The Spirit and the Soul by Miles Mathis and Satchidanand

“Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” Satchidanand

Hello Miles Mathis. This augmentation of your work is a letter of admiration of you and of your body of work. I do not like to waste my time on idiots so this augmentation, whilst not at the same level intellectually is a little further along imaginatively and intuitively. In particular meditatively giving the psychic powers of the opening of the third eye and visions of the Truth.

My apologies to the Soul, whose beauty I could not begin to approach with the works of art used to illustrate this paper. I tried to call up my own Soul's advice in the choices, but she only recommended I avoid the nudes. She knows I would not nix those for my own reasons, but she tells me they don't put the petitioner in the right frame of mind. Nothing wrong with nudes, but not here. For myself, I found all historical depictions far too manly, partially nude or not. Something worth commenting on there, but I will save it for another time.

As for nudes, the whole of humanity is kept breeding for the next generation by nudes. Without nudes, the beauty of nudes, humanity would not exist. And not only nudes, God created humanity with Energy cords. Where the umbilical cord enters into the baby, when it is gone an energy cord takes its place and through that cord the baby receives the energy which as well as food, keeps it alive.

Energy cords are fundamental to the connection, to the attraction, to the sex between us, to the whole area of relationships, to good relationships which last, to bad relationships which fail. Do not give me the claptrap about how we weren't compatible.. A human being can stay together forever with their dog.

Energy cords are fundamental to good relationships. By investigating and healing energy cords by means of Level Four of Energy Enhancement Meditation we can heal all our relationships.

Many of my readers have asked me for more commentary on spiritual matters. Although I worry when I include my little sermons in papers, I find that a certain segment of my audience likes those parts the most. I am sure others like them the least, but that is how it goes. Here, the entire paper will be on those topics, so those who like them the least can bow out now.

Up to now, I have been mostly silent on these things because my Soul has told me to be. I have been told that it is not proper to speak of such things, or that it is unseemly to say you know what you cannot know. I have even gotten the impression it is bad luck to talk of certain things, but possibly I was misreading the signs. I am certain it is best to listen closely to your Soul, but maybe it was not speaking of these things in general that was frowned upon, but speaking of them at too young an age. Possibly I was not ready to speak of them. I needed to learn more. But now the ban seems to be lifted, so maybe my thoughts and words have reached a point where they can be shared, or must be shared. We will see. If I feel any pushback from within, I will stop.

I want to start with a broad observation, one gifted me by my Soul. Talk of spiritual matters has historically been couched in unnecessary mystery, complexity, nebulosity, and mumbo-jumbo. As with science and some other fields, anytime anyone has anything to say about spirituality, he feels the need to go cloudy, approaching every question from the side in great circles of fluff, instead of simply and directly. Even Jesus spoke in parables, though we are never told exactly why.

Nothing has caused more confusion over the millennia than religions. Just as I have tried to cut through the lingo of Science and Art, - you can see all my papers solving the problems created by Einstein, Bohr and Plank on my website - I will try to cut through the lingo of religion, simplifying things as much as possible for easiest comprehension. I do this not because I think I am talking to dummies who can't comprehend anything but the Cliff Notes, but because after three millennia or more some of these questions could use a good scrubbing.

Most are so overgrown with addenda, accretions, asides, and tangential matters, that even the smartest of us can't make heads or tails of them. Since we may assume a lot of that schist was later added for the express purpose of creating confusion, it would be helpful to strip down to essentials, getting down to bare skin, if you will. I am advised that there is no reason we can't speak plainly and sensibly about these matters.

I suspect that in trying to get to the heart of the matter here, I will be accused of being reductive. But reductive means oversimplifying a problem to the point the essential character of the subject is lost. The dictionary definition also uses the word “crude”. A reductive analysis is considered crude, which may explain why religious commentary so pointedly avoids being pointed: it is running from the epithet “crude”. Better to be windy and cloudy in the extreme rather than risk being called crude. I think I will be able to avoid that claim, since it is precisely the essentials I am after. I am also not interested in turning religion to black and white. In fact, it is the true colors I am most interested in: the ones veiled or muted by brown patina after brown patina.

Here is an example, which I take from the Wikipedia page on Lurianic Kabbalah. You would think that an encyclopedia entry would attempt to make its subject somewhat comprehensible, but that is not what we find. Instead, we find this:

Religious Kabbalists see the deeper comprehensiveness of Lurianic theory being due to its description and exploration of aspects of Divinity, rooted in the Ein Sof, that transcend the revealed, rationally apprehended mysticism described by Cordovero.[2] The system of Medieval Kabbalah becomes incorporated as part of its wider dynamic. Where Cordovero described the Sefrot (Divine attributes) and the Four spiritual Realms, preceded by Adam Kadmon, unfolding sequentially out of the Ein Sof, Luria probed the supra-rational origin of these Five Worlds within the Infnite. This revealed new doctrines of Primordial Tzimtzum (contraction) and the Shevira (shattering) and reconfguration of the sephirot. In Kabbalah, what preceded more deeply in origins, is also refected within the inner dimensions of subsequent Creation, so that Luria was able to explain messianism, Divine aspects, and reincarnation, Kabbalistic beliefs that remained unsystemised beforehand.

Now, I am considered a pretty smart guy, but if there is any meaning or content there, I missed it. You may think I chose the worst paragraph on the page, but I didn't. Visit that page and see for yourself: the whole thing reads like that. It is like swimming in a vat of cold green jello and cottage cheese. So we can't blame the Wikipedia editors for not making sense of it: such a thing is not possible. It was written to confuse, and has been overwritten thousands of times since first creation by people also hired for the jumble in their heads. Luria may have been listening to his Soul when he wrote, put he impresses me as the sort of person who could mistranslate a grocery list. I simply don't trust anyone who talks like that. In every case I later found they were trying to scam me.

But let's move on, lest you think I am picking on Kabbalah. I'm not. It was just the obvious example in illustrating my point about clarity. In my previous papers on the Buddha and Buddhism, I have shared my discomfort with the worldview presented there as well. But Buddhism happens to be a useful lead-in here, since — like all other religions — it seems to me to be partly right. In Buddhism, we are taught that the meaning of this life is to escape it through perfect renunciation.

Only in perfect renunciation can we achieve Nirvana, and avoid infinite rebirth. It is not hard to see the perversity in that idea, especially when it is stated so baldly. It is illogical on the face of it. Why would our spirit be placed here, and then be instructed to renounce everything?

If we should renounce anything, shouldn't that be only the bad things? This is Perfect Renunciation. Why renounce the good things? Yes, this life is corrupt, but it seems a wise person would renounce only the corruption. This life is also beautiful and miraculous, so why renounce that? Shouldn't we embrace that? What could we possibly learn as spirits by renouncing the good and beautiful?

No, it won't do. But the reason I think Buddhism is seductive and widespread is that it is partially correct. This life IS very corrupt, and we should renounce the corruption, the lies, the Energy Blockages, the Evil!

We can very easily do that by learning Energy Enhancement Meditation. By grounding negative energies by using the technique of Alchemical VITRIOL we just ground and transmute the negative parts, leaving the good parts behind. We can very easily ground and transmute Energy Blockages by the use of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process transmuting the pain, the trauma-formed negative karmic mass and leaving the trapped angel at the core of the blockage behind so that we can augment, expand and increase the size of our Psychic Bodies by absorbing the Angel.

The purpose of our sojourn of about five hundred lifetimes on this planet is to evolve to the point where we no longer need to learn anything more. When we have passed every test. When we have evolved sufficiently. When our psychic body is so large, so evolved that we only have the power to do the right and good thing, not because we have been told to do this, not because we are following a rule book, not because our intellect says to do this, but because the heart has been opened, because the psychic body has been sufficiently increased and structured that this is the case.

This is the purpose of Energy Enhancement Meditation transmuting evil energy blockages and absorbing the angels at the core of them. To evolve our psychic body to become so large, so evolved that we only have the power to do the right and good thing, not because we have been told to do this, not because we are following a rule book, not because our intellect says to do this, but because the heart has been opened, because the psychic body has been structured that this is the only thing that is possible.. . That we only have the power to do the right and good thing.

This evolution is not just intellectual. It is also a process of the evolution of imagination, intuition, opening the heart, opening the third eye, the ability to transmute negative energies, the ability to absorb positive energies, the ability to remove evil subpersonalities in ourselves - the poor me, the violator, the selfish competitive black star - and thus become One Soul infused personality. That we only have the power to do the right and good thing. As we evolve we gain the power to do these right and good things, gooder and righter!

To crystallise and order the psychic body making it more efficient. To fuse with the Soul, Monad, Logos higher and higher in the chakras above the head. Closer to God. To become One. To become One Soul infused personality. To become One Monad infused personality. To become One Logos infused personality. To hear and see the word of God. To feel the connection with God every moment of every day. To become the embodiment of Not my will, but thy Will be done! As we evolve we gain the power to do these right and good things, gooder and righter!

Life is indeed a sort of test, and that is part of it. And the goal of this life IS to escape it, in a way. The goal is to transcend and dissolve the corruption and to find or create a better existence.

This you can do only by passing the tests that are put to you in this life. But your reward for that is not Nirvana (bliss in the lap of God or something) or Heaven (perfect and easy existence of some sort), it is your spirit being passed to the next level.

In this way, the Earth is a sort of testing ground for mid-level spirits. Even the atheist Christopher Hitchens roughly put it that way, though he called it a dumping ground for poor spirits. [Strange statement from an atheist, regardless.] It could also been seen that way, I guess, especially from the point of view of a poor spirit like his. He will be back, we can be sure. But from the point of view of somewhat richer spirits, the Earth is simply a step on the ladder, one that all spirits have to take at some point. It would seem that most spirits spend many lifetimes here, getting it wrong. I now assume most get it right eventually, moving on to the next level. As for the time tables, none of us are privy to them.

It helps to look at it from the point of view of the next level. Imagine a planet not too far away—it could be in our own Solar System for all we know, hidden from view. This planet is the next step in the ladder. Well, those folks don't want your corruption. They have a system that works very much better than ours, and they don't need us there clogging it up. So until we prove we can live there without causing mayhem, we aren't welcome. If we insist on being nasty, we can do that very well here.

And why do I believe this? Has my Soul told me so directly? No. I am not claiming divine inspiration of any sort. I am not channeling an entity because my Soul is me! I come to it from my own experience, though I think part of this experience is a schooling by the Soul. I feel constantly tested in just this way. Some of the tests I have failed and some I have passed. I continue to fail, and I continue to pass. I am in no hurry. I am not claiming I will pass at the end of this life: I probably won't. But I am confident I am moving forward. I am not moving backward and I am not just spinning. That is the thing.

I can tell you that the main reason I am optimistic — despite my growing awareness of the corruption around me and in me — is that I can hear the instruction and follow it (for the most part). I don't need to read religious texts, because I can hear the instruction directly from the source. I know when I have done wrong, and I have the discipline to stop doing it. And I know when I have done right, and I have the courage to keep doing it. May that courage continue for the larger tests that are sure to come.

So we are not damned spirits, and we are not “dumped” here. There is no such thing as a damned spirit. There are only unpassed spirits. Yes, unpassed spirits can feel damned, but that is why they are unpassed. To pass the blame for their own actions, they claim the gods have cursed them. But God has cursed no one. God simply doesn't pass the unworthy.

Remember that. You belong here (for the time). If you didn't belong here, you wouldn't be here. None of us are too good for the Earth. This is our current level, which should be a cause for humility.

