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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-5Beep Beep!Third Question
The third question Question 3 THE OTHER DAY YOU TALKED ABOUT THE BISEXUALS. I AM ONE OF THEM, BUT I AM UTTERLY TIRED OF BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. PLEASE HELP ME... THAT IS NATURAL That is obvious -- love tires you unless you know how to meditate. And the bisexual will be more tired, because he is completely finished, he has known both men and women. The man who is heterosexual may have some lurking desire to know what homosexuality is: "Who knows? -- these gay people may be really gay! They may be really enjoying. At least on the surface it appears so." The homosexual goes on thinking deep down maybe he is missing something that the heterosexual is getting. And it looks natural -- maybe he is missing some natural joy. And it looks natural -- maybe he is missing some natural joy. And the heterosexuals MUST be getting something otherwise why do they get into so much trouble? -- the children and the family and this and that. So much trouble if you get in it -- that means you must be getting something out of it. How can so many people be so stupid? The homosexual goes on thinking, "I am not risking much -- no problem of children, family, bringing up the children and sending them to school and to college and to university... the whole life's work." The suspicion is bound to be there that the heterosexual is gaining something. He may not be showing it; maybe it is so precious that he keeps it hidden, that he never shows it to anybody.... This is bound to be so: the grass is always greener in the neighbour's garden, on the other side of the fence. It may not be, but it looks greener. But one who is a bisexual is bound to be really tired, because there is no hope now. There is no possibility of hope -- you have known both. I have heard about one sailor who was shipwrecked: he was cast upon an island with a nymphomaniac. Finally, after a long period of time, he reached an understanding with her that he was to have one day off a week in order to recuperate. Suddenly one day he looked out to sea and there was a man on a raft who had obviously also been shipwrecked. Thinking at last there would be relief from his labours with the nymphomaniac, he swam out to hail the new arrival. The new man appeared to be quite effeminate looking and confirmed this by yelling out, "Hello there, sweetheart, am I glad to see you! " Whereupon the sailor cried out, "Oh, my God, there go my Sundays!" I can understand how tired you must be, bored, with no hope, but this state can be transformed into a benediction. Because when man is really finished with sex, he can go very deep into meditation. The deeper your frustration with sex, the deeper is the possibility to go into meditation. Now only meditation can help you. You have been too much together. You have lived relationship intensely, now you need a deep relaxation so that you can forget all about others. And your going into your own being is certainly going to be deeper than any heterosexual or homosexual can go, because your helplessness and your hopelessness is double. Rather than going on trying the same old game, move into aloneness. For a few days, forget all about relationship. For the first time, relate with yourself -- that's what meditation is all about. Just be yourself. Relax. Enjoy yourself. You have tried to enjoy others, now try to enjoy yourself. Meditation is enjoying oneself. Just sitting silently doing nothing. Happy, joyous -- without any reason! because all reasons come from outside. You meet a beautiful woman and you are happy, or you meet a beautiful man and you are happy. But the meditator is simply happy! His happiness has no reason from the outside world; his happiness wells up within himself. Relationship is happiness coming from the other. But have you watched? -- when happiness is coming from the other, it must be welling up in the other, otherwise how will it reach you? And your happiness is reaching the other... you are both enjoying each other's happiness; you are drinking out of each other's well. But the well is there! otherwise how can you drink? But the woman that you love thinks she is enjoying your happiness -- you are making her happy, you are the cause of her happiness. And you are thinking she is the cause of your happiness. But if you both can be causes to each other's happiness, can't you be a cause to your own happiness? That's what meditation is all about. Sitting silently, enjoying yourself, swaying with joy, gliding into the inner world.... And if you are really tired, it will be easier to go in. And I am not saying that that has to become your lifestyle. No. Never make a fixed lifestyle, otherwise you will be bored again. When you are full of joy again, when you are full of energies, flowing, rejuvenated, when you have drunk your own wine and you are ready to share, you have to share, then relate again. Then go into relationship. Relationship and meditation: meditation and relationship. Let it be the music, the harmony between these two. This is what will make you a sage, a real sannyasin. The old sannyas was of renunciation; the new sannyas I teach you is of rejoicing Rejoice in love, rejoice in meditation! Rejoice in all kinds of things in life! God has given you a great opportunity -- don't miss it. Missing it will be the only sin. Do you know the original meaning of the word 'sin' is 'missing'? It comes from a root which means to miss. Sin has nothing to do with what you do; sin has something to do with what you miss. The worldly people are sinners because they are missing meditation; and the monks are sinners because they are missing love. And both will be culprits, both are. Don't miss anything. It is all yours -- claim it! It is your birthright to have both the wings. And how can you fly with one wing? There is a Sufi parable: A Master took his disciple to the river. The disciple must have asked something like your question, something about love and meditation, something about being together or alone. The Master took him to the river. That is the Sufi way -- to create a situation. Not to say verbally; not to say but to show. He took the disciple into a boat; he took the two oars into his hands, started rowing. When they were in the middle, he started rowing the boat with one oar. And the boat started going round and round -- with one oar, the boat will go round and round. The disciple laughed, he said, "What are you doing? What do you want to show to me? We will never reach the other shore! " And the Master said, "Why?" And the disciple said, "It is so simple! Two oars are needed to take the boat to the other shore. If you use only one oar it will go round and round for ever and ever." The Master said, "So you have understood -- now I can use both. We will go back to the old shore; I am not interested in going to the other shore. But I have answered your question: love and meditation are two oars. The man who only loves goes round and round; the man who only meditates goes round and round. Nobody, in this way, can reach the other shore -- nobody can reach the beyond. Use both the oars! God has given you both qualities of being meditative and of being loving. Why have you been given two possibilities of love and meditation? Do you think God has committed some error? This is time now -- you have been using only one oar and your boat has been going in circles. It is time to understand and bring the other oar in." And once you have learnt to use both the oars together, in deep harmony, your life, for the first time, will have the quality of benediction in it. Then it will be a blessing to you and it will be a blessing to others too. |
Next: Chapter 5, Beep Beep!, Fourth Question
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Chapter 5