Deeper! And the Energy Blockages go Deeper!


Blockages are innumerable..

Let us vow to Ground and Seven Step them All!

- Zen Vow


why did OSHO never talk abou the dark forces, blockages and how to remove them ?
Inbox Fri, Mar 12, 11:47 AM to Energy

Dear Master Satchi,

I have a question.

Why did Osho never talk about the dark forces,
archons, blockages and how to remove them ?

Thank you,

Swami Satchidanand <>
Fri, Mar 12, 12:16 PM

I think the Satanists so want to control that area of spirituality, they make fun of people who talk about it.

Censorship of all the Spiritual Books and jokes for 10,000 years.

Osho didn't want to enter that fight.

He didn't really have any FAST, Advanced, Evolutionary, techniques to remove Energy Blockages.

Energy Enhancement Only! can remove energy blockages!


10:27 AM (3 hours ago) to me

Dearest Master Satchi,

thank you very much for your answer.

So does that mean that all the work of OSHO,
all his meditations and tecniques are worthless,
because he had no method for removing energy
blockages ?

All the work that he has done, the millions of people
who followed him and practiced his meditations,
all worthless ?

Thank you Satchi,

Swami Satchidanand <>

Not one Spiritual Master talks of Energy Blockages and Removing Energy Blockages using the Seven Step Process.

But they talk of lesser techniques which do work.

Energy Enhancement is better! Faster! More Evolved, Effective!

Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.


Incredible Special New Year Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Offer!

Happy Day!

Not 50% but a Stupendous 75% Off!! Offer!!

 Get It All Back!

The New Renaissance - Brought to you by Energy Enhancement


If you don’t know what is right.

If you don’t know how to Stop them Stealing your Spiritual Energy by transmuting Energy Cords, and Energy Blockages, Or how to Stop pain, disease, old age and death through Alchemical VITRIOL.

God is not going to tell you.

But if you do get taught how to Stop them Stealing your Spiritual Energy by transmuting Energy Cords, and Energy Blockages, Or how to Stop pain, disease, old age and death through Alchemical VITRIOL, then you have been moved onto a New Evolutionary Energy Enhancement Path which can only end in Enlightenment



 Spiritual Misconceptions..

1. The only people that have problems with demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are people who believe in them or give them power. If you do not believe in demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages then you are not going to pick them up.

This is false.

Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.

The fact remains that regardless of what you believe or don't believe makes no difference whatsoever as to whether you will pick up demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages. Demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are not a belief; they are a simple fact of life and just because you have chosen to not believe in them does not mean that you cannot pick them up.

That is like saying, if you do not believe in cancer then you can't get it. If you have chosen to deny the existence of demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, that only causes you to stay unaware of the truth. You may end up having some type of dark force or spiritual attachment, but because you have chosen to not believe in them, you will ultimately end up living your entire life with them. It is the people who decide to deny spirit and demonic attachment that will have the most problems because they will be completely clueless as to what is really going on with themselves on an energetic and spiritual level.

And this is the point of the work of the Dark Forces over 10,000 years of recorded history. Dark Forces have consciously removed Energy Enhancement techniques from all books of meditation for all this time. Dark Forces have consciously removed all mention of Dark Forces from all history books for all this time.

And the aim of the Dark Forces over all this period has been to create a compliant source of energy food much as H. G. Well´s book the Time Machine posited that the beautiful vegetarian Eloi were the food for the Evil underground hidden Morlocks.

CS Lewis' "That Hideous Strength" posited that Demons would take over Artificial Intelligence, would take over human beings.

When MI6 Agent George Orwell saw the book he mentioned that it would be much better if he had removed the spiritual content, mentioning Demons.

The result was 1984 where the world is taken over by mad totallitarians but with no mention that these mad totallitarians had been taken over by demons! Thus the Eton educated, Aldous Huxley Educated Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Eric Blair removed Spirituality and Demons from existance.

Dark Forces consciously censor, and have censored for over 10,000 years, any spiritual techniques, any spiritual history, any spiritual warnings, that Dark Forces exist, and that spiritual techniques exist to defend and heal their depredations.

These normal happenings of Energy Blockage implantation and Soul split only happen because people think they do not exist or have never been educated in techniques to find and remove negative energy and energy blockages. Because of mal-education by the dark forces who live off the spiritual energy of their prey, us..