Which is not to say there aren't differences. Some spirits here are very near being passed and some are very far from being passed. I would say the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are very far from being passed, since they aren't even aware of the rules of life anymore. They seem to think they get extra points for piles of cash or for 20-car garages or for titles. While in truth they are simply stacking up demerits for those things.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires expect you to play by their rules, but they forget that they themselves are bound by rules. And while their rules are arbitrary and false, the higher rules are true and immutable. They know this, since we are all born knowing the rules. True morality, true Goodness, is like language: it is innate. It doesn't have to be taught. . . it has to be untaught. Most of your vulgar modern education is an unteaching of this innate morality, to make you more pliable for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Your innate knowledge gained over many lifetimes is a nuisance to them, and so they try to squelch it. . . just as they have squelched their own.

We all have our hills to climb, but just imagine the hill in front of a rich man. He has not been given the easiest test, but the hardest. Who knows what he did to deserve such a test, but we can be sure he does deserve it.* He must find a way to force the camel through the needle. We see the famous rich failing the tests in spectacular fashion, falling down the hill in the ugliest manner possible. Some of them are so wretched by the end I suppose they don't even qualify to be reborn here on this beautiful Earth. They have to go back a step. And I don't mean being reborn as a dog or something. I suspect dogs and other animals are not back a step from us. More likely they are forward a step. I mean the rich must go back to the planet beneath the Earth, wherever that is.

Of course I mean all these things figuratively. I don't know where these planets are, or even if they are planets. I am stripping this all down for the easiest comprehension.

Now, what of the Devil, or devils? I have said I don't believe in Satan and Angel rebellious to God, thrown out of heaven. I don't even think the most evil Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires qualify as Satanic. Satan is not a God.

What do I mean by that? I mean that the idea of an evil god is illogical. Who knows at what level your spirit, being passed many times, becomes godlike, but we may assume you don't get there by being evil. Being evil is what keeps you from being passed. But that doesn't mean there aren't fallen spirits like Satan. If you can move a step up, you can also move a step down, and devils are simply spirits that have passed to the next level, then been thrown back to our level.

But since they are now at our level, they aren't gods by any stretch of the imagination. They are no more powerful than you or me but they have been trained in psychic powers that we all can learn in Energy Enhancement Meditation. Just as we can learn to transmute Energy Blockages in ourselves and others with Energy Enhancement Meditation, so evil people learn to create Energy Blockages and implant these Energy Blockages in others to Steal, to vampirise their energy systems.

And if they stick to their bad ways after the step down, they aren't as powerful as you or me, since they are continuing on their way down. Which is precisely why the “evil ones” are so pathetic. They exist almost entirely on bluff, since they aren't gods and aren't praying to any evil gods. There are no evil gods, by definition. So these fallen spirits aren't tapped into any dark force. There is no dark force. You are either tapped into the light, or you are untapped. If you are untapped, you are on your own, since the Soul cannot help you, since they have disconnected themselves from the energy of God, so they must perforce, steal vampirise the energy of humanity.

Thus the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have worshiped Baal for 10,000 years. Thus the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who take hallucinogens to talk to the evil human beings who have learned how to cut themselves of from God using Energy Blockages. Thus the evil human beings who have learned how to close down their hearts using energy blockages. Thus the Satanic Ritual of the Cremation of Care at Bohemian Grove where captains of industry, politicians, media types, prime ministers, presidents get together to worship Satan or Lucifer, burning the image of a young boy in front of a 40ft statue of Molech, in order to close down their hearts, to reduce their empathy, so that they can continue to create the wars, poison the people, kill two hundred millions of people in the 20th century like Satanists Stalin, Hitler and Mao.

Thus the evil human beings who have learned how to leave the body and live out of the body like Sauron for thousands of years and then to enter, take over, to possess the body of another human being in order to manage their farm of human cattle. To control humanity by stopping their evolution through the oligarchic Principle of Poverty, by poison, by censorship, by total media control. By Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism and slavery.

Christianity was the religion of one God and our Lord Jesus Christ which destroyed the Old Pagan Religions of Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism and slavery!

Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed running Global Trading Companies for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.

The Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families are Satanists, are pagans from the time before Christ when every pagan religion incorporated human sacrifice and cannibalism.

In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family. Their sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!

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The point is that Satan and Lucifer were thrown out of Heaven and thus have been cut off from the energy of God. The Demons demand pain and death so as to harvest the spiritual energy of the suffering and the death so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body. Sexual ritual to harvest the spiritual energy of the orgasm. Drug ritual to harvest the energy of the drug induced burning of the candle at both ends.

These Satan and Lucifer Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology - Satanic Rituals - of how to leave the body and live eternally in private universes on the astral plane by cutting off from the energies of God and vampirising humanity for their energy - and this has been going on for thousands of years.

These Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology of how to take over and possess people during Satanic Rituals designed for that purpose. Some people suggest that the heads of each Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such downloaded demons sent down from time to time from their private universes on the Astral plane to manage their World plantation.

Because in order to live forever they need to cut themselves off from God, they need to close down their Hearts. Their whole life cycle so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body depends on the harvesting of spiritual energy from their human cattle. In the same way the Masai live by drinking the blood of their cattle, the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are minions kept in order by Satanic Rituals to manage the human population by Dumbing them down.

The main method of retaining control, so as to steal their energy, of dumbing down the human population is poison. As well as the 10,000 year Principle of Poverty, the poisonous fluoride in the water, the poisonous Aluminium and Barium Geoengineering chemtrails in the air, the poisonous pesticides and GMO in the food, the poisonous Deathvaxx, and the poisonous lies like Global Warming and LGBTP of their fake Politicians and fake media are the weapons which the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires use to Dumb Down aspirational populations in order to maintain their control.

But also humanity is Dumbed down and weakened by corruption and perversion. Blackmail, corruption by accepting the shilling of being bought off or just accepting wages working for the Corporations of the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

Feminists, Trannies, Communists, Fascists, Economists are all corrupted by low level lies created to deceive. Fabulous created lies of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires for people who do not understand that Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron who are the top of the hierarchy which need to be removed..

Transhumanism proposes the ability to upload consciousness into objects like computers and to download that consciousness into bodies so as to live eternally, immortally, for ever is one of the ways billionaires are offered immortality by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron - but they are all deceived!

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join their Illuminati secret societies. Secretive groups like the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Masons and the Masonic Palladian sexual ritual also show the management structure of the elite.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Aleister Crowley's OTO and it's Dog Priest homosexual rituals and Whore of Babalon sexual rituals based on the absorption of demons, being taken over by Demons, through sexual congress with demon possessed prostitutes.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Jeffrey Epstein's farming of underage boys and girls to service high level Pedophile Elite's Sexual Rituals and Human Sacrifice Rituals as well as to induct high level minions into the World management structure by proving how bad they are by blackmail through videoing them murdering children - very much how the Mafia test their applicants through asking them to murder someone and so, "make their bones".

The Souls only have good advice or none, so there are no dark spirits from a higher level helping these people. If they are talking to dark spirits, those are dark spirits like them—at this level.

Which isn't to say they cannot cause major trouble. Spirits even at our level are quite powerful, though they are nothing like gods. As such spirits, they are capable of major mischief. You yourself are capable of major mischief, much more than you know. But that is not why you are here. If you would move up, you are here not to destroy, but to create.

If we think of one of the most powerful white magician poets, Tolkien, his power was that of truth. His power of poetry was of the ability to channel the energy of God into his words.

Tolkien said there was a fallen Angel like Morgoth or Sauron who was jealous of the creation of God. When he cut himself off from God he tried to emulate the creation of God but instead could only copy, badly. Thus Elves "tortured and mutilated" became Orcs and Uruk Hai. The Energy of God became lesser chakras reflecting the glory of God like Silmarils, or infused by his hatred and evil, The One Ring.

Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally, as long as they can steal our energy. Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits are cut off from the Energy of God and thus perforce must vampirise the energy of God from God's creatures, humanity.

Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally, as long as they can steal our energy because they are cut off from the Energy of God and thus perforce must continuously dumb down and mind control humanity by means of poison, fluoride in the water, GMo and pesticides in the food, medical drugs, black market drugs, chemtrails of aluminium, barium, viruses and MRNA, poison vaccines containing cancer forming SV40 green monkey virus in all vaccines since 1950's, creating the cancer industry from scratch and nano heavy metals and MRNA poison spike proteiin the latest Deathvaxx.

Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally, as long as they can steal our energy because are cut off from the Energy of God and thus perforce must continuously dumb down and mind control humanity by means of mind poison media, newspapers, magazines, television, internet, google, twitter, facebook, hollywood to create lies like divide and conquer, feminism, transexuality, LGBTP, Men and women are pigs, women are all leaders and warriors, global warming, covid, carbon footprints, vaccines, Rockefeller Big Pharma, Drugs, fentanyl, ayahuasca, LSD, Mescalyn, genetically modified marijuana.

And that brings us to the next major point. To prove yourself worthy, you don't renounce life. That is only a sign of weakness or inversion, and they have no need for that at the next level. No spirit advances on weakness. Spirits expand by taking on more light. In this way they grow and become more powerful. As larger light bodies they have more strength. So that, as a reversal of Buddhism (and in some ways a reversal of Christianity), you advance by embracing the good things of this life.

Some have thought that because this life is corrupt, the spiritual thing to do is flee it, keeping your eyes on the next life, the next step, or the next incarnation. No. Yes, you do flee or fight the corruption, but part of your test here is how much you help your fellow beings. They are on the same ladder you are on, but you cannot advance by pushing them off or ignoring them. As you help them, you help yourself. This is because in order to help them, you have to create or channel more light. That channeling is not a loss of light for you. You do not lose what they gain. In learning to channel more light, you become larger at the same time by transmuting their energy blockages, By absorbing the Angels at the center of the Energy Blockages thus increasing the size and function of your Energy Body.

Now, I want to say something about sleep, not only because it ties in here, but because it is far more important than most people understand. As is obvious from the things I have said above, I believe in a real spirit. I see (and have discovered myself) lots of scientific evidence that the spirit is a real thing, made of real photons. It really does inhabit your body, just as the religions have taught. The body is not eternal, but the spirit is.

Light, like matter, cannot be destroyed. It can only dissipate or expand. Not only will your spirit maintain itself after death, it can free itself from your body anytime it likes. In fact, it does so every single day. Or night. Scientists admit they don't understand why we sleep, but it is quite simple: although the spirit requires a body to do some of the things it must do, including being tested, it cannot abide being trapped in a body for very long. After 16 or 20 hours, the trapping becomes intolerable, and it must escape.

So it puts its body to sleep and leaves. Where does it go? I don't know. Maybe it just flies through the air for hours, thrilling in its freedom. Maybe it joins the cosmic charge field and sighs. Maybe it travels higher up the Antahkarana into the chakras above the head.

Most people visit the Astral plane in sleep, a soap opera filled with negativity. As we evolve, transmute our negativity and become more pure, more filled with energy, so we travel higher, into the Soul, Monad, Logos, Sirius, Avatar of Synthesis. As we use Energy Enhancement Meditation to get charged up with the charge of the Soul, so we need to sleep less in order to get that charge, to be filled, constantly, with the energy of God.

But I would assume the spirit has things to attend to, and those things may be more important than what goes on here. The Natives believe that your life in sleep is more important than your waking life, and I would say that is probably true. There are some things your spirit can only achieve with a body; but, likewise, there are other things it can only achieve without one.

Likewise, the body cannot stand the spirit for too long if it is filled with Energy Blockages. The Energy Blockages know that the energy of God dissolves them. The energy of God is their death. Thus the Energy Blockage Demons avoid the light. The Energy Blockage Demons direct us to avoid the people who emanate the light in their auras. The Energy Blockage Demons direct us to avoid people who have managed to purify and augment their Energy bodies using Energy Enhancement Meditation.

