - Dead Can Dance
"Summoning of the Muse" - Dead Can Dance
"Masked Ball" - Jocelyn Pook
"Migrations" - Jocelyn Pook
"Comfortably Numb" - Pink Floyd
"Set The Controls For the Heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd
"Marooned" - Pink Floyd
We are born in the light of God but become
corrupted by the world because we need
experience of the consequences of this
before we, using our free will, can ourselves
decide to seal that door where evil dwells
and enter into purity, Enlightenment,
and to work for the benefit of all beings.
"De Profundis (out of the Depths of Sorrow)"
and "Summoning of the Muse"
by Lisa Gerrard and Dead Can Dance
Like Circumradient Dawn,
as the Sun of God rises we are born in
Purity, Devotion and Light.
Totally connected to that energy of
Genius of the Muse which allows
all possibilities in our life.
"Masked Ball" and "Migrations"
by Jocelyn Pook
This music, purposely, was taken from the movie
"Eyes Wide Shut" by Stanley Kubrick, which shows
the corruption of innocence, of the world of purity, into Addiction and
Ritual Sexual Orgy
by Pink Floyd
This song includes what has been voted by many people as
the best guitar solo ever by any performer in the world,
and was created by David Gilmour and means a solid NO!! to losing that
Glimpse of the Soul. "I saw a fleeting glimpse from the corner of my eye..I
turned to look but it was gone, and now I have become....."
It takes its energy from a descent into corruption and drugs
into a world of happy cows chewing the cud but
with no meaning or significance.
Above all of this is the sun of the Soul.
Shining upon all this misery, existing,
and all we have to do is to get in contact with it.
And yet,
"When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,
out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone,
and I have become comfortably numb"
A person who has seen the soul, but lost it
and the Guitar Solo mourns this loss,
because the Soul is purpose, meaning and significance
and is more important than all
"Set The Controls For the Heart of the Sun"
and "Marooned"
by Pink Floyd
This sequence Fuses together one of the First of the
performances of Pink Floyd 30 years ago, with one
of the Latest and yet their meaning is the same.
We need to connect with the Soul,
part of ourselves which we have lost
and we do it by projecting ourselves
out of our time limited bodies into an
immortal part of ourselves called the Soul
which is part of us and which we join when we die.
Meditation teaches us how to do that in life
and when we have it
then we are filled with happiness and light.
We are Enlightened.
Marooned is Alone, All One, in the Soul,
in the Atman.
Now a Testimonial From Gary Spaid a Wealth Counselor in Vail Valley, Colorado, USA.
Our Energy Enhancement Course in Vail, Colorado is come to an end. Here in the high Rocky Mountains with brilliant sunshine, snow clad peaks and the aspen trees turning a beautiful shade of Spring green.
Gary Spaid and his wife Candy kindly invited us to their wonderful house in Colorado near Aspen so that they could learn Levels One and Two of Energy Enhancement.
Gary has been a long time practitioner of Transcendental Meditation he says, "When I purchased the Energy Enhancement Video Course I was blown away by the power of the Energy Enhancement Techniques and by the amazing talks of Satchidanand.
Having practiced meditation for many years and understanding that the technique of meditation is in a large way responsible for my successful practice as a wealth counselor to many lucky people here in Denver and the Vail Valley, I believe that meditation is in a large part responible for all the luck I have created in my life.
When you have something good you want more, and for me, inviting Devi and Satchidanand here to my house here in the Vail Valley was that next step.
Also, I was interested in giving my wife, Candy, the necessary tools to improve her asthma and start a life of meditation with me.
Dissolving Emotional Blockages
Even if all outer aspects of
our lives seem wonderful, our emotions can still cause us to feel unhappy.
Traumatic memories can stifle our development. Negative thought habits can fill
us with feelings of frustration and powerlessness. Negative self-talk can cause
us to sabotage any goals we set.
Emotions can be a tricky thing to understand, but it becomes easier when we
consider that our emotions are fueled by our thoughts. If we THINK negatively
about ourselves, we will FEEL badly about ourselves. If we focus on the negative
in our lives, our lives will seem to have a negative theme. It's all about what
we focus on the most that determines how we feel.
Think about the last time your day took a sudden nosedive because of something
simple. Let's say you were driving to work, singing along with a song on the
radio, and some jerk cut you off in traffic. Your first thought might be, "What
a jerk!" (Or a more colorful term) Your next thought might be, "People are so
rude these days, and I seem to encounter the rudest of them all! What did I ever
do to deserve this?"
From there your mood can continue to spiral down as you ponder your bad luck in
having to deal with inconsiderate people. Do you see what happens in situations
like these? You have a negative experience, and then you internalize it. Not
just for the moment either, but for the rest of your day. Even worse, because
your attitude tends to attract most of your experiences, feeling negative will
continue to attract more rude and inconsiderate people into your day.
Though it seems impossible, we can control our emotions. We can choose our
emotions, moment to moment. And we begin by choosing our thoughts. Using the
example from above, what would be a more empowering response? You could simply
say, "That wasn't very nice," and then turn your attention back to the song you
were singing.
That may seem like a difficult thing to do when your anger is ignited, but with
practice it gets easier. Rather than internalizing the things that happen to you
(especially things you can't control), simply let go of them and keep your
emotional balance. If you pay attention to how you feel throughout the course of
your day, you'll become aware of whether your thoughts are negative or positive.
Then you can simply choose to release your negative thoughts and replace them
with positive thoughts " which will make you feel better. Again, it takes
consistent effort to fully master this technique.
Releasing the Past to Make Room for Something Better. Letting go of past traumas
is a little more challenging because they are often buried deeply in our
subconscious minds. But buried or not, they can still wreak havoc on our level
of happiness.
One of the most powerful techniques I've learned for releasing old baggage is to
relive the painful experiences. It doesn't sound like much fun (and in fact it
isn't) but it is definitely freeing. If you stop to think about it, much of our
emotional baggage is "buried" simply because we didn't allow ourselves to work
through it the first time around. We squelched down the feelings and tried to
ignore them, and there they still lie, festering. If we unearth the painful
memories and work through them like we could have done when they originally
happened, we are able to release them and achieve closure.
"To bring one's self to a frame of mind and to the proper energy to accomplish
things that require plain hard work continuously is the one big battle that
everyone has. When this battle is won for all time, then everything is easy"
- Thomas A. Buckner.
This is a simple process you can undertake on your own, but if you've had very
large, life-altering traumas, you may want to consult a counselor or therapist
to help you work through them. While the process is simple, it can be
emotionally overwhelming.
Once you've worked through your emotional blockages, you may also want to
examine the underlying beliefs that formed because of them.
For example, an abusive childhood might result in a deep-seated belief that
you're not worthy of being loved. Working through painful memories can be
freeing, but it won't automatically change your underlying beliefs about your
worthiness as a human being. You could still find yourself avoiding intimacy and
sabotaging your efforts to create a fulfilling life.
The good news is that once you identify your limiting beliefs, you can begin
changing them with a little conscious focus.
One of the best methods to change limiting beliefs and dissolve emotional
blockages is hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. These alternative alternative
healing methods date back as far as recorded history. Hypnosis / hypnotherapy
has been called and referred to by many different names. It has been long
believed by healers all over the world that there is a mind - body connection.
