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PythagorasVOL. 2, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-8Escape to RealityFourth Question
The fourth question Question 4 OSHO, I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR A MONTH AND NOW I HAVE COME TO THE END OF MY STAY HERE. I FEEL I HAVE MUCH TO THANK YOU FOR AND I DON'T WANT TO SLINK AWAY WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE AND WITHOUT ASKING AT LEAST FOR YOUR BLESSING. MY EXPERIENCE OF YOU AND YOUR TEACHINGS SEEMS TO HAVE CRYSTALLIZED FOR ME INTO A BASIC PARADOX: WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT LOVE AND PASSION AND INTENSITY OF LIVING AND AUTHENTICITY, I FEEL A WARM GLOW OF RECOGNITION INSIDE -- I FEEL THAT IS TRUTH AS I HAVE SOMETIMES GLIMPSED IT AT MY PEAKS. BUT WHEN YOU TALK OF DETACHMENT, ALOOFNESS, WATCHING, I FEEL COLD FEAR AND DEADNESS INSIDE. I CANNOT GRASP THIS PARADOX. HOW CAN I FALL IN LOVE AND REMAIN ALOOF? HOW CAN I LOSE MYSELF IN A BEAUTIFUL VIEW AND REMAIN DETACHED? IF IT COMES TO THAT, HOW COULD I LOVE YOU AND REMAIN ALOOF? I RECOGNIZE THAT WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT OSCILLATING HELPLESSLY BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL, ECSTASY AND DESPAIR, IS TRUE OF MY LIFE. I SEE THAT THIS HELPLESSNESS IS UNSATISFACTORY AND PAINFUL. BUT IF THE ALTERNATIVE IS A COLD, DETACHED ALOOFNESS, THEN I FEEL I WOULD RATHER KEEP MY HEAVEN AND HELL, MY JOY AND MY SORROW, AND FORGET ALL ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT. Richard Mitchley, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO UNDERSTAND IN LIFE IS that life IS a paradox; life exists through being paradoxical. Life is NOT logical: it is paradoxical. It exists between birth and death, it exists between night and day, it exists between hate and love, it exists between man and woman. It exists between the positive electricity and the negative electricity, it exists between yin and yang, between Shiva and Shakti. Just look around, look in, look out, and you will find the paradox everywhere. If life was logical, then there would have been no paradox. But life is not logical and cannot be logical. Just think of a world where only love exists and no hate -- then love will not be possible; it will disappear with hate. Think of a world where only darkness exists and no light, or light exists and no darkness... it is impossible. Where only birth exists and no death -- it would have been very logical, but it would have been very boring too. Life is dialectical, not logical. It is a movement between polarities. Those polarities are not really opposite, although they look opposite -- they are complementaries also. Hate and love are not two things; in fact it is one thing: lovehate; it is one thing: birthdeath; it is one thing: daynight; it is one thing: manwoman. It is like the peaks of the Himalayas and the valleys: the peaks cannot exist without the valleys, and the valleys cannot exist without the peaks -- they are both together. And this paradox will be found on every plane, everywhere. Now, you say: I WOULD RATHER KEEP MY HEAVEN AND HELL, MY JOY AND MY SORROW, AND FORGET ALL ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT, IF THE ALTERNATIVE IS A COLD, DETACHED ALOOFNESS. I am not telling you that you have to choose a cold, detached life. I am telling you: passionate love and cool aloofness is the paradox. The same paradox that exists between birth and death, love and hate -- it is the same paradox. Only the passionately involved man knows what cool aloofness is. You will be surprised, because you have been told just the opposite up to now. You have been told that Buddha is cool, detached, far away, that the worldly man is passionate and the saintly is dispassionate, that the worldly man lives a hot life and the monk moves into a monastery and lives a cold life. That has been so up to now -- but both have remained lopsided. The worldly man knows only one part of the polarity. That is HIS misery. He knows only heat; he does not know the soothing coolness of being a Buddha. And the monk knows only coldness and he does not know the euphoria, the ecstasy, the excitement, the tremendous celebration, of being in hot passion. There is Zorba the Greek who knows what hot passion is, and there is our idea of the Buddha -- I call it 'OUR idea of the Buddha' -- who knows only cool silence. We have divided the polarity, and because of this division the worldly man is not rich -- because he is only half. And because of this, the religious man is not whole either, and without being whole he can never be holy, he knows only the other polarity. Both are miserable. Go into the marketplace and see, and go into a monastery and see. You will find in the monastery immense misery, dullness, deadness, and you will see in the eyes of your monks stupidity and nothing else, because when you live on one pole you lose sharpness, you lose variety, you lose richness. My way of looking at things is: there is no need to choose. Remain choiceless and you will see the play of polarities. Both are your poles, both have to be lived. Yes, you have to be as deeply, intensely, authentically passionate as you have to become cool, silent, quiet. You have to love and you have to meditate. Meditation and love should not be divided; they should be like the valley and the peak -- together. The peak has beauties, the sunlit peak and the virgin snow, and in the morning it is all gold, and in the full moon it is all silver, and the purity of the air, and the closeness of the stars -- you can almost whisper to them. But the valley is also beautiful -- the darkness and its velvety texture, darkness and its infinity, darkness and its mystery, and the shade of the trees, and the sound of running water. Both are beautiful. I teach you not to choose but to accept both, and both will help each other to become more and more sharp. On one side is Zorba the Greek, on the other side is Gautam the Buddha -- I teach you Zorba the Buddha. That's why Zorbas are against me, because they cannot think of the Buddha. Communists, materialists, are against me because they ask why I bring