Yes, the spirit animates the body, giving it a single direction, but it burns too brightly for the energy blockages. The pain body tires. Like the spirit, it must return to a ground state every day. The exception is the mind, which is electrical signals. It has to remain on, as the link between the body and the absent spirit. So the spirit leaves behind just enough energy to keep the mind going—which is, in part, what we call dreaming.

You would think this would be a very precarious situation, and in a way it is. But remember that the spirit, being made of light, is a very fast being. It can return in a split second if you need to wake up for any reason. Just think of how fast the internet is. When I upload a new paper with Filezilla, I don't have to wait any time at all for it to appear. It is up in a split second, even if my server is on the other side of the world. A photon moves 300,000km/s, which means it can circle the Earth 6 times in a second. Your spirit could be playing on the Moon when someone shakes you to wake up, and would still be back in just over a second. So you see how it is.

The Wormhole Antahkarana Energy Cords are instantaneous. There is no lag in your connection with God. Faster than the speed of light!

But why do I mention it? Because most people don't treat sleep with the sanctity it deserves. It is the first part of spirituality, because it is the first rule of spiritual health. It is also the first rule of bodily health, since a tired spirit will cause a tired body. A body filled with energy blockages is a resistance to the light and thus needs to sleep longer. Sleep as long as is necessary, but know that removing the energy blockages using Energy Enhancement Meditation will enable you to have more energy, to go higher into more intense energies in the chakras above the head, to sleep less yet channel higher frequency intense energy.

Those who want to be healthier or live longer should look at their sleep first. Yes, food is hugely important, but sleep is even more important. Food feeds the body, but sleep feeds the soul. If you don't sleep long enough, it means your spirit has been starved of its quality time; and if your spirit is starved, your body is starved to the same extent. When I wake up too early, I feel like I have a hole in my spirit. It is as if part of my spirit is still out there, trying to drink the last few drops of freedom. When I wake up, I feel as if I have just returned from a long journey, probably because I have.

Miles says, "I don't meditate because I don't need to: I get all my sleep. I am not trashing meditation, understand. I assume it is quite useful for those who don't sleep long enough or well enough. It acts as a partial substitute. But in my opinion they would be better to fix their sleep. Your spirit can fly much further away during sleep than during meditation" and he is correct but low level energy blockages are preventing him removing the energy blockages using Energy Enhancement Meditation which would enable him to have more energy, to go higher into more intense energies in the chakras above the head, to sleep less yet channel higher frequency intense energy..

If you are awake too long, your spirit starts to eek away bit by bit, leaving your body without its normal fire. The body makes up for that by burning itself, which causes tiredness and eventually premature aging. But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to look bad beyond 50 or 60. Some people look quite good at 60, and you can be one of them if you take care of yourself and get all your sleep. But you have to start early and keep it up, everyday. In fact, it is not one of the things you can do, it is one of the things you should do. Or, to say it another way, it is not optional, it is required. You weren't assigned this body so that you could pollute it and mistreat it. You were assigned this body as a caretaker. I am constantly amazed this isn't taught as primary knowledge.

The body, like the Earth, is a temple, and it is to be treated as such at all times. Any failure to do so is a failure of the test. At the next level, such failures will not be tolerated. I know that sounds kind of military, but there it is.

But when we add up the hours of sleep, we don't just look at how much rest the body has gotten. We look at how much time your spirit has spent in the spirit realm, away from the corruption, and in the perfection that is the raw charge field. While there, the spirit can reorder itself. It may be there that it speaks most directly to what I am calling the Soul. All spirits, great and small, crisscross the ether in their various errands, and we may assume help is there if you seek it.

So in my opinion, these small spirits from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families who are always talking about living forever are on the wrong track. First of all, no one lives forever, and the wise do not wish to. But if they wish to age more slowly or look better, it can be done. But not with drugs and other fads. As usual, the answer is much simpler than most humans make it: more sleep, cleaner foods, plenty of water, daily moisturizer, no drugs, smoking, alcohol.

And, finally, avoidance of corruption. The cleaner your spirit is, the fresher your face will look. Evil shows as in the Picture of Dorian Grey. Your first face you are born with, your second face you have to earn. "Everyone is responsible for their face after the age of forty" said Abraham Lincoln, meaning, your bad deeds will imprint on your face and body. If you are an evil bastard, you will soon look like one. The spirit always shines through.

Which is why watching these sad spirits from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families talking about reversed aging is doubly pathetic. Because they are bad eggs inside, they look like crap by the time they are 30 or 40. By the rules of the game, it will take many lifetimes to reverse that. You can't clean up your spirit by tweaking the DNA of the body, you fools! The only way to do that is to make better decisions, to transmute and remove their energy blockages using Energy Enhancement Meditation and by the look of it they won't be doing that this lifetime.

Energy Blockages make us dissatisfied with things we should not change. We can dissolve that energy blockage dissatisfaction with using Energy Enhancement Meditation. A problem we face here is that many of us don't like the body we have been given. Much spiritual rebellion stems from that alone. In some cases, it is understandable: it is clearly part of the test, and a difficult part. But it happens to even the beautiful and hale, who seem to be as prone to dissatisfaction as anyone. They purposely refuse to care for their bodies, for whatever reasons they have. This is always a failure of the test. Your job is to do the most with what you were given, and some are given more. Some less.

Energy Blockages make us dissatisfied with things we should not change. We can dissolve that energy blockage dissatisfaction with using Energy Enhancement Meditation. In extreme cases, this discomfort causes gender dysphoria. We may suppose the spirit was not given the gender it wanted, or was accustomed to in a past life. Again, understandable. As spirits, we are all dysphoric in the body to a lesser or greater extent. But I would assume the sexual assignment was done for a reason, and was part of the test. And I would assume that refusing the assignment is the best way to fail the test. I say that because I trust God. I do not think they made any assignments just to be cruel. As I said above, I don't believe in evil or cruel gods. I only believe in evil or cruel people.

There are a lot of things I don't like about my body. I would change any number of things immediately if I could. But I consider the possibility that these things are outward manifestations of my spirit. If I were a more beautiful or perfect spirit, I would have a more beautiful or perfect body. So I strive to deserve it. When I pass to the next level, maybe then I will have fewer bad hair days, straighter teeth, better legs, etc.

Who knows? But what I do know is that trying to radically change my body won't work. It will only make a bad situation worse. As is clear from watching other people like movie stars, it is a guarantee of a spiral down into some sort of misery. My job is to care for the body I have been given, not to remake it.

In the same way, blaming God for my test won't work. Rather than assume God is cruel, I should assume I have been given this test for a reason. I should assume I dug my own hole, and that God has given me a large enough shovel to dig my way out, if I dig right.

But let us return to the spirit. If the spirit maintains its form with or without the body, it should have a memory of its own. This explains a lot of things that were previously unexplainable — as I have said in previous papers — but it also begs many questions. One of those is why the spirit's memory is wiped or partially wiped at birth. That is not hard to answer if you think about it. If your spirit carried all the memories of all its lives into its newest life, it could never get on. It would be crippled by nostalgia, good and bad because normal human memory is suffused with negative emotion. Only after transmuting that negative emotion, sadness, depression, anger, jealousy using Energy Enhancement Meditation can we bear to look at our memories in this lifetime.

Even more difficult is to view our memories from previous lifetimes. Only after using Energy Enhancement Meditation to transmute the negative energies on our timeline in this lifetime and then the timeline in all our previous lifetimes using Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 3 can we gain the experience of viewing all our lifetimes of all our memories held in arrays of lifetimes of memory in the Soul Chakra in the chakras above the head.

Even in this short life, the spirit clings to recent memories, and by the time we are 60, most of us will be well nigh overcome by good and bad memories. The past daily threatens to swamp us with sadness. Just think if you had thousands of lifetimes of that in your head. You would do nothing but cry a puddle of tears all day long. You couldn't learn or do a thing.

The Tibetans say that seeing the memories from all our previous lifetimes is the dawn of Enlightenment. This is only possible using Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to remove evil energy blockages and emotions from our memory lifetime and past lifetimes timelines.

Which explains why the spirit needs to flee the body, and why it needs to return to a body. It needs to flee because despite the sadness, it is defined by and connected to its past. The spirit needs its memories, to remind it who it is. But it also needs the body to give it relief and respite from those memories. It knows the wiping at birth is a partial blessing. Only within the limitations of the living can it continue to progress.

You will say there is far too much death, misery and unfairness on this planet to assign to humans. God must be perverse to allow such a place to exist at all. But God creates the problem not amenable to solution by intellect but only solvable by means of psychic powers. You need to evolve beyond the intellect to gain those psychic powers. To gain those psychic powers to transmute the negativity, the negative emotions, the trauma-formed negative karmic mass from this lifetime and all our previous lifetimes you need Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to remove evil energy blockages and emotions from our memories as we do in the Karma Cleaning Process of Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 3.

God must be perverse to allow such a place to exist at all. But in saying so, you underestimate the human capacity for mistakes, and overestimate the responsibility of God. It is not for God to ride in and and solve all your problems for you. No one learns anything from that. As a spirit, you are responsible for your own actions, and your own level of advancement. As I said, if you are here, you can be sure you deserve to be. This should tie you to your fellow Earthlings if nothing else does.

Actually, God is far kinder than he might otherwise be, since it is easy to imagine some scheme of things where he left us with no oversight or help at all. God has his own life to attend to, after all. And yet God does take the time to be the Soul or Guardian Angels or whatever you wish to call them. No, God doesn't ride in and take over, since that would undercut the entire ladder and entire hierarchy. You can't grow if God does everything for you. But God is there to give you limited amounts of good advice, supposing you ask for it and supposing you listen.

Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to remove evil energy blockages and emotions from our memories has been available for hundreds of years. You just need to read the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus as a guided meditation. You just need to read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. You just need to listen to me, one who has been there, done that and got the T shirt!

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.

Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.

In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction,
the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?

This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...

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So this blaming God really doesn't fly. If you wish to pass to the next level, it is the first thing you should knock off. I don't know that it makes God angry, since God probably has better things to do than get angry with us. But it is, how shall I say, a first disappointment. I don't see God screaming at us, but God may roll his eyes at this primary stupidity. I know I roll my eyes whenever I hear that argument, and I am just a stupid human myself.

Some will still not see the point. Why should smaller spirits become larger ones? Why not have all spirits the same size from the beginning? Why have spirits at all? Why have anything? I don't know. I am just a little spirit. Ask a bigger one, though I don't think you will get an answer. It is one of the things you must learn on your own. But if I had to guess, I would say it is because growth is more interesting than stasis, and the biggest gods like to keep things interesting.

This Planet is a factory for the production of Enlightened beings.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Burning, we burn our negative energy to create pure positive Golden Spiritual Energy. Because without burning there's no purification.
Whoever is interested in purifying oneself should accept suffering. If it comes, accept it. Or while trying to relieve others' sufferings, if you face suffering, accept it.

Thiruvalluvar - One of the Tamil Siddars - gives the example of gold.
How is golden ore purified?
How do you get 24 carat gold?
By constantly melting it and relieving it from all unnecessary sediments, mixtures.
This is done with a lot of burning.
The gold undergoes a lot of burning.
Every time it's heated, it is raised one more carat.

TAMIL: Sudachudarum Ponnpole. 'GOLD, The more you heat it, the more it shines.'

Because Alchemically, all the dross, the unnecessary carbon and other things are burnt out.
Like that, the more you get heated the more you shine.

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Now I can ground traumatic negative energies from my previous years in this lifetime like the death of my father and mother or the break-up of my relationships.

Now I can clear my psychic body of all Energy Blockages which prevent the influx of Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head.