“There is an explanation,” don Juan replied, “which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, gallineros, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”

The idea of non-physical beings is still a taboo and difficult concept for most people to accept and understand. If this is something that you have chosen to not accept that is OK. You are just not ready for this and you are better off focusing your time on much more earthly concerns. I am not in the position of proving anything to anyone and if you refuse to accept this information you are free to that choice.





 If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you.

Energy Enhancement is the fastest way to Enlightenment..

Yoga is good but Pranayama is 10 times faster at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Pranayama is good but Meditation is 10 times faster than even that at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Meditation is good but Samyama is 10 times faster than even that at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Samyama are part of the Eight Limbs of Yoga in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Samyama is talked about from over 5000 years ago in the THIRD AND FOURTH Chapter of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

And Samyama IS Energy Enhancement, 1000 times faster on the Path of Enlightenment.

You cannot afford NOT to try it!!

Love and Light,


 "All of our students report on their personal success in eliminating their own Energy Blockages by themselves"

"The Technique of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is the only Enlightenment process outside of expensive Scientology which can dissolve Energy Blockages. Without it Buddhism, Hinduism, Ramana Maharshism, Ekhard Tollism, Sri Niscardattaism, any other Enlightenment process depends on the Master to remove the energy blockages.

In Energy Enhancement, we help but we give full instructions to our students on how to Eliminate the Energy Blockages of the Angry, Painful, Selfish, Competitive, Fearful, Desire filled Ego and all of our students report on their personal success in eliminating their own Energy Blockages by themselves.




Dear Dear Swami Devi Dhyani

All weekend I have enjoyed feeling the enjoyment of feeling lighter, yet alert, and as though 'I don't have a care in the world'.
Yesterday I went for a walk and noticed the unclouded Blue, Blue, Blue sky and enjoyed the fresh air and exercise of walking fairly quickly as I have read that the more quickly you walk has a determination in how long you will live.

Today is the third day since your uplifting Reiki initiation session. Previous to the initiation I had 7-stepped the present and past karma and the subpersonalities of present and past karma (but not the strategies and of course I will have to do repeats) and ever since then I have felt freer and since the Reiki initiation, more freer still.

The Reiki initiation amplified my feeling of 'feeling so free' and there was a more noticeable feeling of 'CHI'. The 'CHI' was not a waving type of 'CHI' but a presence of 'CHI'.

After I had previously removed some of the subpersonalities, I had a wonderful meditation and came to realize the first part of a method to heal the angel personalities during the 7-step process, before they are released into the Soul to integrate the mind of it's subpersonalities to create One Soul infused Personality.

During our conversation during the Reiki initiation, I realized a second part to be added to the method to better heal the angel personalities as they are released to heaven during the 7-step process. However, if you have a method you would suggest, I can add it to my method so that the subpersonality bundles can be thoroughly more healed before being released to heaven and then thoroughly healed when they reach heaven. This new method has slowed my brisk 7-step process which I realize is o.k. even though a certain momentum is lost in the process.

Dear Dear Swami Devi Dhyani, at a future reiki session maybe I will have more to tell you about. For now I will have to keep persevering with blockages and strategies and future karma which I have just started. Bless you and Dear Dear Swami Satchidanand and all the work you do for others.


 The rate of evolution of humanity needs to increase. The old ways of the Master doing all the work of removing the energy blockages of the ego are now too slow. The recommendation is for students to serve their Masters for at least 12 years. Many have been there for 20 years with no appreciable movement forwards. The new technique of The Energy Enhancement Seven Step process can now augment the processes of every Enlightened Master and thus Speed Up!! the Process of Enlightenment Worldwide - Satchidanand Bio"



"The Miracle of the Removal of Energy Blockages.. Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!!" - Graham Smith on his Energy Enhancement Course in India November 2009


M.S. - Human Resources Director PepsiCo Europe/Asia

 Remove all the Blockages from all your previous lifetimes


This is what they mean when they say a Master is not under the Laws of Karma.

He has dissolved all the negativity from all his past lives.

He has used his SOUL, MONAD, LOGOS AND HIGHER ENERGIES to dissolve all the negativity, to FORGIVE all the bad actions and trauma that he has done, and have been done to him.

