Chapter 5.2

The Integration of the Chakras II.

The Hexagram or the Seal of Solomon and the Enhancement of the Energies.

The Hexagram or the Seal of Solomon.


This powerful symbol contains within it the seven chakras. It also shows how they work in pairs to energise each other. It shows the order of the Integration of the Chakras on the path of Enlightenment. The pairing happens in stages at first but eventually the three pairings work in parallel, progressively towards Enlightenment.

There are Three triangles of Energy within a human being.


The Lower Triangle.

The Lower Triangle of the Seal of Solomon.

The Lower Triangle of the Seal of Solomon is grounded in the Earth. It cannot raise its eyes above the horizon. It has all the faults and all the virtues of the three chakras of which it is composed. The animal man.

The lower triangle consists of:



Sanskrit Name.

Represented by.

Base Chakra


Red circle

Second Chakra


Orange circle

Third Chakra


Yellow circle


The whole lower triangle represents the beast part of the Sphinx, the Centaur, and also that of Pan.


The Upper Triangle.

The Upper Triangle of the Seal of Solomon.

The Upper Triangle of the Seal of Solomon shows the person who has their head in the clouds. They do not feel as if they were meant to be on this planet. They think wonderful thoughts but are powerless to ground them. Powerless to make them reality. They float through this world disdaining the stupidity, cupidity and earthiness of the majority.


The Upper Triangle Consists of:



Sanskrit Name

Represented by.

Seventh Chakra


White circle.

Fifth chakra


Blue circle

Fourth chakra


Pink cirlce

This shows the Angelic man. The human head of the Sphinx and the Centaur. The Higher Self. The Soul. The Monad. The Source.


The Integration of the Triangles.


The great task is to bring both of these triangles together. On their own they are much less than when they are united. To put the head on the beast. As in the symbol of Krishna the Master, and Arjuna the charioteer in the Bhagavad Gita. The joining of the triangle means to have a master, the Soul, controlling the charioteer, the intellect, driving the horses, the emotions. It is the great marriage of the earth and the heavens creating an androgyne figure and the birth of the child, Horus. The great union of Yin and Yang.


Fig 5.2 (d): The interlinking of the above two triangles and Ajna Chakra compose the Hexagram.


The Master or control chakra for both these triangles, bringing them both together, is first the Heart centre and then the Heart centre in the Head, Ajna chakra or the Brow chakra - The Third Eye.

The interlinking of the above two triangles and Ajna Chakra compose the Hexagram. It is a symbol of union. Of Enlightenment.


The Chakras, the Seal of Solomon, And their Integration.

The Chakras, the Seal of Solomon, and their Integration.

The Higher Triangle consists of Sahasrara chakra, Ajna chakra and another chakra at the back of the head - The Alta Major centre. They start to work together when the Base chakra starts to function.

Under the action of first the Heart and then Ajna Chakra, the three pairs of chakras start to communicate

This interlinking within the Hexagram shows the pairing of the chakras as they start to function at a higher level. Each pairing increases the power passing through the Heart centre in the head. The pairings start to occur in the order below. Then the enhancement of their energies progress all at the same time, in parallel. They eventually get confirmed, cemented, crystallised in their function in the order below. From this confirmation or initiation there is no slipping back. When the third pairing is confirmed, this is generally known as enlightenment.

  • First Initiation, the Solar plexus powers the Heart.
  • Second Initiation, the Second chakra powers the Throat.
  • Third Initiation, the Base chakra powers the Head.




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Y">The Upper Triangle.

The Upper Triangle of the Seal of Solomon.

The Upper Triangle of the Seal of Solomon shows the person who has their head in the clouds. They do not feel as if they were meant to be on this planet. They think wonderful thoughts but are powerless to ground them. Powerless to make them reality. They float through this world disdaining the stupidity, cupidity and earthiness of the majority.


The Upper Triangle Consists of:



Sanskrit Name

Represented by.

Seventh Chakra


White circle.

Fifth chakra


Blue circle

Fourth chakra


Pink cirlce

This shows the Angelic man. The human head of the Sphinx and the Centaur. The Higher Self. The Soul. The Monad. The Source.


The Integration of the Triangles.


The great task is to bring both of these triangles together. On their own they are much less than when they are united. To put the head on the beast. As in the symbol of Krishna the Master, and Arjuna the charioteer in the Bhagavad Gita. The joining of the triangle means to have a master, the Soul, controlling the charioteer, the intellect, driving the horses, the emotions. It is the great marriage of the earth and the heavens creating an androgyne figure and the birth of the child, Horus. The great union of Yin and Yang.


Fig 5.2 (d): The interlinking of the above two triangles and Ajna Chakra compose the Hexagram.


The Master or control chakra for both these triangles, bringing them both together, is first the Heart centre and then the Heart centre in the Head, Ajna chakra or the Brow chakra - The Third Eye.

The interlinking of the above two triangles and Ajna Chakra compose the Hexagram. It is a symbol of union. Of Enlightenment.


The Chakras, the Seal of Solomon, And their Integration.

The Chakras, the Seal of Solomon, and their Integration.

The Higher Triangle consists of Sahasrara chakra, Ajna chakra and another chakra at the back of the head - The Alta Major centre. They start to work together when the Base chakra starts to function.

Under the action of first the Heart and then Ajna Chakra, the three pairs of chakras start to communicate

This interlinking within the Hexagram shows the pairing of the chakras as they start to function at a higher level. Each pairing increases the power passing through the Heart centre in the head. The pairings start to occur in the order below. Then the enhancement of their energies progress all at the same time, in parallel. They eventually get confirmed, cemented, crystallised in their function in the order below. From this confirmation or initiation there is no slipping back. When the third pairing is confirmed, this is generally known as enlightenment.