Now I know that I am an Immortal Soul who can never die, that I travel lifetime to lifetime, never born, never died, only increasing my Evolution and Effectiveness in aiding this Planet and all the People on it."

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Suffering is like burning. That's why it's called tapasya. Tapas means to burn.

In other words you are gently, or ur-gently, roasted.

Until you become ash. Then that's called the holy ash. An ash is a holy substance because it's totally burnt. That's why you have an ash, holy ash, in Christianity, in Hinduism. Vibhuti, we call it. Vibhuti means burnt ash. It's called vibhuti because it has all the great qualities of God. Everything that is beautiful, that is supreme, is vibhuti. And this ash, which is called vibhuti, was dirt. Or to be more frank, it was dung. But it's no longer dirt. The very same dirt, burnt out completely, so it's now purified well, is now vibhuti, holy ash.

So suffering is helpful. If you face a little suffering, if you don't enjoy the way the food is prepared, say, `Ah, here is another way of my purification. God is trying to purify my tongue through this instrument we call the mother of the house.' If we forget that, we might feel, 'What is this? Can't you make a little better food? Can't you give me one more blanket? One a little more soft?'

Why are spiritual seekers expected to live a simple life? To accept suffering. To see how they can bear suffering. It's not a comfortable life. That comes afterward. When you have suffered enough, when you get burnt totally, then you are not trampled.

As long as you are dung, you get trampled. And thrown into the dung pit.
But when you get burnt, you become holy ash and you go to the very forehead of the person. You are elevated to a great height. You are respected. So the benefit comes afterward. But until you are completely burnt you can't get that. Until All your Energy Blockages are burnt you can't go to that height.

I don't know if you remember a parable that I used to give. The Hindu temples, you know, are mostly built of granite rock. The sanctum sanctorum – the several steps you go up, and then the statue, the image you worship. as God – is made out of granite rock.

One day I was in front of the altar. There was nobody except me and the Lord through the image.
All of a sudden I heard a conversation. I became curious and I sharpened my ears to hear that. The conversation was like this:
'Hi, brother! How come you are getting all the decorations, all the offerings? Milk and honey are poured over you, you get decorated with nice jewels, flowers.
Everyone comes and respects you. And this priest, even while he decorates you, he is stepping on me. Nobody seems even to look at me. Even if they don't decorate me and respect me, can't they at least leave me alone instead of trampling on me? How come? Don't you know we were brothers? We were together, almost twins.'

The other one said, 'Yes, my brother, I remember that. I can never forget it. We were together. We were one piece when we were brought from the neighboring rock quarry. But the sculptor started working and he split that one rock into two because it was too big for a statue.
And he picked you up first and started shaping you into a beautiful image. You know the sculptor! He started hitting at you with his iron chisel and hammer.

You became so furious, you shouted at him, yelled at him, 'How dare you do this? Leave me alone. I don't want to be hit like this.' And he thought that you are so unhappy, that you are possessed with a kind of ego or ignorance, so he just left you.

And then he took the other half and started working on me. I kept quiet. I thought there must be some reason for it. After all, he is the one who brought me all the way. Let him do whatever he wants. Of course it was really painful.

Constantly, he rolled me over and over, he hit me day and night. He was sometimes even sitting on me and hitting me. But I waited and waited and after several months, all of a sudden, one day, I saw myself as a beautiful image.

Now he has put me here and he is doing all the decorations. When he put me here I was a little too high for him to reach me, so he wanted a stepping stone and he thought to use you at least for that purpose. So he just placed you in front of me and that is why he is standing on you and pouring all the milk and honey on me.'

`Oh, I see. Well, if I had known that, I would have accepted all those things; but I didn't.'

`Well, I'm sorry, but it's too late.
Just accept it. Pray for the next birth. And if somebody is hitting you, even if you don't know why, accept it. Be patient. Probably one day you will be respected. You'll be honored. You'll have all the decorations, all the festivities for you. Like me.'

That's what the Deity said. It's a conversation between the Deity and the stepping stone in front. Hm? So who was right?

SOMEONE: The Deity.

SWAMIJI: How did it become the Deity?

SOMEONE: By letting the sculptor work on him.

Some will say, “Well, on this plan, after a long enough time, all spirits would be gigantic gods, and none would be little.
Which is also illogical”. Again, a question that is basically too large for us little humans, but if I had to guess, I would say that while some spirits are growing, others are diminishing, keeping a supply of spirits at all levels.

And are the largest gods the creators? Well, we are all potential destroyers and creators. But yes, the greatest spirits are the greatest creators. I doubt that they can create things like photons, since that would imply a sort of self-creation. God creates photons. Each photon is an Angel and as Angels are built together they form larger angels, Archangels. But it would seem logical that they can create things from photons. In that sense they are more builders than creators.

If that is true, then who made the photons? I don't know. And I don't know why the photons should want to coalesce rather than not. Again, I suspect you will have to ask a much much larger spirit. It is not necessary for you or me to know these things. What we need to know is HOW THINGS ARE and OUR PLACE IN THE WORLD. Once we have advanced another thousand steps or so, we can re-ask that question with the hope of some meaningful answer.

OK, I have outlined a few basic things here, and with them we can look again at some of the new-age ideas being promoted. Like, say, the Star Wars pseudo-religion. Although George Lucas claims the Star Wars mythology/religion was created simply as a comic-book foundation, it has taken on a much greater import than that — and I have to think that was no accident. Star Wars didn't just accidentally balloon into a culture-wide phenomenon across four decades—promoted by Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers, and many others. As a creation of Hollywood and the Families, we should ask what role it was meant to play.

Star Wars is very seductive precisely because it includes a lot of truth. It borrows heavily from the old religions and updates them in some creative ways. First among these borrows is The Force, which my readers can now see was just a tag for the Charge Field. A tappable source of the Energy of God that underlies all existence. The films also borrow a Manichaean mythology from Zoroastrianism, whereby this world is a battle between good and evil. You will say my spiritualism is also Manichaean, but strictly it isn't, and we are about to see why.

Despite its nods to the truth, in my opinion Star Wars has been another arm of the Theosophy project, meant to displace the old Western religions like Christianity and Judaism.

Harry Potter was yet another example of that. And while neither is obviously Satanic, both Star Wars and Potter vastly oversell the dark side. I say they aren't Satanic, because in them the dark side loses.

Real Satanists would be promoting mythologies where the dark side wins.
What we see instead is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families making excuses for themselves with these pathetic morality plays, by making it seem the dark side is much more seductive than it really is. A sort of “the devil made me do it”. If the devil made them do it, much of their own responsibility for their actions evaporates, you see.

While the truth is, no devil made them do anything. No dark side seduced them. They simply failed the test. They came to a fork in the road, and they took the wrong turn. And when their soul took the time to land and advise them they had taken the wrong turn, they freely chose to ignore her. You can see the difference between that and being seduced by a devil. They weren't seduced by a devil, they failed to be seduced by an angel. I hope you see the difference.

Some will say, “That is just your experience. You haven't experienced devils. We have”. Possibly. One of my friends said, “You don't experience devils because your Soul is too strong. They take care of you”. Possibly. But although that may be partly true, you will forgive me if I don't see it that way. As a spirit, your relationship with other spirits is a two-way street. So if my Soul is present, it is because I did not fail to be seduced by it. I welcomed it and listened to it. And if devils don't much bother with me, it is because they know they are not welcome. They know I will not listen.

In fact, I have had experience with devils. You saw it last year and see it on a continuing basis. They no longer try to seduce me, since they know there is little chance of that, but they are constantly attacking me in their petty ways. It is from these attacks that I know my enemies. I know they are not powerful devils come down from higher worlds, for if they were they would carry signs of that. To be blunt, I would have no chance against them. From their attacks, we see they are petty devils from this world, continuing on their way down into the abyss. As such, they do not worry me too much. I daresay if you reorder your relationships in the spirit world, you will be bothered by them as little as I am.

I suppose I can tell you now that I have in fact been shadowed by a ranking Luciferian in the past few years, who attempted many times to recruit me — with absolutely no success. The last time I saw him I was forced to throw him out of my house. So the demons have long been aware of my presence. If they do not more often approach me, it isn't because they don't know my address.

Notice how my lesser theogony explains what was previously unexplainable: how could God allow evil spirits to come down from higher levels and mess with you directly? As I just said, you would have no chance against them. It would be a test you could not possibly pass. You cannot battle evil Demons or spirits from higher levels. It is absurd.

It is why none of the movies that include this idea make any sense. It is why none of the stories from the major religions that include this idea make any sense. If God allowed such things, he really would be perverse and unfair. But they don't and they aren't. You only have to deal with demons on your own level, my friend. Though these “demons” may wear black robes and make scary threats, they are just bad people. You are never overmatched. You always have the tools to win, but you have to do the right thing. The first step in that: ignoring the bluff.

I don't fear having to face the tests of devils. I fear my own weaknesses. I fear the next big test of God, which may be too big for me. You will say I just said they always give us tests we can pass, which is true. But we can also fail. We have all failed many tests, or we wouldn't be here. We all make bad decisions, and I make them daily. If I blow the little decisions, will I pass the big one? I shouldn't call it fear. I actually welcome the tests. They are fascinating, even in failure. But I have to admit my spirit is chafing at the corruption. It would prefer to move on. It would prefer to pass.

In the first instance, that is a good thing, because if I didn't chafe so much at the corruption, I wouldn't resist it and couldn't ever get beyond it. But seen from another angle it is also a failure. Failure to fully accept or embrace the current assignment. If I weren't meant to be here, I wouldn't be here. So it is no good wishing to be elsewhere.

Some will say that is a call for resignation, but I don't like the term. If I were a soul, I wouldn't like it — let me put it that way. Why not? Because the term resignation implies a sort of grudging acceptance of your fate. No one wants your grudging acceptance of anything. That is not the goal. The goal is your joyous acceptance of your assignment, you see. Not a grimacing thank-you-sir-may- I-have-another. No, rather a gracious and grateful receipt of your current incarnation. If you can manage that, the Soul will always be on your side.

Which of course brings us back to my problem with Buddhism. Buddha seems to have completely missed this joyous acceptance of assignment. He mistook a renunciation of corruption for a total renunciation of the Earth. But a total renunciation is a failure of the test. It will not win you Nirvana, it will only guarantee you another lifetime here, so that you can learn that. I don't remember, but I suspect I know that from experience. I was probably a monk of some sort in a past lifetime. I know that such renunciation will get you nowhere.

So let's take all that back to Star Wars, and Manichaeism. But first a short detour. Manichaeism has been called Gnostic, and most people think Gnosticism is anti-Christian. But the truth is, Christianity is mostly Gnostic itself. No, it doesn't worship a demiurge or believe Satan or Lucifer created all matter, but otherwise Christianity borrows the same foundational dualism. In the New Testament, we find spirit is good, matter is bad. Also see the mind-body problem, as in Descartes and elsewhere. It is a more recent spin-off of the old spirit- matter duality.

Paul says, "I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Now listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep [in physical death], but we will all be changed. This will happen instantly, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality (1Corinthians 15:50-51).

Paul understands that human beings are not merely physical flesh and blood creatures. They are spiritual beings and their physical bodies are inhabited by spiritual bodies "eternal in the heavens"

That idea is also primary in Manichaeism and Gnosticism. Since that idea is more fundamental than any of the others, I would say the similarities are more important than the differences. In constructing a day-to-day morality of how to act and how to make decisions, it doesn't really matter who made the Earth. But it matters a lot if you believe matter is evil. If you believe the material world is evil, you will have little problem raping the Earth or anything else.