Even the most ancient cultures and civilizations in the world used different
forms of hypnosis (suggestions,sleep analysis, meditation) to assist in healing.
Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditational
Techniques including the grounding of negative energy allows one to remove
negative energies without any emotion, easily and more deeply than anything
available through just talking about it.
And rather than hypnosis which deals with one issue, Energy Enhancement removes all issues from this and from previous lifetimes, on the path of Illumination when all Energy Blockages, all seeds of desire are completely wiped out!!
EMAIL sol@energyenhancement.org
Clearing Energy Blocks and Cords - How to
Cut Energetic Cords and Remove Emotional Blockages
A woman in my online community emailed asking how she can permanently clear
energy blocks and cords that keep reattaching to her. She also asked whether
another person can do the clearing for her.
I feel that energy cords (sometimes called "etheric cords," "energetic cords,"
"energetic hooks," "emotional hooks," "ego hooks" or " energy blocks") are there
for a deeper purpose: to teach us something we normally wouldn't learn
otherwise, as well as to help us establish our boundaries.
If someone other than you tries to clear your energy blocks or cords for you, in
many cases it will only be temporary; the cords will not be permanently cleared.
Something in you that's incomplete will be triggered and you will react
It is my understanding that we are going through a time right now where it's
required for your individual awakening and ascension to be actively engaged in
your own clearing, so that you are changed on the level of your consciousness.
(So that your own consciousness is raised.) Because once you raise your
consciousness about whatever issue you're dealing with, the blocks begin to
disappear. Having someone do it for you (like taking some magic pill) will not
raise your consciousness. Besides, magic pills don't really exist.
An analogy: I recently heard that in a healing modality called theta healing,
roughly 20 percent of people are able to see immediate results (between one and
three healing treatments), the majority require a few weeks or months of
treatments, and some people can go through a couple years of treatments and
still not be healed. My understanding is that the soul's plan for its own growth
overrides attempts at healing until the lesson the soul wanted to experience and
learn firsthand was actually experienced and learned. (Meaning you are now a
more conscious being.) Because once you learn what you came here to learn, the
teaching of the lesson stops.
Having said this, I will share an exercise you can do to help you clear your
emotional cords and blocks (given to me by spiritual advisor Pamela Leach). The
exercise is below:
Every day twice a day for about a week, stand in front of a mirror and run your
hands from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and then back up
again, with the intent to feel where your emotional hooks or blocks are. Do this
also to the back of you as far as you can go with your hands. Use your hands
like scissors to cut away and clear any blocks you feel. (Try not to
intellectualize but to feel what you feel, as if you were a child and you
allowed this child simply to feel.)
What will probably happen next is this: at some point during the week something
in your environment will trigger that hook. How will you respond this time? Will
you be more conscious and respond from your inner power or will you go back to
your old emotional patterns? You will probably find you no longer react so
automatically or that you are able to catch yourself sooner.
Sometimes the exercise above will take care of the issue, but it's more likely
you will need to more consciously clear the energy blocks (it depends on your
higher self's plan).
An example: If someone tells you a project you're working on is not worth
pursuing (or it's out of your league) does the comment hook you or derail you?
Do you spend hours or even days off track because of what others said or some
other obstacle that shows up in your path? Do you need validation from others,
or can you come to a point where the comment bounces off you (it may very well
be a reflection of another's insecurity and have nothing to do with you).
Remember that this time is about reconnecting to your inner power (your higher
self) and letting go of the blocks and old stuff that are no longer you. (By the
way, reconnecting to your higher self is the quickest way to clear your blocks
and old beliefs because your higher self's wisdom will override old beliefs that
are false.) Amazing things will happen because you followed through (rather than
becoming disempowered), which will further increase your trust in your higher
self. And if you continue on this path of clearing energy blocks, you will
become crystal clear within. Clearing energy blocks and cutting energetic cords
is definitely an important part of the awakening and ascension process.
FOR High Tantra, Gandalfs and Jedis.
If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you.
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other with Energy Enhancement Level 4 techniques - Energy Connections and the Mastery of Relationships and How to remove Energy Blockages and Implants from our Students - we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here to learn Energy Enhancement Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
The Process of Purification
The process of Your evolution as well as that of the world and all the people in it is that of Purification.
We are a higherarchy of Functions mixed with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass and these Functions which are composed of ordered Colonies of Angels are what underly the Physical Body, The Emotional Body, the Mental Body.
And also these Angel Colonies form the Spiritual Bodies which exist above the Crown Chakra and the center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which separate, wall off, stripe through and disorder these talent functions within themselves and which cause these functions to act with an evil egotistical interest separated from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which forms the ego which separates, walls off, these talent functions from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe and from each other.
Thus the many histories of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder as many personalities can exist in One Mind as the various sub – personalities, separate minds, become walled off within the one mind by the evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
MPD and DID are the problems caused by and associated with the Organ Kundabuffer (Kundabuffer is an Energy Blockage which walls off one part of the Body or Emotions or Mind from another part), as Gurdjieff said, which cause all the problems of Humanity in this world.
Thus Gurdjieff said, “The guy who says he will get up at Four in the Morning is not the same Guy who throws the alarm clock out of the window!”
This reality is what powers the dark Side, “Divide and Conquer” said the Romans.
As one human being becomes infected with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass so he becomes more and more evil like a Orc as defined by the Lord of the Rings. He becomes less intelligent, loses the ability to do anything and all his talents become desire filled, grasping, selfish, egotistical, psychopathic.
Because this separative nature of the ego which destroys Love the Will. Because Love and a functioning Will can only be ONE!
Thus the weapons of the dark side, Drugs, Sex, Violence and Rock and Roll which all cause separation, which all destroy Love and which all destroy the Will.
Talents have been formed as functions in every human being over many lifetimes these Talent Personalities become refined and really good at their job.
In the Unenlightened these Talents are contaminated by desire, grasping… The Selfish, Competitive EGO.
Sub – Personalities like the Star, the Poor Me and the Violator, are used to vampirise attention and energy in everyone around them. With Energy Enhancement these Star, the Poor Me and Violator Sub – Personalities become purified such that they are used intentionally for a good purpose.
For example charities use the Poor Me by using a photograph of starving people in order to excite compassion in people looking at the picture, so as to awaken the hearts of the people looking at the picture, in order gain the funds to help the starving people.
Then there is the egotistical connector Sub - Personality
Then there is the egotistical business Sub – Personality striped with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass. We can characterize the Bad Business Sub – Personality as like Shylock in the Merchant of Venice..
Shakespeare actually wrote this play, “The Merchant of Venice” to excite compassion in the Hearts of the audience viewing the play for the Fall of Shylock. Even this Golem who destroys his own life and the life of his family through his evil actions deserves pity.
And I pity the egotistical Business Sub – Personality.. Filled with hate. A Miser who makes money his God to the detriment of all other functions. The egotistical Business Sub – Personality does what it does, mechanically with no thought for anything else. Only to hoard money. “Look at me!! I’ve got a Million Pounds!”
Enlightenment comes from Purification through..
1. Alignment with the Energies of the Soul in Energy Enhancement Level 1 Initiation 4 and also in Energy Enhancement Level 1 Initiation 6 which intensifies the alignment of Initiation 4. As we absorb the energies of the Soul so we Supercharge the Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies and throw out the Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass. The feeling of correct alignment is amazing – well loved by every student for its beneficial effects on every part of the Bodymind and for its Purificative effects.
