The Secret
Now, Something Beyond The Machine
The Secret
Now, Something Beyond The Machine
The first question:
Question 1
Ruparahi, the future only appears bleak, but it has always appeared so.
This is not anything new. You can go as far back as possible in human
history, to the very first moment of human beginnings when Adam and Eve were
expelled from the garden of Eden, and you will find the future has always
looked bleak. Just think of Adam and Eve being thrown out of the garden of
God and the doors being slammed behind them. How was the future? It must
have appeared very bleak. All that they had known was being taken away.
Their security, their safety, their world, everything was being taken away.
What future hope was there? Only darkness, death. It must have been
And this is not only a parable: each time a child is born the future looks
bleak, because again the womb -- the safe secure environment of the womb --
is taken away from the child, and the helpless child is expelled. What do
you think about the child? Psychoanalysts say that the greatest trauma is
the birth trauma, and the person suffers it his whole life. The word
"trauma" comes from a root which means "wound". The birth trauma is the
greatest wound; it is very rare to find a person whose birth trauma is
It heals only when a person becomes enlightened, because when a person
becomes enlightened he is again in the eternal womb of God; otherwise the
wound goes on and on hurting.
Your whole life you try to hide that wound, but by hiding it it cannot
disappear. Each child being born, coming out of the birth canal, must be
feeling the future is bleak; and each age has felt it. Because the future is
unknown, that's why it looks bleak.
This is not something new that modern man is feeling; it is as ancient as
man. You can go to the ancient-most records and it is always said in every
ancient scripture, "The future is bleak." And the corollary to it is that
the past was golden. "The future is bleak." The past was good -- satyug, the
Age of Truth; and the future, kalyug -- the Age of Death and Darkness.
This attitude is somewhere deep in your mind; it has nothing to do with
time and the realities surrounding you. And you have to drop this
pessimistic attitude, Ruparahi. It all depends on your approach.
For example, it is so simple to say that "the burden of the West already
lies heavy on the world: the atomic bomb," and nobody will argue against
you, it looks so obvious. But I would like to tell you to think again,
reconsider. In fact, it is the atom bomb which has made wars impossible. Now
there can be no world war.
In the past we could have continued wars because our wars were so
inefficient, there was no danger. That's why, down the ages, in three
thousand years we have fought five thousand wars. There was no problem; it
was just a game. And the male egoistic mind has enjoyed it very much, it has
needed it very much. And wars would have continued if there was no atom
bomb. The atom bomb is the end of war.
The future is not bleak. The very existence of the atom bomb means, now, if
you decide for war, it will be universal suicide. Who is ready to take that
risk? Nobody can win and everybody will die. Nobody can be the winner; then
what is the point of the game?
War is significant if somebody can win and somebody is defeated. War
becomes absurd if nobody can win and both are destroyed. It is only because
of the existence of the atom bomb that Russia and America are prevented from
war; otherwise there seems to be no other possibility except war. Both are
ready, absolutely ready, but the atom bomb is making it impossible.
It is ridiculous now to go to war. If both parties are going to be
destroyed, then what is the point? The atom bomb has made war pointless.
When I think about the atom bomb I see great hope. I am not a pessimist at
all. I believe things are going to be better every day, better and better.
You will be surprised, but this is so simple if you understand.
It is because of the atom bomb that war has become total. Up to now it was
a partial thing -- a few people will die -- but now the whole earth will
die. We have attained to superkill. We have so many bombs ready that we can
kill each person one thousand times, we can destroy one thousand earths like
this. This earth is small now before our destructive powers; compared to our
destructive powers this earth is nothing.
Now who is going to take this risk, and for what? You will not be there to
gloat over your victory -- nobody will be there.
War is not going to happen. The Third World War is not going to happen, and
it will not be because of Buddha and Christ and their teachings of
non-violence and love, no! It will be because of the atom bomb. Because
death is absolute now, suicide will be complete. Not only will man be
destroyed, but birds, animals, trees, all life will be destroyed on earth.
This is the only possibility of dropping war forever. We have become too
efficient in killing; now killing can be allowed no more. Think this way and
you will be surprised -- then the future is bleak no more.
You say, "... violence through frustration." That's true. Whenever one
feels frustrated... and the world is feeling frustrated, particularly the
West. Frustration comes as a shadow of success. In the East there is no
frustration because there is no success, so the shadow is missing. In the
West there is great frustration because the success has come; all that man
ever needed is available, and there is no content ment. Success has failed
-- that's the frustration.
But that's also the point of sannyas, meditation, religion. Yes, you can
become frustrated and you can become violent because all that you have hoped
for has failed -- you have succeeded, and nothing has succeeded -- great
frustration arises in you -- you can become murderous, you can become
suicidal. But the other possibility is also there, you can start thinking in
a totally new way: that success cannot be in the outer world, that success
has to be something inner, that you were rushing in a wrong direction. Your
direction was wrong; that's why you have failed.
In the West, because of frustration, people are becoming more and more
interested in meditation, prayer, contemplation. That too is part of the
same frustration. My own observation is a person becomes a meditator only
when there are only two possibilities: suicide or transformation.