The Earth is material, so why not plunder her? That woman is material, so why not plunder her? You see, it makes it very hard to build a morality for the living on a religion like that. Logically, it really can't be done. You can't teach that material is evil and then try to teach respect for the human body or for the Earth. Which is why I have said before that all the religions are flawed at the ground level. They start with basic contradictions and are therefore rationally and spiritually unworkable.

So my spirituality isn't Manichaean, Gnostic, or Judeo/Christian. I know that matter is not evil in any way. Matter is an embodiment of spirit, and as such is just as sanctified, holy, and worthy of veneration. In fact, spirit has been charged with tending and husbanding matter, as a husband tends a wife or wife tends a husband. It is not something spirit can do, but something it must do. Those who have followed my physics papers will understand why this is so: spirit and matter are really the same thing.

Spirit is real photons, and matter is spun-up photons that have taken certain permanent patterns and forms. So although I believe in some dualisms, I don't believe in this one. It is false. Spirit and matter are not two things, they are two manifestations of one thing. So one cannot be good and the other evil. But this split of spirit and matter is not just false, it is pernicious. I would say it is among the most pernicious ideas ever promoted, since it is not hard to see how it would lead directly to the rapine of the Earth and all its resources. I have said that the Phoenician trillionaires are ignoring their own scriptures as they plunder the world, but in some way they are just following scriptures. The major religions have tacitly given the nod to such plunder, by downgrading the material world into a commodity. It is not spiritually important, so why not buy it and sell it with no concern for its sanctity?

I would guess you cannot pass to the next level while believing matter is evil, so this is of primary importance. It is something you have to learn here. As long as you are tied to any of the major or minor religions, it is doubtful you will learn it. Which is also probably not an accident. Those who are enriched by your struggles probably invented all these religions — or later infused and polluted them with these bad ideas—to keep you confused and off-track. It is not a coincidence that all the major religions are so similar in this regard (and others). We have seen the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires playing all sides, controlling all opposition, and manufacturing all stories, so you should find it odd that no religions stress what I am stressing here.

You will say Materialism bows before the material, but it really doesn't, does it? In Materialism (modern science, for instance), the material doesn't become holy, does it? No, just the opposite. In Materialism, spirit is jettisoned, but the material realm doesn't take its place. Rather, the material realm is also stripped of all meaning and veneration. In Materialism, everything is dead, and therefore plunderable. So, although a physicist, I am the opposite of a Materialist. I know that everything is alive, even rocks and raw atoms.

This is why Nietzsche reinvented classical Greek spiritualism, the Apollonian and Dionysian, you know. He was trying to fill that void. He wanted give a spiritual weight to love of the material. Love of the body and the Earth. But he wanted to do that without using old polluted religious terms (like “spiritual”, which he would not approve of). I would say he was only partially successful, since as usual he overcomplicated the problem. But he lodged an arrow in my head at least, which he admitted was the point. He wasn't talking to the “stupid Germans” of his time, he was talking to a few oddballs in the future: me. It may be I can explain his ideas to more spirits than he could.

You will say, “Ah, you are a Nietzschean!” Or, “Ah, you believe that rocks are alive, you are a Pagan!” No, I am a Milesian. Or maybe a Soulian. All other titles I reject.

Another way my morality or spirituality differs from most others is its definition of the dark side, or devils, as we saw above with Star Wars. Satan is way oversold, whether is by old Christianity, Mani, Star Wars, Harry Potter, or what have you. I have no problems with the words “evil” or “sin”, since they are all just synonyms for “doing the wrong thing”. And I have no problem with the word “devil”, since it is highly descriptive and fits—for the most part—the real world. But as you saw above, my descriptions don't fit any of the old religions. Devils aren't gods, they don't have equal powers to gods, and they exist mostly on bluff. The dark side is mostly manufactured to create fear, as I have shown you with Aleister Crowley, fake serial killers, and all the rest. My analysis there goes all the way up, since it is all a conjob. Devils are just bad people: criminals, liars, cheaters, and hoaxers who want you think they are more powerful than they are. They want you to think they are tied to powerful dark forces, but they aren't. They are just spirits at our level who have forgotten how things work.

Some will say, “If that is true, then you really are a Gnostic, since this is a matter of ignorance, not sin”. No, again, I wouldn't put it that way. I am not a Gnostic, because I don't believe in ignorance. I just told you that everyone is born knowing right from wrong. The spirit's memory is partially wiped, but knowledge of good and evil is not wiped. So those who do wrong cannot plead either ignorance or that the Devil made them do it. The spirit is always and completely responsible for itself and its own actions and decisions. Which is far closer to the idea of “sin” than not. Sin has some minor residue I might wish to wash off, but we don't need to go there in this paper. For the most part I have no problem with it, since it means breaking spiritual laws on purpose, knowing you are breaking them.

Another reason I am not a Gnostic is that I know that knowledge of the truth isn't enough. We all have innate knowledge of the truth. So knowledge won't win you salvation of any kind. Progress is made through courage and action. It is not what you know, it is what you do. When you face a difficult situation, it is not what you know or think that matter, it is your actual response. You can say, “I wanted to do the right thing”, but that is meaningless. What did you actually do? That is what determines whether you pass or fail.

You may think that sounds brutal, but that is the way it is. And remember, that “brutality” is tempered somewhat by this fact: it is also very important what you learn from a failure. That is the only sense that knowledge matters. For you can be sure that the test will come again. You will have another chance to respond in the correct and upright way.

So gnosis doesn't matter. Bad spirits may have a better understanding (gnosis) of the laws than good spirits, especially if they are on their way down from higher levels. But it doesn't help them, does it? They still have to make the right decisions, leading to the right actions. As long as they remain untapped, disconnected from the light, this they will never do.

Which allows us to see another way Star Wars lied to us. We are led to believe that dark spirits can tap into the Force, as if there is a dark side to the Force. There isn't. The reason dark spirits are dark is that they are not tapped into the light. That is what “dark” means, you know. It is definitional. Tautological. The Force is light, and there is no way for dark to tap into light. You will say they can tap into the raw energy field, since nothing is stopping them. Yes, they can plug in a hair dryer as easily as you can, but that doesn't tap them into the Force. Likewise, they can build and fire a giant laser gun, but that doesn't tap them into the Force. Your current tap into the Force isn't through the electrical plugs in your bathroom, it is through your connection to your soul.

Dark Black Magicians cannot tap into the Energy of God being totally disconnected from the source. That is why they must steal their energy from humanity, normal people who are connected to God.

As you are beginning to understand, the charge field comes from God, isn't just a neutral energy well, it is a realm of spirit, already inhabited, organized and ruled. As spirits, the evil ones can go there in sleep just as you can, but since they are too proud to take advice, they are always out of the main channels. They are untapped. For the same reason they cannot rise, they also cannot make much use of the Force. They can only tap into one another and into you, which is not the same thing. That tap is very limited in scope, and—since it has no hierarchy — it gets nothing from above.

You will say maybe they tap into antiphotons. No. Antiphotons are opposite only in spin. They are not opposite in spirit. There is nothing dark about antiphotons. Antiphotons are just as light as photons. The evil ones cannot tap into the Force, which is why they have to brag about ruling here on Earth. It is all they have, you know.

Their only hope is to untap you from the energy of God by implanting you with energy blockages, so that you match them. Mostly they do that by making you forget your taps and how to use them. They try to break your connection to your soul, and break your connection to the spirit world through sleep. They break your connection to your soul by making you disgusting to her. They degenerate you through perversions.

They teach you to be small and needy, begging boons of your soul. They know she will not answer. They teach you to have the wrong attitude to God, constantly tempting your own fate. They implant you with energy stealing energy blockage addictions to drugs and sex aDICKtions. They teach you to drink yourself into a stupor before sleep, or to take pills, or to otherwise ruin your connection. If they teach you prayers or incantations, they teach you the wrong ones on purpose, so that you offend your Soul.

But you see how easy these things would be to correct if you learned Energy Enhancement Meditation to remove your addictions. They only hope you will not figure that out. The “Jedi training” is also a joke, since there is no mention of a relationship to any higher beings. The only higher beings are Yoda and Palpatine. Star Wars is completely missing a top-end, and no one ever notices that. In reality, the old religions are entirely correct: it is your relationship to God that determines your connection to the Force, otherwise known as the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Ruach Hakodesh, etc.


What we would expect of Jedi training is completely missing: showing yourself worthy of advice from above by cleaning yourself up for the trip in all ways. The soul doesn't like to have her robes tugged on by grubby hands, so your first order of business is a good spiritual scrubbing with Energy Enhancement Meditation.

That is what the Commandments and the vows and the various rules of action and relation are. Tapping the Force, entering the spirit-wave, or hearing a soul all require a certain attitude, comportment, and rectitude. If the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires can make you a nasty enough person, your taps, your connection, to the Force will all be broken, even if you aren't especially prideful or demonic. You will fail by vulgarity alone.

That is what much of current culture is about, you know. They have milked all the pride from you as a youth, by a constant hounding for equality, so that you have no chance of rising even as a Luciferian. But with some rectitude, you might still be educated by your soul. To prevent that, you have to be broken again, turned into a Modern mutant by the media, crushed into a whining, lying, screeching brat that no soul would get near. At that point you are just as untapped, disconnected, as any demon, with no power to resist them.

This spiritual cleanliness takes no money, no suit of clothes, no position, no societal elevation. Anyone can achieve it in any country at any time. Remember, your soul usually meets you in sleep, so it has nothing to do with your body. It is an uprightness of conduct, attitude, and relationship, so it will not be achieved by shining brass buttons or buying new shoes or marching in formation. Nor will it be achieved by courtseys, kneeling postures, bows, or ablutions. It will be achieved by a long series of right actions in real situations.

So if you really want to tap into the Force, it won't help you to run around with a muppet on your back, waving a light saber. You should start by connecting to the Light with Energy Enhancement Meditation and scrubbing yourself removing all Energy Blockages. Take the eternal rules seriously, especially the ones concerning lying and stealing. You should also study the words honor, truth, righteousness, rectitude, virtue, veneration, supplication, and service. Service doesn't imply servitude, you know.

Likewise, it would be well to revisit the word pride, which has several meanings you don't want to confuse. It is OK to have pride in your accomplishments, for instance. It is OK to defend yourself, from a sense of pride. Proud doesn't always mean haughty. It means self-assured, which is mostly a good thing. Pride is only a sin in relation to God or other higher beings. The sin was originally “excessive pride”, not just pride. Meaning, having more pride than the event calls for. A pride out of proportion to the reality. You must know your place in the hierarchy.

Which is yet another perversion of Star Wars and the current pseudo-mythologies. In them, everyone is either a hero, a demon, or a droid. While in real life, almost no one is a hero, a demon, or a droid. So in helping you understand your place, these stories simply don't. You get better advice from Little House on the Prairie or Pollyanna than you now do from all of Hollywood put together. Again, the point of the media is to dislodge you from any and all grounding or meaningful connection, so that your only point of contact with society is the lady at the counter at Macy's or Starbuck's. Your only advice is from Anderson Cooper or Sean Hannity or the Ty-D-Bol man. Your only religious instruction is from Dumbledore, Iron Man, or the Incredible Hulk.

Which brings us back to that. I stress again how important it is that neither Star Wars nor Harry Potter ever mentions God. Both create new religions/mythologies, but they are devoid God. This, more than anything, tells us who created them. These people don't like God. The very idea distresses their tiny spirits. So they try to trap you in their own small box, hiring pretty cousins to seduce you on the big screen. They keep you so enthralled for two hours with special effects and costumes and fast action that you forget to notice you have been in a religion with no God.

