Extract of Osho

The Alpha is the Omega


Page Contents.





You cannot just jump into the ocean.

Learn swimming in a swimming pool. Love is a swimming pool where you are protected and you can learn; then you can go to the seas, to the wild seas.

You cannot take the jump into the wild seas directly - if you take, you will be in danger - that's not possible. Love is a small swimming pool - two persons only: the whole world very small...possible to enter into each other.

Even there you are afraid.

In a swimming pool you are afraid that "I may be gone, drowned." Then what to say about ocean?

Love is the first grounding, the first readiness to take a greater jump. I teach you love, and I tell you that whatsoever is at stake, don't bother: sacrifice it, whatsoever - prestige, wealth, family, society, culture - whatsoever is at stake, don't bother.

Be a gambler because there is nothing like love. If you lose everything, you lose nothing if you gain love. If you lose love, whatsoever you gain you gain nothing. And be aware: these two things.

The Society Will Not Help You; It Is Against.

Love in an anti-social force, and the society tries to suppress love; then you can be used in many ways. For example, if you are really in love, you cannot be made a soldier; you cannot be sent to war. Impossible because you don't bother...You say, "What is a country? What is this patriotism? Nonsense!" Love is such a beautiful flower; one who has known - patriotism, nationalism, country, the flag, all look nonsense. You have tasted the real thing.

The society tries to divert you.

The real thing should not be tasted. Then you are hankering for love, and your love can be diverted to any direction. It can become patriotism; then you can go and become a martyr. You are a fool, because you are wasting yourself! You can go and die; your love has been diverted. If you don't love, your love can become love of money. Then you become an accumulator, hoarder. Then your family is happy - you are doing beautifully.

You are simply committing suicide.

The family is happy because you are accumulating so much wealth. They missed their life; now they are forcing you to miss your life. And they do it in such a loving way that you cannot say no also. They make you feel guilty. If you hoard money they are happy.

But how can a man who loves hoard?



A Lover is Never a Hoarder - love is giving.

A lover shares, distributes, goes on giving; a lover cannot hoard.

When love is not there, you become miserly because you are afraid. Fear is the poison. You don't have the shelter of love, so you need some shelter. Wealth becomes the substitute. The society also wants you to hoard, because how wealth is to be created if everyone becomes a lover? The society will be very, very rich, but rich in a totally different way. It may be poor materially, but it will be rich spiritually.

But that richness is not visible.


The Society Needs Visible Wealth.

So in the whole world, religion, society, culture, they are in conspiracy because you have one one energy: that is love energy. If it moves rightly into love, then it cannot be forced to move anywhere else. If you don't love, your very missing may become a research into science.

Freud had many glimpses of truth. He was really a rare man; so many insights happened to him. He said whenever you penetrate anything, it is penetrating the woman, and if you are not allowed the woman, you will try to penetrate something else. You may penetrate toward being a prime minister of a country.

Politicians you will never find lovers: they will always sacrifice love for their power. Scientists will never be lovers, because if they become lovers they relax. They need a tension, a constant obsession. Love relaxes; constant obsession is not possible. They go madly to their laboratory. They are obsessed, possessed. Night and day they work.

History knows that whenever a country's love-need is fulfilled, the country becomes weak. Then it can be defeated. So the love-need should not be fulfilled. Then the country is dangerous because everybody is a maniac and ready to fight. For slightest provocation, everybody is ready to fight. If love-need is fulfilled, then who bothers! Just think, if really the whole country has been in love, and somebody attacks...we will say to them, "Okay, you also come and be here.

Why bother? We are so happy - you also come, and the country is vast; you also be here and be happy.

And if you want to be the rulers - nothing is wrong; so far so good.

You take responsibility



But When Love-Need is not Fulfilled, You Are Always Ready to Fight.

You just remember. Just try to watch your own mind. If you have not loved you woman for few days, you are constantly irritated. You love and you relax. Irritation goes, and you feel so good - you can forgive. A lover can forgive everything. Love has been such a blessing, he can forgive all that is wrong.

No, leaders won't allow you to love because then soldiers cannot be created. Then where you wil find warmongers, maniacs, mad people who would like to destroy? Love is creativity. If love-need is fulfilled, you would like to create, not destroy. Then the whole political structure will fall down. If you love, then the whole family structure will be totally different. If you love, then the economy and the economics will be different. In fact, if love is allowed, the whole world will take a totally different shape. It cannot be allowed because this structure has its investments.

Every structure pushes itself onward, and if you are crushed it doesn't bother.


The Whole Of Humanity is Crushed, and The Chariot of Civilization Goes On and On!

Realize this, watch this, be aware of this - and then love is so simple; nothing is more simple than that. Drop all that society needs; remember your inner needs. That is not going against society. You are simply, trying to enrich your own life. You are not here to fulfill anybody else's expectations. You are here for your thing - for your own fulfillment.

Make that the primary, the base, and don't bother about other things. Because mad people are all around you, they will push you towards madness. No need to go against society; just drop out of its investments, that's all.


You Need Not Become Rebellious.

You need not become rebellious, like a revolutionary, because that too again is coming to the same thing. If your love is not fulfilled, you will become a revolutionary, because that too is a destruction in garb. And then comes the real problem: drop your own ego. Love needs total surrender.

Allow this to happen, because there is nothing else which can happen to you. You will be wasted if don't allow it to happen. And if you allow it to happen, many more things become possible. One thing leads to another.

Love always leads to prayer.

Prayer may lead to meditation.

meditation leads to god.

That's why Jesus insists


God is Love



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