When in the outside world there seems to be only suicide and nothing else,
then one turns in. Only at that point, at that peak of frustration, does one
turn in. The turning in cannot happen in a lukewarm person; it happens only
when things are really hot and there is no way outside anymore, all ways
have been proved false. When you have been frustrated totally by the outside
world and all exterior journeys, when all extroversion seems meaningless,
only then does the desire, the longing for an inner pilgrimage open up.
It has always been so. It is only at the extremes, when life faces a
crisis, that transformations happen. Water evaporates at a hundred degrees;
that much heat is needed. The West has created that much heat of
frustration. A few people will become violent, a few people will become
murderous, a few people will become suicidal, but the major part of humanity
will start turning in.
You say, "... the automatization of the soul." Industrialization and the
growth of technology has not made man automatic, has not made man a machine.
Man has always been a machine. Industrialization has only revealed the
truth. It is a great revelation. Man has always lived in slavery, but the
slavery was not so apparent, was not so penetrating; there was always an
illusion of freedom.
The mechanization of all that you are surrounded with has made you aware
that you are also nothing but a machine. You have always been that. Buddhas
have always been telling you that you exist unconsciously, that you exist
like a robot, that you are not yet a man, but illusions persisted. The
modern world has taken the last illusion from you, it has revealed the truth
to you: that you are nothing but a machine efficient, inefficient, but a
It had to be so because only when you live with machines, only then can you
become aware of your machine-like existence. You had always lived with trees
and animals and people, and it had always given you the false idea that
there is freedom.
Freedom exists only when you are utterly conscious. Only a Buddha is free.
Freedom is in Buddhahood; nobody else is free, nobody else can be free. But
people can believe... it is a very consoling illusion. The modern world has
taken your illusion away from you; and it is good because now a great desire
to be free will arise, a great longing to attain to something beyond the
For example, the computer has proved that howsoever efficient you are in
your mind it does not make you really a man, because that can be done better
by a computer than by your mind. Now the people who used to do beautiful
mathematics will be offended because the computer can do it in a far better
way. And the work of the computer is so fast that they say, if a problem
will take seventy years of his whole life for a great mathematician to
solve, working day in, day out, the computer can solve it within a second.
Now, what is the lesson to be learned? That the brain is nothing but a
biocomputer. Without the computer it would never have been revealed to you
that your brain is a computer. With the computer, now, the people who think
they are great intellectuals, mathematicians, scientists, specialists, are
all reduced to machines. It was not possible two thousand years before:
there was no way to know that the mind functions as a machine, that the mind
is nothing but a machine.
There is just one thing the computer cannot do. It can be logical, but it
cannot be loving; it can be rational, but it cannot be meditative. A
computer cannot meditate, a computer cannot love -- and that is the hope,
and that is where man can still go beyond machines. You can love. Your love
will be the decisive factor in the coming days -- not logic: the computer is
perfectly logical, more logical than any Aristotle; not mathematics: the
computer is more mathematical than any Albert Einstein.
The computer is going to solve all problems. The computer will solve every
problem that scientists used to take years to solve. It can solve them
within seconds. Sooner or later science will go into the hands of computers;
the scientist will be needed only to operate the computer, that's all. The
computer can do it far more quickly, far more efficiently, with less and
less possibility of making any errors. This is something tremendously
significant. It can make you very much frightened, it can give you the idea
that there is nothing left, man is a machine; but it can also fill you with
great hope that now the computer has revealed that the head is not man's
real reality.
Now we have to search for the heart, because the computer has no heart.
Only by searching for our heart, only by allowing our heart to dance and
sing and love, will we be able to retain the glory and dignity of being man;
otherwise it is gone.
The future looks bleak to you because you only see the darker side of the
phenomenon. You are not aware of its lighter side. I see the dawn coming
very close. Yes, the night is very dark, but the future is not bleak, not at
In fact, for the first time in human history millions of people will be
able to become Buddhas. It was very rare to become a Buddha in the past
because it was very rare to become aware of the mechanicalness of man. It
needed great intelligence to be aware that man is a machine. But now it will
not need any intelligence at all; it will be so obvious that man is a
And you say, "... the destruction of the forests and the pollution of the
air and sea so that it is uncertain whether the environment can maintain its
delicate balance. Can the world support another West?" That is one of the
most beautiful things about science and technology: it creates problems just
to solve them. And the problem can only be solved when it has been created;
then it becomes a challenge. Now the greatest challenge before technology is
how to maintain the balance of nature, how to maintain ecological harmony.
It was never there before, it is a new problem.
For the first time the West is facing a new problem. We have lived on this
earth for millions of years. Slowly, slowly we had been growing more and
more expert technologically, but we had not yet been able to destroy the
natural balance; we were yet a very small force on the earth. Now for the
first time our energy is bigger, far bigger, than the earth's energy to keep
its balance. This is a great phenomenon. Man has become so powerful that he
can destroy the natural balance. But he will not destroy it, because to
destroy the natural balance means he will be destroyed himself.