And it gets progressively worse. Star Wars wasn't too bad in the beginning, Harry Potter is worse, and Games of Thrones is far worse. In Game of Thrones, God is hardly mentioned, and when he is, he is obscure and unimportant. The Faith of the Seven is a shallow literary construct, one that has no bearing on the people's actions. Only the god of death gets a serious mention, which is instructive. Here is what the fake CIA-front Martin has said about the gods of Westeros:

“Worship of death is an interesting basis for religion because after all, death is the one universal. It doesn't seem to matter what gods you pray to. We all die in the real world and in fantasy worlds. So if there was one culture where you did not die, I suspect that God would become very popular. They will promise us eternal life, but whatever". He also stated the belief "that the world we live in was created by the evil god [is] kind of persuasive" when "you look at the world, particularly the Medieval world".

Yes, before Jesus Christ every Pagan Satanic religion worshipped Death through Human Sactrifice and Cannibalism.. See


The Hubris of Morgoth and The Rings of Power - the Story of the Eternal Fight against Sauron, a Demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the Body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur


Any questions? Sort of confirms everything I am telling you, doesn't it?

Compare that to Lord of the Rings. Although Potter and Game of Thrones are constantly compared to LOTR, the feel is completely different. Unlike the others, LOTR doesn't come off as a shallow Luciferian construct, straight out of the dungeons of Langley or MI6 (or, the films do, but the books don't). We can believe that LOTR was actually written by Tolkien, since it has a human stamp. And we can believe that Tolkien was not just an agent-front for MI6. This is because the stories and backstories are stiff with gods, many of whom take an active part in the history of Middle Earth.

As we find out in the endnotes, There's the One God, Eru Ilúvatar. There's the Angels called the Valar and there's the Lesser Angels called the Maiar. Gandalf is a Maiar. So is Sauron, Saruman, Balrogs, etc.

Gandalf is an Angel. Beyond that, Tolkien tells us Men go somewhere after death, and that mortality is a gift of Eru Iluvatar. So, although the Elves are immortal, and seem superior in some ways, Tolkien tells us it is actually the Men who are gifted. Where do the Men go? Tolkien tells you that, too, though not directly. Why do you think they call it Middle Earth? It must be a middle stage, and Men go after death to a Higher Earth of some sort. Which confirms the positive hierarchy. LOTR is defined by positive hierarchies, and they always include evolved people, little gods, enlightened people subservient to God.

This, among other reasons, is why LOTR reads as highly moral, despite its near-complete disconnect from the current major religions. Even though Middle Earth is constantly threatened by a powerful Dark Lord, the books are far brighter than Game of Thrones, Star Wars, or Harry Potter. A strong light shines there that never shines in the others.

But let us return to Gnosticism. Conceivably, a person could know nothing about any religion, being able to cite no laws, and still pass all tests. His gnosis would apparently be zero, but his power would still be great. He would be a sort of natural, relying on his direct connection to his Soul, and through her to all higher levels. This idea isn't even anti-Christian, since I would argue it is what Christ meant when he told us to be like the little children. They are naturals in just this way, and our religious instruction more often corrupts them than educates them. Through their studies, they are soon so confused they can no longer hear the clear voices of their Soul.

You will say a good spirit is just a slave to the Soul or to the laws, in that case. He doesn't question them, just assuming they are correct. In which case we have just discovered a higher fascism. Well, that is what the evil ones will tell you, but that isn't the way I see it. I am more than a bit rebellious, as you may know, and I don't accept anything just because it is told me. I don't take orders very well. So you may be surprised to see me acting such a pup before my soul. But again, I tell you it isn't a matter of obsequiousness, it is a matter of admiration. Some of us can admit when we are in the presence of a higher being. Not a higher authority, mind you. I purposely avoided that term. I don't take her advice on authority, I take it because it is good advice. There is a huge difference.

I have been told by a friend, “Well, maybe you are wrong. Maybe your soul has you fooled. Maybe she is a Witch in beguiling robes.” My answer: “maybe yours is”. We will see where our Soul takes us. Mine has led me quite well. She has never tempted me and there is not the least scent of the dark side on her. Some would find that a bore, I guess, but I don't. I suppose I have spent enough time in the presence of corruption and am no longer fascinated by the Pit. I am fascinated by the light.

And that is another reason I am the opposite of a Gnostic. In the modern world, Gnosticism has been twisted or redefined as a sort of Luciferianism. That love of the material world I was talking about above is redefined as a worship of Lucifer, the demiurge who created it. He then becomes the god and lawgiver, and you are taught the God he rebelled against is actually the fraud. You don't get a reversal of dark and light, because Lucifer is the “lightbearer” and so is now the light.

But there is one big problem with all this, and few have commented on it. You would think that Lucifer, the creator of all matter and of the Earth in this story, would have a set of laws like those recommended by my soul, right? In other words, you would think this creator of the Earth would teach a love of the material, of the body, and of the Earth herself. You would think he would teach and demand a reverence for both matter and spirit, instead of just spirit. But that isn't what we see. No, in modern Gnosticism/Luciferianism, we see another variant of the promotion of plunder—indicating it is yet another creation of the plunderers. They have created another in a series of manufactured religions that justifies their actions.

In this sort of Gnosticism, there is a love of the material, of a sort. Physical and sexual restrictions are mostly gone, so you are encouraged to worship the physical in that sense. And if you love money, that's also fine, since it is also material. But of course that isn't what my Soul is talking about when she insists upon the sanctity of the material world. She is teaching that the material and spiritual are one, and must both be venerated. Gnostics asks their spirits to give them objects or powers, but my Soul does not listen to such requests. They have no interest in me gaining riches, women, or worldly power, and nothing could be clearer than that. So there is nothing Gnostic about my progression, such as it is. There is no asking of boons of any sort. In a way, it is not what she can do for me, but what I can do for her. I ask for guidance, but not toward any treasure. I ask for guidance in my tasks. Do you see what a gigantic difference there is in that?

She does not ask, “What do you wish from me?” Rather, I ask, “What do you wish from me?” The soul is not a sort of genie, you see. She is not there to grant wishes.

So one of the things you have to learn is how to shut up in the presence of your soul. A thing very hard for most people to learn. You aren't there to talk, you are there to listen. You have to trust that she knows more about what you need than you know yourself. You don't have to list all your problems and then ask for specific responses. She already knows the first part, and you need to let her determine the response. You may not even know what to ask for. So for the sake of efficiency, just show up and shut up. Tug on her robe, have a seat, and then keep quiet.

Some will say, “Where is all this happening exactly, and when? I don't get it”. Maybe in meditation, more likely in sleep. Don't worry so much about that. Once you decide you want to go there, you will, without planning it all out. I don't need to draw you a map or tell you what to chant before bedtime. A silent intention is more than enough, but if it helps you can make up your own little prayers. The important thing is that you demonstrate the right attitude, and I am trying to get across to you what that is. You have to call her for the right reason. She will not answer greedy or needy calls. She will answer when you are ready to do something decent and she can help.

And if you want to think of your Soul as a man or a talking unicorn or a giant furry kitten, it doesn't really matter. Whatever gets you in the mood. I like to think of mine as a beautiful woman in white robes, but that is just me. She isn't really any of those things. She is a light-being beyond your current comprehension: she doesn't demand fear or obeisances, only respect and hopefully love. She will take into account your limitations.

"EVIL IS" - Tolkien

JRR Tolkien was an Oxford Professor of Ancient Languages who wrote the most famous story of the 20th century THE Lord of the RINGS which spawned three movies read by millions, seen by millions. The power of his writing infused by spirit, an Old Catholic Christian writing a new mythology to propel humanity beyond this civilisation and on to the Stars was so popular because it was based on truth. An ancient truth now consciously forgotten for us by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

The story of Tolkien is the story of the eternal fight against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient deep who has been thrown out of heaven, cut off from the energies of God, who is immortal, who lives forever, who even from time to time lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur, and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covenant".

Normal people thousands of years ago learned the Spiritual Technology taught in Energy Enhancement Meditation in order to live, immortally, eternally forever. These people have turned into Demons and have lived for thousands of years, like Sauron, disconnected from the Energy of God they live out of the body, and in return for their knowledge they demand pain and blood, spiritual energy stolen from humanity, vampirised from humanity, to provide the Spiritual Energy they need to live eternally, immortally.

Using Satanic Ritual Technology they download into people, they possess the bodies of people from the Astral plane where they live out of the body.

They download into and possess the heads of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Bloodline Families with Demons, all so that the Demons can vampirise, drain, steal the Spiritual Energy of humanity so they can try to live forever, eternally, immortally, out of the body whilst totally disconnected from God.

This Ancient Spiritual Technology of how to enter into the body of another has been known about for thousands of years but like the real meditation, Energy Enhancement Meditation, it has been suppressed. It is even talked about in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave a video talk about it before he died.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 19. "Those who merely leave their physical bodies and attain the state of celestial deities, or those who get merged in Nature, have rebirth."

Commentary by Swami Satchidanand . One of the techniques taught by the Dark Lord - a technique of the Dark Side - is how to leave the body - in an attempt to live forever - a sort of spiritual transhumanism. But in order to do that they have to cut themselves off from God. In order to do that they use Energy Blockages to cut themselves off from their heart. In a way they have become half men. They have will. They have intellect, but they have cut themselves off from their hearts in order to vampirise and steal energy from all humanity in order to live. Don Juan and Castaneda talk on this in their many books about the Old ones, the Ancient Sorcerers or Toltecs. But as Patanjali says.. This is a spurious technique, doomed to failure.

The fragments left over from people who try to do this are some of the deep energy blockages which implant themselves in you, necessitating removal by the technique of Energy Enhancement Meditation, the Seven Step Process.

Demons are just Energy Blockages, necessitating removal by the technique of Energy Enhancement Meditation, the Seven Step Process. They are less than men, their only advantage is that they know the techniques of meditation taught by Energy Enhancement and have suppressed that Spiritual Technology in order to retain that advantage.

They download into a body again so that they can manage their World plantation, maintaining their control by dumbing down all humanity, poisoning them, stopping their evolution so that their yoke can never be thrown off.

As you can see, intellect will not help you against these Demons any more. The next step in the evolution of humanity is the ability to ground negative energies, to remove energy blockages. The next step in the evolution of humanity is Energy Enhancement Meditation.

To help humanity.

To speed up the process.

This is Energy Enhancement Meditation..

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But back to Luciferianism. Luciferianism teaches a worship of the inner self. You may think that is what I am recommending with my talk of the soul, but it isn't. The soul isn't my inner self. She is completely separate from me, a much greater being. In fact, in my system, confusing your soul for yourself would be a sort of heresy.
It would be the ultimate tempting of fate, since you are confusing yourself with a god or angel. My gods wouldn't put up with it for a minute, and as far as I know, they don't. I have never tested them in that fashion.

You will say I seem to elide from god to soul to angel, treating them almost interchangeably. Don't I know the difference? No, and neither do you. Yes, I know the various religions have their dogma here, pretending they know who is who in the angelic and deistic hierarchies, but I don't tend to believe it. It looks like a bunch of made-up names to me, akin to all the begatting in the Bible. In my wanderings in the spirit world, I have come away with no memory of such things, and it is my opinion we are not privy to the lists. Why would we be? Memorizing a bunch of names isn't part of the test, and it would only breed familiarity.

If God or angels wished to be familiar with us, they would be. They would have their own TV miniseries and Hollywood blockbusters. But obviously they don't want that. They want us as independent as possible here. They want us far from the nest. All we need to know is that the connection is not broken. They are there, and will help at given times. But as for us measuring them, that is absurd. We have no way to measure light beings. We can feel if they are good or bad, but the ones larger than us are otherwise beyond our comprehension.