2. The Elimination of Energy Blockages which necessarily involves the Grounding of the Negative Energies of Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
3. The Resurrection of the Purified Blockage Core into the Purified Angel Matrices, like pure Angel Crystal Functionality which exist in chakras above the head without any Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass without any pain. Total peace and purity. It is the true forgiveness of every bad thing we have every done or ever will do. This augmentation of Chakra Functionality and size, the ability to channel higher quantities and qualities of energy, creates the growing functionality of a larger Psychic Body. As Gurdjieff said, “The Coating of the Higher Being Body proper to a real Human Being”, of the many Enlightenment Initiations... Enlightenment, Guru or Master, World Teacher.. These Purified Blockage Cores come originally from the pre-enlightened person own body but later from their own Guru or Master’s Group and later still from World Transmission, World Transformation of every Soul on this planet.
Normally the Egotistical Business sub - personality only wants money and so allies and aligns only with the impure and the corrupt in some shape or form. As they see the corruption they slowly change their practises higher and higher.
Until that time it is “Business as usual” based on contracts given by local and national government, based on laws created by National Government. For example trillions of Dollars each year are spent on..
1. Research and development of new armaments, warplanes, satellites, Submarines, Warships, Ballistic Missiles, highly enriched Uranium, Fusion Bombs, created by private companies in the “Military Industrial Complex”.
2. Armaments – Explosive Materiel, Napalm etc. created by private companies used in the useless Wars of Vietnam and Iraq whose only purpose was to create profits for the “Military Industrial Complex” as termed and warned about by President Eisenhower in 1960.
3. War, the standing Army of those who, “ Make the sacrifice” and once the sacrifice is made are then forgotten about and cheated out of their pensions over, for example, “Gulf War Syndrome”. Used to keep totalitarian dictators in power so that Natural Resources – Petroleum, Metals, Uranium, Diamonds, can be corruptly and cheaply bought and to create future terrorists who are the cause of the necessity for totalitarian dictators and the slave repression of a Totalitarian Society. “You can fool most of the people most of the time, and this is enough in any democracy where you need a maximum of 51% of the vote” and probably less of the vote, because people who understand this information and are disgusted by the corruption of politicians, of the fact that all politicians have to take the Ring, to prove that they are corrupt and are trustworthy enough to, “Stay Bought” before being chosen in advance, so that there is no free choice of people to vote for, will never vote again.
4. Petroleum – The creation of the Scarcity of Energy Business – Scare means Fear – so as to bump up the prices. One hour of sunlight shining on this planet is sufficient to power all industry, all homes on this planet, for 100 years. The Abundance of the energy of God above our heads is Infinite.
5. Pharmaceuticals. A. Legal – prescribed by Doctors who are not taught by Pharma-bought, Chair Endowed, University Professors to treat with pharma-less 4000 year old Acupuncture or highly effective Homeopathy. And B. Illegal which only make money because they are kept illegal as in, “Prohibition” Massive trillion dollar Illegal profits are only possible with, “Prohibition”. It is possible for doctors to prescribe these “illegal” drugs freely to registered addicts as was done in Britain in the 1960’s which totally stops profits for Organised Crime. Such are the profits from legal and illegal drugs that most politicians who take briefs from lobbyists to vote for and speak out for the “Medical Industrial Complex” and “Prohibition” are feeding from the same Company Trough.
Inside every Human Being is the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass who over many lifetimes has become an expert in money business.
There are psychological tests available to Psychologists which test the amount of Corruption, Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, or the Propensity for Psychopathy, in any human being.
It is not easy to cheat on these tests which can be given to children, every year, to test that they are being cured of psychological problems by Energy Enhancement techniques.
Children have recorded examinations every year for all subjects. Why not test for psychopathy? Parents can independently test their children to help their future development. They can cure all problems before adulthood with Energy Enhancement techniques. Enlightened countries can do it, mandate it, by decree.
These tests and the records from childhood should become mandatorily transparent for any proposed politician or CEO or Professor in any country in the world, which will totally solve the corruption of the Egotistical Psychopathic Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
As the Business sub-personality is purified so it becomes possible to ally or align, place your money with the Highest Energies. It is not possible for the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass to align with any pure person.
The Purpose of Humanity is Illumination, Enlightenment - Angel Talent Bodies, Radiation of Love, Evolution, Creation of Ascended Masters
The purpose of Humanity is as a mechanism to create Advanced Angels which in the future will radiate the Energy of Love, Second Ray Energies, to the Universe from this planet, which is scheduled to become a Sacred Planet.
The method chosen by the Archangel in charge of this planet, is that of Free Will.
By giving Free Will to all Humanity, we all have the lesson that we only have the Free Will to do the Right Thing.
Anything less results in Negative Karma, retribution, bad results for everyone, bad luck.
Free Will results in Evolution. From what we are given at birth, Body, Mind, Chakras, an Antahkarana connection to the Universe, comes the creation of Psychic Mechanisms, talents, to augment and improve on that which has been given.
As single cells join together to form organs and organs get together to form a man, through serendipity over many lifetimes single angels get together to form aggregations of angels in the form of a talent.
At first these talents are striped through and surrounded by Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which is impervious to pure spiritual energies in that it acts like lead to stop the entrance of spiritual alpha, beta and gamma particles. Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass is Ignorance because it cuts you off from that knowledge which is higher than the Mind.
We purify these talents through the Grounding of Negative Energies which burns up Negative Karmic Mass and through the Seven Step Process of Level 2 of Energy Enhancemnent which removes Energy Blockages.
Through the Seven Step Process we also integrate these purified Talents with the higher chakras - thus increasing their size, complexity, and ability to handle more and higher energies, and eventually channel the Energy of Love, the Second ray Energies.
This process of Integration is like fusion of one crystal with another in a "Skull Melt" where we align and integrate the Angel Talents with the Higher Chakras like crystals - the angels become aligned in crystalline matrices - which increases also their speed and purity of purpose.
This fusion process starts with the Astral Initiation of Illumination or Enlightenment when Ascended Masters surround the Initiate and focus the Higher Energies of Illumination on him in order to create this Fusion, which creates a purified crystalline structure which cannot be perverted ever again, between the Soul Chakra and the Crown Chakra and all the chakras below it.
In order to help speed up this Aggregation of Talents, normal evolution through serendipity is superceded by the aggregation of Talents and psychic structures taken from human beings who are truly evil, who cannot be changed, until they are healed by the Enlightened.
The end result of this is highly talented Angels and Ascended masters who can truly align with the Will of God on this planet.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali gives this methodology of Illumination.
Energy Enhancement gives the Experience of doing it!!
This alone shows the Height of your Evolution.
Align with Energy Enhancement.
Do Not be Satisfied with Less!!
Come on an Energy Enhancement Course to remove your Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, NOW!!
This movie is about how people take over the body of John Malkovich through wormholes into his head.
As John Cusack enters first, he gives John Malkovich the sub - personality of a puppeteer which using the fame of John Malkovich then becomes successful as he never was before.
Then a crowd of people including Dr Lester who has lived in other peoples bodies for thousands of years, take over John Malkovich forever.