He will find new ways; and new ways are being found. The way to regain the
delicate balance of nature is not by renouncing technology. It is not by
becoming hippies, it is not by becoming Gandhians, no, not at all. The way
to regain the balance of nature is through superior technology, higher
technology, more technology. If technology can destroy the balance, why
can't technology regain it? Anything that can be destroyed can be created.
And now it is almost feasible to float cities in the sky, in the air, in
big, enormous balloons! There is no need for man to live on the earth. And
it will be really beautiful -- floating cities in the air, and the green
earth below you, huge forests again as the earth used to be before man
started cutting forests. The earth can become the same again. You can come
back to the earth for holidays.
It is possible now to float cities in the ocean, and that will be
beautiful. It is possible now to make underground cities so the earth, its
greenery, its beauty, is not destroyed. You can live in air-conditioned
cities underneath the earth. You can come once in a while for your Sunday
prayer to the earth, and go back. It is possible for man now to be
transported to another planet. The moon may become our next colony, the moon
may become our habitation.
The way is not by regressing; it is not possible to regress. Now man cannot
live without electricity and man cannot live without all the comforts that
technology has made available. And there is no need either -- it will become
so poor a world. You don't know how man had lived in the past, always
starving, always ill. You don't know how man had lived in the past; people
have forgotten. You don't know how low the average age was in the past: if
twenty children were born only two would survive. Life was very ugly.
And without machines there was slavery. It is only because of machines that
slavery has disappeared from the earth. If more machines come then more of
this slavery will disappear. Horses will be free again if more cars are
there; oxen will be free again if more machines are there to do their work;
animals can be free again.
Freedom was not possible without machines. If you drop machines man will
again become slaves. There will be people who will start dominating and
forcing. You see the pyramids? They look so beautiful, but each pyramid was
made in such a way that millions of people died in making it. That was the
only way to make it. All the beautiful palaces of the world, and the
forts.... Much violence has happened, only then could they be made. The
Great Wall of China -- millions of people died in making it. They were
forced, generations of people were forced, to just make this China Wall. Now
people go and see it, and they have completely forgotten that it represents
a very ugly chapter of history.
For the first time electricity and technology have taken all the work; man
need not do it. Technology can free man absolutely from work and the earth
caul be playful for the first time. Luxury is possible for the first time.
There is no need to go back.
That's why I am against the Gandhian approach towards life, utterly
against. If Gandhi is believed, then the world will again become ugly, poor,
dirty, ill. The way is ahead: one has to go to superior technology that can
rearrange the balance. The earth can really become paradise.
I am all for science. My religion is not against science; my religion
absorbs science in itself. I believe in a scientific world. And through
science a great religion, a greater religion than ever, is going to happen
to man, because when man will be really free to be playful and there will be
no need to work, tremendous creativity will be released. People will paint,
and people will play music, and people will dance, and people will write
poems, and people will pray, and people will meditate. Their whole energy
will be free to soar high.
Only a small part of humanity has been creative, because all the other
people have been forced to do futile things which can be done by machines
more easily and without any trouble to anybody. Millions of people are
simply laboring their whole lives. Their whole lives consist only of
perspiration, there is no inspiration. This is ugly, this should not be.
And this is possible only for the first time. Just think... the whole of
humanity freed from the imprisonment of labor, then the energy will start
moving in new directions. People will become adventurers, explorers,
scientists, musicians, poets, painters, dancers, meditators. They will have
to because the energy will need some expression. Millions of people can
bloom like Buddhas.
I am tremendously hopeful about the future.
You say, Ruparahi, "To me the future of the East appears bleak whichever
way one looks at it. " It is not bleak. It can be bleak if stupidity wins
over intelligence. If the old, rotten mind wins over intelligence -- then it
is bleak. If Gandhi wins, then it is bleak. If Morarji Desai and people like
him win, then it is bleak. But if I am heard and understood it is not bleak.
You say, "... either poverty and starvation through fatalism, or
Westernization through capitalism." I am all for Westernization of the East,
and I am all for capitalism too, because capitalism is the only natural
system. Communism is a violent, enforced, artificial system. Capitalism is a
natural growth; nobody has forced it on anybody, it has come on its own. It
is part of human evolution. Capitalism is not like communism -- a few people
trying to enforce a particular system, forcibly, on others. Capitalism has
grown out of freedom. Capitalism is a natural phenomenon, and it fits
perfectly well with human potentials.
I am all in favor of Adam Smith and all against Karl Marx.
Capitalism means laissez-faire. People should be free to do their own
thing; no government should interfere with people's freedom. The government
which governs the least is the best. That's what capitalism is. The
interference of the state, nationalization of the industries, are all
Communism can exist only in the climate of dictatorship. Communism cannot
be democratic, socialism can never be democratic. No socialist can have the
democratic mind, because socialism ar communism means to impose a particular
system on people. How can you be democratic? It has to be forcibly imposed.
The whole country has to be turned into a concentration camp.
Capitalism needs no enforcement from above. Capitalism is a democratic way
of life. And capitalism is also very psychologically true, because no two
persons are psychologically equal. The whole idea of equality is false,
inhuman, untrue, unscientific. No two human beings are equal; people are
unequal. In every possible way they are unequal. Their talents, their
intelligence, their bodies, their health, their age, their beauty, their
qualities -- everything is different No two individuals are alike or equal.