Another reason to shun Luciferianism is the people involved. Luciferianism is closely linked to the whole lefthand/righthand paths of magic that were brought to the west from India and popularized by Madame Blavatsky. It was promoted by superspook Aleister Crowley. The pseudo-religion is now promoted by various Fords, Paynes, Beyers, and other obvious members of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families. It is just another fringe on the Theosophy project, and we may assume it is run out of Intelligence.

I predict some will still insist I am a Gnostic of some sort, but if I really were a Gnostic or Luciferian trying to fool you, it would be a very strange way to do that: telling you neither Satan nor Lucifer is real. So I repeat, the hierarchy exists, but not in the way they have told you. There are no evil powers above you. No demons have been given their own worlds. Sure, you can seek out bad spirits during sleep, but those are spirits at your own level — other sleepers. You can get together and work whatever mischief you are capable of when you awaken, and I am not saying you can't. But bad spirits from higher levels don't come down here, because it is impossible by definition.

If they are at higher levels, they aren't bad spirits. That is what “higher” means, you know. If they come down here, it is because they have been thrown down here, with the reduction that implies. In that case, they are no longer higher. One of these spirits may call himself Lucifer, but he should worry you no more than any other spirit here, since he is of this level. He has no power you do not have. In fact, he must have less, since you are advised by a soul and he isn't. He has a soul, but doesn't listen to her. He isn't tapped into the light. He is like a battery with no hookups. He has no chance against you except the bluff. With no power of his own, he can only use your power against you.

Luciferians sometimes claim they aren't Satanists and sometimes admit they are, but just remember the old “better to rule on Earth than serve in Heaven” quote. That quote remains decisive in my spirituality, since—as you have seen above — I strongly believe it is better to serve. A wise man has no desire to rule here on Earth. He knows he is not capable of ruling, which is why he is here. HE KNOWS HIS PLACE. The rulers here on Earth — whether they call themselves Phoenicians, Gnostics, Luciferians, Materialists, Atheists, or other—do not know their place. They vastly overrate their own power, importance, or elevation. They either misdefine themselves as gods, or deny that there are beings greater than themselves. They deny the hierarchy, and in so doing find they cannot rise. They have trapped themselves here by their own narrow beliefs. They will not listen.

I also beg you to notice something else at this juncture. In the science wars, we have seen my enemies reading from scripts, accusing me of being arrogant, egotistical, or monomaniacal. Ironic, isn't it, in light of the fact that when we look closer, they are atheists/Luciferians/Materialists, and I am not. In other words, I state explicitly I am in the service of higher powers, and that I recognize and accept my low place in the hierarchy. I do not worship my own inner self, I do not deny God, and I do not think I am godlike in any way. I do not think science or gnosis makes man independent or superior, and I do not believe science is near to solving any of the eternal problems. My physics is near to solving some specific physical problems, that's all. That is all I have ever claimed for myself. So I actually have much more humility in relation to God than those attacking me. Which may be why they are attacking me. They know that I am a threat not just to their fake physics, but to their failed worldviews. They know I can see through them in all ways.

I have fielded this question in email: “You say these Satanists/Luciferians are basically another Intelligence project, a subset of the old Theosophy project. Does that mean that none of them believe this stuff at all? Is it just a pose, meant to fool the unwary?” Well, I think of it exactly like I think of the Marxism project. I assume those who run these projects are not real Luciferians or Marxists, and that they know it is a lot of hogwash.

But that doesn't mean that some naive Gentiles aren't drawn in, taking it seriously for some shorter or longer periods of time. So in this sense the groups contain some small portion of reality. In fact, you could say that about most groups in existence, including the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, large portions of mainstream science, all of Modern art, the military, the CIA, the NRA, the Sierra Club, NASA, the media, Hollywood, and mainstream history. Although they are all phantoms at the top and bottom, being fake in the foundations as well as in the leadership, they nonetheless have some greater or lesser number of real adherents in the mid-levels — boobies who haven't yet figured out they are manning a ghost ship.

On the way out, I beg you notice that the above outline explains why I avoid attacking Christianity for the most part, and even take some pains to defend it — as when I blow the cover of the Theosophy project. Although I think a lot of the stories and lessons in the Bible don't make much sense, Christianity does teach a basic morality. In a society that is doing a hard sell on immorality and amorality, any religion teaching morality and uprightness — including Islam, Judaism, or any other — is a useful buffer.

The current free-for-all is of no use to any spirit large or small; its only use is to the shallow salesman and criminals who now run the world. As just one example, you won't find the mainstream teaching you to avoid drugs or alcohol, because they have piles of drugs and alcohol to sell you. They may make little pretend runs at these things — as with the “just say no to drugs” campaign — but that just means they want you to stay away from meth or heroin. They have much more expensive mainstream drugs to push on you, for every possible purpose. A just-say-no-to-drugs campaign in modern America is a towering joke, considering that TV, music, films, and your own doctors are promoting a just-say-yes campaign at full volume.

You will say, “But if Christianity is flawed at the ground level, how can you defend it?” Why not throw it out and start over? I just told you. It teaches a basic morality, so it is useful in times like this. That is precisely why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have been running major projects against it. The Theosophy project arose a short time after Marxism blossomed, and they are linked in their antagonism to Christianity.

That is no accident. Christianity was in the way of the billionaires and trillionaires, and they have been trying to detooth it for centuries. It is in their way because it teaches right from wrong, and they don't like that anymore. It doesn't suit their current schemes. So while they are trying to reform it into something mostly outdated and useless, I am trying to reform into something more useful than it ever was. Decommissioning that old war between spirit and matter would be the first order of business in doing that.

The other reason I defend the old religions is that they contain too much good to have been completely manufactured. To me they look like true religions that were later overwritten and corrupted — like the rest of history. I am not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater. So, we can do one of two things: start over from scratch and build a new religion from the ground up, or cleanse the old religions of their later pollutions.

It is sort of like cleaning an old painting: removing all the dust and dirt that has settled over the years. Except that, in the case of these major religions, it is more like removing purposeful graffiti. Someone has come in and marked up these works of art in major ways, sometimes to the point that the painting beneath can barely be descried. In my opinion, it is not either/or. Both need to be done. We need to restore the old religions for those attached to them, and at the same time build a new one from the ground up, for those who aren't. A very big job, admittedly, too big for any ten prophets. But the future is long.

Or, we could just listen directly to the Soul assigned to us.

Some will answer me that Christianity is now only a living thing to fundamentalists, and you are never going to convince fundamentalists to overhaul their religion. That may be true, which is why I have never titled any of my ideas “an overhaul of Christianity”. That is not really one of my goals or intentions. I just tell things the way I see them, and each person can overhaul their own thoughts to the extent they see fit. I am not talking here to institutions, I am talking to individual spirits. As far as I can tell, any fundamentalist Christian could choose to start loving the body and the Earth, and quit thinking matter is evil. Whether they do or not is up to them.

You see, I know I am talking to real people, not to theoretical people. Real people already have their heads full of old ideas, and I cannot change that. No spirit is remade in a day. As the Soul remakes me in slow motion, with almost as much regress as progress, I can only hope to remake an idea or two here and there in the heads of my readers. The rest they have to do themselves.

The fact is, there are rules to life that you need to know, and some of those rules are taught quite well and poignantly in the major and minor religions. But those old rules have mostly been replaced in the modern world by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought mainstream media, which has become far more pervasive and influential than any religion.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought mainstream is promoting an inverted world of ugliness, perversion, false freedom, vulgarity, and slavishness. In that world any weak spirit is guaranteed to flounder or revert. But the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires don't care, because backsliding spirits are their main market. Spirits and bodies in reversion are what drive the economy. Without them, most profit margins would tumble.

That being so, as a spirit striving to move forward, you must set yourself against the mainstream in all ways. Swimming upstream is your test. Living in an inverted society is your test. As a consolation, remember this: only in a world such as ours is great spiritual advancement possible. If your life were much easier, you would be tested much less, and your chance for advancement small. In a perfect world, there would be no progress. But in a world like ours, a spirit can grow quickly. So, again, be thankful. You may have been bored stiff in your past life, and you yourself demanded a chance to try this corrupt planet. So take a deep breath and swim. Show us what you've got.

You will ask me to name a useful story from Christianity, one that looks to be genuine and not heavily overwritten. Well, there are lots of them, but the failures of the apostles are among my favorites. They show you just how you can fail certain very specific tests, tests that do come up in real life. Peter's denial of Christ is probably the most poignant. Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny him three times before the cock crows; and though Peter should be on the lookout, it nevertheless happens exactly like that. Peter sees the situation coming and still bungles it. You will say that situation doesn't come up in your life, since you are no one's apostle. But of course you have to generalize the story a bit. It is teaching you to be faithful to your friends and beliefs, not denying them when under stress or threat. The bigger lesson is that real friendships and beliefs can be hard to maintain. The more important your relationship or belief is, the more it will be tested. God doesn't insert big tests randomly. God looks for pressure points like this, to see just how big you really are. Peter wasn't as big as he thought he was, and even Christ's warning wasn't able to save him from major deflation.

And of course there is the other twist to that story, for we have to ask why Christ would warn him. Christ's warning came upon the tail of Peter's brag that his faith would never be shaken. So there is that lesson, too: don't tempt fate. Don't brag that you are unbreakable, unless you you really want a big breaking test before the cock crows.

Some will answer me, “Isn't your claim to 'not be worried too much by devils' a tempting of fate like that? Aren't you begging a devil to come tempt you?” No. You are required to bow to God, but not devils. Think of it this way: your overconfidence in the face of your own tests bothers God, since it shows you really don't know your place. But devils were already going to mess with you no matter what you said, so you can say what you like. You can't have too much confidence in the presence of devils, only too little. Besides, it is called tempting fate. Devils don't control fate, God does. In short, God isn't going to penalize you for confidence in the face of devils. If you were required to placate devils to keep them from tempting you, you would end up bowing before them. Obviously that is not what is wanted.

Others will no doubt say, “All this talk of the Soul is Gnostic in itself. Why not say your prayers to the One God, as you were taught as a boy?” Well, I have no problem with that. I am not selling my soul as a substitute or replacement for higher gods, or for the One God. Frankly, the idea of the One God is so far above me that I can't get my head properly around it. I sort of doubt he has time or inclination to listen to my prayers, or give me advice. He surely has more important things to do. But I can just fathom a goddess from the next level up coming down to see how I am getting along, like I do with my sick cat. I can understand why she might be assigned my care in her downtime, supposing I don't scratch too much or spit up too many hairballs.

Besides, as far as I remember from my limited studies, Christianity doesn't forbid the idea of Guardian Angels. So I don't see that I am being too unorthodox here. And remember, our limitations are always taken into account. It is our attitude that is important, not our detailed knowledge of the angel hierarchies. Honestly, we can't know much—or anything— about the highest gods, so why not admit that? I would assume the One God assigns lower angels to advise peeps like me, but if I am wrong I really doubt he will hold it against me. He hasn't so far.

You will say that my making light of all this just means I don't really believe. I must be secretly blackwashing religion here. Not at all. I am simply advised by my soul that the veils and fake solemnity are often counterproductive. Sure, this is important stuff — the most important—but that doesn't mean it needs to be drowned in a fog of incense and oblations. Humor is not forbidden. As with anything else, the important thing is understanding. A religion has to be penetrable by normal people, otherwise it is of no use. Seeking real advice from a robed soul or Angel is just within the doable for most people; trying to fathom a One God who made the entire universe is not.