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Hassidism The Art of Dying
LIFE is in living. It is not a thing, it is a process. There is no way to attain to life except by living it, except by being alive, by flowing, streaming with it. If you are seeking the meaning of life in some dogma, in some philosophy, in some theology, that Is the sure way to miss life and meaning both.
Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is herenow, this very moment -- in your breathing, circulating in your blood, beating in your heart. Whatsoever you are is your life, and if you start seeking meaning somewhere else, you will miss it. Man has done that for centuries.
Concepts have become very important, explanations have become very important -- and the real has been completely forgotten. We don't look to that which is already here, we want rationalisations.
I have heard a very beautiful story.
Some years ago a successful American had a serious identity crisis. He sought help from psychiatrists but nothing came of it, for there were none who could tell him the meaning of life -- which is what he wanted to know. By and by he learned of a venerable and incredibly wise guru who lived in a mysterious and most inaccessible region of the Himalayas. Only that guru, he came to believe, would tell him what life meant and what his role in it ought to be. So he sold all his worldly possessions and began his search for the all-knowing guru. He spent eight years wandering from village to village throughout the Himalayas in an effort to find him. And then one day he chanced upon a shepherd who told him where the guru lived and how to reach the place.
It took him almost a year to find him, but he eventually did. There he came upon his guru, who was indeed venerable, in fact well over one hundred years old. The guru consented to help him, especially when he learned of all the sacrifices the man had made towards this end. 'What can I do for you, my son?' asked the guru. 'I need to know the meaning of life,' said the man.
To this the guru replied, without hesitation, 'Life,' he said, 'is a river without end.' 'A river without end?' said the man in a startled surprise. 'After coming all this way to find you, all you have to tell me is that life is a river without end?'
The guru was shaken, shocked. He became very angry and he said, 'You mean it is not?'
Nobody can give you the meaning of your life. It is your life, the meaning has also to be yours. Himalayas won't help. Nobody except you can come upon it. It is your life and it is only accessible to you. Only in living will the mystery be revealed to you.
The first thing I would like to tell you is: don't seek it anywhere else. Don't seek it in me, don't seek it in scriptures, don't seek it in clever explanations -- they all explain away, they don't explain. They simply stuff your empty mind, they don't make you aware of what is. And the more the mind is stuffed with dead knowledge, the more dull and stupid you become. Knowledge makes people stupid; it dulls their sensitivity. It stuffs them, it becomes a weight on them, it strengthens their ego but it does not give light and it does not show them the way. It is not possible.
Life is already there bubbling within you. It can be contacted only there. The temple is not outside, you are the shrine of it. So the first thing to remember if you want to know what life is, is: never seek it without, never try to find out from somebody else. The meaning cannot be transferred that way. The greatest Masters have never said anything about life -- they have always thrown you back upon yourself.
The second thing to remember is: once you know what life is you will know what death is. Death is also part of the same process. Ordinarily we think death comes at the end, ordinarily we think death is against life, ordinarily we think death is the enemy, but death is not the enemy. And if you think of death as the enemy it simply shows that you have not been able to know what life is.
Death and life are two polarities of the same energy, of the same phenomenon -- the tide and the ebb, the day and the night, the summer and the winter. They are not separate and not opposites, not contraries; they are complementaries. Death is not the end of life; in fact, it is a completion of one life, the crescendo of one life, the climax, the finale. And once you know your life and its process, then you understand what death is.
Death is an organic, integral part of life, and it is very friendly to life. Without it life cannot exist. Life exists because of death; death gives the background. Death is, in fact, a process of renewal. And death happens each moment. The moment you breathe in and the moment you breathe out, both happen. Breathing in, life happens; breathing out, death happens. That's why when a child is born the first thing he does is breathe in, then life starts. And when an old man is dying, the last thing he does is breathe out, then life departs. Breathing out is death, breathing in is life -- they are like two wheels of a bullock cart. You live by breathing in as much as you live by breathing out. The breathing out is part of breathing in. You cannot breathe in if you stop breathing out. You cannot live if you stop dying. The man who has understood what his life is allows death to happen; he welcomes it. He dies each moment and each moment he is resurrected. His cross and his resurrection are continually happening as a process. He dies to the past each moment and he is born again and again into the future.
If you look into life you will be able to know what death is. If you understand what death is, only then are you able to understand what life is. They are organic. Ordinarily, out of fear, we have created a division. We think that life is good and death is bad. We think that life has to be desired and death is to be avoided. We think somehow we have to protect ourselves against death. This absurd idea creates endless miseries in our lives, because a person who protects himself against death becomes incapable of living. He is the person who is afraid of exhaling, then he cannot inhale and he is stuck. Then he simply drags; his life is no longer a flow, his life is no longer a river.
If you really want to live you have to be ready to die. Who is afraid of death in you? Is life afraid of death? It is not possible. How can life 4e afraid of its own integral process? Something else is afraid in you. The ego is afraid in you. Life and death are not opposites; ego and death are opposites. Life and death are not opposites; ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both life and death. The ego is afraid to live and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer.
If you live you are coming closer to dying. The ego is afraid to die, hence it is afraid to live also. The ego simply drags.
There are many people who are neither alive nor dead. This is worse than anything. A man who is fully alive is full of death also. That is the meaning of Jesus on the cross. Jesus carrying his own cross has not really been understood. And he says to his disciples, 'You will have to carry your own cross.' The meaning of Jesus carrying his own cross is very simple, nothing but this: everybody has to carry his death continuously, everybody has to die each moment, everybody has to be on the cross because that is the only way to live fully, totally.
Whenever you come to a total moment of aliveness, suddenly you will see death there also. In love it happens. In love, life comes to a climax -- hence people are afriad of love.
I have been continuously surprised by people who come to me and say they are afraid of love. What is the fear of love? It is because when you really love somebody your ego starts slipping and melting. You cannot love with the ego; the ego becomes a barrier. and when you want to drop the barrier the ego says, 'This is going to be a death. Beware!'
The death of the ego is not your death. the death of the ego is really your possibility of life. The ego is just a dead crust around you, it has to be broken and thrown away. It comes into being naturally -- just as when a traveller passes, dust collects on his clothes, on his body, and he has to take a bath to get rid of the dust.
As we move in time, dust of experiences, of knowledge, of lived life, of past, collects. That dust becomes our ego. Accumulated, it becomes a crust around you which has to be broken and thrown away. One has to take a bath continuously -- every day, in fact every moment, so that this crust never becomes a prison. The ego is afraid to love because in love, life comes to a peak. But whenever there is a peak of life there is also a peak of death -- they go together.
In love you die and you are reborn. The same happens when you come to meditate or to pray, or when you come to a Master to surrender. The ego creates all sorts of difficulties, rationalisations not to surrender: 'Think about it, brood about it, be clever about it.' When you come to a Master, again the ego becomes suspicious, doubtful, creates anxiety, because again yhou are coming to life, to a flame where death will also be as much alive as life.
Let it be remembered that death and life both become aflame together, they are never separate. If you are very, very minimally alive, at the minimum, then you can see death and life as being separate. The closer you come to the peak, the closer they start coming. At the very apex they meet and become one. In love, in meditation, in trust, in prayer, wherever life becomes total, death is there. Without death, life cannot become total.