And it is good. The variety makes life rich; the variety gives people
individuality, uniqueness.
Capitalism means freedom, it represents freedom. I am not against equal
opportunities for all -- please, don't misunderstand me. Equal opportunities
should be available to everybody, but for what? -- equal opportunities to
grow to your unequal potentials, equal opportunities to be different, to be
dissimilar, equal opportunities to be whatsoever you want to be.
Communism is an ugly phenomenon. It destroys human freedom in the name of
equality. And the equality can never be managed, there is no possible way.
Even in Soviet Russia there is no equality; only the classes have changed
their labels. First there used to be the proletarians and the bourgeoisie;
now there are the rulers and the ruled. And the distinctions are far greater
than ever. And the whole country has fallen into a kind of dull state.
Communism makes people drab and dull, placid, because nobody feels the
freedom to be himself, so joy disappears from life. Nobody feels any
enthusiasm to work for others. That is unnatural, inhuman. How can you feel
enthusiasm if you are working for the inhuman state, the machinery called
the state? When you work for your children, your wife, there is enthusiasm.
If you are working for your wife and you would like her to have a beautiful
house, a small cottage in the hills, you are in great enthusiasm. You would
like your children to be healthy; you are in great enthusiasm. Who cares for
the state? For what?
The state is an abstraction; nobody can love the state. That's why in
Russia and in China you will find people dragging, dull. Their intelligence
has lost color, they are no more rainbows of life.
Communism -- in the beautiful name of equality -- destroys the most
valuable thing: freedom. Freedom is the ultimate value. There is nothing
higher than freedom, because it is through freedom that everything else
becomes possible.
Capitalism is a higher value system than communism, and communism will
always remain dictatorial because it is afraid, afraid because something
inhuman has been imposed on human beings. The moment you withdraw the
structure of dictatorship, people will start becoming unequal again. Just
give five years to Soviet Russia, five years of democracy and you will see:
again people are different; somebody has become rich and somebody has become
poor and somebody has become famous and somebody has become something else.
Just five years of democratic freedom, and fifty years of dictatorship will
go down the drain; hence the fear. This is an unnatural imposition on
people; it destroys their spirit.
I am all for capitalism. Capitalism is the system that produces capital.
Communism is the system that reduces everybody to the lowest denominator.
That is the only way to make people equal.
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For example, if somebody here is seven feet tall -- there are a few Dutch
sannyasins seven feet tall -- and somebody is just five: now if you want to
make these people equal, what can be done? The five-foot tall person cannot
be stretched to seven, but the seven-foot tall person can be cut to five.
That's the only possible way.
Communism reduces people to the lowest denominator. People are not allowed
to have higher intelligence, because that will make them unequal. They have
to be reduced to the lowest intelligence.
Capitalism functions in a totally different way. It helps you to express,
to manifest, to flower in your totality.
And I am not saying that there are not wrong things in capitalism. They are
there -- but capitalism is not responsible for them. Human ignorance is
responsible for them, human unconsciousness is responsible for them.
Capitalism has many errors in it; it is not the perfect system. It is the
most perfect in available systems, but it is not the perfect system, because
man is not perfect. It simply reflects man, with all its illusions, with all
human errors, with all human stupidities; but it reflects perfectly well.
Communism is against all that is good, valuable, all that takes you higher
than humanity. Communism is an effort to live by bread alone. Bread is
needed, but it is needed only so that you can pray, so that you can sing a
song, so that you can fall in love, so that you can paint. Bread is needed,
but only as a means. Communism has turned the means into the end.
I am in favor of the East being Westernized because Westernization means
nothing but modernization. Forget the word "West". Westernization means
modernization: more technology, more science, more industrialization; and
higher technology so that we can save this earth and its delicate ecological
balance. The East has to be modernized, and then the future is not bleak.
But the greatest problem is that the Eastern mind is against modernization.
Their old traditions are great blocks. Their conditioning of the mind is
such that they are committing suicide. And they think that they have great
culture and great values and great ideas. And it is all rotten! And because
of that rotten past, they cannot understand the modern explosion of great
knowledge that can transform this earth into a real paradise.
These old patterns have to be destroyed. People ask me, particularly
Indians, "What are you doing to help India to get out of its poverty?"
That's actually what I am doing, because to me it is not only a question of
going and distributing clothes to poor people; that is not going to help. It
is not a question of distributing anything, it is not a question of charity;
it is a question of changing their mind and their structure of thinking. But
then the problem arises: they will be the most antagonistic to me. This is
how life is paradoxical.
What I am saying can change the fate of the East, it can transform its
whole ugliness into beauty, but the Eastern people will be the most against
me because whatsoever I will say will go against their conditioning, their
ideas -- settled ideas, of centuries. That's why you don't see many Indians
The Western mind immediately feels a deep affinity with me. It is because I
am always in favor of the modern, of the new. The Western mind can
understand me immediately, it feels a great alikeness, but the Eastern mind
simply feels agitated. The moment the Eastern mind hears what I am saying he
becomes annoyed, antagonistic; he starts defending himself.
