By Fusing with the Chakras above the Head you get the stages of Enlightenment - because some Masters are more Enlightened than others..
First Dan, Soul Fusion - Enlightenment. These People have a Golden Aura..
Second Dan - Monad Fusion - White Aura
Third Dan - Logos Fusion - Brilliant white Aura.
Fourth Dan - Sirius Fusion - This is the Level of Jesus Christ and my Master Swami Satchidananda - Intense Brilliant White Aura.
Fifth Dan - Avatar of Synthesis Fusion
Here is the record of my conversation with my Student of Energy Enhancement Meditation where we talk of things everyone needs to know…
Hi Jonnananda,
Level 0 gives physical fitness. Yoga, pranayama, agnisar kriya...
Everyone usually needs a good woman.
This is the base..
But I am saying more is needed.
You need to remove every Blockage.
You need to Master the Lilith Sexual Addicktion Blockage.
You need to Master Energy Cords.
Good for you to go through each initiation again to find the blockages you missed the first time.
Make everyone around you happy.
Every complaint is an energy blockage.
Every complaint is divine discontent, showing you what you have to overcome.
Love and Light,
I get it Swami. The Brigand. The thief. The assassin. The internet warrior. But, we are the spiritual warriors. One of the things i notice about you is that....all of these blockages and behaviors that people have, you never have! Trying to be famous, trying to get revenge. being evil toward people, ulterior motives, just being an evil person!! You have none of that You are just pure of heart. I want to be like you. Lately I feel a lot better. I feel a lot more free since getting rid of those blockages in the base chakra and around it. I feel great!!! Never felt better
But, I have a prison record. How can I teach yoga? Hahahah. I've never felt so clear. Thinking this clearly. I've never gotten the ideas and the thoughts and the explanations and wisdom in my mind that I get now. I just have a KNOWING now. I'm just enjoying life. Everything is getting easier. What should I do now? What should I focus on? You said Taoists Martial Artists are Black Magicians, impanting Blockages below the base chakra to weaken their opponents by using the blockage and energy cords going into it to steal their spiritual energy so, how can I learn Kung Fu? I can practice on my own. Just exercise. That's what I do mostly anyway. I know that energy enhancement has given me so much. And, I owe it to this system to
Hello Jonnananda,
What should I focus on? You said Taoists are Black Magicians so, how can I learn Kung Fu? I can practice on my own. Just exercise. That's what I do mostly anyway. I know that energy enhancement has given me so much. And, I owe it to this system to
I know that as you think what to do. How to benefit your family. How to benefit all the people. So your connection with God will offer all sorts of options.
The aim is to gain energy and raise your energy levels by removing blockages and absorbing angels.
The more blockages you remove, the more angels you will absorb.
From yourself and from all the people around you.
Love and Light,
Hi Jonnananda,
If you have no purpose, what is your purpose?
You know, Energy Enhancement Techniques contacting infinite sources of energy charges up your being and gives you psychic powers to remove energy blockages, to heal people, to make them better, to evolve people and bring them closer to God's purpose.
Not my will, but Thy Will be Done!
Swami Satchidanand
One of my students, Arwen Evenstar a Hollywood actress a Dragon in the Chinese Astrology, with red hair had a pain problem from menstruation. We were staying in Crete for a few months and over that time I grokked her problems…
So, I went into her left energy connection into the second chakra. Projected energy into it and waited for the energy to come back to me along the right connection but it didn't. There was a big red angry blockage there.
So I seven stepped the blockage and tried again but no. There were three blockages I removed and she changed from a lesbian to a normal girl, got married, had three children.
We were invited to the wedding.
Go into the chakras with energy connections and look for blockages stopping the normal flow of energy.
You can even clear your own blockages in the same manner and this method of the Fourth Level of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is different from the compression method we teach in Level 2.
Imagine yourself outside your body then project energy from yourself outside the body into one chakra at a time. Project energy into the left side of the chakra and see if it comes out of the right side. If it doesn't, there's a blockage there.
Stubborn about what?
What's causing the stubbornness?
Aug 7, 2023, 4:17 PM (7 days ago)
Wow Swami, you're a genius!!!!