But the ego always thinks in divisions, in dualities; it divides everything. Existence is indivisible; it cannot be divided. You were a child, then you became young. Can you demark the line when you became young? Can you demark the point in time where suddenly you were no longer a child and you had become young? One day you become old. Can you demark the line when you become old?
Processes cannot be demarked. Exactly the same happens when you are born. Can you demark when you are born? When life really starts? Does it start when the child starts breathing -- the doctor spanks the child and the child starts breathing? Is life born then? Or is it when the child got into the womb, when the mother became pregnant, when the child was conceived? Does life start then? Or, even before that? When does life start exactly?
It is a process of no ending and no beginning. It never starts. When is a person dead? Is a person dead when the breathing stops? Many yogis have now proved on scientific grounds that they can stop breathing and they are still alive and they can come back. So the stopping of the breathing cannot be the end. Where does life end?
It never ends anywhere, it never begins anywhere. We are involved in eternity. We have been here since the very beginning -- if there was any beginning -- and we are going to be here to the very end, if there is going to be any end. In fact, there cannot be any beginning and there cannot be any end. We are life -- even if forms change, bodies change, minds change. What we call life is just an identification with a certain body, with a certain mind, with a certain attitude, and what we call death is nothing but getting out of that form, out of that body, out of that concept.
You change houses. If you get too identified with one house, then changing the house will be very painful. You will think that you are dying because the old house was what you were -- that was your identity. But this doesn't happen, because you know that you are only changing the house, you remain the same. Those who have looked within themselves, those who have found who they are, come to know an eternal, non-ending process. Life is a process, timeless, beyond time. Death is part of it.
Death is a continuous revival: a help to life to resurrect again and again, a help to life to get rid of old forms, to get rid of dilapidated buildings, to get rid of old confining structures so that again you can flow and you can again become fresh and young, and you can again become virgin.
I have heard.
A man was browsing through an antique shop near Mount Vernon and ran across a rather ancient-looking axe. 'That's a mighty old axe you have there,' he said to the shop owner. 'Yes,' said the man, 'it once belonged to George Washington.' 'Really?' said the customer.'It certainly stood up well.' 'Of course,' said the antique dealer, 'it has had three new handles and two new heads.'
But that's how life is -- it goes on changing handles and heads; in fact, it seems that everything goes on changing and yet something remains eternally the same. Just watch. You were a child -- what has remained of that now? Just a memory. Your body has changed, your mind has changed, your identity has changed. What has remained of your childhood? Nothing has remained, just a memory. You cannot make a distinction between whether it really happened, or you saw a dream, or you read it in a book, or somebody told you about it. Was the childhood yours or somebody else's? Sometimes have a look at the album of old photographs. Just see, this was you. You will not be able to believe it, you have changed so much. In fact everything has changed -- handles and heads and everything. But still, deep down, somewhere, something remains a continuity; a witnessing remains continuous.
There is a thread, howsoever invisible. And everything goes on changing but that invisible thread remains the same. That thread is beyond life and death. Life and death are two wings for that which is beyond life and death. That which is beyond goes on using life and death as two wheels of a cart, complementaries. It lives through life; it lives through death. Death and life are its processes, like inhalation and exhalation.
But something in you is transcendental. THAT ART THOU...that which is transcendental.
But we are too identified with the form -- that creates the ego. That's what we call 'I'. Of course the 'I' has to die many times. So it is constantly in fear, trembling, shaking, always afraid, protecting, securing.
A Sufi mystic knocked at the door of a very rich man. He was a beggar and he wanted nothing but enough to have a meal.
The rich man shouted at him and said, 'Nobody knows you here!' 'But I know myself,' said the dervish.'How sad it would be if the reverse were true. If everybody knew me but I was not aware of who I was, how sad it would be. Yes, you are right, nobody knows me here, but I know myself.'
These are the only two situations possible, and you are in the sad situation. Everybody may know about you -- who you are -- but you yourself are completely oblivious of your transcendence, of your real nature, of your authentic being. This is the only sadness in life. You can find many excuses, but the real sadness is this: you don't know who you are.
How can a person be happy not knowing who he is, not knowing from where he comes, not knowing where he is going? A thousand and one problems arise because of this basic self-ignorance.
A bunch of ants came out of the darkness of their underground nest in search of food. It was early in the morning. The ants happened to pass by a plant whose leaves were covered with morning dew. 'What are these?' asked one of the ants, pointing to the dew-drops. 'Where do they come from?'
Some said, 'They come from the earth.'
Others said, 'they come from the sea.'
Soon a quarrel broke out -- there was a group who adhered to the sea theory, and a group who attached themselves to the earth theory.
Only one, a wise and intelligent ant, stood alone. He said, 'Let us pause a moment and look around for signs, for everything has an attraction towards its source. And, as it is said, everything returns to its origin. No matter how far into the air you throw a brick it comes down to the earth. Whatever leans towards the light, must originally be of the light.'
The ants were not totally convinced yet and were about to resume their dispute, but the sun had come up and the dew-drops were leaving the leaves, rising, rising towards the sun and disappearing into it.
Everything returns to its original source, has to return to its original source. If you -understand life then you understand death also. Life is a forgetfulness of the original source, and death is again a remembrance. Life is going away from the original source, death is coming back home. Death is not ugly, death is beautiful. But death is beautiful only for those who have lived their life unhindered, uninhibited. unsuppressed. Death is beautiful only for those who have lived their life beautifully, who have not been afraid to live, who have been courageous enough to live -- who loved, who danced, who celebrated.
Death becomes the ultimate celebration if your life is a celebration. Let me tell you in this way: whatsoever your life was, death reveals it. If you have been miserable in life, death reveals misery. Death is a great revealer. If you have been happy in your life, death reveals happiness. If you have lived only a life of physical comfort and physical pleasure, then of course, death is going to be very uncomfortable and very unpleasant, because the body has to be left. The body is just a temporary abode, a shrine in which we stay for the night and leave in the morning. It is not your permanent abode, it is not your home.
So if you have lived just a bodily life and you have never known anything beyond the body, death is going to be very, very ugly, unpleasant, painful. Death is going to be an anguish. But if you have lived a little higher than the body, if you have loved music and poetry, and you have loved, and you have looked at the flowers and the stars, and something of the non-physical has entered into your consciousness, death will not be so bad, death will not be so painful. You can take it with equanimity, but still it cannot be a celebration.
If you have touched something of the transcendental in yourself, if you have entered your own nothingness at the centre -- the centre of your being, where you are no more a body and no more a mind, where physical pleasures are completely left far away and mental pleasures such as music and poetry and literature and painting, everything, are left far away, you are simply, just pure awareness, consciousness -- then death is going to be a great celebration, a great understanding, a great revelation.
If you have known anything of the transcendental in you, death will reveal to you the transcendental in the universe -- then death is no longer a death but a meeting with God, a date with God.
So you can find three expressions about death in the history of human mind.
One expression is of the ordinary man who lives attached to his body, who has never known anything greater than the pleasure of food or sex, whose whole life has been nothing but food and sex, who has enjoyed food, has enjoyed sex, whose life has been very primitive, whose life has been very gross, who has lived in the porch of his palace, never entered it, and who had been thinking that this is all life is. At the moment of death he will try to cling. He will resist death, he will fight death. Death will come as the enemy.