God in. And the so-called religious shankaracharyas and the popes, they are against me because they ask how I manage to bring love into the life of a religious man, how I dare to bring the body and its joys. Both are angry with me, because I say the path is from sex to superconsciousness. One would like that I should stop at sex; the other would like that I should not talk about sex -- only about superconsciousness. But I accept life in its whole spectrum. I accept life in its totality. You can accept only when you accept in totality; if you reject something that means you are trying to be wiser than God himself. He has not rejected it. Your mahatmas are trying to be wiser than God himself. Life exists in polar opposites and exists beautifully. If you love, you will be surprised that soon a great desire to be alone arises -- out of love. Each lover feels it. And if you have not felt it then you have not loved, then your love is very lukewarm; it has not been really passionate. If it has been passionate, a great desire will arise to be alone to have one's own space, to move inwards, to fall in, to disappear in -- because love, when too passionate, tires, exhausts, empties you. And it is beautiful to empty yourself, but then you start feeling that you need nourishment. And from where will you get nourishment? You simply move inwards, you escape in, you close your eyes to the world, you simply forget all about others.... In those moments of inwardness energies accumulate, you are again feeling full and then too full, and out of that too-fullness, overflowing arises and you have to seek and search for somebody who is ready to share your energy, who is ready to share your song, who is ready to dance with you. Out of aloneness, a great desire arises to be together. This is the rhythm. I am not telling you to become cold, I am not telling you to choose aloofness and a detached life. I am telling you these are two parts. If you want to live your life in its multi-dimensionality -- as matter, as spirit, as body, as soul, as love, as meditation, as outward exploration and inward journey -- if you want to live life in its totality -- the ingoing breath and the outgoing breath -- you need not choose. If you choose you will die. That's why in the marketplace you will find people who are dead, and in the monasteries people who are dead. Because a few have chosen only to exhale, and a few have chosen only to inhale. The breath needs both; the breath becomes a perfect circle when you exhale deeply and out of that exhalation comes a deep inhalation; and when you inhale deeply, out of that inhalation comes a deep exhalation. And remember: if your exhalation is not deep, your inhalation cannot be deep. If your inhalation is poor, your exhalation will be poor. They keep balancing each other. The deeper you go out, the deeper you will go in -- and vice versa. I teach this unity. Mitchley, you need not be worried. But you became worried because you thought that sometimes I am teaching love, and that feels good to you.... But let me tell you, let me be frank with you: you have not really known love yet. If you had known love, you would have understood the other pole also. By your own experience you would have understood that love creates a great need to be alone, and aloneness creates a great need to be together. This is a truth which has to be taught to everybody. Lovers don't know it so they feel guilty if they want to be alone. And if one wants to be alone, the other feels rejected. This is an utter misunderstanding. If the husband says, "Leave me alone tonight," the wife feels rejected, she feels angry. It seems as if she is no more needed. That is not the case -- they are misunderstanding the whole thing. And if one day the wife says, "Leave me alone," the husband is hurt very much; his male ego is hurt very much. The moment you say to your lover or beloved, "I want to be alone for a few days, I would like to go to the mountains for a a few weeks, alone," the other cannot understand, because they have never been told the fundamental fact that love creates the desire to be alone. And if you don't go into aloneness, your love will become flat; slowly slowly, it will be only a phony thing, it will lose all authenticity. Accept life in its totality. To be in hot passion is good, and to be in cool compassion is also good. And let them both be your wings; don't cut one wing, otherwise you will never be able to go on that eternal flight -- the flight from the alone to the alone. That's what Plotinus has called it -- the flight of the individual to the universal soul. You will need both the wings. I teach you love, I teach you meditation -- and I teach you a tremendous synthesis of both. And it is not that you HAVE to create the synthesis: the synthesis is natural; you have only not to disrupt it. Watch your own experiences, and whatsoever I am saying will be proved valid, because I am not talking ideology here, I am simply talking about facts. A much-decorated Russian hero returned from duty on the Finnish front where he had performed valorous service. He had been up in the mountains for months on end in the dead of winter. This was his first furlough in a full year. A reporter came to see him. With a twinkle in his eye, the reporter asked, "Tell me, Captain Ivan Petrovich, what was the SECOND thing you did after being away from your wife for a full year?" Ivan answered without hesitation, "The SECOND thing? Why, the second thing I did was take off my skis." If you have been too long in the mountains, how can you take your skis off first? A ship was coming into harbour after six months at sea. The women of the town had all come down to the quayside to welcome their returning husbands. One woman was waving to her husband perched forward in the bows of the ship and shouting to him, "E.F! E.F!" He was shouting, "F.F! F.F!" "E.F! E.F!" "F.F! F.F!" A bystander turned to the woman and asked, "What is all this E.F. F.F. business?" She replied, "I am saying we should eat first." |
Next: Chapter 9, There's No God Till You've Met Him, First Question
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Chapter 8