He has become too attached to his mind, and his mind is the cause of all
his problems. He wants to change those problems, but he clings to the mind.
And that is not possible. First the mind has to be changed; only then will
those problems disappear.
For example, the whole East suffers from repressed sexuality, great
repression, but again and again they go on insisting that they have great
ideas of celibacy, great ideas of character, morality. And those are the
ideas which are making them repressed. Those are the ideas that are keeping
them unflowing, because once your sexuality is repressed, your creativity is
repressed, because sex energy is your creative energy. It is God's way of
helping you becoming creative. Sex is creativity. The man who has repressed
his sex will not be able to create anything; he will be stuck.
Now what to do with the East? If you tell them to become a little more
loving, a little more sensuous, a little more sensate, they immediately are
against you; they say, "Then why has Buddha said this, and Mahavira has said
that? You are teaching materialism! "
I am simply teaching you totality. And let me say it to you, that Buddha's
approach is not total, it is partial. But I can understand him, because if
you are against me, now, twenty-five centuries after Buddha, if Buddha had
said these things that I am saying to you, how much would you have been
against him? I can understand why he never told you about the total growth
of human beings, why he had to remain partial. Even that was too much for
the Indian people, and Buddhism was thrown out of the country even that was
too much. If he had talked the way I am talking, you would have immediately
killed him. It was not possible; the climate was not ready for him to talk
to you in total terms.
I am taking the risk of talking to you in total terms -- and creating
unnecessary troubles for myself! I can also go on teaching that old, stupid
kind of spirituality, and the country will be very proud of me and they will
worship me. But I am not interested in being worshiped, and I am not
interested in India being proud of me. My whole interest is how to change
this country's rotten mind, how to give it a new vision.
But they will be against me, although what I am doing is their only hope.
India needs to become modern, it needs to become more capitalistic, but the
very word "capitalism" frightens people. They start thinking of me as if I
am working for the C.I.A. Foolish people. The C.I.A. may be working for me,
but why should I work for the C.I.A.? But their mind is settled. Whatsoever
you do, go on talking about socialism and they feel good. So in India
everybody talks about socialism. People who are not socialistic at all, they
also talk about socialism because that's what brings votes.
I may be the only person in this whole country who has the guts to say that
capitalism is the only right thing. I may be the only person in this country
who has the guts to say that India should become more and more friendly with
America and drop its policy of neutrality. That is all nonsense; that is not
going to help India. It is only through American capital and American
know-how and American technology that this country's problems can be solved.
And don't be worried, Ruparahi, that if we make this country
industrialized, more technologized, that if more technology and industry is
brought to the country, then the ecology will be destroyed. Don't be
worried. Technology itself can find ways to overcome all those things.
Technology is the only potential means in the hands of man to transform the
outer world. The outer world can be transformed totally. We can bring it to
an even better ecological balance than nature itself, because nature's ways
are very primitive and rudimentary. And what is man really? -- nature's
highest growth. If man cannot bring a better balance, then who is going to
bring it? Man is nature's highest peak; it is through man that nature can
resettle its own problems.
I don't think that the future is bleak. The future is very hopeful, very
bright. It has never been so before because for the first time man is coming
closer and closer to a point where he can be freed from all work. Man for
the first time can live in luxury, and to live in luxury is to be ready to
move inwards, because then there is no hindrance on the outside. Then you
can simply move inwards, you will have to move inwards: the outer journey is
finished. All that can be attained in the outside world has been attained...
now a new adventure.
What happened to Buddha can happen to the whole of humanity in the future.
He lived in luxury -- he was the son of a king -- and because of that
luxurious living he became aware. Because there was no problem on the
outside, he could relapse into himself, he could find ways and means to
enter inwards. He became interested in knowing "Who am I?" What happened to
Buddha can happen to the whole of humanity if the whole of humanity becomes
rich, outwardly rich. To be outwardly rich is the beginning of inward
And I teach you a religion which implies science in it, and I teach you a
religion which is sensate, sensuous. I teach you a religion which accepts
the body, loves the body, respects the body. I teach you a religion which is
earthly, earthy, which loves this beautiful earth, which is not against the
earth. The earth has to be the base of your heavenly flight.
The second question:
Question 2
Siddhartha, this is what I have been talking about: the rotten mind.
What is wrong in hugging a person you love, in kissing a person you love?
Don't enforce your hug on anybody, that's true; then it is ugly -- and
that's what the Indians go on doing. And my women sannyasins are aware of
If you are there in the marketplace, then Indians behave really in an ugly
way. They will pinch your bottoms. Now, that is ugly. They will rub their
bodies against your body. That is ugly. They will look at you as if they
would like to eat you. That is ugly. They will look at you as if they would
like to see how you are behind your clothes. That is ugly, but that is
accepted, that is perfectly good.
If you love a person and you hold hands and you hug each other and you kiss
each other, it should be nobody's business. Why should others feel offended?
If they feel offended, then something is wrong with them. Maybe they are
feeling jealous, but they cannot show their jealousy, so they become angry.