I didn't realize you could work on people like that. Not "people like that” meaning a lesbian. I mean I didn't know that we could really go so in depth with another person's blockages. Like a doctor. I mean, you changed that girls whole identity!!!! Those are really old strong blockages!!! AMAZING!!! I gotta practice this. Give me a little time to practice on my girlfriend and her sons. They are in the same house as me. So, I will work on them first, since they are the closest.
Her being stubborn. I don't know. That was just a quick example. I have meditated with her a few times. And when I meditate, she is always in the room. Usually, sleeping but sometimes she is awake too. I look at her sometimes and scan her body and I see her Antakarahna open. So, I always just seven step the Antakarahna. It's open but faint. Not really faint but just starting to open a little bit. It's bright but it is not super, brilliantly glowing yet. I don't know if she has an anger problem. She certainly gets mad at me every now and then. Hahahah. But, she is way more happy than any woman I been with in the past. Very pleasant to be around 92 percent of the time. We have no problems.
So, sending energy into the left side......
I need to practice each chakra more slowly. And, wait for the energy to come back instead of just going fast and imagining it. I need to really be sensitive when I connect with people throught the cords. I'm gonna practice all this. Thank you Swami.
The key to a bright antahkarana is contacting the center of the earth.
Aug 11, 2023, 11:07 PM (3 days ago)
to me
Thank you Swami,
Yeah, I love Lord of the Rings! I'm a big Tolkien fan. Anything Tolkien. LOTR, the Hobbit, the Lost Tales, Silmarillion, Farmer Giles. I've read most of the books probably three times. And seen the movies at least 25 times each. Maybe more. Hahahahah. The Hobbit is my favorite. The book and the movies. But, I stopped watching them after I got out of prison because, it's a story that I love and watch and relate to and get deep into. And it's about an unlikely hero that is being chased and hunted down by a bunch of dangerous people that want something from him!!!! So, I had to stop watching that movie and movies like that. Or listening to songs about jail and prison, or being trapped or locked up or chased or a fugitive and that type of thing!!! I had to get that out of my subconscious. I love the stories though.
As far as the trillionaire demon possessed secret societies. You don't have to worry. I would never in my life join a group that engages in any type of homosexual activities. That's why I didn't join the Illuminati because I heard that they do gay stuff. And, I have thought sometimes maybe they put me in jail because I wouldn't join their group.
No amount of money will make me have any kind of contact with any man, other than a handshake or a hug. Maybe grappling on the ground or getting out of chokeholds and wrestling and that sort of thing. Judo type training or fighting. But, other than that..... I am not, have never been and will never been interested in any kind of homosexual anything.
Hahahah. I have a father. And he is a man. And so am I. And, he would smack the dog shit out of me if I ever let another man bend me over in any kind of way. As my father should smack me in that case!!! And As i would smack the shit out of my own son!!!! I don't know what to say Swami. I'm a man. man is ever gonna put any part of his body or anything for that matter inside of me. I came from a culture of middle class, working class black people, African americans in the southern United states. My parents were both descendants of African Slaves. And, in my era growing up and people I grew up around, being a faggot, or a punk was something to be frowned upon. People would get ran out of town for that. Ran out of school. It wasn't something people wanted to be or were proud of or anything like that. It was wierd when I was raised. I have no interest in that, I am not, will not be and never have been a faggot, or gay, or bisexual, or a punk or a drag queen or a queer or queen or whatever they call themselves!! That being said, I want to make money sure, but only using the law of attraction, think and grow rich. Hard work.
Meditation. And that sort of thing. Affirmations. Things like that. I don't want to be rich that bad to where I would get into a wierd cultic, shamanistic, coven type group just to make a million dollars. It's not even that serious. My integrity and my morals and my sense of identity is more important than any money. Or any person. I would rather be poor than to lose my self respect just to be rich. I don't like to judge people or call them faggots and all that. But, I gotta be honest. I don't know what these evil people in power are doing. And, I have no interest in joining them. I just want to sit down in a log cabin in the woods in oregon, or washington state or california, hike in the woods, drive my Ferrari's, fish in the nearby lake, workout a little bit. Ride horses. And, lay with my wife with the coke bottle shape! And meditate. Remove as many blockages from people as I can. That's all I want. Hahahaah. I'm a simple guy swami. You know me!!!
