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PythagorasVOL. 2, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-3Don't Spit on the Ceiling!Second Question
The second question Question 2 JESUS SAID, 'WHOEVER IS NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME. 'NOW THE QUESTION ARISES: IS THE SAME STATEMENT TRUE IN CONNECTION WITH YOU? OR COULD THERE BE A THIRD WAY -- NOT BEING AGAINST YOU BUT NOT BEING ABLE TO FOLLOW YOU? Pit Kortenhorst, THE STATEMENT MADE BY JESUS apparently look like that of a fanatic. It is not. Just one word you will have to change and it will be immediately understood. Jesus says, "Whoever is not with me is against me." Change one word to 'truth' and things will be very clear -- and that is Jesus' meaning: "Whoever is not with truth is against truth." Then there is no possible third way. Jesus is not speaking as a person, he is speaking as truth. He says, "I am the way, I am the door, I am the truth." Jesus is just a revelation of truth. When he says 'me' he does not mean it in the same way as when you say 'me'. He has no 'me' -- the 'I' has disappeared long before, and the 'me' is only a shadow of 'I'. When there is no 'I', no ego, there is no 'me'. But he has to use the language that you use; there is no other way, it can't be helped. But what he is saying is, "Whoever is not with truth is against truth." And you ask me: NOW THE QUESTION ARISES: IS THE SAME STATEMENT TRUE IN CONNECTION WITH YOU? It is always true in connection with all enlightened people, whoever they are, wherever they are. It is true with Krishna, it is true with Lao Tzu, it is true with Pythagoras, it is true with Patanjali, it is true with Buddha, it is true with me. And it will be true with you if you disappear too, if you drop this ugly idea that you are separate from existence. That's what the ego is -- the idea of separation. It is not true, it is only an idea. Once this idea is dropped and you see the truth that you are part of the whole, that you are not an island -- no man is an island, we belong to the continent called God, we are all parts of an infinite island -- the moment you are no more there as a separate entity, whatsoever is spoken through you is spoken by God. That's why Jesus says, "I and my Father in heaven are one." Krishna has said to Arjuna, "Leave all your religions and come unto my feet." It looks as if he is the greatest egoist there can ever be. "Leave all religions and come unto my feet. Surrender to me!" he says again and again. If you understand it according to your understanding you will miss the whole point. He is not saying surrender to Krishna the person. He is saying, "Now there is no more Krishna the person. You can surrender and the surrender will reach God. I have disappeared, I am no more in between. Touching my feet will not be touching my feet: you will be touching God's feet." How can you be neutral to truth? Either you can be for or you can be against. There is no possibility of a third way. And it is good, Kortenhorst, that the idea has arisen in you. The very idea shows a longing -- maybe yet unconscious in you -- to be with me. But some hesitation is there; it is always so -- every intelligent person hesitates before taking the jump. To be with me is a quantum leap. You will have to drop the whole identity that you have carried your whole life. Whatsoever you have been up to now will have to be dropped -- that will be the meaning of being with me. That seems too risky, too sudden. And there is no guarantee of what is going to happen next. I cannot guarantee you anything: truth cannot be guaranteed. Truth cannot be insured. And Kortenhorst is a great banker, so security, insurance, guarantee, must be deep down in his unconscious. And one thinks before one takes a leap. But this is not a leap which can be thought about -- this is a leap of love. You cannot decide beforehand whether it is right to go into it or not right to go into it. You can decide only when you have gone into it, but then there is no point in deciding. It already starts happening. You can be with me, only then will you know what it means to be with me. You have to participate, you have to dissolve, you have to lose the idea of your ego. The Master is only a device to help you to lose the idea of the ego. Once the ego is gone, you will be surprised that there is no person as the Master. You will not find Jesus, you will not find me either. When you lose your idea of ego, you will face a deep nothingness in me, a tremendous zero. But in that zero you will start seeing that God is overflooding. In that emptiness you will not find emptiness but overflowing divineness. That nothingness is all. But once you drop your idea of being a person, then only will you be able to see that there is no person here. Abhinandan has got the point in a limerick: Oh, what a strange Master we've got, He feels neither cold nor the hot. He sits in his chair With his little toes bare -- I suppose it's because he is not. Come closer and closer to me to find that I am not. But you will be able to find that only when you are not. Only two nothings can meet and see and understand each other. The Master is not, the disciple has to disappear. The Master is only a device for the disciple to disappear. But Jesus is right: "Whosoever is not with me is against me." The statement looks like that of a fanatic -- it is not. He is one of the greatest enlightened Masters of the world. |
Next: Chapter 3, Don't Spit on the Ceiling!, Third Question
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