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PythagorasVOL. 2, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-2Zorba The BuddhaFirst Question
The first question Question 1 OSHO, RIGHT NOW, HERE, I COULD DRINK YOU, SHARE IN YOUR BUDDHAHOOD, BUT I DON'T. DAY AFTER DAY, I DON'T. BELOVED OSHO, IS OUR CONDITIONING THAT DIFFICULT TO DROP? Rashid, THE MOST DIFFICULT THING IN LIFE IS TO DROP THE past -- because to drop the past means to drop the whole identity, to drop the whole personality. It is to drop yourself. You are nothing but your past, you are nothing but your conditionings. It is not like dropping clothes -- it is as if one's skin is being peeled off. Your past is all that you know you are. Dropping is difficult, arduous -- the most difficult thing in life. But those who can dare to drop it, only they live. Others simply pretend to live, others simply go on dragging themselves somehow. They don't have any vitality -- they can't have. They live at the minimum. And to live at the minimum is to miss the whole thing. It is only when you live at the optimum of your potential that blossoming happens. It is only at the optimum expression of your being, of your truth, that God arrives -- that you start feeling the presence of the divine. The more you disappear, the more you feel the presence of the divine. But the presence will be felt only later on. The first condition to be fulfilled is disappearing. It is a kind of death. Hence, Rashid, it is difficult. And conditioning has gone very deep -- because you have been conditioned from the very beginning; from the first moment you were born, conditioning started. By the time you became alert, a little aware, it had already reached to the deepest core of your being. Unless you penetrate yourself to this deepest core that was not conditioned at all, that was before conditioning started, unless you become that silent and that innocent, you will never know who you are. You will know you are a Hindu, a Christian, a communist. You will know you are an Indian, a Chinese, a Japanese, and you will know many things -- but those things are just con-ditionings imposed upon you. You had come into the world utterly silent, pure, innocent. Your innocence was absolute. Meditation means to penetrate to that core, to that innermost core. Zen people call it KNOWING THE ORIGINAL FACE. This conditioning has to be understood first. Because of this conditioning you have lost something essential, something natural, something spontaneous in you. You are no more a human being, you only appear to be one. You have become a humanoid. The humanoid is a being who is incapable of knowing himself, who has no idea who he is. A,l his ideas about himself are borrowed; they are given to him by other humanoids. The humanoid is incapable of mobilizing his own intentions; he has no more capacity to will, to be. He is a dependent phenomenon; he has lost his freedom. This in essence is his psychopathology. And the whole of humanity today is psychopathological. The people who look normal to you are not normal at all. This whole earth has become a great madhouse. But because the whole earth is a madhouse, it is difficult to see. People everywhere are just like you, so you think you are normal and they are normal. It is very rare that a normal person happens in this world -- this world does not allow the normal to happen. Buddha is normal, Jesus is normal, Mohammed is normal. But they look abnormal because they are such a small minority. The majority is pathological. And this majority is very decisive. It crucifies Jesus, it poisons Socrates, it kills Mansoor. The humanoid is one who cannot will for himself, who is always looking for authorities, who always needs somebody ELSE to tell him what to do. He is ready to obey: he is never ready to choose. That's what Pythagoras wants you to do, and all the great Masters of the world: choose, will, be a light unto yourself. The humanoid cannot will for himself because he has never learnt to do so. That's why, Rashid, you say: RIGHT NOW, HERE, I COULD DRINK YOU, SHARE IN YOUR BUDDHAHOOD. BUT I DON'T. Because you cannot will on your own, you cannot choose on your own. You have become utterly dependent. The humanoid cannot will for himself because he has never been taught to do so. The incapacity to will for oneself is not a genetic trait. It is not in the least an inherited inability; rather, it is an achieved inability. You were born to see the truth, you were capable. Each child is able to see God, to communicate with existence, to will -- but we hinder him. Slowly slowly, all the doors are closed. Slowly slowly, he achieves a kind of inability, a kind of impotence. And then even when he sees the doors of the prison are open, he cannot come out. He clings to the bars. It is like a parrot who has lived so long in the cage that he has forgotten that he has wings. Leave the door open... he will not come out of it. If you try to bring him out he will cling to the bars. That's what is happening to you, Rashid. This is your achieved inability. Especially, this inability means that the earlier rearing and education of a human being either discouraged or never gave the chance for this active willing to take place. Parents don't allow the children to will. Then there are teachers, and those teachers are employed by the parents and the society. They are in the service of the past. The whole educational system serves the past, it does not serve you -- remember it. From the kindergarten to the college, all the teachers and the professors are in the service of the past; they are there to maintain the past. They are not for you, they are not to help you, they are to condition you. And then the