Aug 13, 2023, 12:37 PM (1 day ago)
Wow!! Look at this email Swami!!!! --
Fwd: OnlyFans models are black magicians harvesting male life force on an industrial scale to turn themselves into gods.
I see Swami,
It's all becoming more and more clear now. When I clear blockages from those people around me, who gets the angels in their psychic channels? Me or them? Or both of us? Because, I feel more "intellect" and stronger "sixth sense" after I do it. Listen to people's problems. Hear them out. Interact with them. Then when I go into meditation, send energy to the left side of each chakra. Wait for it to come back. Then if it doesn't come back, examine the chakra to find all the blockages. And remove them. This is my destiny!! This is my job!! This is my passion!!! My mission!!! I found it!!! Hahahahah. Thank you Swami!!!
Swami Satchidanand
2:30 PM (17 minutes ago)
to Jonnananda
You get the Angels!
As you get more talent Angels, As you grow, so God will give you your test, and then your mission.
Swami!!! A TEST??? hahahahah. Wow!!! This is the life!!! This is how it should be. After I meditated last night. My girlfriend came back from the grocery store with her son so I layed down to rest. I could see little white angels buzzing around back and forth in my head when I closed my eyes. They were flying around doing stuff. Maybe that was it. It's like you say in your lecture about becoming a white knight. Use the negative energy, transmute it for good to become the white knight. I love it. I feel so good all the time now. Talent angels and test. That's what's next!!! Thank you Swamiji.
Yes the good work of removing energy blockage demons from people using the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process. Tracing the blockages back to their Source, the Dark Gods living immortally outside the body on the Astral Plane in the Chakras above the head, and transmuting them into Angels is designed to augment your spiritual body, make bigger, more talented, more evolved.
Where else can you get the blockages to transmute.
As you evolve you get the initiations of enlightenment.
Fusion with the Chakras above the Head - Soul, Monad, Logos, Sirius, Avatar of Synthesis.
You can even clear your own blockages in the same manner and this method of the Fourth Level of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is different from the compression method we teach in Level 2. Imagine yourself outside your body then project energy from yourself outside the body into one chakra at a time. Project energy into the left side of the chakra and see if it comes out of the right side. If it doesn't, there's a blockage there.
I just imagined myself outside of my self, sending energy to the left side of the second chakra. It didn't come back!!! I was not meditating. Just reading your email and listening to my morning chinese flute music and drinking my ginseng. I'm about to leave for work. I understand now. I'm excited to use this technique on myself. I'm gonna use it when I get home tonight. Today is my birthday Swami. This is the best present I could get!!! How did you know? Hahahah
It's good to understand that you can't totally fix people.
You can remove a few blockages of the hundreds of blockages within them but afterwards, without meditational practise, they will always come back to the same point.
My student from whom I removed all the blockages, Arwen Evenstar like all of Hollywood is now a confirmed LGBTPS. P for Pedophilia, S for Satanism! Well, not so bad as that but you get the idea.
A miracle, because that is what you are doing, may be sufficient to make them want to practise Energy Enhancement Meditation as this is the Only way out...
The Buddha had the same problem.
If I talk they will not listen.
If I write they will ignore.
If I demonstrate they will say I am mad.
So I will pass on to Nirvana.
But the Gods told the Buddha that There were people just on the verge of Enlightenment.
And these people, he could help.
"After all that" here are complete instructions on Enlightenment" Sutra 1 - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The way they train AI is to put it into a modal - see Matrix 4 - “The Matrix Resurrections” is a 2021 American science fiction action film produced, co-written, and directed by Lana Wachowski - where in a Modal the Artificial Intelligence program is put through iterations of the same tests to promote getting the right answers and allowed out into the real world once properly trained.
You are in a Modal here on this Planet for 500 iterations, these are lifetimes. This is what “After all that” means - lifetime upon lifetimes of training.
When you are just on the verge of Enlightenment.
Only then can you profit from the words of the Buddha.
To utilise the energies of God in meditation, to completely remove all energy blockage demons.
So, you must spread your nets wide.
Become a, 'fisher of men' - Jesus Christ.
To find those people just on the verge of enlightenment...
