2005 AND 2006
PythagorasVOL. 2, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-7A Bold ExperimentFourth Question
The last question Question 4 OSHO, WHY IS LIFE SO BORING? LIFE AND BORING? Man, what are you talking about? You must be living in a kind of death. It is not life that is boring -- you must be dead! That's why you are feeling bored. Rather than taking responsibility on your own shoulders, you are throwing it on life. But that's how the human mind continuously goes on playing games. It always throws the responsibility on somebody else; it always finds a scapegoat. It is very irresponsible. And those who are irresponsible will never change. Don't say life is boring -- see that you don't know how to live. You must be living in a wrong way; you must be living in a negative way. You must be living at the minimum; your life must be a lukewarm life -- that's why it is boring. Life is incredibly ecstatic, but then it has to be lived at the optimum. Then you have to live in a maximum way -- not lukewarm. You have to be hot, passionately alive. Your life must be missing passion. Then it is boring. But it is you who are responsible, it is not life which is responsible for it. No animal is bored, no bird is bored, no tree is bored, no river, no mountain, no star -- only man.... This capacity to be bored is not necessarily a curse: it is a blessing in disguise. It simply says man is free to choose between boredom and ecstasy -- nobody else is free to choose. Except for man, the whole existence is ecstatic, but there is no choice. The ecstasy is in-built. The birds are chirping, singing, the trees are blooming, the stars are shining... but it is all in-built. Man has the choice. That is a great gift of God. Man is free to choose -- and then if you choose a life that is boring, remember, it is your own responsibility. You can choose a life that is ecstatic. I have lived both the ways! -- that's why I can say it so authoritatively. I have lived the way you are living, for many many lives. I was also bored. Now, I am as ecstatic as the birds, as the trees -- with only one difference: this is my choice, this is my freedom. And when you are blissful with freedom, your bliss has a depth. a tremendous grandeur which the bliss of the birds and the animals cannot have. Their bliss is almost imposed upon them. And remember. even if freedom is imposed upon them, because it is imposed it will lose all meaning. If you are forced to live in paradise, and you are not allowed to get out of it, and naked swords are watching the gates, you will feel bored. That's what happened to Adam and Eve: they started feeling bored in paradise. They wanted to do something new, something novel. It was out of boredom that they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They must have started feeling bored. Everything was good, everything was beautiful! But it was imposed: it was not chosen by themselves. When a man chooses by himself, even if he chooses the prison, he will be happy there -- if it is HIS choice. Freedom is a great gift. And it is only man who is free -- it is man's glory. But we have turned it into agony, because we always choose the boring life. Why do we choose the boring life always? Because the boring life is more secure, convenient, safe. If you really want to live passionately, then you will have to live in insecurity and you will have to live in danger, and always in danger. And you will have to live through many inconveniences. You cannot live so comfortably, you cannot live in such coziness; you will always be open to all kinds of dangers. That's why people choose a boring life. Rather than living passionately, they live at the minimum -- because if you live at the minimum you live with minimum risk. Otherwise, life is tremendous surprise -- and EACH moment. If you live with open eyes and passionately, intelligently, dangerously... that's what Friedrich Nietzsche says: Live dangerously! That's what I say, that's what sannyas is all about -- living dangerously. Living moment-to-moment alert to what is happening. Not living in the past, but living in the present. Ready to risk.... And then you will see a totally different quality happening around you: life becomes psychedelic, it starts gaining depth, meaning. It becomes something fantastic, something intoxicating. And when you live moment-to-moment, you cannot live a knowledgeable life, because knowledge comes from the past. If you live moment-to-moment, dropping the past, dying to the past every moment, you will live a life of innocence, like a child. That is the life of a sage: to live like a child. Jesus says: "Unless you are like little children you will not enter into my kingdom of God." You will have to live without knowledgeability, you will have to live innocently, you will have to live with wonder, with wondering eyes, always ready to be surprised. Life IS FULL of surprise! It is just