Create a Clean white sheet again from your Messy Dark History Painting which you have created brushful by brushful, every day of your life.

Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Personal History, Your Life until now, of all of its painful memories and blockages which act as filters to our vision.

Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Past Lifetimes, Your Lives until now, of all of their painful memories and blockages.

Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from this Future Life of all of its painful memories and blockages.

Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Future Lifetimes, Your Future Lifetimes of all of their painful memories and blockages which act as filters to our vision.

One of our Students age 37, the director of an Internet Business in Bolivia, started to clean his future of this lifetime by mistake, before he had cleaned all of his past lifetimes and this life. He saw himself at the age of 56 with two children in his arms and no wife and then.... all became blank. He then cleaned this lifetime and all previous lifetimes of all their Negative Energy blockages, Energies and bad Karma. When he came to clean the future of this life he saw himself entering into the light, becoming a spiritual teacher in his fifties, onwards towards AGE 80!!!

One of my Teachers, Zen Master Hogen said, "We are all History Paintings. We start with a clean white sheet and then every day we apply paint. Usually our History Paintings become very messy!!!" "I am a clean white sheet which is washed constantly. Every time we meet, it is as if there is no emotional holdover from the past"

"Everytime, I see you clearly, as if for the first time!" Zen Master Hogen.


 All you Muggles! See! Open Your Eye!

 All you Muggles! See! Open Your Eye!

 Energy Enhancement Quantum Immortality Forgiveness can be Immediate.

All that you have ever done can be forgiven Now, with Energy Enhancement Meditation Techniques.

But for the General Public.

For the Muggles.

Karma rules the day...

All that you do.

All that you have ever done.

Must be paid for.

And paid for condignly with sometimes lifetimes of payback.

Because of Karma, Even Delayed Karma, You can not get away with anything!!

Because you do not know how to forgive yourself.

Forgiveness is not just a word.

Forgiveness is not just an intention.

Forgiveness is Energy Enhancement Alchemical VITRIOL.

Forgiveness is the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.

Forgiveness is the Alchemical Transmutation of Sin.

Remove All your Karma, NOW!! With Energy Enhancement!!

 Reincarnation, Immortality and the Removal of Karma

 Sin Control!!

 Remove all your Karma

 Remove All Your Karma. Remove All Your Bad Luck. Create A Better Future! Get the Energy Enhancement Video Course in Four Levels!


"Since I started Energy Enhancement Meditation I have Powered Up by connecting
to the Alchemical Fission Core in the Center of the Earth and the Supragalactic Fusion Center of the Universe which offers Infinite Energy for all of Gods creations to grow and evolve. Energy Enhancement Meditation activated my Third Eye and all my Psychic Superpowers like Psychic Vision, Remote Viewing, Distant Empathy, Telepathy, Blockage Removal, Increased Hindsight and much more… A Jedi I Am…

Now I can see pesticided food in shops or supermarkets which saves me from poisoning myself, getting ill and dying early.

Now I can free myself from Negative Emotions like Fear, Sadness or Anger. Energy Enhancement Meditation techniques are the cure for Bipolar Depression and an end to all Suicides. I pulled out these Thorns from my Soul which created Negative Emotions so I am closer to Reactionless Zen Mastery. To always be in a state of Heaven no matter what Hell I step into. No Depression, no Fear, just an increasing positivity which overcomes all obstacles and Increases Richness.

Now I can release Ancient Karma from past lifetimes with Visions of what I did and what was done to me - lessons which free me from Ancient habits of action affecting this lifetime. Karma kills. Clear all bad luck and Dangerous Karma with these techniques. Now I can Ground traumatic negative energies from my previous years in this lifetime like the death of my father or the break-up of my relationships.

Now I can See my Akashic Records and cleanse their negative energy. Now I can See all my Past Lives. Now I can Remember who I Am! Now I know that I am an Immortal Soul who can never die, that I travel lifetime to lifetime, Never Born, Never Died, only Increasing my Evolution and Effectiveness in Aiding this Planet and all the People on it.

Now I can clear my Psychic Body of all Energy Blockages which prevent the influx of Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head. With a clear connection to Infinite Energy I notice my Psychic effect on people has increased. I’m Energetic and quick thinking compared to before Energy Enhancement. Now I can pop energy blockages easier in myself and others without trying. Peoples blockages can cause them to get Angry in my presence or they can get Happy from the High of my Soul.