Hence, all over the world, in all societies, death is depicted as dark, as devilish. In India they say that the messenger of death is very ugly -- dark, black -- and he comes sitting on a very big ugly buffalo. This is the ordinary attitude. These people have missed, they have not been able to know all the dimensions of life. They have not been able to touch the depths of life and they have not been able to fly to the height of life. They missed the plenitude, they missed the benediction.
Then there is a second type of expression. Poets, philosophers, have sometimes said that death is nothing bad, death is nothing evil, it is just restful -- a great rest, like sleep. This is better than the first. At least these people have known something beyond the body, they have known something of the mind. They have not had only food and sex, their whole life has not been only in eating and reproducing. They have a little sophistication of the soul, they are a little more aristocratic, more cultured. They say death is like great rest; one is tired and one goes into death and rests. It is restful. But they too are far away from the truth.
Those who have known life in its deepest core, they say that death is God. It is not only a rest but a resurrection, a new life, a new beginning; a new door opens.
When a Sufi mystic, Bayazid, was dying, people who had gathered around him -- his disciples -- were suddenly surprised, because when the last moment came his face became radiant, powerfully radiant. It had a beautiful aura.
Bayazid was a beautiful man, and his disciples had always felt ar aura around him, but they had not known anything like this; so radiant.
They asked, 'Bayazid, tell us what has happened to you. What is happening to you? Before you leave us, give us your last message.'
He opened his eyes and he said, 'God is welcoming me. I am going into his embrace. Goodbye.'
He closed his eyes, his breathing stopped. But at the moment his breathing stopped there was an explosion of light, the room became full of light, and then it disappeared.
When a person has known the transcendental in himself, death is nothing but another face of God. Then death has a dance to it. And unless you become capable of celebrating death itself, remember, you have missed life. The whole life is a preparation for this ultimate.
This is the meaning of this beautiful story.
His whole life had been just a preparation, a preparation to learn the secrets of dying.
All religions are nothing but a science -- or an art -- to teach you how to die. And the only way to teach you how to die is to teach you how to live. They are not separate. If you know what right living is, you will know what right dying is.
So the first thing, or the most fundamental thing is: how to live.
Let me tell you a few things. First: your life is your life, it is nobody else's. So don't allow yourself to be dominated by others, don't allow yourself to be dictated to by others, that is a betrayal of life. If you allow yourself to be dictated to by others -- maybe your parents, your society, your education system -- your politicians, your priests, whosoever they are -- if you allow yourself to be dominated by others you will miss your life. Because the domination comes from outside and life is within you. They never meet.
I am not saying that you should become a no-sayer to each and everything. That too is not of much help. There are two types of people. One is an obedient type, ready to surrender to any and everybody. They don't have any independent soul in them; they are immature, childish, always searching for a father-figure, for somebody to tell them what to do and what not to do. They are not able to trust their own being. These people are the greater part of the world, the masses.
Then there are, against these people, a small minority who reJect society, who reject the values of the society. They think they are rebellious. They are not, they are only reactionaries. Because whether you listen to society or you reject society, if society remains in either way the determining factor, then you are dominated by the society.
Let me tell you an anecdote.
Once Mulla Nasrudin had been away for a while and arrived back in town wearing a long beard. His friends naturally kidded him about the beard and asked him how he happened to acquire the fur-piece. The Mulla with the beard began to complain and curse the thing in no uncertain terms. His friends were amazed at the way he talked and asked him why he continued to wear the beard if he did not like it. 'I hate the blasted thing!' the Mulla told them. 'If you hate it then why don't you shave it off and get rid of it?' one of his friends asked.
A devilish gleam shone in the eyes of the Mulla as he answered, 'Because my wife hates it too!'
But that does not make you free. The hippies, the yippies and others, they are not really rebellious people, they are reactionaries. They have reacted against the society. A few are obedient, a few are disobedient, but the centre of domination is the same. A few obey, a few disobey, but nobody looks at his own soul.
A really rebellious person is one who is neither for society nor against society, who simply lives his life according to his own understanding. Whether it goes against society or it goes with society is not a consideration, it is irrelevant. Sometimes it may go with the society, sometimes it may not go with the society, but that is not the point to be considered. He lives according to his understanding, according to his small light. And I am not saying that he becomes very egoistic about it. No, he is very humble. He knows that his light is very small, but that is all the light that there is. He is not adamant, he's very humble. He says, 'I may be wrong, but please allow me to be wrong according to myself.'
That is the only way to learn. To commit mistakes is the only way to learn. To move according to one's own understanding is the only way to grow and become mature. If you are always looking at somebody to dictate to you, whether you obey or disobey makes no difference. If you are looking at somebody else to dictate to you, to decide for or against, you will never be able to know what your life is. It has to be lived, and you have to follow your own small light.
It is not always certain what to do. You are very confused. Let it be so. But find a way out of your confusion. It is very cheap and easy to listen to others because they can hand over dead dog mas to you, they can give you commandments -- do this, don't do that. And they are very certain about their commandments. Certainty should not be sought; understanding should be sought. If you are seeking certainty you will become a victim of some trap or other. Don't seek certainty, seek understanding. Certainty can be given to you cheap, anybody can give it to you. But in the final analysis you will be a loser. You lost your life just to remain secure and certain, and life is not certain, life is not secure.
Life is insecurity. Each moment is a move into more and more insecurity. It is a gamble. One never knows what is going to happen. And it is beautiful that one never knows. If it was predictable, life would not be worth living. If everything was as you would like it to be, and everything was certain, you would not be a man at all, you would be a machine. Only for machines is everything secure and certain.
Man lives in freedom. Freedom needs insecurity and uncertainty. A real man of intelligence is always hesitant because he has no dogma to rely upon, to lean upon. He has to look and respond.
Lao Tzu says, 'I am hesitant, and I move alertly in life because I don't know what is going to happen. And I don't have.any principle to follow. I have to decide every moment. I never decide beforehand. I have to decide when the moment comes!'
Then one has to be very responsive. That's what responsibility is. Responsibility is not an obligation, responsibility is not a duty -- it is a capacity to respond. A man who wants to know what life is has to be responsive. That is missing. Centuries of conditioning have made you more like machines. You have lost your manhood, you have bargained for security. You are secure and comfortable and everything has been planned by others. And they have put everything on the map, they have measured everything. This is all absolutely foolish because life cannot be measured, it is immeasurable. And no map is possible because life is in constant flux. Everything goes on changing. Nothing is permanent except change. Says Heraclitus, 'You cannot step in the same river twice.'
And the ways of life are very zig-zag. The ways of life are not like the tracks of a railway train. No, it does not run on tracks. And that's the beauty of it, the glory of it,.the poetry of it, the music of it -- that it is always a surprise.
If you are seeking for security, certainty, your eyes will become closed. And you will be less and less surprised and you will lose the capacity to wonder. Once you lose the capacity to wonder, you have lost religion. Religion is the opening of your wondering heart. Religion is a receptivity for the mysterious that surrounds us.
Don't seek security; don't seek advice on how to live your life. People come to me and they say, 'Osho, tell us how we should live our life.' You are not interested in knowing what life is, you are more interested in making a fixed pattern. You are more interested in killing life than in living it. You want a discipline to be imposed on you.