Maybe they would also like to hug somebody, but they don't have the courage;
they are afraid of the society. Hence they feel very angry at you. What they
cannot do, they would not like anybody else to do either.
And, because they are so sexually repressed, whenever they see somebody
hugging, kissing, holding hands, showering so much love on each other, their
repressed sexuality starts surfacing. They become afraid of themselves.
They are not offended by your behavior; they are offended by their own
unconscious tendencies because they suddenly start surfacing! All their
repressed sexuality starts coming up, and they become frightened that, if it
is allowed, they may do something. They are somehow controlling themselves.
Now, here is a person who provokes them. Here are two persons in such a deep
hug, they start losing control.
The Indian mind has lived in control, discipline, character. It is a
hypocritical mind. On the surface is control, deep down there are ali kinds
of things boiling. And when you provoke them they are offended -- not
against you: they are offended by their own unconscious, but they are not
aware of that at all. They throw the responsibility wholly on you, that you
are doing something wrong.
And, Siddartha, although you are my sannyasin, still the Indian mind
continues in you. It is a very deep-rooted thing, centuries and centuries of
You say, "Many times when I see our friends hugging, kissing passionately,
and caressing each other's bodies, I feel that it is this sight which
offends Indian society in general and creates great misunderstandings about
you and your teachings."
No, it is not creating any MISunderstanding. Exactly, precisely, this is my
teaching! It is love that I teach. It is loving behavior that I teach. You
are not going against me when you are doing it.
I would like the whole country to be in a hugging, kissing atmosphere. That
climate is needed. People have forgotten how it feels to hug others' bodies.
People have forgotten the warmth, the flow of energy that comes from the
other's body. Indians have completely lost roots in their own bodies.
Even husbands and wives make love so quickly, so fast, that there is no
hugging, caressing at all. It is done almost as if it is a sin, in secrecy,
nobody should know about it. Indians live as if there is no sex in their
life. This has become their patterned way of existence; now you are
disrupting it. I would also like them to learn a few ways of how to be
loving. Love is not obscene, but that's how they think: they think love is
If two persons are fighting on the road, no Indian thinks it is obscene.
Even if they murder each other, nobody thinks it is obscene. In fact, the
crowd will gather to watch what is happening and they will be very much
thrilled. And if nothing happens, they will go away very sad, that "Nothing
happened, and we waited so long." It was a kind of free entertainment. They
are not offended. Even if knives are drawn, they are not offended. If blood
flows, they are not offended; it is not obscene.
In Indian films, murder is allowed, suicide is allowed; kissing is not
allowed. Just think and see the whole absurdity of it. Murder is allowed.
Kissing is far more dangerous, far more dangerous than murder? What kind of
valuation is this? Suicide is allowed. All kinds of sadistic, masochistic
tortures are allowed, but kissing is not allowed. A certain distance has to
be maintained between the lips -- six inches, I think. Lips should not come
more than six inches closer; otherwise there will be an atomic explosion!
It is just a very repressive society.
There is no misunderstanding about me. I am very simple and plain.
Whatsoever I say, I say, and I say it the way it is. I call a spade a spade.
Then whatsoever happens, it's good. But I have decided to be utterly honest
and truthful -- whatsoever the cost. So don't think that "great
difficulties" are created for me. Nobody can create difficulties for me. But
if I have to say the truth, difficulties are bound to be there.
And do you think if you stop kissing and hugging on the roads, streets,
people will not have anything against me? Then why were they against Jesus?
His disciples were not kissing and hugging. Why did they crucify him? Why
were they against Socrates? Why did they poison him? Why were they against
Al Hillaj Mansur? Why did they kill him? These are excuses. Don't be
deceived by the excuses that people find. If they cannot find this excuse,
they will find another. And whatsoever I am saying is such -- it is
explosive, it is dynamite.
In that way, you need not bother about what you do -- whatsoever you do is
okay: even if you become absolute saints according to Indians, then too they
will be against me because what I am saying and what I am trying to do is
utter rebellion. It has never been done that way, it has never been spoken
that way -- but people find excuses. If one excuse is dropped, they will
find another.
The Western disciples have come only recently. Seven years before, you were
not here, and people were against me as they are against me today. I only
had Indian disciples, but still they were against me. So it is not you, it
is I who is creating trouble for himself. You are not responsible at all.
You are just an excuse, and they go on finding excuses, and my every
statement can become an excuse.
In fact, your hugging and kissing and your caressing each other, embracing
each other, has been a great help to me. Because of that they have forgotten
everything else that I say! It is a protection. Now, I have even been seeing
editorials written in which it is said that what Osho says is right; his
disciples are wrong... and I am so grateful to you. If you were not here, I
would be wrong! Now at least because of your behavior I am becoming
prestigious, respectable.
Go on doing it. Soon they will throw the whole responsibility on you and I
will be completely free of blame!
Even the Municipal Corporation of Poona has passed a resolution in which it
is said that, " We are not against Osho's teachings -- his teachings are
perfectly true and right -- but we are against the behavior of his
disciples." So beautiful! I enjoy how stupid people can be. They cannot
fight with me, they cannot argue with me, they feel impotent against me; now
they are finding scapegoats, now they are finding other excuses.