Now, having a lot of energy feels like a Never Ending daily high. Now, Enlightenment is a 24/7 Orgasm! This is the true high everyone seeks. This is the Infinite Free God given high all drug users, stoners, hippies look for. With Energy Enhancement we meditate and tap into Gods Infinite energy and Source of All Love from whence we get our High… All humanity and beings of the universe seek this.

Now, the Blueprint to the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity is laid out in the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course….

Energy Enhancement is not just a Meditation Course, it is the Survival Kit on Earth for Spiritual Evolution."



Meditation Course symbol-Energy Enhancement, - An Advanced Meditation Course which gives the MOST benefits of any course of Meditational Self-Development available anywhere in the World today.

If you want to Master Meditation Energy, to get more Energy and to handle it better, this course is for You!

If you want to Speed Up the Meditative Process, rather than sitting with no result.

Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditative Techniques including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Five Taoist Elemental Pathways of the Chi, is for You!!!!

 Whether you are a Management Corporate Executive, any sort of Alternative Practitioner, Meditator, Yogi or anyone who wants to Evolve, - Have Massive Energy Gains, become Better, Smarter, more Evolved, more Empathic, more Soul Infused, Gain the Real Secrets of Success; This course will Enable Direct Experience of Superior Life Performance.

Energy Enhancement Meditation Techniques are the quickest and easiest methods of evolution available, leading to Ultimate Happiness.

Energy Enhancement, The Most Advanced Techniques of Meditation Available, NOW!!

Developing Meditation psychic powers to Get in touch with your Life Path, Ground negative Energies, Access Infinite Levels of Universal Energy, Raise Your Kundalini, Integrate the Separated Selves, and Master Relationships and Mediation.

Meditation Energy Enhancement Enables FOUR Initiations towards your Ultimate Freedom - Illumination, Nirvana, Emptiness, - Enlightenment.

Energy Enhancement is a unique system to exponentially increase your energy by mastering the Mind, accessing inner peace, improving health, Mastering Relationships , creating synchronicity and luck, and improving your success.

Energy Enhancement is a Course of selfless, highly advanced, meditation techniques which can Quickly!! Increase the Speed of the normal Mind.

Energy Enhancement Synthesises, brings together ALL these gifts for the first time in one Course.-

To Enable Your Evolution!!


"I consciously sourced as much energy from above to flow through my body, and in doing so, rather than my body being filled with golden light, I had somehow tapped into an immense source of white light above the head. As well as feeling this increased energy stream through my body, I realised I had involuntarily suspended breathing somewhere near the top of an in breath. My body felt like a beacon of light, with more than enough energy to direct toward a blockage and watch it dissolve in an instant.

Since that time I am always connected to and able to source the white light from above my head. Many times during this process I just forget to breathe as though my breathing is just naturally suspended. I am now living in the Light!!

My energies are naturally far higher than when I arrived on the Energy Enhancement course just two weeks ago.

I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks."

- Thomas Blair Course in Spain

Today I sat in a chair and listened to the heart chant initiation 1 for the first time.
I was focusing on aligning my shoulders and spine forward and backward between the two lines of power from the center of the earth. And picturing the immovable mountain. Focusing on my breathing, closing the anus. I stayed in for the first four minutes. Then I got tired and openned my eyes, for about 7 or 8 seconds. Then I was so drowsy I had to close my eyes again. Then after about another four minutes I was tired again. Then the same thing but this time I focused on nothing but the energy from the earth entering the base of my spine and coming into my heart. Right from the beginning of the meditation I felt my energy all over my whole chest, even now.

But at the last when I focused on it coming from the earth, I immediately felt very, very powerful energy and I didn't move to find it. My back straightenned up automatically to the alignment and I was kind of "stuck" in that position with the power flowing.

From there it was hard for me to stop meditating when the chants were over. Very powerful. Even without magnets. My question is about my focusing. Is it wrong to "imagine" the power or the alignment or the energy? or should we imagine until we feel it? Or both? Am I focusing on the right things?

I am very grateful for your teachings. Thank you for your generosity.