There are, of course, priests and politicians all over the world who are ready, just sitting waiting for you. Come to them and they are ready to impose their disciplines on you. They enjoy the power that comes through imposing their own ideas upon others.
I'm not here for that. I am here to help you to become free. And when I say that I am here to help you to become free, I am included. I am to help you to become free of me also. My sannyas is a very paradoxical thing. You surrender to me in order to become free. I accept you and initiate you into.sannyas to help you to become absolutely free of every dogma, of every scripture, of every philosophy -- and I am included in it. Sannyas is as paradoxical -- it should be -- as life itself is. Then it is alive.
So the first thing is: don't ask anybody how you should live your life. Life is so precious. Live it. I am not saying that you will not make mistakes, you will. Remember only one thing -- don't make the same mistake again and again. That's enough. If you can find a new mistake every day, make it. But don't repeat mistakes, that is foolish. A man who can find new mistakes to make will be growing continuously -- that is the only way to learn, that is the only way to come to your own inner light.
I have heard.
One night the poet, Awhadi of Kerman (a very great Muslim poet) was sitting on his porch bent over a vessel. Shams-e-Tabrizi, a great Sufi mystic, happened to pass by.
Shams-e-Tabrizi looked at the poet, at what he was doing. He asked the poet, 'What are you doing?'
The poet said, 'Contemplating the moon in a bowl of water.'
Shams-e-Tabrizi started laughing, with an uproarious laughter, a mad laughter. The poet started feeling uncomfortable; a crowd gathered. And the poet said, 'What is the matter? Why are you laughing so much? Why are you ridiculing me?'
Shams-e-Tabrizi said, 'Unless you have broken your neck, why don't you look directly at the moon in the sky?'
The moon is there, the full moon is there, and this poet was sitting with a bowl of water arid looking into the bowl of water at the reflection of the moon.
Seeking truth in scriptures, seeking truth in philosophies, is looking at the reflection. If you ask somebody else how you should live your life, you are asking for misguidance, because that man can only talk about his own life. And never, never, are two lives the same. Whatsoever he can say or impart to you will be about his own life -- and that too only if he has lived. He may have asked somebody else, he may have followed somebody else, he may have been an imitator himself. Then it is a reflection of a reflection. And centuries pass and people go on reflecting the reflection of the reflection of the reflection -- and the real moon is always there in the sky waiting for you. It is your moon, it is your sky, look directly. Be immediate about it. Why borrow my eyes or anybody else's eyes? You have been given eyes, beautiful eyes, to see, and to see directly. Why borrow understanding from anybody? Remember, it may be understanding to me. but the moment you borrow it, it becomes knowledge to you -- it is no more understanding,
Understanding is only that which has been experienced by the person himself. It may be understanding for me, if I have looked at the moon, but the moment I say it to you it becomes know.ledge, it is no longer understanding. Then it is just verbal, then it is just linguistic. And language is a lie.
Let me tell you an anecdote.
A chicken farmer, dissatisfied with the productivity of his flock, decided to use a bit of psychology on his hens. Accordingly he purchased a gay-coloured, talking parrot and placed him in the barnyard. Sure enough, the hens took to the handsome stranger immediately, pointed out the best tidbits for him to eat with joyous clucks, and generally followed him around like a bevy of teen-age girls following a new singing star sensation. To the delight of the farmer even their egg-laying capacities improved.
The barnyard rooster, naturally jealous of being ignored by his harem, set upon the attractive interloper, assailed him with beak and claws, pulling out one green or red feather after the other. Whereupon the intimidated parrot cried out in trepidation, 'Desist sir! I beg of you, desist! After all, I am only here in the capacity of a language professor!'
Many people live their life as language professors. That is the falsest kind of life. Reality needs no language, it is available to you on a non-verbal level. The moon is there; it needs no bowl and no water, it needs no other medium. You have just to look at it; it is a non-verbal communication. The whole of life is available -- you just have to learn how to communicate with it non-verbally.
That's what meditation is all about -- to be in a space where language does not interfere, where learned concepts don't come in between you and the real.
When you love a woman don't be bothered about what others have said about love, because that is going to be an interference. You love a woman, the love is there, forget all that you have learned about love. Forget all Kinseys, forget all Masters and Johnsons, forget all Freuds and Jungs. Please don't become a language professor. Just love the woman and let love be there, and let love lead you and guide you into its innermost secrets, into its mysteries. Then you will be able to know what love is.
And what others say about meditation is meaningless. Once I came upon a book written by a Jaina saint about meditation. It was really beautiful but there were just a few places by which I could see that the man had never meditated himself -- otherwise those places could not be there. 3ut they were very few and far between. The book on the whole, almost ninety-nine per cent, was perfect. I loved the book.
Then I forgot about it. For ten years I was wandering around the country. Once in a village of Rajasthan, that saint came to meet me. His name sounded familiar, and suddenly I remembered the book. And I asked the saint why he had come to me. He said, 'I have come to you to know what meditation is.' I said, 'I remember your book. I remember it very well, because it really impressed me. Except for a few defects which showed that you have never meditated, the book was perfectly right -- ninety-nine per cent right. And now you come here to learn about meditation. Have you never meditated?'
He looked a little embarrassed because his disciples were also there. I said, 'Be frank. Because if you say you know meditation, then I am not going to talk about it. Then finished! You know. There is no need. If you say to me frankly -- at least be true once -- if you say you have never meditated, only then can I help you towards meditation.' It was a bargain, so he had to confess. He said, 'Yes, I have never said it to anybody. I have read many books about meditation, all the old scriptures. And I have been teaching people, that's why I feel embarrassed before my disciples. I have been teaching meditation to thousands, and I have written books about it, but I have never meditated.'
You can write books about meditation and never come across the space that meditation is. You can become very efficient in verbalising, you can become very clever in abstraction, in intellectual argumentativeness, and you can forget completely that all the time that you have been involved in these intellectual activities has been a sheer wastage.
I asked the old man, 'How long have you been interested in meditation?' He said, 'My whole life.' He was almost seventy. He said, 'When I was twenty I took sannyas, I became a Jaina monk, and those fifty years since then I have been reading and reading and thinking about meditation.' Fifty years of thinking and reading and writing about meditation, even guiding people into meditation, and he has not even tasted once what meditation is!
But this is the case with millions of people. They talk about love, they know all the poetries about love, but they have never loved. Or even if they thought they were in love, they were never in love. That too was a 'heady' thing, it was not of the heart. People live and go on missing life. It needs courage. It needs courage to be realistic, it needs courage to move with life wherever it leads, because the paths are uncharted, there exists no map. One has to go into the unknown.
Life can be understood only if you are ready to go into the unknown. If you cling to the known, you cling to the mind, and the mind is not life. Life is non-mental, non-intellectual, because life is total. Your totality has to be involved in it, you cannot just think about it. Thinking about life is not life. beware of this 'about-ism'. One goes on thinking about and about: there are people who think about God, there are people who think about life, there are people who think about love. There are people who think about this and that.
Mulla Nasrudin became very old and he went to his doctor. He was looking very weak so the doctor said, 'I can say only one thing. You will have to cut your love-life to half.'
The Mulla said, 'Okay. Which half? Talking about it or thinking about it?'