Continue doing whatsoever you are doing. This is going to help my work.
And I am not here to compromise. Whether the difficulties are there or not,
I am not here to compromise -- not an iota of compromise. Even if they make
my life impossible here, that is perfectly okay, but no compromise.
And you say, "With this particular type of behavior, if the society is
offended...." Society is going to be offended if we want to change the
society, if we want to change the mind of the society. People don't leave
their old minds easily. They have invested so much in it, how can they leave
it so easily? They will be offended. And, Siddhartha, you ask me, "... why
shouldn't we simply correct our behavior...?" Your behavior is already
correct. And if they are suffering, they have to correct their minds. If
they are suffering, that is their problem. They will have to reconsider.
I would like many more and many more sannyasins roaming around the country,
hugging, kissing, loving. Make it a problem everywhere, so they have to
understand that something has to be done. In the beginning they are always
offended. Nobody wants to change. Even if it is for your benefit, nobody
wants to change.
Love is a religious phenomenon, the greatest religious phenomenon there is.
It is love that becomes prayer.
Sufis say... a great Master is reported to have said:
I must empty myself to others
in tears and in kisses, in hugs and smiles.
That is the way one becomes empty
and ready for God to enter in.
In a moment, when one is empty, suddenly all becomes full of God. When you
kiss somebody with deep love, you are emptying yourself into the other. When
you hug somebody ecstatically, you are pouring yourself into the other. This
is the way of emptying yourself. And when you are utterly empty, God comes
in. To be empty is to be in meditation.
The third question:
Question 3
I will tell you one story:
A man was arraigned before an Arkansas justice on a charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses. The judge looked at him thoughtfully. "Your
name is Jim Moore?"
"Yes, sir."
"You are charged with a crime that merits a long term in the penitentiary?"
"Yes, sir."
"You are guilty of that crime?"
The man squared his shoulders doggedly. "I am."
"You ask me for mercy?"
"No, sir."
The judge smiled grimly. "You have had a great deal of trouble within the
last two years?"
"I have."
"You have often wished you were dead?"
"I have, please Your Honor."
"You wanted to steal enough money to take you far away from Arkansas?"
"You are right, Judge."
"If a man had stepped up and shot you as you entered the store, you would
have said,'Thank you, sir'?"
"Why, yes, I would. But, Judge, how in the world did you find out so much
about me?"
"Some time ago," said the Judge, with a solemn air, "I divorced my wife.
Shortly afterwards you married her. The result is conclusive. I discharge
you. Here, take this fifty dollar bill. You have suffered enough."
You need not be worried about hell. You have suffered enough. You are
already in it. You can only go to heaven, because nothing else is left.
Celibates may go to hell, but you cannot. You have suffered enough.
Celibates may need a little taste of suffering, but not you.
In fact, there is no hell somewhere else and no heaven either. Hell is
here, heaven is here. Hell and heaven are your ways of being. They are your
ways of living. You can live in such a way that the whole life is a
But don't go on throwing the responsibility only on your wife. In the first
place it is you who have chosen her. Why have you chosen such a wife who is
constantly at your neck?
And do you think, if you are divorced, you will not again choose another
woman of the same type? If you ask psychologists they will say you will
again choose the same type of woman. You needed it; it is your own choice.
You cannot live without misery. You think your wife is creating misery? It
is because you wanted to live in misery -- that's why you have chosen this
woman. You will again choose the same type of woman. You will only become
attracted to the same type of woman, unless you drop your old mind
Except our own minds, there is no other way to change or transform. You
must be thinking that if you divorce this woman things will be good. You are
wrong, you are utterly wrong. You don't know a thing about human psychology.
You will get trapped again. You will search for a woman again; you will miss
this woman very much. She will miss you, you will miss her. You will again
find the same type of person; you will be attracted only to that kind of
person. Watch your mind.
And then, she cannot only be at fault. You must be doing something to her
too. It is your statement; I don't know her statement. It will be unfair to
the poor woman if I accept your statement about her totally. You may be
fifty percent right, but what about the other fifty percent? You must be
supplying fuel to the fire.
And if life was so ugly, why have you given birth to three children? Who is
responsible for that? Why have you brought three souls into the ugly world
of your family, into the nightmare that you are living? Why? Can't you have
any love for your children?
People go on reproducing without thinking at all of what they are doing. If
your life is such a hell, at least you could have prevented your children
from falling into the trap of your misery. You would have saved them! Now,
those three children are being brought up by two persons like you and your
wife. They will learn ways and means from you, and they will perpetuate you
in the world. When you are gone, you will still be here in the world
creating hell. Those children will perpetuate, they will keep the continuity
of your stupid ways of living, miserable ways of living.
Now your boy will find a woman just like your wife -- who else? -- because
he will know only this woman. He will love his mother, and whenever he falls
in love with a woman, it simply means that woman reminds him of his mother.
Now again the same game will be played. Maybe you have chosen your wife
according to your mother; your father and your mother were playing the same
game that you are playing, and your children will perpetuate the same
structure and the same gestalt. That's how miseries persist.
