2005 AND 2006
Chapter-6THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALIMind In A HurryThird Question |
The third question: Question 3 YOU SAID THAT PATANJALI IS THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF POETRY, MYSTICISM, AND LOGIC. DON'T YOU ALSO HAVE THIS PERFECT BALANCE? No, I am just the opposite of Patanjali. Patanjali has a perfect combination of poetry, mysticism, and logic. I am just a neti, neti -- neither this nor that. I don't have a perfect balance of poetry, mysticism and logic. In fact, I have neither balance nor imbalance, because a perfectly balanced man also has imbalance just by the side. Because the balance can exist only when the imbalance exists. The harmony can exist only when there is discord just by the side. I am just like a vast emptiness with no harmony, no discord, no balance, no imbalance, no perfection, no imperfection -- just an emptiness. If you come in me you will not find me at all there. I myself have not found, so how can you find it? It happened: in a house of a Sufi mystic, Bayazid, a thief entered. The night was dark and Bayazid's house was absolutely in darkness, because he was so poor he couldn't afford even a single candle. And then there was no need also because he never did anything in the night, he simply slept. When the thief entered -- and there was no difficulty, because the doors were always open... The thief entered; Bayazid feeling the presence of someone said, "Friend, what are you seeking here?" Just by the nearness of a Master like Bayazid, even the thief could not lie -- the very presence was such; he felt the love. And when Bayazid said, "Friend, what are you seeking here?" the man said, "I am sorry to say, but I must say -- and I cannot lie to you -- that I am a thief and I have come to find something." Bayazid said, "The effort is useless because I have been living in this house for thirty years, and I have not found anything. But if you can find anything, just let me know." If you come in me, you will not find me there at all, because I myself have been living in this house for many, many years and I have not found anybody there. That is my finding; that is what I have found -- that there is nobody inside. The inside being is a non-being. The deeper you go, the less you will find anything like the self. And when you reach to the deepest core of it, it is just emptiness, pure emptiness, just a vast sky of nothingness. So how can balance exist there, and how can imbalance exist there? Patanjali is one of the most extraordinary men; I am not. Patanjali is just the opposite. If you tell Patanjali to speak on me, he will not be able; he is too full of himself. But if you ask me to speak on Patanjali, on Tilopa, on Bodhidharma, on Buddha, on Mahavira, Jesus Christ -- simple, very simple. Because I am absolutely empty, I can become available to anybody; I can allow anybody to speak through me. Just a hollow bamboo -- anybody can sing a song through it; it can become a flute. So I am not a combination of poetry, mysticism, or logic or anything. I am not a balance at all. But remember, I am not an imbalance also; I am a neti neti -- what the Upanishads call "neither this nor that". That's why I am available to anybody. If Patanjali insists he can speak through me; there is no trouble, there is no resistance. That's why you are always puzzled when I speak on Patanjali. He becomes the very climax of all existence. Then I forget about Buddha and Mahavira and Jesus and Mohammed, as if they never existed, as if only Patanjali has existed, because in that moment I am available to Patanjali in my totality. Nothingness only can do that. So this is for the first time it is happening. Otherwise, you can not find Jesus to speak on Krishna, or Krishna to speak on Buddha. Mahavira and Buddha lived in the same time, in the same country, in the same part of the country. They moved in a small territory in Bihar continuously for forty years. Contemporaries, sometimes they were together in the same village. Once they stayed in the same dharamsala but never spoke to each other. They have something within them. They have to say something of their own; they are not available to others. I have nothing to say of my own just a hollow bamboo. If you ever want to make statues of me, there is a very simple process: you put a hollow bamboo. That will be my statue; you can remember me through it. No need to make anything of it -- just an emptiness, just a vast sky. Any bird can fly and the sky has no conditions that: only swans from Manasarovar will be allowed, and crows? -- no, they are not allowed. The sky is available to everybody, swan or crow. A beautiful bird or an ugly bird -- the sky makes no conditions. Patanjali has a message; I have none. Or you can say nothingness is my message, and in being nothing you will be closer to me. And in being nothing, you will attain to me. And in being nothing you will be able to understand me.
Next: Chapter 6, Mind in a Hurry: Fourth Question
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Yoga Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Chapter 6
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Yoga Yoga Sutras of Patanjali