That's all. Don't become a language professor, don't become a parrot. Parrots are language professors. They live in words, concepts, theories, theologies, and life goes on passing, slipping out of their hands. Then one day suddenly they become afraid of death. When a person is afraid of death, know well that that person has missed life. If he has not missed life there cannot be any fear of death. If a person has lived life, he will be ready to live death also. He will be almost enchanted by the phenomenon of death.
When Socrates was dying he was so enchanted that his disciples could not understand what he was feeling so happy about. One disciple, Credo, asked, 'Why are you looking so happy? We are crying and weeping.' Socrates said, 'Why should I not be happy? I have known what life is, now I would like to know what death is. I am at the door of a great mystery, and I am thrilled!I am going on a great journey into the unknown. I am simply full of wonder! I cannot wait!' And remember, Socrates was not a religious man; Socrates was not in any way a believer.
Somebody asked, 'Are you so certain that the soul will survive after death?' Socrates said, 'I don't know.'
To say, 'I don't know' takes the greatest courage in the world. It is very difficult for the language professors to say, 'I don't know'. It is difficult for the parrots. Socrates was a very sincere and honest man. He said, 'I don't know.'
Then the disciple asked, 'Then why are you feeling so happy? If the soul does not survive, then...?' Socrates said, 'I have to see. If I survive there can be no fear about it. If I don't survive, how can there be fear? If I don't survive, I don't survive. Then where is the fear? There is nobody there, so fear cannot exist. If I survive, I survive. There is no point in getting afraid about it. But I don't know exactly what is going to happen. That's why I am so full of wonder and ready to go into it. I don't know.'
To me, this is what a religious man should be. A religious man is not a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan. All these are ways of knowledge. A Christian says, 'I know.' And his knowledge comes from the Christian dogmas. The Hindu says, 'I also know.' And his knowledge comes from the Vedas and the Gitas and his dogmas. And a Hindu is against the Christian, because he says, If I am right, you cannot be right. If you are right, then I cannot be right.' So there is great argument and there is much dispute and much debate and unnecessary conflict.
A religious man, a really religious man -- not the so-called religious people -- is one who says.'I don't know.' When you say 'I don't know' you are open, you are ready to learn. When you say 'I don't know' you don't have any prejudice this way or that, you don't have any belief, you don't have any knowledge. You have only awareness. You say, 'I am aware and I will see what happens. I will not carry any dogma from the past.'
This is the attitude of a disciple, the attitude of one who wants to learn. And discipline simply means learning. A disciple means a learner, one who is ready to learn, and discipline means learning.
I am not here to teach you any dogmas; I am not imparting any knowledge to you. I am simply helping you to see that which is. Live your life whatsoever the cost. Be ready to gamble with it.
I have heard about a business man. He was walking from his office to a restaurant for lunch when he was stopped by a stranger who said to him, 'I don't think that you remember me, but ten years ago I came to this city broke. I asked you for a loan and you gave me twenty dollars because you said you were willing to take a chance to start a man on the road to success.'
The business man thought for a while and then he said. 'Yes, I remember the incident. Go on with your story.' 'Well,' remarked the stranger, 'are you still willing to gamble?'
Life asks you the same question again and again and again: 'Are you still willing to gamble?' It is never certain. Life has no insurance to it; it is simply an opening, a wild opening, a chaotic opening. You can make a small house around you, secure, but then that will prove to be your grave. Live with life.
And we have been doing that in many ways. Marriage is man-created; love is part of life. When you create marriage around love you are creating security. You are making something which cannot be made -- love cannot be made legal. You are trying to do the impossible, and if, in that effort, love dies, it is no wonder. You become a husband, your beloved becomes a wife. You are no longer two alive persons, you are two functionaries. The husband has a certain function, the wife has a certain function: they have certain duties to fulfil. Then life has ceased to flow, it is frozen.
Watch a husband and wife. You will always see two persons frozen, sitting side by side, not knowing what they are doing there, why they are sitting there. Maybe they have nowhere to go.
When you see love between two persons, something is flowing, moving, changing. When there is love between two persons they live in an aura, there is a constant sharing. Their vibrations are reaching to : each other; they are broadcasting their being to each other. There is no wall between them, they are two and yet not two -- they are one also.
The husband and wife are as far away as it is possible to be, even though they may be sitting by the side of each other. The husband never listens to what the wife is saying; he has become deaf long ago. The wife never sees what is happening to the husband; she has become blind to him. They take each other absolutely for granted; they have become things. They are no longer persons because persons are always open, persons are always uncertain, persons are always changing. Now they have a fixed role to fulfil. They died the day they got married. Since that day they have not lived.
I'm not saying not to get married, but remember that love is the real thing. And if it dies then marriage is worthless.
And the same is true about everything in life, about everything. Either you can live it -- but then you have to live with this hesitation, not knowing what is going to happen the next moment -- or you can make everything certain about it.
There are people who have become so certain about everything that they are never surprised. There are people whom you cannot surprise. And I am here to deliver to you a message which is very surprising -- you will not believe it, I know. You cannot believe it, I know. I am here to tell you something which is absolutely unbelievable -- that you are gods and goddesses. You have forgotten
Let me tell you an anecdote.
Harvey Firestone, Thomas A. Edison, John Burroughs and Henry Ford stopped at a rural service station on their way to Florida for the winter. 'We want some bulbs for our headlights,' said Ford. 'And by the way, that is Thomas Edison sitting there in the car, and I am Henry Ford.'
The fellow at the service station did not even look up, just spat out some tobacco juice with obvious contempt. 'And,' said Ford, 'we would like to buy a new tire if you have any Firestone tires. And that other fellow in the car is Harvey Firestone himself.'
Still the old fellow said nothing. While he was placing the tire on the wheel, John Burroughs, with his long white beard, stuck his head out the window and said, 'How do you do, stranger?'
Finally the old man at the service station came alive. He glared at Burroughs and said, 'If you tell me you are Santa Claus I will be damned if I don't crush your skull with this lug wrench.'
He could not believe that in one car Harvey Firestone, Thomas A. Edison, John Burroughs and Henry Ford were travelling. They were all friends and they used to travel together.
When I say to you you are gods and goddesses you will not believe it because you have completely forgotten who is travelling within you, who is sitting within you, who is listening to me, who is looking at me. You have completely forgotten. You have been given some labels from the outside and you have trusted those labels -- yoUr name, your religion, your country -- all bogus! It does not make any sense if you are a Hindu or a Christian or a Mohammedan if you don't know your self. These labels make no sense at all except that they may be of a certain utility. What sense does it make whether you are a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Mohammedan, or an Indian, or an American, or Chinese? How does it make sense, how does it help you to know your being? All are irrelevant -- because the being is neither Indian, nor Chinese, nor American; and the being is neither Hindu, nor Mohammedan, nor Christian. The being is simply a pure 'is-ness'.
The pure 'is-ness' is what I call God. If you can understand your inner divinity you have understood what life is. Otherwise you have not been able yet to decode life. This is the message. The whole life is pointing at one thing, continuously -- that you are gods. Once you have understood it, then there is no death. Then you have learned the lesson. Then in death gods will be returning back to their homes.
The whole life...just a training for how to go back home, how to die, how to disappear. Because the moment you disappear, God appears in you. Your presence is God's absence; your absence is God's presence.
2005 AND 2006
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