

Section 2: The Material

Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder

25. The psychopath as physician



Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Psychopath           The Mask Of Sanity



25. The psychopath as physician

When first seen by me, he was still in his early forties. From the country town in

which he was practicing medicine an inquiry came concerning his professional ability.

Everyone regarded him as a brilliant man. His patients loved him, and while he was

working regularly, his collections were more than adequate. It was often impossible to

find him, for now and then, in the classic manner, he lay out in third-rate hotel rooms or

in the fields semiconscious until he could be found and coaxed back home.


This was tolerantly accepted as one of his idiosyncrasies by the rustic folk he

attended. It was inconvenient, but like drought and the boll weevil, what the devil could

one do about it? The community, in which not only social drinking but even card

playing and dances were generally regarded as devices of Satan, intuitively sensed that

the Doc's doings had little or nothing in common with the proscribed gaieties or

frivolities. Although a man known to drink cocktails for pleasure and even a woman

who smoke cigarettes might have been ostracized, local deacons and town gossips made

no concerted attack on the doctor.

The inquiry about his ability mentioned previously was prompted by the

following incident:

A patient whom he had been attending off and on for several weeks had noticed

that he occasionally seemed glassy-eyed and slightly irrelevant. Neither she nor her

family, however, was prepared for such a bedside manner as was his on the last visit.

When the door was opened for the doctor, he swung in unsteadily with it,

hanging desperately to the knob, which he apparently hesitated to relinquish. Breathing

hard, he muttered inaudibly for a moment, winked inanely at three children who had

withdrawn to a corner, gave several short, piercing cheers, and slipped to the floor.

Retaining his instrument bag in one hand, he began, still prone, to crawl toward his

patient's room. Switching his body from side to side, he made slow but spectacular

progress, hesitating every few yards to give a series of hoarse, emphatic grunts or barks.

This pantomime was taken by the family to represent an alligator slipping through a

bog. In this manner he reached the bedside of the patient.

This man's history shows a great succession of purposeless follies dating from

early manhood. He lost several valuable hospital appointments by lying out sodden or

by bursting in on serious occasions with nonsensical uproar. He was once forced to

relinquish a promising private practice because of the scandal and indignation which

followed an escapade in a brothel where he had often lain out disconsolately for days at

a time.

Accompanied by a friend who was also feeling some influence of drink, he

swaggered into this favorite retreat and bellowed confidently for women. Congenially

disposed in one room, the party of four called for highballs. For an hour or more only

the crash of glasses, scattered oaths, and occasional thuds were heard. Then suddenly

an earnest, piercing scream brought the proprietress and her servants racing into the

chamber. One of the prostitutes lay prostrate, clasping a towel to her breast, yelling in

agony. Through her wails and sobs she accused the subject of this report of having, in

his injudicious blunderings, bitten off her nipple. An examination by those present

showed that this unhappy dismemberment


had, in fact, taken place. Although both men had at the moment been in bed with her,

the entertainer had no doubt as to which one had done her the injury.

Feeling ran strong for a while, but, by paying a large sum of money as

recompense for the professional disability and personal damage he had inflicted, the

doctor avoided open prosecution. Before a settlement had been made, the guilty man

attempted to persuade his companion to assume responsibility for the deed. It would

be less serious for the other man, he argued, since his own prominence and professional

standing made him a more vulnerable target for damaging courtroom dramatics and for

slander. His companion, however, declined this opportunity for self-sacrifice with great


Less spectacular performances include locking himself in a hotel room alone

where he would drink to stupefaction, arouse the management, break furniture,

telephone his wife that he had decided to kill himself, drink more, and remain until

taken by police or friends who broke open the door.

He also contributed vividly to the liveliness of a dance some years ago. His older

brother, whom he was visiting in a New England town and who was an officer in a

country club where the dance was in progress, remonstrated with him, urging him to

leave because his loud and disorderly behavior, having already attracted unfavorable

attention, was now beginning to cause consternation. Whooping in indignation, he at

once grappled with his elder on the porch of the club where they stood.

The orchestra having stopped for intermission, a large number of ladies and

gentlemen were strolling on the terrace below. Attracted by frantic outcries, reiterated

curses, and the sound of scuffling above, these bystanders looked up to see the two

brothers whirling dizzily in combat. The younger man, his strength finally prevailing,

got the older against the banister and seemed about to throw him over. As observers

ran to quell the tumult, our subject, having in his position of vantage breath to spare for

oratory, caused the golf course to echo with his threats and insults.

"You bastard! You goddamned - bastard! You son of a bitch! I'll kill you, bastard

and son of a bitch that you are!" he yelled, pushing his brother back farther over the

banister as the echoes returned his violent words. One wonders if the brother was

observant enough at the moment to note the two-edged nature of the term with which

he was being so loudly reviled. Rescuers soon interrupted the performance. Our

subject could very probably have thrown his brother over before they came, but his

intention apparently was to make a scene rather than to inflict serious injury.


