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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-9Bliss Beyond All DualityFifth Question
The last question Question 5 IN YESTERDAY'S LECTURE YOU SAID PEOPLE ARE TOO SERIOUS, AND THE TOO-SERIOUS PEOPLE ARE ILL. I FEEL MYSELF TO BE TOO SERIOUS. AROUND A GROUP OF PEOPLE LAUGHING AND JOKING, A LOT OF THE TIME I JUST SIT THERE, NOT FINDING THE SITUATION VERY FUNNY AT ALL. IT MAKES ME FEEL OUT OF IT AND UNCOMFORTABLE. I AM SICK OF MY SERIOUSNESS AND WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO LET GO MORE. AM I VERY ILL? Anutosha, SERIOUSNESS IS PART OF THE EGOISTIC MIND. The ego has to remain very serious; it has to pretend that "I am not ordinary, I am special. These ordinary people are laughing and joking; these ordinary people live an ordinary life, mundane. I am a holy person. I am not interested in mundane things -- my interest is in truth, in God, in enlightenment." These are ALL ego trips. Ego is serious, and ego always accumulates much knowledge to pretend solidity. Ego is always accumulating more and more knowledge. The ego is incapable of enjoying life -- because whenever you enjoy, ego disappears. Joy and ego cannot exist together. The ego can exist only when you are keeping a very long face, not enjoying, and saying, "It is not worth it. It is below me." That's what is happening to you, Anutosha. You ARE seriously ill. Drop this knowledgeability and drop this holier-than-thou look. Meet and mix with people, enjoy small things. Laugh, joke, love -- small things! And if you are without any egoistic structure around you, those small things start becoming great splendours. If you are too full of knowledge, too much piety, too much holiness, too much religiousness, you will remain closed. Then nothing will ever surprise you, because you cannot allow anything to surprise you. How can you allow anything to surprise you? That will show your ignorance. See small children: they are surprised by everything, they are wondering at everything. The butterfly, the flower, the leaf falling from the tree -- and look at children, how full of wonder, full of awe their eyes are. And how innocent and how transparent and how open they are. That's why they go on asking questions about this and that -- about everything they are questioning. Their questions are tremendously beautiful. They are simply saying, "I don't know, and I want to know." Their life is that of inquiry. The egoistic person cannot accept that he does not know. When I was a student in the university I had a professor. You mentioned any book and he would say, "Yes, I have read it." So one day I mentioned three books which don't exist; the authors have never existed. And he said, "Yes, I have read them, they are beautiful books." I asked then, "From where did you get them?" He said, "From the library." I said, "You come with me." He said, "What do you mean?" I said, "I would like to see these three books" Now he became a little hesitant. On the way to the library, he said, "It is many years since I read them." I said, "Are you certain you have read them?" He said, "Yes." But now the yes was not very certain. By the time we reached the library, he said, "Listen, in fact I have not read them -- I have just heard about them." I said, "That will do. You come in the library -- we have to find those three books." And we searched, and of course we could not find them. And the librarian said, "But these books have never been here, and I have never heard about these authors either." And I told the professor, "Please remember: never again say yes, that you have read this book, if you have not read it -- because all these three books are invented. they don't exist. You have been caught. But for two years I have been listening to your..." Whatsoever you mentioned, he had read it. He was incapable of saying "I don't know." This is a kind of serious illness. Anutosha, laugh with people -- life is full of surprises. There is so much to know. And there will always remain so much to know -- no one has ever known everything. Drop this attitude of knowledge. And don't think yourself special. Nobody is special, because everybody is special. Nobody is extraordinary, because everybody is extraordinary. And each moment of life is so full of the unknown that if you are alert and open, you will be surprised at each step. And when you are surprised at each step of life, and each moment brings new surprises, your life becomes a dance, a song, a celebration. A man was asked by his wife to buy a live chicken for a special dinner. He bought the chicken and was on his way home when he remembered that he did not have his house-key and his wife would not be there for a few hours. He decided to pass the time by going to a movie. In order to get into the cinema, he stuffed the chicken into his trousers. He sat down and began watching the movie. It fascinated him so, that he did not notice the chicken sticking its head through his fly. Two women were sitting next to him and one of them nudged the other. "Look," she said. "Look at that thing there sticking out of the man's pants." The other replied, "If you've seen one, you've seen them all." The first one said, "Yes, but this one is eating my popcorn!" |
Next: Chapter 10, Bliss Beyond All Duality, First Question
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Pythagoras Philosofia Perennis
Chapter 9