And teach them the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in six levels because, "all the other meditations are designed to fail!" - Satchidanand
Jonnananda Aug 15, 2023
You I are right as usual. Hahahaha. JONANANDA!!!!!! Hahahahah. That's hilarious. I laughed when I read that. I get what you are saying Swami. I think you are a couple of hours ahead of me in Brazil. It's 730 am here. So, as I was sleeping I "sensed" what you were writing in this email. I was Tossing and turning, but I just understood your point.
By removing blockages from people that are not on the verge of enlightenment, yes we do get stronger. But, any real change they have to do for themselves. Someone on the verge of enlightenment will be different. Maybe that is my test. What will I do when I find those people? Anyway, I'll keep practicing. ANd set my nets wide!!!
Swami, I had a question. Don't Buddhist monks aim to become a Buddha so they can receive a planet of their very own to use? And then be the Buddha of that planet somewhere in the universe or on the astral plane?
Swami Satchidanand Tue, Aug 15
to Jonnananda
Yes, I have a book I edited about this...
Where Buddhas are acting on people from high up in the Astral Plane.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about them. These are the Ancients who teach all Spiritual masters.
I myself got in touch with one as I was climbing the Antahkarana in the Buddhafield of the Ashram of Swami Satchidananda in Yogaville in Virginia near Richmond USA, I noticed a tunnel off to the left, followed it and entered a temple with a burning flame. Everything was in slow motion. The Master was walking in front of me, behind the Flame from left to right. He turned, slowly, to look at me. When he looked at me a beam if light came from his eyes and into mine, so slowly I could see the light come towards me. It entered my eyes and went down slowly into the center of the earth, tracing the macrocosmic orbit, removing the blockages.
There were giants in those days.
You can absorb energy presents from Spiritual Masters when you go to visit them. In their presence you can access their Buddhafield to take you further, faster in your search for Enlightenment.
Sam, Frodo, Gandalf, Tom Bombadil are all aspects of the same Human being.
These are Man, Soul, Angel-Maia, Archangel-Valar and your aim is to fuse with each of these.
These are the chakras above the your head.
By getting in touch with the chakras above the your head you become your Higher Self..
By Fusing with the Chakras above the Head you get the stages of Enlightenment - because some Masters are more Enlightened than others..
First Dan, Soul Fusion - Enlightenment. These People have a Golden Aura..
Second Dan - Monad Fusion - White Aura
Third Dan - Logos Fusion - Brilliant white Aura.
Fourth Dan - Sirius Fusion - This is the Level of Jesus Christ and my Master Swami Satchidananda - Intense Brilliant White Aura.
Fifth Dan - Avatar of Synthesis Fusion
In speaking to his disciples, Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions,” (John 14:2, KJV).
You become the Person you were born to be!
Thou Art That!
Video games give the teaching about absorbing virtues from Saints on a scale of one to ten you get increasingly more powerful by absorbing virtues, energy presents, or getting virtues by meeting Saints and being in their Buddhafield, but only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course gives the spiritual technology for actuating this.
Transmuting blockages to absorb angels
Meeting saints to be given energy presents, by being in their Buddhafield being given introductions to saints living in private universes on the astral plane to be given even more virtues.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 23 Or (samadhi is attained) by devotion with total dedication to God (Isvara).
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 24 Isvara is the supreme Purusha (The highest chakra above the head), unaffected by any afflictions, actions, fruits of actions or by any inner impressions of desires.
Isvara is the highest chakra above the head, the supreme purity. When we purify the ANTAHKARANA of all of its Energy Blockages we become aware of our connection to God. The standard Hindu sayings are.. "I Am that" and "You are that also" which we only realise in Illumination.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 25 In Him is the complete manifestation of the seed of omniscience.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 26 Unconditioned by time, He is the teacher of even the most ancient teachers.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 27 The word expressive of Isvara is the mystic sound OM. (Note: OM is God's name as well as form)
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 28 To repeat OM with reflection upon its meaning (It is a guided meditation to access the higher chakras) is an aid.
OM is a guided meditation to enable connection and fusion with the chakras above the head. This is reflection on its meaning.
OM is composed of three syllables A, U and M and we chant in the order of those syllables.