You will say, “By any account, there seem to be a lot of weak spirits here. Far more apparent failure than success. What is the point of that? Why would God assign spirits to a world they cannot navigate? Jesus said, 'The invited are many, the select are few'. Isn't that elitist, or worse?'” Well, as I pointed out above, in any progression, failure must be far more common than success. For progression to be meaningful, it must be difficult. If everyone advanced on a series of byes, as in public schools now, the diploma would have no value. The progress would be an illusion.

All spirits have failed far more than they have succeeded. So just as a matter of mathematics or statistics, we would expect to see far more failures at any given time. It is a normal and expected outcome of life. I doubt that anyone passes the Earth test on the first try. I would guess it normally takes hundreds or thousands of incarnations.

Some Christians seem to believe that any major failure will get them thrown into Hell, but I don't think that is the way of it. The Earth is already a realm of constant failure, so it takes a lot to get thrown back a step. You have to be a real demon, doing wrong on purpose over many lifetimes, to get thrown back a step. No, the “punishment” for most of us only consists in not being passed, or not growing while we are here. We have to come back and try again. The thing the Buddhists fear most.

And by “back a step”, I still don't mean anything like Hell. There is no point to being thrown into a molten pit or strapped to a wheel of fire. God isn't interested in punishing you, especially not via such awful tortures. They are only interested in placing you in your proper sphere, where the tests fit you. If your spirit shrinks so much it doesn't even fit here on Earth, there is an even more corrupt planet for you, where you will fit right in. There the tests are not greater, but smaller. In such an environment you will have a greater chance of turning your spirit around. In such a nasty place, perhaps you will no longer think it is better to rule.

Which brings us back to that. A growing spirit knows it is always better to serve a greater spirit than to rule over lesser ones. Much more progress is possible in the former. It is also honorable to rule (lead), but only if you serve those you lead. If you are helping them, your spirit will grow as theirs does. If you are preying upon them, it is your spirit that will diminish, not theirs.

And that takes us back to honor. We all know that honor is more beautiful than dishonor. We didn't have to be taught it, in this life or in any other. My soul didn't have to whisper it in my ear. It is true by definition. You don't have to be taught that red is red or blue is blue. It is called a tautology. It is simply true.

Likewise with honor and truth and beauty. Even the wicked know these things, since they cannot be otherwise. It is not that they don't know what honor is, or do not agree it is more beautiful. It is that they have found they are temporarily incapable of it, and so try to pretend it doesn't matter. Once again it is a matter of pride, the defining sin of all devils, and the root of all reversion.

To learn from a test, you must admit you failed it, and sometimes we cannot admit that. We have all been there. We will redefine our entire environment to avoid admitting it. We will redefine words to avoid it. We will bring down Heaven to avoid it. Usually we get past that in short order, but some don't. Some create that upside down world and live in it for years, decades, lifetimes. And they find others who feed their pride, for there is no shortage of them. In groups, these people promote one another, make excuses for one another, and give prizes to one another, to prop up the whole delusion.

Here on Earth, it is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire groups that now run the show. They have bought the governments and the worldwide media, and they control most business. So if you do not wish to swim in their pool, you are put to it. Everywhere you turn, there they are. On nearly every possible path they have already set up a gate and a toll, and you will have to pass their petty tests to proceed without harassment. But even at this late a date in history, there are still minor paths through the bush that they have not yet paved. There are ways around them and over them. God allows them to test you furiously, but they are not allowed to stop you cold. For every test there is a pass. There is always a right answer. Remember that. Always seek the opening.

So if you are currently making a mess of it, join the club. And if you are finding your footing, remember that you have bungled many lifetimes. By the same token, if you are a spirit totally overwhelmed, do not hate a larger spirit that swims by you. Remember that he has been where you have been. No one is given a bye, and if he is a good swimmer it is because he has spent eons learning to swim, as you will. Do you hate your Soul for knowing what you do not, or for being far more beautiful than you? I hope not. I don't. I know that it advanced up the same ladder I am on, and that it earned it's position. The Soul is where it is for a reason, as we all are. I look upon my Soul as something to strive for. I hope to deserve to be there someday.

This is the proper attitude in a real hierarchy. My Soul feels that way about someone above her. But all that has been purposely destroyed by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires, who prefer you forget it. They want you to despise those above you as well as those below you, since all divisions yield profit for them. So they teach you a false ideal of equality as well as a false ideal of unearned achievement. You are taught that the fact of your birth guarantees you full consideration at any table.

But it doesn't. In a functioning republic—which we do not have — you would be guaranteed equality under the law, but beyond that you must earn any fellowship or respect by the skill and wisdom you have achieved. There are no real byes for wealth or birth or sex. Being born a woman doesn't make you a goddess, and being born a Jew doesn't make you chosen. Being born a duke doesn't make you elevated. Only the elevation of your spirit matters. The judgment of the entire world is as nothing compared to the judgment of your single Soul, for her taste is perfect. Far better to be the beloved of a Soul than the toast of kings, queens, presidents, publishers and awards committees.

It is only the top Phoenician families, the billionaires and trillionaires, that are responsible for the plunder. The Stanleys/Murrays/Spencer-Churchills, Saxe Coberg Gotha Draculs, Percys, Cohens, Phillips, Nevilles, Leveson-Gowers, Egertons, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hoffmans, and so on. Yes, they hire their lesser cousins to play smaller roles, and these people are also complicit to varying degrees. And yes, there are millions of these people in government and Intelligence and the military, causing trouble. But there are also millions of mostly innocent Jews, existing far from the main lines, of lesser or broken bloodlines, and I assume they benefit as little from the current state of affairs as you or I do. In fact, the same can be said of the lesser cousins who are involved. Except for a small paycheck and perhaps a few hours in the limelight, they also do not benefit.

Even the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires themselves do not benefit. No one benefits from the current state of affairs, since although those at the top are piling up money and things, their spirits are dissipating. Some have been quoted in the media, saying they know that, but cannot quit because they are in thrall, slaves to their Satanic Gods who live out of the body and sometimes return to possess the heads of the families, to manage their human plantation, to steal their energy, to vampirise their blood.

They are helpless addicts. But listen: you are not helpless addicts. No one is a helpless addict. You are a spirit on a ladder, currently going down. But you can go up the moment you stop reading this, if you choose. Just turn around and start climbing. Like me, you know right from wrong. Your soul is still there, ready to give good advice, and all you have to do is listen. Ask her to come down and go to sleep. That is the first step.

And if you can't get her on the line, you can use my Soul. She has some choice words for you. See above. If you are one of these people, I will counsel you for free.

In fact, I just did.

Which tells you what about your own meditation, your own life? It tells you to go your own way and trust your intuition. You were born knowing good from bad. We all were. As Jesus taught truly, you can tap that any time you like, directly. You also have a path and you will know when you get on it. Things will start to click. If things aren't clicking, you probably aren't on your path, so try something else. It is the same with meditation. If you are doing something that isn't working, try something else. Experiment. If red isn't working for you, try green for a change. If up isn't working, try down and see how it fits.

But most of all it tells you that following trends and joining crowds and believing what you are told is not the way to enlightenment, or to any worthy personal goals either. Consider the possibility that the majority is usually wrong. The herd is almost always moving in the wrong direction, so if they are moving north, try moving south for a change. If the authorities recommend or mandate turning left, turn right and see how that works. My experience is that it works far better in most ways. Yes, it makes things difficult on the mundane level, but on all deeper levels it is the only way to go.

Also think of it this way: it would be a little too easy, wouldn't it, if following the rules really led to the pearly gates? What would be the point of that? You couldn't market that game to five year olds. No, whatever else it is, life is far more complex and interesting than that. God would never waste your time with that sort of easter egg hunt for babies. So embrace the game and the test, and always respect God. As Mr. Jordan said in Heaven Can Wait, “there's always a plan”. In my experience, that is true. My life has been anything but chaotic or random or pointless or meaningless, so how could I believe life as whole is any of those things? In my opinion, a belief in chaos is just the admission that you aren't paying attention. Either that or you have chosen the role of Loki, which—let us admit it—is getting a little stale in this day and age. Way too easy and predictable, with a part that is criminally overwritten.

So, I cannot improve on what cannot be improved. So here goes with what I can add.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali..

Says, "Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha"

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.

Each desire seed, each Energy Blockage, when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.

In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the energy blockages, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?

This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says that Enlightenment, the next stage of our evolution is removing all the Energy Blockages, all the lies, from our spiritual body, from our emotional body, from our physical body.

Energy Blockages can be made and implanted in you spiritually or by media.

Energy Blockages are blockages to the light, to the photons, to the Angels who dance on the head of a pin.

Energy Blockages are larger Angels, created of many photons, surrounded by trauma-formed negative karmic mass. Energy Blockages are surrounded by the energy of pain, trauma, anything which should not be.

As we observe the mind by thinking, so, naturally what Patanjali calls Samyama takes place.

Samyama dissolves the pain, the crap the Energy Blockages back into the Truth, the Naturally good Angel trapped at the center of the Energy Blockage lie, Evil!

As I say, follow the above and it will happen quite naturally.

But then why did Patanjali write his Yoga Sutras of Patanjali?

He did it because his Muse, his Soul told him to do it after many lifetimes of goodness!

To help humanity.

To speed up the process.

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Tolkien Knew about the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires

It’s easy to understand why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires hate Tolkien so much and why they want to destroy his legacy. He knew. He absolutely knew. He knew about them, their evil, and the source of that evil, as evidenced by the Dark Herald’s review of the third episode of The Rangz:

So, we arrive at Númenor. For those of you who aren’t familiar with legendarium, Númenor is Atlantis. That’s it in a nutshell. After its fall, the Elves started calling it Atalantë. Just in case there was any doubt in your mind. I’m actually going to have to give a quick history of Númenor, so skip the next couple of paragraphs if you are easily bored by history.

The Men who sided with the Valar during the War of Wrath got a nice off-the-cuffo from the gods. An island kingdom flowing with bounty and whatnot. And the Men were happy. For a while. However, a division rose up; there were those who remained loyal to the Valar and accepted Iluvater’s gift of death, they thought Elves were super cool too. But the vast majority of the Númenorians resented the Elves’ immortality and wanted to be immortal themselves.

Just as today the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires seek immortality in Transhumanism, uploading into the machine, downloading into a new body, eternally as 10,000 years ago their Phoenician ancestors perfected the spiritual technology of leaving the body to live in private universes on the astral plane downloading in Satanic Ritual into Eton "whipping and fagging" prepared, destroyed, minds - easy to possess to become heads of the top Phoenician families to manage their human plantation. All they have to do is totally block their Heart Chakras and vampirise the spiritual energy of humanity. They have to maintain their control of humanity to do that.

Sauron was captured by the Númenororians and was imprisoned but then like an evil Joseph worked his way up to becoming the high advisor to the king. A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality. Finally, the last king of Númenor launched an invasion of Valinor to steal immortality. Iluvatar Himself intervened and destroyed the entire fleet of Men by opening a chasm in the sea.

Then Númenor itself was sunk beneath the waves during a night of fire and whatever that will cost a lot to CG. The Elf Faithful escaped under the leadership of Elendil, who became their king and founded Gondor. Making Elendil, Aragorn’s remote but direct ancestor. And yes, Elendil is the same king Sauron kills on the battlefield at the start of Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring.

Read this sentence again: A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality.

Fascinating, is it not, that a high fantasy writer could foresee today’s transhuman global technocrats in the 1940s? It’s because their goals are no different than they were 10,000 years ago, back before the dawn of recorded human history: To be Satanic. To institute human sacrifice. To live forever. To be like God.

The Satanic Mega Trillionaire Bloodline Family Phoenician Aristocrats - Inhuman Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Devils and Demons "Judeo-Christian" War against Russian Orthodox Christianity