 Student Report.. SPEEED UP THE PROCESS!!

Also I noticed as soon as satchi emailed me, I got a down-pouring of light from above the crown which kept charging me up the rest of the day – and my cravings died out! Then I realized they were ego-blockages and that I did not want them.

This Energy Enhancement Level One Initiation Three - ALCHEMICAL VITRIOL is great! I've done it some more and it's incredibly powerful. I don't know why it isn't more well known or taught? It's really bringing up little blockages which are complaining while being pushed down into the earth's core to get purified.

The hot fire energy has gotten much stronger in my body while doing the practice, mostly the base of the spine heats up, but also the middle of the spine. There are lots of little blockages being noticed. But I'm pushing them out.

Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 1 Initiation 4: Accessing the Universal Energy Source: Soul Fusion - INFINITE ENERGY!! for You!! via the Antahkarana, Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, Chakras above the Head, Advanced Kundalini Kriyas, Siddis, The Creation of Psychic Vision.




" The energy techniques given in Energy Enhancement have never been explained to me in Aikido (even Ki Aikido), Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga or on any meditation course that I have been on like Transcendental Meditation, and have only been partly taught to me previously by Taoist master Mantak Chia and on Tantra Courses.... " Phillip Chester (GB) Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies

" Thank you so much Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand for being a channel of these Energy Enhancement Techniques in which many people can receive tremendous help, protection and Inspiration. .... " Dr Susana Macri (US, New York) Medical Doctor ( Summoned by Satya Sai Baba just before 9/11 to leave New York)

"I'm in Shanghai now. I'm back for a month to see my love - everything is going great - very happy. I'm going to Spain in the first week of January. My Love plans to come over late January or early February, after I have made a nice soft landing for her. I've got her into meditation and she's LOVING it. She is about to build her antahkarana.... " James Ellerbeck Writer for Yoga Magazine UK

"If you want to live your life connected to the universal life source and expand your soul consciousness, you must take their Energy Enhancement Training. It will truly change your life. You will be truly filled with the power of God. ... " Dr Thomas Fluellen (US) Dr of Atomic physics

" For instance, since I've been working on "cleaning my base chakra" everything around me seems to be going through a massive cleansing process - Only 2 days after I returned to Canada from India, a chain reaction of events led my to change my 5 employees, change some of my major accounts and delay a move to the United States. 10 weeks after the program, things are stabilizing..." Pierre Morency (Canada) Ex KcKinsey Executive, President of Morency Marketing Ltd (Marketing Physicist)

"I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your soul, your real self!! If you need help you 'll get it from them ... " Danisa de Paul (Spain) Dance Instructor/Yoga and meditation teacher

"I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your soul, your real self!! If you need help you 'll get it from them ... " Thomas Kline (US) Martial Arts Student

 I am working a lot on my meditation and i am doing incredible healing on my present life, in different little girls, and teenager. At the same time with consciousness, i believe that i am also healing past life. You would be proud of me i have been a very good girl. So good work, that i can see the changes already...and feel amazed by them!! Wahe Guru! L. (France) Dancer/Yoga and Meditation Teacher

 "Energy Enhancement does not promote a spirituality that grows only in the mountains, apart from the cities and the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It shows you how to integrate the peace of retreat with the activity of life - work, relationships, enjoyment, and spirituality - there should be no separation.." Paul (UK) Student and Poet

 "She felt goose pimples all over her skin. The energy was coursing and rushing through her body in very strong waves for at least 30 minutes and when it was time for lunch she did not want to come out of it, she was laying on her back and couldn´t stop laughing of happiness! " Lisabeta

 "I was aware of a fair bit of energy in the car on the way to the airport, and on the plane - what were you up to?! I suppose I'm supposed to believe that you were busy "healing" me!!!! <wink!> That is the way it felt all right, so, if so, thank you very much! I felt very happy on the plane, and not in a selfish way at all, I felt like I was sparkling! <LAUGHS!> I hope yer getting the "tone" / humour of this email, I'm making fun of myself! take care! thanks for everything." Graham Kutner Simon (UK) Student

 "I was not sure if this was wise, as I knew nothing other than what I had read on the web site and the testimonials, which I was a bit skeptical about! However, I am now adding my own because if you read this you might be a bit like me.. Don't hesitate - go for it!. " read more MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company

