Life is what you make of it - it depends how we relate to it.
How we relate to life is called our "attitude."
Attitudes CAN be understood, improved, and changed if necessary.
We all have a general attitude towards the living of our life. Are we aware of our attitude and all our other attitudes towards the world and its content?
First we need to identify our attitudes so that we can become conscious of them.
Holistic health involves nurturing healthy and positive attitudes towards each of the seven centers.
I have compiled a short list of common attitudes to help us do this.
- Adventurous / orthodox
- Affectionate / cold
- Afraid / curious
- Aggressive / defensive
- Annoying / peaceful
- Antagonistic / Friendly
- Apathetic / pro-active
- Appreciative / unappreciative
- Approval / disapproval
- Arrogant / humble
- Assuming / modest
- Attention seeking / modest
- Authoritative / cooperative
- Benevolent / malevolent
- Bigoted / open minded
- Blaming / accepting and doing something about it
- Bored / interested
- Bully / victim
- Calm / irritated
- Careful / reckless
- Caring / uncaring
- Challenging / following
- Clean / dirty
- Clown / serious
- Communicative / uncommunicative
- Community-minded / self-centered
- Compares themselves unfavorably with others
- Competitive / cooperative
- Condemning / understanding others
- Confident / unconfident
- Conformist / Maverick
- Conformity and obedience / Autonomy and individuality confused
- Conservative / liberal
- Conservative / modern
- Controlled by the past / free from the past
- Controlling / permissive
- Controlling / supportive
- Corporate minded / community minded
- Creative / consumer
- Curiosity /
- Dedicated /
- Defensive / open-minded
- Determined / easily put off
- Dogmatic / flexible
- Dominating / sharing
- Domineering / submissive
- Drama - attention seeking behaviour.
- Dramatic
- Efficient: Accomplishes tasks and does not let a backlog mount up.
- Enjoying / not-enjoying
- Enthusiastic / bored
- Expressed / depressed
- Extraverted / Introverted
- Fear provoking / life affirming
- Fierce / mild
- Flexible / rigid
- Focused / dissipated
- Focused / dissipated
- Frank / evasive
- Fun / boring
- Generous / mean
- Gentle / hard
- Genuine/false
- Grasping, greedy, covetous / respectful, balanced, happy for others good fortune
- Greedy / moderate
- Grounded / unsettled
- Gullible / world-wise, shrewd, astute
- Harmful / harmless
- Harmlessness / harming
- Healing / hurting
- Healthy / unhealthy
- Helpful / unhelpful
- Honest / dishonest
- Hope / despair
- Hubris / consideration
- Humble / arrogant (unrealistically ambitious)
- Humility / Pride
- Humour / serious
- Imitates others / individual
- Impulsive / prudent
- Inner autonomy of belief, opinion, and interest.
- Insecure / secure
- Instinctive / intuitive
- Interested / bored
- Irritating / pleasurable
- Judgemental / finds facts
- Lacks an inner center / develops an inner center
- Lazy / active
- Leader / follower
- Life supporting / life destroying
- Loyalty / mercenary
- Makes a fuss / attends to what needs doing
- Makes the best of what they have / abuses what they have
- Manipulative / straightforward
- Martyr / responsible enjoyer
- Methodical / chaotic
- Misanthropic / philanthropic
- Moderate / excessive
- Moderate / Ostentatious
- Moderation / compulsion
- Modest / proud
- Motivated / depressed
- Mundane / mysterious
- Naïve / wise
- Narcissistic / considers others
- Narrow minded / open minded
- Negligent / observant
- Obstinate / flexible
- Open / closed
- Opinionated / listens to others
- Optimistic / pessimistic
- Organized / disorganized
- Orthodox / unconventional
- Over-concerned by the opinions of others.
- Passenger / driver
- Passive / aggressive
- Patient / impatient
- Perverse / holistic health
- Playful Anthropopathy
- Polite / rude
- Pompous / modest
- Potential / Actual
- Prejudice / communicates
- Pretentious / modest
- Proactive / follows others
- Productive / unproductive
- Professional / amateur
- Prudent / reckless
- Punctual / unpunctual
- Puritanical / responsible enjoying
- Purposeful / purposeless
- Quiet /loud
- Quiet / outspoken
- Realistic / fantasy
- Reckless / careful
- Regretful / made peace
- Relevant / irrelevant
- Reliable / unreliable
- Repressed / expressed
- Resourceful / wasteful
- Respectful / disrespectful
- Responsible / irresponsible
- Retentive / flowing
- Sadistic / masochistic
- Satisfying needs / does not satisfy needs
- Self centered / considers others
- Self hatred / self like
- Self indulgence / self restrained
- Self pity / self respect
- Self regulation / uncontrolled and abandoned
- Selfish / considerate
- Self-pity / content
- Self-righteous / considers others
- Sensual / puritanical
- Settled / restless
- Sharing / miserly
- Sincere / insincere
- Social / anti-social
- Social, cooperative, wise sharing / anti-social, competitive, miserly
- Socially considerate / socially inconsiderate
- something to prove / nothing to prove
- Straightforward / Manipulative
- Superior / inferior
- Sycophantic / can disagree when necessary
- Thoughtful / thoughtless
- Tidy / messy
- Time use / time wasting
- Tolerance / intolerant
- Traditional / avant-garde
- Traditional / innovative
- Trustworthy / untrustworthy
- Tyrannical / permissive
- Uneducated / educated
- Uptight / relaxed
- Use / abuse
- Utilitarian / fun
- Wasteful / resourceful
- Whole / fragmented (broken)
- Wide-minded / narrow-minded
- Wondering / rigid certainty