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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-7Awareness: The Master KeyThird Question
The third question Question 3 MY WHOLE LIFE BAS BEEN A HELL. IT SEEMS SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. I HAVE TRIED HARD TO LIVE AN HONEST MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE, BUT I HAVE NOT EVEN HAD A GLIMPSE OF WHAT YOU CALL BLISS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? THE WAY THAT YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWlNG is the way of being phony. That's what is wrong with you -- you are not authentic. You have not allowed yourself to be yourself; you are an imitator. What do you mean? FROM THE VERY BEGINNING I HAVE TRIED HARD TO LIVE AN HONEST, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE... How can you live a religious life? You don't have any experience of God. Your religious life will be just pseudo. You will imitate other people who you think are religious. And how are you going to decide whether they are religious or not? That too will be decided by the society. You have been in a trap. You have lived according to the herd, you have lived according to the crowd, and the crowd means the lowest state of consciousness. To live according to the crowd means to live at the minimum. And the crowd is NOT interested in God. its morality is a social convenience -- it is not real morality. Its morality is just a kind of lubrication; it helps people to be together. Its honesty is not true honesty -- it cannot be. You know the proverb: Honesty is the best policy. Now, to think of honesty in terms of policy is the beginning of being dishonest. Honesty is not a policy; it is not politics. Honesty is to live your life in freedom, in sincerity, naked; never to be false and never to pretend -- that is honesty. Whatsoever the consequences -- whether you are hated or loved, whether you are respected or disrespected, it doesn't matter. An honest person is one who lives in his utter nakedness as God has created him. He respects himself so much that he is ready to risk everything for it. You say you have lived very hard -- honesty must have been an imposition on you, that's why it looked hard. Otherwise, a really honest person never feels that way. Whatsoever he has to sacrifice for honesty, he sacrifices, but it is worth it. His joy is tremendous, his bliss is infinite. And the more he sacrifices, the more he gains the joy, the more he rejoices. You say: I HAVE TRIED TO LIVE AN HONEST, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. Yes, you must have lived in an arduous way, an ascetic way. You must have tried hard to cultivate a certain character. Bliss never arises in cultivated characters. Cultivated characters are phony, false, plastic -- hence bliss cannot happen to them. A plastic flower cannot have any fragrance -- only a real rose. But the real rose needs to be rooted in the earth; the real rose has to take all the risks of being real. The false is very much protected. The real is exposed to the sun and the wind and the rain. To be real, that exposure is necessary. The plastic flower need not be exposed to wind, rain and sun; you can keep it inside your room. It needs no earth, it needs no roots -- it needs nothing because it is false. And it is eternal. The real rose is born in the morning sun and by the evening it is already disappearing. The real rose by the evening starts falling, the petals are falling. The real rose lives only for the moment, then it disappears. The real knows birth and death; the real lives in danger. Your morality, your honesty, your religion, were not really a way of living a dangerous life, but, on the contrary, defence measures. You were creating a safe life for yourself, secure. That's why you have missed. Live in insecurity if you really want to live, and live truthfully. And when I say live truthfully, I don't mean the truth that is taught by the Vedas or the Koran or the Bible -- I simply mean: to be yourself is to be truthful, whatsoever you are. Don't hide it, don't deceive. Be exposed to the rain and the wind and the sun. There is danger, but in that very danger is joy, and in that very danger arises bliss -- the fragrance of the rose. You must have lived through the scriptures; that's why millions of people go on trying hard to live a moral, religious life, and still never know what bliss is. They are living according to books; they never try to listen to their own still small voice. They have betrayed themselves, they have betrayed their God. Clem bought a new bike for his ten-year-old son, Harvey, "Don't worry, Harvey," he assured him. "I will assemble the bike in a jiffy." Harvey waited impatiently as Clem removed the bicycle parts from a huge box. "Here are the directions," mumbled Clem. "Take wheel A and align it with holes X and Z. Then take bolt B and put it through hole Y." "Are you sure you can do it, Dad?" asked Harvey as he watched his father break out