 "Kind of difficult to summarise but I find it to be a pretty effective method of self-analysis combined with a strategy for dealing with whatever ‘shows up’ as a result of all the digging…………from a personal viewpoint it allowed me to work on two areas which although I was aware of, I didn’t really have much of a clue as to how to deal with ………….one of the blockages in particular was kinda heavy (see gay men and their mothers volume 1 chapter 23)..." Alan Dolan (Ireland) Communications Person , Well known aerospace company, Riyadh, The Magic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

 "He is a changed man and an inspiration. He is also a great example of the effectiveness of the Energy Enhancement course and i hope now, more than ever, to be able to come and do it some time soon. Next September maybe.... " Lawrence (London, UK) Student of Art

 "Satchi and Devi opened their hearts to me and took me as one of their family. Hearts only speak to Hearts, they said, And you have a good heart!! A good student is always grateful they said, not only for teaching me these wonderful Techniques of Energy Enhancement but also they taught me how to eat properly and how to avoid the poisonous traps of pesticides set for the unwary by the modern genetic genocide mindset..." Carla (Argentina) Corporeal Expression Student

 " When I came to see Satchi at the airport for the first time I was struck by his energy but it was the second time, when he was talking to another student when meeting us off the train at Figueres that I really started to feel the Buddhafield of Energy Surrounding him. Suddenly I started yawning like the big healer guy in "The Green Mile" and then tears started from my eyes and I felt I was getting rid of a lot of Painful memories from the past..." Olympia Panza (Argentina)

 " Through patient and unselfish love they gave me ten unforgettable days that has changed my life, my way of seeing, thinking, breathing, living! Thanks Satchi & Devi for teaching me how to fly - you will always be my Jonathan Livingston Seagull... " Anna Andersen (London, UK) Student

 " I broke through and contacted the God energy. Well what an energy flow took place then! It felt unlike any of the other flows and my negative energy starting clearing good style. I was shaking, crying and then finally laughing. This lasted for a few minutes and then finally subsided..." Peter (UK) Electrical Engineer

 " My gut instinct told me that you were both good people and that you would help me with my goals. Here is my advice to anyone who is unsure if it is wise to fly half way around the world to join you: DO IT! " ... Arwen Evenstar (US) Dancer/Artist/Actor



We recommend you complete Five Levels of The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course before you come to Iguazu for more Advanced training..

Your Starter in Energy Enhancement!! #0 THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SUPER CHI IMMORTALITY PRANA COURSE - LEVEL 0 - The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will exponentially increase and direct your energy. and #1 Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality


Without Yoga, no Meditation!

Without Meditation, no Yoga!!

Yoga is bottom up.
Meditation is top down.

Here is Yoga, Plus!!

Get it Now!!

SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested in our Incredible Sunny Price Reduction!! New!! Three Month Five Level Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same Price Just a little more than the Present Two Level One Month Course!! For those who have completed Five Levels of the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course..

Get it Now!!

Incredible Special New Year Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Offer!

Happy Day!

Stupendous 75% Off!! New Year Offer!!

Perhaps this can make your day, and enable you to purchase the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in New! 6 Yes 6 Levels, 40 Initiations and over 75 hours of video tuition which will enable the most advanced meditation course on this planet.

Good news...

For today only, you can get into the Energy Enhancement Video Course Level 0 AND Level 1 for the 75% off price AND only make one payment.

Yep, payments.

Not only did I open this BACK UP for the weekend... you can get it for the "budget price."


Because I want to get this into the hands of as many people as possible! Our mission at Energy Enhancement is to be a transformational home for people who want to evolve. And that means giving you everything you need to be successful.

Like - Receive on the First Payment!!

Energy Enhancement Video Course Level 0 AND Level 1 for the 75% off price AND only make One Payment..
Level 0 is given free with Level 1!!
The Siddhi Course is Given Free with Level 4

Our Winter Trip in Summer Sun is on the other side of the World in Iguazu Falls - beautiful - in Brazil.

Normally we recommend you complete the Six Levels of The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course before you come.

Free with Level one - Energy Enhancement Tantra in 13 Major Initiations... FREE!!

