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PythagorasVOL. 2, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-10Known, Unknown, UnknowableSeventh Question
The last question Question 7 OSHO, IS IT ALWAYS WRONG TO THINK LOGICALLY? NOT ALWAYS If you are a scientist you have to think Logically; there is no other way to think. You have to move logically, step by step. That is the only way to deal with the objective world. I am not against logic. If you are working with the objective world, logic is the only way, doubt the only procedure, questioning the only method. But if you are dealing with the subjective, then you have to reverse all the processes -- then to be illogical is the way, to be non-questioning is the method. Trust is the whole process, the whole procedure. These are two dimensions of your being: outgoing, ingoing. When you are going outwards, it is one kind of movement; when you are going inwards, the road is the same but it is a totally different kind of movement -- your direction is opposite. When you are going closer to the object you have to be logical; when you are coming closer to yourself, you have to transcend logic. And reality is both: objective and subjective. So the whole man will be logical when he is dealing with objects, when he is working in the lab, when he is a mathematician or a biologist or a chemist or a physicist or a physician -- he will be utterly logical. But logic will not be his only way of life. When he comes out of the lab, with his children, with his wife, with the friends, he will not be logical -- he will be loving. Logic knows no love. And when he is sitting in prayer or meditating, he will forget all about questioning. He will fall into a deep trust with existence. The real man is capable of both. Up to now there have existed only half men. One who is logical becomes incapable of going into the direction which is not logical; he is obsessed with logic. Then he is not using logic, he is obsessed with logic; then he is not the master, logic has become the master. He is encaged. He will remain half. He will miss the other half which is very valuable, immensely valuable -- more valuable than the logical because it is inner. He will not know anything of his subjectivity: he will not know who he is. And not knowing yourself, whatsoever you know is not much use. Self-knowledge is the foundation of all true wisdom. And there have been people who have gone into their own being; they become illogical, and they become incapable of logic. That's what happened in the East: people became incapable of logic. They can sing a beautiful song in the temple, and they can dance to abandon. But logical procedure has completely disappeared from the Eastern hemisphere. That's why science could not grow here. In the West, logic has become the only way of life, so love has disappeared, prayer has disappeared, meditation has disappeared. Now there is no need for the East to be East or the West to be West. Now we can say to Rudyard Kipling that the meeting is happening. East and West have to dissolve into each other so that we can create a whole man. The whole man will be logical AND illogical; he will use both as two wings. You ask me: IS IT ALWAYS WRONG TO THINK LOGICALLY? No, not always wrong. Sometimes that is the only thing; in some dimensions that is the only way to think. A couple of newly-weds were on their wedding night at the motel, and prepared for bed for the first time. The bride was waiting expectantly in bed while the groom undressed. As he removed his shoes, she was shocked to notice that he had no toes. She looked at him inquiringly and he said not to worry, "I had tolio when I was a child." Tolio? The woman had never heard such a word. As he removed his pants and was standing in his undershorts, she saw he had no knees. Again shocked, she looked at him. "Don't worry," he said, "when I was a teenager, I had kneesles." Kneesles? Again, the woman had not heard that word. As he removed his undershorts, the bride snapped, "Don't tell me you had smallcox." It is perfectly right to be logical sometimes -- it is absolutely right. But one should be available to the world of the illogical too; one should remain available to both dimensions. Then life is rich. Then you are capable of inhaling and exhaling, both. Then you are capable of meditating and concentrating, both. Then you are capable of mathematics and music, both. Then you are capable of love and of aloneness, both. This is my idea of a whole man. |
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Pythagoras Philosofia Perennis
Chapter 10