priest and the politicians... they are ALL trying to condition you. Nobody wants you to be a free man, everybody wants you to be a slave -- because the more you are a slave, the more easily you can be exploited. The leader will need followers. From where is he going to find followers? Unless people are slaves and in constant need of somebody to dominate them, from where is he going to find followers? And stupid politicians dominate millions of people. The only reason is that millions of people have been reduced to such psychological slavery that they cannot move on their own. Even if they have to follow a blind person, it is better to follow him than to be alone. They have become sheep -- they are no longer people, they are no longer human beings. A humanoid is a sheep, a humanoid is a herd animal. Have you seen sheep walking? Huddling with each other, keeping themselves in the herd? Everybody is afraid. The humanoid's BASIC conditioning is that of fear. From the very beginning you have been poisoned through fear -- all kinds of fear. The fear of hell, the fear of disrespectability, the fear of being a failure in the world... fears and fears and fears. And if you follow the leaders and the priests and the pedagogues, then you have been promised all kinds of carrots. You have been promised all kinds of rewards -- here and hereafter too. The humanoid simply shows that during a person's formative years he became habituated to having someone else frame his projects, directions and purposes. Somebody did his willing for him, and did it so effectively and convincingly that he never learnt to do it for himself. A humanoid is a human being who has been intentionally denied the God-given birthright to his full human possibilities. And now this person will remain a tyrant-needing, tyrant-seeking humanoid for the remainder of his life -- unless he becomes part of a Buddhafield and is awakened from his sleep. That awakening is satori, that awakening is samadhi, that awakening is enlightenment. The Master cannot give you anything that you don't already have. The Master simply takes the conditionings away from you and leaves you alone as you were born. He makes you a child again: that is the whole purpose of a Master. But this cannot be imposed on you, Rashid. You will have to be courageous enough to drop the conditioning. Great guts will be needed. But you have shown courage already by becoming a sannyasin. You have shown courage already by being here in my presence, to be with me. Just a little more.... And once you start dropping your conditionings you will become aware of your wings. And those wings can take you to the ultimate reality: the flight of the alone to the alone. But there you can go only as an innocent being -- unconditioned, utterly disidentified from the past. I know you CAN drink me right now. Nobody is preventing you. I am inviting you. The whole situation is supportive. Still you say: I DON'T. DAY AFTER DAY, I DON'T. Only you can do it. It cannot be done on your behalf -- because to do it on your behalf will again help your humanoid to remain. This thing you have to do! You have not done a thing before: this thing you have to do, however long it takes. But I am not going to do it for you. I will make it more and more tempting, seductive, but you will have to act. That will be the first act of freedom in your life. And the first step is half the journey -- the other half is very easy, it comes of its own accord. Once the devils were having a conference on how to destroy the world fast but easily. They put their heads and tails together to think. At last there was a stir in the assembly and all eyes were turned to Anger who stood up to speak. "Let me go and destroy the world," he said. "I will set brother against brother. I will make men angry with each other and they will destroy themselves." But the leader of the devils was not satisfied. Lust stood up to speak next: 'I will defile men's minds. I will make love disappear and men will be turned into beasts." Shaking his head disgustedly at the answer, Greed spoke up: "Allow me to go and I will instill in men's hearts the most destructive of all passions. Man's own uncontrolled desires will destroy him." The twins, Gluttony and Drunkenness, told how they could make men's bodies diseased and their minds besotted. Envy, Jealousy and Hate each told how he could destroy man. Idleness claimed he could do the job. But with none of these was the leader satisfied. Finally, his last assistant spoke up. This one said, "I shall talk to man persuasively in terms of all that God wants him to be. I shall tell him how fine his plans are to be honest, clean and brave. I shall encourage him in the good purpose of his life." The leader was aghast at such a talk, but the assistant continued, "However, I shall tell man there is no hurry, he can do all of these things tomorrow. I shall advise him to wait until conditions become more favourable before he starts." The leader of the devils was pleased. He said, "You are the one who shall go on earth to destroy man." Whenever your mind says "Tomorrow..." remember, the mind is functioning as the devil. The moment is now and here. Never postpone it -- postponement becomes an addiction. And the most destructive thing in life is the idea of tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. One goes on postponing... and instead of tomorrow, death comes one day. And then it is too late. Rashid, no more postponing. This is the only moment you have CERTAINLY got -- the next moment is not certain. This moment has to be lived in its totality. |
Next: Chapter 2, Zorba The Buddha, Second Question
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Chapter 2