Initiation 1 Agnisar Kriya
Initiation 2 Hatha Yoga DVD Download by Satchidanand
Initiation 3 Pranayama 1 - alternate nostril breathing
Initiation 4 Bandhas
Initiation 5 Pranayama 2 - Kumbhaka
Initiation 6 Nauli after mastering agnisar kriya
Initiation 7 Bhastrika
Initiation 8 Pawan Muktasanas Video 
Initiation 9 Meditation Video Initiation 1 (of Eight Initiations) Of Level 1 of the Energy Enhancement Course
Initiation 10 Devi Dhyani's Third Eye Class
Initiation 11 Sambhavi Mudra
Initiation 12 The Yogic Fat Burning Diet
Initiation 13 Diet Supplementation

NEW!! FREE WITH Level 4!!
The Siddhi Program Sixth Level - Nine One hour Videos - a nine day video program working on purifying Anahata chakra.. And we implant positive thoughtform angels with Level 5. Implant your Goal! This is just the start of Level 5 - the Opening of the Heart! Free Book! Free Nine Day Video Program with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani! Only with Level 4! Worth 1997$
Download the Siddhi Book here..

But Now!! - Incredible Special New Year Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Offer!

Save 75%% - The Incredible Special New Year Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Price is Now ONLY if paid in one payment.

You Save 75% - Send Now! to the Energy Enhancement Account to receive 75 hours of video tuition - Receive the streaming videos by email.

And Even More!! Pay in Installments..

Happy Day!

Stupendous 75% Off!! Offer!!

Perhaps this can make your day, and enable you to purchase the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in 5 Levels, 40 Initiations and over 75 hours of video tuition which will enable the most advanced meditation course on this planet.

Good news...

For today only, you can get into the Energy Enhancement Video Course Level 0 AND Level 1 for the 75% off price AND only make one payment.

Yep, payments.

Not only did I open this BACK UP for the weekend... you can get it for the "budget price."


Because I want to get this into the hands of as many people as possible! Our mission at Energy Enhancement is to be a transformational home for people who want to evolve. And that means giving you everything you need to be successful.

Like - Receive on the First Payment!! Energy Enhancement Video Course Level 0 AND Level 1 for the 75% off price AND only make One Payment..
Level 0 is given free with Level 1!!
The Siddhi Course is Given Free with Level 4

You can get started RIGHT NOW for per month over Twelve months for ALL 6 LEVELS!

And Even More!! Pay in Installments per Month for 12 Months -
Get the Tantra Course worth free with Level 1 on your first payment
And One further Level Every Four Months!!
The Siddhi Course worth is Given Free with Level 4

Here's EXACTLY what you get on first payment: Level 0 AND Level 1!! AFTER 4 months.. another Level - and so on for ALL 4 LEVELS!


No need to pay it all up front, just a small amount..

On first payment, - Receive Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality

And Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

 on first payment -

Receive one further Level every 4 Months! for All Four Levels
and The Siddhi Course is Given Free with Level 4!

Here's EXACTLY what you get on first payment: Level 0 AND Level 1!!

FREE!! WITH LEVEL 1 - Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

#0 THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SUPER CHI IMMORTALITY PRANA COURSE - LEVEL 0 - The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will exponentially increase and direct your energy. and #1 Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

The Thirteen Initiations of Energy Enhancement Prana Course can be mastered in parallel with Level One or higher of Energy Enhancement and by increasing your health, your prana and your ability to direct prana to remove energy blockages will benefit and enable all four Energy Enhancement Levels.

This is the Special time where all the tools - previously hidden - are made available to any who want to consciously engage in their own spiritual evolution. Energy Enhancement meditation teaches one how to unlock the full potenial of their Kundalini energy!

"Many are called but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14

Energy Enhancement can aid you in this transformation into becoming Quetzalcoatl, your superhuman godlike self. NOW is the time!!!

#1 - Training & Full System Tested, Proven, Step-By-Step FOR small MONTHLY PAYMENTS!!

#2 - Email Satchidanand directly with your questions - Free!

#3 - Buy Inner Circle Skype mentoring and blockage removal with Ganesha B - Big, Hour long, sessions.

