VOL. 1

Chapter 6: A Concession to the Gods

Question 3


Energy Enhancement             Enlightened Texts             Zen            Paradox, Vol. 1


The third question:

Question 3

For survival.
A child is helpless, he cannot survive on his own. This helplessness has been exploited for centuries. We have oppressed children as we have oppressed nobody else. Yes, labourers have been oppressed, but not as much; yes, women have been oppressed, but not as much as children. Children are the longest oppressed class of people and it seems very difficult to make them free of parents. It seems almost impossible.
The child is so fragile he cannot exist on his own. You Can exploit this. You can force the child to learn anything you want him to -- that's what B. F. Skinner goes on doing in his lab. He teaches pigeons to play ping-pong, but the trick is the same: reward and punishment. If they play they are rewarded; if they don't play, if they are reluctant, they are punished. If they make a right move they are rewarded, given food; if they make a wrong move they are given an electric shock. Even pigeons start learning ping-pong.
That's what has always been done in the circus. You can go and see. Even lions, beautiful lions, are caged, and elephants are moving according the whip of the ring-master. They have been starved and then they are rewarded -- punished and rewarded -- This is the whole trick.
What you do in the circus with the animals you go on doing with your children. But you do it very unconsciously because it has been done to you; this is the only way you know how to train and bring up children. This is what you call 'bringing up'. In fact, it is bringing down, it is forcing them into a lower existence rather than bringing them up to a higher existence. These are all Skinnerian tricks and techniques -- because of them we voluntarily start repressing ourselves and adopt crippling defense mechanisms.
A child does not know what is right and what is wrong. We teach him. We teach him according to our mind. The same thing may be right in Tibet and wrong in India; the same thing may be right in your house and wrong in your neighbour's house. But you force it onto the child: this is right, you have to do it. The child gets approval when he does it and gets disapproval when he does not do it. When he follows you, you are happy and you pat the child; when he does not follow you, you are angry and you torture the child, you beat the child, you starve the child, you don't give your love to him.
Naturally the child starts understanding that his survival is at stake. If he listens to this mother and this father all is okay; if not, they will kill him. And what can the child do? How can he assert himself against these powerful people? They loom large. They are huge and very big and very powerful and they can do anything.
By the time the child becomes powerful he is already conditioned. Then the conditioning has gone so deep in him that now there is no need for the father and mother to follow him. The inner conditioning, what they call the conscience, will go on torturing him.
For example, if the child starts playing with his genitals -- which is a joy to children, a natural joy, because the child's body is very sensitive -- it is not sexual at all in the sense that you use sexuality. The child is really very, very alive and naturally when the child is alive his genitals are more alive than other parts of the body. That is where life energy accumulates -- it is the most sensitive part. Touching and playing with the genitals the child feels tremendously happy -- but you are afraid. It is your problem. You start being afraid that he is masturbating or something. It is nothing. It is sheer joy at playing with one's body. It is not masturbation or anything, it is loving one's body.
It is your guilt, your fear. Somebody may see that your son is doing this and what will they think of how you are bringing up your children? Make them civilised. Teach them something. So you stop it, you shout at the child. You say 'Stop!' again and again and again. And by and by the conscience arises. Stop, stop, stop -- it goes deeper, deeper, deeper, and becomes an unconscious part of the child.
Now there is no need for you. When he starts playing with his genitals something from the inside will say 'Stop!' And he will become afraid -- maybe the father is looking or the mother is looking -- and he will feel guilty. And then we teach him that there is a God Father who is always looking, everywhere, even in the bathroom. He goes on looking everywhere.
This concept of God cripples. Then you are not free even in your bathroom. Nowhere are you free. That omnipotent God follows you like a detective wherever you are. When you are making love to a woman he is standing there. He won't allow you. He is a super-policeman -- in addition to the conscience that the parents have created.
That's why Buddha says that unless you kill your parents you will never become free. Killing the parents means killing the voice of the parent inside you, killing the conscience inside you, dropping these nonsense ideas and starting to live your own life according to your own consciousness. Remember, consciousness has to be more and conscience has to be less. By and by conscience has to disappear completely and pure consciousness has to be lived.
Consciousness is the law -- let consciousness be the only law. Then whatsoever you feel, it is your life. You have to decide. It is nobody else's life; nobody else has any right to decide.
I am not saying that you will always be doing right -- sometimes you will do wrong. But that too is part of your freedom and part of your growth. Many times you will go astray but that is perfectly all right -- going astray is a way of coming back home. A person who never goes astray never comes home, he is already dead. A person who never does anything wrong never enjoys doing anything right. He is just a slave. A mental slavery is created.
A human child is dependent on his parents for a long time -- at least twenty-one to twenty-five years. It is a long time, one third of his whole life. For one third of his whole life he is being conditioned. Just think -- twenty-five years of conditioning! Anything can be forced on him.
And once you learn these tricks it is very difficult to forget them. That's why it is so difficult to take a jump into reality, that's why it is so difficult to become a sannyasin. Sannyas just means taking a jump out of the social structure around you, taking a drastic step -- because you cannot get out of it slowly, slowly. You take a quantum leap, you risk all. You simply get out of it as if the house is on fire -- it is on fire -- and you start living your life. Of course, in the beginning it will be very, very shaky, you will tremble many times because naturally you will be against your parents, you will be against the society. Society is your parents' writ large; your parents were nothing but agents of this society. It is all a conspiracy -- the parents, the teachers, the policeman, the magistrate, the president -- it is all a conspiracy, they are all together. And they are all holding the future of all children.