At least you could have saved these three children's lives, and you could
have saved the future of humanity, because the ripple that you have created
will go on and on. Even when you are gone it will be there. Whatsoever you
do abides. Whatsoever ripples you create in the ocean of life remain; you
disappear. It is like throwing a stone in a silent lake: the stone falls
deep into the lake, disappears, goes to the bottom and rests there, but the
ripples that have been created, they go on spreading towards the shores. And
the ocean of life knows no shores, so those waves go on and on, forever and
At least you could have been a little more alert not to produce children.
And it is never late. Still life can be changed -- but don' t hope that
your wife should change. That is the wrong approach. You change. Change
radically. Stop doing things that you have always been doing. Start doing
things that you have never done. Change radically, become a new person, and
you will be surprised. When you become a new person, your wife becomes a new
person. She will have to, to respond to you. In the beginning she will find
it hard because it will be almost like living with another husband, but
slowly, slowly she will see that if you can change, why can't she? Never
hope that the other should change. In every relationship start the change
from your side.
Life can still become a paradise; it is never too late. But great courage
is needed to change. All that is really needed is a little more awareness.
De-automatize your behavior; just watch what you have been doing up to now.
You do the same thing, and the wife reacts in the same way. It has become a
settled pattern.
Watch any husband and wife -- they are almost predictable. In the morning
the husband will spread his newspaper and start reading, and the wife will
say the same thing that she has been saying for years, and the husband will
react in the same way. It has become almost structured, programmed.
Just small changes, and you will be surprised. Tomorrow, don't sit in your
chair early in the morning and start reading your paper. Just start cleaning
the house, and see what happens. Your wife will be wide-eyed, and she will
not be able to believe what has happened to you. Smile when you see your
wife, hug, and see how she is taken aback. You have never hugged her. Years
have passed, and you have never looked into the poor woman's eyes.
Tonight, just sit in front of her, look into her eyes. She will think in
the beginning that you have gone crazy, you have become a Rajneesh freak or
something, but don't be worried. Just hold her hand and be ecstatic. If you
cannot be, at least pretend. Be ecstatic. Sometimes it happens that if you
start pretending, it starts happening! Just start smiling, for no reason at
all, and watch. Your poor woman may have a heart attack!
You have not been holding her hand -- do you remember since how long? Have
you ever taken her for a morning walk? Or when the moon is full, have you
taken her for a walk in the night under the stars? She is also human, she
also needs love.
But particularly people in India go on using women as if they are just
servants. Their whole work consists of taking care of the children and the
kitchen and the house, as if that's their whole life.
Have you respected your wife as a human being?
Then, if anger arises, it is natural. If she feels frustrated -- because
her life is running out and she has not known any joy, she has not known any
bliss, she has not known anything that can give meaning and significance to
her life....
Have you just sat by her side sometimes, silently, just holding her hand,
not saying a word, just feeling her, and letting her feel you? No, that is
not done in India at all.
Wives and husbands have only one kind of communication: quarreling. I have
been acquainted with thousands of Indian families, I have stayed with
thousands of Indian families. While I was traveling all over the country I
was staying with so many families that I have come to know almost all kinds
of families, but very rarely have I seen husbands and wives respectful to
each other. Using each other, exploiting each other, reducing each other to
things, but never respecting each other's divinity -- then this hell is
Don't think that only your wife is responsible. She may be, but that is not
the point, because she has not asked the question. You have asked the
question. Start changing your life. Give the poor woman a little feeling of
significance. Give the little woman a little feeling that she is needed. Do
you know the greatest need in life is to be needed? And unless a person
feels that he or she is needed, his or her life remains meaningless,
Laugh with her, listen to music together, go for a holiday in the
Himalayas. Caress her body, because bodies start shrinking when nobody
caresses them. Bodies start becoming ugly when nobody looks with
appreciation. And then you think, "Why is my wife not beautiful?" You are
not creating the climate in which beauty flowers, blooms.
If you love a person, the person immediately becomes beautiful! Love is
such an alchemical process. Look at a person with loving eyes, and suddenly
you will see his, her aura changing, the face becoming radiant, more blood
coming to the face, eyes becoming more shiny, radiance, intelligence -- and
like a miracle. Love is a miracle, love is magical.
It is not yet too late.
But our ways of thinking are utterly wrong. We have forgotten how to live a
really human life -- warm, welcoming, sensate, sensuous. The words
"sensuous" and "sensate" have become dirty words; particularly in India they
are dirty words. I am using them knowing that people will be offended.
Become sensuous. The senses are as divine as anything else. The whole
existence is divine.
And the last question:
Question 4
Dhanya, that is the way to hear me. It is for the first time you have heard
me. It is for the first time communion has happened and not only
communication. Communication is through words, communion is through music.
Communication is an intellectual process; communion is that of the heart,
when two hearts meet and mingle and melt.
Dhanya, your name means "the blessed one". You are... you are blessed. This
is the way to be with me. This is adab the way to be with a Master -- heart
to heart, silence to silence, spirit to spirit.
When my words start disappearing and you start hearing the gaps between the
words, when you start hearing the gaps between the lines, you will be full
of great music. That is my real message.
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