Energy Enhancement Video Course Inner Circle Skype Mentoring and Psychic Vision Testimony with Ganesha -

"Ganesha more than lives up to his namesake, the god who removes obstacles. His inner vision is amazing -- he can locate and remove even the most obstinate blockages. During the process, sometimes I see what he sees, and sometimes I don't, but when our session is over, I feel lighter, more open, and more creative. A writing project I was working on was at a point where each day working on it was getting more difficult. But sense our last session, the path seems clear, the words just come, and not only do they flow more easily, they are livelier and more original. I highly recommend the one-on-one sessions with Ganesha. He dispatches even the obstacles that have dogged me for most of my life."

FREE BONUS #1: 45 Great Energy Enhancement Book PDF's by Download (Value: 700 GBPounds)

FREE BONUS #2: Energy Enhancement Level 0 in 13 Major Initiations... Worth 4997 GBPounds

FREE BONUS #3: FREE WITH FIVE LEVELS!! The Siddhi Program Nine One hour Videos - a nine day video program working on purifying Anahata chakra.. And we implant positive thoughtform angels with Level 5. Implant your Goal! This is just the start of Level 5 - the Opening of the Heart! Free Book! Free Nine Day Video Program with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani! Only with Level 4! Worth 1997$
Download the siddhi book here..

FREE BONUS #4: Energy Enhancement Television.. EETV - Streaming Videos

Free with first payment - FREE!! the Energy Enhancement Level 0 Prana Course Level 0 in 13 Initiations.

The Incredible Special Offer- Even More Special Offers - Pay by Monthly Installments - Get the Course Now, for a Downpayment - 75% Off - Now! Plus Free Bonuses!

The Incredible Special Offer- Incredible Savings! - Save - 75% Off - Get Four Levels at 75% Off! - Get All Five Levels when you Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course..

The Incredible Special Offer- The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course has never been cheaper.

The Incredible Special Offer- This is the time to buy All Six Levels and Save!!

The Incredible Special Offer- Get the 75% Off Price and Pay in Instalments for 12 Months - One Level Every 4 Months!! The Six Incredible Levels of Energy Enhancement.

Now Free with Five Levels the Energy Enhancement Level 0 Course in 13 Techniques including Sambhavi Mudra.. Please also ask for our New Incredible Energy Enhancement Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, Level of 13 Initiations including Agnisar Kriya, Pranayama, Maha Bandha including Jalandhara Bandha, Uddyana Bandha and Mula Bandha and an incredible Yogi Fat Burning diet designed to increase Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, and Amplify the effects of the Energy Enhancement MedItation Course.

Through Initiations like these Sri Yogendra gained the power to project blue iridescent Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, around his body. They used to put him in darkened rooms to watch the show. Concentrating the Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, leads tp long life and health, also a greater ability to transmute energy blockages

So, Please ask for the Level 0 Energy Enhancement Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, Level of 12 Initiations..

The Incredible Special Offer- Now Free with Four Levels the Energy Enhancement Level 0 in 12 Techniques including Sambhavi Mudra..

The Incredible Special Offer will be pulled Soon, Back to Normal Prices - Get 75% Off Now! But not for Long!

This is the time where all the tools are made available to any who want to consciously engage in their own spiritual evolution. Energy Enhancement meditation teaches one how to unlock the full potential of their Kundalini energy!

"Many are called but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14

Energy Enhancement can aid you in this transformation into becoming Quetzalcoatl, your superhuman godlike self. NOW is the time!!!



Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Power, Strength, and Immortality

Here's EXACTLY what you get:

#0 THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SUPER CHI IMMORTALITY PRANA COURSE - LEVEL 0 - The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will exponentially increase and direct your energy.

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. Quantum Integration. The Karma Cleaning Process to Totally Eliminate All Your Karma!!

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal the Family!! MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS

NEW!! Energy Enhancement LEVEL 5 The Siddhi Program Sixth Level Nine One hour Videos - a nine day video program working on purifying Anahata chakra.. And we implant positive thoughtform angels with Level 5. Implant your Goal! This is just the start of Level 5 - the Opening of the Heart! Free Book! Free Nine Day Video Program with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani! Only with Level 4!
Download the siddhi book here..

In any moment of decision, the worst thing you can do is nothing.

So even if you don’t let me help you directly, do something that will bring you closer to your goal today.

Successful people make decisions quickly.

And change them slowly.

Confirm your decision about the Energy Enhancement Course.


Love and Light,
