Becoming aware of our decision making process
In all areas of life, the mind makes decisions be a process of reasoning.
It creates and compares "reasons for" and "reasons against" and reaches a decision based upon the outcome of this comparison.
As we become more aware of this process then we can take control of our reasoning and decision making process and not be controlled by subconscious reasoning.
Our holistic behavior in body, emotions, and mind is ruled by this simple reasoning process.
As we become more aware of this process then we can take control of our reasoning and decision making process and not be controlled by subconscious reasoning.
We can apply this conscious reasoning process to every area of our life, so that the soul becomes the master of the body/mind and not the slave to subconscious decision making.
For example, the way we emotionally respond to events is based upon this simple reasoning process, but for many people, our emotional responses can appear to arise "out of the blue" from subconscious decisions that we are currently unaware of. This can be overcome by understanding how our mind reaches its decisions by the simple process of reasoning "for and against."