What the history of trauma teaches us is that the ego of the Soul, the One Soul Infused powerful Personality is good and the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superegos are overrated, indeed evil. At some time in the distant past, the development of the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superegos were certainly a necessity, to facilitate civilization.
They teach to switch from subpersonality to subpersonality on management courses where they talk about having many hats, and you switch hats, switch subpersonalities, easily.
But the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superegos are now hypertrophied, they are evil, they do not connect with the Soul or with God, and threaten to snuff out the One Powerful Soul Personality Ego altogether. Which is of course fine with the Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocrats who promote the split mind of Jung's Evil Shadow, the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superego You.
The Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and integrating your Shadow - Jung's Evil Shadow, the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superego You - into wholeness.
The Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocrats would love it if your One powerful Soul Personality Ego died, since you would no longer be able to say no to anything. You would be utterly bluffable, since you would have no will of your own. You would rely on them for every decision. You wouldn't have to be censored because you would always censor yourself.
We saw how much use that was to the Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocrats during Covid, when they found fifty million people ready to police themselves and one another, upon only a suggestion from the TV. That was the machine at work.
So if you want to step beyond that, you see the Path.
It is a Path away from media and society and the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superegos, and a path toward the One powerful Soul Personality Ego.
This Path, "There is a Path" is what has been called the Path of Enlightenment for thousands of years before the Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocrats stole the word.
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By that I don't mean you should practice being a belligerent asshole, certain you are right about everything. The One Powerful Soul Personality Ego is Strong with many lifetimes of experience - there is a difference between being egoistic and being egotistic. You do have to start by assuming you know yourself better than anyone else could—how could you not? You have to consider the possibility that you don't need anyone to tell you what to do next.
The One Powerful Soul Personality Ego trusts it's inner promptings and realizes they are more trustworthy than anything else or anyone else you are likely to meet. You don't need to wait until you have had thirty or forty or fifty years of bad experiences trusting other people to quit doing it. If anyone gets in your face uninvited, tell them to fuck off, even if they are famous, rich, promoted, degreed, or titled.
The One Powerful Soul Personality Ego is Never bluffed by anyone. Never does anything “just because”, or because other people are doing it, or because the TV told you to. You don't have to do anything, ever, and remember that. Even with a gun to your head you are still free to say no. And if the person has to put a gun to your head to get you to say yes, you should definitely say no.
But don't worry, because the odds are it will never come to that. I have discovered that almost everything in this world is a bluff. Certainly anything you can be told by the TV is a bluff or a lie, so ignore all that on principle. And when you come up against a Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocrat Family scion like Siskel or Ebert, telling you you are crap, let that pass over you like the wind it is.
The One Powerful Soul Personality Ego Questions everything, especially the credentials of anyone trying to convince you of anything or sell you anything. Who is this person? Where did they come from? Is their bio impressive? Is it believable? Has it been confirmed, or is it just another tale from the cryptos?
This, more than anything else, is what has allowed me to proceed. It has allowed me to climb over walls no one thought passable. I trespass wherever I like and don't ask permission. Remember, I got arrested for climbing the wall at Windsor Castle in my 20s, so that is who I have always been. I have never had much concern for how others see me, since I have always known they are blind.
Their disabilities are their own concern; they are not my problem. I always thought they should be more concerned with how I see them, since I am the one with better judgment. They weren't, of course, but again that was their problem. If they didn't want to learn from me, they could get stuffed. That was my original response as a child to other people, and it still is. And, as it turns out, most of them have gotten stuffed in the meantime. When I meet people from the old days, I find they have stuffed and mounted themselves on some wall, like a brick or the head of a Rhino. While I have continued to trespass wherever I liked, they have built their own little jails and locked themselves inside.
Energy Enhancement Meditation Streams a Video Course from our server - The Revolutionary New Operating System for Your Mind that Powers Up!! and Illuminates the Full Spectrum of Your Higher Potentials and Psychic Powers, and Upgrades and Evolves the Greatest Possible Version of You.
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I have taken a few liberties with Miles Mathis http://mileswmathis.com/carrey.pdf
I like my version more because it teaches about subpersonalities. It teaches that you can be taught how to remove subpersonalities using Energy Enhancement Meditation. That you have to be a genius to remove the many trauma-formed Subpersonality superegos without tuition..
The Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key contains within it the Origin of all Sacred Symbols - Ancient Egyptian Ankh, Hindu Shivalingam and Yoni, The Sufi Alhambra Fountain, The Christian Cross and many more - SEE BELOW...