Once you have learned, unlearning becomes very difficult because after twenty-five years of constant repetition you are completely hypnotised. A de-hypnosis is needed; you have to drop all this conditioning.
Yes, it is simply survival, the need to survive. The child wants to live, that's why. He starts compromising. He bargains. Anybody will bargain when there is a question of life and death. If you are dying in a desert and somebody has water and you are thirsty and you are dying, he can ask any price. He can say 'Crawl and kiss my feet' and you will crawl and kiss his feet. He can manage anything, he can force anything upon you. That's what we have done up to now with children.
I'm not saying that you should go and kill your father and mother. They were victims just as you are victims. They were victims of their society, of their parents. And those parents were again victims in their own turn -- it is a long, vicious chain.
So I am not saying make your parents feel guilty. Feel compassion for them also because they are in the same boat as you are. In fact, you are in a far better situation -- at least you have beard that something different is possible, at least there is a slight opening of the door, at least there is a little awareness that you can act out of it. That was not possible for your parents because they went to a church, they went to a temple, they went to the Pope, they went to the SHANKARACHARYA -- and you have come to me. That is the difference.
The church, the Pope, is in the service of society; Jesus was not, remember. Jesus was not a church, I am not a church, Buddha was not a church. When Buddha was alive and people went to him, they were fortunate. When Buddhism became a church it started serving society. Once religion starts serving society, once religion becomes an establishment, it is no longer religion, it is politics. The church, the temple, the mosque, are in the service of the society. Mohammed was not, neither was the ADI SHANKARACHARYA, the original SHANKARACHARYA -- but these SHANKARACHARYAS of Puri and others are in the service of society.
Just a few days ago a doctor wrote a letter to me from Poona. Somehow he persuaded one of the SHANKARACHARYAS -- there are four SHANKARACHARYAS, for four directions; I don't know which one he persuaded -- he persuaded one of the SHANKARACHARYAS to come to see me. Of course, he must have come very reluctantly. But the doctor must have been powerful. The SHANKARACHARYA must have been staying at the doctor's house so somehow the doctor managed it.
He brought him to the gate, and while the doctor was talking to Sant, the SHANKARACHARYA saw a sannyasin come by holding hands with another sannyasin -- a man and a woman -- very lovingly walking by. And he became furious and he said, 'Take me away from here immediately. What is going on? What is this? Is this religion?' War is okay, war is religion, but love is not okay. If two persons are killing each other it is perfectly okay -- it may be a 'JIHAD', it may be a religious war -- but if two persons are kissing each other, impossible! This cannot be tolerated!
He said, 'Immediately take me away from here. I don't want to see this man. Look at what his disciples are doing. They will destroy the whole 'society!'
Precisely! That is what we are trying to do.We want to destructure it. And I am all for love and all against war.
In the scriptures war is praised but love is never praised -- because war is in the service of society and love is not in the service of society. Love is the most dangerous thing, love is the most rebellious thing. Lovers become anti-social -- you can watch it. If two persons are in love they look into each other and they forget the whole world. They are anti-social. Love in itself is anti-social. They are so absorbed in each other that they don't bother about anything else. They will not go to the polling station to vote -- who bothers? They will not go to listen to the prime minister. They will not even bother to read the newspaper. It is the same, the same crap every day. They will use that time in singing, dancing, loving -- or they will simply sit and look at the stars.
Their eyes are full of a totally different kind of energy, a different quality of energy. They are no longer here in this world, they have been transported.
Love has always been dangerous for society, so society has killed it; in subtle ways it has destroyed it. And it has left man completely loveless. This loveless man is very easily forced, he can be forced into anything. You can easily make a loveless person afraid. Watch the mechanism: if you are in love nobody can make you afraid. Love has a fearlessness to it. But if you are not in love you are already in fear; without love there is only death and nothing else. Only love transcends death, only love is immortal -- everything else on this earth is mortal.
That SHANKARACHARYA became very, very angry. This anger shows many things. First, he must be very sexually repressed. Otherwise why get angry when a man holds the hand of a woman?  She is not your woman. Why get angry? What has it to do with you? And what is wrong in it? This is repressed sexuality. He must have become afraid inside himself, it is his own obsession. The young man had touched his obsession.
These people are in the service of the establishment and naturally the establishment helps them in every way. It is bound to. People like me cannot be helped by the establishment. We are not in conspiracy with them. In fact, that they allow us to live is a miracle. It must be because now it is very difficult to kill a person in the way that they crucified Jesus or poisoned Socrates.
Man has grown a little bit, man's consciousness has become a little more alert, man is more aware. This is the twentieth century. But they do all they can to hinder and to obstruct.
WHY DO WE VOLUNTARILY REPRESS OURSELVES AND ADOPT CRIPPLING DEFENSE MECHANISMS? It is not voluntary. It looks as if it is voluntary because by the time you become alert it is almost inside your blood and bones. But it is not voluntary, no child ever learns anything voluntarily -- it is forced, it is violent.
You can watch any child. Every child resists, every child fights to the very end, every child creates trouble for the parents, every child tries hard this way and that to escape from this crippling mechanism. But finally the parents get hold of him, because they are more powerful. It is simply a question of the powerful and the powerless.
And so it is not unnatural that when children are grown-up they start taking revenge on the parents. That reaction is natural. It is very difficult to forgive your parents -- that's why all societies teach you to respect them. If you cannot forgive them at least respect them; if you cannot love them, at Least respect them. But that respect is formal, bogus. Deep down you remain angry.

If what I am saying is heard, if what I am saying becomes prevalent in the world some day, then children will really love their parents, then children will be really in tune with their parents because the parents will not be enemies to them, they will be friends.



Next: Chapter 6: A Concession to the Gods, Question 4


Energy Enhancement             Enlightened Texts             Zen            Paradox, Vol. 1



Chapter 6:




















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