A - concentration on vibrating the base chakra and connection with the center of the earth.
U - moving the vibration up to concentration on vibrating the heart chakra.
M - concentration on vibrating the brow, ajna chakra, then sahasrara chakra and then as the breath fails, projecting mentally a steam of energy towards the higher chakras above the head. To the Central Spiritual Sun of Gurdjieff, "Brighter than 10.000 suns it shines alone!" To the Soul Chakra and higher.
Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - After All That, Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?
This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...
Click Below..
Do you understand what is being said about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"?
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And how much more Knowledge is available In the Book!!
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Satchidanand gives for the First Time, "Complete Instructions on Enlightenment!!"
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The difference between the Buddhas and the Black Magicians is the the Buddhas are connected with God, have perfected themselves, got a bigger psychic body and sufficient energy to lift off into the Astral Plane. The Higher the planet, the more potent the energy. My Planet was 75 million chakras above the base chakra!
Also too the Black Magicians who have cut themselves off from God, have destroyed the energy of their Hearts by Evil Acts like the Satanic Rituals and thus must vampirise Humanity to live immortally.
The meditational technology to create Sexual Implant Blockages is ancient - more than 10,000 years old - which is why I say that meditation is the technology which runs the planet and only Energy Enhancement Meditation can save you from your fate.
Jonnananda, Aug 15, 2023
Wow!!! I'm gonna read both these books. Thanx Swami!!!
In Science Fiction like the Movie, “I Robot” - Robots always signify the Unenlightened Human who must still learn to open his Heart! - ROBOT ANDROID DALEK PERSONALITIES CAN BECOME HUMAN IN THE LIGHT OF SAMADHI IN THE LIGHT OF THE BUDDHAFIELD
An Extraordinarily Powerful Retreat of the first Five Initiations of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to open the Third Eye and receive your Deep Peace from the Full Six Level Energy Enhancement Meditation Course.
A Miraculous Advanced Accelerated Techniques to Speed Up! your Process for a Deep transformative retreat & life changing experience!
Receive unique spiritual teaching in the Buddhafield of two modern spiritual masters Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani. The most magical location and accommodation near to the beach in the land of spirituality. A unique program tailor made retreat program exemplifies Satchidanand's, "Traditional Meditations are designed to Fail!"
Palolem Beach in Goa, India
This foundational course includes a Fantastic Reduction of the Foundation Course cost from the Online Course cost should you wish to proceed with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Online with email support. Buy the 6 Night Course in Palolem or Iguazu and get this Whole Streaming Video Course of Six Levels and over Forty Initiations, Free!
Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Spinal Electricity!! Power, Strength, and Immortality given Free! with Level 1
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Activate the Antahkarana! Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye, Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. The Star Tantra Union of Shiva and Shakti, Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality. The Projection of Energy from the Third Eye and the Heart. Psychic Protection.
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove All Problems, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Remove Energy Blockages from the Body, from the Chakras, from the Infinity of Chakras above the Head, from the Infinity of Chakras below the base, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma - OPEN YOUR LIFE!!
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate even Deeper Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. Quantum Integration. The Karma Cleaning Process to Totally Eliminate All Your Karma, all your Trauma, all your Energy Blockages from All your Past Lifetimes!!
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal All your Relationships!! Open your Heart, Remove Negativity from all your Relationships, Star Tantra, Find Your Twin Flame!! MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS - Star Tantra Horizontal Energy Cord cleaning and chakra cleaning therapy for couples (create powerful connections; no sex involved) - only for a couple retreat
Just imagine spending years of your time meditating with lesser courses yet getting nowhere!
With Energy Enhancement you will Speed to your goal, Superfast! Self Realization is attained effortlessly in Energy Enhancement by the grace of the Gnani (spiritual master). Many have experienced this eternal happiness! You, too, can attain this bliss!
Come and attain Self Realization in the Buddhafield of the living Spiritual Masters, Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani.
You can buy the Full Online Course from us here or our Streaming Video Website This foundational course includes a Fantastic Reduction of the cost of the Foundation Course from the cost of the Online Course should you with to proceed with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Online with email support. Then choose to finish off your course with a reduced price Three Month Immersion Course with us in Goa or Iguazu.