After one of his longest periods of regular work and apparently satisfactory

adjustment, which lasted nearly a year, he attended the meeting of a regional medical

society in a large city where an exploit brought him to the notice of local newspapers.


A man listed as Dr. ___ of ____ was arrested yesterday morning and charged with

burglary when he was found asleep on the altar of St. Philip's Church. Officer J. G.

Coates who made the arrest said that a painter engaged in painting St. Philip's dome

found the door to the church open this morning and called him. Investigation revealed

the man asleep on the altar. The officer quoted Dr. ____ as saying that someone else had

been with him but that he could not remember who. The doctor seemed to be eminently

rational but could give no adequate reason for his inopportune presence in such a place.

While a charge of burglary had been placed, according to records at police barracks, a

complete examination of the church property revealed the fact that nothing was missing.

He proved to the satisfaction of the authorities that he had entered the church

with no intention of stealing or doing any other damage. I am indeed strongly

convinced that this contention was correct. Finding a man in so preposterous a

situation, the newspaper reporters had mistakenly, but understandably, assumed that

some motive such as burglary must, of plain necessity, be responsible for his presence.

What his purpose really was, we must admit, is difficult to explain in terms of ordinary

human strivings.

He often swears off drinking and expresses the intention of devoting himself to

constructive and regular occupation but, despite all the serious troubles that his conduct

has brought him, he actually continues as before.


Next: Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 26. The psychopath as psychiatrist


Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Psychopath           The Mask Of Sanity



Section 2, Part 2


  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 20. Degrees of disguise in essential pathology
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 20. Degrees of disguise in essential pathology, The cases already reported are only a few among many hundreds whom I have observed. All of these people, when their records over the years are considered, strike one as remarkably similar. If the story of each could be told in detail, it is believed that the similarity would become more plain to any reader. It is the contention of the present argument that this personality disorder shapes and hardens into the outlines of a very definite clinical entity or reaction type, into a pattern of disorder quite as recognizable and as real as any listed in psychiatric nomenclature at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 21. The psychopath as businessman
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 21. The psychopath as businessman, No attempt will be made to give a detailed history of this man. Suffice it to say that the incidents mentioned are not isolated experiences in the general life pattern but rather expressions of a motif which persistently recurs to interrupt the outward serenity. He is now 50 years of age, and he has gone on to achieve considerable business success, being an equal partner in a wholesale grocery concern. As a businessman there is much to be said for him. Except for his periodic sprees, he works industriously at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 22. The psychopath as man of the world
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 22. The psychopath as man of the world, The psychopath as man of the world comes from excellent stock and his educational background includes four years at a celebrated preparatory school and three at a well-known university. During his student days he took no interest whatsoever in any of his studies. His shrewdness, his skill at utilizing the work of his friends, from whose papers he usually patched together his own themes and essays, and his reliance on cheating in examinations enabled him to stay in the University through his junior year. His real interests during this period consisted in decking himself with fine clothes in which to saunter about, in presiding at social gatherings, and in flimsy but pretentious lovemaking with a large number of prominent young ladies. In the eyes of these and of their mothers he passed as a dashing beau, almost as an arbiter elegantiarum at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 23. The psychopath as gentleman
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 23. The psychopath as gentleman, This man, whom for convenience we may call W. R. L., first came to my attention professionally when seen strapped down during hydrotherapy in a continuous tub. There, surrounded by dozens of the most complete madmen an imaginative layman could conceive, he strained, cursed, bellowed, and hurled defiant imprecations at all about him at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 24. The psychopath as scientist
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 24. The psychopath as scientist, Limitations of space allow only a few highlights to be thrown on this mans interesting career. Though still in the late twenties, he was already a doctor of philosophy, and the co-author of several creditable papers on subjects in the general field of physics at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 25. The psychopath as physician
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 25. The psychopath as physician, When first seen by me, he was still in his early forties. From the country town in which he was practicing medicine an inquiry came concerning his professional ability. Everyone regarded him as a brilliant man. His patients loved him, and while he was working regularly, his collections were more than adequate. It was often impossible to find him, for now and then, in the classic manner, he lay out in third-rate hotel rooms or in the fields semiconscious until he could be found and coaxed back home at

  • Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 26. The psychopath as psychiatrist
    Psychopath Hervey Cleckley THE MASK OF SANITY, Section 2: The Material , Part 2: Incomplete manifestations or suggestions of the disorder, 26. The psychopath as psychiatrist, In the group who show some fundamental characteristics of the typical psychopath but who make a good or fair superficial adjustment in society are sometimes found men who hold responsible positions. Lawyers, business executives, physicians, and engineers who show highly suggestive features of the disorder have been personally observed. Perhaps one would think that the psychiatrist, with good opportunity to observe the psychopath, would eschew all his ways. I believe, however, that a glimpse can be given of characteristics of the psychopath in such a person at





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