into a cold sweat. "I was not an army mechanic for nothing," retorted Clem. Five hours later Clem cried jubilantly: "Hallelujah! I have done it!" Harvey started at the bike. "Dad, how do you ride a bike backwards and upside down?" If you are putting your life together according to the instructions in some book, you will be in trouble. Live according to your own small light. Enough light has been given to you. You have brought it with yourself. You need not live according to Buddha, according to Mahavira, according to Krishna. They never lived according to anybody else, remember. I have heard about a Zen Master, Bokoju -- he was celebrating his Master's birthday -- somebody asked Bokoju, "But you DON'T follow him -- why are you celebrating his birthday? You are just the opposite of the Master, why are you paying your respects?" And Bokoju said, "My Master never followed his Master and I am doing the same. And my Master has told me not to follow him -- that is his message to me. And it is by NOT following him that great light has happened in me. Hence the respect and gratitude." But people live very foolishly. They are imitators. After Pythagoras died, a great superstition spread amongst his followers: that beans are not to be eaten. Beans? poor beans! And down the ages people have wondered why Pythagoreans don't eat beans. Pythagoras was a vegetarian, but beans are not non-vegetarian. Pythagoras was perfectly right in not eating meat and fish, but why beans? In fact, they never suited him -- that was the only reason. Whenever he would eat beans, he would have a troubled stomach. Now, Pythagoras suffered by eating beans; he stopped eating beans -- that's perfectly right! He listened to his voice. He didn't bother. He had been to India; vegetarianism he learnt from here. Buddha used to eat beans, and Mahavira too -- the great vegetarians. He didn't care about the vegetarians. He dropped beans because they never suited him. But look at the foolish disciples: down the ages they have not eaten beans, and they cannot answer why either. They think, "There must be some secret in it which we have forgotten." Pythagoras used to walk barefoot. It is a beautiful exercise for contracting the earth. That's how Mahavira used to walk -- barefoot. If you are walking on soft earth, the best way is to walk barefoot, no shoes. You have a tremendous contact with the earth. We belong to the earth! Half of us is part of the earth and half is part of the sky. And when you are walking in the early morning sun on the wet earth, you are enjoying both the sky and the earth. It was perfectly right! But now, on coal-tar roads, Jaina monks go on walking barefoot. Now that is very dangerous, harmful, harmful to the nervous system. To walk on cement or on coal-tar without any shoes is very bad for the whole nervous system, particularly for the brain cells; it affects them. To walk on wet earth is beautiful for the nervous system; it soothes. Mahavira walked barefoot; it was perfectly okay. Zarathustra walked barefoot -- perfectly okay. Pythagoras walked barefoot -- perfectly okay. But Jaina monks are still walking -- in Bombay, in Delhi -- barefoot. Now this is stupidity. Always remember that each one has to live according to his own light. The Master has not to be imitated literally; he has to be understood. You must have been following dead rules and dogmas. And because they never suited you, a great contradiction has arisen in your being. And to create contradiction is to create hell. Dave and Mabel were riding their tandem up a steep hill. When they got to the top, Dave jumped off and lay in the grass, "Christ, that was a tough hill!" Mabel said, "Yea, an' if I didn't have the brakes on we wooda gone backwards." That's what the story is of millions of people's lives. You are making the hill unnecessarily tough and hard. The brakes are on: you are creating a contradiction in your life energy. Whenever you follow anybody literally, you will create a contradiction. You can only be your own self. If you want to be a unity, a harmony, understand, but never imitate; learn, but never imitate. And people are in such a hurry to imitate. Why do people want to imitate? -- because it is easier. It needs no intelligence to imitate. Any idiot can imitate. In fact, only idiots imitate. An intelligent person learns, understands, and follows his own light that comes out of his understanding. Drop your so-called morality and honesty and your religious life. Please drop it -- it is not yet too late. Start from ABC. And if you are here, things can happen. I allow you absolute freedom to be yourself. I help you to attain that freedom. I don't help you to cultivate a character: I help you to create a consciousness. And then that consciousness brings its own character. But that character is a liquid phenomenon; it has no rigidity. |
Next: Chapter 7, Awareness: The Master Key, Fourth Question
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Pythagoras Philosofia Perennis
Chapter 7