the dust of knowledge that has gathered in your eyes so that you cannot see the surprises. They are happening all around! Every moment miracles upon miracles are happening. Life is miraculous. How can you be bored? Life is such a miracle, with so many surprises, so unpredictable, so ridiculous, so absurd!... It is said: When Bodhidharma became enlightened, he could not stop laughing for days, he could not sleep either, because the laughter wouldn't stop. Everybody became worried -- the disciples and the friends, and they all inquired, "What has happened? And why don't you stop? Are you going mad? or have you gone mad?" And when people said such things, Bodhidharma would laugh even more; he would roll on the ground. Slowly slowly, it cooled down, but the quality remained forever with him. Laughter became his flavour. When he cooled down a little bit, when the shock of enlightenment was absorbed, when that lightning experience was digested, then he said, "I started laughing because it is so ridiculous. I was trying to get that which I have already got. I was trying to get that which is already in me, which I have never lost. I was trying to find bliss and bliss is my nature. I was trying to find truth, and I am truth." Just as Jesus says, "I am the way, I am the door, I am the truth..." He is not saying it only about himself: he is saying it about every 'I'; whosoever can say 'I' is the way, is the gate, is the truth. The statement is not about Jesus as a person; the statement is about everybody who is capable of saying 'I'. And, really, when you find that all that you have been searching for down the ages was already the case, you HAD it within you, how can you stop laughing then? But you may not become a Bodhidharma so soon -- still life need not be boring. I will tell you a few stories. The first: A man who was very depressed met his friend, Jerry J., who was a very sharp thinker. "What is the matter?" Jerry J. asked. "I'm despondent. I can't adjust to the fact that I've got three balls." "Three balls?" said sharp Jerry. "Kid, we can make a fortune together! " "How?" asked the other fellow, brightening up. "We will go to bar after bar and bet everybody around that between you and the bartender you've got five balls! It can't miss!" "Let's go," said the man. So they went into the first bar, and Jerry J. made friends with the strangers at the bar. Then he made the announcement: "I will bet anybody in the place that between my friend here and the bartender there they've got five balls." Nearly everyone rushed forward to cover the bet. Jerry looked at the bartender who was shaking his head. "You don't mind being part of the wager, do you?" Jerry asked. "Not at all," the bartender said. "I am very impressed." "How do you mean?" Jerry asked. "Well, up to now I've never met a man with four balls -- I've got only one." The second: It happened in Paris in the spring. On a sunny day in May a Chinaman picked up a whore on the Champs Elysees and took her to the Meurice Hotel. They opened the windows and the breeze blew in and everything seemed beautiful. The Chinaman got into the bed with the whore. He made love to her for a while and then said, "Pardonnez-moi, Mademoiselle, je suis fatigue." So saying, he went to the window and took a deep breath. Then he went under the bed, came out the other side, and jumped into bed to make love again. After a while he got up saying, "Pardonnez-moi, Mademoiselle, je suis fatigue." Again he went to the window, took a deep breath, rolled under the bed and came out the other side. The sixth time this happened, the whore had become very tired too. Getting out of bed, she said, "Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, je suis fatigue." She went to the open window, took a deep breath, and looked under the bed. She found four other Chinamen there. And the third: So this old man went into Ma Agnew's whorehouse and said, "Listen, Ma, I want a girl with gonorrhea." The madam nodded and sent him upstairs to a room. Then she called one of her favourites for him. The girl came into the room and started to undress when he asked, "Do you have gonorrhea?" "Gonorrhea? I should say not!" she said. The old man sent her back. The madam summoned another girl and said. "Shirley, you go upstairs, and tell this old codger that you have the clap. Okay? Let's do what we have to to make him happy." The girl agreed and went upstairs, and when the old man asked, "Do you have gonorrhea?" she smiled and said, "Of course I do!" "Good!" he said. "Let's get it on." They got into bed together and made love for about ten minutes. When it was over and they lay side by side, the girl named Shirley said, "Listen, grandpa, I've got a confession to make -- I don't really have gonorrhea." The old man smiled. "Now you do," he said. |
Next: Chapter 8, Escape to Reality, First Question
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Chapter 7